Why dream of blood on the human body. What is the dream of blood

Whether we like it or not, dreams are a part of our life. Many do not attach importance to them, but in vain. Some dreams can be prophetic, and their correct interpretation can save you from disaster. Particular attention should be paid to dreams that may occur on Friday.

By the way, you can’t tell everyone dreams. An incorrect interpretation of dreams can turn your life upside down, if you are so interested in what the dream was about, it is better to turn to the dream book.

Why dream of blood? This dream can scare someone, excite ... To see blood in a dream, we certainly rush to find out what awaits us.

Why dream of blood - Miller's dream book

According to polls, Miller's dream book turned out to be one of the most truthful and good, and, by the way, he is the most complete dream book (about 10,000 interpretations of dreams). Helps to find the true meaning of sleep and often deciphers the most secret dreams.

Bloodied clothing warns that your old enemies may soon take you by surprise. The more blood on the clothes, the more harm ill-wishers can do. You should not panic, now you know what awaits you, you need to be extremely careful and beware of enemies.

Seeing yourself wounded in a dream means failure in your career or in your personal life. You can stop the blood in a dream, the trouble will pass by.

Heavy bleeding promises health problems. If you saw such a dream during an exacerbated illness, it is likely that your health will deteriorate soon, so you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Blood in a dream according to Freud's dream book

And why dream of blood according to Freud's dream book? Freud interprets the meaning of sleep a little differently, linking blood with intimate relationships.

Seeing blood on clothes in a dream means separation or discord in relationships, so you should be more careful with your soulmate.

Seeing scarlet blood on clothes in a dream is a warning about treason.

If, after meeting with a young man, a girl dreams of blood on her body, then she should be more attentive to a new acquaintance, if the girl is not looking for adventure for just one night.

A young girl who sees blood on clothes and personal belongings will soon meet true love.

Why dream of blood - interpretation from Vanga's dream book

According to Vanga's dream book, blood means a connection with relatives.

Blood on clothes indicates that problems with relatives may soon arise. A huge blood stain on clothes - to a "huge" quarrel with loved ones. In addition, blood on clothes also indicates that your honor may soon be tarnished, not without the participation of relatives, of course.

Seeing yourself wounded in a dream does not bode well. This means that during a quarrel with relatives, you will suffer the most.

Severe bleeding in a dream suggests that you can endure a strong emotional experience associated with the illness of relatives and friends.

Blood in a dream - Loff's dream book

Loff's dream book also does not lose popularity. Why dream of blood according to his interpretations?

According to his dream book, seeing blood in a dream is not good news. But to see blood on the enemy and the ill-wisher will favorably affect your health. Everything will be fine on the personal front as well.

Seeing your own blood for financial problems and health problems. Strongly flowing blood can lead to exhaustion of the body (attention should be paid to the interpretation of sleep during physical exertion and diets).

Seeing a lot of your blood in a dream means big financial losses. During this period, avoid large financial transactions, wait until fortune smiles just for you.

You need to be careful if you see dark blood in a dream, which means that soon there will be serious changes in your health.

Scarlet blood warns of health problems in the female part (vulvovaginitis, cystitis, etc.).

Interpretation of blood in a dream according to the Mayan dream book

Seeing blood on the body of a person close to you in a dream portends trouble. Not for you, but for him. Wait, soon friends or family will need your help.

The blood on your hands warns of a sin that you have committed before and completely forgot about it. Ask God for forgiveness, repent before it's too late and everything will be fine.

Why dream of blood - an esoteric dream book

If you dreamed of blood, then the esoteric dream book interprets: “Own blood means not avoiding problems with relatives, someone else’s blood means good news.”

Blood on your clothes to the loss of spiritual connection with loved ones. If you managed to wash away traces of blood in a dream, it means that you were able to cope with all the hardships, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Seeing yourself wounded in a dream is a major career change. If you are in the position of chief, then some of your enemies are waiting for the right moment to overthrow you from the “throne”. Be careful, the enemies are just waiting for the right moment.

Why dream of blood according to the dream book of Nostradamus

I had a dream where you bleed - this is sadness. To see a lot of blood in a dream, to loneliness. For married women to see their blood - to the possible betrayal of a man and to parting.

To dream of someone else's blood on your clothes - to move up the career ladder, to see your blood on your clothes - to possible mistakes in your personal life.

Blood on the walls of the house - to rumors about your personal life.

The blood of a loved one shows your selfishness. Because of your self-confidence and strong character, innocent people suffer. Your dream is a warning, change for the better.

Blood in front of the threshold of the home indicates damage. Be careful, your competitors are nearby and they will do anything to annoy you.

Miss Hasse and interpretation from her dream book

A dream with remnants of blood on clothes portends a new acquaintance with an unconsoling end. If there was a prophetic dream before meeting, consider whether it is worth continuing the relationship or not. Your new chosen one may be a liar.

Bloody hands are not exactly a good sign for health. Pay as much attention to your physical condition as possible and try to avoid unnecessary stress.

Blood on the hair means replenishment of vital energy. Wait and hope - yours will be a great success and an unexpected "jackpot".

Blood from a wound portends an unpleasant and serious illness, during the period of illness - its exacerbation.

Blood on the hands of a loved one. Interpretation - beware of this person, he can harm you, maybe on purpose, or maybe by accident.

Dream Interpretation Longo: why dream of blood

Drops of blood on the ground indicate that important matters should be postponed. Do not rush to make serious decisions, you can make a mistake under the influence of evil spells.

Blood on clothes - uncertainty in their decisions. Take the initiative, do not regret your actions. Everything that is done, everything is for the better.

Blood from an opponent's wound. This means that you can win any fight and become a leader.

Blood from your wound - you will fail. If the blood is not plentiful and flows weakly, you will quickly restore your position in society.

Why dream of blood on hands

Blood on the hands in almost all dream books is an alarming sign, especially if you have your own blood.

Blood on the hands of a stranger - soon you will make a big mistake, which you will regret all your life. It is possible to avoid this, just watch your behavior.

Taking someone's blood means that you will use someone for your own purposes to do the "dirty" work instead of you. In a word, you will exploit it.

The blood of the animal on the hands is a conspiracy or corruption. Do not be surprised if things suddenly go awry or begin to feel bad. Powerful forces are working against you.

Dried blood on your hands is an aggravation of a long-forgotten old disease, take care of yourself, see a doctor.

If you dreamed of drops of blood in the palm of your hand - to an unexpected inheritance from a distant relative.

Your blood on your hands is a danger that threatens your life. Perhaps from people in your circle of friends.

They stained their hands with blood - soon you will have to help your relatives, you will need endurance and energy, the situation will be very difficult.

Why dream of a lot of blood?

It is difficult to say why there is a lot of blood in a dream. Depends on what kind of dream you had.

Seeing completely bloodied clothes in a dream does not bode well. Soon you will be demoted at work and reduced wages. By the way, new acquaintances in the workplace should also be avoided, new friends can contribute to your sharp fall through the ranks.

To see too much blood that flows from a wound in a stream - to serious consequences after a recent operation or illness experienced. Often, blood from a wound indicates an asymptomatic disease.

If in a dream you saw yourself bleeding, this is a loss of vitality and energy, and not in a physical sense, but in a psychological one. You warmed a snake on your chest, which slowly sucks all the strength and power out of your body.

Losing a lot of blood in a dream portends the loss of loved ones, a large amount of money, work, loved ones ...

Lying in a pool of blood is really bad. This means that you have finally given up and resigned yourself to fate. You are at the bottom. Gather your will into a fist and make one last attempt to reach out to a bright and carefree future. You will definitely succeed.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of blood

If a pregnant woman dreamed of blood in a dream, then she rushes to the hospital like a bullet. And there the doctor shrugs his shoulders and says that everything is in order on his part. Well, yes, how can he interpret the dream. Do not waste time, refer to the dream book.

I dreamed of blood during pregnancy, then you should not be afraid of anything - the pregnancy is proceeding normally.

A dream where you see blood, had a dream during the first trimester, there is a possibility that a boy will be born. Basically, a "bloody dream" in early pregnancy gives hope for good news - the baby feels great.

If you dreamed of blood in the later stages of pregnancy, then it's time to start preparing for childbirth. This does not mean that you will give birth soon, you just need to be mentally and physically ready. The birth will go well.

Just before the birth, see blood in a dream for a successful birth and the birth of a strong baby.

To see the blood of a pregnant woman on her hands in a dream - important negotiations will go well, without any problems.

A dream associated with a pregnant woman always takes a good outcome. A woman is carrying a child, at this time her thoughts are pure and her actions are correct. And a dream with the blood of a pregnant woman is prophetic.

Alien blood in a dream - dream book

Why dream of blood not your own, but someone else's? A dream associated with the shedding of the blood of strangers is most often dreamed by selfish people.

If you shed the blood of a stranger in a dream, it means that you will soon rise up at work, improve your financial condition, meet your love, but only standing across the throat of other people.

Seeing in a dream the blood of people who are not very pleasant to you will help improve your life, defeat your enemies. If in a dream you yourself shed the blood of your enemy, you can breathe freely in reality, all your troubles will disappear with this dream.

The blood of a loved one most often dreams of parting or bad news.

You need to be careful if a woman saw the blood of another woman in a dream. You have a rival, not necessarily in your personal life, maybe she is at work, in the neighborhood, in a fitness club, or anywhere. Look both ways J.

The blood of a man means the loss of courage and strength. Soon there will be events that will require nerves of steel from you.

To see the blood of relatives in a dream is a problem with relatives. Their health may soon deteriorate, or an irreparable quarrel may occur.

The blood of a child dreams before important events. At the most important moment, your mind will be clear, and you will be able to make the right decision.

What is the dream of human blood, cats, dogs?

If you saw human blood in a dream, you should not associate this dream with something supernatural. This is a real problem that can arise quite unexpectedly. Beware of earthly "creatures" and do not expect help, hope only for yourself.

Seeing the blood of your beloved dog in a dream means that you still yearn for the dead animal. You need to get over this loss, there are many good things waiting for you in life.

The blood of a strange dog is a warning. Be vigilant if you do not want to fall into the ruse of enemies. By the way, to see the blood of a dog is also gossip.

Seeing the blood of a cat is news related to a woman.

Seeing the blood of your cat is a disease of the animal.

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Blood in a dream is a symbol of life, health, prosperity, kinship, surprise.

If you see in a dream that you are bleeding - a sign of loss and poor health.

A dream in which you saw that blood is coming from your nose means the loss of funds or position in society.

Blood pouring from a wound is a sign of an unsuccessful deal that will bring you a lot of trouble and loss.

Seeing blood on your hands is a sign of danger threatening you due to negligence.

Incest in a dream portends a disease or a painful pride that will cause you a lot of problems.

Blood vessels with blood flowing through them portends well-being.

Blood on the head means getting a fortune soon.

Spitting blood in a dream - to illness or humiliation.

A dream in which you saw that blood is pouring out of you on the floor predicts a win in business or gaining benefits.

The dark blood flowing from you portends liberation from sorrows and worries.

Blood flowing from the throat portends significant events in your life, strengthening your position in society, wealth and prosperity in the house. Especially if the blood is bright red and not caked.

For the childless, such a dream predicts the imminent birth of children. Such a dream also promises you a meeting with a loved one whom you have not seen for a long time.

It is bad to see in a dream that you are spitting blood on the bare ground. Such a dream predicts the death of a loved one or relative.

Choking on blood in a dream or swimming in it is a sign of danger or great misfortune that will happen to loved ones.

Dark blood clots in a dream are a sign of a serious illness that is sneaking up on you. The brighter the blood that you see in a dream, the more dangerous and painful your illness will be.

To see the flow of blood in a dream means a serious illness with a fatal outcome after a long time.

Someone else's blood in a dream portends the illness of loved ones or acquaintances.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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  • See red - gaiety
  • Thickened - disease
  • Shed in battle - trouble due to unreasonable haste
  • Drink - good hopes
  • Pouring on the ground - happiness
  • Swim - big shocks
  • Animal blood - your deeds are doable
  • Seeing on others is a disease in the family.
  • Interpretation in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita Sleep Blood:

    Blood - red - fun - thickened - illness - shedding in battle - trouble due to unreasonable intrigue - drinking - good hopes - pouring on the ground - happiness - swimming - big shocks - animals - Your deeds are doable - see on others - illness in the family

    What is the dream of Blood in Esoteric dream book?

    Blood - Own - problems with relatives. Alien - to natural disasters and other disasters in which you personally will not suffer.

    IN Ukrainian dream book if you dream of Blood:

  • As you dream of blood, you will see your blood relatives. Cold blood - fading love. Nosebleed - loss of money; mockery. The blood of some animal is a happy solution to the matter, to be bloodied yourself is to cripple, to shame.
  • If you dream of Blood? IN Modern dream book:

  • If you dreamed of clothes with blood stains, then this warns of the intrigues of competitors. You should beware of casual and strange acquaintances. If you dream of blood flowing from a wound, then this portends illness and other troubles. In addition, there may be problems in business due to unsuccessful transactions (especially with foreign partners). A dream in which you see that your hands are covered in blood portends problems if you do not pay due attention to yourself and your affairs. If you dream of bleeding, then this is an unkind sign, portending serious problems both in business and with health, up to death.
  • Interpretation of sleep Blood in Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo:

  • Seeing traces of blood on the ground - a dream means that now you do not need to rush to solve some of the most important problems of life, but calmly wait until the situation changes by itself. In short, it is best not to rush and solve the problems that have arisen gradually, without rushing. Hurry now is like pouring water on a hot pan: there is a lot of noise, but no sense. If in a dream you saw blood coming from a wound, then the dream warns that you may soon have a very difficult problem, which, although it may seem easy at first and does not require much strength, will actually be very difficult - you will not you will know how to deal with it. Even other people to whom you decide to ask for help will not be able to help. But this does not mean at all that the problem predicted by the dream will turn out to be eternal: the solution will come completely unexpectedly. Trying to remove traces of blood from clothes - you are too serious about what others say, often neglecting your own opinion. Maybe you're just too lazy to think? Agree, this is impossible: in the end, you can forget how to live on your own, and other people, even if they want to help you, do not always know for sure what is best for you. Before it's too late, give up such close attention to other people's words and learn to think and decide for yourself. Licking blood from somewhere is an unpleasant incident that will be associated with transport and cars. Perhaps the dream suggests that your carelessness and carelessness can lead to an accident on the road. To donate blood for analysis - a dream means that in real life you will be annoyed by small things that take a lot of effort and time, but are not worth it at all. They will fall on you at once and completely exhaust you in just a few days. But if you try to analyze the situation, you yourself will understand that you yourself are to blame for this situation, because you constantly put things off until later. Well, it's time to collect the stones!
  • Seeing Blood in a dream Miller's dream book:

  • Anyone who sees this dream should be wary of strange new friendships.
  • Seeing blood pouring from a wound is a sign of physical ill health or impending anxiety, failure in business caused by unsuccessful deals with foreign syndicates, cartels and other associations.
  • The bloody clothes that come off speak of possible enemies who seek to interfere with the successful career that opens before you.
  • Seeing blood on your hands is a failure, fatal bad luck, if you do not immediately take care of yourself and your affairs.
  • Dream Interpretation of Loff?

  • Can you determine who caused her appearance?
  • Blood can also symbolize sacrifice - for example, a lamb given to the slaughter. In addition, blood has a deep meaning for people who are fond of the occult. In such dreams, blood is often drunk, painted or written with. You will find frequent references and references to such phenomena in many iconic works of literature.
  • Whose blood do you see in a dream?
  • This symbol in dreams is rarely positive, perhaps, with the exception of cases associated with the manifestation of anger towards someone. In this case, the enemy's blood is a sign of your complete victory. But most often, blood symbolizes exhaustion, decline, INJURY or DEATH. Exhaustion can be both physical and emotional, financial, i.e. assume the loss of significant resources.
  • Blood has another direct meaning - it is the source of life. In this sense, it is seen as a symbol of unity with another person - an image inspired by the Indian cult of "blood brotherhood".
  • Did you experience a sense of fear while doing this?
  • What does blood mean in a dream Dream Interpretation of Azara?

  • see red blood - gaiety
  • pouring bloody tears - getting into a situation that is painful for your conscience
  • clotted blood disease
  • to see blood on others is a disease in the family
  • linen in blood - to the heir
  • a drop of blood flows out of the pupil - there are people who will reproach you for the unworthy behavior of one of your relatives
  • blood pouring on the ground - happiness
  • Blood in a dream Muslim dream book:

  • Blood - if someone sees that he has fallen into a pool of blood, he will achieve wealth and comfort.
  • If someone sees blood on his dress and does not know where that blood came from, then he will be wrongly suspected of something.
  • If someone sees that he drinks human blood, it means that he will receive property prohibited by Sharia.
  • If someone sees in a dream that blood is coming from his nose, he will acquire illicit property, and if the king sees the same thing, he will refrain from sins.
  • Seeing blood in a dream. IN Lunar dream book:

  • Blood is an accident.
  • What does blood mean Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus:

  • A dream in which you saw a blood-drenched earth portends severe trials, conflicts and human sacrifices.
  • The dream in which you bleed means temporary loneliness and sadness.
  • To dream about how you shed someone's blood is to show carelessness when solving a problem that is very important to you. You should take the initiative in your own hands.
  • Seeing a loved one bleeding in a dream - because of your selfishness, your relationship with a loved one will deteriorate.
  • If in a dream you saw blood on yourself, in the near future you will hear from your relatives.
  • Seeing blood in a dream IN Dream Interpretation Wangi:

  • In a dream, you defended yourself and hit your enemy so hard that blood spattered from his wound on you - this dream predicts that any intervention in a quarrel between loved ones can end in serious consequences for you.
  • A dream in which you are trying to stop the blood flowing from a wound symbolizes your longing for a deceased loved one.
  • You dream that you are drinking cold and tasty water from the river. But suddenly the water in the river begins to darken and turns into thick blood before your eyes. You notice with horror that your hands, mouth and clothes are stained with this blood. This dream is a warning. There is a long-standing curse on your family, which will not be slow to destroy your life and the lives of your loved ones. Evil fate will haunt you until you ask forgiveness from the Creator for the sins of which your ancestors are guilty.
  • If in a dream you saw blood on your clothes, this is a sign that the act of a loved one will jeopardize your reputation.
  • Blood in a dream is associated with family ties, retribution, conflicts.
  • What does blood mean The latest dream book:

  • Seeing K. - to close communication with a close relative. Transfusion K. - to the illness of a loved one who is waiting for your help. Vomiting with K. - to a disease of the gastrointestinal tract (most likely, a duodenal ulcer).
  • What does blood mean in a dream Family dream book?

  • Blood pouring from a wound is a sign of physical ill health, or impending anxiety, or failure in business.
  • Bloody clothes seen in a dream warn of possible enemies who seek to interfere with your career. Be wary of new friendships.
  • If you see blood on your hands, expect uninvited guests.
  • The meaning of sleep Blood in Eastern dream book:

  • Symbolizes family. You see yourself in blood - wait for news from relatives, or even their own person.
  • Blood in Dream Interpretation Tsvetkova:

  • relatives;
  • from the nose - monetary loss, distress;
  • from the mouth - property disagreements with loved ones.
  • inadvertence;
  • Interpretation in Noble dream book Sleep Blood:

  • Blood is your spiritual and vitality, wealth, money. Swollen veins, overflowing with blood to have - happiness, money, wealth. To draw or drink blood is happiness, money, dishonest profit, to experience longing for a certain person, to need spiritual support. To drink your blood is to love yourself more than anyone else. To see bleeding in oneself - to lead a normal, reasonable and healthy lifestyle, well-being, justified and reasonable spending. Blood flows from the head - an increase in property, from the nose - happiness. Only bleeding from the arms or legs can mean trouble or sadness. The blood that spouts is unusually strong - illness, loss of strength. To bleed completely - to prepare a disease for yourself, to spend beyond your means. Spitting, spitting blood is a disease. Cutting the body and admiring your blood - burdened by secrets, burdened by well-being. To give to drink your blood - to grow, to create something evil. Bleeding from a friend - to feel guilty in front of him, to successfully borrow from him. The symbolic personality has harm from the disadvantage that it personifies, or damage to dignity. Seeing a lot of blood - fulfillment of desires, dangerous explosions of feelings. To drown in blood - to experience a transformation, "to be born again." Drops of blood on the ground - satisfaction. Follow the blood - have wealth, sow good or evil (depending on other details of the dream). To pour bloody tears - to get into a situation that is painful for your conscience. To have water instead of blood is to live wrong (to play a role you invented in life). The subject is filled with blood - magical activity in your environment. To smear an object with blood - to abandon family ties, a person - spiritual kinship.
  • What is the dream of Blood in Gypsy dream book?

  • Gypsies say that if you dream that your hands are covered in blood, you will receive an inheritance. Seeing a pool of blood is an opportunity for investment that could bring big profits.
  • IN Old Russian dream book if you dream of Blood:

  • inadvertence; from the nose - a monetary loss.
  • If you dream of Blood? IN Italian dream book:

  • It means a wound or physical injury caused by external or internal violence, since a person sees blood only outside the function of the body.
  • Interpretation of sleep Blood in Dream Interpretation Maya:

    Seeing Blood in a dream Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi:

  • If you Dreamed of blood on your dress and you don’t know how she could get on it at all, it means that in reality you will be wrongly suspected of something.
  • If in a dream you dreamed that you were drinking human blood, it means that in reality you will take possession of dubious property, from which it is most correct to get rid of.
  • If anyone sees that he has fallen into a pool of blood, he will achieve wealth and be able to spend all his time in unbridled joys.
  • If someone sees in a dream that his nose is bleeding, then in reality he will acquire prohibited goods. When such a dream is seen by the ruler of the country, it is recommended that he refrain from sinful deeds.
  • What does it mean to see blood in a dream French dream book?

  • If you dream that your wound is bleeding, the dream promises trouble and grief. Consumptive, spitting blood - a harbinger of illness or excessive fatigue. If you see a bloody person, you will have arguments with friends. At the same time, abundant blood in a dream, blood stains on clothes - to good luck, a happy turn in business.
  • What does blood mean in a dream Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong?

  • Blood comes out of the knife wound. - portends alcohol and food.
  • There is blood on the bed. - Wife or concubine debauchery.
  • There is pus and blood on the hands and feet. - Much luck.
  • You see how blood flows from the burnt body. - Great happiness.
  • On knives you fight with someone so that blood is visible. - Happiness.
  • The sword bleeds from the blow. - portends a treat with food and drink.
  • You kill a man in such a way that blood stains clothes. - You will receive material profit, wealth.
  • Stab with a knife and see blood. - Much to our happiness.
  • Blood in a dream Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor:

  • The spleen has the function of curbing the flow of blood. If the qi of the spleen is normal, then the blood circulates normally. If the qi of the spleen is weak, then it does not hold back the blood well. There are hematomas, bleeding from the nose, heavy menstruation in women etc. The spleen is the second mother of the body, it gives strength to the five dense organs, determines the human constitution. If the five dense yin organs (heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, spleen) did not receive the necessary substances from the spleen, then they are weak, that is, emptiness is diagnosed, the spleen itself is unfavorably full - fullness, which causes bleeding. The lungs and spleen together ensure the normal exchange of fluids in the body. When the function of the spleen is impaired, the fluid stagnates, forming sputum, then coughing and shortness of breath occur. If the function of the lungs is weakened, then the drainage of fluid down is disturbed: accumulating, the fluid adversely affects the spleen for the second time, then edema, bloating, diarrhea, and weakness are formed. The liver and spleen together control the blood flow in the body. The spleen produces and controls blood by moving nutrients through the blood. The liver stores blood. If a person is depressed, irritated or restless, the liver is disturbed, and this immediately negatively affects the spleen: pain in the chest, lack of appetite, feeling of fullness after eating, belching. The spleen acts on the liver for the second time: the blood supply to the liver from the spleen is weakened - there is an even greater lack of blood in the liver, and the like. A vicious vicious circle is formed. According to popular beliefs, nosebleeds are a bad sign, possibly portending death. Popular consciousness here clearly marked the general weakness of the body, including the will, in diseases of the spleen. For the weak, all circumstances are unfavorable.
  • Elements - humidity, dryness, wind.
  • Nosebleeds / just bleeding in a dream to see (in the second half of summer) - an uncontrolled surge of internal yin outward, fullness of the spleen. To see / feel blood from the nose in oneself / in another in a dream - an already developed violation in the work of the spleen and, possibly, in the accompanying yin organs (see above for symptoms). In addition to the general weakness of the body and the complete lack of readiness of the body for the next seasons (autumn - lungs, winter - kidneys), psychologically the dreamer lost the guiding inner thread of movement in life; the external situation leads passively following and similar to it, in independent undertakings - failures. Simultaneously with psychological and moral self-healing (search for an event, unfavorable emotions from which hit the spleen), medical intervention is already necessary here.
  • The primary elements are earth, metal, wood.
  • Organs - spleen, lungs, liver.
  • Planets - Saturn, Venus, Jupiter.
  • Emotions - thoughtfulness, sadness, anger.
  • Seeing blood in a dream. IN Dream Interpretation of Health:

  • Seeing scarlet blood - to health; Thick and dark - to the disease.
    • The primary elements are earth, metal, wood.
    • Elements - humidity, dryness, wind.
    • Emotions - thoughtfulness, sadness, anger.
    • Organs - spleen, lungs, liver.
    • Planets - Saturn, Venus, Jupiter.
    • The spleen has the function of curbing the flow of blood. If the qi of the spleen is normal, then the blood circulates normally. If the qi of the spleen is weak, then it does not hold back the blood well. There are hematomas, bleeding from the nose, heavy menstruation in women, and the like. The spleen is the second mother of the body, it gives strength to the five dense organs, determines the human constitution. If the five dense yin organs (heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, spleen) did not receive the necessary substances from the spleen, then they are weak, that is, emptiness is diagnosed, the spleen itself is unfavorably full - fullness, which causes bleeding. The lungs and spleen together ensure the normal exchange of fluids in the body. When the function of the spleen is impaired, the fluid stagnates, forming sputum, then coughing and shortness of breath occur. If the function of the lungs is weakened, then the drainage of fluid down is disturbed: accumulating, the fluid adversely affects the spleen for the second time, then edema, bloating, diarrhea, and weakness are formed. The liver and spleen together control the blood flow in the body. The spleen produces and controls blood by moving nutrients through the blood. The liver stores blood. If a person is depressed, irritated or restless, the liver is disturbed, and this immediately negatively affects the spleen: pain in the chest, lack of appetite, feeling of fullness after eating, belching. The spleen acts on the liver for the second time: the blood supply to the liver from the spleen is weakened - there is an even greater lack of blood in the liver, and the like. A vicious vicious circle is formed. According to popular beliefs, nosebleeds are a bad sign, possibly portending death. Popular consciousness here clearly marked the general weakness of the body, including the will, in diseases of the spleen. For the weak, all circumstances are unfavorable.
    • Nosebleeds / just bleeding in a dream to see (in the second half of summer) - an uncontrolled surge of internal yin outward, fullness of the spleen. To see / feel blood from the nose in oneself / in another in a dream - an already developed violation in the work of the spleen and, possibly, in the accompanying yin organs (see above for symptoms). In addition to the general weakness of the body and the complete lack of readiness of the body for the next seasons (autumn - lungs, winter - kidneys), psychologically the dreamer lost the guiding inner thread of movement in life; the external situation leads passively following and similar to it, in independent undertakings - failures. Simultaneously with psychological and moral self-healing (search for an event, unfavorable emotions from which hit the spleen), medical intervention is already necessary here.

    Blood is one of the most magical symbols that can be seen in a dream. To understand why another person’s blood is dreaming, interpreters advise writing down all the details of the vision immediately after waking up.

    According to the opinion of the most ancient magicians, if a lot of someone else's blood was dreamed, the dreamer wasting his energy and strength in vain. Heavy bleeding - warns of an impending disease.

    Literal interpretation

    I saw bloody marks on my hands left by another person - it's time to analyze your behavior, perhaps with rash actions you hurt someone.

    A puddle of scarlet substance on the floor is a symbol that portends severe trials sent by fate. This may be a warning about an accident, catastrophe or illness of someone close.

    Type and quality

    To figure out which interpretation is more suitable, the quality, type and volume of blood will help:

    • A large amount of scarlet liquid - direct all efforts to achieve a specific goal. If you dream that she is running out of the auricle, you will soon acquire information that will prompt you to get down to business with great determination.
    • Dark, coagulated clots - symbolize the health problems of the sleeping person. But if such an image came to a sick person in a night vision, on the contrary, recovery awaits him. Blood flows from the body of another person - heavy unrest.

    Spawn Location

    Interpreters strongly recommend writing down all the details of night vision after waking up. In our case, it matters where exactly you saw the yushka. If she was in her arms - the imminent arrival of relatives, in the oral cavity - an amazing idea would arise. But if it flowed out of the wound, then a woman who saw such an image would face loneliness, a man - difficulties.

    When someone else dreamed of blood on the floor, the interpreters recommend not making sudden decisions. And if you get dirty in it, it is recommended to maintain your reputation.

    special connection

    For example, I dreamed of a face covered in blood - a negative sign. There is a high chance of conflict with loved ones. If you suddenly dreamed that the yushka was on your teeth, call your relatives immediately, something bad seems to have happened.

    Unusual interpretations

    Finding a lot of stains of someone else's blood on yourself, but feeling joyful emotions at the same time - all desires will come true. To see hands stained with a scarlet liquid is cash receipts. Drinking blood from a bowl - you will become happy, it spilled onto the ground - you will experience unearthly pleasure.

    To watch how the bloody yushka flows without ceasing - the dreamer lives according to his possibilities and adheres to a healthy lifestyle.

    Description of the vision

    Dream Interpretation Enigma

    This interpreter was compiled quite recently and is modern. The blood seen at night is an image of unresolved problems that will cause the dreamer a lot of trouble. More often they relate to relatives, parents. But do not forget the details of the dream, the meaning of the vision depends on it.

    • A lot of blood of another person is a thoughtless waste of energy on solving unimportant issues.
    • Someone has bloody tears - someone is unrequitedly in love with the dreamer, and will seek reciprocity with all his might, the use of magic is not excluded.
    • Seeing someone's menstrual blood promises men big trouble in personal relationships, especially if their hands are dirty. For a woman - someone will suddenly appear on the threshold, family troubles.
    • Pure scarlet substance - get together! Focus your efforts on solving important problems.
    • Viscous, black - deterioration of the state, and moral: depression, breakdowns, constant stress;
    • Dark cherry, thick - health will soon deteriorate.

    It is important to remember not only the properties of the substance, but also the place where you saw it:

    • On the floor - do not rush to make hasty conclusions. Touch her, get smeared - your reputation is threatened by gossip of ill-wishers.
    • Someone else's yushka in your mouth - you "steal" someone's project, you can gain popularity, albeit not in a completely honest way.
    • On your hands - wait for the arrival of distant relatives.
    • It flows from a wound on someone else's body - for women it promises unrequited love, loneliness, for men - problems associated with professional activities.
    • Dripping from your own teeth - immediately contact your loved ones, perhaps one of them needs your help.
    • Seeing blood on another person in a dream, or rather on his face, portends a conflict with relatives, it will not be easy to forgive each other.
    • Someone does not stop bleeding, and you are calmly watching what is happening - your life is going on as it should, everything is fine on the personal front and with financial well-being.
    • Drinking someone else's blood from a bowl - you will soon find happiness, especially if the scarlet liquid flowed down your chin to the ground.

    Dream Interpretation of Gustav Miller

    Miller interpreted the image depending on the details of the dream. Sleeping clothes stained with blood - the presence of insidious ill-wishers who are trying to inflict on the dreamer in the field of professional activity. Blood dripping from the wound - predicts an imminent deterioration in health, as well as worries and falls in business, due to dishonest partnerships.

    I dreamed of a lot of someone else's scarlet liquid on my palms - a terrible failure is coming, bad luck that will follow on its heels. To those who see such a message, dream books recommend immediately starting to take care of their lives before it's too late.

    Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

    • Dark, knitting blood is a harbinger of an impending disease;
    • Scarlet - symbolizes celebration, fun, alcohol;
    • Alien at the battlefield - expect sad consequences, the cause of which will be the dreamer's rash actions;
    • To drink - you have wonderful dreams and hopes, there is a chance for them to come true;
    • Oozing to the ground - fortunately;
    • Bathe in a red substance - mentally prepare for strong experiences;
    • The blood of an animal - the conceived deeds can really be carried out. It is important to rely only on your own strength and make every effort.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    • Watching yourself in a night vision, stained with someone else's blood - news from relatives;
    • Someone is wounded, and the dreamer sympathizes with him - he always passes through himself all the suffering of his comrades and relatives, this makes his existence sad, and loneliness is destined for the sleeper himself;
    • To shed the blood of another person - the sleeper does not give too much importance to problem-solving methods, which can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, Nostradamus is advised to carefully take care of his life;
    • Earth flooded with scarlet liquid - such a plot of night vision portends a difficult path that the sleeper must go through to overcome obstacles. It is also possible to participate in quarrels. Or the dreamer will witness a bloody brawl with the victims.

    Dream Interpretation of David Loff

    He considered the dreaming red substance a negative prediction, especially someone else's. According to Loff, such dreams are harbingers of trouble, collapse, defeat, receiving injuries of varying severity, even a possible death. Moreover, the negative can affect not only the physical, but also the spiritual side of the life of the sleeping person.

    But very rarely such a dream can be interpreted positively. For example, to see blood in a dream on another person whom you hate, on your ill-wisher - soon he will lose, and you will become a triumphant winner. Also, someone else's red liquid can sometimes associate the kinship of souls with someone, in the event that it belongs to the person with whom the sleeper wants to enter into a relationship.

    Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

    This American psychotherapist believed that dreams of such a plot had many interpretations. For example, it can be a symbol:

    • vitality and energy, the fate of the sleeping person;
    • meaningless living, in case they saw flowing blood;
    • trauma, wounds, pain, sometimes moral experiences;
    • for young girls - vivid experiences, hatred, love, puberty;
    • for adult girls - pleasant memories of intimacy.

    According to Miss Lynn, the meaning of night vision depends on the emotions experienced by the dreamer, the general mood of the dream. Only by taking them into account, one can see the true meaning of the message.

    bloodied baby

    Had such an image? Rejoice - you will be able to overcome all difficulties, you may receive an offer to take a higher position. In personal life, everything will also go like clockwork - feelings will be strong and mutual, and the marriage will be happy.


    Seeing a dead man in a scarlet substrate is a rather unusual dream; you need to decipher it, taking into account all the details of night dreams. But in all cases, this is an extremely negative symbol:

    • A dismembered corpse in the blood portends an imminent serious illness, for an already unhealthy one - a quick death.
    • Touching him is the death of a sleeping person, especially if he is of advanced age.
    • Hide - means that the dreamer will find himself in a difficult situation, succumbing to temptations. A particularly unpleasant prediction for young ladies is an impending pregnancy from a fleeting hobby, as a result - an abortion.
    • Find - soon in reality you will find out secret information that will not bring a drop of joy.

    husband in blood

    • If a woman dreamed of her husband's blood, then such an image is a warning - her husband is now having difficult times.
    • To stop the blood running from the wound on the husband’s body - thanks to your care, he will overcome all problems, literally “stand on his feet”.
    • Seeing a beaten man - in reality, your chosen one has a lot of ill-wishers who can cause him a lot of trouble. In addition, most of them are false comrades who really have a grudge against him.
    • To experience animal fear at the sight of such an image means that your spouse should be vigilant. Advise him not to enter into dubious projects, to drive carefully.

    Many people

    What portends to see people in the blood in a dream? The dream is also recommended to be interpreted taking into account the one who dreamed of the night message:

    • For a married woman to see such a plot - try to erase from memory, forgive all offenders, reconcile with loved ones and relatives.
    • Unmarried - an early separation from the soulmate due to loose intrigues and rumors.
    • For a young man - conflicts with comrades. But do not be upset, there will be a quick reconciliation.

    I dreamed of bloody relatives - in reality, trouble will happen to them, offer them your help, they really need it.

    Unknown people stained the sleeper in blood - to wealth obtained with the help of influential patrons.

    Important! When interpreting, do not rely only on the meaning from the dream books, consider what your intuition and subconscious say.

    List of used literature:

    • Freud Z. Interpretation of dreams. - M.: Modern problems, 1913.
    • Fromm E. The Forgotten Language: An Introduction to Understanding Dreams, Fairy Tales and Myths. Per. from English. - Angarsk: JSC "Format", 1994.
    • Exegesis of dreams: European chronicles of dreams. - M.: Eksmo, 2002.