How to name a German Shepherd, emphasizing its best sides. How to name a German Shepherd: options for suitable nicknames for a dog Famous German Shepherd nicknames

- one of the most desirable pets that potential owners dream of both in Russia and in other countries of the world. Why are these animals so popular?

Firstly, they have a lot of positive character traits: high intelligence, quick learner, attentiveness, calmness and goodwill. Secondly, representatives of this breed are very beautiful. Thirdly, it is universal: shepherd dogs can act both as a reliable companion and protect the house and yard from ill-wishers, and if necessary, graze cattle, search for drugs and explosives, guard the state border, be guides for blind and visually impaired people , as well as tailed healers in canistherapy.

Given all the advantages of the breed, the desire to have a German Shepherd puppy is quite justified. But what is the name of the baby? That's about finding a name for a German Shepherd dog and will be discussed in our article.

We select a nickname for a German shepherd boy

  1. The homeland of the "culprits" of our article is Germany, where this breed of dogs was bred at the end of the 19th century. And therefore you can call a german shepherd boy by a german name(we will give examples of such names with meaning):
    • Peter is reliable;
    • Magnus is great;
    • Heinrich - head;
    • Hugo - soul;
    • Ludwig is a glorious fighter;
    • Ulrich is powerful;
    • August is majestic;
    • German - warrior (or German);
    • Lucas - light;
    • Til - strong in battle;
    • Felix - bringing happiness;
    • Adelmar - noble;
    • Bolder is a prince;
    • Velten - strong (or healthy);
    • Kaspar - dear;
    • Meino (Menno) - strength;
    • Ollard - noble force;
    • Ralph is a wise wolf;
    • Stefan - crown;
    • Frej is a lord.
  2. The name for the doggie can be foreign, but not necessarily German People: Rafe, Steven, John, Gary, Austin, Hunter, Eric, Chase, Jake, Cody (English names); Alain, Marcel, Maurice, Raoul, Etienne, Luc, Jules, Jory, Gustave, Arno (French names); Akio, Ichiro, Katsu, Makato, Minoru, Neo, Sebero, Toru, Shiro, Yuki (Japanese names); Bosser, Olle, Greger, Nels, Espen, Nils, Frey, Lares, Sven, Roffe (Swedish names); Alfeo, Vittore, Dario, Giraldo, Italo, Livio, Mario, Orfeo, Fabio, Cesare (Italian names). Of course, the owner of a German shepherd can choose beautiful names from other countries of the world, this is purely a matter of taste;
  3. No desire for a German Shepherd boy's dog name to be foreign? Suitable and Russian names, but it is undesirable to name the dog after a neighbor, colleague or one of your friends, so common names will not work (like Sergei or Alexei). But you can pay attention to the old and rare names: Kuzma, Milad, Tikhon, Platon, Filat, Klim, Dobrynya, Miron, Jaromir, Miran, Olel, Ephraim, Elisha, Gordey, Zhdan, Ivor, Ermak, Lavr, Idar, Lukyan;
  4. There is an opinion that purebred dogs should not be called an unnecessarily simple name. But if we discard all conventions, then why not consider traditional Russian dog names: Polkan, Trezor, Sharik, Tuzik, Druzhok, Bobik, Chernysh, Baron, Snowstorm, Filka, Count;
  5. The name for a German Shepherd boy puppy may be related to the owner's hobby or profession.. So, for example, a football fan can name his pet in honor of the current player of his favorite team or football legend, for example, Yashin, Pele, Eusebio, Maradona, Henry, Platini, Zidane, Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar. A cook or just a gourmet can name a dog in honor of some delicious dish: Goulash, Pate, Pie, Muffin, Pancake, Pie, Dumpling, Vinaigrette, Omelet, Shashlik, Pilaf, Strudel, Cheesecake, Tartar, Zeppelin, Schnitzel. And a collector of strong drinks can give the dog one of these names: Brandy, Cognac, Vermouth, Gin, Liquor, Cider, Absinthe, Rum, Bourbon, Grog;
  6. The name for a shepherd dog can be unusual. Since these dogs are directly related to Germany, you can pay attention, for example, to the names of cities in this country: Ansbach, Berlin, Bergen, Wesel, Hamburg, Dresden, Kassel, Leipzig, Mainz, Norden, Ulm, Stade, Essen. Or take the names of the German rivers: Rhine, Danube, Oder, Weser, Havel, Aller, Eider, Sauer, Alz, Tauber, Ulster, Gunz. You can also choose the names of Russian water bodies (rivers and lakes): Yenisei, Amur, Irtysh, Ural, Don, Tobol, Ishim, Caspian, Baikal, Ilmen, Taimyr, Seliger, Labaz, Baikal;
  7. Males and breeds are often given names in honor of the heroes of ancient Greek myths such as Odysseus, Zeus or Hercules. But you won’t meet a dog with the name of a character of Germanic mythology on the street: Tuiscon, Mann, Ingon, Irmin, Arminius, Sigimer, Wieland, Wodan, Fenrir, Loki, Tsio, Fro;
  8. Nicknames for German Shepherd Boys can be given after a movie character(cartoon, books) or some other famous dog that left its name in history (regardless of breed):
    • Konstantin(Kostya) or Verny - the famous German Shepherd dog from Tolyatti, who for 7 years was waiting for his deceased owner on the side of the road (Verny's owner died in an accident);
    • Dick- a dog of the Scottish Shepherd breed, during the Great Patriotic War, this animal discovered over 12,000 enemy mines in the cities of our Motherland;
    • Scarlet- a dog-border guard from the movie "Border Dog Scarlet" in 1979;
    • Mukhtar- a service dog shepherd from the film "Come to me, Mukhtar" in 1964, a faithful assistant to Lieutenant Glazychev, played by Yuri Nikulin;
    • Dzhulbars- a dog-border guard from the Soviet film of the same name;
    • ajax- Shepherd rescuer, who for 96 hours helped to dig people out of the snow captivity caused by an avalanche;
    • Balto- a dog of the breed, saved the people of Alaska from a diphtheria epidemic by delivering the vaccine on time;
    • Jerry Lee- German Shepherd, the hero of the film "K 9: Dog Work";
    • Rex- the hero of the cartoons "Return Rex" and "The Adventures of Rex", as well as the Austrian television series "Commissioner Rex".
  9. The dominant color in German Shepherds is black, so the nickname can be directly related to the shade of wool: Black (Schwartz, Nero, Noir), Coal, Anthracite, Dark, Dark, Black, Raven, Mulatto, Gypsy, African, Cosmos, Space, Onyx;
  10. It's cool to name a German Shepherd boy puppy: Adidas, Piston, Fruit, Gigabyte, Goat, Dolphin, Gram, Killer, Kent, Koresh, Drugan (Druzhban), Uncle (Uncle), Boy, Kumanek, Google, Ketchup, Murzik, Ghost, Pupsik, Zyuzya, Shocker, Adultery , Navel, Flower, Likhach, Mixer, Jiga, Goblin, Cyclops, Tornado, Elf, Bedbug, Hop-Hey, Boy, Ushastik (Ushan);
  11. We list other popular nicknames for German shepherd boys: Atlas, Impulse, Captain, Trap, Cartridge, Roar, Titan, Diamond, Sherlock, Athos, Ardent, Champion, Typhoon, Spartak, Fierce, Volcano, Excitement, Viking, Viscount, Uranus. Such serious names are suitable for shepherd dogs who have to protect their master's property from ill-wishers.

What is important to consider when choosing a name for a dog

  1. The name of the animal must certainly be to the liking of its owner. There are no fashionable and unfashionable names for animals, the main selection criterion is the response in the soul of the owner. If you like the simple name Sharik, then this is how the puppy should be called;
  2. The name for the dog should not be too long. and difficult to pronounce (or double);
  3. It is undesirable to name a newly acquired puppy in honor of a previously deceased pet.. And it is hardly worth giving the baby a name in honor of one of the deceased family members;
  4. It is undesirable to give a dog a name with a negative meaning.(for example, Fool or even worse). It will be embarrassing to pronounce such an absurd nickname on the street and in the veterinarian's office;
  5. It's better to give up mystical names(Demon, Demon, Lucifer, etc.), so as not to invite trouble into the house. But if the owner is not superstitious, then...;
  6. You should not come up with a nickname for a puppy in advance, while the baby is not at home yet.. It will be much easier to name a pet when he spends at least a day or two at home;
  7. It should be agreed with all members and friends that they call the dog exactly as the owner called it. It will be difficult for a small puppy to understand if one person calls him, for example, Bolder, another - Big, and the third - Bo;
  8. It's best not to give your German Shepherd puppy a name that sounds like a command word.(for example, “Na” - “Nigel”, “Fu” - Funtik, etc.).

As you know, the name for a person largely determines his fate and character. The same goes for dogs, and especially German Shepherds. After all, they are distinguished by stamina, loyalty, kindness, a desire to protect the weak. We will talk about what nicknames for a German shepherd dog below.

What is the name of a German Shepherd?

Before thinking about how to name a German Shepherd puppy, you should decide on a few rules:

  • the nickname should be short and bright, because this is the first thing the pet remembers, and the name is a signal of importance for him;
  • consider the size, color and gender of the dog;
  • try to pick up a nickname with voiced letters (z, r, f, d, d);
  • do not call by a human name;
  • the name should not be of the middle gender, but with a clear definition;
  • the letter "r" and "sh" in nicknames can cause aggression and irritability.

Important! Pay special attention to the character, purpose of the shepherd dog and its elitism. Therefore, it is better to choose something unique and significant, and this despite the fact that shepherd dogs have long been engaged in grazing cattle around the globe.

Did you know that a dog is distinguished by guarding qualities, sharp intellect, fearlessness, ability to make independent decisions and speed? Therefore, the name Jaeger is suitable for a German Shepherd male, and Gerda or Shuya for a female.

Nicknames for a German Shepherd boy

When choosing a name for a German Shepherd boy, the interests of the owner, place of residence, or personality traits of the pet are often taken into account. These can be political or popular, world names of real people: Castro, Beethoven, Cruz, Noris, Stalker and Byte. The mystical and astrological nicknames for the boy are considered: Neptune, Altair, Sirius, Kant.
You can also choose from the following names:

  • Ford;
  • Zeus;
  • Odysseus;
  • Achilles;
  • Caesar;
  • Hannibal;
  • Scythian;
  • Horace;
  • Otto;
  • Kurt;
  • Best;
  • Matthias;
  • Pamir;
  • Socrates;
  • Baron;
  • Diamond;
  • Askar;
  • Gustav;
  • Askar;
  • Carat;
  • Suite;
  • Lobster;
  • Lord;
  • Wright;
  • Fred;
  • Franc;
  • Chase;
  • Ernie;
  • Ralph;
  • Uranus;
  • Tyson;
  • Nabat;
  • Rocky;
  • Stone;

Nicknames with meaning

Important! Don't forget about the meaning of the name you choose for your dog because most of them are from Greek mythology or derived from Latin. Calling a puppy Ada or Zeus, you put character into it, give it special charisma and teach the first command.

A name is a set of sounds and phonemes, and in the animal world they determine the behavior of a dog, add distinctive character traits to it, so remember to interpret some nicknames:

  1. Addy is a complex character, openness and readiness for training;
  2. Adeline - kindness, affection. Such dogs easily admit people to themselves, they are distinguished by a good disposition and mind;
  3. Aza - stamina, nervousness, willingness to travel;
  4. Alva - intransigence, complexity of character, easy to train;
  5. Alpha - self-confidence, playfulness and anxiety;
  6. Amanda - touchiness, devotion and to serve;
  7. Artemis - tenderness, sensitivity, courage and aggression towards strangers;
  8. Barbara - modesty, well-developed maternal qualities, well trained;
  9. Vesta - touchiness, grace and pride;
  10. Baron - strength, pride and endurance;
  11. Buran - calmness, love for children, sociability;
  12. Gideon - courage, strength, protection;
  13. Vulture - perseverance, devotion and service to people;
  14. John - affection for the owner, kindness and diligence;
  15. Coyote;
  16. Coupon;
  17. Gucci;
  18. Jumanji;
  19. Syrup;
  20. Logan;
  21. Tonic.

With the advent of a German Shepherd in the house, the newly-minted owners have a lot of pleasant worries associated with caring for a new pet and communicating with him. Coming up with a name for a puppy is an interesting activity, although not always easy. How to come up with the most suitable nickname for a German shepherd so that it fits the dog? It was sonorous and beautiful, and at the same time the owners liked it.

Influence on character

The influence of dog nicknames on the character of their pets was noticed by people in ancient times. Hunting dogs were often called by the names Get, Quick, Luck. For guard and shepherd dogs, names were invented based on those character traits and appearance that people wanted to see in their pets: Buran, Thunder, Courage. At present, dog names are no longer given such sacred significance as in antiquity. But even now, owners are trying to call their pets names that embody the breed characteristics of the dog.

The owner of a shepherd dog is more likely to give his pet a name that inspires respect. For example, Viking or Delta, than a funny or affectionate nickname, like Buttercup or Bun.

When choosing a nickname, you need to proceed from the individual characteristics of the puppy. Give him a name in accordance with those character traits that the owners would like to see in him.

It's undesirable to call it that.

There are several categories of names that German Shepherds should not be given. They may not suit them or cause an ambiguous reaction, and sometimes condemnation of others. These nicknames include:

  1. "Regular" human names, popular in your area of ​​residence. This prohibition is due to the fact that strangers usually do not like it when someone says their name when calling their dog.
  2. Names more suitable for small dogs. A German Shepherd named Bead or Kid will look strange or even funny and ridiculous in the eyes of others.
  3. Offensive or abusive names. Perhaps the owner of the dog will find such a nickname funny. But the people who will hear it on the street or on the training ground are unlikely to share his opinion.
  4. Names from the religious lexicon. Such nicknames may seem simply outrageous to others. In addition, they can offend the religious feelings of other people, which is completely unacceptable.
  5. Names of villains and tyrants- historical or characters of popular films and books.

How to choose?

When choosing a home nickname for a puppy, you can proceed from your own preferences and call the pet whatever you want. If you need to come up with a name that will be inscribed in the pedigree, then everything is much more complicated.

Names for club and kennel puppies must be subject to a number of requirements. They are presented by cynological organizations to the nicknames of thoroughbred dogs:

  1. The names of all puppies born in the same litter begin with the same letter.
  2. The order of the letters is determined by the club and what letter the nicknames for the entire litter will be chosen for depends on its number. For example, if this is the first litter in the kennel, then the kids will receive names starting with "A". Puppies from the second litter - on "B" and so on.
  3. A nickname may consist of the name itself, often with a prefix or suffix added to it. They indicate the name of the nursery where the puppy was born.
  4. The number of letters in the nickname, including spaces, does not exceed 40 characters.
  5. The name given to one of the dogs of the kennel must not be repeated for 30 years.

Buyers of puppies with documents rarely have to come up with nicknames for their pets. By the time of sale, the babies already have metrics with names written in them. If the future owner himself wants to come up with a nickname for his pet, he needs to contact the breeder in advance, even before the activation of the litter. Find out from him what letter will need to come up with names for puppies from this litter and offer your own version of the official nickname for the baby booked by him.

Official nicknames are beautiful. But they are often difficult to pronounce and use them during everyday communication with a pet can be inconvenient. In this case, you can come up with any other name for the shepherd dog or, if you wish, shorten the official version. Home name for a dog It's primarily a way to get her attention. Therefore, it should be sonorous, melodic and easy to pronounce. It is desirable that it is also short: it consists of 1-2, in extreme cases, three syllables.

The nickname should be liked by all family members and be accessible for pronunciation even to small children.

It is believed that the letter "P" should be present in a successful nickname, but this rule is not mandatory if the nickname in all other respects meets the above requirements and is liked by both the pet and its owners.


Video listing nicknames (names) for German Shepherds.

Names for a boy

German Shepherd males are strong and noble defenders, and therefore, they have nicknames that reflect such character traits as courage, devotion, speed and efficiency. Shepherd boys are well suited for the names of prominent historical figures, mythological characters or heroes of books and films who are famous for their strength, courage and courage.

Name for a girl

German Shepherd females, despite their excellent watchdog and working qualities, are real young ladies - elegant and graceful. When choosing a nickname for a girl puppy, you need to proceed from the fact that that the name of a shepherd dog should be melodic and pleasant to the ear. But at the same time, do not be diminutive or caressing or too pretentious and flirtatious.

List of the best

Choosing the most suitable nickname for a shepherd dog, you can proceed from the features of the appearance of the pet or its character. To do this, it is best to watch the puppy for a while. It is necessary to determine the characteristics that make it unlike any other dog. And in order to help you in choosing a nickname, below is a list of the best names suitable for German Shepherds.

With meaning

Would you like to give your pet a nickname with meaning? If you have a German Shepherd boy, then the following nicknames will suit him:

  1. Best is the best.
  2. Wild - Wild.
  3. Wolf - Wolf.
  4. Guard - Defender.
  5. Grand - Magnificent.
  6. Darling - Beloved.
  7. Eagle - Eagle.
  8. Lucky - Happy.
  9. Loud - Loud.
  10. Leon - Leo.
  11. Nice - Handsome.
  12. Wright - Faithful.
  13. Hunter - Hunter.
  14. Hardy - Hardy.

For a German Shepherd girl, you can choose one of the following nicknames with a meaning:

  1. Bonnie - Good.
  2. Beauty - Beautiful.
  3. Grace - Graceful.
  4. Gemma - Pearl.
  5. Claire - Clear.
  6. Miracle - Wonderful.
  7. Autumn - Autumn.
  8. Sunshine - Sunshine.
  9. Sylvia - Forest.
  10. Happy - Happy.
  11. Cherry - Cherry.

Many names with meaning, such as Lucky or Hardy, work equally well for dogs of either gender.


The most popular names for German Shepherds are, of course, the names of dogs from films and TV shows in which dogs of this breed were filmed. But they are often given the following nicknames:

  1. Boys: Alf, Arnie, Bim, Butch, Harold, Jim, Dzhulbars, Locky, Max, Mukhtar, Ralph, Rex, Roger, Sherlock, Sherkhan.
  2. Girls: Adele, Aina, Alma, Becky, Bonita, Vega, Thunderstorm, Jessie, Zlata, Lada, Leila, Naida, Tais, Ondina, Esther, Unita.


Below is a list of the most beautiful nicknames that are great for German Shepherds:

  1. Boys: Archibald, Brandon, Viscount, Windsor, Herbert, Count, Ginger, Dorian, Duke, Zorro, Irvine, Clyde, Christoph, Lancelot, Lawrence, Manchester, Murray, Nigel, Nix, Orpheus, Austin, Percival, Pride, Raymond, Ringo, Silver, Strike, Stanley, Topaz, Clubs, Wilfred, Ullis, Fletcher, Furst, Harvey, Hugo, Caesar, Cyclone, Chamberlain, Chester, Sheridan, Sean, Eclipse, Angel, Eugene, Eustace, Janus.
  2. Girls: Irene, Anabel, Beatrice, Beretta, Vesma, Vivienne, Gabrielle, Gledis, Denise, Gemini, Xena, Iris, Intrigue, Quart, Kerry, Lexa, Lucia, Malta, Mackenzie, Neji, Nixa, Augusta, Audrey, Pallas, Priscilla, Rune, Rachel, Stella, Sandy, Tiara, Tiffany, Unia, Ursula, Felicita, Fiesta, Hilary, Chloe, Ceres, Charity, Chelsea, Sherry, Aegis, Elinor, Juventa, Yuzheli, Jasper.


If you wish, you can call the German Shepherd a Russian name.

  1. Boys: Agate, Diamond, Scarlet, Baikal, Buran, Veles, Free, Hero, Proud, Demon, Savage, Heat, Zhigan, Irbis, Irtysh, Karai, Idol, Lel, Fierce, Nabat, Courageous, Broadsword, Pirate, Roll, Ruby, Saltan, Signal, Taigan, Trumpeter, Ural, Cliff, Farce, Frant, Tsar, Chardash, Lapwing, Shah, Bumblebee, Clear, Yarang.
  2. Girls: Quince, Arnika, Bagryana, Basta, Bucha, Wave, Blizzard, Dream, Dara, Share, Egoza, Badass, Zurna, Oriole, Spark, Kama, Clique, Kuna, Luta, Ladnaya, Blizzard, Mirtha, Narva, Nelma, Oda, Palm, Fir, Blizzard, Rada, Rossa, Ruzha, Fresco, Persimmon, Chara, Rogue Yarga, Yasna.

A good option for a Russian nickname for a German Shepherd would be a name taken from Slavic mythology or epics.

Before giving a puppy a name from the pantheon of ancient Slavic deities and spirits of nature, be sure to find out its meaning. You can accidentally call a dog a nickname with a negative meaning.


There is a widespread tradition in the cynological world to give dogs the names of the country in which the breed was bred. The German Shepherd is a dog of German origin, which means that a German name is perfect for her.

  1. Boys: Alard, Alois, Ansgar, Berthold, Walter, Werner, Witold, Wolfgang, Georg, Herbert, Gottfried, Dietrich, Siegfried, Kaspar, Konrad, Leonhard, Lothar, Manfred, Meinhard, Moritz, Otto, Rainer, Rhine, Rudolf, Rupert, Stefan, Franz, Friedrich, Harald, Henning, Eldrick, Emeris, Erich, Jurgen.
  2. Girls: Anselma, Belinda, Bridget, Verena, Wilhelmina, Gertrude, Gretchen, Zelda, Yvon, Irma, Karlin, Corina, Kristen, Leonora, Lieselotte, Laura, Martha, Odelia, Rebecca, Rosemary, Rupert, Sabina, Senta, Sophie, Frida, Hedwig, Hilda, Elsa, Emily, Erna.


Choosing a nickname for a dog is an interesting and creative process. After all, the name of the animal should become not only the personification of its individual characteristics, but also a kind of talisman that will help your shepherd dog to be strong, courageous, loyal, smart and, of course, healthy and happy. The nickname should be uncomplicated in pronunciation, not cause negative associations among people around and like the owners of the dog and herself, only in this case it can be considered successful and correct.

German Shepherds have long conquered the canine world: they are distinguished by exceptional devotion, courage and high intelligence. A well-aimed nickname can emphasize the best qualities of these dogs, but the choice must be taken as seriously as possible.

Just as people have a connection between name and character, so in dogs, the nickname affects temperament, because this is the word that is pronounced most often.

Features of choosing a name for German shepherds

In the kennel, the puppy immediately receives a nickname in accordance with the rules and recommendations of the RKF. However, such names are not suitable for everyday use, as they consist of several words and are rather difficult to pronounce.

Therefore, the owners choose second, “home” nicknames for the dogs, and leave the official options for competitions and exhibitions.

For your information. Dogs respond best to nicknames consisting of 2-3 syllables.

German Shepherds serve in the police and the army, protect property, work as guides and make excellent companions. The nickname should emphasize the noble qualities of these animals.

When choosing a name for dogs, their purpose is taken into account:

  • companion dogs are given softer and calmer nicknames, for example: Alai, Skinny, Shekki - for a male; Bonnie, Dina, Lola - for a girl;
  • for a German shepherd watchman, it is better to choose a militant and formidable nickname: Ares, Thunder, Titan - for a boy; Burma, Storm, Thunderstorm - for a girl;
  • short and sonorous names are suitable for service dogs - it is important that they immediately respond to orders. For example, you can name a German Shepherd boy puppy Jack, Dick, Hart, a girl - Ada, Keri, Mani.

The nickname may reflect the predominant color in:

  • a black boy can be called Dark, Dark, Onyx; girl - Blackie, Panther, Shadow;
  • the names Wulf, Gray, Wolf are suitable for a zone-gray boy; for a girl - Dusty, Pearl, Cameo;
  • the black-and-black color corresponds to the nicknames Golden, Mongol, Sunny - for boys; Bronze, Goldie, Zlata - for girls.

Nicknames of German origin sound harmoniously, since Germany is the birthplace of this breed.

On a note. Do not rush to choose a nickname. It is recommended to observe the puppy for several days in order to notice the prevailing traits of his character or funny habits.

Nicknames for a German Shepherd boy

Names for dogs are chosen taking into account the characteristics of appearance and temperament. The German Shepherd boy is a large and massive dog, prone to dominance, and in stressful situations capable of aggression.

Males are ideal for service, as they are more suspicious of strangers, and a show career - they do not have estrus, forced pregnancy breaks and caring for puppies.

Nicknames for boys emphasize their strength and masculinity. Purebred dogs of large breeds are usually called noble names - simple nicknames like Tuzik or Polkan are not suitable for them.

To name a boy's German Shepherd, you can refer to your own hobbies:

  • travel fans choose the names of geographical objects for boys' dogs that sound beautiful and majestic - Amur, Baikal, Caspian Sea;
  • people who admire the beauty of the night sky can name a German shepherd dog in honor of a star - Vasat, Nembus, Sirius;
  • car owners prefer to give the dog the name of the brand or model of their own car - Mark, Ford, Honda;
  • football fans choose a name for a German shepherd puppy that matches the name of their favorite team or player's name: Henri, Ajax, Pele.

Interesting nicknames for boys' dogs can be found in the mythology of different peoples.

Owners often decide to name a German Shepherd puppy after a Scandinavian or Slavic god: Vili, Odin, Perun, Svarog, Troyan. Germanic myths are less popular, but a rare nickname will only emphasize the individuality of the pet: Arminius, Wieland, Irmin, Saxon, Fro.

For your information. It is believed that the nickname is of no small importance in the formation of behavioral qualities. Therefore, cynologists advise avoiding overly aggressive nicknames: Draco, Monster, Killer, etc.

Beautiful nicknames for German Shepherds

Beautiful sounding, elegant and even sophisticated names are great for German Shepherds: Bruce, Blake, Harold, Gordon, Earl, Jason, Clyde, Corsair, Marvin, Muscat, Nestor, Nord, Oscar, Pablo, Raymond, Richard, Ramses, Simon, Typhoon , Thomas, Hunter, Eustace.

When looking for a nickname for German Shepherd males, you should pay attention to the names of cities in Germany - they are quite sonorous and original.

A dog boy can be given a nickname: Alain, Bergen, Weihe, Gescher, Dresden, Kassel, Muden, Neuwied, Ulm, Hagen, Stade.


The German Shepherd is a serious service breed, however, following the latest fashion trends, the owners often decide the boy with a modern and unusual nickname: Adidas, Byte, Bieber, Google, Kent, Likhach, Mamai, Marvin, Mixer, Rolex, Scotch, Tornado, Forex, Shaman, Shocker, Eldzhey, Elf.

For your information. A funny nickname, for example, Bagel or Zephyr, will not suit a large dog.

Foreign nicknames for boys

Names for a shepherd boy are often of German origin. They are not so common among other breeds, so they allow you to distinguish a pet from other pets. However, you first need to know the translation in order not to give the dog a ridiculous nickname.

Nicknames for a German Shepherd boy with meanings:

  • Adelmar - noble;
  • August is magnificent;
  • Axel is the father of the world;
  • Bolder is a prince;
  • Velten - strong;
  • Gunther is a brave warrior;
  • Dedrik - the ruler of the people;
  • Sigmund - victorious;
  • Kaiser - emperor;
  • Leonard is a brave lion;
  • Lucas - light;
  • Ludwig is a glorious fighter;
  • Meino - strength;
  • Otto - rich;
  • Raymond is a wise protector;
  • Stefan - crown;
  • Til - strong in battle;
  • Frederick is a peaceful ruler;
  • Stein is a stone;
  • Ernie is serious;

Nicknames of oriental origin are in fashion, but you should also first find out what they mean:

  • Aki - born in autumn;
  • Katsu is the winner;
  • Kameko is a long-liver;
  • Kuno - brave;
  • Lope - wolf;
  • Naoki - fair;
  • Nikko - the bright sun;
  • Osaka - dragon god
  • Riki - strength;
  • Thero is a warrior;
  • Fuku - happiness;
  • Hoshi is a star;
  • Yuki is snow.

Names of favorite characters

A German Shepherd boy can be given a nickname in honor of a favorite character in a book, movie or animated series, especially if he became famous for any exploits: Aramis, Buddy, Batman, Beam, Blade, Watson, Jerry Lee, Zorro, Neo, Porthos, Frank, Sherlock, Sherkhan.

For your information. It is better to avoid overly common nicknames, such as Mukhtar or Rex. It is possible that another dog will come running to the call of the owner, as well as his own dog will rush to a stranger.

Nicknames for a German Shepherd girl

More affectionate and gentler than a boy. She does not seek to take a leading position in the family, it is easier to learn and even more in need of contact with the owner.

Females are suitable for novice dog breeders who do not have much experience in raising and training service breeds.

Nicknames for a shepherd girl are usually melodic and soft. They emphasize the femininity, grace and character of the lady. However, many females of large breeds serve in law enforcement agencies or guard the owners' houses, so they can be given moderately courageous nicknames.

A girl dog should also be named taking into account individual characteristics: character, behavior, habits.

A playful and active puppy of a German shepherd will suit the names Spark, Comet, Puma, calm and thoughtful - Bonnie, Jeannette.

You can name a German Shepherd girl after a favorite flower, a memorable place or a scientific term - it all depends on the owner's imagination.

The main thing is that the nickname is easy to pronounce and not too long. Then it will be easier for the German to remember it.

For your information. Russian human names should be avoided. At the very least, a person calling a German shepherd Lena will be looked askance.

Beautiful names

A beautiful pet with a shiny coat and a graceful gait should have the appropriate nickname: Iris, Astra, Arlen, Becky, Berta, Betsy, Bonika, Varna, Vladi, Gaby, Grace, Daphne, Daisy, Diva, Donna, Dory, Jacqueline, Cleo, Lizi , Linda, Lottie, Lulu, Nancy, Rada, Stella, Cindy, Terry, Trixie, Tutti, Phoebe, Foxy, Shani, Sherry, Heike, Ellie, Yugra.

The names of mythological characters sound good: Aurora, Athena, Bona, Venus, Vesta, Hebe, Hera, Danae, Dike, Irida, Isis, Calypso, Clio, Lara, Medea, Menta, Nika, Nymph, Rhea, Roma, Selena, Faun, Flora, Aegis, Juno.

Youth and modern nicknames

There are no limits and restrictions in the choice of nicknames for a dog, so many dog ​​breeders, especially young people, come up with non-standard and original nicknames for their pets: Asti, IP, Bonnie, Gaga, Gadget, Gilza, Jolie, Zara, Zabava, Indigo, Captcha, Kiwi, Cola , Mafia, Opera, Prada, Tequila, Fanta, Flash drive, Skoda.

Foreign nicknames for girls

Some owners believe that because of the harsh sounding nicknames of German origin are not suitable for girls. However, among them you can find gentle options:

  • Ava - life;
  • Amelia - hardworking;
  • Wilda - wild;
  • Greta is a pearl;
  • Clara - clear;
  • Caroline is a free person;
  • Katherine - clean;
  • Leona is a lioness;
  • Liesel - devoted;
  • Martha is a lady;
  • Odile - rich;
  • Rena - blooming lotus;
  • Sophie - wise;
  • Senta - prosperous;
  • Tabea - gazelle;
  • Ursula - a little bear;
  • Felika - lucky;
  • Frida is a peaceful ruler;
  • Hedwig - warrior;
  • Hulda - attractive;
  • Ella is perfect.

Also, nicknames borrowed from other languages ​​are suitable for a German shepherd:

  • Amita - infinite;
  • Blis - bliss;
  • Jane - simple;
  • Jyoti - light;
  • Kiku - chrysanthemum;
  • Kim is golden;
  • Claire - clear;
  • Lucky - happy;
  • Nikko - daylight;
  • Ricky is restless;
  • Satu is sweet.

Names reflecting character

A correctly chosen nickname indicates the individual characteristics of the dog, the positive and predominant features of its character. Many owners believe that it can be used to correct negative qualities.

For example, an overly excitable German Shepherd should be given a calm nickname: the boy - Bosya, Lucky, Sam; girl - Amelie, Kathy, Terry.

And on the contrary, a courageous nickname is suitable for a timid dog: a boy can be called Amir, Hector, Zeus; girl - Bagheera, Irma, Naida.

It is noticed that dogs with certain nicknames have common features:

  • Hayk - well trained;
  • Gideon is a brave, excellent watchman;
  • Rad - strong and hardy;
  • Sheriff - serious, formidable, with excellent working qualities;
  • Alice is calm and kind;
  • Dina is an affectionate, caring mother;
  • Tina is quiet and sensitive;
  • Elsa is smart, balanced, executive.

The French cynologist K. Cuvier claims that certain phonetic combinations also influence the character of the pet:

  • the sound "a" develops leadership inclinations;
  • "e" - cheerfulness and energy;
  • "o" - thoughtfulness and some indifference;
  • "y" - peacefulness and the ability to avoid conflicts;
  • "e" - curiosity;
  • "yu" - softness and attentiveness;
  • "r" - courage and independence;
  • "n" - devotion;
  • hissing - friendliness and contact.

The voiceless "x", "p", "k", "f" do not have a significant effect - dogs distinguish them rather poorly.

Nicknames of dogs of famous show business stars

German Shepherds are not so popular among famous personalities - at fashion shows and secular parties, stars often appear in the company of small decorative dogs. However, there are exceptions:

  • Jennifer Lopez has a boy named Floyd - she does not part with him for a minute and takes him on tour;
  • Jennifer Aniston - the owner of the white girl Dolly;
  • Enrique Iglesias in 2017 bought himself a shepherd boy named Mad Max;
  • Sofia Rotaru got two boys - Yug and Yuran - to guard country houses in Yalta and Koncha-Zaspa;
  • Claudia Schiffer loves a boy named Oscar.

Finding a nickname for your favorite pet is an exciting, but responsible task, because it will be very difficult for a dog to retrain if the chosen name suddenly doesn’t like it. Therefore, it is better not to rush and listen to the opinion of all family members - there will definitely be a suitable option.

The German Shepherd is one of the most popular large dog breeds in the world. It can be found in apartments, private houses, in summer cottages, in military service. But the more popular the breed, the more difficult it is to find a beautiful, and most importantly, a unique nickname for a pet. We will talk about what names can be given to female German shepherds below.

Features of choice

The German Shepherd-girl belongs to the category of elite dogs. This means that often a puppy can only be bought from a kennel or from a professional breeder.

Most often, purebred individuals are sold only with documents. And here it is important to know that a pet with a pedigree is given a name by the breeder on his 45th day of life after examination.

At the same time, all puppies in the litter have nicknames that begin with the same letter.

Often such nicknames are very long and difficult to pronounce, but they meet all the requirements of the nursery. Therefore, if such a puppy is acquired, then the newly-made owner can and even should give him a new, short and memorable nickname. The full name can only be used in documents and during exhibitions or competitive reviews.

If a puppy is purchased without a name, then when choosing a nickname for him, it is important to consider the following nuances.

  • Specific features of this breed and its color. Shepherds are smart, easy to train, large animals. Too affectionate names will not suit them, a “German” with such a nickname will look extremely ridiculous. Shepherd dogs have a zonal color, which means that naming them by the predominant coat color is quite acceptable.
  • The chosen name should not be consonant with the main training commands. The dog will get confused and eventually may stop following the owner’s commands altogether.
  • The name of the dog should be so that its gender is immediately clear.. And for this it is necessary to choose dog names, and not human ones.
  • The nickname must be sonorous and short, the dog must distinguish all sounds at a distance of up to 30 meters. It is better to refuse the use of hissing sounds in the nickname - the "Germans" do not perceive them well.

When choosing a nickname for a puppy, it is important to understand that it is a basic command, that is, in fact, it activates the entire training process. In the future, the animal should develop a reflex that its name is to attract the maximum attention of the animal and bring it to the maximum concentration. Therefore, it is worthwhile to approach the choice of a nickname consciously and paying enough attention to this moment.

It is also important to understand that German Shepherds are proud and self-aware dogs, given their size, it is worth abandoning mocking, degrading nicknames.

Also, breeders do not advise calling German girls the designations of any objects or obscene words. Perhaps this will not have a strong influence on the character of the animal itself, but it will not put its owner in the best light.

Beautiful names

Most cynologists around the world agree that German Shepherds are considered one of the most beautiful and graceful dogs. Therefore, the desire of their owners to give their pets the most beautiful and preferably rare nicknames is quite understandable. And such nicknames are divided into several groups.

Names of famous dogs

  • Bella Rose;
  • Fergie;
  • Jerry;
  • Alice;
  • Lassie;
  • Abba.

In principle, here you can choose any name you like, even male. It will be enough to change the ending in it and you will get a new beautiful nickname for the “German” girl.

It is also useful to know that such names help animals gain inner strength and self-confidence.


Often bitches of this breed are named after a goddess. Firstly, their names are both short and sonorous, and secondly, such nicknames are rare and have a great energy potential, which, according to zoopsychologists, will have a strengthening effect on the animal's psyche:

  • Var- goddess of truth
  • Idun- eternal young deity;
  • Nanna- Balder's wife
  • Snotra- goddess of thought;
  • freya- goddess of love and magic;
  • frigg- the wife of Odin himself, the protector of the human race.

Sometimes German shepherd girls are called Valkyrie, that is, "raising from the battlefield."

Geographic names

This group includes nicknames given to bitches according to their place of birth or residence. However, a dog owner can name his pet after any city or country:

  • Anapa;
  • Neva;
  • Volga;
  • Siri (Syria);
  • Lady;
  • Kama.

The scope for imagination and choice of name in this case is almost limitless.

You can choose the name of a little-known village or village, and now, your pet has a unique, unusual and beautiful name.

Most Popular

This list includes both domestic and foreign nicknames for girls - German Shepherds:

  • Unit;
  • Bonita;
  • Becky;
  • Adele;
  • Vega;
  • Derik;
  • Aina;
  • Gold;
  • Guillemot;
  • Alma;
  • Koira;
  • Leila;
  • Undine;
  • Thais;
  • Esther;
  • Assol;
  • Alka;
  • Chunga;
  • Glad;
  • Alpha;
  • Palm;
  • Jessie;
  • Justa;
  • Spark;
  • Lada;
  • Naida;
  • Beta;
  • Secret;
  • Alfiya;
  • Storm.

Such variants of names will suit any dog ​​of this breed, regardless of its color and temperament. It is also important that all these nicknames fully comply with all the requirements for the names of German shepherds.

funny nicknames

Despite the aristocracy, impressive size and nobility of German girls, some of their owners prefer to give their dogs funny and unusual names. Such nicknames allow you to highlight the pet and, perhaps, emphasize some feature in its character, behavior or food preferences:

  • Glutton;
  • pintail;
  • Fun;
  • Cobra;
  • Blot;
  • Tequila;
  • Signora;
  • Screw;
  • Toffee;
  • smiley;
  • Tinky Winky;
  • Wafer;
  • Gorbushka;
  • Sonya;
  • Crybaby;
  • Laughter.

Such nicknames in themselves, perhaps, do not sound somehow particularly funny or funny. But only when an adult, massive and intelligent shepherd dog is called any of these nicknames, then a smile on the face of everyone around is guaranteed.

List of names with meaning

But quite often, German Shepherd girls are called some special nicknames that have a certain meaning. Firstly, they sound beautiful and fashionable, and secondly, according to many dog ​​breeders, they help to reward the bitch with some quality or enhance it, if it is present from birth.

  • Heidi- noble and kind. An ideal option for any dog ​​of this breed, because all "Germans" are distinguished by both nobility and devotion to their owners.
  • Elsa- noble. Such a nickname will emphasize the origin of the bitch, especially if she has a rich and elite pedigree.
  • Bridget- one that has a powerful and independent character. A good nickname for a watchdog or guard dog. Often it is this name that is awarded to puppies who will serve in the civil service.
  • Crystal- darling. An excellent choice for a long-awaited pet in the family. And it sounds beautiful, and the animal will feel that he is really appreciated and loved in the new family.
  • Alva- calmness and tranquility. If there are a lot of little fidgets in the family, then it is precisely such a nickname that will allow the “German” bitch to behave as sustained and noble as possible.
  • Lucia- perseverance and obedience. An ideal nickname for a dog that will have to learn a lot from birth, often to all existing teams. This name is very fond of professional cynologists.
  • Gloria- cheerful, loving to play. Dogs with this nickname almost always have a playful mood. But at the same time, they are distinguished by a slight disobedience.
  • Regina- pride and self-control. Such a nickname will emphasize the sophistication of the dog, its endurance and calm, balanced disposition. Bitches with such a nickname become the real pride of their owners.
  • Alison- from a noble family. An ideal nickname for dogs with a pedigree, as well as those who will continue to participate in shows, competitions and exhibitions.
  • Aurora- dawn. So you can call a German shepherd girl who was born early in the morning or one that has leadership skills from birth.
  • Adolf - wild wolf. Such a name is suitable for an animal, which in the future will only play the role of a watchman and guard.
  • Callisto- gorgeous. All "Germans" without exception are beautiful and smart dogs, so this nickname will suit any bitch from the litter.
  • Vesta- guardian of the hearth. This name should be given to a dog that will protect the family and its property. Dogs with this nickname are distinguished by kindness and obedience, but only in relation to the owner and his household.
  • Ursula- a little bear. The most well-fed and clumsy puppy in the litter can be called this. Over time, he will turn into a massive, good-natured dog.
  • Juna- the energy of life. This nickname is suitable for the most active and restless puppy. It is believed that bitches with such a nickname live a busy life and for a very long time.
  • Minerva- smart. Name variant suitable for any German Shepherd girl.
  • Ruth- redhead. If the puppy's color is zonal, with a predominance of red wool, then such a nickname will be an excellent choice.
  • Eunice- victorious. A dog with a pedigree, which in the future will be a participant in various exhibitions and competitions, should be called that.
  • Bella- faithful to the oath. A dog that will serve in the police or the army with that name will become a true true friend and helper.