How to grow a rose from a cutting the easy way

How to grow a rose from a cutting - today there are many ways to propagate, let's focus on the simplest ones. So that even novice gardeners can grow roses from cuttings.

Propagating roses from cuttings guarantees another magnificent flower in your garden. In a vegetative way, you can also grow a rose from a bouquet, as you sometimes want to get yourself a beauty gifted for the holiday.

How to grow roses from cuttings at home

This is a fairly simple method, which consists in cutting cuttings with three buds and then rooting them. But how to make cuttings? And can they be rooted in water? We understand the issue.
For cuttings, it is better to use the middle or upper, often strong, healthy woody shoots that are just starting or are already finishing flowering. From it, using a special garden pruner, you need to cut shoots from 10 to 15 centimeters long, each of which should have three buds. You need to cut them so that the lower cut (it is made at an angle of 45 *) is directly under the kidney, and the upper (straight) is above the kidney. The technology of growing roses involves the partial removal of leaves (this is necessary to reduce evaporation). The bottom sheet is completely removed, and the top ones are shortened by 1/3.

Planting roses with cuttings

A sufficient amount of light, air temperature + 23-25 ​​* C, moderate watering and spraying. Prepared shoots can be rooted in two ways:

How to plant a rose from a bouquet

Often looking at a beautiful bouquet in a vase, I want to grow the same flowers. This desire is quite simple to realize: you need to take a healthy and strong stem, cut cuttings from it and grow rose bushes. For the idea to succeed, the flowers need to be prepared: the water in the vase should be changed every day, and at night the flowers should be immersed in a bucket of clean water to the very heads. Cuttings should be done when the flower begins to shed its petals.

The cuttings are cut according to the general rules, but unlike the brothers from the bush, each of them should have two (or even one) kidneys. This will increase the amount of planting material and increase survival. It is better to root shoots from a bouquet in the soil according to general rules, but they must be stuck into the substrate strictly vertically, deepening to the kidney. With proper care, they will take root in about a month and begin to give young shoots (if buds appear, they must be pinched off - a young plant should not waste energy on flowering). It should be noted that cuttings of local plants take root best of all.

If the plants took root in the garden, then by winter it is better to dig up the first-year cuttings and transplant them into pots for wintering, which must be put away in the house or in a dry cellar. And in the second year, they can already winter in the soil, provided that a reliable shelter is provided.

To grow a healthy plant that is not afraid of pests and diseases, they need to be properly looked after and, of course, fertilized. You can feed young plants when new shoots reach a height of 15 centimeters. For top dressing, it is better to use complex fertilizer (15 grams per 10 liters of water), infusion of mullein and herbs. Nitrogen fertilization should be stopped in the middle of summer, but fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium can be applied until autumn.

How to grow a rose from a bouquet, video

Growing roses in potatoes

In this way, you can grow a rose from the garden and from a donated bouquet. You just need to prepare the cuttings according to all the rules. It is best to plant in pots with earth, because it is dangerous to leave them in the garden for the winter, unless you have a heated greenhouse or greenhouse, then you can place the cuttings there.

If you grow cuttings in potatoes in a greenhouse, then you need to prepare a shallow, 15 cm row to fit all the cuttings you have prepared. For this method, it is desirable to use the cuttings of the current year, cut at the beginning of flowering.

Now we prepare medium-sized young potatoes, remove all the eyes with the tip of a knife and insert the lower end of the handle into the middle. we place the potatoes in a row, on the bottom of which a layer of sand is previously poured. The distance between the cuttings is 10-15 cm. We cover the greenhouse, if the cuttings are in pots or in the garden, then we cover them with glass jars.

The first watering, immediately after planting, is carried out with water with the addition of potassium permanganate, light pink in color. Then, once every five days we prepare water for irrigation, a spoonful of sugar per liter of water and pour it over with this water.

Gradually, we begin to remove cans or open a greenhouse so that the cuttings get used to external conditions. Under cover, they can be kept for no more than two weeks.

In this way, the potato creates nutrition and moisture for the roots and the cuttings grow faster. Therefore, this method is increasingly used to propagate roses.

How to grow roses from cuttings in autumn

Autumn planting of rose cuttings is necessary in order to keep the cuttings alive and fresh all winter, but to prevent rooting. So that with the advent of spring they are ready for planting and rooting at a permanent place of cultivation.

Most often, it is in the fall that an opportunity arises to get a stalk of some beautiful rose. Then this is the most suitable method. You need to choose a place in the garden where in winter it inflates the most snow. In that place, we drop the prepared cuttings into the ground, completely. From above we pour a layer of dry peat, you can supplement the shelter with spruce branches or dry leaves. So the cuttings will be safe all winter, and in the spring they can be rooted and planted.

How to care for planted cuttings

Taking care of cuttings is not difficult, but it is important to follow all the steps in order to get a beautiful, strong plant:

  1. Watering should be regular, but not excessive, in too wet soil, the roots will quickly rot.
  2. Spraying the leaves allows you to create the necessary moisture for better rooting.
  3. Compliance with the temperature regime is probably the most important thing, at temperatures above 30 degrees there is a possibility that the planting material will simply “weld”. In addition, if you do not constantly ventilate the greenhouse, then pathogens will immediately begin to manifest themselves in a warm and damp environment.
  4. Top dressing is necessary at the growth stage, when the stalk grows more than 20 cm, a complete complex fertilizer for flowers, such as Kemira, is perfect for this.

How to grow a rose from a cutting? It's not that hard. The main thing is perseverance, quality care and adherence to technology.
Watch how to properly cut roses, a very useful video.