Divination rules on a saucer - we call spirits. Divination on a saucer with an alphabetic circle: rules and precautions

Ouija séances were once popular in many of our great-grandmothers' salons. Nowadays, this is a rather exciting activity, but it is necessary to properly prepare for this fortune-telling.

To do this, you need to cut out the alphabetic circle, without which it is impossible to make a session. If there are from two to five people guessing, then the diameter of the circle should be no more than half a meter. If the number is larger, then a larger circle is needed.

It will be more convenient to divide this circle into 32 sectors. In this case, one of the letters (ъ or ё) should be moved outside the central circle. For example, there is the following type of sequential painting of an alphabetic circle. On a straight cross are the letters A, P, Z, Ch. On the diagonal - U, D, L, Y. On the right and left sides: C, V, Shch, N, X, Y, Y, Y. On intermediate letters: B, C, G, T, K, M, R, F, F, W, b, O, E, I, I, E.
Inside the alphabetic one, you need to draw a digital circle from zero to nine. Its diameter is half the alphabetical one. In the same place, write “no” and “yes” in large print.
To the left and to the right, in the intervals between the circles, you must put an exclamation and question marks. In the central part of the circle there should be a distinct point for full concentration of attention.

During a seance, the drawing should be securely fixed on the table. The saucer should be small, light, preferably porcelain, on which the paper will slide well from any movement of the fingers. Also, along the radius on the outside of the saucer, draw a pronounced dark arrow, which will later point to the letters.

A more suitable time for divination on a saucer is the dark time of the day. Do not forget that on some days it is best not to engage in spiritualism, as this is dangerous.

Before you start fortune telling, you need to open the window. All participants in the session are advised to remove any metal objects. Next, turn off the lights and light the candles prepared in advance. Before the session, choose a medium who will talk to the spirit and prepare your questions. In no case should the other participants interfere in the conversation with the spirit. You also need to choose a person who will record your conversation with the spirit, if you are a medium.

Heat the saucer from the inside with a candle flame. Then place it on the edge in the center of the picture, tilting it a little. Next, you need to pronounce the main words three times - “Spirit (Name), please come to us!”. After that, put the saucer in the center, thereby covering the incoming spirit. At the same time, everyone present should carefully touch the edge of the saucer with their fingertips. After that, you need to ask the next question - "Spirit (Name), are you here?".

After that, the saucer should move and indicate the answer to the question by moving to one or another position. If it remains motionless, then you can slightly increase the pressure of your fingers, you can even push the saucer.

You need to know that spirits do not like rough treatment, so try to be polite and friendly. Do not be afraid of the spirit, even if it starts to scare you, as you always stronger than that who was called. Before the end of the session, you need to ask about the wishes of the spirit and politely thank him for his help, then say goodbye.

It will be about the notorious divination on a saucer and the summoning of the spirit. Few people in their youth passed by this terrible divination. The horror of meeting other world did not stop our mothers and grandmothers, curiosity overcame fear. This is one of the most terrible fortune-telling and, most likely, not because it takes place at night after midnight, but because it is considered a great sin, for which one will have to pay. On the other hand, after talking with friends and acquaintances, you come to the conclusion that almost everyone has guessed in this way in their lives. One thing is for sure, this divination with a saucer is not for the faint of heart!

Fortune-telling on a saucer and the summoning of the spirit is usually done at night, you can do it in the evening, after dark. But, you should know that the period of the greatest activity of spirits is from midnight to 4 o'clock in the morning. Fortune telling on a saucer, and indeed any other call of the spirit, is not always possible to carry out, there are days when this should not be done, and, at times, it is simply dangerous. Mostly they tell fortunes on a saucer in Christmas divination, from the evening of Christmas on January 6 to the night of Epiphany on January 19. But you need to divide this time into when everyone can guess, and this is fortune telling on Christmas on Holy evenings from January 6 to 13, and the time when it is better for the uninitiated not to guess, these are Terrible evenings before Epiphany from January 14 to 18. But the most truthful predictions, for some reason, happen exactly on January 18, on the most Terrible evening, and most guess on that day.

For divination with the call of spirits from ancient times, special wooden tablets were used, which were called: Ouija Board, Witch Board or Ouija Board. They gained great popularity in the middle of the 18th century, when they were very fashionable and séances became widespread. These tablets have survived to this day almost unchanged, and they are often works of art.

But divination on a saucer using improvised means: a saucer and a large sheet of paper has always been no less popular. And then you will learn how to tell fortunes yourself on a saucer with a call to the spirit.

Divination with a saucer and the alphabet

When fortune-telling, there should be at least three, four people on a saucer, and there will be more strength to summon, and not so scary. The more people, the easier it is for the spirit to gain the strength necessary to move the saucer, as the spirits feed on your energy. You need to prepare in some way. On whatman or cardboard, you need to draw a large alphabetic circle, around which write all the letters of the alphabet clockwise, in a large circle another smaller circle is drawn, around which numbers from 0 to 9 are written. In the digital circle, write the word “Yes” on top and below the word “No”, and put a saucer in its center. You can arrange the letters of the alphabet and numbers around one large circle. The type of magic circle does not play a fundamental role, the main thing is that big circle and on it were letters of the alphabet and numbers, yes and no. The saucer should be light, preferably porcelain, so that it can glide well over paper or cardboard.

It is desirable that there are no mirrors in the room, or that they are hung or closed with something, the door or window from the street, on the contrary, be open so that the spirit can enter and leave the room through something. Remove all icons from the room in which you are guessing. You need to take off all the metal, rings, chains and crosses. Alcohol is not recommended, otherwise the spirits will not tell the truth. Try to create silence, whisper to each other. With electric light, you can’t guess, 1-2-3 ordinary candles should burn, not church ones. It is necessary to smoke a saucer from the outside over the candle flame in advance and draw an arrow on the smoked side. With this arrow, the spirit will show the letters of the alphabet and numbers. If you simply draw an arrow pointer on the outside of the saucer, then divination on the saucer will still work, but there will be less mysticism.

The saucer should be warm, light, you need to heat it over the flame of a candle and put it upside down in the center of the circle with the alphabet. Spirit summoners rub their palms to keep them warm and sit in a circle around the magic circle sheet, and each place 2 fingers on the upside down side of the saucer evenly in a circle. After that, one of them begins to call the spirit: "Such and such a spirit, come to us." Usually the spirit of a famous poet or writer is called: Pushkin, Yesenin, Mayakovsky, Akhmatova, but you can call the spirit of any other deceased person. But, for some reason, summoning the spirits of relatives is even more terrible than writers. As soon as the saucer cools down, heat it up again. And so you call until the saucer starts to move slowly. Everyone knows that a spirit runs under an inverted saucer, thereby selecting letters for words. Be sure to think in advance and formulate your questions to the spirit, when everything starts, you will not be up to it.

When the spirit came, you need to ask: “Are you here”, he will show “Yes” with an arrow on the saucer, you will ask: “Did you come to us with good intentions?” or “Do you want to communicate with us?” If he answers “No”, immediately kick him out, and if he shows: “Yes”, then you can already start asking questions, without laughing, without swearing, quietly. Spirits like correct, polite treatment. And the main thing is the mood, then everything will work out. Sometimes spirits have to be summoned for quite a long time, and sometimes they are not easy to drive away. But this rarely happens. Usually, astral entities want to communicate, otherwise, why would they leave their twilight world, and how would we know about?

If the spirit begins to write something bad, it must be immediately driven out with the words: “The spirit of such and such, go away,” and so on several times. Then you ask again: “Spirit, have you left?”. If he left, then the saucer will stand in one place, not moving at all, and if he did not leave, then the saucer will show either “No” or “Yes”. Always ask the spirit, "Are you kidding?" Spirits very often joke! In this case, you can call another spirit to continue divination on a saucer.

The spirit may stop answering questions, then politely ask him why he does not want to continue talking. And these can be different reasons, sometimes the spirit does not like the presence of men, and sometimes, on the contrary, he wants women to come out. If the spirit answers, and you wish to continue divination, then fulfill his request. Sometimes the spirits communicate reluctantly, and sometimes the saucer runs so fast in a circle that the fingers of fortunetellers do not keep up with it. The fingers of fortunetellers literally come off the saucer, and then it does not seem, but it is reliably seen that it itself runs through the letters of the alphabet, answering questions.

When you communicate with the spirit, thank him and say: “The spirit of such and such, we let you go,” that is, force you to leave our world. At the end, set Security Question: “Spirit, are you still here?” If there is no answer from the saucer, consider that the spirit has left. The window must be open, and no animals in the place where you are guessing. It is necessary to say to the spirit: “Goodbye” until he says goodbye, otherwise, as they say, the spirit can stay and harm. In order to release the spirit, you need to turn the saucer over. People have had cases that the spirit remained in the apartment and frightened its inhabitants. Then the spirits have to be escorted out in other ways.

Another fortune-telling with the summoning of the spirit is described in

You can choose a less creepy way of divination on the page

Divination on a saucer and reviews

Let us give, for example, a few reviews of people who decided to tell fortunes on a saucer. According to the story of one girl, fortune-telling was carried out at the work of a friend. They called Yesenin's spirit, and when the fortune-telling girls asked him about their husbands and children, he stopped answering the question why, answered: "Women" and cursed. Pushkin answered questions reluctantly. Fortune-tellers called Mayakovsky, a man who was born in 1029 came. He more or less began to answer questions, but then fell silent. He was asked "What happened?" He said the boys needed to leave the room. The men went out, and he gladly told each girl who would get married and when and how many children they would have. Then the men were returned, the fortunetellers decided to call Akhmatova, but another woman came. She was asked: "What is your name?" And she answered: “Where am I?”. Here, the fortune-tellers simply had no words from amazement. They explained everything to her. She answered all questions, said goodbye and left.

In another case, they also guessed at work in the laboratory. Only girls guessed, but there was also a young married lady among them, who already had a husband and children, and everything was fine with her, and she did not believe in fortune telling on a saucer, did not want to guess. But the rest, nevertheless, persuaded her to hold on to the saucer for mass character. She agreed, although she didn't have much to ask. There were six guessers in total. Called the spirit of Pushkin. The saucer began immediately, very quickly and willingly to answer all the girls' questions, mainly about suitors, marriage, and children. The saucer moved in a circle with the alphabet itself and at great speed, it was only necessary to touch it with the tips of the fingers, and then, barely. Fingers simply broke away from the saucer, not keeping up with it. Questions were asked in turn. And to the question married lady Whether her husband is cheating on her, Pushkin replied: "Yes." The lady believed that her marriage was very happy, and was incredibly surprised by the answer. When asked who he was cheating with, the spirit replied: "Girls and bl ... and." This, of course, shocked all the modest girls, among the fortune-tellers there was no one on whom one could think that he was friends with the obscenity. But, as time has shown, everything turned out to be true, and the lady very soon divorced her unfaithful hubby, although she had long forgotten about fortune-telling.

According to the reviews of a girl who guessed with her friends 2 times, guessing on a saucer is very scary, but interesting. They called Pushkin, Lermontov, in general, writers. And whoever they didn't call, practically everyone was telling the truth. Much of what the girls guessed last year has already come true, you just need to prepare questions in advance, because when this all happens, you forget everything. According to other reviews, it is very good to guess on a saucer after 2 o'clock in the morning.

According to the reviews of experienced fortune-tellers on a saucer, if someone's saucer does not move, it is most likely in the people themselves who call the spirit or in the place of divination on the saucer. You can try to invite someone else or change the room. “There has never been such a thing that someone did not come to us, everything was always in order and the spirit responds normally.” When you call the spirit, say in chorus: "The holy spirit of so-and-so, enter the circle!"

To tell fortunes in such a serious way, you need to prepare very well, because different cases sometimes, it happens that the spirit may not leave, and do such things to you, there are also such reviews from others. And it's hard to drive out the spirits. For some, it came to the point that they called the priest to the house in order to expel the spirit from the house. Therefore, we advise you to guess not in the house, but somewhere where you do not live, and sometimes you come in. For example, they say that they tell fortunes with their friends in a house they don’t live in, it’s just like a warehouse, a shed where they store old furniture and things. Or in an abandoned room at work, in a laboratory.

They also advise not to laugh during fortune-telling. So, according to the stories of eyewitnesses who wondered and “neighed” merrily, the spirit began to get angry, the saucer pushed the candle, the candle fell to the floor, and there was almost a fire. The fortune-tellers began to expel the spirit, but he did not leave, it took about ten minutes to ask his forgiveness, only then he forgave them and left. Oh, and they suffered fears, it was very scary. After that, it is advised that it is better not to call the spirits, no one knows what can happen. And another fortuneteller told about her similar experience as follows. “For about an hour, nothing worked out for us, then a stream of threats fell upon us, candles crackled and splashed with stearin, a bottle of water for watering flowers overturned, glue leaked onto a napkin, our cosmetic bags and lipsticks deteriorated. In general, this adventure discouraged us from communicating with spirits for a long time.

According to the reviews of one often fortuneteller on a saucer, he and his family and relatives used to fortune tell on a saucer every year, on the night of “devils crawling out of hell”, they called their Yakut writers, Oyuunsky, etc. As a rule, the summoned deceased was asked special questions that most worried: “What age, who will you marry, how many children will you have?” Some managed to ask: “Where are you?”, And the deceased often answered: “Behind you,” and then such goosebumps began to run through that he could hardly sit still, and sometimes he answered: "Behind the wall." There were times when the spirit did not want to leave the house, no matter how hard they tried to say goodbye.

He began to believe in what was happening after the fingers on the saucer were not completely put, but only with nails, and then, quietly, so that they barely touched, and then strange things happened. It seemed that everyone was barely touching, and the saucer was spinning so wildly on the table that they began to be afraid. “And the strangest thing, one day my sisters asked the spirit at what age they would marry and to whom. Then the spirit told the whole truth, which is now. Where are you from, what is your name, how old are you? And how many children will be, boys or girls - everything is absolutely true. He also advises asking the spirit mother tongue caused, “otherwise it happens, you call a person who lived in Soviet time and who did not know the Russian language and you ask him in Russian, and he starts spinning randomly back and forth. And most importantly, before you call, you need to open the door in order to let him pass or the window, this is less desirable.

During fortune-telling, the saucer may begin to famously move in circles, try to fly off the table, or do something else. Then you should hold it and try to complete the divination. In general, such communication with spirits is a very serious matter. You don't have to joke about it. There were cases when the spirit got excited and did not want to leave the fortuneteller. The saucer moved sharply, escaping from under the fingers of the questioners. The fortune-tellers were frightened in earnest. It is believed that if the saucer breaks during fortune-telling, then there will be a big trouble.

And finally, advice from a person who was guessing on a saucer: “You should not be afraid of the spirit, but you should not delude yourself that you are stronger than him - even more so. I no longer remember what questions we asked the spirits, but I only remember the sensations: slightly creepy and very interesting.”

Divination by the spirit on a saucer is a way of divination by calling spirits. Some of the features of divination make it quite creepy, and for this reason, few people use it to get answers to their questions.

A saucer is a magical attribute that helps to turn to the spirits for answers.

But for those who are not afraid to ask for help from otherworldly forces, they will open the veil of the unknown. This method is quite ancient, and was actively used by our ancestors. It was from that time that they came to us various ways divination on a saucer and its features.

Divination rules on a saucer

Almost every one of us in childhood tried to call spirits with the help of a saucer or a circle with letters. For us it turned into interesting game, but in this way it is really possible to summon a spirit, but this must be done no earlier than 24 o'clock at night, but no later than 4 o'clock in the morning. If fortune-telling is performed at any other time, then the desired effect will not work. It is precisely because the process can only take place at night that many avoid this method of divination.

Fortune-telling is carried out mainly on January 6 (Christmas), and also on January 19 (Baptism). At this time, the spirits are most active and will be able to give you a detailed answer to questions asked. It is not advisable to guess on Holy Days, namely from January 14 to 18. At this time, there is a high probability of inviting trouble.

When divining on a saucer, at least three people. If there are fewer people, then the spirit will not receive enough strength to materialize in our world. Before divination, it is better to open a window or a door, or better all at once. But mirrors and large windows need to be curtained with something.

Animals, especially cats, are very sensitive to otherworldly phenomena, they must be removed from the room before divination. This is done in order not to frighten away the incoming spirit, and not to unnerve the animal once again.

Fortunetellers will have to remove crosses, amulets, wearable icons, as well as any metal jewelry. Also, don't drink alcohol the night before.

Preparing for divination on a saucer

For divination, you will need a saucer or a small flat plate and a witch's board. If a saucer is definitely found in every house, then you will have to make a semblance of a witch's board with your own hands. To do this, you will need a large sheet of paper and a black felt-tip pen.

For divination you need a saucer

Divide the sheet with a horizontal line and above it write the entire alphabet in a semicircle, as well as the words “no” and “yes”. Under the line, place the numbers from 0 to 9 and the words "goodbye" and "hello." You need to write very clearly and legibly, so that the spirit can make out letters and words and does not give false information.

The choice of a saucer must also be taken very seriously. It should be light enough to slide on a witch board or a homemade paper version of it. The ideal option is a porcelain saucer white color. On reverse side an arrow is drawn on it, which will be your guide in divination.

It is better to prepare everything you need in advance. Better to use in divination church candles from natural wax, they will need two pieces. Paraffin candles are not recommended. Before divination, a window and a door open, all light sources and electrical appliances are turned off. Fortunetellers sit down at the table and start fortune telling.

Features of divination on a saucer

In addition to all the attributes, before fortune-telling, you need to decide on the leader. It is this person who will talk to the spirit, ask him questions. Before starting, the leader should hold the saucer in his hands for several minutes.

It is better to call on spirits that have recently left our world, if they are somehow connected with the leader (relative, friend, etc.).

During fortune telling, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. Only one person should conduct a dialogue with the spirit, so as not to confuse the spirit and cause confusion.
  2. Questions are pre-recorded so as not to forget or miss anything.
  3. Questions are formulated clearly and correctly.
  4. There should be no other source of light in the room other than candles. The light of electric lamps frightens the spirits, and they are unlikely to contact you.
  5. Fortunetellers should concentrate as much as possible on the process.
  6. The saucer must not be released, under any circumstances.
  7. In the process of divination, it may not be the spirit that you invoked that is talking to you. There are a huge number of entities wandering around us and this could be one of them. At the very beginning, ask with whom you are talking, and also specify the number of spirits in the room.
  8. If you have any doubts about the coming entity, then it is better to send it to where it came from.
  9. Be firm during divination. Some spirits do not want to leave our world and may remain wandering in your apartment or house. To avoid this, strongly ask the spirit to leave our world at the end of the session.

If the saucer moves too quickly and, as it were, in jerks, take it tighter, because the initiative should be in the hands of fortunetellers, not the spirit. It is impossible for one of the participants to independently move the saucer, otherwise the meaning of all fortune-telling is lost.

The worst thing that can happen during a séance is to break the saucer. The consequences can be extremely unpleasant and even dangerous, so handle the saucer carefully and hold it firmly with your hands.

The worst thing that can happen during a séance is to break a saucer.

What spirits are contacting

In our world there are many bundles of energy, or as they are commonly called spirits. Most often, they are not hostile either to fortunetellers or to each other. They are just in space and any séance for them as entertainment. Such spirits get in touch out of pure interest and detailed information most often they don't.

Answering questions superficially, entities operate with information that is available to them at a subtle level, but which is hidden from living people. Not only can the answers be slurred, but the session can quickly get boring for the spirit, and it will leave without saying goodbye in English.

  1. Among others, there may be darker clots of energy near us, which can be aggressive towards fortune-tellers or arbitrarily get into the process of fortune-telling.
  2. Most often, the plate begins to frantically twitch and show nonsense of numbers and letters. In this case, it is better to stop fortune-telling and send the spirit back to its world.
  3. If you are guessing for the first time and have not had such an experience before, then most likely a lower spirit will contact you, which can impersonate the one you were trying to call.
  4. This happens due to the fact that restless souls remain in our world and are closer to us, which means they hear the call first.
  5. During a seance, a channel with the subtle world is established, which remains open for a very long time.
  6. During subsequent divination, the chance to “hear” that particular spirit increases significantly.

Also, the probability of communicating with a spirit from the subtle world is very high if there is a medium among the fortune-tellers. The person may not even be aware of their abilities, but this will help the whole group during the session.

Medium - usually a calm person, thanks to which divination with a saucer is successful

Don't guess for fun. This should be a deliberate and balanced decision of all participants in the session. Guessing is only necessary if you want to know the answers to the questions you are interested in. Since spirits for the most part do not like to be disturbed, divination should be carried out as rarely as possible in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

How to communicate with spirits

Quite often people try to summon souls famous people, historical figures. Such fortune-telling takes place, but it is easier and more productive to invoke the spirit of a relative or friend who has recently left this world. It will be easier if this spirit is somehow connected with the leader, so he will get in touch faster.

Some daredevils evoke the spirits of people who, during their lifetime, were murderers, maniacs, rapists, etc. It is not worth doing this, because the entities, most likely, will be aggressive and it is difficult to predict the reaction to the people who disturbed them.

As practice shows, spirits are difficult to summon and no less difficult to send back. The host must call the spirit into our world with the words: “Spirit, (surname and name), come to us!”. You need to speak clearly and confidently. When the spirit appears, the saucer will begin to move or oscillate, then the following question is asked to the entity: “(last name and first name), are you here?”.

If the arrow on the saucer turns to “yes”, then you can start asking the spirit for answers to your questions. If the saucer has ceased to show signs of the presence of the spirit, then call again.

You should not bore the essence with stupid, meaningless questions, since divination on a saucer is not a game, but a serious exercise aimed at obtaining certain results. If the spirit answers inappropriately, and the answers themselves become unclear and vague, then it's time to end the session and send the soul back to where it came from.

Before you finish fortune-telling, you need to thank your “interlocutor” for the work done, saying: “Spirit, last name and first name, we thank you and let you go! Go in peace!" After that, it is necessary to withstand a short pause and ask: “Spirit, are you still here?”.

If the plate does not make any signs after three such questions, a séance. All participants in divination must mentally say goodbye to the essence and remove their hands from the saucer.

At the end of fortune-telling over the saucer, you need to read any prayer you know and turn it over in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and protect yourself in the future. The leader must do this. After that, the candles are extinguished, and the electric light is lit. This will scare away the entities that are still nearby, although they have not entered into communication with fortunetellers.

Searching for a person with a saucer

Many believe that only the souls of dead people can be called with the help of a saucer. This is not true. You can also turn to the spirit of a living person. Each of us has an astral body, which can separate from its corporeal shell and soar in space.

Most often this happens during "sleep flights". Everyone has felt it at some time, but most people think of it as just a dream. Some may consciously separate from the body and look at what is happening from the side. This takes practice and time.

Why is the astral spirit of a living person invoked? This is done to search for lost or missing people. With the help of such a seance, one can also find out whether a person is alive or not. The process is no different from the classic divination on a saucer.

The attitude of the church to divination on a saucer

As with any other fortune-telling, the church has a negative attitude towards spiritualistic sessions. Religion does not approve of the invasion of the world of spirits, since a disturbed soul can forever remain between the worlds and wander there. This makes sense, since inept fortune-telling can harm not only the essence itself, but also fortune-telling people.

The church considers spiritualism to be a grave sin, since it believes that through mediums, not the souls of the dead, but demons, turn to people.

The Danger of Spiritualism

Summoning spirits should be treated as a serious activity, and not as ordinary entertainment. Even if you know how to guess, but are not sure that you can finish what you started, it is better not to start.

Sometimes people can fall under the influence of spirits, which can damage their mind. The person becomes dependent on them and obeys every word. There are frequent cases of murders and suicides on this basis. In 1991, the press heatedly discussed the case when four teenagers during spiritualism killed their classmate, inflicting several fatal stab wounds on her, after which the body was thrown into the river. As it turned out later, they not only killed the girl, but also drank her blood, as the spirit ordered them to do so.

It is also worth remembering that, like any magical action, a seance takes away a person’s vital energy. For this reason, they should not be abused.

It should be remembered: divination with a saucer is a seance that takes away vital energy

Under the guise of the soul of a dead person, an evil entity can come into contact, which initially does not seem dangerous. Such spirits are quite convincing, but they can give false information, or even go completely out of control. In this case, you need to remember that the saucer must not be let go, otherwise the spirit will remain in our world and can cause trouble. People with a weak psyche are not recommended to participate in divination by summoning spirits.

Many people are skeptical about everything. what is connected with otherworldly forces. And the call of ghosts and spirits is considered complete nonsense. But there are facts to the contrary. And, having produced, you can touch the unusual.

This type of divination became fashionable at the end of the century before last, when spiritism began to be carried away everywhere. There are many fans of such entertainment in our time.

To start the session, you should carefully prepare. For divination, whatman paper, a porcelain saucer and a couple of candles are needed. There should be no inscriptions or drawings on the plate. The saucer is taken in white and it is from porcelain, because this way it moves faster and easier. Draw a diagram on paper. Instead of paper, you can use a smooth board. In the first half of the scheme, letters from A to Z are written in a semicircle, in the second half the numbers from 0 to 1 are also written in a semicircle, only curved in the opposite direction from the first, as a result, both inscriptions form, as it were, an open circle. On the sides of this figurative circle, words are written: on the left - yes, on the right - no.

When the scheme is created, candles are lit, which are smoked from the inside of the saucer, until it becomes completely dark on one side. And on the outside of the plate using the same method, a thin strip is applied - an arrow.

Before starting fortune-telling on a silver platter, participants in the ceremony should remove all hairpins, earrings and other jewelry. The window or door needs to be slightly opened, or at least the latches removed from them. All pets must be removed from the room. best time, to make fortune-telling, starts at midnight and lasts until four o'clock, but you can start earlier, with the onset of darkness.

At the next stage, the presenter is selected, who sits in front of the drawing paper, the rest are located around her at the table. When the presenter takes the saucer and slightly warms it over the candles, the rest should rub their palms at this time so that they become warm.

Divination on a saucer begins with a call to the spirit of a recently deceased person. Some call on the spirit of their loved ones or relatives who have departed for the other world. This is what the leader does. She takes a saucer with both hands and, turning its black side to her face, utters a spell: spirit, come to us. For example, the spirit of Ivan Ivanovich, come to us. Further, a saucer is placed in the center of the circle on a drawing paper, and all the other fortunetellers touch it with their fingertips and wait for its movement. When the plate moves towards a letter, the presenter calls it out loud. If the letter is correct, then the saucer should move towards the word "yes".

From this moment begins all the most unusual. The spirit is asked what his name is, and who else came with him. There are several spirits, and they pass the saucer to each other. Sometimes it happens that the saucer remains motionless, which means that the spirit is not in the mood to talk. But, this is rare, usually the dead love to talk.

When performing divination on a saucer, you should remember some rules. Firstly, only the host can communicate and ask questions to the spirits. Therefore, it is necessary to decide in advance what the conversation will be about. Secondly, fortune-telling is done only by candlelight, ordinary electric light will not work. Thirdly, when the host asks a question, everyone present should concentrate and free their heads from extraneous thoughts. With spirits you need to be polite, they like courteous treatment.

During the process, the saucer may begin to quickly move in a circle, fall or do something else. In this case, you need to hold it and finish fortune telling on a saucer. Things like this need to be taken very seriously. There are times when it is very difficult to return the spirit back, and if the plate breaks, then there will be trouble. So that the spirit does not remain in the apartment and does not start doing various outrages, at the end of fortune-telling it should be thanked and released by turning the saucer over.

Divination on a saucer is a very common and popular ritual, as it not only allows you to get a clear answer to any question, but also makes it possible to make contact with supernatural forces. After all, in order to obtain the necessary information, you will need the help of some kind of spirit.

Fortune telling on whatman paper with a saucer - the call of the spirit

To date, there are many methods that will help to get answers to really all questions. This is divination, and so on.

What do we know about divination on whatman paper with a saucer? This is very ancient rite divination, during which the sorcerer has to resort to summoning the spirit. The tools used in the ritual are a board or drawing paper on which the alphabet is written, and a triangular pointer, which is controlled by the incoming entity. In this case, the pointer is replaced by a saucer.

Also, the rite is very similar to divination with a needle and thread or a ritual with a pendulum. If you stopped at divination with a saucer, then put the plate on whatman paper, draw the alphabet in a circle, in the center you can write numbers, the words “yes” and “no”. Some methods indicate that it is also worth writing the words “Hello” and “Farewell”.

Remember, the ceremony is performed not alone, but in the company of other people. If you are not experienced enough and are afraid that some extraneous spirit will come to your call, protect yourself in advance. This can be done using rituals either.

In order to properly conduct the ritual, it is worth observing all the little things. First, buy a new plate for the ritual. It should be completely white, without any patterns. Turn the attribute over so that it slides easily over the paper, be sure to draw an arrow on one edge.

It is with its help that the spirit will show the necessary letters and numbers. During the performance of the ritual, everyone is forbidden to talk to each other, joke, film the process on video or photo. Among all participants there should be a person who will ask absolutely all questions. It is also desirable that there be one participant who can quickly record answers.

When you are ready, each of the participants in the action should put their fingertips on the plate. In addition, write down all the questions that will be asked in advance, since it’s better not to invent them on the go.

At the beginning of the ceremony, the leader should say out loud:

We call the spirit (name).

This part of the ritual can be replaced if you have chosen one of the rituals for summoning a particular soul. If you have not chosen a specific magical assistant, then repeat the words of the call three times. After that, you should find out if the magical assistant has appeared. To do this, the facilitator asks:

Spirit, are you there?

In the event that everything is done correctly, the plate will point to the word "Yes". It is necessary to say hello to the magical essence, after which it will answer you in the same way. If there is no answer, there is no point in conducting the ceremony.

If you try to summon the entity a couple more times, then in the end it will get angry and be able to damage you. When you greet the evil spirits, you can already proceed to the divination itself. Now the facilitator needs to start asking questions according to the list. The second is given only after the answer to the first is heard.

Spirit cannot be rushed. During manipulations, it is forbidden to take your hands off the saucer or specifically move it. Do not immediately start discussing the answers (if the questions are not related), according to the reviews, it is better to take time for this after the ceremony.

If you opted for divination with a plate and the alphabet, then be sure to adhere to all the canons that are necessary for the correct performance of the ceremony. To get started, fully open the window or at least the window. This will ensure the appearance of the spirit in the room.

Do not use lamps to illuminate the room. It is best to light wax candles. Paraffin candles are not used in rituals. When asking questions, make sure that each question is asked only once. They should be built simply, concisely. You can not ask questions that can be answered in two ways.

If the assistant who came refused to give advice, then it is forbidden to ask questions or demand an answer again. Incorrect behavior will anger the spirit. When the information is received, be sure to say goodbye to the magical assistant.

In the event that he does not want to urgently leave, say the text “Our Father” three times in chorus and ask Higher power drive away the magical assistant. The ritual is considered completed only at the moment when the spirit has stopped responding to various questions.

If you are conducting a seance for the first time, it is recommended to involve a more experienced comrade in it. It is desirable that at least one person who has previously dealt with such magic be present among the participants in the ritual.

This is important, because even if you protect yourself and use the ritual of summoning a good spirit, it is possible that an evil entity will come to meet you. An experienced sorcerer will be able to identify it and send it to another world. Remember, the stronger the helper from another world is, the harder it will be to send him back.

Remember, under no circumstances should you ask an entity to show its face. IN best case he will simply scare you, at worst, he will penetrate into this world and it will be really difficult to expel him.