Interesting games with children in the summer camp. Games with children in a children's camp


Equipment: Volleyball.

Game description: The playing field with a length of 8-10 meters is outlined on both sides by lines, behind which are the bouncers (leaders), their task is to knock the players out of the field with the ball, the ball is served alternately from one bouncer to another.


Equipment: Volleyball.

Game description: The players, standing in a circle, throw the ball to each other (catch or beat, as in the game "volleyball"), the one who misses or drops the ball becomes a "potato" - squats in a circle and it can be hit by the ball. If the ball after hitting the “potato” falls to the ground, then it is not considered missed and the game is resumed, if the “potato” manages to catch the ball (like a “candle”), then the lost ball becomes the “potato”, and the rest of the players leave the circle.

flying goose

Game description: Participants stand in a circle, stretch out their arms, while the palms must be held vertically, placing their right palm on left palm neighbor on the right. All players alternately pronounce one word from the rhyme, for each word they make a move - a clap on the left hand of the neighbor on the left. "Flew-goose-shouted-marry." - "On whom?" - "On you". - "How many times?" - number; or: "A crow-in blue-knickers-read-a-newspaper-under the number" - a number; or: "Dragon-dragons-ate-doughnuts-how many-doughnuts-did-dragons-ate?" - number. The player calls any number out loud and clap. Claps are counted aloud one by one. The task of the player on whom the named number “drops out” is to quickly remove his hand from under the cotton. Who did not make it, is out.

I know five names

Equipment: Ball.

Game Description: They mint a ball (palm) on the ground, pronouncing the next word with each hit: “I know five names of girls (boys, names of flowers, birds, and so on ad infinitum): Masha - one, Tanya - two, Katya - three, Sonya - four , Ira - five, I know five ... "If a player makes a mistake or makes a long pause, the ball goes to another player, when the ball makes a circle and returns to the player, the game for this player resumes from where it was interrupted (as it is is done in the "classics"), while it is better to agree in advance in what order the objects will be called.


Game Description: A circle with a diameter of 1.5-2 m is drawn, in which all participants are placed. The driver throws the ball as high as possible, and everyone scatters as far as possible from the circle. Having caught the ball, the driver shouts "stop", selects the "victim" and assigns the number of steps to it (the steps can be very diverse and in different numbers, for example, two "giants" and "five" midgets ").

If the driver, after completing the designated steps, manages to touch the driver, then the “victim” becomes the driver. The names of some steps: "giants" - big steps in a jump, "Lilliputians" - a half-foot step, "thread" - from toe to toe, "ducklings" - squat, "umbrellas" - jump with a coup, "bunny" - jump - legs together. The rest you can come up with yourself.

The sea is rough...

Game Description: The driver stands with his back to the players, who depict various figures in motion, and pronounces the words: “The sea worries - one, the sea worries - two, the sea worries - three, a marine figure, freeze in place.” Then turns around. The one who did not have time to freeze or move first becomes the leader.


Game description: The players collect one of any item, which are put into a bag. After that, one player is blindfolded; the leader pulls out things in turn, and the blindfolded player comes up with a task for the pulled out thing, the owner of which must complete it.

Tasks can be very different: sing a song, dance, etc. Only fantasy can limit your choice.

kitty scat

Game description: The driver stands with his back to the players. The leader points with his hand at any player of the opposite sex (in relation to the leader) and says “kitty”. If the driver answers “shove,” then the leader points to another player, asking the same question.

If the answer is “meow”, then the host asks what this player should do together with the driver (or invites the driver to pull the task out of the hat). The couple is on a mission. For example: dances, sings, depicts a famous monument, draws with a connected pair of legs, etc. Then the driver joins the players, and the called player becomes the driver.

Fishing rod

Game description: A fishing rod is a jump rope. One of its ends is in the hand of the "fisherman" - the driver. All players stand around the "fisherman" no further than the length of the rope. The "fisherman" begins to spin the "fishing rod", trying to hit the legs of the players with it. "Fish" must protect themselves from the "fishing rod" by jumping over it. So that the "fish" do not interfere with each other, there should be a distance of about half a meter between them. "Fish" should not leave their seats. If the "fisherman" managed to catch the "fish", i.e. touch the "fishing rod", then the place of the "fisherman" is taken by the caught "fish". Two conditions must be observed: the rope can be twisted in any direction, but you can not lift it from the ground higher than 10-20 cm.

Tea-tea, help me out

Description: There is a driver (or several) who blurs the participants. The person he has stained stands up and starts saying: “Tea-tea-help me out!” Uncaught players try to help out a comrade by trying to touch him. If this succeeds, then the tagged player is released and back in ife. The point is to catch everyone.

12 sticks

Game description: This game requires a plank and 12 sticks. The plank is placed on a flat stone or a small log to make it look like a swing. All the players gather near these "swings". 12 sticks are placed on the lower end, and one of the players hits the upper end so that all the sticks scatter. The driver collects sticks, and the players at this time run away and hide. When the sticks are collected and laid on a plank, the driver goes to look for those who have hidden. The found player is out of the game. Any of the hidden players can sneak up to the "swing" unnoticed by the driver and scatter the sticks again. At the same time, hitting the board, he must shout out the name of the driver. The driver collects the sticks again, and all the players hide again. The game ends when all the hidden players have been found and the driver has managed to save his wands. The last player found becomes the leader.

Interesting educational games for children's camp.


Yourself as a neighbor

Inventory: Coin, ring or button.

Game progress: Participants stand in a circle and learn the movement: arms shoulder-width apart, the palm of the left hand folds into a bucket, fingers right palm collected (as if holding something). Simultaneously repeating the words "to themselves - to their neighbor", the players imitate the shifting of the object from hand to hand ( right hand from the left palm to the left palm of a neighbor) a small object. When the players have learned the movements, the leader is selected, he leaves the circle and turns away. The host puts a small object to one of the players in the left hand (ladle). The driver returns to the circle, and the game begins. The task of the driver is to guess who has the object in his palm, the task of the other players is to pass the object unnoticed by the driver.

1-1, 1-2

Game progress: All players sit in a circle. Players count in numerical order and memorize their numbers. The host sets the pace: two knee claps, two hand claps. Everyone repeats. As soon as it is possible to establish a single rhythm, words are introduced. Hitting the knees twice, the host says his number “one, one” twice. Then, clapping his knees for the first time, he says his number, after the second clap, he says the number of the player to whom he passes the word (for example: “one, three”). Now this player (numbered "3"), without leaving the general pace, leads the game.

Elephant, toaster, monkey

Game progress: The participants stand in a circle. The driver unexpectedly points at someone and says one of the words (elephant, toaster, monkey, skunk, giraffe, bird). The player who was pointed to and the neighbor to the right and left of him must show certain movements. If someone hesitates or makes the wrong piece, he leaves the game or becomes the leader.

Shapes and movements:

Elephant - the player makes a trunk out of his hands, and the neighbors - ears to him.

Toaster - the player jumps in place, and the neighbors close it in a mini circle, holding hands.

Monkey - the player pretends to be a monkey, and the neighbors pretend to rummage through his hair.

Skunk - the player moves his foot on the ground and is shy, and the neighbors depict emotions like "fuuuu ...".

Bird - the player himself makes a beak from his hands, and the neighbors bend one leg, farthest from the player, and take the hand to the side.

Giraffe - this player raises both hands up, and his two neighbors - on the right and on the left - should squat down.


Game progress: All participants sit in a circle. The host sets a certain rhythm (for example, a song) by clapping his hands. The guys must repeat this rhythm in a circle, provided that each clap only once.

I will go south

Inventory: A toy.

Game progress: Participants sit in a semicircle or circle. The host says that soon he will go south and take the most attentive with him. The host says: “I will go south and take with me ... (names an object), take it, please” and passes the toy to the neighbor. The neighbor also starts and continues the phrase. At the end of the circle, the counselor names the one whom he will take with him (those who said: “Please take it”). The circle is repeated until everyone understands that at the end of the phrase you need to say: “Take it, please.”


Inventory: Chairs.

Game progress: Two players sit on chairs in some unusual positions. The driver is asked to remember the positions of the players (for 20-25 seconds), then he leaves the room or turns away. Two of the remaining players are invited to change the positions of those sitting on the chairs. The driver, returning to the room, must restore the initial poses of the players from memory. By the way, the players themselves must remember their initial postures.


Game progress: The players stand in a circle. The first player (usually the counselor) passes the word “zipp” to someone with a directed clap and a slip of the hand, the one to whom the word was sent must then pass the word “zepp” in the same way, the next passes the word “zap”. Each time, "zipp-zepp-zapp" is transmitted sequentially. Gradually, the pace accelerates, and whoever made a mistake (for example, instead of “zapp”, said “zepp”) or did not see that he was being passed the move, is eliminated. The game continues until one winner.

Who did I guess?

Game progress: Everyone sits in a semicircle. The counselor names any three objects and asks who he thought of. The participants are trying to understand by what principle the counselor thinks of this or that person and how the objects are connected, but it turns out that the one who is the first to say at least a word is guessed. The game continues until everyone guesses.

What number?

Inventory: Several pens.

Game progress: The counselor lays out several pens on a flat surface in front of the players and asks what number he thought of. Players are trying to find a connection between the laid out objects. The answer is simple: having laid out the handles, the counselor imperceptibly shows a certain number of fingers, which is the answer, and the players should notice this.

cross parallel

Game progress: This is a puzzle game. The counselor says that there are four positions: cross-parallel, parallel-cross, cross - cross, parallel-parallel. The task of the players is to figure out what is at stake. To do this, everyone in a circle, starting with the leader, tells the neighbor on the left one of the provisions, trying to guess their meaning. The facilitator determines "true" or "false" was said. The game continues until the answer is found by each of the players.

Solution: the cross denotes the crossing of the neighbor's legs or arms, and the parallel denotes uncrossed legs or arms. Accordingly, you need to name the position that would indicate the legs and arms of a neighbor. For example, a neighbor's legs are crossed, but his hands are not, I tell him: "Cross-parallel."

Bang Bang

Game progress: The players become in a circle. The host calls the name of any player, folds his hands with a pistol, “shoots” at one of the participants. The named must crouch, dodging the shot. His neighbors on the right and left start a duel. It is necessary to extend a hand in the form of a pistol towards the enemy and say "Bang-Bang" or make other sounds of shooting. The one who does it a little later than his opponent loses. If the player whose name was called did not crouch in time, then he is killed, as he is between two shooters. The killed (loser) leaves the circle. The remaining two are the winners. You can arrange a duel between them.


Game progress: Participants stand in a circle. The driver is selected, who departs and turns away. At this time, the rest agree who will show dance moves. After that, the driver returns and stands in the middle of the circle, and the rest, creating a dance tempo from the words “Santiki-Fantiki-Limpompo”, repeat the movements shown by the selected player, who changes the movements imperceptibly for the driver. Players must quickly rebuild from one movement to another so that the driver does not calculate the showing. The goal of the driver is to guess the one showing.


Game progress: The host says two random words (“orange” and “suitcase”). One of the participants aloud describes the image that connects the second word of the presenter with the first (for example: an orange rolled out of a suitcase). Then the participant who created the image passes his word to the next player, the one who sits on his left hand. For example, the word "coffee". This player connects the third word with the second word of the host (the orange got into the coffee and left a mark on the clothes), and passes his own word - already the fourth in this chain - as a task to his neighbor on the left.


Game progress: Role cards.

Description: There is a city. The players represent the inhabitants of this city. Everyone plays his role: commissioner, doctor, civilians and the mafia. Roles are distributed secretly before the start of the game. A leader is also chosen.

The host plays the game, announces the change of day and night (when “night” - everyone closes their eyes), introduces the mafia to each other, informs the commissioner whether his suspicions of the involvement of city residents in the mafia are true or not (all acquaintances take place at night, eyes are opened only at the request host), leads a daytime discussion of possible candidates for "expulsion from the city."

The mafia every night "removes" one of the honest people (in extreme cases, you can remove your own). During the day, the mafia, along with honest residents, participates in the discussion of possible candidates for "expulsion from the city"; they figure out and "remove" the commissioner, the doctor, as well as all honest people.

The doctor, after a nightly "shot" of the mafia, can prevent the "murder" if he correctly indicates the candidate chosen by the mafia.

The commissioner at night can surely find out about one: whether he belongs to the mafia or not. During the day, guided by the information received at night, it can influence the outcome of the discussion; in case of premature death, it can leave a will with the names of the mafia.

In the course of daytime discussions, peaceful people propose candidates for the "expulsion from the city" of possible members of the mafia, somehow justifying their decision. Carefully observing each other, drawing conclusions from the actions, judgments and statements of others, they try to figure out and neutralize the mafia.

The game ends when either the mafia or civilians die.


Game progress: One of the players thinks of a word and says the letter with which it begins. Everyone else must guess the word. For example, the host has thought of the word "shovel" and tells the players that the word begins with the letter "l". In order for the presenter to open the second letter, it is necessary to choose a word for the letter “l” and give it a small description. For example, one of the players says: "This is at night in the sky." The one who guessed what it was about says: “Contact” and, together with the player who gave the characteristic, counts up to 10 and calls the word at the same time. If the words turned out to be different, the players continue to select words starting with the letter "l". If the words matched, then the host calls the next letter, for example, the letter “o”, and then the syllable “lo” is formed. Now the players begin to select words for this syllable, characterize them, count to 10, etc. If the leader guesses the words that the participants characterize, he says “no, this is not ... (names the word that the players gave the characterization)” . In this game, it is important for the leader that his word cannot be unraveled for as long as possible.

Children at camp may refuse to eat porridge or go to bed. They may get angry or quarrel with each other. But the children always react with great interest to the offer to play games in the summer recreation camp. The point is small - among the rich arsenal of game scenarios, choose one that will captivate children. And since they came to the children's health camp, outdoor games will be very useful for their health. It can be children's sports games or even yard endurance games. If it's the evening, or the kids are already tired of running, you can offer them games for quick wits or arrange a children's art competition. So, to help the counselor - scenarios of various games in the summer health camp. Outdoor games Fishing rod The players form a circle. The driver, standing in the center, rotates the rope with a bag of sand (fishing rod) tied at the end. The players jump over the rope as it passes under their feet, trying not to hit it. The one who touches the rope becomes the leader. molecules Children randomly move around the territory - jump, run, scream. The facilitator calls out: "We unite in groups of four! (Three, five, seven, etc.)" Everyone should quickly form groups - clasping hands or hugging. The one who remained “superfluous” must complete some task. For example, running around a circle or crowing loudly, etc. Hunters and ducks On the site at a distance of 10-15 meters, two parallel lines. All players are divided equally into "hunters" and "ducks". "Hunters" become outside the line, and "ducks" between the lines. "Hunters" throwing the ball, trying to hit them in the "ducks". Salted "ducks" are out of the game. When all the "ducks" are tagged, the teams change roles. The team that knocks down all the "ducks" in less time wins. This outdoor game is sometimes also called "Dodgeball". Jumping tag with one leg A complicated version of the usual bales. This outdoor game can be played on a small playground. The driver, jumping on one leg, tries to catch up with the players who are also jumping on one leg. After the tag has caught up and touched any player, they change places. Touching the ground with two feet, either becomes a tug, or is out of the game (for example, for 3 changes of tug). Turtle tag A less mobile version of conventional tags. The main rule is not to run. You can only move in steps and dodge the tag, so as not to become the leader yourself. Whoever breaks the rule and runs becomes a tag or is out of the game. This outdoor game is suitable for indoors. relay races Relay race of funny kangaroos Players are divided into teams. For the game you need small items - small balls or matchboxes. A player from each team needs to hold this object between their knees and jump some distance to the mark and back to their team. After that, he passes the item to the next participant. If the player dropped the item, then he returns to his place and starts over. The team warmly supports their player, it is advisable for the leader to ask the team to choose a name for themselves before starting. Relay "spoon-potato" A team member needs to run a certain distance, while holding a spoon with a large potato in his outstretched hand. You can't run without potatoes! If it fell, the player returns to the starting position. Tractor The counselor draws two lines at a distance of about half a meter from each other. The squad is divided into two teams and selects the two strongest players. They determine which team will be the “tractor”, which one will be the “cargo”. The selected strongest players will be the "rope". The "tractor" is trying to move the "load" from its place and drag it to its side. At the same time, the “load” resists in every possible way. "Rope" is trying to withstand a double load. Children line up in this way: the players playing the role of the “cable” join hands. The “tractor” team lines up as a “train” one after another, each player holds the “cable” standing in front of the waist on one side. In a similar way, only on the other side of the "cable" - the "load" is lined up. Those who are more successful in their task win. If the "cable" is torn, the "cargo" won. The teams switch roles. turnip There are two teams of six people. The rest are fans. Each team has a grandfather with a grandmother, a bug with a granddaughter, a cat with a mouse. On each of the two chairs, set at some distance from the lined up teams, sits a turnip. For example, a child in a hat with a picture of a turnip. Grandpa starts the game. At a certain signal, he runs to the turnip in order to run around it and return. Then the "grandmother" clings to the grandfather's waist - and now they are running to the turnip together. Then the granddaughter clings to them, then - the Bug, etc. When the whole company in full force, including the mouse, runs around the turnip, the latter clings to the mouse. The team that “pulled the turnip” faster than the other wins. living bridge Children stand in two opposite lines facing each other. Children from opposite ranks hold each other's hands as tightly as possible. A "living bridge from the hands" is formed. One person lies down on this bridge and moves to the end. Then the next one. The counselor does not forget to joke. Children should cheer on those who cross the bridge. There are no winners and losers - this game unites children well and develops hand strength. Observe safety precautions. match tournament This is a set of fun relay races suitable for all ages. The optimal number of participating teams is three. The winning team is awarded three points, the second-place team receives two points, and the third-place team receives a point. The winner is determined by the sum of points after all stages. And you can also stick matches in potatoes for each team for each stage. At the end, calculate how many needles these "hedgehogs" have. The relay race ends when the last player of the team delivers the matchbox to the place where the movement started. If this box falls during the movement, then the relay participant stops, puts the boxes in place and continues on his way. If the task is to build from matches, then the commands for execution are given a certain time. In this case, the teams perform the task in turn. Tasks for the stages: 1. Lay out the words from the matches: “Matches for children are not a game!” 2. Carry the box by placing it on the top of your head. 3. Carry two matchboxes on your shoulders, like shoulder straps. 4. Carry the boxes, before that, putting it with its end on a fist. 5. The task is to quickly collect scattered matches. For teams, 3-5 boxes of matches are scattered in certain places. 6. Carry a box of matches by placing it on your back in the lumbar region. 7. Carry the box on the leg, placing it on the instep of the foot. 8. Whose team will build a "well" of matches taller in two minutes? 9. Carry the box, pressing it with your chin to your neck. Rest the ends of the boxes on the neck and chin. 10. Carry the “cover” of the box (outer part) by putting it on the nose. You need to pass the baton without the help of hands. The participant must remove the box from the relay with his nose. 11. Build a train with several wagons on the ground or on the floor of matches. 12. Put an empty matchbox on the ground or floor and blow on it so that it moves on its own. You need to move the boxes with a breath only one side, return back running. Mind Games Animals on the back Each player is given a picture (or written name) of an animal on his back so that he does not see it. In order to guess, a person asks questions to others. Answer only "yes" or "no". For example: "Do I have feathers? What about fins? Am I a predator? Do I have horns? Do I swim?" etc.). It is better if everyone asks questions. You can make it so that two questions in a row and the same one cannot be asked. If the player guessed the animal, you can hang the next one on his back. And score a point. The one who has more points In addition to animals, you can think of objects, sports equipment, tools, etc. What can be done? Players name options for what can be done, for example, with a glass cup. You can drink from it, squeeze dough circles, crush potatoes, use it as a pencil holder, make a terrarium for bugs out of it, etc. Each player in a circle calls his option. The counselor determines whether the option is suitable or not (for example: “the glass can be put on the shelf” is not suitable, because it is not useful). Whoever cannot name an option is out of the game. Resourceful This game requires a ball and a stopwatch. The players are divided into two teams. Players sit in two lines opposite each other at a distance of about two meters. The counselor takes the ball and throws it to the last player of one of the teams, pronouncing the beginning of any word, for example: “Ko ...” “... slave!” - the player must quickly finish the word and throw the ball to the one sitting opposite: “ Watermelon!" - he must quickly answer and pass the ball to the opponent, shouting the beginning of a new word .. The leader notes any hitch with the answer. If it lasts more than 4-5 seconds, one penalty point is awarded. The counselor also monitors compliance with the rules. He makes sure that the ball is passed accurately so that there are no hints. The whole game should go no more than 3-5 minutes - as agreed. In order to make the game easier or more difficult, you can limit yourself to guessing, for example, the names of animals, plants, cities, musical groups- what is enough imagination. The team with the fewest penalty points at the end wins. Who's in charge here? According to the counting rhyme, they determine the driver who leaves the room or simply moves away, turns away. The rest of the players choose their "main". They become in a circle. As soon as the driver returns, the "main" begins to show any movements, all other players immediately repeat after him. The driver must, with two attempts, determine who is “in charge” here. If he succeeds, the chief becomes the leader. It is highly desirable to play to music - children will be much more willing to move. Do not hurry Game for the development of attention. All players become a semicircle. The leader shows various movements - physical culture or dance. Players repeat, while lagging behind the leader by one movement. At the time when he shows the first movement, the players stand still. When he shows the second move, the players show the first, and so on. As soon as someone makes a mistake, he is out of the game. The one who ends up alone wins. The game is also desirable to carry out the music.


Participants: children aged 6 to 14

HOST: Good afternoon guys! I am very glad to see all of you and greet all the detachments of the children's camp "LEP". Is the Merry Hive squad ready for the opening of the camp shift? Your motto! (Roll call in progress) We dedicated the opening of the camp shift to the International Children's Day, which took place quite recently. Protection from hunger and disease, from overwork, from ignorance, from fear and resentment, from the horrors of war.

How well children laugh On the whole Earth, on the whole planet! I want the world around to reign, And to give you happiness!

HOST: When the first child in the world was born and laughed for the first time, his laughter broke into a thousand small pieces, each of which turned into a bright ray of sunshine. How many rays does the sun have? There are countless of them, the rays are intertwined with each other and therefore in the summer the sun shines so brightly and warms.

Tell me, guys, what color is the beginning of our sonorous summer? Green, red and blue, Polka dots and specks of any color! It is also of a yellow-yellow color, Like a field that is warmed by the rapeseed sun Of a beautiful, kindest color The beginning of our southern summer!

HOST: With the advent of summer, summer camps for children begin their work. The funniest, smartest and most talented guys gathered in our LEP camp. The word for greetings and congratulations on the beginning of the first stream is given to the head of the camp.


1. GAME-SHOUTING "FOR ME" For whom did the birds sing, for whom? -for me For whom summer has come, for whom? -for me For whom is fun around, for whom? -for me About whom am I the smartest, about whom? -about me About whom am I the most friendly, about whom? -about me For whom is a fun camp, for whom? -for me

HOST: I see that you are really the smartest and most wonderful children. In your squads, you have already met each other, but I think you don’t know all the guys from other squads. Therefore, now I offer you a game for acquaintance, which is called "Drozd"

2. GAME FOR ACQUAINTANCE "THROZD" Participants form two circles - internal and external, equal in number. The players of the inner circle turn their backs to the center, pairs are formed. Then, together with the presenter, they say: I am a thrush, you are a thrush (show with a palm at themselves and a neighbor) I have a nose and you have a nose (touch your nose and a neighbor) I have scarlet cheeks and your scarlet cheeks (touch cheeks) We are with you two friends (hugs or shake hands, we love each other calling our names)

Then the outer circle takes a step to the right and new pairs are formed. Game continues.

3. GAME "MOLECULES". While the music is playing, everyone is dancing. As soon as the music stops, the presenter gives a command, for example, “Molecules by 3”. Children need to quickly join hands, forming a circle of three people. Teams can be different: 5, 9, 2 each. And at the end of the game, you can invite the guys to make a molecule called "children's camp", where all the participants in the game will gather.

4. COMPETITION "WATER PLANT". 2 participants are called to participate in the competition. Each of them is given a glass of lemonade and a tube in the form of glasses, which the participant must put on himself. At the command of the leader, the players begin to drink lemonade. It looks very interesting and funny. But still, the winner is the participant who drinks his lemonade faster.

5. PUZZLE COMPETITION Tell the name of the literary hero:

cat (Leopold, in boots) brownie (Kuzya) dad (Carlo) woman (Yaga) old man (Hottabych) old woman (Shapoklyak) uncle (Styopa, Fedor) postman (Pechkin) doctor (Aibolit) little (Muk) baron (Munchausen) Christopher (Robin)

6. GAME "POP THE BALL, POP" The player is tied to the leg balloon. All participants in the game enter the drawn circle. Task: step on the opponent's ball, but save your own. You can't leave the circle.

7. GAME FOR THE DARE "Thunder and Rain" Pairs of players participate. Between the heads of the participants is a ball. Which couple will pop the balloon faster with only their heads (a little water is poured into the balloon)

8. RELAY RACES: - Lay out the name. At the finish line there are leaflets with the endings and the beginning of the names written on them. At the signal of the host, the first players run to the finish line and put together one name from scraps of names. After that, they return to the team. The next participant runs. It also makes up the next name. Who will make names faster.

Everything is on a string. At the command of the leader, the team captain must pass a spoon, to which a long rope is tied, through the clothes of all participants standing in a line. Who quickly?)

Rope jumping. Jumping on a rope, run to the finish line and back, passing the rope to the next player.

Run to the pins and back. At the leader's signal, the first player runs to the pin located at the finish line, goes around it and returns to the team, passing the baton to the next player. Who quickly?

- “transfer a friend” The team captain runs with the first participant to the finish line, leaves him there, returns for the next participant to the start line. etc. until it translates the entire command)


HOST: Guys, today's holiday showed that together we are POWER! I want the sun to shine - And not only over our country, So that children all over the planet Smile with me, So that they wake up in the morning And see the sun in the window.

You and I are one family: you, we, you, me. Feel the nose of the neighbor on the right. Feel the nose of the neighbor on the left. We're friends. You and I are one family: you, we, you, me. Hug the neighbor on the right. Hug the neighbor on the left. We're friends. You and I are one family: you, we, you, me. Pinch the neighbor on the right. Pinch the neighbor on the left. We're friends. You and I are one family: you, we, you, me. Kiss the neighbor on the left. Kiss the neighbor on the right. We're friends.

THE JURY SUBSCRIBES ITO SCENARIO sports game"Young fun". The game is suitable for holding a holiday on February 23 at school or a sports game at a summer camp.

HOST: Good afternoon guys! I am glad to welcome you to the sports game "Very well done"

HOST: Attention! Is the "Berkut" squad ready for the sports game "Very well done fun"? Your motto! Is the Vityazi detachment ready for the sports game "Good Fun"? Your motto!

HOST: Homework was to form teams and come up with names for them. Commands to the original!

/ Two teams line up at the start line. Each team is led by a captain.

RELAY RACES: 1. Relay race with turns. (The first participants run to the finish pin, run around it 2 times and return to the team. The following participants run. Who is faster?)

2. Collect skittles. (At the distance, pins are placed for each team. The first participant, having reached the first pin, takes the pin and returns to the team. The next player runs to the second pin and takes it with him. So until all teams collect all the pins)

3. Leave the painting. (At the finish line there is a sheet with a pencil. At the command of the leader, the first players run to the sheet with a pencil, write their name on the sheet and return to the team. Who is faster?)

4. Towards each other. (The team is divided into 2 parts and stands opposite each other. On a signal, the first participant runs to the second participant, who is opposite. Passes the baton to him. The second participant runs to the third from the team. Etc. The team wins, the halves of which are the first to change places.)

5. Passed - sit down. (the captain stands opposite the team. He has the ball in his hands. On a signal, the captain throws the ball to the first player. He, having caught the ball, returns it to the captain and crouches. The captain throws the ball to the second player. The player does the same as the first.)

6. Horse racing. (Relay participants must quickly put on a skirt and jump rope to the finish line and back.)

7. Help your neighbor. (Participants are divided into pairs. At the signal of the host, the first pair of one of the participants is blindfolded. The second helps the first. Thus, the pair must go to the finish line and back.)

8. Relay with the ball. (participants are divided into pairs and pinch the ball with their stomachs. Thus, they reach the finish line and return to the team. Who is faster)

9. Porters. (the team is given a “load” (balls, skittles, buckets). At the signal of the leader, the first players run with the load to the finish line and back. Passes the “load” to the second)

HOST: Well done guys, friendship has won! Now all together let's play the game "Dragon Tail"

/ Summing up the sports game. Prize giving.

Scenario by fire safety(for schoolchildren)

SCENARIO OF THE GAME FOR STUDENTS OF GRADES 5-6 "MAGNIFICENT SEVEN" on fire safety at school and at home.

1. Acquaintance. At the signal of the host, one of those sitting at the table writes his name on the sheet, and so on until the names of all seven players are written on the sheet. As soon as the team completes the task, one of the players picks up a piece of paper on an outstretched hand. The reward for winning is one token. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

HOST: The work of firefighters always involves a meeting of two elements: water and fire. There are many proverbs and sayings about these elements.

2. Proverbs and sayings. Participants need to name proverbs and sayings that mention "fire" and "water". In a real auction, the winner is the one who offered the last, highest price - the token will be received by the team whose proverb or saying will sound last. Examples of proverbs and sayings: In fire, iron is fusible. Water breaks the mill. Water will find a way. Where there is fire, there is smoke. Good does not burn and does not sink. There is no smoke without fire. And a day of fire. Much water has flowed under the bridge since then. They carry water on the angry.

HOST: Now we will hold the most difficult competition of our program, which we called "Blitz".

3. Blitz. Each team will be asked a certain number of questions to which it will have to answer within 90 seconds. For each correct answer, the team will receive a token. Sample questions: 1. What fire extinguishing agents are considered primary? (Shovel, bucket, crowbar, axe, sand, water) 2. What are fire extinguishers called? (OHP-10 - chemical foam fire extinguisher; OU-5 - carbon dioxide fire extinguisher) 3. How to knock down a flame from burning clothes on a person? (Cover the fire with burlap, a sweatshirt, a blanket. You can knock the fire off yourself by rolling on the ground) 4. What is included in the competition program in fire-applied sports? connects everything together, runs along the boom, attaches the sleeves to the fork, climbs the house on the folding ladder, puts out the fire) 5. Where and in what condition should fire-fighting equipment be located in the school? (In a special place on the fire shield, in good condition) 6. What is the procedure for catching fire? (Call "01" and, acting according to the situation, proceed to extinguish the fire)

LEADING: If there is a fire, firefighters will always come to the rescue. Much depends on their coordinated actions. Therefore, we called the next competition "Firefighters".

3. Firefighters. Turn the sleeves of two jackets inside out and hang them over the backs of chairs. Place the chairs at a distance of one meter with their backs to each other. Place a rope two meters long under the chairs. Both participants stand at their chairs. On a signal, they should take their jackets, turn out the sleeves, put them on, fasten them. Then run around the opponent's chair, sit on your chair and pull the rope. The team whose member does it faster wins.

HOST: Firefighters often have to work at night. We called the next competition "Journey in the Dark"

4. Travel in the dark. This competition will require skittles and blindfolds according to the number of participants. Skittles are arranged in a "snake" in front of each team. The teams, holding hands, blindfolded, try to cover the distance without hitting the skittles. The team with the fewest pins knocked down gets the token.

HOST: Firefighters often use a water jet. They use it when it is necessary to bring down the flame with a directed stream of water. But our water cannon is much simpler, and you don’t have to put out the fire.

6. Water cannon. For this relay race, you will need the following equipment for each team: a bucket of water, a glass, skittles. To conduct the competition, you need to install a bucket of water and a glass at a distance of 5-6 meters from the start line, and after another 2-3 meters put skittles in a row. On a signal, the first participant runs to the bucket - this is the “firing line”, scoops up water with a glass, and then splashes the water towards the pins. After that, he leaves the glass and returns to the team to pass the baton to the next player. The task of the team is to knock down all the pins as quickly as possible.

LEADING: Dear children! Well, our game has come to an end. It remains for us to count the tokens and determine the winning team.

(Summing up the results of the game. Presentation of prizes to the winners)

Before working in a camp for gifted children of different ages, I ran into a problem: how to organize a new team of different ages, in which all children would be comfortable.
Kids of all ages love to play! Therefore, I studied various sources of information on the methodology of conducting games, the result of this work was a selection of games for acquaintance, for uniting the children's team, as well as joke games.



Game selection

dating games

Often, many children feel uncomfortable during the first days in the camp, everything here is not familiar to them and they really want to go home, to their relatives and friends. From this, the guys are too constrained, almost afraid of each other, and the request to tell about themselves is perceived as something impossible. There is simply no time to wait until everyone gets to know each other and make friends, because on eventful days you need to do something together (decorate a corner, prepare for the opening, etc.) from the very first day. And it’s not very nice if the children turn to each other: “hey!”, “girl in a yellow jacket” or “hey, come here.” It's better when they call their native name, which is so pleasing to the ear. Yes, and for the counselor it is very important from the first minutes to remember all the children by name, as well as to get the first idea about the child.

Undoubtedly, "business cards" (badges) for each child and Team work(the same preparation of the corner). But the best way to get acquainted during the game. This section contains games that will help in the first days to remove the “tightness”, overcome constraint and get to know each other. Therefore, here is a block of games for remembering names, and for identifying the interests of children, and for identifying leaders, both business and emotional. This is necessary so that the counselor can rely on them in his future activities. On the one hand, this will facilitate the work of the counselor, and on the other hand, it will enable the child to realize his leadership abilities.

This block of games is intended for the first days of the shift - the organizational period, but you can use some of them on other days of the shift (for example, if guests come to you).

Mutual choice game.

Everyone splits into pairs. For one minute, one tells the other about himself, and for another minute, at the signal of the host, vice versa. All couples do this at the same time, without interfering with each other. After that, everyone sits in a circle, where in turn each couple tells what they learned about each other. The game can be played on the spark of dating.

Variant of the game: "Dutch performance" - a person who talks about his partner can insert one kind of fable into his story.

Border game.

The goal of the game is to get as much information about the guys as possible.

Game progress: a border is drawn (defined), the leader offers to go to one side for those who are united by some common feature.

Counselor sets simple criteria associations, for example, you can go to the other side of the border by:

who loves ice cream;

who has a dog (cat) at home;

who likes to watch cartoons, etc.

At the same time, during the game, the counselor can find out:

who loves to sing

who loves to dance

who is how old;

who is at the camp for the first time.

and many other useful information, asking these questions interspersed with those simple ones that are written above.

Game "Ten I".

The letter "I" is written in a column on a piece of paper. A certain time is given, and each participant must write 10 qualities inherent in him. For example: I am honest, I am strong, etc. After that, everyone walks randomly, getting to know each other and showing each other what they wrote. At the end, you can ask who remembered what.

Drozd game.

Players form two circles, equal in number. The inner circle is boys, the outer circle is girls. The inner circle turns its back to the center, and the outer circle faces the center (pairs are formed). Then all together pronounce the following words (while also performing certain movements): “I am a thrush and you are a thrush (with an open palm they point at themselves and their neighbor). I have a nose and you have a nose (touch your nose and your neighbor's nose with your fingertips). I have scarlet cheeks and you have scarlet cheeks (they touch their cheeks and their neighbor's cheeks). My lips are sweet and your lips are sweet (they touch their lips and the neighbor's lips). You and I are two friends, we love each other (they hug or shake hands, while naming their names). After that, the outer circle takes a step to the right, and new pairs are formed. Game continues.

Friendship game.

Everyone becomes three. The driver is determined. He goes around everyone, chooses one player, and takes their place. There is an acquaintance. The released player becomes the driver, and the game continues. If there are many players, then there may be more drivers.

Game "From point "A" to point "B".

The goal of the driver: to take a certain number of steps, to go the distance. The goal of the group is to detain him (the distance is determined arbitrarily, for example, from bench to bench). The facilitator will stand still until the group asks him questions (any, regarding himself).

Game "Name in the center".

The first player goes to the center of the circle, says his name and makes some kind of gesture. Everyone else should then also take a step forward, call his name and repeat his gesture as accurately as possible. So one by one they show everything.

Game "How to say hello".

Everyone moves randomly. The driver says how to say hello and everyone begins to say hello in this way, recognizing each other's names. After a few seconds, the task changes. You can greet: knees, little fingers, ears, backs, etc.

Goat game.

The players form a circle with the leader in the center. He chooses a couple from the circle under the words:

The goat walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest

Found myself a princess, princess, princess.

Come on, goat, let's jump, jump, jump

And kicking legs, kicking, kicking,

And clap your hands, clap, clap,

And with our feet we stomp, we stomp, we stomp

Let's spin with you, spin, spin,

And forever make friends, make friends, make friends.

There is an acquaintance. The pair breaks up, and each participant chooses a new pair. The game continues, but there are already two pairs in the circle. And so it continues until all the pairs stand in a circle.

The game "Engine" Choo-choo.

The driver approaches anyone from the circle and says: “I’m a “choo-choo” train, and what is your name?”. The player says his name and joins the "engine", and they "ride" on, and everyone pronounces his name with the same intonation. So they "reach" to the next player. And everything continues until all the players "cling" to the "engine".

The game should be played at a fast and fun pace.

Snowball game.

Everyone becomes in a circle. One says his name. The next participant, clockwise, says the name of the first and his own name. The third calls the name of the first, then the name of the second and his own name. So the game continues until the first one calls all the names in a circle.

The game "Wall".

Everyone is divided into two or three (equal in number) teams. Task: a player from the team runs to the wall (or a certain place) and stops. The team should call out his name in unison. After that, he comes back. After returning to the team, the next player runs. And so is the whole team. The first team to complete the task wins.

In order for the acquaintance game not to turn into mechanical cramming, ask the children to look at the person whose name is being pronounced at the moment of pronouncing the name. Also, the game will become ineffective if the number of participants is too large.The game "Vanity-vanity".

All participants are given cards, which are divided into 9 - 16 cells. A task is written in each cell. There is only one point: write in the box the name of a person who (here there is room for your imagination) loves fish, keeps a dog at home, loves the stars. The more unexpected the task, the better. You can put in this card what you need, for example, identify lovers of drawing, singing, playing the guitar, etc. The winner is the one who quickly collects the names.

The game "Who's like mine."

Props: a sheet of paper and a pen (pencil). A sheet of paper shows a table with two columns. On the left side, certain criteria (characteristics) are written. For example, hair color, eye color, first letter of the name, favorite dish, hobby and others. The right side is empty.

Each player must find a person with whom he matches this or that criterion. For example, my name is Pasha, and her name is Polina (the first letter in our names is the same). People who have found each other exchange sheets and on the right side of the table, opposite a similar criterion, write their name, after which they return the sheet back. In this way, the entire right part tables.

The task of the players is to collect as many signatures as possible within a certain time.

Game variant. A third column is added on the sheet: "Other". A player (let's call him Dima) can approach everyone only once. Approaching one of the players (let's call him Sasha), Dima must choose only one criterion by which he will compare it with his own criterion (for example, a hobby). If it matches, then Sasha writes his name on Dima's sheet. If it does not match, then in the third column Dima writes down Sasha's "hobby". After that, he goes to another person. Note, now Sasha will need to choose a criterion other than “hobby” when meeting with this Dima. The winner is the one who first bypasses all the players.

Game U!

Everyone is standing in a circle. Someone starts: says loudly: “U!”, and at the same time points to someone from the circle. Two players standing side by side (one on the left, the other on the right) say "U!". The person pointed to says his name. After that, he points to another player, saying "U!". Everything repeats again.

The game should be played in a fast and fun way.

The game "Crackers".

All players stand in a circle. The counselor learns the following rhythm with the children: two hits on the knees, then the hands are thrown out twice with the gesture “In!” (hands clenched into a fist, thumb of each hand raised). Having mastered the rhythm, you can proceed to the game itself. After the first two claps on the knees, the counselor calls his name (simultaneously with the throwing out of the “Vo!” gesture), after the second two claps, the name of the person to whom he passes the voice. Etc. To avoid the problem with duplicate names, you can replace the gesture with a pointing one.

Possible options:

the player can call himself (after the second claps, say his name again), but no more than 2 times;

without calling himself immediately pass the baton. In case of an error, the player leaves the game, as one or another player is eliminated, his name cannot be called.

Game "It's Me!".

The facilitator quickly says some statements: “movie lover”, “food lover”, “lazy”, etc. If the player agrees, then he answers “It's me!”. Those who play in chorus answer quickly. You can catch the player: say for a long time what he will answer “It's me!”, And then suddenly ask a provocative question and the child, without hesitation, can answer the truth.

Game "Me and my neighbors".

Props: chairs according to the number of participants, paper, pens and pencils.

The chairs are arranged in a circle, the participants take their places in a circle. The host of the game offers to draw a table on the sheets. The first column records "Name of the player seated one person from the left"; in the second - "My name"; in the third - "The name of the player sitting one person from the right."

It is proposed to write the names of neighbors through one, so that the players do not have a desire to peep what the neighbor writes. The meaning of the game is as follows: the host of the game asks questions, and the players answer them in writing on their sheets for themselves and for their neighbors (trying to guess the correct answer). During the game, any conversations between players are prohibited. Questions, in principle, can be any, the number of questions is 8-10. Sample questions:

Favorite color.

Does he like discos?

Favorite movie character.

Favorite pet.

Can he sing well?

Does he like to watch TV shows?

Does he know what “exaltation” is (Exaltation is an enthusiastically excited state)

Favorite sport (two).

At the end of the game, the participants are given time to evaluate how their answers matched. The game can be played not only in the organizational period, as a game of acquaintance, but also in other shift periods to see how well the children know each other.

Team building games

Game "Atoms - Molecules".

The facilitator explains: an atom is the smallest particle. In the game, each player will be an atom. A molecule is made up of atoms, so the combination of several players in a chain in a game is called a molecule. The host says: "Atoms." All players begin to move randomly. After the word “molecule in threes”, the players must form groups of three. Anyone who can't get into threes is out of the game. And the leader continues to change the number of atoms in the molecules. The game can be made more difficult: the atoms must move with their eyes closed.

Game "Family photo".

The group is asked to imagine that it big family and they need to take a picture. The "photographer" is selected. He must position everyone for photographing. First he chooses "grandfather", who also helps the arrangement. Further, the children must independently decide who to whom to be and where to stand.

This game is about identifying leaders, tracking group dynamics. It is also interesting to look at the distribution of roles, activity - passivity in the choice of location.

After the arrangement and distribution of roles, the game can be ended like this: the “photographer” counts to three, everyone clap their hands. On the count of three, everyone shouts "cheese."

Hall games

The game "Lady".

The hall is divided into four parts. Everyone gets their own words.

1: "In the bath, the brooms are soaked."

2: "Spindles are turned".

3: "And the washcloth is not dried."

4: "The lady is the lady, the lady is madam."

The host "conducts" the hall, pointing first to the third, then to the third. Whomever he points to, he must pronounce his words. Words are rehearsed with each team before the start.

Gnome game.

The hall is divided into two halves: Petka and Vaska.

The words "Petek": "Petek, I have a checkered shirt, I came to you kids to eat candy."

The words "Vasek": "Vaska, I have polka dot pants, I came from a fairy tale, because I'm good."

The words are rehearsed with each half of the hall. Then the presenter says the following words: “On a high hill stands beautiful house, and a cheerful dwarf lives in a beautiful house. Dwarf, dwarf, what is your name? The answer of one half of the hall follows, then the other. After that, both halves of the hall shout at the same time, who will outshout whom.

Game "Nose - floor - ceiling".

The leader in turn calls “nose”, “floor”, “ceiling”, showing index finger. The task of the players is to carry out the tasks of the leader without error (if the “floor” is called, everyone should point to the floor). So it is with the rest of the words. The host tries to confuse the players, pointing out something other than what he was called. For example, he said "nose", but pointed to the ceiling. A game for the most attentive.

Game "Volume control".

The presenter shows the volume control with his hand. The maximum hand raised means the maximum noise. The hand down means silence. The counselor raises his hand up, lowers it down, and the players make sounds of the appropriate volume.

Titanic game.

It is proposed to put a new film "Titanic".

Presenter: “Let's go on a sea voyage on the Titanic. For this, two people are invited to the stage. They will be the sides of the Titanic. Then another actor is invited. He gets the role of the boat. The sides join hands, and the boat hangs in their arms. The bow of the ship should be decorated with a female figure, a beautiful girl is needed.

The girl comes out. Then two are invited tall man, they are invited to be on the ship. The ship was built but not equipped. It is very important not to forget the flare. A little girl is invited to this role. Able to emit a loud, piercing cry. Two actors in white are invited to play the role of the iceberg. He gets in the way of the ship. Finally, a couple is invited, who gets the role of lovers. Lovers on the bow of the ship depict a scene from the movie "Titanic" (flying on the bow of the ship over the ocean). He: "Trust me" (trust me). She: "I trust you" (I believe you). Presenter: “But then the ship crashes into an iceberg and splits in half (the sides disengage hands, the boat falls into the water). There is panic on the ship (spectators scream). Rats flee from the ship (spectators stamp their feet). A flare takes off. Flare: "HELP! HELP!" Rocket jumps from a chair and screams. Leading: “And our lovers are saved on a boat. A happy ending. Everyone is kissing."

Chica boom game.

The host asks to repeat the words and movements after him. On the first word - clap, on the second - clap on the knees, then the movements are repeated. First, the leader says the line, and then all the players repeat it, not forgetting to make movements. The words:

Chica - boom - cool song,

Let's sing it all together

If you want great noise

Sing with us chika - boom.

I sing boom, chica boom

I sing boom, chica boom

I sing boom, chica - cancer, chica - cancer, chica - cancer, chica - boom.

Oh - e,

A - a


Prank games

The game "Lunokhod".

The players stand in a circle. The driver, moving on all fours, goes around the circle with the words: "I am a moon rover - 1. Pi - pee - pee." The one who laughed, or at least smiled, is attached behind the moon rover. The game continues until everyone is a moon rover.

Game variant: The driver walks in a circle and meows. Can approach any player, and this player should pat him on the head and say: "My kitty is sick today." Whoever laughs also joins as a "kitty".

The game "School of garden scarecrows."

The players repeat the movements after the leader. Host: “Now we will do a little warm-up. Raise your right hand up, shake the brush. Raise your left hand up. Shake your hands, make a noise like birch trees: sh - sh - sh - sh! Spread your arms out to the sides. Buzz like airplanes: w-w-w-w! Wave your arms like birds. Shout: ksh - ksh - ksh! Congratulations! You graduated from scarecrow school.

Hypnosis game.

The facilitator calls those who wish to undergo hypnosis, and one assistant. Those who wish stand in front of him, the assistant is nearby. The facilitator begins: “Imagine that a wonderful flower is blooming in front of you: pink buds, carved leaves. From its blinding beauty, you close your eyes (perform) and in admiration go down on one knee, pressing your hands to your heart (perform). The flower emits a delightful fragrance. You feel? Stretch your nose to the flower (perform). You wanted to rip it off to give it to your to the best friend. But be careful, the stem is thorny, so stretch your relaxed right hand forward (perform). You feel hot! You are thirsty and there is a large drop of dew on the petal of a flower. I so wanted to lick her. Stick out your tongue (do). Freeze: open your eyes! With the last words, the leader approaches the assistant, salutes him in military honor and says: “Comrade foreman! A group of guard dogs has been built to protect the state border!

Game "Giraffe - elephant - bird".

Everyone is standing in a circle. The driver unexpectedly points at someone and says one of three words (giraffe, elephant, bird). If the word "giraffe" is spoken, then this player raises both hands up, and his two neighbors - on the right and on the left - should squat down. So they portrayed a giraffe. If "elephant": the player makes a trunk out of his hands, and the players on the right and left make ears to him. If "bird" - the player himself makes a beak from his hands, and the neighbors bend one leg, farthest from the player, and take the hand aside.

A player who hesitates or makes the wrong piece is out of the game.

During the shift, the leader with the detachment very often finds himself in a situation of forced waiting (in front of the dining room, before the start of an event or excursion, etc.). In such cases, short-term team building games will help - a fun and rewarding activity. Having organized the children with the help of the game, the counselor, firstly, will not let any of them get bored, and secondly, they will not be able to get lost.


Children stand in two circles - internal and external, facing the center of the circle. This is how pairs are formed: one - from the inner circle - stands with his back to his partner and looks at the driver; the other - from the outer circle - stands behind him at a distance of half a step, looks at his heels, holds his hands behind his back. The driver is in the center of the inner circle (without a pair), he winks at someone from the inner circle. Seeing that they winked at him, the player of the inner circle tries to run away. If the partner manages to hold him, the driver winks at the other player, and if not, then the runaway stands behind the driver, and the player who missed the partner becomes the driver.

Yourself as a neighbor

Children stand in a circle. The left hand is held outstretched forward, up with an open palm, the right hand is held down with a palm of a pinch (as if they are holding something in it). At the word “to themselves”, the children seem to put something into their left hand with their right hand. On the word “neighbor” - with the right hand they “put” something into the left hand of the neighbor on the right. All. at the same time perform movements and say: "To yourself - to your neighbor." In fact, a small object is passed around in a circle (a coin or a pebble.). The host (in the center of the circle) should notice who has the coin. When he succeeds, he and the player with whom the coin is found change places.


The game teaches concentration, composure, develops the ability to act as a group. Players take turns calling by letter of the alphabet, memorizing the letters they got. The host offers to print a telegram with a certain text. For example: "I'm going. Meet. Dwarf". Before the beginning and at the end of the phrase, the whole group should clap their hands twice. Then he claps once, “printing a letter”, the one who got the first letter of the telegram, followed by the one who has the second letter, etc. After the word is “printed”, the whole group makes one clap, thus separating words from each other.

The game continues until the group has transmitted the entire telegram "Typewriter" is held in silence.


Like the previous one, this game promotes concentration, develops the ability to act as a group, but is more dynamic and energetic. All players sit in a circle, pay off in order and remember their numbers. The host sets the pace: two claps on the knees, two snaps of the fingers. Everyone repeats. As soon as it is possible to establish a single rhythm, words are introduced. Hitting his knees twice, the host says his number twice: “One, one” and makes two clicks with his fingers; then, clapping his knees for the first time, he says his number, after the second he says the number of the player to whom he passes the word, for example: "One, three." Now player number 3, without leaving the general pace, leads the game. It is advisable at the beginning of the game to simply pass the word in turn so that the players remember the pace and rules of the game, and then do it at random, gradually speeding up the pace.

animal voices

human alliance

The group consists of 10-12 people. Participants are asked to stand in a circle, reach out and grab with their right hand with one person, and with their left hand with another. Then they are asked to unravel without opening their hands. Success depends on how the participants will negotiate with each other. The children then discuss how they come to terms with real life how important these agreements are.


Time game. Standing in a circle and holding hands, the players (10-50 people) try to convey the “impulse” as quickly as possible by squeezing the hand of the neighbor on the right. Try playing the game first with your eyes open and then with your eyes closed. Compare time. Now ask one of the participants to send a "momentum" in two directions. See if the "impulses" can cross and continue their course further. Just like an impulse, anything can be transmitted, for example, a sound or a word.

Stay unnoticed

On the terrain with dense grass and bushes at a distance of 100-150 m from the location of the group of players, a flag is set. The leader stands next to him. Team players crawl to the flag, trying to go unnoticed by the leader. The one who is detected by it rises and remains in the same place until the end of the game. After a while, the leader blows a whistle, according to which everyone else rises. The winner is the one who is closest to the flag.

North South West East

10-15 people play, built in two lines and open one step. Using a compass or the sun, the leader indicates the sides of the horizon to the players: north, south, west, east. Then he loudly calls any side of the horizon, for example, the north, and all the players must quickly and clearly make a turn, facing north. Whoever makes a mistake receives a penalty point. The one with the fewest penalty points wins.


During the walk, the detachment makes a halt in a place where a wide panorama opens up in one direction and various local objects (pillars, houses, bushes, etc.) are visible. For a minute, the guys carefully examine the landscape, trying to remember all the details, and then turn their backs to it. The leader asks them various questions about what they have just observed. For each correct answer - a point.

Late - step back

Parallel lines are drawn on the ground at a distance of one step. On the first line, the members of the squad line up in height. At the command "Disperse", the players scatter around the court, after which the command "Become" is given. Whoever gets up last takes a step back to another line. Then the game is repeated. The winner is the one who remains on the first line after playing the game 5-7 times.

Signs in the forest

The players follow the leader of the game through the forest and carefully look at the environment. After passing a certain distance, the leader leaves the players in place, and he returns to the starting position by the same road. He marks his path with various signs that are not striking: he puts a small bunch of grass on the ground, breaks a dry branch of a tree, scatters plucked leaves, puts a cross on the bark of a tree with chalk, etc. In total, he makes marks in 12 places and writes down which left traces. Arriving at the starting point, it gives a signal by which the players go on their way back. Everyone tries to notice and remember the signs left by the leader. When all the guys gather, they are invited to write down what signs they saw on the road. The one with the most complete list wins.

Who will deliver the package faster

Two or three routes are planned on the site. A movement diagram is drawn up for each of them, on which the sections of movement are indicated in azimuth, landmarks and designated flags, branches, serifs on trees. To do this, the route is drawn on paper, divided into sections, the azimuth of each link is determined, and its length is measured in steps. At the starting point, each detachment is given a package and given the task of delivering it to headquarters as quickly as possible. On command, the groups begin to move in parallel at a distance of 200-300 m. The group that first reaches the final destination and hands the package to the intermediary wins.

Note. The game can be played both for several squads and for groups of one squad.

green rocket

This game tests the ability of children to gather on alarm, read traces, disguise themselves, move silently over rough terrain, their ingenuity, resourcefulness and endurance in the border service.

At the outpost (in the venue of the game) a flag is raised or a rocket of green fire is given - an alarm signal, the “Alarm” signal sounds. The detachment gathers on the parade ground, the commander reports on the collection.

From the detachment, 2-4 people are allocated in advance, who are violators of the border. In the established place, they violate the conditional border, having overcome the control and trail lane and leaving clearly visible traces on it. Each of them follows their own, previously determined route, without leaving the game area. Their task is to go unnoticed by the barrier and transmit the ciphergram leader at a specific location.Intruders do not know the exact location of the barriers.On the way, they leave 5-6 noticeable traces.

The commander of the detachment sets the task for his detachment. A search group of 3-8 people is allocated, depending on the number of offenders. She must find traces on the control-trace strip and determine how many violators have passed, the direction of their movement, after that, search for violators until they are completely destroyed or detained. The remaining members of the detachment move silently into the barrier and disguise themselves. They must prevent the breakthrough of violators, notice them in time and detain them. During the search of the detainees, it is necessary to find a ciphergram. In the screen, the guys are positioned so that there is a connection between them. Interaction signals are set, as well as a password for identifying each other. It is necessary to pursue violators silently, not to leave a protected area, because other violators can take advantage of this and pass through an unguarded area.

The game ends when all offenders are caught. It is important for the organizer of this game to accurately distribute the time for the exit of violators, the search group and the barrier. When summing up, it is necessary to note the positive and negative actions of the departments during the collection and on alarm, the actions of the barrier, the search group, and violators.