Name of months in English. Online pronunciation of the names of the month in English

Today we will devote our attention to the analysis of the question of how the seasons are written on English language. We will start from autumn, because. it was during this period that the idea came to write this article and present it to your attention.


Autumn- this is how the name of autumn is written in English. Approximate pronunciation in Russian - [otem] (emphasis on "o").

Here are some phrases and words with a translation on the theme of autumn.

Autumn comes in September. Autumn comes in September.
It is rain. It's raining.
Towards the begin of November the weather gets colder and colder. By the beginning of November the weather is getting colder and colder.
Birds fly away to warm countries. Birds fly to warm countries.

Autumn months:
September - September.
October - October.
November - November.


Winter winter in English. Pronounced roughly like [winte] (emphasis on "and").

What can you say about winter in English?

In Russia winter is usually a cold season. Winter in Russia is usually a cold season.
(I think no one will dispute this fact.)
It often snows. It's snowing often.
The rivers and the lakes are frozen. Rivers and lakes freeze.
The days are short in winter. Days in winter are short.
winter holidays. The winter vacation.

Winter months:
December - December.
January - January.
February - February.


Spring- Spring in English. Approximate pronunciation in Russian letters: [spring].

Spring will be soon. Spring will come soon.
The days become longer in spring. In spring the days get longer.
The sun shines more brightly. The sun shines brighter.

Spring months:
March - March.
April - April.
May - May.

The most enjoyable time of the year for many.

Summer- this is the spelling of the word "summer" in English. It is pronounced in Russian approximately like this: [same] (emphasis on the first letter "a").

The sky is often blue and cloudless. The sky is often blue and cloudless.
Summer is my favorite season. Summer is my favorite season.

Let's list summer months:
June - June.
July - July.
August - August.

Below you can watch a short video for children with a song about the seasons in English:

Today we have probably one of the easiest lessons in the section, it is dedicated to names English months. As you can see, the family resemblance of this group to French, German and even Russian is obvious:

The origin of the names of the months is quite varied. The names of the gods and the rulers are mixed here ancient rome, and holidays, and even the ordinal numbers of the months in the calendar (again, ancient Roman ones). The only thing you need to remember now: since these are names and titles, then in English they should always be written with capital letter(as well as ).

Use of prepositions with months

Only 2 prepositions are used directly with the days of the week - these are IN and ON. Their closest translation into Russian is V and NA.
"In" is used when referring to the month, not the date. Example:


It is strange that the topic of English abbreviations is not touched upon anywhere. month names, and the short form (short) has to be used much more often than the full one.
So, There are only three nuances here:

  • As already mentioned: always with a capital letter.
  • We shorten the name to three letters. The four-letter June and July are up to you. You can leave them entirely, then it will be the classic English version (British). You can remove the "extra" letter - you get the American version.
    But, there is an exception: September is reduced not to 3 letters, but to 4 - September.
  • At the end, either put a full stop - American English, or not - British.

Often learning new foreign words It turns out that we already know them well. For example, Oktoberfest is a very popular German holiday, reminiscent of old Russian fairs, only with modern entertainment. The second part of the name "fest" is an abbreviation for the word festival. And what does the first part mean and when is this holiday held?

Test: English months

So how do you remember these words? Method from:
we propose not to memorize the names, but to memorize them in practice. For this, an original test memory was made. Most likely, you won’t be able to pass it on the first attempt and you will get a well-deserved 2. But on the second attempt, the result should be higher.
The test consists of three stages and goes from simple to complex:

Stage #1 A: The easiest part. You are offered a word in English, your task is to translate it into Russian. If you do not remember, then perhaps a hint will help, which appears after a couple of seconds.

Stage #2: We complicate the task. Now we need to do the reverse translation.

Stage #3: Listening or listening comprehension. In this step, you listen to the recording and write down the suggested word (in English). To listen again, just click on the image of the note, no points are deducted for this.

Word 0 of 0

Result 0 points

Hey! For comfortable communication in English, it is very important to know the names of the seasons, but it is equally important, both for children and adults, to be able to name the months (months). In daily conversations, we use these words - we call dates, birthdays, holidays, schedules. Therefore, at the very beginning of learning a foreign language, you need to learn this vocabulary. Names of months in English In English, as in Russian, there are 12 months in a year. But besides the difference in names, there are other significant differences. So, we have 3 months in each season. It's the same in the US, but it's different in the UK. They have two seasons of 2 months, and two seasons of 4 months, which, in general, is also 12 months of the year. But for children, this information is not so important, but it will be useful for you to know this.

First, let's call them with translation and transcription:

In general, you will get spelling skills over time with constant practice and regular reading of English literature.

Features of the distribution of months in Britain

As I said, in the UK, the months are distributed according to the seasons in a different way. They have November, December, January and February - are considered winter; March and April - spring; May, June, July, August - summer; and September and October are autumn. In America, everything is the way we are used to.

Therefore, if you are going to go to the UK, then it will not be superfluous for you to know this information so as not to get into an awkward situation and show your competence in this matter.

And how to pronounce the names of all 12 months in English correctly, the video lesson will help you understand. Wish you luck!

We know four seasons of the year. Each season lasts for three months. The weather and hours of daylight are different during each season. The Earth moves around the Sun and it rotates around its own axis. This is what causes seasons of the year. Let us describe them.


Almost everyone loves spring. This period is full of life, light and colour. When spring comes, the first green leaves appear on trees, flowers bloom in gardens, and days get longer. Birds come back and build their nests and there are fantastic thunderstorms in May.


Long summer days are the favorite period for all birds and animals. It may be rainy and hot. Students have got a long holiday. In summer, we like swimming, having sunbathed and going to the countryside or to the seaside.


The coldest season of the year is winter with its short days. There are lots of snow and icy. Rivers cover with ice. But some people like winters, because they can go skiing, skating and sledging. We have the most important holiday in December - it is a New Year.


This period of the year is beautiful and colorful in Russia, but it's usually rainy. The weather is getting overcast and days become gloomy. The leaves are changing color and falling down the trees. People like going to a forest to pick up mushrooms.

seasons in english seasons is a relative concept. In some hot countries, the year is divided into such periods as the "rainy season" or "monsoon season". In Russia, there is a classic division of the seasons into winter, spring, summer and autumn. Historically, the name of the four seasons was also formed in the British Isles - these are:

Winter - winter

Spring - spring

Summer - summer

Autumn - autumn

Interestingly, at the time of the pilgrims who went to explore America several centuries ago, autumn sounded like fall, which is akin to the English verb of the same name meaning "to fall". Paradoxically, in the United States, since the time of the first settlers, autumn has been called fall, and in the UK a new word has appeared denoting the golden time of the year - autumn.

Weather in English

Each season corresponds to a certain weather, so when studying the seasons, you need to learn how to talk about it using nouns and adjectives. In general, in the UK, the weather is one of the most popular topics in conversation, as it sometimes changes there four or five times a day. Therefore, for a beginner to learn English, mastering the "weather" vocabulary is simply necessary.

The very word weather in English - weather ["weðə] in the vast majority of cases it is used with a certain the article the - the weather. This is due to the fact that the weather in a given place and in given time there can be only one, i.e. either it's raining or it's sunshine. Accordingly, the sentence “What is the weather like today?” - one of the most popular in English, and it means "What is the weather today?".

Seasons in English: Winter - winter

Let's start with the word winter ["wɪntə]. The words that come to mind when we hear or read a certain word constitute the so-called semantic (semantic) field of this concept. For example, the word winter is associated with words such as snow, snowfall, snowman, cold, frost, New Year, Christmas. In English this semantic series will look like snow, snowfall, snowman, cold, frost, New Year, Christmas.

In winter in central Russia or in Siberia, an Englishman would answer:

It is cold. - Cold.

It is frosty. - Frosty.

It is snowing. - Snowing.

To be more precise, he would say: It's cold. It's frosty. It's snowing.

Spring - spring

Let's continue to study the seasons in English with translation and transcription. Spring is spring. Let's ask our “favorite” question ‘What is the weather like today?’. Possible answers would be:

It is warm - Warmly.

It's raining - It's raining.

Snow is melting - Snow is melting.

To describe all the sensations associated with spring, it will be useful to learn in English those words that usually appear in your memory in Russian. Usually with this time of year we associate such words as:

Icicle - icicle,

Green - green,

Buds - kidneys,

Bloom - bloom,

Puddles - puddles,

Birds - birds.

Summer - summer

The richest vocabulary will be required in order to describe the summer - summer. And not only because this is a favorite time of the year for many, but also because many English-speaking people live in places with a warm climate: California, Florida, Australia, South Africa ... And in the UK, sometimes winters are completely snowless. The semantic field of the word "summer" is huge, and to describe this time of year, you will need to remember a lot of words. First, these are all the colors of the rainbow:

Red - red,

Orange - orange,

Yellow - yellow,

Green - green,

Blue - blue,

Dark blue - blue,

Violet - purple.

Secondly, nouns:

Flower - flower,

Fishing - fishing,

Swimming - bathing,

Rain - rain,

Thunderstorm - thunderstorm, lightning,

Woods - forest,

Mushrooms - mushrooms.

Third, verbs:

Play - play,

Swim - swim,

Fish - to fish,

Walk - walk,

Run - run,

Jump - jump,

Dive - dive.

As well as fixed phrases:

Go swimming - swim,

Go fishing - fishing,

Go mushrooming - go for mushrooms,

Go hiking - go hiking.

The weather in English in summer is also described very differently. Question "What is the weather like today?" Expect answers like this:

It's thunderstorm. - There's a storm now.

It is hot. - Hot.

It's raining. - It's raining.

It's shower. - It's raining now.

It is raining cats and dogs. - Like a shower.

The origin of the last expression, which can literally be translated "It's raining cats and dogs," is curious. Strange translation, isn't it? But, having made a digression into history, you can find out that once there were a lot of stray cats and dogs in London, and during heavy rains they died en masse in storm sewers. In addition, the word shower has the meaning of "shower", and the expression It's shower can literally be translated "This is a shower."

Autumn - autumn

No one can remain indifferent to the gold of autumn middle lane Russia. In Siberia, she also colors the taiga in a wide variety of colors and shades. Great Britain was no exception: what are the autumn miniatures of London's Hyde Park worth ... It is autumn that is considered the most unstable season there, and during the November day you can experience the change of all four seasons. In the morning, for example, a tedious autumn rain will pass, by noon a bright summer sun will peek out, in two hours flakes will fall from the oncoming clouds winter snow, and a little later it will scatter with spring streams.

Therefore, vocabulary of all seasons is suitable for autumn, although in London this season is especially wet, rainy and foggy.

It's wet. - Wet.

It is rainy. - It is rainy.

It's foggy. - Foggy.

The weather in English is as unpredictable as in Russian. Although this is a joke, there is a lot of truth in it.

Online lesson on vocabulary and grammar

Of course, learning words and not putting them into practice is a meaningless and useless exercise. The study of the seasons in English is so relevant that the words that you learn when faced with this topic in learning will meet you more than once in a variety of ways. training materials. For example, in online tutorial Lim English the study of several grammatical rules is built on the basis of vocabulary on the topic “Weather”.