The protagonist of Reshetnikov's picture is again a deuce. Composition based on the painting by F. Reshetnikov Again deuce

The painting “Again a deuce”, in which the boy stands with his head bowed, and his family looks at him reproachfully, is probably known not only to Soviet, but also to modern schoolchildren. Parents often reproached their children, comparing them with the child on the canvas when they brought bad luck. And at school it was necessary to write an essay on the picture. It would seem that the plot is simple and clear, but the picture was created under curious circumstances.

Fedor Reshetnikov painted the painting "Again deuce" in 1952. It is one of three canvases connected by a common theme. If you follow the chronology, then the first painting was "Arrived for the holidays." The artist depicted a young Suvorovite who came to visit his relatives for the holidays. It can be seen that the boy is proud of his position, and the grandfather meets him, as befits a soldier, at attention.

In his next work, Fedor Pavlovich decided to make an excellent student the main character. To do this, he went to the school and asked the teacher to be present at the lesson to watch the children. An excellent student was called to the board and given a simple task, but to everyone's surprise, the boy could not cope and stood with his head bowed. He was very confused, believing that the artist at the back of the desk is the inspector.

Then Reshetnikov came up with another idea - to paint a picture about a loser. At first, the artist conceived to depict a boy in a classroom near the blackboard, but then he transferred the action to the house.

The disheveled young goalkeeper from a neighboring yard perfectly suited the role of the protagonist. Fyodor Pavlovich, just in case, did not tell him that the boy was playing the role of a loser.

The hardest thing was with the dog - she refused to stand on two legs. Then I had to buy sausages. The owner beckoned the dog with a piece of sausage, and she took the desired position. This continued until the delicacy ran out. By the way, in the background of the wall you can see the picture of the previous painting of the artist "Arrived for the holidays."

The final picture of this "trilogy" was "Reexamination". This time the action takes place in the village. The boy needs to prepare for the re-examination, and he is absolutely unhappy, because his friends invite him to walk outside. And again, Reshetnikov's previous painting is visible on the wall, emphasizing the continuity of the theme.

Paintings by Fyodor Reshetnikov fully conveyed the mood of the Soviet era in the mid-twentieth century. These are further proof of this.

History familiar to all

Painting by Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov "Again deuce" - one of the most famous and beloved works of Soviet art. Every or almost every person who looks at the picture can remember himself in a similar situation, when you want it or not, but you need to go home and talk about how you got a bad grade.

In this picture, the most important thing is the figures and faces of people, already by their postures we can understand the mood. The faces convey their true feelings and thoughts very eloquently. In the picture we see a family: a mother and three children. The artist depicted everyone at the moment when each of the characters in the picture reacts sharply to the situation. And this reaction is reflected on the face of everyone.

In the middle of the room is a boy who has returned from school. His briefcase, tied with twine, from which skates peep out, suggests that on this day the student paid much less attention to his studies than to the skating rink. His sister looks at her brother with reproach and disapproval. She herself stands with a textbook near the table and, apparently, is going to do her homework. "Again a deuce" - this is not about her, this girl is most likely an excellent student. The mother of the children is upset with the boy. Perhaps she had just been talking animatedly with her daughter and youngest son. But then the middle child entered and it became clear on his face: "Again, a deuce." All the joyful atmosphere instantly vanished.

The very name of the picture suggests that with the boy - the hero of the picture - such a story happens quite often. No one is surprised, but almost everyone is annoyed, including the loser himself. At this moment, remorse is read on his face: "Eh, if I could start all over again, then I would not skate all day, but first I would learn my lessons!" Only the younger brother looks at him with sly curiosity - what will happen next? And only the dog - a true friend - does not care what grades are in her owner's diary, she happily tries to lick his nose.

Let's remember when the picture was painted. This is 1952, 7 years have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War. Of those depicted in the picture, only the younger brother did not catch the war. My sister, apparently, was born before the war. The protagonist, a loser, was a small child during the war, but, undoubtedly, he knows and remembers what difficulties people have experienced. Still, this is a happy family - their father returned from the war and then their third child was born. The family lives well, in abundance. For those years, the furnishings in the room are very good, even rich. The kid has a bike that not all children had. The boy is probably proud of his father and has repeatedly promised him to improve. And here the unfortunate misunderstanding is repeated. Of course, all this is not depicted in the picture, but this story is easily guessed, you just have to take a closer look.

Many people remember from the school bench an essay on the theme of Reshetnikov's painting “Again the deuce”. Until now, this reproduction is in the Russian language textbooks for the 6th grade. Its plot is simple and understandable to everyone, but the history of the creation of this work of art is quite interesting.

The plot of the painting “Again the deuce”, which was written by Fedor Pavlovich Reshetnikov, is straightforward. The one who painted the picture knew well the life of ordinary people of the Soviet era, various situations from their lives, character and habits.

The description of the painting can be started like this: in the center is a boy who has just returned from school. He, apparently, received a bad mark, which upset his loved ones.

The culprit stands, turned away from the mother, feeling guilty. His face is sad, his eyes downcast. Skates are sticking out of the briefcase, giving away the true reason for what happened. It is clear why the deuce was received: instead of practicing, the boy had fun at the rink.

The one who painted this picture knew well the feelings of the guilty student, perhaps the artist himself was in this situation more than once. It can be seen from the participants in the picture that this unpleasant situation did not happen for the first time, the boy again received a bad mark due to his own negligence and laziness.

A further description of the canvas can be continued by looking at the faces of the boy's relatives. They seem to say: “Again, a deuce ?!”. Mom wearily sat down on a chair, on her face an expression of sorrow and torment, a mute reproach. It can be seen that the woman is upset because of the bad behavior of her son. She no longer has the strength to endure his "two". The father of the family is missing from the picture: perhaps he died in the war. The mother alone raises three children, so it is so hard for her, her condition cannot be described.

The other two children on the canvas react ambiguously to the arrival of their brother. The older sister stands at the table and looks at her brother with condemnation. Her face expresses concern for the boy, she seems to say: “How will you continue to study ?!”.

It can be seen from everything that the girl is smart and studies well. The younger brother stands next to his mother, he rode a bicycle until his brother arrived. The face of the younger boy is cheerful, it is clear that he is laughing at the misfortune of his older brother.

None of the participants in the picture "Again the deuce" does not support the unfortunate student, all the relatives are opposed to him. And only one dog in a good mood. He joyfully throws himself on the boy's chest and seeks to lick his face. The dog does not understand what the boy's fault is, and perceives him as a friend.

Important! There is a carpet on the floor in the room, a clock hangs on the wall - all this speaks of the well-being of the family in those difficult times. The younger brother rides a bicycle, this is also a plus in favor of the well-being of the family.

History of the painting

Reshetnikov's painting "Again deuce" was painted in 1952. The history of the painting is very interesting. This is the middle part of an artistic trilogy about children, about a good and a bad student. The first part was called "Arrived for the holidays", the artist wrote it in 1948.

The photo from the reproduction shows that the boy in uniform came home for the holidays. He studies at the Suvorov Military School, he is met by his grandfather and older sister, who immediately began to set the table. Despite the joyful faces, a sad plot line can be traced - most likely, the boy's parents died, because then orphans were taken to the Suvorov School.

The third part of the trilogy is the painting "Re-examination", it depicts a boy who sits and teaches - preparing for a re-examination. Outside the window is a cheerful summer landscape, his comrades are playing, one of them calls the boy to play with them. But the poor student is not up to the games, because he needs to pass the exams properly - this is his last chance.

Interestingly, on the canvas “Again the deuce”, Reshetnikov depicted in the corner on the wall the first part of the trilogy - “Arrived for the holidays” (as if the ideal that the boy should strive for). And in the painting “Re-examination” hanging on the wall, the painting “Again a deuce” is depicted (in order for the student to understand why he is suffering now, and not walking with his comrades).

The history of the creation of this canvas is also interesting because, as a model, F.P. Reshetnikov used a neighbor boy-goalkeeper. He did not tell the boy that he would draw from him a would-be student, who again received a deuce.

The reproduction shows how the dog stands on its hind legs. However, few people know how difficult it was for the artist to get the dog to stand in this position for posing. To do this, it was necessary to captivate the dog with sausage, it took two loaves.

The prototype of the loser boy depicted on the canvas “Again the deuce” was the daughter of F.P. Reshetnikova - Lyuba. She did not study well, and when she got a bad grade, she always tried to slip into the house unnoticed, which she did not succeed. She was very upset by her academic performance, so the artist decided to raise an important and topical issue for many. But it is clear that the author does not condemn the main character, but rather looks at him with love and humor. Indeed, he did not believe that poor performance affects the character of a person, his status. Therefore, the deuce is not at all a reason for frustration.

The composition is a triangle, the apex of which is the older sister - an excellent student. Thus, the author wanted to show what one should strive for.


The family meets a boy who brought another failure. The appearance of the child betrays what he is doing instead of lessons: yard battles, skating, running around. The boy is happily greeted by a dog and a younger brother who want to play. The mother looks with sadness, the older sister with condemnation.

“Again deuce” is a demonstrative work of the “academic everyday genre”. The characters are clearly divided into good and bad, so the boy is on one side, and the positive, sympathetic characters are on the other.

Our gaze moves from the boy to his sister, then to the mother, and, following her gaze, returns to the boy. In the center of the composition is not a specific object, but an impending feeling of disappointment and longing.

Reshetnikov in the painting "Again deuce" depicted a wealthy family

There is no father in the picture. Apparently, he died in the war, and the mother is raising three children alone. Notable details are a carpet, a bicycle and a clock. For 1952, all this was an indicator of the good financial situation of the family.

"Arrived for the holidays", 1948

On the wall hangs a reproduction of another painting by Reshetnikov (painted four years earlier) - "Arrived for the holidays." This canvas is about the arrival of a Suvorov boy home on New Year's Eve. Despite the optimism and festive surroundings, the canvas is deeply dramatic: most likely, the boy is an orphan, because after the war, children whose mother and father died at the front were often taken to Suvorov schools.


Reshetnikov found the idea for the painting “Again the deuce” in his family. The prototype of the boy was the daughter of the artist Lyuba. She had deuces, and at such moments, when she came home, she always strove to slip unnoticed into the kitchen. Her frustrated face, the guilty look of Reshetnikov and preserved for the hero of the picture. The artist himself believed that a bad assessment is a disorder not only for the child personally, but also for relatives and friends, and for the whole country.

The prototype of the main character of the picture was the daughter of Reshetnikov

The picture was painted from nature, very difficult. Reshetnikov's memoirs about how long the artist fed the dog with sandwiches to make it stand in the right position have been preserved.

"Reexamination", 1954

"Again, a deuce" became the second part of Reshetnikov's "artistic trilogy": the first - "Arrived on vacation", the third - "Re-examination". And just as in the picture “Again the deuce” a reproduction of “Arrived for the holidays” is visible, in the left corner of the “Re-examination” a reproduction of the painting “Again the deuce” is visible.

The fate of the artist

Fyodor Reshetnikov was born in 1906 in the family of an icon painter. At the age of 3 he was left an orphan and was brought up in his brother's family. He studied at the Worker's Faculty of Arts in Moscow, at the Higher Artistic and Technical Workshops. At the Komsomol call, he went to the Arctic on the Chelyuskin, where he was a full-time artist. Reshetnikov had two periods of creativity. The first - youthful - is associated with the same Arctic campaign, with humorous cartoons. The second - with a children's genre and work in the open air. By the way, all his landscapes were bought up and taken abroad.

Kryukovo. Forest Glade. 1946

Twice Reshetnikov was awarded the Stalin Prize. And soon after the painting "Again deuce" he became a full member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR. For the last 13 years of his life, the artist was vice-president of the Academy.

Composition based on the painting “Again the deuce” (1952) by the Soviet artist F.P. Reshetnikova is one of the most common compositions written by students of the second and subsequent grades.

The popularity of this picture is explained not only by the school theme, but also by its clear, intelligible compositional solution.

Composition on the painting "Again deuce" Grade 2

A student came from school with another two. They were waiting for him at home, especially a big dog. But when mom and older sister found out that the boy got a bad mark, they were very upset.

Only the dog was delighted, and the younger brother on the bike smiles, because he does not understand how bad it is to get deuces. After all, he is not in school yet. But the elder sister, probably, is an excellent student. She is getting ready for class. She has a very strict face, she is unhappy with her brother and worries about her mother.

Mom was very upset because of the poor studies of her eldest son, but she loves him and hopes that he will study well. The boy is also sad, because he did not want to upset his relatives, but it happened.

He loves to skate and play with his friends. This prevents him from studying well. It can be seen that the family is friendly and together they will overcome all difficulties.

Composition on the painting "Again deuce" Grade 5

The painting by Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov “Again a deuce” depicts a student with a two-year student and his family. The boy, who received another two, has just come home and is in the foreground of the picture. He is wearing a winter coat, black trousers and boots. In his hands is a bandaged briefcase, from which skates peep out.

The boy has disheveled hair and red ears. He probably did not immediately come home from school, but skated and played with the guys. The boy is sad, he does not look at anyone. Even to his beloved dog, which joyfully met him and calls for a walk.

The houses are very clean and beautiful. It can be seen that the boy's mother is a good housewife. She sits wearily in a chair at the dining table. She is wearing a kitchen apron. Most likely, she was preparing dinner and waiting for her son from school. Only now he upset her again. She looks reproachfully at the boy.

In the middle of the picture is the older sister of the loser, only she, unlike him, studies well. A red tie is tied around her sister's neck, she is a pioneer. My sister took textbooks out of her neat and clean briefcase and is going to do her homework. She looks at her brother very angrily and accusingly.

The younger brother rode a bicycle and looks at his brother cheerfully. He is still small and cannot sympathize with his brother. Painting by F.P. Reshetnikova is very truthful. We must hope that the boy will improve and will study for one five.

Composition on the painting "Again deuce" Grade 6

The protagonist of the painting "Again the deuce" is a sad boy standing in the foreground. The reason for his sadness is that he again received a deuce, and maybe even skipped school. His whole appearance indicates that he is ashamed. However, a shabby briefcase, in which skates lie on top of books, suggests that the student is not the most diligent student. Most likely, he is already used to being scolded, and misses a lot of things.

His behavior, of course, upsets the family. The mood of the picture is expressed by muted colors. Only the red pioneer tie of the protagonist's older sister stands out. Before the arrival of the student, everyone was busy with something: an excellent student sister prepared her lessons, her mother busied herself around the house, her brother rode a bicycle.

But the appearance of the loser made everyone stop, everything froze and it seems that you can hear the wall clock ticking. Everyone is looking at the guilty boy. Even the cheerfully twisted tail of a faithful dog, joyfully meeting the owner, cannot cheer up the characters in the picture. Only the younger unintelligent brother smiles maliciously, rejoicing at his brother's oversight. This picture is very instructive. She teaches us to be responsible for our studies and not to let our relatives down.