Perspective plan for plot drawing in the senior group. How to learn to draw? Step by step plan

A long-term plan for drawing with non-traditional techniques in a preschool educational institution. preparatory group

Tutor Kharchikova Lyudmila Nikolaevna
MDOU "TsRR" Zorka "- Kindergarten No. 16", Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region
Material Description: This material will be useful for educators of the preparatory group. It contains all available and interesting non-traditional drawing techniques.

Perspective plan for drawing with non-traditional techniques in the preparatory group

1 Memories of summer (Wax crayons + watercolor)
Introduce the technique of "wax. crayons + watercolor. Contribute to the most expressive reflection of the impressions of the summer. Develop a sense of composition, color perception.
2 Butterflies in the meadow (Blotography)
To acquaint with the technique of "blotography", with its expressive features. Develop interest in creativity, imagination, fantasy.
3 Apples ripened in the orchards (Poke with a dry hard brush)
Improve the ability to depict fruit trees. Learn to draw apples using the “poke with a hard brush” technique. To form an interest in creative activity.
4 Autumn bouquet (Plasticineography + spatter + printing with leaves)
Learn to combine several techniques in your work. Develop attention, perseverance, accuracy.
1 What autumn gave us (Drawing from life. Still life)
Introduce the still life genre. Learn to analyze nature. Use a palette in your work, mix paints. Develop a sense of composition, color perception.
2 Autumn at the edge of the paint bred (Print with leaves)
Continue to introduce leaf printing. Cultivate an interest in nature. To develop the ability to mix paints directly on the leaves, the desire to most fully realize your plan.
3 Hedgehogs (Crumpled paper printing)
Learn to draw using the technique of “printing with crumpled paper”, supplement the image with details, including dry leaves.
4 Animals that I invented myself (Blotography)
Introduce children to the "blotography" technique. Learn to supplement the drawing with new elements. Develop interest in creativity, imagination.
1 Semyonov matryoshka (Drawing on a three-dimensional figure)
Learn to draw patterns based on Dymkovo toys, combine various previously mastered elements in new combinations, develop the ability to convey the color of Dymkovo patterns
2 First snow (Painting with a brush + Q-tip)
Learn to use several techniques in your work. Show the possibilities of plasticine, Raise interest in depicting natural phenomena, the desire to create something unusual.
3 Bullfinches on a branch (Poke with a dry brush)
Expand children's ideas about birds, the ability to convey the image of a "bullfinch" in a drawing using the "poke" technique. Develop creative abilities, fine motor skills of hands.
4 Gift for mom (Drawing with palm, fingers)
Learn to draw flowers with your palm and fingers. Cultivate love for loved ones, the desire to do something pleasant for them.
1 Winter has come (Print with leaves on a colored background)
Learn to mix paints to obtain shades: lilac, blue. Develop the ability to create a finished look by drawing details. To form an interest in creativity, in one's own work.
2 Winter landscape (Drawing with PVA glue + salt)
Introduce drawing with PVA glue and salt. To develop interest in the image of winter nature, the desire to draw it. Learn to work neatly, clean your workplace.
3 New Year is coming soon (Tools and equipment of children's choice)
Improve the ability to conceive a plot, choose means for its image. To help children realize their vision on paper to the fullest extent. Develop a sense of composition, color perception.
4 Christmas tree elegant (Applique from torn paper + fingers)
Learn to make a Christmas tree using the technique of "breakaway appliqué". Draw toys on the Christmas tree using finger painting
1 Hello New Year!!! (Techniques of children's choice)
To develop the ability of children to use different techniques in their work.
2 Snow family (Crumpled paper + PV glue)
Learn to draw snowmen without first drawing with a pencil, using crumpled paper and glue. Promote positive emotions.
3 Northern Lights (Splatter)
Develop color perception, the ability to select appropriate color combinations for your composition. Develop imagination, creative thinking.
4 Bears can be white (Poke with a hard brush)
Improve the technique of drawing with a poke. Expand knowledge about wild animals. Develop a sense of composition, fine motor skills.
1 Wonderful handkerchiefs (Drawing in gouache)
To acquaint with the Pavlo-Posad shawl. Learn to highlight color and pattern elements, draw simple ornaments. Develop a sense of rhythm, color perception.
2 Postcard for dad (Tools and equipment for the choice of children)
Teach children to be independent in the manufacture of their work. Achieve an emotionally vivid embodiment of the plan. Encourage fuller use of known tools and techniques.
3 Portrait of dad (Colored pencils + felt-tip pen)
Improve the ability to make a sketch with a simple pencil, paint with color and highlight the outline with a felt-tip pen. Cause an emotional response to creative activity. Encourage them to show care and concern for their loved ones.
4 Draw what you want (Techniques at the request of children)
To form the ability to work on the idea, to present the content of your drawing. Continue to develop spatial imagination, the ability to convey the nature of the object being drawn using color, movement, facial expressions
1 Early spring (Wet layer)
Learn to draw on wet paper. Develop an interest in depicting natural phenomena. Create a sense of beauty.
2 Portrait of mother (Colored pencils + felt-tip pens)
Improve the ability to make a sketch with a simple pencil, paint with color and highlight the outline with a felt-tip pen. evoke positive emotions. Develop perseverance, the desire to bring your work to completion
3 Mimosa branch (Poking with a hard brush + painting with the end of the brush)
Exercise in the ability to draw flowers with a hard brush. To form an aesthetic attitude to the world around. Learn to take care of your loved ones.
4 Magic patterns (Nitkography)
Develop color perception, the ability to select appropriate color combinations for your composition. Form an aesthetic taste.
1 Fairy fish (Mosaic)
Introduce children to the new mosaic technique. Expand children's ideas about the inhabitants of the water expanses. Exercise in the image of fish with the help of "mosaic". Develop fantasy.
2 Easter gift (Drawing with a foam rubber sponge)
Help to master a new way of depicting a foam rubber sponge. Learn to add detail to a drawing. Develop creative abilities.
3 Flight into space (Splatter)
Learn to draw an image of the night sky using a spatter. Develop cognitive interest, the ability to realize your plan.
4 Starlings have arrived (Watercolor + felt-tip pens)
To introduce the technique of "watercolor + felt-tip pens" to perform the work in stages. Develop attention, will.
1 Victory Day (Felt pens + crumpled paper)
To form ideas in children about the feat of the Russian people. Cultivate a sense of pride in their homeland. The desire to express this in your drawing.
2 Spring bouquet (Plasticineography + drawing with crumpled paper)
Practice in combination of two techniques. Develop a sense of composition, color perception. To form an interest in creative activity.
3 Golden Khokhloma (Using techniques: flat and the end of the brush)
Introduce children to Khokhloma painting. To form an interest in folk art. Learn to draw a background for Khokhloma painting. Make decorative patterns. Cultivate accuracy at work. Drawing with paint on paint.
4 Hello summer! (Wax crayons + watercolor)
Strengthen the ability to draw with wax crayons, paint over with watercolor paint. Teaches you how to portray your mood, your impressions. Improve components

Natalya Fedorova
Advanced planning for drawing in the senior group

Senior group


1. Topic of the lesson: "We draw summer".

Theme of the week: .

Learn to reflect in the drawing the impressions received in the summer; draw various trees, bushes, flowers; evaluate your drawings and drawings of your comrades;

To consolidate the ability to place images on the strip at the bottom of the sheet and throughout sheet: closer to the bottom of the sheet and beyond it;

To develop figurative perception, figurative representations, creative activity.

2. Topic of the lesson: "Apple tree with golden apples in a magical garden".

Theme of the week: "Knowledge Day. Bye, summer. Hello Kindergarten!.

draw spreading trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees; portray a lot "golden" apples place the image on the sheet;

Pin skill draw with paints draw on wet paint);

3. Topic of the lesson: "Wonder Bird".

Theme of the week: "You are the Kuban, you are our Motherland".

To acquaint children with the folk and applied art of the Kuban;

View photos of clay toys - birds;

Raise interest in the works of folk art of the Kuban.

4. Topic of the lesson: "Colors of the native land".

Theme of the week: "You are the Kuban, you are our Motherland".

To contribute to the expansion and consolidation of children's knowledge about their native land;

To instill a love for the artistic word;

Consolidate skills drawing paints of the Kuban patterns.

5. Topic of the lesson:"Human"

Theme of the week: "Our body and health"

(drawing with a simple pencil)

Teach draw

6. Topic of the lesson: "Children on charge"

(colour pencils)

Theme of the week: "Our body and health"

Teach draw people, observing the ratio of the head and body in size;

To teach to convey in the drawing the position of the arms and legs when children perform charging exercises;

Develop creativity.

7. Topic of the lesson: "Matryoshka dolls from Sergiev Posad"


Theme of the week: "My family"

To acquaint children with the history of the creation of Russian wooden nesting dolls, to show the characteristic features of the Sergiev Posad nesting dolls;

Develop the ability to paint the silhouette of a nesting doll with patterns and flowers;

Form an aesthetic taste.

8. Topic of the lesson:"Family of Semyonov Matryoshkas"

(colour pencils)

Theme of the week: "My family"

Introduce children to the Semenov matryoshka;

Teach draw a simple pencil silhouette from nature;

Exercise in the transfer of the characteristic features of Semyonov nesting dolls, using the appropriate colors and patterns.

9. Topic of the lesson: "Fruit trees".

Theme of the week: "Fruits vegetables"

Learn to create a fabulous image, draw spreading trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees; depict a lot of fruits;

Arrange an image on a sheet;

Pin skill draw with paints(it is good to blot the brush on a napkin, do not draw on wet paint);

Develop aesthetic perception, a sense of composition.

10. Topic of the lesson: "We draw vegetables"

Theme of the week: "Fruits vegetables"

To teach children to make decorative work on a square using leaves, arches of vegetables;

keep learning draw with paints;

Learn to use successfully combined colors, make shades of color on the palette;

Develop aesthetic perception, a sense of composition.

11. Topic of the lesson:"Pine"

(gouache painting)

Theme of the week: "Trees, bushes»

Teach draw a tree, conveying its structure (trunk, branches, needles, first with a simple pencil, and then draw up the work in color;

Learn to mix paints to get different shades of the same color;

keep learning draw the whole pile is wide lines and the tip of the brush is thin lines;

To consolidate the ability to use the sticking method.

12. Topic of the lesson:"Birch"

(gouache painting)

Theme of the week: "Trees, bushes»

Teach children draw a tree, passing it

To consolidate the ability to create a plot composition, to fit a drawing into a sheet;

13. Topic of the lesson:"Magic Leaves and Berries"

Theme of the week: "Berries and Mushrooms"

Introduce children to the patterns on modern printed fabrics and discuss their beauty;

Practice simple tricks drawing with a brush of decorative leaves and berries (with the end of the brush - poke reception and with the whole brush by applying or priming);

Develop aesthetic perception, a sense of rhythm.

14. Topic of the lesson:"Mushroom meadow"

Theme of the week: "Berries and Mushrooms"

Introduce children to the variety of mushrooms;

Teach draw from a picture, correctly convey the shape of the leaves, the location and color of the mushrooms;

15. Topic of the lesson:"Autumn"

Theme of the week: "Autumn"

Introduce children to the painting by I. I. Levitan "Golden autumn";

To teach children to reflect autumn impressions in the drawing, draw various trees;

Learn to depict trees, grass, leaves in different ways;

To fix the techniques of work with a brush and paints;

Develop activity, creativity;

Continue to develop the ability to enjoy beautiful drawings.

16. Topic of the lesson:"Branch with berries"

Theme of the week: "Autumn"

Continue to acquaint children with the variety of berries;

Teach draw from a picture, correctly convey the shape of the leaves, the location and color of the berries;

To consolidate the ability to fill the sheet compositionally.

17. Topic of the lesson:"Still life "Gifts of Autumn"

(starting with a simple pencil).

Theme of the week: "Autumn"

Introduce the genre in painting - still life;

To form the ability to beautifully arrange a drawing on a sheet of paper.

18. Topic of the lesson:"Still life "Gifts of Autumn"

(continuation of work with paints).

Theme of the week: "Autumn"

Show the role of a color background for a still life;

To consolidate the ability to work with a brush and paints.

Bring up .

19. Topic of the lesson:"Hedgehog"

(drawing colored pencils)

Theme of the week: "Wild animals"

Teach children draw with a simple pencil without pressure, the contour and paint over with colored pencils, without going beyond the contour lines;

Develop imaginative thinking when guessing riddles.

20. Topic of the lesson:"Squirrel"

(hatching "loop", markers)

Theme of the week: "Wild animals"

Teach children draw a squirrel, conveying its characteristic peculiarities: oval body, elongated muzzle, short legs;

To develop the ability to reflect in the drawing the impressions of natural phenomena in the autumn period, to convey a simple perspective: on the front plan depict objects large, on the back - small;

Learn to convey the texture of fur using continuous hatching "loop";

Develop observation, aesthetic taste;

Cultivate respect for animals.

21. Topic of the lesson:"Mustachioed - Striped".

Theme of the week: "Pets"

Learn to convey the image of a kitten in a drawing;

Strengthen the ability to depict animals using skills painting with brushes and paints;

Develop figurative perception and imagination;

Cause joy from the created image.

22. Topic of the lesson:"Kid"

(hatching "loop", markers)

Theme of the week: "Pets"

Continue to teach children to outline the silhouette of an animal on four legs, conveying its posture and structure;

Continue to acquaint with the method of image transmission - with a stroke - "loop";

Show the features and possibilities of continuous circular movements when transferring the texture of the curly fur of a kid;

exercise in drawing"loop".

23. Topic of the lesson:"Bullfinch".


Theme of the week: "Wintering Birds"

To teach to convey in the drawing the characteristic features of a bullfinch, observing the proportions to convey the shape of the bird's body structure;

To consolidate the ability to work with a simple pencil, brush and paints;

24. Topic of the lesson:"Owl on a Tree"

(wax crayons)

Theme of the week: "Wintering Birds"

keep learning draw birds, conveying their characteristic features;

Learn to sketch with a simple pencil, and then draw up the work with wax crayons;

To instill love and respect for feathered friends.

25. Topic of the lesson:"Petushka with family" Beginning of work.

Theme of the week: "Pets"

To teach children to convey in the drawing one of the episodes of the story;

Pin skill draw a rooster

exercise in simple pencil drawing;

26. Topic of the lesson:"Petushka with family" (according to the story by K. D. Ushinsky) end of work.

Theme of the week: "Pets"

Teach kids to finish what they start.

Pin skill draw a rooster, hens, chickens; achieve accuracy in the transfer of the main form, characteristic details;

Exercise in painting with colored pencils;

Develop creative imagination.

27. Topic of the lesson: "Fairytale houses"

Theme of the week: "House, its parts"

Learn to create an image of a fabulous house; convey in the drawing its shape, structure, parts;

Pin skill draw different familiar materials, choosing them as you wish;

To form a desire to consider your drawings, evaluate them.

28. Topic of the lesson:"Home for the Three Little Pigs"(wax crayons)

Theme of the week: "House, its parts"

Expand knowledge about the main parts of the building (wall, roof, window, door, etc.);

Practice guys in drawing rectangular objects (wide, narrow, high, low);

To form the ability to create a simple composition based on the plot of a fairy tale;

Consolidate tricks drawing with wax crayons;

Develop fine motor skills.

29. Topic of the lesson:"My favorite room" (colour pencils)

Theme of the week: "Furniture" (Beginning of work)

keep learning draw with a simple pencil

30. Topic of the lesson: "My favorite room"

(colour pencils)

Theme of the week: "Furniture" (end of work)

Develop the ability to think about the content of the picture;

keep learning draw with a simple pencil, and paint over with colored pencils;

Develop creativity, figurative representations;

Continue to develop the ability to consider your work, highlight images that are interesting in design, evaluate work.

31. Topic of the lesson:"Television"


Theme of the week: "Household electrical appliances"

Expand ideas about the shape of familiar objects;

Learn to convey the characteristic features of household appliances;

Develop skill draw with brushes and paints;

Form skill draw any image on the TV screen.

32. Topic of the lesson:"A computer"

(colored pencils and wax crayons)

Theme of the week: "Household electrical appliances"

Learn to convey the characteristic features of a computer;

Teach children to sketch with a simple pencil, and then paint over with colored pencils;

Form imaginative perception.

33. Topic of the lesson:"Snowman"

(watercolor, wax crayons)

Theme of the week: "Winter. New Year"

Continue to teach to convey the features of the depicted object;

Improve the ability to work with watercolor and wax crayons;

Develop figurative representations, creativity;

Bring up diligence and accuracy.

34. Topic of the lesson:"Snow Maiden or Santa Claus"


Theme of the week: "Winter. New Year"

Continue to introduce children to the concept "cold colors";

Teach draw a fantasy character, respecting the proportions of the body;

Pin skill draw contour with a simple pencil without pressure;

Develop creativity.

35. Topic of the lesson: "Apron"

(drawing colored pencils and markers)

Theme of the week: "Cloth"

To acquaint children with the features of the Russian folk costume;

Show the beauty of embroidered products, patterns from plant elements;

Teach draw apron, conveying its characteristic features, decorate it with floral patterns (flowers, leaves, stems, herbs).

36. Topic of the lesson: "Alyonushka in a sundress"

(decorative drawing colored pencils)

Theme of the week: "Cloth"

Continue to acquaint children with the history of decorating clothes and linen with embroidery;

Show the beauty of embroidered products;

To teach to convey the characteristic features of Russian folk clothing - a sundress and a shirt;

Develop respect for folk culture.

37. Topic of the lesson: "Hat and mittens"

(decorative gouache painting)

Theme of the week: "Shoes. Hats"

Teach children draw clothes;

Continue to teach yourself to invent patterns and decorate clothes in the same style and color;

Develop a sense of composition and rhythm.

38. Topic of the lesson: "Fairy Shoes"

(wax crayons, gouache)

Theme of the week: "Shoes. Hats"

Learn to create an image of fabulous shoes; convey in the drawing its shape, structure, parts;

Pin skill draw wax crayons and gouache;

Exercise in painting over the drawings, using them as you wish;

To form a desire to consider your drawings, evaluate them;

Develop fantasy and imagination.

39. Topic of the lesson: "Gzhel Cup"

(painting with gouache)

Theme of the week: "Dishes and food"

Introduce children to Gzhel;

Learn to highlight the characteristic features of Gzhel painting, decorate with simple elements of painting;

Continue learning how to mix blue and white paint to get blue.

40. Topic of the lesson: "Tea-set"

(gouache painting)

Theme of the week: "Dishes and food"

Teach draw utensils, independently invent patterns and decorate dishes in the same style;

To consolidate the ability to arrange the elements of the pattern on the surface of the object;

Develop aesthetic perception, fantasy, imagination, sense of color;

Cultivate compassion and kindness.

41. Topic of the lesson: "Houses on our street"

Theme of the week:

Clarify ideas about the street, that houses are different;

Learn to identify what all houses have in common, how they differ;

To consolidate knowledge about the shape of roofs (trapezium, triangle);

Learn to place the image all over the sheet, determine the place of individual objects; - to consolidate technical skills and abilities.

42. Topic of the lesson: "By Design"

Theme of the week: What do I see in the city. What are the shops?

To teach children to conceive the content of their drawing based on the impressions received, to select materials in accordance with the content of the image;

Develop imagination, creative activity;

Strengthen technical skills and abilities drawing with different materials;

Develop the ability to notice interesting topics.

43. Topic of the lesson: "Steamboat"

(wax crayons and watercolor)

Theme of the week: "Transport"

Teach draw objects with a simple pencil, conveying the shape of the main parts, their location and size;

Continue to consolidate the ability to fit an image into a sheet;

Continue learning how to paint over the silhouette with wax crayons and tint a wet sheet of paper with watercolors.

44. Topic of the lesson: "Truck"

(free choice of material)

Theme of the week: "Transport"

To teach to depict objects from different geometric shapes, to correctly position the parts of the object;

Develop a sense of composition;

Teach children to use different materials to create an expressive drawing.

45. Topic of the lesson: "Portrait of a Pope"


Theme of the week:

To give children an idea of ​​the portrait genre;

Teach draw memory portrait of father (head, shoulders);

46. ​​Topic of the lesson: "Flying Planes"

(wax crayons and watercolor)

Theme of the week: "Russia. Defenders of the Fatherland"

Teach draw silhouettes of aircraft with a simple pencil, conveying the shape;

To consolidate the ability to paint over the object with wax crayons and tint the sheet with watercolors so that one color smoothly changes into another;

Develop creativity and imagination.

47. Topic of the lesson: "Where does bread come from"

(colour pencils)

Theme of the week: "Bread and Cereals"

To expand children's knowledge about artists;

To acquaint with reproductions of paintings by I. Shishkin "Rye", I. Mashkova "Sned Moscow: loaves";

To form the ability to portray people, cars;

Develop skills drawing colored pencils.

48. Topic of the lesson: "Khokhloma patterns"


Theme of the week: "Bread and Cereals"

Continue to acquaint children with products decorated with Khokhloma painting;

Learn to highlight the composition of the pattern, name its elements, highlight their rhythmic arrangement, determine the color of Khokhloma;

Exercise in a variety of brush strokes;

To develop the ability to admire Khokhloma products and created patterns.

49. Topic of the lesson: "Portrait of Mom"


Theme of the week: "Spring. Mom's holiday "

To consolidate the ability to depict a portrait;

Develop artistic perception of the image of a person;

Teach draw from memory portrait of mother

(head, shoulders);

Practice mixing colors to get complexion.

50. Topic of the lesson: "Bouquet for Mom"


Theme of the week: "Spring. Mom's holiday "

Teach children draw flowers, combine colors, correctly position the drawing on the sheet;

gouache painting;

develop skills drawing the contour of the bouquet with a simple pencil "

keep learning draw brush in different ways;

Cultivate a sense of respect for parents

51. Topic of the lesson: "We draw spring flowers"

(gouache painting)

Theme of the week: "Flowers"

Introduce children to spring flowers;

To teach children to carefully paint flowers with gouache, allowing the paint to dry;

To consolidate the ability to convey different colors and shades by mixing paints with white;

Cultivate aesthetic taste.

52. Topic of the lesson: "Lilac in a vase"

(drawing from nature)

Theme of the week: "Flowers"

Teach children draw from nature;

Develop the ability to observe, peer;

To teach to convey in the drawing the characteristic features of nature;

Improve the ability to mix paints to obtain new shades.

53. Topic of the lesson: "Bee on a flower"

(drawing with wax crayons)

Theme of the week: "Insects"

Develop the ability to observe natural phenomena;

Learn to convey the basic properties of objects, characteristic details, the ratio of objects and their parts in size, height, location relative to each other.

54. Topic of the lesson: "Insects of the Meadow"

(watercolor and gouache)

Theme of the week: "Insects"

To learn to reflect a simple plot in a drawing, conveying pictures of the surrounding life;

To form the ability to convey the contours of insects with a continuous line;

Learn to combine watercolor and gouache, prepare the right colors by mixing watercolor and white;

Develop aesthetic perception, the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding nature, the desire to reflect it in your work.

55. Topic of the lesson: "Lark"

(drawing colored pencils)

Theme of the week: "Migratory birds"

Learn to sketch with a graphite pencil and paint over with colored pencils;

Teach children draw birds, building an image from its constituent parts;

Develop observation and imagination;

Cultivate a love for birds.

56. Topic of the lesson: "Swallow on the Nest"

(watercolor painting)

Theme of the week: "Migratory birds"

Continue to teach children to first sketch with a graphite pencil and then paint the drawing with paints;

Develop observation and imagination;

Cultivate a love for birds.

57. Topic of the lesson: "Sea bottom"


Theme of the week: "Fishes"

Teach children to make an underwater landscape;

To form a generalized idea of ​​the appearance of marine life, conveying in the drawing not only the shape, but also the plasticity of the object, its character, with the help of small details;

Develop imagination.

58. Topic of the lesson: "Aquarium"


Theme of the week: "Fishes"

Teaching children to portray aquarium inhabitants (fish, snails) and vegetation;

Practice the guys in self-tinting a sheet of paper, depicting small details with the end of the brush;

Develop visual skills.

59. Topic of the lesson: "Illustration for a fairy tale "Tops and Roots"

(colour pencils)

Theme of the week:

Continue to learn how to create and enter a plot composition into a sheet;

Improve technique drawing with a simple pencil;

Practice in zigzag hatching.

60. Topic of the lesson: "Illustration for a fairy tale "Turnip"


Theme of the week: "Spring. Her signs. Spring work in the garden, field, vegetable garden»

To teach to convey in the drawing the content of an episode of a fairy tale;

To consolidate the ability to arrange a drawing on a sheet in accordance with the content;

Fix methods and techniques watercolor painting;

Develop a sense of form, color, composition.

61. Topic of the lesson: "The path to the stars"

(wax crayons)

Theme of the week: "Space"

Teach draw colored wax crayons on a white sheet of paper;

Learn to depict a rocket in flight, the characteristic features of a spacecraft;

Learn to come up with the composition and content of the picture;

Develop creative imagination, imaginative thinking. Job.

62. Topic of the lesson: "Space spaces"


Theme of the week: "Space".

Refine children's knowledge of outer space: about planets of the solar system, nearest stars, the first cosmonaut;

To develop in children the artistic perception of outer space, the desire to convey their impressions, the ability to independently compose the plot of the drawing, in a given topic;

Keep learning to create multifaceted plot composition ( draw on the whole sheet, conveying the depth of space, highlight the main thing in size and color;

Develop the imagination, imagination, creativity of children, develop fine motor skills.

63. Topic of the lesson: "My future profession"

(colour pencils)

Theme of the week: "Professions"

Teach draw sketchy figures of people, observing the proportions and movements of people;

To form figurative perception;

Learn to convey in the drawing the main details of clothing.

64. Topic of the lesson: "Profession of my parent"

(watercolor and wax crayons)

Theme of the week: "Professions"

keep learning draw sketchy figures of people, observing the proportions and movements of people;

Fix methods and techniques watercolor painting and brush;

Cultivate a sense of respect for the professions of adults.

65. Topic of the lesson: "Toy as a gift to the future


(Beginning of work)

Theme of the week: "School"

To form in children the ability to portray their favorite toy, to convey its characteristic features;

Pin skill draw with a simple pencil;

Improve the ability to enter a drawing on a sheet;

Cultivate love for peers.

66. Topic of the lesson: "Toy as a gift to the future


(end of work)

Theme of the week: "School"

Teach children to finish what they started;

Learn to paint a drawing with gouache;

Improve the ability to use a brush;

Bring up diligence and accuracy.

67. Topic of the lesson: "Rainbow - arc"

Theme of the week:

Continue to teach children to independently reflect their ideas about natural phenomena in the drawing using various visual and expressive means;

To form interest in the image of the rainbow;

Develop a sense of color;

Cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

68. Topic of the lesson: "Thunderstorm".

Theme of the week: “Signs of summer. Summer games and fun»

To consolidate the ability to depict pictures of nature, to convey in the drawing the features of spring weather (storm clouds, lightning, rain);

Teach children how to wash;

Develop independence, initiative, a sense of composition;

Encourage individual style of performance;

Show the means of expression in the landscapes of artists;

Generate interest in drawing.

69. Topic of the lesson: "Sea"

Theme of the week: "Summer".

70. Topic of the lesson: "Butterflies fly over the meadow".

Theme of the week: "Summer".

To teach children to reflect a simple plot in drawings, conveying pictures of the surrounding life;

Arrange images on a wide strip;

To convey the color of a particular phenomenon based on observations;

To develop color and aesthetic perception, the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding nature, the desire to reflect it in your work.

71. Topic of the lesson: "Patterns on the kitchen board".

To teach children to paint a template based on Gorodets or Khokhloma painting;

To teach to highlight the decorative elements of the painting, their compositional arrangement, color;

Develop a sense of rhythm, color, composition.

72. Topic of the lesson: "Wood".

(pipe blow)

Teach children draw in a new technique;

Develop interest in drawing, fantasy;

Bring up diligence, accuracy.

elena zubanova
Perspective work plan for drawing in the senior group. (corresponds to GEF)


Week Theme of the lesson Program content Methodological techniques Materials and equipment Literature

1 "Fun

summer” Create conditions for reflecting summer impressions in the drawing. Teach draw simple scenes, conveying human movements. Involve children in a collective conversation, in game and speech interaction with peers. Lead to the description of the images in the figures. White sheets of paper of the same size for compiling a general album of drawings "Happy summer"; colored pencils and markers

(optional); simple pencils, erasers. The teacher has the basis for the future album "Happy summer". I. A. Lyko-va, p. 20

2 "Summer red has passed" To teach children to make a harmonious composition, conveying impressions of summer. Introduce a new way to create an abstract composition - free, uninterrupted movement of a pencil or felt-tip pen on paper (exercise "lines on the walk"). Improve technique drawing watercolors (frequently rinse and wet the brush, move it freely in all directions). White sheets of paper of different formats and sizes, watercolors, felt-tip pens or colored pencils, brushes of different sizes, palettes, jars of water. Four abstract color compositions: summer (green-green-red-yellow-blue, autumn (yellow-orange-brown-gray-blue), winter (white-blue-violet-blue, spring (pale green-white-pink-blue). I. A. Lyko-va, p. 26


3 "Mysteries from the Garden" To learn to convey the form and characteristics according to their description in riddles; create expressive and fantasy images; mix paints yourself to get the desired shade; clarify the idea of ​​well-known subject objects. Gouache paints, brushes of 2 sizes, jars of water, palettes for mixing paints, wet and dry wipes; vegetables (real and dummies) to clarify the appearance. I. A. Lykova, p. 44

4 "Trees in our park"

Teach draw deciduous trees, conveying the characteristic features of the structure of the trunk and crown (birch, oak, willow, aspen, colors; develop technical skills in pencil drawing, paints and other materials. Improve visual skills and develop the ability to create expressive images using various means of image.

Sheets of paper in white, blue and gray colors; gouache paints, brushes of different sizes, jars of water, cloth and paper napkins, easel, unfinished drawings made by the educator to demonstrate the technique drawing(birch, oak, willow, aspen). Reproduction of I. Levitan's painting "Birch

grove". I. A. Lyko-va, p. 32

1 “This street, this house…”

Introduce children to concepts "architecture", "architect", "facade"; to teach to convey in the drawing the impressions of the surrounding life; consolidate knowledge about the main parts of the building (wall, roof, door, balcony, etc. expand the understanding of various rectangles - wide and narrow; learn to create a simple composition of a modern city street; consolidate techniques paint drawing, learn to prepare shades of color by diluting with water on the palette. Paper, paints, brushes, water, napkins, photographs of various buildings. V. N. Volchkova, p. 28

2 "Golden Khokhloma and Golden Forest". To continue acquaintance of children with different types of folk arts and crafts. Learn to notice artistic elements "Golden Khokhloma": material, technology, color, pattern. Teach draw plant patterns on paper (grass, curly, berries, flowers) based on Khokhloma painting, use decor elements when making homemade books. Develop technical skills - skillfully use a brush ( draw with the tip of the brush, with the whole brush, move it in different directions). Cultivate an aesthetic attitude to everyday culture. Examination of items painted with Khokhloma painting, the teacher's story about Khokhloma, showing how to draw elements of Khokhloma painting, examining the golden forest, drawn by children. Album for children's creativity "Golden Khokhloma", a manual for getting acquainted with the characteristic elements and color combinations of different types of folk arts and crafts.

I. A. Lykova, p. 66

3 “The services will delight everyone and call for tea”

To give children the concept of style unity; develop a sense of style, color; to teach to arrange the elements of the pattern on the surface of the object; develop your imagination to come up with your own service, a name for it.

Paper, paints, water, gouache, watercolors, palette, simple pencil, illustrations depicting dishes, sets.

V. N. Volchkova, p. 85

4 "Jolly Clown"

Teach draw human figure in motion, showing changes in appearance (shape and proportions) in connection with the transmission of simple movements. To arouse interest in the search and transfer of characteristic details that make the image expressive, figurative, using accessible graphic means. Choose a contrasting color combination compliance with the content and character of the image.

Gouache paints, brushes 2 - 3 sizes, sheets of white and tinted paper (different sizes, jars of water, palettes.

Color models "Rainbow" And "Color circle" to demonstrate to children the patterns of color combinations and to get acquainted with the phenomenon of color contrast.

I. A. Lykova, p. 120

1 "My family"

Continue to introduce children to the portrait genre ( group to learn to portray group of people - family strive to discover in its members attractive qualities known only to the artist, to continue to teach draw a human figure, to achieve a clear image of proportions, expressiveness of the pose, to cultivate love for the family, care for her.

Paper - landscape sheet, wax crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens, portrait frames.

V. N. Volchkova, p. 71

2 "Don't hurt the ant!"

Introduce children to fairy tales "Muraway and Dandelion", offer a come-mother and draw other ending options; teach draw Ant in three parts; to learn to respond emotionally to the beauty of wild flowers, to reflect their impressions in the drawing, conveying the shape and structure of the petals, corolla, stem, their color; cultivate kindness. Compassion, sympathy, desire to help in difficult times.

Paper, pencils, paints, napkins, water, seals, stampings.

V. N. Volchkova, p. 40

3 "Autumn leaves"

Teach children draw from nature, conveying the shape and color of autumn leaves. Improve visual technique (mix paints to obtain complex shades and convey autumn color). To introduce a new way of obtaining an image - to apply paint, and "print" them on paper. Encourage children to embody their ideas, experiences, feelings in an artistic form; cause a desire to convey the characteristic features of objects and natural phenomena. Refinement of their colors and shapes, exhibition children's work.

Watercolor paints, white sheets of paper, palettes, brushes, jars of water, pencils or charcoal, erasers. Autumn leaves collected by children for a walk. Reproductions of paintings by Russian landscape painters. Package (box) with leaves. I. A. Lyko-va, p. 50

4 "Fantastic Flowers" Generate interest in drawing fantasy flowers based on exotic plants. Show the technique of modifying and decorating petals in order to create original images. Develop creative imagination, sense of color (contrast, nuance) and compositions. Activate adjectives in children's speech (qualitative and comparative). To arouse interest in flowering plants, the desire to admire them, consider and transfer the received ideas into artistic activity. in. Paper white and color (tinted) for the background, art materials for children to choose from - gouache and watercolor paints. I. A. Lyko-va, p. 132

1 "White birch under my window"

Arouse interest in creating an expressive image based on a lyric poem. Learn to combine different visual techniques to convey the characteristic features of a snowy crown (application) and a slender trunk with thin flexible branches (drawing) . Improve technical skills (skillfully use brush: draw wide lines with the entire bristle of the brush and thin lines with the end). Develop a sense of color (find beautiful combinations of colors and shades depending on the background).

Sheets of paper in blue, pink and bright blue, turquoise, lilac, gouache paints, brushes of different sizes, jars of water, cloth and paper napkins, easel, unfinished drawings made by the educator to demonstrate the technique drawing.

I. A. Lyko-va, p. 92

2 “A cloud of dust interferes with the smoke, fire trucks rush”

Teaching children to create a plot picture "Fire"; fix fire safety rules; to cultivate respect for brave people - firefighters who come to the rescue at any moment; teach draw fire, smoke, figures of people in motion.

Black paper, red, yellow, black and white gouache, thin white cardboard, cotton wool, scissors, glue, transparent film, pencils.

V. N. Volchkova, p. 39

3 "Drawing with a stroke"

Arouse interest in such a method of image as a stroke; show the features of stroke movements, the expressive possibilities of a stroke when creating an image; exercise in drawing in this way; develop imagination, observation, emotional responsiveness, creative abilities.

Dry materials, pencils, felt-tip pens, pens, white paper, pictures of animals.

V. N. Volchkova, p. 50

4 "Spruce branches"

Teach children draw a spruce twig from nature, conveying the features of its mood, color and placement in space. Show ways of examining nature. Explain the need to comply with general conditions in the implementation of the collective work. Develop coordination in the system "eye-hand". Cultivate interest in folk art (paper folklore).

Two or three compositions with spruce branches to choose from (with a New Year's toy, cones, tinsel); greeting cards with the image of Christmas trees, fir branches, Christmas wreaths; sheets of white paper, simple and colored pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons.

V. N. Volchkova, p. 52

2 "January begins, open the calendar"

To teach children to make harmonious color compositions, conveying impressions of different seasons. Create an expressive image of a tree, in compliance with seasonal changes in nature. Practice in technique drawing with gouache paints: mix different colors to get "winter", "summer", "autumn", "spring" colors and shades (blue, pink and lilac, freely move the brush in different directions, draw the tip of the brush and the whole pile. Generate interest in work in pairs, the desire to create a homemade calendar. Develop a sense of color and composition.

For the calendar - 12 sheets of paper of the same format and size, but of different colors (3 sheets of winter - blue, lilac, purple; 3 sheets of spring - light green, pink, pale blue, bright yellow; 3 sheets of summer - green, red , raspberry; 3 leaves of autumn - yellow, orange, gray-blue); 12 identical tree silhouettes (trunk and branches without foliage); gouache paints, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, brushes of different sizes, palettes, jars of water.

I. A. Lyko-va, p. 106

3 "Lace fish"

Continue to acquaint children with the graphic representation of objects, teach them to convey signs of unusualness, fabulousness of images using various means of expression - lines, colors, spots, decor. Teach draw with a pen(ink).

Paper, ink, pen, watercolors, fine brush.

I. A. Lykova, p. 100

4 "Magic Snowflakes"

Learn to build a circular pattern from the center, symmetrically placing elements on the ray axes or by symmetrically building up elements along concentric circles. Symmetrically arrange the pattern depending on the shape of a sheet of paper or a three-dimensional object. Use a variety of techniques in the pattern, rounded lines of form, plant elements. Skillfully using a brush draw the end, with the whole brush, move freely in different directions). Arouse in children the desire to create a collective composition from drawn snowflakes, carved stars for interior decoration groups.

Paper squares of the same size, but different colors - dark blue, purple, lilac, crimson, black; white gouache paints, thin brushes, jars of water, napkins. Vologda lace for viewing, crochet hooks (to show children). Basis for composition "Winter window"(a large sheet of paper on which to place (like a patchwork quilt) drawings of children.

I. A. Lykova, p. 94.

1 "I'm merrily rolling downhill into a snowdrift ..."

Learn to convey the story in accessible ways. Show Scene Image Tools (semantic) links between objects; highlighting the main and secondary, the transfer of interaction, changes in form due to the nature of the movement (arms raised, bent, torso tilted, etc.). To expand the possibilities of using the technique of interrupted application. Develop compositional skills draw all over the sheet of paper, drawing the horizon line, convey proportional and spatial relationships between objects).

White or slightly tinted paper (landscape format, colored and simple pencils, felt-tip pens; colored paper, glue, napkins, oilcloths.

I. A. Lykova, p. 116

2 "I paint the sea" Arouse interest in creating the image of the sea with various non-traditional techniques. Create conditions for experimenting with different artistic materials and tools. Develop imagination, sense of rhythm and composition; create conditions for the creative application of mastered skills; teach children to negotiate and plan team work. Sheets of white paper in different sizes (elongated rectangles or stripes); brushes of different sizes, foam sponges, brushes, posters "Color", coloring pages on a marine theme. I. A. Lykova, p. 172

3 "Dad's portrait" Teach draw a male portrait, trying convey the features of the appearance, character and mood of a particular person (dad, grandfather, brother, uncle). Arouse interest in the search for figurative and expressive means that allow you to reveal the image more fully, accurately, individually. Continue acquaintance with the types of genres of fine art (portrait).

White and tinted paper in various sizes, gouache paints, palettes, brushes, jars of water, family photographs, reproductions of paintings by famous artists, reference drawings for showing stages work, a color model that demonstrates how to achieve skin tones. I. A. Lyko-va, p. 136

4 "Water carriers - frantihi" Initiate the decorative design of molded figurines - decorate with decorative painting elements (circles, spots, dots, straight lines and strokes) based on the Dymkovo toy. Pay attention to the dependence of the pattern on the shape of the product. Improve technique drawing gouache paints - draw with the tip of the brush on a three-dimensional form, turning and examining it from all sides. To cultivate interest and aesthetic attitude to folk art. Water-carriers molded from clay, gouache paints. Diamonds made of golden foil, brushes, cotton buds, jars of water, napkins, tables with elements of Dymkovo painting, drawings - variants of patterns on ladies and water carriers.

I. A. Lyko-va, p. 164

1 "Sweet Mommy Portrait"

Teach draw a portrait of a woman. Initiate an independent search for visual means to convey the features of the appearance, character and mood of a particular person (mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts). Continue acquaintance with the types and genres of fine art (portrait).

White and tinted paper in various sizes, gouache paints, palettes, brushes, jars of water, family photographs, reproductions of paintings by famous portrait painters, reference drawings for showing stages work.

I. A. Lykova, p. 142

2 "Wonderful transformations of the blot"

Create conditions for free experimentation with different materials and tools (artistic and domestic). Show new ways to get abstract images (blot). Arouse interest in objectification and "revitalization" unusual shapes (blot). Develop creative imagination.

Paints - watercolor, gouache, colored ink, soft brushes of different sizes, old toothbrushes, slices of vegetables (potatoes, beets, rags, sponges, newspapers for crushing and stamping; jars of water, cocktail tubes.

I. A. Lykova, p. 80

3 "Spring Sky"

Create conditions for free experimentation with watercolors and various art materials. Learn to depict the sky using color stretching "wet". Create conditions for reflecting spring impressions in the drawing. Develop creative imagination.

White sheets of paper of the same size for compiling a general album of drawings "Spring is red", watercolor paints, jars of water, colored pencils, felt-tip pens (optional).

I. A. Lykova, p. 168

4 "Fox - ku-fly and fox - dove"

Teach draw, revealing the theme of a literary work, conveying the character and mood of the characters. Arouse interest in illustrating familiar fairy tales with accessible visual means. Familiarize yourself with transmission techniques plot: highlight the main thing, depicting it larger in the front plan. Develop compositional skills (show location characters and items) .

Books - homemade, illustrated in a lesson on drawing"Hares - cowardly and brave", art materials for children to choose from - colored pencils, felt-tip pens, gouache paints; brushes, jars of water. Illustrations for fairy tales.

I. A. Lykova, p. 74

1 "I paint the sea"

Consistently and creatively reflect their ideas about the sea with different visual means. Generate interest in drawing marine plants and animals. Get to know the concept "ABC", "alphabet". Cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

Paper squares or rectangles with printed letters in the corners (from A to Z, felt-tip pens or colored pencils, the base is a sheet of tinted paper (blue, pictures depicting marine life. I. A. Lykov-va, p. 178

2 "Sunshine Color" (experienced) color development. Expand the color palette - show how to get "sunshine shades" (yellow, gold, amber, copper, fiery, red). Develop imagination. Activate the vocabulary with quality adjectives denoting colors and shades. Cultivate independence and initiative. Gouache and watercolor paints, palettes, brushes of various sizes, brushes, swabs. Cotton swabs, napkins, jars of water. Covers for the collective album "Sunny Pictures". I. A. Lykova, p. 154

3 "Rainbow - arc"

Continue to teach children to independently and creatively reflect their ideas about beautiful natural phenomena using various visual and expressive means. Generate interest in the image of the rainbow. Give basic information about color science. Develop a sense of color. Cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

Sheets of white and blue paper of large format (one size, watercolors, brushes of different sizes, jars of water, napkins

I. A. Lykova, p. 202

4 "Sunshine, dress up!"

Arouse in children the desire to create an image of the sun based on arts and crafts and book graphics (Based on illustrations for folk rhymes and songs); pay attention to decorative elements (dot, circle, wavy line, curl, leaf, shamrock, wave, etc., explain the symbolism; develop imagination, cultivate interest in folk art. Use a variety of straight, rounded lines of form, plant elements in the pattern. Skillfully use a brush (draw the end, with the whole brush).

Gouache paints, brushes of 2-3 sizes, sheets of white and tinted paper (different sizes, jars of water, palettes, color models "Rainbow".

I. A. Lykova, p. 152

2 "Green May" Generate interest in experimental (experienced) color development. Develop a sense of color. Cultivate independence and initiative. Gouache and watercolor paints, palettes, jars of water, brushes of various sizes, brushes, napkins, cotton swabs. I. A. Lykova, p. 196

3 "A bouquet of daisies, a ladybug and a bird" Continue to acquaint children with still lifes. Learn to convey the characteristic features of daisy flowers, their shape and structure, size, location on the stem, convey the color of nature. Draw ladybug and birds using stencils and templates. Cultivate love for nature. Toned sheets of paper. Gouache, palette, jars of water, napkins, dummies of a bird, ladybug, patterns of birds, simple pencils. V. N. Volchkova, p. 12

4 "What does summer smell like?" Arouse interest in creating expressive images of nature. Initiate the search for adequate visual and expressive means. Enrich intersensory connections (color - shape - smell). Prepare your hand for writing - learn to draw wavy lines - graphic symbols of smells. To cultivate interest in nature, the desire to learn, explore and reflect the impressions received in one's own work. Empty bottles, jars, components for aromatic compositions: dried fruits, lemon, orange, mint, rose, spices, herbs, resin, cones, lollipops, chocolate; colored pencils, felt-tip pens, tinted paper. I. A. Lykova, p. 206

If you are under 25 and have the opportunity to spend 5 years, go ahead to enter an educational institution. If you don’t have enough money, go to the budget and earn extra money. Many do this and have not died yet. A young body can withstand student drinking and sleepless sessions, which means it can withstand the combination of study and work.

Also in many educational institutions there is an opportunity to sign up as a free listener. I highly recommend. If you make enough effort, you can arrange with teachers to go to performances. Try it, they haven't beaten you for asking yet.

If there is no option for studying, I think there are most of them, I offer myself as a free teacher-adviser. You work - I check. I don't control, I don't wipe my tears. I give clear and concise advice.

Of course, I wrote this for the average novice person in a vacuum. You can stretch or run ahead of the engine, but the bare minimum needs to be done.

The plan for the next days, months and years will be changed and supplemented. I set myself the goal of making a clear and understandable study plan for everyone. So suggestions, advice and feedback are welcome.

The plan is divided into months. There are 4 items in each month. Sketches, Art History, Plastic Anatomy and Educational drawing.

About the FAQ outline.

An hour of sketching a day. Why an hour, and not 50 pieces, like Yana Frank. Because in the first month you still don’t really know how to hold a pencil, and the number 50 will kill you. Draw an hour. How much it turns out - how well done you are, do not chase the quantity. See how much you get and do more the next day. Now you are studying, not building a portfolio.

What to draw? Everything you see. Your cat, grandmother, husband, loved one, a flower in a pot, neighbors in the subway, colleagues at work, classmates, a mess on the table and in the house, the house outside and inside.

I strictly categorically forbid drawing from photos and videos. The most important thing is to draw from living objects. From the living, in the sense not photographed. Let's agree to be old fashioned.

I advise you not to use erasers in sketches. Let them remain alive, so a firm hand will become faster.

Pencils Versus Pens. If possible, draw with liners or markers, felt-tip pens, so that there is no way to correct.

Paper. The most familiar and convenient format for many is A5, no need to spend money on paper. Normal print sheets folded in half will do. But for full-fledged tasks, you need pencils, erasers and good paper, a state sign will do.

What you need (materials)

Pencils from 2V to 8V.

Flutz (a regular wide paint brush will do)

Textbook "Fundamentals of Academic Drawing" N. Lee

Paper, lots of paper. Plain writing A5 and A4 and denser and better quality A3.



Plan for the year.

In the plan I give clear and quantitative tasks. It is best to devote at least two hours a day to classes, at least the first three months. An hour of sketching, an hour of assignment per day. Then the time itself will be corrected. Someone will increase to six, and someone will spit and give up. It's only 60 hours a month, which is a little less than two full weeks of work. You read theory and art history in your spare time.
How to find time? And just replace mindless internet surfing with thoughtful drawing lessons. The plan will work if you draw every day, literally everyone.

Set yourself a minimum and every day a little more than the plan. A five-year plan in three years is your motto now.

I strictly forbid signing study papers, and even more so selling, you do not need to deceive yourself or the buyer. Put the date - put it on the shelf. You can donate.

In the spring it's time to get out into the open air. As soon as the fingers stop numbing on the street, take any pencils and / or watercolor on paper and march outside to paint. Go to the parks, to the forest, just go out into the yard.

The first month.

Foundation of the basics. In the first month, it is important to realize the full significance of the decision to learn how to draw, and realize that everything is ashes. Get scared, cry, get mad at yourself and start. In one month, you need to understand the basics of composition, perspective and chiaroscuro. It won't be clear right away, but it will become clear in the end. First you just need to know: where to place the object in the sheet, where the light comes from and how the shadow falls, to learn with surprise about the reflex. Fall in love and begin to see the aerial perspective.

Everything will be described in more detail in the following posts about the first month.

  1. We draw everything we see. We don’t really understand whether it’s beautiful or not. We carry a pile of sheets with us and, whenever possible, we make sketches. We learn to hold a pencil, we develop a callus. What exactly: cups, your room, kitchen, simple still lifes of two or three objects, vases, cats, tables, an owl.

  2. We begin to read "Fundamentals of Academic Drawing" by N. Lee. Right from the first pages. Be afraid but read. It's necessary and boring. 15 minutes a day is enough. Up to the chapter "The study and images of the human head" (p. 128)

  3. The task. Chiaroscuro + composition + perspective. "Street of your city" - we put into practice the science of perspective. "Jug with construction" - learn to draw complex objects with simple shapes. "Still life of simple figures" - we work out the knowledge about the constructive construction of forms and reveal the volumes of forms with chiaroscuro. All this is well described in Lee's textbook.

  4. Composition assignment. We take any colored paper. Cut out triangles, circles and squares of different sizes. We make 5 works: Statics, movement, symmetry, asymmetry, a recognizable object from simple forms.

Second month.

The first fear is gone. The first month has passed. Let's start studying art history. We take a skull in our hands, we are surprised at God's plan and conciseness. We get the sketches from January and compare the first and last (for the best effect, I advise you to compare the same topics). Differ considerably? See progress? I give you my word, if you didn’t cheat, the difference between them is colossal. We praise ourselves with something forbidden, a chocolate bar there or an extraordinary purchase of a book.

  1. All the same, at least an hour of sketching per day. By the second month, you are already getting used to it. Do more thoughtful. When drawing a person, look at his light-shadow spots. Don't try to be similar. Learn to see light and shadow, silhouette contour line. Where is the shadow? Start noticing that the windows in the shade on the building are lighter than the walls, and the windows on the light part of the building are dark. Size ratio. and proportions.

  2. We open the textbook on the history of art. February is the month of the art of Antiquity. Right from primitive art to ancient Rome, inclusive. We carefully study and consider all art objects. We try to learn to distinguish one statue from another. It's just amazing there. Yes, you will most likely get bored. Maybe you will force yourself to read. But we have to. No history anywhere. Yes, all of antiquity in a month. Not scary. You need to run through the basics.

  3. We begin to study the human head. (Tutorial pages 128-141, 148-162) Skull (It would be very cool if you can turn it in your hands and draw a skull from nature, if there is no nature, we draw from photos). We remember all the main bones of the skull. We teach you to wake up at night and you can answer where the parietal tubercles are. We look with an attentive and insane look at our acquaintances and see their skulls with x-rays. We scare friends and become happy.

  4. The task. A3 format. Draw 5 still lifes. In two we stop at the construction stage. The remaining three are drawn with chiaroscuro. Learning to stroke. Do not rub pencil on paper. We put the right hand, do not climb it to work. Remember: a dirty palm edge is a dirty job. Place a sheet of paper or a napkin on your hand. We remove the pellets from the gum with a flute and not by hand.

Third month.

The most exciting and pleasant moment comes. We proceed to a careful and thoughtful study of the parts of the face. We read about the boring Middle Ages. If at the end of the month you start to shy away from anyone who G Says he loves gothic and VilleVallo so everything is going as it should.

  1. Sketches. By the third month, the hand is already firmer, it is no longer scary to draw a line and mark the eye with just a spot. We look and notice how different people's eyes, nose and ears are. You can exaggerate by drawing people. Here it is important to understand the plasticity of the face, what the portrait is made of, how it all conveys the character.

  2. Art of the European Middle Ages

  3. Plastic anatomy of the human face. (p 142-148, 164-199) We study and understand the structure of the eye, mouth, nose and ears. I know from experience that the most difficult thing for many is the human ear, many people spit on it, but in vain. A poorly drawn ear betrays a beginner in an artist.

  4. The task. A3 format. One portrait, head and shoulders only. We don’t try very hard to make a person look like (it won’t work), now the main thing is to draw correctly, observing the proportions, the rules of construction. If it is difficult to find nature, draw a self-portrait. We put a mirror (preferably a large one so that you can see the whole head).

Fourth month.

This month we're honing our construction skills.

  1. Sketches. We complicate the sketches. We introduce multi-figured compositions. We learn to place figures behind figures, to highlight the foreground. We arrange the spots of objects in the sheet.

  2. rebirth

  3. Anatomy "Gypsum heads". If you do not have the opportunity to draw Laocoon, Socrates, Hercules, David, Zeus, Venus and Voltaire from nature. That is two ways. The first is to make copies from the classic plaster head drawings (Here will be a link to a cloud with pictures) . The second option: find monuments in the city, draw from life our leaders, pioneers)) or go to museums, search.

  4. The task. A3 format. Two portraits. One angle, but different light sources. We look at how the face changes if the light comes from different directions. How deep shadows set a certain mood.

Fifth month.

We fall in love with Titian, Caravaggio and Durer. From this month we are learning the most important thing - compositional sketches. Search and improvement of composition, development of material. Search for nature, thinking through the plot and ways of transmission. All these are integral daily affairs of any artist.

  1. Sketches. We begin to do assignments for compositional sketches. Five themes, five outlines. We try to solve the problems of composition, transfer of the theme, tone solutions.

  2. New time. Baroque and Rococo

  3. Anatomy. Live head. We add up the knowledge gained so far. We understand that the eyes, nose, ears and mouth are not yet a portrait. They are just separate parts of the face. Now the structure and construction methods are clear. It remains to learn how to put everything together.

  4. The task. A3 format. We find three people and write their portrait. It is desirable to find older people, grandparents. People under 30 are not very suitable for a training portrait. In a smooth face, there is nothing to catch the eye. There is no human texture. I assure you that you will still have time to draw a young and beautiful face. If you don’t find three, write from one in three classic angles: half a turn, three-quarters, front.

Sixth month.

Around this month, your hands should begin to itch and start drawing pictures, no less. The rise of creative forces and the opening of a second artistic breath.

  1. Sketches. We are working on a choice of 2 topics from the previous month. What we mean: We make separate sketches of the details of the overall picture, work out angles, improve and try other compositional solutions. And we take three more new topics.

  2. Classicism and Romanticism

  3. Anatomy. Anatomy of the hands (upper limbs)

  4. The task. A3 format. Again we are looking for nature, we draw a portrait with hands. We are looking for such a position of the hands that will improve the portrait, complement the character, show something that only one portrait cannot show. Three works, it is better if it is a portrait of one person, solved in three versions. Try to find positions for the head, torso, and arms that tell their own original story.

Seventh month.

Half way done. We praise ourselves. We are no longer afraid to draw in public places and at birthday parties. Always and everywhere with a notebook and a pencil. With curiosity and thirst, we examine strangers on the street. We admire knotty fingers and fleshy noses.

  1. Sketches. And again. We are working on a choice of 2 topics from the previous month. What we mean: We make separate sketches of the details of the overall picture, work out angles, improve and try other compositional solutions. And we take three more new topics.

  2. Sentimentalism, Pre-Raphaelism, Historicism (eclecticism)

  3. Anatomy of the legs (lower limbs)

  4. The task. A3 format. We draw a portrait in the interior. We sit the sitter near the table / bookshelf / window sill, arrange the objects of the vase, the book, the cup, whatever your heart desires and looks beautiful. We draw two such works. We try to highlight the main thing and omit the secondary. Show a person surrounded by objects, not a person and objects on one sheet.

Eighth month.

On the eighth month, we begin to study the human torso. We try to understand the mechanisms and attachments of muscles.

  1. Sketches. Now it's interesting to get the old sketches from nature and draw new ones from the same angles, compare them. The result will be impressive, I assure you. We continue to make sketches from nature.

  2. Realism

  3. Anatomy. Body plastic.

  4. The task. A3 format. 2 full-length portraits, one standing, one sitting, preferably nude. If you have a loved one, draw him. Convince your nature that it will not look like it anyway, and you won’t show it to anyone.

Ninth month.

  1. Sketches. We come up with 2 our themes and work on them. We continue to make sketches from nature.

  2. Modernism and avant-garde

  3. We study the skeleton.

  4. The task. A3 format. We take the most interesting and detailed topic from the sketches and draw on a large sheet without using nature and references from the Internet. We create a real sketch for a painting. Only one work, but so thorough and good that it was not a shame to boast.

Tenth month.

  1. Sketches. Come up with your own theme and work on it. We continue to make sketches from nature.

  2. Modern Art.

  3. We study muscles

  4. The task. A3 format. We make a sketch on a fictional theme from the sketches made this month.

Eleventh month.

We got to drawing a person in motion.

  1. Sketches. Making sketches of people in motion. We try to capture a feeling through a couple of lines and spots movement . In whompositional sketches are working on the themes of sports.

  2. Art of the East

  3. Human figure / figure in motion

  4. The task. A3 format. We draw a full-fledged sketch on a topic where there is movement

Twelfth month.

The year has come to an end. You can already praise yourself. We dedicate a month to summing up and drawing up plans for the future.

  1. Sketches. We draw whatever we like.

  2. We get all the work, admire. We critically examine each. Decide on its value. Can some kind of sketch result in a real picture? If the sketch or work does not evoke any emotions, then we simply tear it up and throw it away. This is one of the most valuable lessons. You need to be able to get rid of the unnecessary, and not cherish your every squiggle. If you were able to draw it once, then you will draw a thousand more, or even more.

  3. We take A3 format. and draw a self-portrait. Happy and tired person.

  4. For the sake of experiment, you can do the same task as in the first month: compositions from simple shapes.

I will be very grateful for any help in spreading free and good knowledge.

MBDOU« Gdovsky Kindergarten No. 1»


work plan for

unconventional drawing

INmentor: Baranova Lidia Viktorovna

Explanatory note.

All children love to draw. Having experienced an interest in creativity, they themselves find the necessary ways. But not everyone succeeds, especially since many children are just beginning to master artistic activity. Children love to learn new things and enjoy learning. It is by learning, gaining knowledge, skills that the child feels confident.

Drawing with unusual materials, original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. Non-traditional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals new possibilities for using familiar objects as art materials, and surprises with its unpredictability. Original drawing without a brush and pencil uninhibits the child, allows you to feel the colors, their character, mood. Unbeknownst to themselves, children learn to observe, think, fantasize.

The teacher must awaken in every child faith in his creative abilities, individuality, originality, faith that he came into this world to create goodness and beauty, to bring joy to people.

The relevance lies in the fact that knowledge is not limited to the framework of the program. Children get acquainted with a variety of non-traditional ways of drawing, their features, a variety of materials used in drawing, learn to create their own drawings based on the knowledge gained. Thus, a creative person develops, able to apply his knowledge and skills in various situations.


The main goal of the classes is the development of children's creative abilities, fantasy, imagination by means of non-traditional drawing.


    To teach children to choose material for non-traditional drawing and skillfully use it.

    Help children master various technical skills while working with non-traditional techniques.

    To instill an interest in drawing with non-traditional techniques.

    Develop creativity and imagination.

    Activate children when choosing topics.

    Develop a sense of collectivism, camaraderie, desire to help each other.

    Learn to empathize with the mood conveyed in the picture.

Children's age

The age of children participating in educational activities,

from 3 to 7 years (2nd junior, middle, senior and preparatory groups).

Class mode

In accordance with SanPiN 2.4.1. 2660-10 from 22.07. 2010 No. 91 and amendments to SanPiN of December 20, 2010 No. 164 organized educational activities are carried out in accordance with the daily routine of MBDOU« Gdovsky kindergarten №1» from 15 October to 15 April.

In the second junior group, non-traditional drawing topics are included in continuous educational activities once a week in the first half of the day.

In the middle group once a week, on Wednesday, from 15.25 to 15.50.

In the senior group once a week, on Wednesday, from 15.25 to 15.50.

In the preparatory group for school once a week, on Tuesday, from 15.25 to 15.55.

Forms of holding

1. Various non-traditional drawing techniques: finger or cotton swab, palm, poke method, monotype, tamponing, croup drawing, inkblot, spray, signet, colored threads, experimentation.

2. Exhibitions.

Methods and techniques for teaching non-traditional drawing

1. Creation of a game situation.

2. Teacher display.

3. Use of hand movement.

4. Comparison of two techniques.

5. Pronunciation of the sequence of work.

6. Pedagogical diagnostics.

When drawing with non-traditional techniques, poems, riddles, and games are widely used.

When organizing non-traditional drawing classes, it is important to remember that in order for children to successfully master skills and abilities, it is necessary to take into account the age and individual characteristics of children, their desires and interests. With the age of the child, the content expands, the elements, the shape of the paper become more complicated, new means of expression stand out.

Technical equipment.

1. Sheets of paper.

2. Gouache.

3. Stencils.

4. Short-haired brush (poke).

5. Tampon.

6. Glass or plastic.

7. Threads.

8. Brush and stack.

9. Groats.

10. Trays.

11. Used markers.

12. Seals, stamps (material at hand, plants, leaves).


1. Grigorieva G.G. The development of a preschooler in visual activity-M, 2000.

2. Kazakova R.G., Saiganova T.I., Sedova E.M. Drawing with preschool children-M, Sfera, 2005.

3. Kozhokhina S.K. and Panova E.A. Let's make the life of our kids brighter. Yaroslavl, 2007.

4. Lykova I.A. Every hunter wants to know. - M., Peanut,! 999.

5. Lykova I.A. Visual activity in kindergarten.-M., Karapuz- Didaktika, 2007.

6. Utrobina K. Fluffy tail and mustache. There is no sweeter beauty. /Preschool education. 1997 No. 2 p. 32-38.

7. Utrobina K. The golden ray dropped the sun. / Preschool education. 1996 No. 2.s. 28-33.

8. Cherepkovskaya S.A. Sorceress Monotype./Child in kindergarten.2008. No. 5 p. 43-45.

A promising work plan for non-traditional drawing in the 2nd junior group.



Beads scattered.

Let's pick berries.

Colorful rain.

A brush of mountain ash, a bunch of viburnum.

Decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year.

Who passed here?

Mimosa branch.

Learn to draw with your finger or cotton swab. Develop a sense of color and rhythm. Raise interest in reflecting impressions and ideas about beautiful pictures (objects) of nature in visual activity.

Palm drawing.





Give the child the opportunity to experiment with visual aids. Teach your child to imagine and fantasize. Improve the work of the hand, which contributes to the development of eye-hand coordination. Get to know color. Learn to find the similarity of the picture with the subject, enjoy the result.
Groats drawing.







To introduce the technique of drawing on croup. Develop children's creativity. To cultivate accuracy and the ability to bring the work begun to the end. The development of fine motor skills of the hands.




Continue to acquaint with a new drawing technique - tamponing. Learn how to paint accurately. Keep introducing color. Develop aesthetic taste.

Drawing by poking.













Christmas tree.





Yellow dandelion.

Bear is clumsy.

Sunny flowers.

Learn to draw by poking. Strengthen the ability to hold the brush correctly. Reinforce color ideas. To instill accuracy when working with paint. Cultivate an interest in drawing.

Perspective work plan for non-traditional drawing in the middle group.


Software content.

Drawing with a finger or cotton swab.

Berries in a bowl.

Autumn evening.

Blouse decoration.

Lilac branch.

Continue to learn to draw with a cotton swab or finger. Develop a sense of color and rhythm. Instill love for beauty. Cultivate accuracy when working with paint.

Palm drawing.




Improve hand work. Teach children to dream and imagine. Expand knowledge about the environment. Convince children that their hands are extraordinary. Develop creative thinking.


Fir trees in the forest.

Flowers in the meadow.


Learn how to work with a swab using stencils. Develop accuracy when working with paint. Learn how to write a simple story. Be happy with the result.





House (cubes).

Pattern (print).

Decorate the napkin.

Let's decorate the plate.

To introduce the use of familiar household items as original art materials. Learn to independently find and offer various seals, make simple compositions.

Drawing by poking.










Asters in a vase.


At the cat show.

Let's help the hare find friends.


The Rooks Have Arrived.

Dandelions bloomed.

Fluffy animals.


Continue to learn to draw using the poke method: to consolidate the ability to hold the brush correctly; deepen the understanding of color and geometric shapes. Cultivate love for all living things.




Wonderful transformations of the blot.

Create conditions for free children's experimentation with different materials and tools (artistic and household). Show new ways of obtaining abstract images (blot). Develop creative imagination.

A promising work plan for non-traditional drawing in the senior group.


Software content.

Drawing with a finger or cotton swab.

Dress decoration.

Sunny autumn day.

Animal footprints

Continue to improve drawing with your finger or cotton swab. Cultivate accuracy when working with paint. Develop children's creativity. Instill love for beauty.

Palm drawing.



Continue to teach children to fantasize and imagine. Improve handwork. Expand children's knowledge of the world around them.

Printing with improvised materials.

Handbag decoration.

Sun hat decoration.

To form the skills of creating a simple color composition. Expand children's ideas about the possible ways of artistic representation.


What does a circle look like?


Develop fantasy, imagination, sense of color and shape. Cultivate perseverance. Learn to wash the brush well.

Drawing with colored threads.



Guess what it is?

Guess what it is?

To introduce the technique of drawing with colored threads. Develop fantasy and imagination. Cultivate accuracy.

Drawing in technology« pointillism».




Fish in the aquarium.

To introduce children to the technique of drawing with dots. Develop a sense of color and shape. To instill in children perseverance, the desire to bring the work begun to the end. Learn to compose simple compositions. Instill love for all living things.

Drawing by poking.









Apples ripened in the orchards.

My little friend.

Ducklings on the pond. Snow family.

Cones on a branch. Mimosa.

Hedgehog in the meadow.


Continue to learn to draw using the poke method, consolidate the ability to hold the brush correctly, cultivate love for all living things.





Leaf fall.

Introduce the technique of spraying drops with a toothbrush and a stack. Learn to take paint little by little. Cultivate accuracy.

Various techniques.



Beautiful flowers.

Hedgehog leaves.

Learn to draw flowers using the methods« brush rotation» And« priming».

Develop a sense of color and aesthetic taste. Be happy with the result.

Continue to cultivate the desire to help others. Learn how to use paint using a potato stamp and a cotton swab.

Perspective work plan for non-traditional drawing in the preparatory group.


Software content.

Drawing with a finger and a cotton swab.

Bunch of grapes.

Pea pods.

Apple trees in bloom.

Strengthen the ability to draw with a finger or a cotton swab. Develop a sense of color and rhythm. Instill love for beauty. Make you want to finish what you started.


Pattern in a circle.

Let's decorate the Christmas tree toy.

Learn to independently find and apply different seals, compose various compositions. Strengthen the ability to carefully use paint.

Palm drawing.

Fairy bird.

Sea bottom.

Develop children's fantasy and imagination. Expand the horizons of children.

Drawing by poking.











Autumn has come again.


House mice.

Penguins on ice.

Winter forest.

New Year's story.

Bullfinches on branches.


Gift for mom.

White swans.



Fixing the drawing by poking. Education of love for nature, for all living things. Cultivating accuracy when working with paint

Printing with natural materials.






The sun.



To expand children's ideas about the possible ways of artistic representation, to introduce the method of printing with leaves. To consolidate knowledge about warm colors. To form the skills of creating a simple color composition.




I draw the sea.


Arouse interest in creating the image of the sea with various non-traditional techniques.

Draw with gouache paints with the addition of sawdust. Develop interest in creating new material.