How to pull up more than 30 times. Program to increase the number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar

Below is a training scheme that allows you to effectively achieve a significant increase in the number of pull-ups on the bar.
30 Week Pull Up Program

A week































An approach 1

An approach 2

An approach 3

An approach 4

An approach 5


If, for example, you are already pulling up 10 times, then you need to do it from the 7th week.

Practice on the bar every day of the week except one. Rest between sets 2-3 minutes. The main thing is not to stop, but go forward to the intended goal. If for some reason you had to miss a couple of days, try to pull yourself up anyway as many times as you need to pull up according to the program. If it doesn’t work, try to retreat a week ago, the main thing is not to stop and continue to pull yourself up.

It helps to increase the number of pull-ups by training the press, as well as simply hanging on the horizontal bar. It is advisable to learn how to hang on the horizontal bar for about 3 minutes, and this will not be easy to do.

Stick to this training scheme for thirty weeks, and you are guaranteed to be able to pull yourself up thirty times, or even more. If your goal is not 30 times, but more, then the pull-up scheme can be continued. Then at week 31 you will pull up 26,16,14,14,14, and at 33 - 27,17,15,15,15, etc.

Almost everyone can learn to pull up, of course, if there are no serious diseases that prevent them from doing physical exercises. For example, diseases of the bones and joints do not allow you to pull up, despite the fact that pull-ups align your posture - they are prohibited. But there are people who have a strong desire to learn how to pull up, and each pursues his own goals. Regardless of a person's goals, we will provide several pull-up programs that will allow you to learn to pull up at least ten times.

Pulling up is very difficult if a person is overweight. The more you weigh, the harder it is to pull up. It is also difficult to pull up for those who have never worked out in the gym and cannot lift their own weight. But in two problems there is a main reason - a lack of endurance and strength. Of course, you can blame excess weight for everything, but there are people who weigh 120 kilograms and are 180 centimeters tall, pull up more than 10 times. Some manage to pull up with an extra weight of 20-40 kilograms, so you should not blame everything on your weight, of course, it will be much better if you get rid of excess weight.

Article content:

Many people believe that in order to pull up, you need to have high-quality muscle mass without fat. This is a misconception, since strength and muscle mass are different concepts. There are examples of this, because many skinny guys, without muscles, pull themselves up from 15 to 30 times. There are even people who follow a vegetarian diet, and eat only fruits and vegetables, but at the same time they have tremendous strength. They pull up 30-40 times, and can even pull up with one arm, which suggests that the quality of the muscles is more important than their size. The punching power of a 70kg boxer is much higher than that of a 120kg bodybuilder, again showing the importance of strength over mass.

Why you should learn to pull up on horizontal bars

Many guys put the attention of girls in the first place, because they know that everyone likes an attractive body without exception. When exercising on the horizontal bars, you can tighten most muscle groups, and without serious harm to the joints, which are injured due to working with large weights in the gym. Most girls openly say that slender and trained guys look better than huge and puffy jocks, but here everything is, of course, very individual.

Another advantage lies in the wide choice of exercises, many people think that you can only pull yourself up on the horizontal bar, but this is far from the case. You can do a lot of exercises on the horizontal bars, but this requires high physical fitness.

Proper pull-up technique

You need to start with a direct grip, it is more common than a reverse grip, which shifts the load on the biceps. There is also a combined grip, which combines both grips, that is, you hold one hand away from you and the other towards you, while the body should take a position along the horizontal bar.

The direct grip is indispensable for those who want to train a strong back and powerful shoulders, it develops the lower part of the biceps, which is difficult to pump with dumbbells. Due to the fact that the direct grip affects a huge number of muscles, it is much more popular. But you need to combine several grips of different widths in order to develop all muscle groups at once. Do not forget about the width of the grip, which shifts the load on the lower or upper back muscles, as well as the middle and rear bundles of the deltoid muscles. If you hang on the horizontal bar with the widest possible grip, the load will shift to the upper part of the latissimus dorsi. But such a grip is undesirable, because you can get injured. Also, do not forget that the longer the movement, the stronger the load, so it will not work to heavily load the back with a wide grip. If you pull up with a wide grip on the head, you can tear the ligaments, which is highly undesirable. Always pull up slowly so as not to accidentally injure yourself, and you will also be able to master the movement.

There are also "angle" pull-ups, which greatly develop the abs and chest. Keep your legs extended, approximately at the level of the pectoral muscles. Not everyone can pull up like that, because you need a very strong press. First, pay attention to training the press so that you can easily master this type of pull-ups. But keep in mind that you will not pump up your chest in this way, but the muscles will be very expressive.

Exercises to help you learn how to pull up on the horizontal bar from scratch

Now you can find dozens of programs for pull-ups to increase their number or just learn how to pull up at least once. We will tell only about the main and most effective exercises, which in any case will bring results.

First you need to stretch your muscles, give this time at least ten minutes, otherwise there is a risk of injury. Exercises that develop statics can be performed only 20 days after the start of classes. They are performed at the end of a workout when the muscles are filled with blood and warmed up.

  • Pulldown of the upper block to the chest

An ideal exercise in order to master the movement and get used to the load. Start pulling the block with a minimum weight of about 20 kilograms to master the movement. Then increase the number of repetitions, and then add 5-10 kilograms of weight if you feel that the execution technique does not suffer. Do the exercise twice a week, about 12 repetitions in 4 sets, do the first set as a warm-up with minimal weight.

  • Negative Pullups

To perform negative reps, you will need a stand and a horizontal bar, stand on a stand and grab the bar, then remove your legs to the side or forward and begin to lower yourself down. Lower yourself very slowly until your arms are fully extended. To master the load on the muscles, you need to do more approaches, about 6 sets of 8 repetitions. Then you can do 15 reps for three sets, which is significantly better than 10 sets of 5 reps. It is advisable to linger at the most difficult points, for example, if you feel a strong load while bending your arms 90 degrees, stay in this position. Thus, the strength of your muscles will increase, and you will easily master the classic pull-ups.

  • Pull-ups on a low horizontal bar

The exercise is very similar to the classic pull-ups, for its implementation you will need a horizontal bar that is up to your chest height or slightly lower. Grab the bar and straighten your arms, keeping your body at an angle of about 45 degrees. Then do pull-ups, while fully extending your arms.

  • Pull-ups on bars

This exercise is much more difficult than all of the above, you will need parallel bars. Grab them with your palms inward, and straighten your legs in front of you. Keep your arms and back as straight as possible. Do a few pull-ups to the height of the bars, then hold the position at the peak position and slowly lower yourself down.

  • Pull-ups with a partner

With the help of a partner, you can do pull-ups, even if you do not know how to do them. He should “pick up” you in the middle of the movement and lift you to the top, since you cannot do this on your own. Try to strain your muscles with all your might so that they train, otherwise it will be more difficult for a partner to lift you.

How to learn to pull up on one arm

This exercise is very dangerous and difficult, you can easily injure the elbow joint, so you need to be careful and prepared. You can only do the exercise for people who pull up at least 20 times. You need to control the movement so as not to injure the ligaments. Many do not believe that the exercise can be performed, but there are a lot of videos on the Internet where people weighing 100 kilograms pull themselves up on one arm, so everything is possible with good preparation.

You need to start the exercise by mastering the technique, on one hand you hang on the horizontal bar, and with the other you hold your wrist in order to better control the movement. Next, you can choose a comfortable position for the second hand, hold it on the biceps or shoulder, and so on. The closer to the wrist you keep your other hand, the easier it is to pull up, so after 3-4 pull-ups with a hand on the wrist, you can lower your hand to the forearm. Never make sudden movements, do not sway, otherwise injury cannot be avoided. To perform at least one pull-up, you need to train for a long time, preferably several times a day, after a while you will easily pull yourself up on one arm at least three times.

Lewis Armstrong pull-up program

This technique was developed by a major in the US Marine Corps, its main goal is to increase the number of pull-ups to the maximum in a short period of time. In the program you can find the basic principles of training - regularity, variety of exercises and muscle overload. For two months of regular training, you can increase the number of pull-ups up to 20 times.

There is no need to use the program for other exercises, it is designed specifically for pull-ups. You can perform them with different grips, depending on your preferences. Do not forget that all responsibility lies with you, and only you are doing the exercises, if you swing on the horizontal bar - it's your fault, the program is designed for those who are willing to spend time and make efforts.

  • First day

Perform five sets of pull-ups to failure, resting between sets for a minute and a half. Do not worry about a small number of repetitions, the main thing is the quality of execution.

  • Second day

Make a "pyramid", gradually increase the number of repetitions in the approaches. When you reach your maximum, you need to do pull-ups one time with a break of 10-15 seconds.

  • The third day

Perform three sets of regular grip pull-ups, resting between sets for one minute. Next, do three approaches with a narrow grip, the rest time is the same.

The horizontal bar remains one of the most popular ways to keep yourself in good shape. At the same time, many bypass this design. - someone is afraid to show a weak result, while others still have not the best memories of passing this standard from school. But with some effort, anyone can fix this situation.

Let's see how to learn how to properly pull up on a regular yard 30 times.

Warm up and stretch

Even before the first series of approaches, you need to bring the joints to the desired “condition”. Grab the crossbar right away is not worth it - for an unprepared person, this is fraught with injuries. Often such a warm-up is underestimated or performed hastily and without much zeal. Meanwhile, a well-executed warm-up:

  • Tones the sympathetic nervous system.
  • Guarantees the release of adrenaline, which is necessary for working with big ones.
  • Gradually increases the pulse rate and expands the capillaries, thereby improving blood circulation and oxygen circulation along with beneficial substances.
  • Accelerates metabolic processes in the body.
  • Minimizes the risk of injury.
The main part before intensive pull-ups on the horizontal bar takes 10-15 minutes and includes simple exercises.

Here they are:

  • Tilts. Start with turning movements. The legs are straight, the feet are wide, the body is taken out relatively at a right angle, they are held straight at the sides. When performing, try to move to the sides as wide as possible, looking at the hand raised up. 15 times to the right and left sides will be enough;
  • Body tilt. Feet shoulder-width apart, keep your legs straight throughout the approach. It's even easier here. - on the count of “one”, lean towards the right leg, reaching for the toes with your hands, when calculating “two” and “three” - to the left, followed by straightening. 35-40 reps.
  • Overhead jumping. Stand up straight with your hands down. When making a jump, spread your legs wide to the sides, not forgetting the claps. There will be 20-30 such attacks in total.
  • Circular rotations of the arms, shoulders and hands. Returning to the starting position, do rotations with the maximum possible grip, without bending the elbow (20 times back, forward and in different directions). It is also desirable to “disperse” the shoulders in a circle, raising the arms to their level (25–30 times on each side). Brushes are easier - palms are reduced to a “lock” and rotated in different directions for a minute.

No less important and correct stretching. It is only switched to after warming up. Exercises of this plan will bring the muscles to the desired state, which will avoid them.

Did you know? Vitaly Kulikov set a record in 2012- in a minute he did 59 lifts with a direct grip! The “three-minute” record holder in this “style” remains the Korean Ngo Chaien, who pulled himself up 100 times, and almost 30 years (since 1988) cannot surpass his achievement.

Such preparation will not take much time:
  • Sitting on the floor, keep your legs together without bending your knees. Bend over with your fingers touching your shin. Then go to the ankles and to the fingertips. Try to fix these positions for 8-10 seconds. Three approaches are needed;
  • Standing between the supports (a doorway is also suitable), place your hands on the sides, resting your palms on the supports. Do unhurried forward bends, lingering at the bottom point for the same 10 seconds. 3-4 repetitions will stretch the deltoid and pectoral muscles.

Proper pull-up technique

Any, even the most progressive scheme for increasing the number of pull-ups is unthinkable without proper execution. Therefore, we will find out how to take on the crossbar.

Neutral grip

Ideal for those who plan to exercise without leaving home. It is enough to buy and attach parallel ones, which are sold in sports stores.

This implies a load on the lower sections of the latissimus dorsi, brachialis and. At the same time, the large round, deltoid and serratus muscles are also worked out.

It looks like this:

  • Grabbing the bars, hang on the horizontal bar. The palms should be facing each other. Hands will be located rather narrowly (30–60 cm). Take a deep breath.
  • Pull yourself up so that as you exhale, touch the bar with your upper part. If the first time does not come out - no big deal, just try to reach out. An incomplete lift (with a touch of the chin) works only on the biceps, leaving the latissimus dorsi without loads.
  • Having reached the top point, linger for a few moments, then smoothly return to the original placement.

narrow grip

It develops the same muscle groups as the neutral one, but the brachioradialis also join them. When performed correctly, the shoulder blades are brought together, the posterior sections of the “trapezoid”, “delta” and “rhombus” are involved.

Getting Started:

  • Having sagged on the crossbar, spread the brushes 20-30 cm. Feeling the stretch in the back, take a deep breath.
  • Pull up while inhaling. At the peak, the bar should be approximately near the chin, the broadest ones are reduced.
  • As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.
Like other methods of pull-ups, a narrow grip eliminates all sorts of swinging, which only takes away strength. Make sure that the elbows are fixed, otherwise the load will not go as expected.

Wide grip

Here, the emphasis is already on the upper section of the "wings", the rhomboid and large round muscles. The muscles of the thoracic region, biceps and, as well as the subscapularis muscle, are tensed. But they are given the role of assistants.

This method is considered basic, but you should not take it up without proper preparation. And here is the progress:

  • After jumping, grab the horizontal bar so that your hands are 20–25 cm wider than your shoulders.
  • Briefly “hang”, allowing the widest to stretch. Please note that the load will only go on the forearms.
  • Taking a deep breath, tighten the "wings" and reach up. At the same time, try not to pull your elbows to your sides and leave your biceps alone.
  • The chest should be at the level of the crossbar (may not reach a little).
  • Exhaling, slowly come back down.

Did you know? Many worthy results are not included in the Guinness Book of Records, nevertheless they impress everyone. For example, as a result of Jen Keirs, who climbed 236 times in a 36-minute set. All this time, he really did not get on the ground and did not let go of the crossbar.

Beginners often have difficulty with this particular “style”. To get used to this mode, ask a partner to hold you by the belt or legs, which will make the task a little easier. Calculate your strengths wisely - if the back muscles were still in “hibernation”, it will be enough to reach the horizontal bar with your chin. Doing approaches through force is not worth it.

Strength test

The pull-up program starts from - determination of the level of physical training.

Important! At the first approaches, you should not sharply throw your head back. This is unlikely to add strength, but it can easily twist the cervical vertebrae or even lead to a herniated disc. So be careful.

The essence of the test is extremely simple: you need to approach the crossbar and independently do the maximum possible number of lifts. Only completed sets count.

The presence of more experienced "colleagues" will only be a plus - they will tell you how to do the exercise correctly. Do not try to make the task easier, work technically and all the way until you feel that there is no more strength left for more. The result shown will be the starting point from which regular training will begin.
But there is one moment - if you are a little unwell or have doubts about your strength, postpone such an attempt, otherwise it will do more harm than good. We will have to keep in mind the recommendations of doctors.

Of course, such "shooting" will be painful. Therefore, between them make a break of 2-3 days. Note that strength trials are rarely limited to one day - it is advisable for a beginner to try out different types of grips, which are done only after restoration of strength.

Program 50 pull-ups

Having received objective data about your capabilities, you can tune in to future workouts. Naturally, for people with different levels of training, the load and pace will be different.
But one thing unites them - this pull-up program is designed so that after 7 weeks of training, even a beginner can “give out” 50 correct pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

Let's start small.

Less than 4

Here we start with a strengthening exercise. This is a lowering, which in this case is more effective than "short" rises. The workout is simple:

  • Standing on a stool, hover on the crossbar so that your chin is at its level.
  • Slowly (within 3 seconds) lower yourself by straightening your arms.
  • Then repeat everything again.
Despite the seeming simplicity, such approaches give a general strengthening effect that will create a “foundation” for further growth of forces.

The execution schedule will be as follows:

  • I:2 - 7 - 5 - 5 - 7(1). The interval between sets is at least 2 minutes;
  • II: 3 - 8 - 6 - 6 - 8 (1);
  • III: 4 - 9 - 6 - 6 - 8 (2);
  • IV: 5 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 9 (1);
  • V:5 - 10 - 8 - 8 - 10 (1);
  • VI: 6 - 10 - 8 - 8 - 11 (2).

Did you know? Workout lovers sometimes show tricks that are inaccessible to most weightlifters of the "classic" formation. So, Sergey Smirnov pulled himself up on his right hand 22 times (with a weight of 73 kg).

The numbers separated by a dash indicate the number of pull-ups (or lowering) for each approach, the minimum break duration in days is indicated in brackets. Roman numerals indicate the day of training.

4 to 5

The same lowering, but with greater intensity.

  • I:4 - 9 - 6 - 6 - 9 (1);
  • II: 5 - 9 - 7 - 7 - 9 (1);
  • III: 6 - 10 - 8 - 8 - 10 (2);
  • IV: 6 - 11 - 8 - 8 - 11 (1)
  • V:7 - 12 - 10 - 10 - 12 (1)
  • VI: 8 - 14 - 11 - 11 - 14 (2).

6 to 8

Starting from these figures, there are "clean" climbs without chairs and assistants. Making the last approach, "squeeze out" the maximum, here (and in the following sections) its lower limit is indicated:

  • I:2 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 3 (1);
  • II: 2 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 4 (1);
  • III: 3 - 4 - 2 - 2 - 4 (2);
  • IV: 3 - 4 - 3 - 3 - 4 (1);
  • V:3 - 4 - 3 - 3 - 5 (1);
  • VI: 4 - 5 - 4 - 4 - 6 (2).

9 to 11

  • I:3 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 5 (1);
  • II: 4 - 6 - 4 - 4 - 6 (1);
  • III: 5 - 7 - 5 - 5 - 6 (2);
  • IV: 5 - 6 - 5 - 5 - 8 (1);
  • V:6 - 9 - 6 - 6 - 8 (1);
  • VI: 6 - 9 - 6 - 6 - 10 (2).

12 to 15

  • I:6 - 8 - 6 - 6 - 8 (1);
  • II: 6 - 9 - 6 - 6 - 9 (1);
  • III: 7 - 10 - 6 - 6 - 9 (2);
  • IV: 7 - 10 - 7 - 7 - 10 (1);
  • V:8 - 11 - 8 - 8 - 10 (1);
  • VI: 9 - 11 - 9 - 9 - 11 (2).

16 to 20

This is already above the average, and after such test results, they begin to work with serious loads.

  • I:8 - 11 - 8 - 8 - 10 (1);
  • II: 9 - 12 - 9 - 9 - 11 (1);
  • III: 9 - 13 - 9 - 9 - 12 (2);
  • IV: 10 - 14 - 10 - 10 - 13 (1);
  • V:11 - 15 - 10 - 10 - 13 (1);
  • VI: 11 - 15 - 11 - 11 - 13 (2);
  • VII:12 - 16 - 11 - 11 - 15 (1);
  • VIII: 12 - 16 - 12 - 12 - 16 (1)
  • IX: 13 - 17 - 13 - 13 - 16 (2).

21 to 25

  • I:12 - 16 - 12 - 12 - 15 (1);
  • II: 13 - 16 - 12 - 12 - 16 (1);
  • III: 13 - 17 - 13 - 13 - 16 (2);
  • IV: 14 - 19 - 13 - 13 - 18 (1);
  • V:14 - 19 - 14 - 14 - 19 (1);
  • VI: 15 - 20 - 14 - 14 - 20 (2);
  • VII:16 - 20 - 16 - 16 - 20 (1);
  • VIII: 16 - 21 - 16 - 16 - 20 (1)
  • IX:17 - 22 - 16 - 16 - 11 (2).

26 to 30

  • I:16 - 18 - 15 - 15 - 17(1);
  • II: 16 - 20 - 16 - 16 - 19 (1);
  • III: 17 - 21 - 16 - 16 - 20 (2);
  • IV: 17 - 22 - 71 - 17 - 22 (1);
  • V:18 - 23 - 18 - 18 - 22 (1);
  • VI: 19 - 25 - 18 - 18 - 24 (2);
  • VII:19 - 26 - 18 - 18 - 25 (1);
  • VIII: 19 - 27 - 19 - 19 - 26 (1)
  • IX: 20 - 28 - 20 - 20 - 28 (2).
  • IV: 26 - 30 - 25 - 25 - 30 (1);
  • V:26 - 31 - 25 - 25 - 31 (1);
  • VI: 26 - 31 - 26 - 26 - 31 (2);
  • VII:27 - 31 - 26 - 26 - 32 (1);
  • VIII: 28 - 32 - 26 - 26 - 32 (1);
  • IX: 28 - 34 - 27 - 27 - 34 (2).
  • From 40 and more

    • I:25 - 28 - 24 - 24 - 26 (1);
    • II: 25 - 29 - 25 - 25 - 28 (1);
    • III: 25 - 30 - 25 - 25 - 29 (2);
    • IV: 26 - 31 - 25 - 25 - 31 (1);
    • V:26 - 32 - 26 - 26 - 31 (1);
    • VI: 27 - 32 - 26 - 26 - 32 (2);
    • VII:27 - 34 - 26 - 26 - 33 (1);
    • VIII: 28 - 34 - 26 - 26 - 34 (1);
    • IX: 29 - 35 - 27 - 26 - 35 (2).

    Pros and cons of the program

    After reviewing the proposed table, many begin to doubt whether it is realistic to master such a number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar, and even at such a fast pace.

    Did you know? Women also achieve impressive results in this discipline. Elisika Karesova did 1574 reverse grip lifts in 6 hours. Not stopping there, the athlete went on a 12-hour record by completing 1760 lifts!

    This technique causes a lot of discussion, during which arguments are put forward - both in her favor and against. Those who are thinking about taking classes will find it useful to read these opinions as well.

    Among the advantages of the program are:

    • The principle of progressive loads.
    • Increasing the number of repetitions during each workout.
    • Adjusted number of approaches.
    • Possibility of individual selection of courses.

    On the other hand, opponents of such training also put forward quite reasonable arguments:

    • Small interval between sets.
    • Difficulty for beginners.
    • Unrealistic pace. 50 lifts “from scratch” in just a couple of months seem to many to be something unrealistic
    • "Shock" loads that can cause persistent discomfort.
    It is unlikely that it will be possible to draw an unambiguous conclusion, because everyone decides for himself. Perhaps a healthy (albeit untrained) person should try it, so you can reach decent numbers of 20–25 pull-ups without any problems.

    True, this often turns out to be a “ceiling”, after which stagnation will come. Other sets of exercises that involve different muscle groups will help raise this bar. But this will take more time.

    Now you know how to properly approach the crossbar, and what loads to count on to get a tangible effect. We hope you soberly assess your strengths and will not bring the body to exhaustion. New records!

    One of the most popular strength exercises is pull-ups. Once upon a time, before no one heard about bodybuilding, powerlifting and fitness, and all workouts with iron were called athletic gymnastics, it was pull-ups on the crossbar that were, in a way, a measure of a young man’s athletic achievements. Then they asked not “How much do you press?”, But “How much do you pull up?”.

    If exercises with a barbell develop mainly strength, then pull-ups develop strength endurance. The main load, again, falls not on the extensor muscles, but on the flexor muscles - the biceps, the latissimus dorsi. To a slightly lesser extent, the deltoid are involved. The debate about which is better, training in the gym or street workout has been going on for a long time. The choice is made by everyone.

    How to improve your pull-ups

    How to increase the number of pull-ups on the horizontal bar? Sure, exercise. There are different opinions about which training system is better. Some recommend training to failure. Pull yourself up until you feel at least some strength. Then rest. And the next approach, also to failure.

    The main argument "for" - who does not feel sorry for himself, he is really cool and will go far. The main argument "against" - the body gets used to such monotony. You need load cycling. To be honest, I am not a fan of such methods either. By the way, in the gym in the bench press, this approach did not work. Of course, with training according to this scheme, some increase in results is possible. The question is how long will it take. Anyway, sooner or later the body will need rest and a reasonable alternation of load.

    If you want to progress - alternate the load!

    I must say that in most programs for pulling up on the bar, increasing the number of repetitions is both a goal and a means.

    Consider the main methods.


    This method proposes to distribute the load, as it were, along the "steps". For example, one rep, pause (seconds 15), two reps, pause, three reps…. And so on up to five, up to seven, up to ten repetitions. As a result, one big set with a decent number of repetitions is obtained. "Ladder" can be done back. Five repetitions, then four, three, two, one.

    With extra weight

    Another way is to use additional weights (backpack, belt with weights).

    In this case, you should rest more between workouts, for example, train every other day. Or, not all workouts are carried out in full force. For example, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday - weight training, for example, five sets of eight times. On Tuesday and Thursday - several approaches without weights and not to the limit, something like a warm-up. You can just train every other day or three times a week, and perform a “ladder” with weight, gradually trying to increase it.

    As with most strength exercises, correct technique is essential in pulling up.

    Pull-up technique

    The correct pull-up technique on the horizontal bar looks something like this. First of all, the most comfortable grip. At the bottom point, you need to slightly swing the body forward, and from there stretch upward. You need to go down not strictly down, but again, to the same point from where the ascent began, and immediately begin a new repetition from there.

    How to start pulling up on the horizontal bar for those who do not know how to do this?

    Some methods allow you to learn pull-ups on the horizontal bar from scratch. Anyone who does not know how to pull up "normally" can start pulling up with "lightweight" options. For example, on a low crossbar, resting your feet on the ground. Gradually increase the number of sets and repetitions, and then move the bar up (or move to a higher one). Thus, the help of the legs becomes less.

    Pull-ups can be performed on the Swedish wall, with emphasis first with two legs, and then with only one. Again, as you train, the help of the legs should be gradually reduced to nothing. Having learned to pull yourself up several times, resting on the step of the Swedish wall with your foot, you can try to pull yourself up with a reverse grip. So a little easier than direct. Well, then move on to the “classic” version of pull-ups, increasing the number of repetitions.

    Previously, they asked not “How much do you press?”, But “How much do you pull up?”.

    By the way, many workout enthusiasts believe that negative and partial repetitions are very effective in pull-ups. Well, perhaps there is some rational grain in this.

    The program to increase the pull-ups on the horizontal bar

    Let's get back to the methodology. The pull-up program below is designed to improve the results of those who can pull themselves up on the bar, at least a few times. This program is designed for 3 workouts per week, and is a table of pull-ups, where the load is scheduled for weeks.

    The program can be started not from the very beginning, but, for example, from 5-6 weeks, if you can pull yourself up 12 times.

    Pull-up table on the horizontal bar

    Another, old and quite effective technique is to perform a large number of pull-ups with a small number of repetitions throughout the day. For example, a person whose record is 8 times hangs a horizontal bar in the yard (near the garage, in the corridor, in places where he often happens) and every time he passes by, he pulls himself up 3-4 times. It’s not difficult, but during the day it should run somewhere, about 10 approaches.

    After 2-3 months, you can conduct a control estimate and then adjust the number of repetitions in the approach, taking into account the new maximum. Thus, pull-ups allow you to maintain, and even improve, athletic shape in more than modest conditions.

    general information

    We determine the initial level. If you don’t know how to pull up at all, then first check out this article. I give a program from the level of 3-5 pull-ups per set. If your results are higher, then just start with the more difficult one.

    Briefly from what, most likely, the majority already knows. By increasing the number of repetitions in pull-ups, you will pump relief. The number of exits to the horizontal bars from 2 to 4 times a week. Quality rest and muscle recovery is the key to a successful workout. Smoking and alcohol are not compatible with sports. Even a small drinking party with friends on a holiday can spoil your many months of work. Relax sports, it's much more pleasant than drinking.

    Change the way you pull up every week. Use all kinds of wide grips, so you will give a different load on the muscles of the entire shoulder girdle. Don't forget about proper breathing.

    Before training, write yourself a pull-up schedule for the next 3 months. The days and specific times of the classes should be precisely defined, then there is less chance that you will quit pulling up halfway to the goal. If the initial schedule turns out to be inconvenient, it can be changed, the main thing is that it be, and you use it.

    Training program

    First season (April-October)

    First month

    First week. For training, you need to pull yourself up 20 times. It is better to do this in 5-7 approaches, if it doesn’t work out, then do more approaches. Try to do the maximum number of repetitions in the first and fourth approach. In the first - because then the muscles are still fresh, and you need to use it. If you do the maximum in the fourth approach, then the body begins to look for reserves, which will allow you to quickly increase the number of repetitions in the future. An example pattern might be: 4-3-2-4-3-2-2.

    Second week. For training, you need to pull yourself up 23 times. Approaches - 5-7 or more. Maximum for the first and fourth approach.

    Third week. We pull up 27 times per workout. Approaches - 5-7 or more. Maximum for the first and fourth approach.

    Fourth week - 30 times per workout. At the end of the month, we look at how many times you can pull up for a set, your result should be 5-6.

    Second month

    By the end of the month, we strive to pull ourselves up 40 times per workout. By weeks, for example, this can be distributed as follows: the first week - 32 times, the second - 35, the third - 38, the fourth - 40. If you can do 40 times in a workout, then you should already be able to pull up 7-8 times per set.

    third month

    We fix the result. Now it is the number of repetitions that matters. The result of the month should be that 40 times you can pull yourself up in no more than 5 sets.

    Try this scheme:

    First week: 7-6-5-8-4-5-5

    Second week: 8-7-6-9-6-4

    Third week: 9-8-7-10-6

    Fourth week: 10-8-7-11-4

    This month we learn the capabilities of our body, the conviction comes that it is possible to pull up a sick number of times.

    fourth month

    For training, we pull ourselves up 45 times. The first two weeks - for 7 approaches. The last two weeks for 5 approaches. Maximum for the first and fourth approach.

    Fifth month- you need to pull yourself up 50 times per workout. We fit in 5 approaches.

    sixth month. Your norm is 55 times in 5 sets.

    seventh month. We pull up 60 times per workout. We fit into 5 approaches, the maximum approach should already be 15-17 times.

    Second season (April-October)

    First month.

    Restoring the form.

    Week 1: 40 reps per workout.

    Week 2: 50 reps per workout

    Week 3: 55 reps per workout

    Fourth week: 60 reps per workout.

    The result of the month - you can pull up 17 times per approach. Well, are we starting to storm the goal of 30 pull-ups?

    For a more harmonious result, we include one general physical training every week. This will improve the metabolism in the body, add variety to the training process, which means it will be easier to achieve your goal in pull-ups. We recommend running every week from 5 kilometers, or doing basic strength exercises, or doing home exercises with dumbbells.

    Second month. 68 reps per workout, 5 sets, 4th is the maximum.

    third month. 78 reps per workout, 5 sets, 4th is the maximum.

    fourth month. 92 reps per workout, 5 sets, 4th max. This month I recommend taking measurements, your rate should be 22 times per approach.

    Fifth month. 105 reps per workout.

    sixth to seventh month. 120 reps per workout. Well, accordingly - pull your result: 30 times per approach - should not be a problem.

    After the achieved result, we go home, open the goal recorded last year, check whether everything has happened for you?

    I look forward to your comments, stories about how you train, ready to give prompt advice in the course of your achievements. I will be glad if my article was useful to you. If it's not difficult, share it on a social network - together we will attract more people to a healthy lifestyle.

    If you want to have a developed back and pull up a large number of times, then now I will tell you how to do it.

    First you need to determine the level of physical fitness. If you can pull yourself up 6-7 times, then you can proceed to the training program, which I will describe below. And if you can’t pull up at all, or only 1-2 times, then first you will need to learn how to pull yourself up at all.

    Learning to pull up is not as difficult as it seems. Every day you need to exercise on the horizontal bar, try to pull yourself up at least once. Initially, you need to try to pull yourself up with a reverse grip, and then with a straight one. Pull-ups require abs, so if yours is not developed, then you will need to connect abs workouts. And then basically only a horizontal bar, you can connect separate exercises for biceps, back. But you should always try to pull yourself up on the horizontal bar.

    When we learned to pull up to 7 times, then we can start training 30 times in 2 months. Those. there should be 12 workouts in each month, and the remaining days are needed for muscle recovery. Work out 3 times a week, alternate with rest days. First, let's get acquainted with the varieties of grip on the horizontal bar. It can be direct, reverse, neutral.

    First day

    Before exercising on the horizontal bar, you should warm up well. The most common warm-up, pay a little more attention to the arms and body. So, the program of the first day includes:

    1. Straight grip - 7 times
    2. Reverse - 6
    3. Neutral - 7
    4. Reverse - 6
    5. Direct - 5

    Rest between sets can be up to 2 minutes. If pull-ups are not given to you, then you can rest more, but no more than 5 minutes.

    Second day

    1. Direct - 8
    2. Reverse - 7
    3. Narrow - 7
    4. Reverse - 8
    5. Direct - 6

    Day three

    1. Direct - 8
    2. Reverse - 7
    3. Neutral - 7
    4. Reverse - 8
    5. Direct - 6

    Day four

    1. Direct - 7
    2. Reverse - 8
    3. Neutral - 8
    4. Reverse - 7
    5. Direct - 7

    Day five

    1. Direct - 9
    2. Reverse - 8
    3. Neutral - 7
    4. Reverse - 9
    5. Direct - 8

    Day six

    1. Direct - 10
    2. Reverse - 9
    3. Straight - 9
    4. Reverse - 8
    5. Straight - 8

    In subsequent workouts should be added to the program of the 6th day, once for each exercise.

    If you have problems with the grip, it’s hard for you to hang for a long time, then you can connect auxiliary exercises. To strengthen your grip, just hang on the horizontal bar for as long as possible, connect the expander.

    There are several methods for increasing the number of pull-ups.
    You need to pull up every day in the morning and in the evening a certain number of times and approaches. After two months of training, you will pull yourself up 20 times if you did everything in good faith.
    # Be sure to do pull-ups every day
    # It is advisable to warm up a little before training
    # Rest between sets 1-1.5 minutes
    # Perform pull-ups without jerking
    # If it seems to you that you can no longer pull yourself up and there is no more strength, do not believe yourself. Success will be only when "the eyes begin to climb out of tension."
    # One day a week - day off - recuperation

    Explanation: 5x3 means 3 sets of 5 pull-ups.

    Month one Month two
    First week First week
    Morning Evening Morning Evening
    5x3 5x4 Mon 6x3 6x4
    5x3 5x4 W 6x3 6x4
    5x3 5x4 Wed 6x3 6x4
    5x3 5x4 Thu 6x3 6x4
    5x3 5x4 Fri 6x3 6x4
    5x3 5x4 Sat 6x3 6x4

    Second week Second week
    Morning Evening Morning Evening
    5x3 5x4 Mon 6x3 6x4
    6x2 6x3 W 6x3 6x4
    6x2 6x3 Wed 7x2 7x3
    6x2 6x3 Thu 7x2 7x3
    6x2 6x3 Fri 7x2 7x3
    6x2 6x3 Sat 7x2 7x3

    third week third week
    Morning Evening Morning Evening
    6x2 6x3 Mon 7x3 7x4
    6x2 6x3 W 7x3 7x4
    6x2 6x3 Wed 7x3 7x4
    6x2 6x3 Thu 7x3 7x4
    6x2 6x3 Fri 7x3 7x4
    6x2 6x3 Sat 7x3 7x4

    Fourth week Fourth week
    Morning Evening Morning Evening
    6x3 6x4 Mon 8x2 8x3
    6x3 6x4 W 8x2 8x3
    6x3 6x4 Wed 8x2 8x3
    6x3 6x4 Thu 8x2 8x3
    6x3 6x4 Fri 8x2 8x3
    6x3 6x4 Sat 8x2 8x3

    If after two months you cannot pull yourself up 20 times, briefly extend the training period.

    Another technique:
    1) We go to the horizontal bar and pull ourselves up as much as we can.
    2) Having calculated how much we pulled ourselves up, subtract 5.
    3) Let's say you pulled yourself up 6 times. Subtract 5 and get 1.
    1 pull-up is your starting point.
    Every day for a week you pull up 1! once.
    Every week you increase the number of pull-ups by 1.
    That's all!
    In 7 months, you will have done 30 pull-ups.
    And a year after the start of classes - 52 times!
    You can do a day off - Sunday.
    You need to start pulling up with: (your initial level is 5). This is necessary for the development of the will!

    The benefits of pull-ups

    To dispel all your doubts about whether to start pulling up or not, I will tell you about the benefits of this exercise.


    Pull-ups involve almost every muscle in the upper body. It works the forearms, which close your iron grip on the bar, and the core muscles, which stabilize the lower back. All these muscles should not just work, but be strong and resilient!

    Strong back

    The back muscles take on the main work when doing pull-ups. This primarily includes the trapezius, the latissimus dorsi, and a bunch of deeper muscles located along the spine. The health of the spine depends on their fitness.


    Agree that the V-shaped back looks impressive. To create such a shape, you need to pull yourself up, even with additional weights.

    Drying the body

    By incorporating pull-ups into your program, you can significantly increase your workout intensity and calorie expenditure. A wide variety of types of exercise will allow those who cannot perform a single standard pull-up to lose weight.

    Varieties of pull-ups

    Not all types of exercises are suitable for a beginner. For example, pull-ups on one arm are subject only to very experienced athletes.

    In general, the exercise can be divided into two parameters - the width and direction of the grip.

    1. A wide grip emphasizes the load on the lats. But be careful, this kind of movement is not safe for the shoulder joints.
    2. Medium grip (width or slightly wider than shoulders) - evenly distributes the load between the muscles of the back, chest and arms
    3. Narrow grip - Shifts the focus to the muscles of the hands

    You can change not only the width, but also the direction of the grip: forward, reverse, neutral and mixed grip.

    If you want to pump your biceps, use a reverse grip. With a straight grip, you can pull yourself up not only to your chest, but also behind your head, which will increase the load on your back muscles.

    How to pull up correctly

    Before we talk about correct technique, let me remind you that our goal is to learn how to pull up on the horizontal bar many times. Therefore, we will focus on pull-ups with an average grip.

    So let's go:

    1. Choose a crossbar of such a height that you do not have to jump high to reach it.
    2. And make sure that the crossbar is flat, that is, parallel to the horizon. Otherwise, you are provided with an asymmetric load, and it’s not far from injury
    3. Position yourself under the crossbar. If you can then jump up and wrap your arms around it, if jumping is not your strong point, then use a stand
    4. The grip should be closed - the thumb covers the horizontal bar in front
    5. Wait until the body stops swinging on the horizontal bar. At the same time, keep the muscles of the shoulder girdle in tension.
    6. At the beginning of the movement, bring the shoulder blades together, as if you want to squeeze a pencil between them.
    7. Gently pull yourself up to the bar, arching your back slightly and pushing your chest forward. Rise up until the bar is a couple of centimeters from the top of the chest
    8. When moving up, do not jerk your legs to give yourself extra momentum.
    9. Lower yourself back to the starting position slowly and under control. At the bottom of the trajectory, leave your arms slightly bent and tense. Do not relax the latissimus dorsi muscles either.
    10. Perform the exercise until the technique breaks.
    11. Briefly about breathing. We go up - exhale, go down - inhale
    12. Try not to jump off the bar, but lower yourself using the stand

    And now about everything that has been said, only visually:

    Best Methods for Increasing Pullups

    Before embarking on a particular method, conduct an initial test that will determine your starting point.

    Warm up well beforehand. Perform tilts of the head and torso, rotations of the arms and legs. Do some light stretching.

    Now you just need to go to the crossbar and with the right technique pull yourself up for the maximum number of times before breaking the technique. If you didn’t manage to pull yourself up at all, it doesn’t matter! We have a solution for such cases!

    Inverse and direct progression method

    If in your school years you were fond of horizontal bars, then you probably know the game "ladder". For those who are not in the subject, I will explain. Two opponents take turns performing pull-ups, starting with one repetition and each time increasing their number by 1 repetition. The winner is the one who last completes the required number of pull-ups. So this is an exact copy of the direct progression method.

    The reverse progression, on the contrary, begins with a large number of pull-ups. Then, in each subsequent approach, the number of pull-ups decreases.

    The method of reverse and direct progression can be used not only within one training session, but throughout the entire training cycle.

    You need to train according to this scheme 3 times a week, every other day. Do 5 sets using the reverse progression method. But from week to week, increase the number of repetitions in each approach. As you can see, the program implies that you already know how to pull yourself up. If not, then you will have to devote several weeks to the preparatory exercises, which I will discuss in the following chapters.

    Advantages of the method:

    • Simplicity
    • The direct progression method follows the main principle of increasing muscle mass - the load must increase
    • Not suitable for beginners

    The negative pull-up method

    Use it if you want to learn how to pull up from scratch.

    The essence of the method is to exclude the entire phase of the rise up. You only put in effort when you go down. If you already know how to pull up, then use an additional weight with which you will not be able to pull up, but you will be able to lower under control. It is easier for beginners, they do not need weights.

    How to take a starting position?

    1. You can use a high stand that will allow you to sit in the starting position (chin above the bar)
    2. Ask a partner to help you climb up
    3. Use a low bar that will be slightly higher than your head. In this case, jumping slightly, take your starting position. At the same time, your legs will have to be bent so that they do not touch the floor when you lower

    This technique can be used in preparation for the 30 Week Pull Up program. You have to train 3 times a week, adhering to the same number of repetitions and approaches as in the mentioned program.

    • Suitable for beginners
    • They put more stress on the muscles, which stimulates their more active growth.
    • Complement your standard workout
    • Should not be used frequently. Due to the increased load on the muscles
    • Requires additional equipment or partner assistance

    Lewis Armstrong pull-up program

    The training scheme was designed by Marine Corps officer Charles Lewis Armstrong. His goal was to increase the number of pull-ups in one set to the maximum possible number. Just what we need!

    What did the American officer's training program consist of? It included 5 classes per week, and after 2 days of rest.

    Monday is a tough day. You need to master 5 approaches, performing each to failure. But you can not violate the correct technique!

    Tuesday is pyramid day. Consider the direct progression method. Start with one repetition and continue to the maximum number of repetitions. And after pulling up for the maximum number of times, do one more approach to failure.

    Wednesday. Your task is to do 9 trips with a fixed number of repetitions. And every three approaches, you need to change the grip. Stretch first with a wide grip, then with a medium grip, and finally with a reverse narrow grip.

    Thursday. It will remind you of the environment, but there will be not 9 approaches, but a maximum. If you manage more than 9 sets, then next week add 1 rep to each set of each day.

    Friday is a day of remembrance. Remember which of the previous days was the most difficult, and repeat it.

    Watch the video as a visual aid:

    • A variety of loads allows you to comprehensively work out the muscles of the arms, deltas, chest and back
    • Will help to quickly improve results in pull-ups for genetically gifted athletes
    • Not suitable for beginners
    • High chance of overtraining

    Auxiliary exercises for beginners

    If you want to pull yourself up, but you can’t do it, then you can listen to the advice of experienced fitness trainers. Do not immediately run to the crossbar, start with general strengthening exercises!

    If earlier you saw sports only in pictures or you are a fragile girl, then at the initial stage you can train according to the system of physical development of Evgeny Sandov.


    • Dumbbell Bent Over - 10 reps

    • Push-ups - complete to failure
    • Standing Dumbbell Alternate Curl – 25 reps per arm
    • Raise your arms with dumbbells to the sides, palms facing up. Flex and extend both arms - do 25 reps

    • Side Dumbbell Raises – do 15 reps

    • Dumbbell front raises - do 15 reps
    • Raise your arms with dumbbells to the sides, palms facing down. Move your hands up and down and back and forth. Run to failure
    • Take a dumbbell by one end and spread your arms out to the sides. Rotate the brushes forward, then back. Run to failure
    • Lying Leg Raises - Complete to Failure

    As an exercise of imitating pull-ups, a vertical block pull to the chest or a dumbbell pull to the belt in an inclination is suitable.

    At the second stage, include Australian pull-ups in the complex. You can perform the exercise according to the program "Pull-ups in 30 weeks."

    We will listen to the advice of professionals who have gone from zero pull-ups to setting records and answer frequently asked questions.

    What to do if you never manage to pull yourself up on the crossbar?

    Use regular dumbbell and machine exercises to build muscle. But do not forget that the key to muscle growth is proper nutrition.

    If you are overweight, then first you have to lose weight. By creating a calorie deficit in the diet.

    Use pull-ups in half amplitude.

    Pull-up secrets or how to pull up more

    The duration of classes should be no more than 40 minutes a day.

    Reduce the load on training if you feel that you do not have time to recover.

    What exercises can be done on the bar?

    • To facilitate pull-ups, use an expander
    • Great exercise - pull-ups on the low bar

    A few last words

    The summary is this: anyone can learn to pull up. Moreover, you are able to bring your results to fantastic values. The main thing is to believe in yourself!

    Well friends, subscribe to updates and share useful articles with your friends. See you soon!

    Pulling up the whole body on the crossbar develops the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle well.

    But how to learn to pull up a lot on the horizontal bar, especially if pulling up is included in the mandatory sports standards, which are unacceptable to fill up?

    To do this, there are techniques developed by specialists that allow you to quickly acquire the ability to lift your weight on the horizontal bar due to the muscular strength of the hands.

    Pulling up on the horizontal bar as an indicator of physical development

    Pull-ups, as well as short and long distances, are included in school and university programs for a reason. With their help, you can draw fairly reliable conclusions about the physical strength and endurance of a person.

    For military personnel, the standards for pulling up on the horizontal bar are even more stringent, since without normal physical training it is impossible to master serious sports and military techniques.

    Every young man should be able to pull his body up on his hands at least ten times, one after the other, over a short period of time. Moreover, this must be done quickly and smoothly, without wriggling like a snake, and without shaking in convulsions.

    If the case with pull-ups is deplorable, it's okay! And in a short time you can achieve amazing results, the main thing in the classroom is to apply consistency and be persistent.

    It is important to know! You can not resort to quick methods that teach you to pull yourself up on the crossbar if there are serious medical contraindications in the form of diseases of the musculoskeletal skeleton!

    Systematicity is understood as regular, that is, throughout each day, the implementation of a specially designed set of exercises, not forgetting about the warm-up and post-workout massage.

    What are the grips on the horizontal bar

    In order to really quickly learn how to use the horizontal bar as a cheap and effective simulator for the shoulders, back, arms, and abs, then before you start training, you need to master the grip technique, i.e. ways to grab the crossbar with your hands.

    There are several types of them, each of which develops certain muscle groups in its own way:

    • direct grip - hands with palms facing the crossbar, fingers close behind it, and in front of the face only the back of the palms;
    • reverse grip - palms closed on the horizontal bar facing your own face;
    • combined - one hand in a forward grip, the other in a reverse grip.

    In addition, any of the types of grips can be of such a variety as:

    • narrow - closed palms are already shoulder-width apart;
    • wide - palms apart;
    • normal - the distance between the hands is equal to the width of the shoulders.

    Warm up

    Warm-ups are simple, but mandatory exercises that knead unprepared muscles and joints, warm them up and improve their blood supply. Thanks to the warm-up, lactic acid, which is a breakdown product during physical exertion, will be more quickly removed from the muscle tissue, which will reduce the pain effect after training.

    The warm-up includes exercises such as:

    • turns and tilts of the body in different directions;
    • squats;
    • jogging;
    • jumping.


    For beginners, as well as for experienced athletes, it is extremely important not to forget about proper breathing during exercise.

    Inhalation is done at the very beginning, at the starting point of the beginning of the movement. Then the breath is held, and a physical effort is performed, for example, slowly lowering the body on the unbending arms, or vice versa, pulling up.

    A quick and full breath is taken when returning to the starting position.

    How to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar from scratch

    To pull up a lot, you need to make your body trained, which means:

    • increase the number of muscle fibers in the arms and shoulder girdle;
    • strengthen muscles, make them stronger.

    It is important to know! In order to avoid various kinds of injuries, such as stretching of muscle fibers and ligaments, from micro-ruptures, it is necessary to warm up before starting a set of exercises!

    Weak muscles of the arms and back will not allow you to properly lift the weight of your own body, and any technique will be powerless.
    Of all the existing methods for “fast” muscle training, two methods are especially interesting, these are classes:

    • with the help of bars;
    • on the horizontal bar.

    Outdoor workout video:

    Lessons on the uneven bars

    It is quite affordable to master pull-ups on the crossbar and without a horizontal bar! This program is recommended for those who are completely unable to pull themselves up on the crossbar even once.

    The exercises on the uneven bars are as follows:

    • The legs are placed on the crossbar, up with the toes of the feet.
    • With brushes, with any convenient grip, another crossbar is captured, while the body hangs parallel to the ground.
    • Hands, making flexion movements, pull the upper half of the body to its crossbar.

    Such exercises are done every day, adding at least one more pull-up to the previous result.

    Exercises on the horizontal bar

    The very first exercises on the horizontal bar are quite difficult to perform without preparation. For this, so-called negative pull-ups have been developed.

    The essence of such a useful exercise is as follows:

    • Some kind of stable stand is placed directly under the horizontal bar - a stool or chair.
    • The head should be above the level of the horizontal bar (the location of the crossbar under the chin will be optimal, it should be slightly higher than it).
    • Fix the hands with any grip, and then move the support in the form of a stool, i.e. it is necessary to hang due to the grip.
    • Slowly lower your body in your arms, straightening your arms.

    It is necessary to perform such an exercise daily, and try to do at least five to six repetitions at a time.

    Such an exercise will be very effective if it is performed at different points of fixing the position of the arms and body: for example, pull yourself up on the crossbar at least five times using a direct grip, and the same number using a reverse grip.

    As a result, efforts will be rewarded after just one week of continuous training: without the help of supports, it will become completely independently possible to properly pull up at least two times in a row!

    Pull-ups will need to be completed with negative pull-ups, i.e. slowly lowering the body with a gradual straightening of the arms at the elbows.

    It is important to know! To increase the effectiveness of training, they necessarily include exercises that develop endurance! For example, they try on bent arms, in a static position, to hang as long as possible, clasping the horizontal bar with their palms, or just hang on straight arms for as long as possible.

    Endurance exercises are included in every workout, and gradually improve the results, for which you need a stopwatch.

    How to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar 30 times

    In order to achieve such an impressive result as thirty-fold pull-ups on the horizontal bar in a week, special efforts will need to be made.

    First of all, it is necessary to make more intense the static endurance exercises that complete the workout.

    It is necessary to hang on the crossbar for so long until the fingers on the hands open by themselves.

    The more time you spend on such exercises, the more noticeable will be the dynamics of the effectiveness of training.

    But achieving a result in thirty independent pull-ups on the crossbar in a month will be impossible without drawing up a special pull-up schedule, which includes the obligatory alternation of pull-ups, hangings and lowering the body with different types and types of grips.

    In the graph, each of the four weeks of the training process will represent a new level of intensity and strenuous physical activity of the muscles.

    So, if in the first week the lowering on the hands from the horizontal bar will be three sets of three repetitions, followed by a long static hanging on straight arms, then the fourth week will have to end with seven pull-ups in three sets, while pull-ups should be performed easily and without the help of a stand under your feet.

    It is important to know! When increasing the intensity of the training process, one must not forget about proper rest between workouts. If the muscles are not allowed to recover sufficiently from previous sessions, subsequent sessions, even if they are warmed up before them, can injure muscles and joints.

    Pull-ups on the horizontal bar for a girl

    It is best for a representative of the weak half of humanity to find an assistant for exercises before learning to pull up.

    With the help of a training partner, the girl needs to grab the horizontal bar with her palms (best with a reverse grip, it is more convenient for beginners).

    The partner at the same time supports the girl by the waist, and raises her so that her arms are bent at the elbows.

    Then the girl tries to fix the position of her body, and the assistant releases her. At the same time, the girl, gradually unbending her arms at the elbows, falls down.

    A woman needs to do such exercises every day, trying to perform as many repetitions as possible.

    Instead of a partner, a girl can use a low-lying crossbar. The height of such a horizontal bar should be comfortable, i.e. such that the girl could stand, clasping the horizontal bar with her hands, while her arms were bent at the elbows.

    After making sure that the grip is secure, the body is fixed in this position, then the legs are drawn in, and the body begins to slowly, due to the muscular strength of the arms, lower to the ground until the arms are fully extended.

    You need to do this exercise every day, preferably several times for several repetitions. In this case, it is necessary to change the position of the hands and the type and methods (normal, wide or narrow grip) of the grip.