Presentation for a lesson in literary reading based on the story of V. Dragunsky "What I love" presentation for a lesson in reading (Grade 2) on the topic. Presentation on the topic "In

Subject: V. Dragunsky "What Mishka loves."

Target: - Deepening students' knowledge on the topic

- To acquaint with the work of V. Dragunsky "What the Bear loves";

- Show the differences between the concepts of "humor" and "satire".

Planned results:

Cognitive UUD:

To acquaint with the life and work of V.Yu. Dragunsky;

Show the differences between the concepts of "humor" and "satire";
- to develop skills of expressive reading;
- compare the motives of the actions of heroes from one literary work, identify the features of their behavior depending on the motive.

Regulatory UUD:

Make a plan for solving a learning problem together with the teacher;
- work according to the plan, adjust their activities.

Personal UUD:

Focus on the moral content and meaning of people's actions.

Communicative UUD:

Express and justify your point of view;
- listen and hear others, try to take a different point of view, learn to correct your point of view.

Equipment: presentation, audio recording of a fragment of the work of F. Chopin, literary reading textbook grade 4.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

- Check the readiness for the lesson.

The long-awaited call is given -

The lesson starts.

Every day, always, everywhere

In the classroom, in the game,

We speak boldly

And we sit quietly.

2. Actualization of knowledge.

- Who are the heroes? (Boys, schoolchildren, Mishka and Deniska.)

What mood did the scene evoke in you? (Cheerful, joyful, funny.)

- What story is this? (Humorous.)

So what is humor? (This is when it's fun, funny, joyful)

Who knows what satire is?

3. Acquaintance with the work of V. Dragunsky

The student tells.

Viktor Yuzefovich started working early in the theater as an actor. But he began to write for children late, at the age of 32. And this is due to the appearance of his son Deniska. In the evenings, Viktor Yuzefovich told Deniska and his friends funny stories that the children really liked. This is how humorous stories for children appeared, the prototype of which is his son.

What was the name of the main character in these stories? (Denis Korablev.)

Under what general title were these stories published? (Deniska's stories.)

– Do you remember what stories of V. Dragunsky you read? (“The Girl on the Ball”, “The Dog Thief”, “Would”, “The Secret Becomes Clear”, “Independent Gorbushka”). [books on display]

What mood do these stories evoke? (cheerful, joyful)

- Look, V.Yu. Dragunsky died in the 70s of the last century, a very long time ago, and children and adults read his books to this day. And these works bring us a lot of joy and fun. What unites all these works? (They are humorous)

4. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Try to formulate the topic of our lesson

The epigraph of our lesson will be the proverb "Man is not full of bread alone"

- And the story of Dragunsky will help us approach the solution of the mystery

“Find the clue and you'll know what it's called. "What Bear Loves"

5. Working with text before reading.

Looking at the title, guess what the story will be about? (About love.)

- Who will be the main character? (Bear.)

– Consider the illustration, and in your textbooks

- Who did you know? (Mishka, Deniska.)

- What will this piece be about? (About what Mishka and Deniska love.)

- Read the key words to the story.

What other character appears in the story? (Singing teacher.)

What will our heroes love? (Ancient warriors, different varieties, I love rolls, pies, cheese ...)

- What will the story be about?

How can we be sure whether our assumptions are correct or not? (You need to read the text.)

6. Reading a story. Vocabulary work.

– Did you like the story (Yes)

- What mood did you evoke? (joyful, funny, cheerful)

– And what exactly caused such a mood? (Answer Mishka)

- Why?

Who else do we meet in the story? (Boris Sergeevich)

- And who is it? (Music teacher.)

- What kind of teacher is this? (Creative, talented)

- Prove with words from the text.

What does the singing teacher like? (Music by Frederic Chopin.)

- Listen to a fragment of Frederic Chopin's "Waltz Minute"

Phys. Minute.

- What do you imagine with this music?

Sounds like a piece of music.

Who liked this piece of music?

– What did you see?

– What did you hear?

- What feelings did you have?

– At the music lesson, you and your music teacher will listen to other works by this composer.

What character do we meet in the story? (Deniska.)

- What is the name of the story? (“What Bear loves.”)

- What does Mishka like?

Students list.

- What does Deniska like? Find and read. But first, let's look at our algorithm. What do we pay attention to when reading? On intonation (slowly lists), on tempo

– Read.

The students are reading.

- Using the algorithm, evaluate how you read?

– What can we say about Denis? (He is a dreamer. He has different interests.)

What can we say about Mishka? (He is carefree and frivolous)

- How did Boris Sergeevich listen to Deniska?

– Read.

- Why? (He was interested.)

- What is Denis? (He is a dreamer, versatile, inquisitive)

- How do you feel about Denis? (Students guess.)

- Read by roles how Mishka intervened in the conversation between the teacher and Deniska.

The students are reading. Assess reading.

- Show me how pouted it is.

– How do you understand “Tell the secret of your soul”? (Tell the most secret.)

What is "different differences"? (All sorts of differences.)

– Can I say so? Is it smart? (Not.)

- What does Mishka like? Read through the chain.

The students are reading.

- What do these words say? (The bear behaved carelessly, waiting for praise.)

- Read how Boris Sergeevich listened to Mishka.

The students are reading.

- Why? (I was dissatisfied, upset, indignant.)

– Read.

- Why pause? (Consider, think.)

- When did Mishka remember about love for people? (After Boris Sergeevich's remark.)

Read how he reacted. (Blushed.)

Compare what boys like.

Group work

- underline , What does Mishka and Deniska like

Students guess.

Look how many words Mishka used to describe his love for food, and how many to describe his love for people.

What feeling did you have at that moment? (Sadness.)

- Why?

- Read again the last words of Mishka. Can we say that he realized his mistake? Prove it.

- Let's think about whether this work can be attributed to humorous? (Not.)

- Why? (Laughter through tears.)

What genre is the story in? (Satire.)

– Why do you think so? (Flaws are ridiculed. Helps to correct.)

- What is satire?

What should we think about as we read this story? (About love for neighbor, for animals.)

We have two examples. So about what? (About love for relatives, for various hobbies)

7. Summary of the lesson

Attention game: "Find the mistake"

Now we will check how carefully you read and listened to the story.

sentences (quotes) from the story, you need to find them if there are errors.

Mishka and I entered Class(hall) where we have singing lessons.

Chopin is a great writer (composer).

He listened to me carefully, he had a surprised (thoughtful) face when he listened, and then he said ...

I love boiled sausage right madly, if it’s doctor’s, I’ll eat a hundred (whole) kilos for a bet.

It was clear from his eyes that he was waiting for Boris Petrovich (Sergeevich) to praise him.

... you love a lot, no doubt, but everything that you love, it turns out to be somehow the same, too tasty (edible), or something.

So, back to the proverb: Man is not fed up with bread alone.

- Put tables in front of you.

- Fill them out.

Independent work of students.

Table in workbooks


"What Bear Loves"

V. Dragunsky


Soft satire

The main characters of the work

Boris Sergeevich

The nature of the heroes of the work

Boris Sergeevich - mocking

Bear - carefree

Deniska is a dreamer, inquisitive

Boris Sergeevich - with respect, an example

Bear - ironic, with regret

Deniska is good

Your attitude towards the characters

- Let's check.

One student speaks, and the second (his opponent) checks and supplements or corrects, if necessary.

- Who can express their attitude towards the characters?

8. Homework.

1) - I am sure that you will want to meet with the works of V. Dragunsky many more times. How can you find the work you are interested in in the library? Let's remember the lessons of bibliography. At home, if you wish, using our table, fill out this card.

2) - Homework for everyone. Complete the illustration for the work and sign it with a quote from the text. And for this you will need to read the work of V. Yu. Dragunsky "What the Bear Loves" at home again.

- And to record a quote from a story, you will need to remember how direct speech is written in a letter.

9. Reflection.

- Suggestions are written on the board. Think and finish them.

    The work of V. Dragunsky "What the Bear loves" made me think ...

    Reading the works, I experienced ...

    I was especially moved...

Lesson objectives: to introduce children to the concept of "spiritual world of man"
Proceed acquaintance with the life and work of V. Yu. Dragunsky.
Learn students to formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson, the idea of ​​the work.
Develop clear, competent, coherent speech of students, expressive, conscious reading skills, creative abilities.
Bring up interest in reading, love for their loved ones, animals, nature.

    Organizing time.

    Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Let's start the lesson of literary reading. Guys, today we will get acquainted with the work of the author, which I really like. And who he is, you will find out by completing the task.
Select the author's surname from this series according to several criteria at the same time. Justify your answer.

slide 1

Student responses:
- Let's get acquainted with the work of V. Yu. Dragunsky, since this is the surname of a prose writer, and the rest are the names of poets, V. Yu. Dragunsky lived and worked in the 20th century, and F. I. Tyutchev and A. S. Pushkin - in the XIX century, the surname Dragunsky begins with a voiced consonant sound, and the rest - with deaf ones, the surname Dragunsky consists of three syllables, the rest - of two.

slide 2

Yes, this is Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky. What works of his have you read?
- Do you know what other funny and mysterious names this writer could come up with for his stories? "Green Leopards", "No bang, no bang", "He's alive and glowing", "Watermelon Lane". Is it really interesting and you want to read it right away?
- And today at the lesson we will get acquainted with the new work of V. Dragunsky.
- V. Yu. Dragunsky "What the Bear loves" - this will be the topic of our lesson.

slide 3
- Formulate the objectives of the lesson using verbs:

slide 4

Guys, what do you know about V. Dragunsky?

slide 5

When you read the stories of V. Dragunsky, it seems that the writer lived several lives. He was a turner, and a director, and a boatman, and an actor, and even worked in a circus ... a clown. And when, at the age of 40, V. Dragunsky's son Denis was born, he became a writer. And for many years now, both adults and children have read his books with great interest. Reading the stories of V. Dragunsky, you understand that the writer is in love with his heroes, he understands their thoughts, feelings, experiences. It happens that he makes fun of his heroes, but this is a kind joke, with love for them.
- And today we will make sure of this.

3. Primary perception.

The teacher reads an excerpt from the story.
- Name the main characters of the story.

slide 6

What did you learn about them from this passage?(classmates, buddies, friends)
- You heard that Deniska loves. What do you think Mishka likes? (
children's answers)
- Read the text to the end on your own and check how accurate your guesses are.

Look at the words. They will appear in the text. As you read, pay attention to them and underline them. (Reception "Lightning!")

Slide 7(The teacher reads the words, the slide closes)

Children read the text to the end

4. Checking the primary perception.

Have your assumptions been confirmed?
- How can everything that Mishka loves be called in one word?
What words did you underline?
The teacher opens the words. Slide 7
Why didn't you name all the words?
- Explain the lexical meaning of these words.
3 students work with the dictionary, read articles from the dictionary.

Listening for answers.

You named the main characters of the work: Deniska and Mishka.
- And who are they to each other? ( Friends, classmates, peers, friends.)
- Do they have the same interests?
- We will reread the work again, give a description of each hero in order to understand why they have different interests.


5. Reading the work and its analysis.

one). Reading the first paragraph in a chain.
- What questions can be made to this paragraph? (Children make up questions and answer them.)
2). Role reading.
- Read the dialogue between the teacher and Deniska and prepare for role-playing. To do this, exclude the words of the author, leave only the words of the characters.
- What does Boris Sergeevich like? (Music by F. Chopin.)
- What did you learn about Chopin from the words of the teacher?
- Friedrich Chopin is a great Polish composer and pianist. Listen to his music and think about why Boris Sergeevich very loves the music of this composer.

Slide 8 (music playing)

Why is Boris Sergeevich very fond of the music of F. Chopin? (She is beautiful, bewitching, fills the heart with joy.)
Find in the text how he himself answered this question.
- What does Deniska like? Prove with words from the text.
- How did the teacher sum up what Deniska loves? (The whole world.)
- How do you understand it? (Variety: and nature, and crafts, and history, and space.)
- How does this characterize Deniska? Prove it.

Slide 9

Children, using supporting words, characterize the hero, proving their opinion.
3).Selective reading.
- And now let's read how Mishka intervened in the conversation between the teacher and Deniska.
- Find a word that characterizes the state of Mishka. (Pouted)
- Pick up synonyms for the word "pouted."
- Why is Mishka pouting?
- Deniska loves the whole world, but what does Mishka love? Find in the story how he says this in two words. (Different differences)

Slide 10

Let's clarify what different differences Mishka loves. Confirm with text.
- How did you call it in one word? (Products)
- What can you say about Mishka? (glutton, sweetheart)
- What was Mishka waiting for? (praise)
Find in the text how the teacher reacted to Mishka's speech? (Looks displeased and sternly.)
- Why? What did he expect from Mishka?

4). Children reread the last two paragraphs. Two students are preparing for an expressive reading of the roles of this passage.
- At what point did Mishka's mood change?
What did the teacher pay attention to?
(For love of people and animals.) Why? (This is spiritual, the main love, thanks to which a person lives.)
Reading an excerpt.
- Did the guys manage to show that Boris Sergeevich does not approve, does not praise Mishka for his different differences and how Mishka reacts to this?
- Find in the text verbs that show how Mishka reacted to the words of the teacher.
(Started, blushed.)
- And when people blush?
- Why did Mishka feel ashamed?
(I didn't say the most important thing.)
- It turns out that he loves kittens, and grandmother, and parents, I guess. Only until it highlights it as the main thing.
- Do you think that after Mishka's reaction and his last words, will Boris Sergeevich's attitude towards him change?
- Choose the words that characterize the Bear. Prove it.
Children, using supporting words, characterize the hero, proving their opinion.
How does the author feel about the characters?(To Deniska - with respect, to Mishka - with humor, but teaches.)
- Why did V. Dragunsky call his story “What Mishka loves”?
What do you think is the main idea of ​​this story?
- Why did Deniska and Mishka answer the question “what do you like?” so differently?
- Yes, guys, as in life there are no two identical people, so in literature there are no two identical characters, absolutely similar to each other. This is the first idea of ​​the piece. But there is one more.
- Do you think Mishka can change for the better? What is the second idea?
(It is human nature to change for the better)
And the author also believes in it.
What advice would you give Mishka?
(love your family)
- Love your loved ones and often tell them about it. “You will find everything in the world, except for your father and mother,” says folk wisdom. Don't forget about it.

slide 11

6. The result of the lesson.

- Guys, What do you think is the most important thing for a person?

- When is a person truly happy? Look at these photos, at your happy faces. Slides 12-14

- Only in the family, next to our close and dear people, we feel happy.

7. Homework.

slide 15

Read the story and draw a picture of the passage you like.
Read the story and think about how the events could have developed further.

"Dragoon" - I took a book from the library. Here is Serezhin's answer: Dragunsky often received letters and always tried to answer. Denis' stories. “Hello, dear and funny writer Viktor Dragunsky! - Twenty years under ... Finish the title of V. Dragunsky's story. -Tell me about... My father died of typhus, my stepfather, a red commander, died in the civil war.

"Dragoon Lesson" - Was an actor, worked in a circus. “I can’t see semolina porridge!” The idea of ​​V.Dragunsky's works is mutual understanding of parents and children. "The secret becomes clear." At the age of 16 he went to work. The game does not lead to good. Viktor Dragunsky. 13. Known to all available obvious unhidden open visible. The short word anger wins.

"Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky" - A living star. Can Deniska and Mishka be called friends? Draw an illustration for the story. Victor Yuzefovich Dragunsky (1913-1972). Glowworm. Golden ... He got a job as an apprentice saddler at the factory "Sport-Tourism" (1930). Dictionary of feelings: Dragunsky had a special flair for the little things in life. DRAGUNSKY, VICTOR YUZEFOVITCH (1913-1972), Russian writer.

"Tales of the Dragunsky" - What did Deniska trade the firefly for? In total, Dragunsky has about ninety very funny stories. What Deniska likes: I love a lot of things! When we live more spaciously, we will buy a baby elephant. Mississippi. "Main Rivers". Surname Mishka? "Goose throat". Quiz. Viktor Dragunsky especially loved to perform in front of children.

"Dragoon Childhood Friend" - Pure Talking: Children's Writer. Deniska remembered his childhood. A toy. Yuzefovich. Scrap -. Classmates. Deniska decided to become a boxer. Bu - would - ba - a pipe sticks out of the window. Old toys. A leather punching bag is a simulator for practicing a boxer's punch. Stories. "Childhood Friend" Story. Friends from our yard.

"Writer Dragoon" - The plant was on the outskirts, had to get up very early. At the age of seventeen, Victor passes the exam in acting school. I have two older brothers - Lenya and Denis. Victor Dragunsky published his first book at the age of 48. Vitamins of kindness, nobility, honesty, decency, courage. In 1913.

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Slides captions:

Lesson of literary reading Visiting the Badger Section: “On real and fake wealth”

Guess the name of the main character of the stories by V. Dragunsky 5 6 15 10 19 12 1 Use the order of the letters in the alphabet. D e n i s c a

Page 122 Hospitable Badger's Library The Badger's house was as clean and empty as the Tea House. There was only one shelf of books on the wall. Misha wanted to read the book by V. Dragunsky "Deniska's stories". Join now!

Viktor Dragunsky "What I love" 1. About whom did V. Dragunsky write? Determine the genre of the work that we will read. 2. Guess who and what we will read about? Who will be the main character? 3. Do you think this story will be sad or funny?

Option 1: Listen to an audio recording performed by the author. Option 2: "Buzzing" reading. Task: * get acquainted with the content of the text; * check the correctness of the assumptions.

From whom is the story being told? The hero-narrator is a character unequal to the author, on whose behalf the work is told. He is the protagonist of this work.

What does Denis love the most? Prove with words from the text

What does the narrator dream about? Why do you want to live more spaciously?

This deer is only 20-25 cm tall. And it weighs 1 kg 500 g. Kanchil - pygmy fallow deer Indonesian tales

"On real and fake wealth" The spiritual world of a person is not limited to love for products, it should be much richer, wider, more diverse.

Who is the hero of our story? Kind - cruel Sad - cheerful Hardworking - lazy Attentive - indifferent Rude - affectionate Your characteristics _______________________________________

Everyone has different tastes And in life their dreams. Deniska loves a lot of things, And what, tell me, do you love? I love

Which of the proverbs will help to reveal the main idea of ​​the story? Boring day until evening if there is nothing to do. Life is given for good deeds. In crowded but not mad.

“A young person needs all vitamins, including all moral vitamins. Vitamins of kindness, nobility, honesty, decency, courage. All these vitamins are generously and talentedly given to our children by Viktor Dragunsky.” Yakov Akim

Thank you for your work!

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Municipal educational institution

Koryozhskaya basic comprehensive school
Buisky municipal district

Kostroma region

Literary reading lesson

4th grade

Topic: “V.Yu. Dragunsky “What Mishka loves”.

The idea of ​​the work.

EMC "School of Russia"

Primary school teacher: Sokolova Elena Vladimirovna

year 2014

L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, M.V. Golovanova, L.A. Vinogradskaya, M.V. Boykina M.: Education / Textbook, 2014

Lesson type

Lesson learning new material

Tsel activities of the teacher:

Formation of educational and cognitive interest in generally accepted life standards and value attitudes based on the analysis of the story by V.Yu. Dragunsky "What Mishka loves". Improving the ability to navigate in the text; perform a comparative analysis of the heroes of the work; vocabulary enrichment.

Correction-developing goal of the teacher's activity:

Correction and development of coherent speech, speed reading skills.

Correction of mental activity based on the operations of analysis and synthesis.

Development of personal components of cognitive activity, overcoming intellectual passivity.

Planned educational results:

Subject: the ability to predict the content of a work, to perceive a work of art by ear, to read aloud, observing the necessary intonation and pace of reading, the ability to explain the author's and one's own attitude to the characters, to compose a small monologue based on the author's text.


Regulatory: formulating the learning task of the lesson, planning, together with the teacher, activities to study the topic of the lesson, evaluating one's work in the lesson.

Cognitive: analysis of the work, highlighting the main idea in it, defining the idea of ​​the work.

Communicative: answers to questions based on the literary text of the textbook, understanding the rules of interaction in pairs and groups (initiative cooperation in the search and collection of information)

Personal: understanding the concept of “love the whole world”, the proverb “Man is not fed by bread alone”, the formation of a system of moral values.


Interactive whiteboard, laptops, multimedia projector, presentation.

Annotation for the lesson.

Technological map of the lesson of literary reading on the topic "V.Yu. Dragunsky" What Mishka loves ".

The idea of ​​the work" was developed taking into account the teaching in the general education class of students with mental retardation. The lesson is accompanied by a multimedia presentation, a test for checking homework, compiled in the programmy test.

The current control of the assessment of students' knowledge is carried out in the form of a verbal assessment of the results of educational work and self-assessment at two stages: updating knowledge (checking homework), work on the topic of the lesson, thus. Students can receive two grades per lesson.

At the stage of updating knowledge, when checking homework during a frontal conversation, students receive one emoticon for each correct answer. The smile is also received by students who have prepared information about the Mississippi River, and also compiled a cinquain about the main character of the work. When passing the test, students who receive a mark of "5" receive 3 emoticons, "4" - 2 emoticons, "3" - 1 emoticon, "2" - 0 emoticons. At the end of the stage, each student sums up the number of emoticons and evaluates their work.

In the course of working with a new work at the stage of studying new material, students receive a verbal assessment of the results of educational work and receive emoticons for correct answers. At the end of the stage, emoticons summarize and conduct a self-assessment of educational activities. (Self-assessment sheet,Appendix 1 )

Technological map of the lesson

Formed Skills

(universal learning activities)

1. Organizational moment

Emotional, psychological and motivational preparation of students
to the assimilation of the studied material

Check readiness for the lesson.

Teachermanages the situation of self-esteem.

A cheerful bell rang.

Is everyone ready? Everything is ready?

We don't rest now

We are starting to work!

(slide 2 )

Perform self-assessment of readiness for upcoming activities according to the following criteria:

Correctness of choiceeducational suppliesnews,

- correctness and accuracylocation of items ondesk.

Personal: understand the value of knowledge for a person and accept it

Regulatory: organize their own workplace

2.Updating knowledge

Checking homework

(slide 3 - 4 )

What piece did you learn in the last lesson?

What do you know about this writer and his work?

What lesson did Deniska learn from everything that happened?

What is the name of the main river in America, the name of which Deniska could not say?

Who learned about this river?

Who compiled the cinquain about the main character of the work?

Correctional work :

Choose adjectives that characterize the main character (intricate, diligent, forgetful, arrogant, smart, naive, frivolous, responsible, cheerful)

Do you want to check if you read the text carefully?

"Main rivers" V.Yu. Dragoon

1. The hero of the story went ...

1) eighth year

2) ninth year

3) tenth year

2. What did the boy do instead of lessons?

1) played football

2) rode a bike

3) launched a kite

3. How long did Denis train to dress quickly?

1) all summer

2) half - summer

3) whole month

4. Which poet's poems did you need to learn?

1) Nekrasov

2) Pushkin

3) Bunina

5. When Deniska became ill, he even had:

1) headache

2) stomach ache

3) heartache

6. How did Korablev name the river?

1) Misi-pisi

2) Mipi-sipi

3) Mimi-sipi


They answer questions, voice additional information and prepared creative tasks.

Describes the main character

They work on laptops.

Performing a test task in the programmy test

Communicative: participate in the dialogue;

Regulatory: accepts and saves the learning task.

Regulatory: accept and save the learning task,

Regulatory: control and evaluation of the process and results of activities.

3. Speech warm-up

Only Tanya will get up in the morning,

Dance Tanyusha pulls.

What is there to explain for a long time -

Tanya loves to dance!

(slide 5 )

Read in a whisper. Read with questioning intonation.

Read briefly. Read with admiration.

Correctional work :

Speed ​​Reading Correction

Read the text according to the given tasks.

Performs a task on an interactive simulator to develop the skill of speed reading.

(training apparatus primary school teacher, secondary school No. 1, Sim, Chelyabinsk region Tkachevoi O.N.)

Exercise "Collect the text"

Regulatory: accept and complete the learning task.

Regulatory: accepts and completes a learning task

4. Self-determination to activity

Thu. l.b.t

(slide 6 )

Fill in the missing letters to find out the title of the work we are going to learn today.

Determine the title of the work.

Regulatory: determine the topic and objectives of the lesson;

Communicative: work together to solve a problem

5. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Primary perception of the work.

2. Content conversation.

3. Vocabulary work.

Listen to the work and determine on whose behalf the story is being told.(slide 7 ) – listening to an audio recording of the story.

First pause. What do you think, what did Deniska answer?

Second pause. What did Misha say?

On whose behalf is the story being told?

Have you come across strange words and expressions?(slide 8 )

Name the characters in this story.

What were they talking about?

Who was the first to tell you what he loves?

What does Boris Sergeevich love?

Do you know who Chopin is? Where did you get this knowledge?

Do you like listening to music? Have you ever listened to Chopin?

listen to an audio recording of the story "What the Bear loves" with pauses.

Express their guesses

Share impressions.

On behalf of the narrator - the main character.

Working with dictionaries

Deniska, Mishka, music teacher Boris Sergeevich.

They were talking about who loves what.

Regulatory: accept and save the learning task.

Communicative: are willing to listen.

Communicative: exchange views

Cognitive: able to use reference books

Cognitive: broadening one's horizons

6. Physical education minute

Let's listen to Chopin's music again and have a rest.(slide 9 )

Perform gymnastics for the eyes to the music.

Personal: have a healthy lifestyle

7. Continued work on the topic of the lesson

1. Conversation about the piece of music heard.

2. Selective reading

Did you like this piece of music?

What feelings did you have while listening to the piece of music?

Read how Deniska answered the teacher about what he loves.

What was the teacher's conclusion?(Deniska loves the whole world).

How do you understand it?

How does this characterize Deniska?

- So, Denis has a rich spiritual world, a broad outlook of knowledge.

Read how Mishka intervened in the conversation between the teacher and Deniska.

Find a word that characterizes the state of Mishka.

Choose a synonym for the word "pouted".

How to call in one word what Mishka loves?

Read the chain about how Mishka told what he loves. What should you pay attention to when reading? (on intonation, on the rate of speech)

What was Mishka waiting for?

What did the teacher pay attention to?

- At what point did Mishka's mood change?

Find verbs in the text that show how Mishka reacted to the words of the teacher?

When do people blush?

Why was Mishka ashamed?

Feelings of joy, peace...

Chopin's music fascinates, it is beautiful....

Deniska is a dreamer. He has different interests.

He is interested in everything.

He is inquisitive.

Students answer the teacher's questions using the text.

The mouse pouted.


Various differences.

Read in a chain

Answer questions about the content of the text.


To the fact that Mishka loves something the same.

When the teacher drew the boy's attention to the love of people and animals. -The whole bear flustered and blushed.

Perhaps he realized that he did not say the most important thing.

Personal: realize their possibilities in teaching; are able to adequately judge the reasons for their success in learning, linking them with efforts, diligence.

Cognitive: know how to navigate in the textbook: answer the questions of the teacher, find the necessary information
in the textbook;

8. Summary of the lesson

- What did Dragunsky want to say to young readers with his work?

Choose the appropriate proverb:

"Every man to his own taste".

"Man does not live by bread alone."(slide 10 )

There are people who love only themselves. But it's not enough to love yourself. We must love our loved ones and not forget about them.

Work in a group, choose a proverb

Personal: understand the value of knowledge for a person and accept it; structure knowledge;

Communicative: cooperate in joint problem solving, exchange opinions.

9. Reflection

Suggestions are written on the board. Think and finish them.(slide 11 )


Answer questions

evaluate their own achievements

Personal: evaluate the personal significance of the studied work.

Regulatory: control and evaluation of the process and results of activities.


1) Prepare an expressive reading by roles.

2) make a crossword puzzle based on the works of V. Dragunsky. (optional)

Individual d / z

(for a student with disabilities): 1) Prepare an expressive reading with. 24-25.

2) p.28 V.4(slide 12 )

Ask clarifying questions

Regulatory: accept and save the educational task, search for means of its implementation.