How elves are called in the myths of various peoples - the names of elves. Elves - an ancient race of our planet - Soul University Do elves exist in our time

Find out if elves exist in our time in Russia. Here you will find comments and opinions of other users, whether there are elves in real life, whether there are elves among us.


In many legends, there is a description of humanoid creatures that are distinguished by a fragile physique and pointed ears, and also have some magical abilities. Such creatures are called elves. In the chronicles of various countries, mention of these mysterious creatures is quite common. According to them, at the beginning of the 15th century, in the mountains of Scotland, monks discovered a man dying of wounds, of a thin build, who spoke an unfamiliar language. After he recovered and learned the language, he said that he belongs to the Elve people, who live very, very far away. He impressed everyone around him with his dexterity in swordsmanship and archery, according to the monastery chronicle, they never missed.

It is worth noting that in the legends of different peoples, the appearance of elves or mysterious helva is almost the same. This suggests that the description was made from life, and they actually existed. That is why more and more people are asking the question: are there elves among us and how to recognize them?

It can be assumed that among us there are representatives of this mysterious people, because there are cases when a child is born with pointed ears, and some people manifest various “elven” abilities during their lives. Of particular note is the story of an American who fired a bow for the first time at 43 and realized at that moment that he never misses. His ability attracted many doctors and psychics, while the latter caused him to be removed from professional competitions, in their opinion, during the shot he "splashed out" too much mental energy.

Do elves really exist?

There are many different legends about elves, in which they are described as protectors and inhabitants of the forest, helping people and distinguished by their kind attitude to everything that happens around them. Outwardly, the elves are more like children, they have a fragile physique, skin of light shades, pointed ears and wings behind their backs.

It is impossible to say unequivocally if the elves are today or if they live only in fairy tales and legends. Even the presence of eyewitness accounts, various photos and facts that have been proven by scientists, does not allow us to say for sure that elves live near us.

Everyone knows that medical scientists are the most skeptical about paranormal phenomena, but even in medicine there is such a diagnosis as "Williams syndrome", which has another definition - Elf's syndrome. With this genetic disease, there is a delay in external and mental development. The appearance of children suffering from "Williams syndrome" resembles elves, they have a wide forehead, full lips, a pointed chin, and eyes are usually bright blue. A distinctive feature of this disease is the mental status. In most cases, children are characterized by increased anxiety, lack of attention, difficult to learn complex sciences, but at the same time they have an excellent ear for music and a sense of rhythm.

Based on the information given in the Scandinavian legends, it is almost impossible for them. They are considered in them as spirits - elves, rather than real earthly inhabitants. The gods and goddesses of the Tribe of the goddess Danu turned into the same spirits - sids and elves after the defeat from the Goidels - the Sons of Mil. This happened between 1700-700. BC. Apsaras were sometimes considered to be the same spirits - elves, however, from Indian mythology it is difficult to establish when the transformation into apsaras and gandharvas - spirits (elves) of apsaras and gandharvas - real earthly inhabitants took place.
Based on the foregoing, we can talk about two possible periods of life in Scandinavia for Valkyries - elves (elves). 1) They lived there even before the Flood and the time of their life coincided with the later events described in the Indian epic, which found an echo in the Scandinavian legends about warrior maidens moving through the air on winged horses (more likely).
2) Valkyries - elves lived in Scandinavia at about the same time as the Tribe of the Goddess Danu - Tuatha de Danann - elves in Ireland, that is, from about IV to II or I millennium BC It is even possible that they settled twice in Scandinavia, like the Tribe of the goddess Danu in Ireland, and were forced to leave there for several millennia immediately after the flood.


Thus, the time of life on Earth of elves, like other white gods, of which they were, was incredibly long and lasted from the end of the Mesozoic era or the beginning of the Paleogene (65.5 million years ago) to II or I millennium BC What happened to them later is said in my works "The Exodus of the White Gods. From Hyperborea to Easter Island" and "Emancipated Women's Societies: a look from the depths of centuries".

Now, after studying North American, Central American, South American, Egyptian, Sumerian-Babylonian, Indian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese and other legends, it became clear to me where the elves went (they are the Tribe of the goddess Danu, Tuatha de Danann, Tuatha de Anu, Gandharvas , Apsaras, Valkyries). Part of the elves (apparently, mostly male gods), probably, together with other white gods adityas, sailed on ships to North America, marched in the form of "white gods", led by "Quetzalcoatl", "Kukulkan", "Bochika" , "Vira Kochey", through all of North, Central and South America, outlined the Nazca desert (apparently, having preserved one or more aircraft, the existence of which is noted in the legends of the Indians of North and South America), then sailed to Easter Island and other islands Polynesia and beyond were slaughtered there. Today, the power of the Tuatha de Danann is evidenced only by past legends, North American mound hills and drawings of the Nazca desert. About the same as the representatives of this divine people looked like, the intravital portraits of the Gandharvas-Tuatha-elves, left on Easter Island, speak.
Another part of the elves, mostly goddesses - elves, created settlements and states of the Amazons in the Black Sea, Asia Minor, Africa and South America (probably having reached there with male elves) and died during numerous battles and skirmishes with local residents.

© A.V. Koltypin, 2009
(additions and corrections 2012)

The strangest creatures - fairies, elves, trolls - inhabit the legends, sagas, fairy tales, oral traditions of many peoples. In the West, experts even defend dissertations, say, on fairies in the legends of the Celts. In our country, a very interesting study was conducted by D. Bayanov - about the images of the "snowman" and mermaids in folklore.

* True, cryptozoologists categorically deny the involvement of a relic humanoid in the other world and in UFOs. For them, it is a "concrete zoological object"

ZOOLOGICAL?! Elves, fairies, dwarves are… is it… I can't say… zoological creatures?! (Further emotions do not allow to say a word).

News of such creatures comes even from Mongolia. The protagonists of the event, which took place near the capital's airport, in an old quarry, was a group of local schoolchildren. Neither there were observed ... gnomes. The children assured in chorus that they saw 14 little men who quickly disappeared into the hole. Nora really existed, and a big one.

Such a case is still quite well known, the children saw very small old men with a beard and in a cap passing by in small cars. If earlier the gnomes walked, now they travel by transport, that is, they keep up with the times.

Oh, why didn’t they give Gimli a car in the movie “The Two Towers”, but instead they put him on a horse :)))

Similar creatures were seen in Iceland near the ridge of Olafsfjordarmuli rocks. Strange things have been happening there for a long time. The most reliable technique for some reason fails for no apparent reason. Landslides occur where, according to all scientific evidence, they should not be. A rock monolith suddenly turns into a dangerous quicksand. Specialists apply for resignation - they no longer want to annoy the owners of the mountains - the elves. In all seriousness.

It reminded me of elven magic. About which it is written in many places that it exists, but what it manifests itself in is not known. Tolkien also has nothing specific about the magic of the elves.

But this is really all very serious!

Very interesting material about all this was collected by Brad Steiger in the book Encounters with Strangers. In 1962, in the same Iceland, several enterprising young people decided to expand the production of herring at a factory in a small village. According to ancient tradition, not a single landowner should refuse a small plot of land on his territory to a mysterious "folk" who secretly lives in local areas, and residents have repeatedly told the builders that they are expanding the plant at the expense of the "folk's" land, but businessmen only laughed . They had reliable cars, plenty of dynamite, and strong drills.

But the teeth of the hogs broke one after another, the work did not work out. As time went. Work is up. Finally, the stubborn "foreman" went to the old man, who, according to all reports, had contact with the "folk". He, in a state of trance, established a connection with him. And I learned that it was this piece of land that these creatures chose to live in. However, they nevertheless agreed to move to another place, but it would take five days. Workers resumed drilling five days later. Everything went fine...

From this story it is clear that the elves are noble. They did what people asked them to do without taking anything in return.

Such stories sound rather strange today, if we consider them outside the context of the tradition in which they sound. Where is the line between folklore and reality? Most likely, she may be somewhere in the middle of centuries-old legends and myths ... well, let's look.

Do elves and other mythical creatures really exist, or are all the stories above made up of people? And if so, where? Why can't we, with the exception of a few lucky ones, see them?

Mythical creatures in the legends of different nations are supernatural, magical, not subject to the laws of the material world. What do the legends tell us about the place of residence of the elves? Some legends speak of a very real, albeit different world, in others this world is associated with the "kingdom of the dead", that is, already completely mystical and fabulous.

There are also many theories about parallel worlds, some say that these worlds are similar to ours and are inhabited by similar creatures. Other theories say that these worlds are not material. They are inhabited by ghost-like creatures, that is, without a physical body and which we cannot see. But people with hypersensitivity can feel them, and sometimes even see them.

Interesting fabulous creatures that inhabit the pages of legends and fairy tales constantly excite the minds of the common man. Many are wondering do elves exist and whether they occur in everyday life. Many legends of the northern peoples testify that from time immemorial a people who bore the name Elve lived in prosperity on earth. Together with them there were trolls and goblins. Man appeared from nowhere and was considered to have come from heaven. When people took root on the planet, they began to survive the natives from their settled lands. The elves were forced to go far into the forest thickets and caves to hide from the total genocide.

If such a theory is to be believed, then the question do elves exist, the answer can only be positive. And, perhaps, somewhere in the secret corners of the planet live fabulous creatures.

Are there elves among humans?

The appearance of the elves is different from the usual human look. They are very thin and have a perfect figure, it seems as if these creatures do not walk, but hover above the ground. Elves have very light skin and hair color. Their eyes seem to pierce through and penetrate into the very soul. Elves can read everything, directly plunging into a person. They are very close to nature, therefore they cannot do evil and resist the violence that is traditionally present in the human world.

At this time, the word "elf" does not name specific creatures, but is common to all unusual creatures that inhabit the world of fairy tales. But this is erroneous, because one cannot compare refined creatures with goblins called to fight, or trolls, which have an insidious disposition.

Due to their closeness to nature and knowledge of the planet Earth, elves have powerful strength and supernatural abilities. This feature is very annoying for people who are not children of this planet, therefore they cannot comprehend all its secrets. Due to the fact that the elves had to go into the forests, over time they received the name "forest spirits" and turned nature into their kingdom.

Elf lifespan.

Having dealt with the issue, do elves exist, and, having come to a positive conclusion, it is necessary to understand how and how long they live. There are legends about these creatures that they live forever. According to other information, their life lasts much longer than human, and by the age of five hundred, elves enter only the time of first maturity. At the same time, they do not get old for a long time. People attribute such a phenomenon to the witchcraft charms of incomprehensible creatures. It is possible that the elves' longevity is the result of their harmonious coexistence with nature. Knowledge of the healing properties of the mother earth that gave birth to them, and everything that she gives in abundance to those who want to know her secrets.

Do elves coexist in peace with humans.

Not concealing evil against the invaders of their territories, noble elves always try to help people. It is not for nothing that legends and tales describe cases when little wizards helped women successfully get rid of the burden and after that they blessed the child and protected them from diseases and troubles with conspiracies.

The help of elves to children is not surprising, since babies are innocent, and this makes them related to sincere benefactors.

It is difficult to find out what the first inhabitants of the planet looked like, since everything happened in time immemorial. Only Scandinavian and German legends give some idea of ​​their appearance. That is why a person thinks and fantasizes a lot. The hour is not even, the girl who passed by you, with delicate features, white skin and blond hair, is a descendant of the most ancient people of the earth - Elve.

Do elves exist or not, everyone is free to decide for himself, but what is written about them in ancient legends leads to certain thoughts.

When we hear the names of the elves (we are talking about the names of the peoples, and not directly about the elven names), we present not the classical characters of myths and legends, but the heroes of the fictional world of Middle-earth, which was created by the talented writer John Tolkien. But are the elves a fantasy of the author or are there prerequisites that they exist?

In the article:

Types of elves and their description in folklore

In Norse mythology, the origin of the elves is closely intertwined with the history of the universe itself. There are two common names that are used in relation to elves - Alva and D (ts) vergi.

Guardian of nature Alva.

The first are the spirits of nature, they are beautiful, kind and help people. It is believed that the word "Alvy" later transformed into "elves".

Tsvergs live underground, and are good blacksmiths. They are afraid of the light (like trolls). When sunlight hits the zwerg, it turns into stone. It was believed that the tsvergs were dark entities, they did not like mortals and in every possible way harmed them.

In English folklore unlike Scandinavian, there is no division of elves into dark and light. The British called these creatures "fairies". These are not good, but not evil characters, they have their own character, have advantages and disadvantages.

The main vice of the characters is a passion for theft. They liked to steal peas and barrels of wine. Such entities stole small unbaptized children, and instead of babies, they put freaks in the cradle.

In Ireland elves were divided into two categories. Some are humanoid, while others are small, with wings.

In Danish folklore the elves were forest spirits, the men looked like old men in big headdresses, and the ladies looked young and beautiful, but with tails.

There are references to the forest people in Swedish folklore. People believed that wood elves lived in big trees.

At the time of paganism in the territory Sweden many so-called elven altars where sacrifices were made. Tussers are the name of magical creatures from Norwegian folklore. Under this name, elves, gnomes, and are hidden. It was believed that such creatures live like mortals - they build buildings, are engaged in agriculture and agriculture.

Santa's Helpers Parade.

In modern culture, an elf is a funny creature, Santa's helper. Such magical creatures are present in the literary works of writers from different countries: William Shakespeare, Goethe, Kipling, Tolkien.

Elves - myth or reality

There are many tales and legends where elves are mentioned. In different countries of the world there are legends about little men found by local residents.

The Cherokee Indians have tales of a small nation. Local legend says that they were short people, kind and possessing supernatural powers.

In 1932, a tiny mummy was found in the San Pedro mountains. A man 30 centimeters tall. Archaeologists at the American Museum of Natural History and Anthropology at Harvard University, after research, assured that the mummy really died at the age of 65 years.

Mummy of the San Pedro Mountains.

When one of the owners of the find died, the mummy mysteriously disappeared. Locals say that similar mummies were found here. However, there is no confirmation of this.

An unusual find was made in 1837. In Coshockton, Ohio, a cemetery was accidentally discovered where creatures resembling humans are buried. The bodies did not exceed 50–100 centimeters. It is believed that these are not elves, but simply the burial of pygmies.

An emergency occurred in 1996 in Iceland. One construction company was trying to level the Kopavogur Hill. The inhabitants were against this - according to legend, elves lived in this hill. The company failed to complete what it started. Technique suddenly stopped working in this place.

Another story happened in the National Mangrove Reserve. It was told by Stephen Wagner, he is engaged in the study of supernatural phenomena. It is about a man walking through the reserve. When I went to a small edge, I saw 30 small people, they settled down on the rocks and calmly talked to each other. The frightened traveler hurried back to the car, and when he came back, the little men disappeared.

Wagner described another case. It all happened in 2003 in Greenburg. The woman who told the story left only the initials - K. T. The lady was walking in the forest in the evening when she saw that everything around was starting to blink a little. Turning, the lady saw a little man watching her from behind a tree. The eyewitness insists that he looked the same as described in the legends. The woman screamed, and the magical creature instantly disappeared.

Elf school in Reykjavik: Icelandic Hogwarts with trolls and fairies.

The amazing "school of elves" is located in the capital of Iceland. Its director, Magnus Skarphedinsson, has been in regular contact with people for 30 years who claim to have encountered magical spirits. He described an incident that happened to Elli Erlingsdottir.

The woman said that her scissors disappeared, but after a couple of days they appeared again in the room. The lady is sure that these are tricks of magical creatures, and in order to prove her case, she invited a special person who knows how to talk with elves. And now, in order to make an important decision, the woman asks for advice from magical assistants.

The real "little people"

Howard Lehnhof, a scientist at the University of California, has suggested that the myths about elves have a real basis and describe real people.

Williams syndrome, also known as the "elf face" - a genetic failure.

Today, these are patients with Williams syndrome. A genetic disorder that occurs when 20 specific genes on chromosome 7 are lost. For the first time, such a syndrome was known in 1961.

The main difference between people with this syndrome is small stature, a constant childish facial expression, pronounced lips, nose, eyes, and problems with the cardiovascular system. In behavior, they resemble what is described in the stories about the elves.

Gentle, caring, sensitive, direct and open like children. Such people are good musicians, storytellers, have a high and beautiful voice.

Believe in elves or not, it's up to everyone. Perhaps the legends about these magical creatures described real people with Williams syndrome, but perhaps they were talking about real magical assistants.

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