Windows System Restore. System Rollback in Windows XP

It often happens that after downloading some malware or a file infected with a virus, important system data is damaged or deleted, as a result of which the PC starts to work worse or not at all. In this case, a rollback will help correct the situation.

What is that?

A rollback (the system name for this function is data recovery) is a return operating system to a restore point that was created before the problem occurred due to damage to the OS or some of its components. There are plenty of reasons why it can be damaged:

  1. The system file can be "eaten" by a virus, after which the OS refuses to work. Or it is simply struck by a virus program, after which it is blocked or removed by the antivirus.
  2. An important component was removed by the user by accident or unknowingly.
  3. There was an installed third-party program that harmed the OS.
  4. The downloaded Windows updates began to conflict with the old ones, as a result of which the computer began to "slow down" and work worse.

We can say that the rollback is like for the user, because he is able to return Windows 7 to a normal state. In this case, you do not have to reinstall it.

Restoring the system

Go to Start//All Programs//Accessories//Utilities and click on “System Restore”.

If you are interested in which programs will disappear in this case, click on the “Search for affected programs” button. We move on and start rolling back. This will clean up the OS, but some utilities or drivers will need to be reinstalled.

Through safe mode

It often happens that some kind of error occurs during startup, so it is not possible to load the desktop and roll back the settings. So you can login using

We reboot the computer and before loading Windows 7, press the F8 key. It is worth noting that on some laptops, the F1-12 keys are activated only in combination with the Fn switch button (in most cases, you can find it at the bottom left). In this case, hold down Fn and press F8.

From the list of functions that appears, select "Safe Mode". Do not be afraid of a screen resolution of 600x400 or 800x600, this is normal. Next, we find the program in the "Start" and follow the previous instructions on how to roll back.

Using the boot disk

It happens when you cannot log into the computer using "Safe Mode", and, accordingly, it is impossible to roll back. This is solved quite simply when using a boot disk. All you need is to have it. Insert the boot disk into disk drive, restart the computer. If the drive is not in priority, that is, it is not in the first place in the list of priority launches, go into the BIOS to the Boot section and put it in first place, save and exit from there. When the "installer" of Windows 7 starts, set the language to Russian (although another one is possible) and click on the inscription “System Restore” located at the bottom left. From the list, again select “System Restore”, after which we go through the already known procedure and roll back updates and settings.

By the way, if there bootable flash drive, the order of treatment is the same, only in the boot priority you will need to put it.

Create a restore point

Restoring the computer is possible only if there is a saved one. If it is not there, this is a problem, since it will be impossible to roll back. Therefore, it needs to be created.

We right-click on the shortcut "My Computer" (if there is no such desktop, then open the "Start" menu and do it there) and select "Properties".

In the "Toolbar" with right side click on the “System Protection” section and look at the plate where the disks are displayed.

If there is an inscription “Enabled” next to some disk (mainly the system one), then do not worry, since there is a function to save the return point. If there is “Disabled”, click “Configure”. There we put the switch on the item “Restore system settings and previous versions of files”. And from below, select the size of the disk space (it is desirable to take at least 1.5-2 GB). Click "Apply" and "OK". You can also create a return label manually. To do this, click "Create", somehow call it, and you're done.

Now a copy of the system will be saved from time to time, and it will be possible to roll back. It's a good news. But there is a small nuance. Protection settings will be saved primarily before installing some programs and will be constantly interchanged when there is not enough space for new saves. Therefore, it is better to allocate 5-10 gigabytes for this operation (it all depends on the capabilities of the disk), so that there are more labels with an earlier date in the list for return.

Creation in automatic mode

You can make sure that recovery data is kept strictly on schedule. The easiest way to do it is this:

  • Press Win + R or open "Start" and write "Run" in the search.
  • In the line we write taskschd.msc, click OK. The scheduler will open.
  • In the tree on the left side, open Library\\Microsoft\\Windows\\SystemRestore. Double click on the SR.

  • Go to the “Triggers” tab, select the one you need and click edit. Here we set the schedule at our discretion (for example, set one trigger to create weekly every Saturday at 0:00, and the second - when the computer is turned on).
  • Next, go to the “Conditions” tab and set up some conditions for creating an automatic savepoint. If they are not needed, you can turn them off.

Now you don’t have to worry about having a restore point and how to roll back the system to Windows.

Rollback Windows systems or system restore is a function of urgent computer resuscitation. It returns all the settings and programs that were on the computer before the crash. You should resort to its use after critical errors, incorrectly installed programs and drivers, when the PC does not start. In cases where something has damaged the system and attempts to eliminate it are currently futile.

There are three ways to reset the system. All bring the same result. The difference is how damaged the computer is and whether it is possible to log into Windows. Consider the first option: Windows starts, but errors prevent the computer from working normally. To enter the System Restore window, click the Start button, then All Programs. Scroll down the scroll bar and go to the "Standard" folder, then to the "System" folder and click "System Restore". In the window that appears, click the "Next" button. Now select a restore point. Choose the latest (within reason), the moment when the computer worked fine. We press "Next". Confirm the recovery by clicking the "Finish" button. In the dialog box, we confirm the last warning with the "Yes" button and observe the process of preparing for system recovery.

The computer will restart. Do not click anything until you see a window informing you that the system restore was completed successfully.

If you wish, you can cancel the system rollback and return the computer to its previous state. To do this, follow the same steps to enter the recovery wizard: the "Start" button, then "All Programs", the "Accessories" folder, the "System Tools" folder and "System Restore". Select "Cancel System Restore" and click "Next". Confirm the cancellation and wait for the rollback.

The second way: rollback the system using safe mode (hereinafter referred to as BR). Appropriate if Windows refuses to start in normal mode. To start using BR, restart your computer. When power on starts, press the F8 key until a black screen appears with options Windows downloads. Select "Safe Mode" using the arrows on your keyboard and press the "Enter" key.

The operating system (OS) started in safe mode. Desktop icons will be enlarged, and in general appearance will change. Don't be scared, that's how it should be. To start the rollback of the Windows system, follow the steps already familiar to you.

The third way: rollback the system using a boot disk. We use this option in the most severe cases, when the operating system completely refuses to boot even from safe mode. To perform this recovery, you will need a Windows installation disc. Insert it into the drive and restart your computer. Now you have to go into the BIOS and put boot from CD/DVD in the first place. If you do not know what BIOS is, you should not perform the recovery yourself. Wrong actions will greatly harm the computer. Contact a specialist for damage. If the boot disk starts successfully, select "System Restore".

If two OSes are installed, select the one you need and click "System Restore", "Reboot" again. Next, you will find the standard system recovery process. When finished, remove the disc from the drive and enjoy your working computer.

I hope you managed to roll back Windows and all problems were fixed!

How to roll back the Windows 7 system if it began to notify about errors in its work, slow down, refusing to function in the mode set by the manufacturer, but still starts. It is fashionable to return the state of files to a restore point, in which critical information of the OS registry is saved. It is created automatically when performing certain tasks that affect system data (for example, removing drivers).

The most simple, convenient and effective way. Does not require special skills and knowledge. To carry it out, you must perform the following steps on your computer or laptop:

  • Starting the OS and entering the Start button menu.
  • Enter the "Restore" command in the search bar.

The system will open a window corresponding to the request, in which you must select and activate the "System Restore" value. After the reboot, there will be a rollback to the point after which the action was carried out, which served as the beginning of the incorrect operation of the equipment.

Carrying out the rollback procedure through the "Run" line

The method is considered quite effective and is kept in the arsenal for correction Windows work many users. To start the rollback, you need to turn on the device and call the window on the screen to perform the tasks by pressing the "Ctrl + R" keys. Then enter in the line "rstrui.exe", and then proceed to the recovery procedure:

  • After entering the task, the "System Restore" dialog box will open in which you need to study the information provided. It confirms that the proposed actions will not affect the safety of the user's personal files.

  • After pressing the "Next" button, in the window that appears, select the available date and time option to which the rollback will be carried out, select the system disk and start the execution procedure.

  • The OS will once again offer to confirm its intentions in the agreement to make the necessary changes to it. Marking "Yes" will be the launch for automatic recovery to the specified point and restarting the OS.

If the rollback procedure is successful, a window with the relevant information will appear, which you need to close and check the performance of your device. If the problem has not been solved, try another method, repeating the same one several times in a row does not make sense.

Selecting and Reverting to Last Known Good Configuration

At the core this method the ability of Windows 7 OS to automatically record registry information about the last time downloading its data. The method must be used if the computer refuses to boot and the use of the System Restore menu becomes impossible for the user. The procedure should be performed using the following algorithm of actions:

  • Shutdown and restart the device.
  • Pressing the "F8" key and going to the advanced options menu to start the OS.
  • Using the keyboard navigation button cursor, set the value to Last Known Good Configuration.

After pressing "Enter", the device should reboot, and the Windows OS will roll back to the point and reinstall. The method does not always end successfully, and if there is no reaction to the actions taken, you must try the next option.

Installation via "Safe Mode"

The procedure should be started after restarting the computer. If the OS is not installed, you must wait for the BIOS to load and perform the following steps:

  • Call the required dialog box by pressing the "F8" key.

  • Use the arrow keys to select "Safe Boot Mode" and activate it.

  • After starting the OS, select the line "System Restore".

  • Log in through the "Start" button menu and enter "Recovery" in the command line.

  • Select the "Restore point" option, and activate the search by clicking the "Next" button.
  • After selecting the desired point by time and date, as well as selecting a disk, activate the rollback using the "Finish" value.

After confirming your actions, a rollback will be carried out to the selected values. After rebooting the device, the OS should begin to function properly in normal mode.

Using the listed options for rolling back the operating system to the selected checkpoint, the user will always be able to quickly and accurately debug its operation without resorting to the help of a service department or a computer wizard. In some cases, if the attempts did not lead to the desired result, which may mean incorrect functioning of the existing drivers, it would not be out of place to think about switching to a more “fresh” updated version of Windows.

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System Restore is one of the features of Windows that gives you the ability to roll your system back to a point where you're sure everything was working properly. This will help save your computer from all sorts of problems. You can literally roll back the OS back to the last date, the time when the computer was working normally.

In general, the computer stops working normally in one of the following cases:

  • changes you have made (installed software or changed critical settings)
  • malware infection,
  • some mechanical problem (your disk is full, you don't have enough random access memory, overheating, or failure).

System Restore is a great tool. It won't remove a virus or repair a broken fan. But in the event that the problem is in the latest changes made by you or software, which you have installed, it can save you. The utility will roll back your OS to a date before the problem occurred.

System rollback constantly generates "restore points" whenever the OS is updated or when new programs are installed. They capture the basic OS settings at a point in time when everything was working fine. If something goes wrong, you can return at any time.

Rolling back the system usually removes applications and drivers that were recently installed, but does not change your personal files. Rollback must be enabled on each disk, and you need about 300 MB for this.

How to rollback

This process usually takes a few minutes, but you will not be able to use your computer during this time. Move the cursor to the upper right corner of the display, move the mouse cursor down and click the Search button. Or just hold down the keys on the Windows keyboard, & Q. In the search field, type "Recovery", then open the corresponding item.

The most recent points will be displayed by default. To select the item you need, click the Next button, then Finish. The computer will now roll back. This takes a few minutes, and will include a reboot.

Alternatively, you can find another item. Usually, rollback points are created for all recent significant changes to your OS.


In the Recovery dialog box, open System Recovery Settings. To manually make a new Windows point, click the "Create" button.

To use your point in the future, you will be prompted to name it. Think of a suitable name and select "Create".

Please note that this tool only "restores" past settings in the registry and system Windows files. It will also uninstall any apps you may have installed since the rollback point was created. You can use a spyware removal tool, but if that doesn't solve your problem, you'll have to resort to a clean install of Windows.

Any modern novice programmer is able to create a virus program that provokes failures in the operation of computers of various kinds. In these cases, often the only solution to the problem, with the exception of a full format, is to restore the system by rolling back.

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System restore (rollback) - what is it and when to apply

New installed programs or driver updates are sometimes incompatible with computer hardware. Each computer owner must be aware of why he carries out certain operations with his operating system, with individual system files or the registry. And as a precaution, it's good to know how to roll back Windows 7.

The usual "littering" of the system also provokes problems with the functioning of the computer.

Viruses, of various kinds, also do not contribute to improving the performance of the system. If, when working with a computer, the user encounters constant failures and spontaneous changes in settings, it makes sense that a virus program has appeared, which for some reason was not recognized and eliminated by the antivirus program.

When a computer refuses to work as before, a return to previous versions of the operating system without reinstalling it is performed by the built-in recovery service. If it is active, then Windows itself creates restore points before automatic updates. The user can do the same manually if he decides to take the risk and install some program, update the driver to the latest, change or clean the registry, or make other major changes to the running system.

Restore point and its creation in Windows 7 in manual mode

restore point returns the system to a given moment without affecting user files. A correctly working operating system automatically creates such points every week when installing or updating programs, drivers, etc. You can set a different period for the creation of these points. You can do it yourself, manually.

To create a restore point in manual mode, the user needs to save and close the files and programs with which he worked. Then you need to click the "Start" button in the lower left corner of the desktop and write the word "create" in the text field under the list of programs.

A list will appear on the screen in which you need to find the item. "create a restore point". In response to pressing it, the System Protection tab of the system properties window will appear. In the text field, the user must write something that identifies this point, the operating system will automatically add the date and time. Then you should click the "Create" button.

When the process is completed, and a window with a corresponding notification appears on the screen, the user must sequentially close all open windows. Dot Windows recovery 7 created.

Preparing for a System Rollback

So, the user noticed that his computer is too hangs often, stops listening, slows down, “forgets” settings, etc. Realizing that formatting is too radical a decision, the computer owner decides to roll back and return the computer system to an earlier and more efficient state.

To do this, select best configuration date, which will become the date of the selected restore point. This effective procedure, embedded in Windows itself, is provided by the function of creating a restore point discussed above.

First of all, it is better to save personal data and archive on a third-party (external) medium. This is useful if something goes wrong during a restore and you have to format everything. It is especially important if the archive and OS are located on the same disk.

The next user action before rolling back the system should be to run a deep scan for virus infection in order to avoid virus interference in the rollback process and avoid full formatting or hardware failure.

How to rollback Windows 7

Recovery "from under" Windows

This option is good when the restore point procedure is enabled and operates successfully.

  • To roll back the OS a day ago, the user presses the "Start" button in the lower left corner and the input field writes "recovery", and then selects the "System Restore" program. You can, by clicking on the "Start", enter the "control panel" and select "Recovery" there.
  • In the System Restore window that opens, in the lower right corner, the user clicks Next.
  • A list of previously created restore points will open, which can be rolled back to. The computer owner selects the appropriate date, clicks on the label to highlight it, and then clicks Next.
  • The OS will open a restore point confirmation window. If everything corresponds to the given and the user has not changed his mind, he clicks "Finish", and then, in response to the warning that appears about the impossibility of canceling the process after it has begun, the "Yes" button, confirming his choice.
  • The operating system will display a window showing the preparation process and the progress of the recovery, and then show a message about the successful completion of the recovery procedure, which must be closed and then restart the computer.

Perhaps, if the problem is not resolved, you will need to repeat the rollback procedure by selecting a different, earlier restore point date.

How to rollback windows 7 in safe mode

If, as a result of inaccurate user actions or the efforts of a virus program, the computer refuses to boot in normal mode, it makes sense to roll back a day or a few back by logging into Windows through safe mode.

  • To do this, send the computer to reboot, and then at the start of turning on, press the F8 key in the top row of the keyboard.
  • The OS will display a window with a black background and offer boot options. You must click the cursor on "safe mode", and then press the "Enter" key.
  • When booting into safe mode is complete, you can rollback as described above, and then reboot the system in normal mode.

How to roll back the OS using a boot disk

When the computer does not want to work either in normal or in safe mode, a prepared in advance will help Windows 7 boot disk.

  • To do this, you need to install the disk with the system in the drive, and at the moment of switching on, enter the BIOS by pressing the appropriate key (it is usually indicated on the screen at the very beginning of the boot).
  • Then you should check the box to boot from the CD / DVD drive and boot the computer from it.
  • If a language selection window appears, do it and click "Next".
  • Then you should select the "System Restore" option, select the desired operating system option, if more than one OS is recorded, click "Next" again, select "System Restore" and roll back as described above.

When finished, reboot your system and remove the disc. The computer will boot in normal mode as of the selected date.

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