In 1 table spoon ml. So, we will talk about how to correctly calculate the dose of the drug for a child.

    Each of us - men, probably, at least a few times in our lives prepared a romantic dinner for our beautiful half, or maybe breakfast or lunch. Of course, this process had to take place, either in the absence of his wife, or when she was still basking in bed. Therefore, many had a natural need to measure the amount of flour, sugar, salt, or vegetable oil, vinegar, wine - with the help of improvised means. And what do we have at hand in the kitchen, if you don’t know for sure where the measuring cup is? That's right - a set of various spoons. Namely, for such a case, it can also be useful to know the measure of weight, and the volume of these cutlery.

    • in a teaspoon contains - 5 milliliters liquids, or 5-10 grams (depending on density) of bulk substances, that is, sugar, flour about 5 grams, and salt - 10 grams, as well as 2-3 grams of dried herbs;
    • in dessert spoon - 12 milliliters, or - 12-20 grams of sugar / flour and salt, or 4-6 gr. herbs.
    • in canteen spoon - 18 milliliters, or 18-30 gr. bulk substances, respectively, and 5-10 grams of dry grass.

    Good appetite!

    From childhood, I remember the numbers: that a teaspoon holds 5 milliliters, a dessert 10 and a tablespoon 15 milliliters. But: firstly, it depends on the product being measured, whether it is liquid or loose, and secondly, now there is such a variety of different spoons that there may not be 5 ml in a teaspoon, and not 15 in a dining room, therefore, in cases where a full accuracy, it is better to use a measuring spoon from medicines, syrups, with the help of it you can find at home such a spoon of each type so that it can hold a standard volume, and then use it when cooking. Otherwise, the figures will only be averaged and one can only hope for them approximately.

    The teaspoon is the smallest of the three. Dessert spoon - medium size. Tablespoons are most commonly used for mixing.

    A dessert spoon is used as a unit of measurement and equals two teaspoons, and a tablespoon is used as a unit of measure equal to 3 teaspoons, so a tablespoon is 1.5 dessert spoons.

    teaspoon = about 5 ml

    Dessert spoon = about 10 ml

    Tablespoon = approximately 15 ml

    This is true for most countries, with the exception of Australia, in which case a tablespoon equals 20 ml, which equals 4 teaspoons or 2 dessert spoons.

    Indeed, the question is more than relevant. Sometimes the doctor prescribes some kind of mixture, say a teaspoon or a tablespoon. Or in culinary

    recipes also sometimes indicate the measure in spoons. It's not hard to remember:

    teaspoon-5 ml, dessert-10, tablespoon-15.

    Now spoons are found in a wide variety of shapes and the amount of liquid placed in them is different.

    For example, I have more than ten types of teaspoons at home, and they all vary in size.

    For those housewives who use spoons as a measure, I would recommend purchasing measuring spoons, there are four of them in the standard set

    measuring coffee spoon 2.5 ml;

    measuring teaspoon - 5 ml;

    measuring dessert spoon - 10 ml;

    measuring tablespoon - 15 ml.

    A teaspoon holds up to 5 milliliters of liquid. A tablespoon can hold up to 18 milliliters of liquid. A dessert spoon is something between a teaspoon and a tablespoon. A dessert spoon holds a volume of about 10-12 milliliters.

    The order of increasing the volume of spoons is formed in the following order: first a teaspoon, then a dessert spoon, and then a tablespoon. The volume of a teaspoon is approximately five milliliters. The volume of dessert is about eight milliliters. And the volume of a tablespoon is about twelve - fifteen milliliters. These are common volumes. They may differ depending on the dimensions produced.

    very often, and almost always, recipes indicate how much to add various ingredients in spoons, teaspoons, tablespoons, or desserts. but sometimes it is given in milliliters. Here's the answer for those cases:

    teaspoon = 5 ml

    dessert spoon = 10 ml

    tablespoon = 15 ml

    Of course, the shape of the spoons is the most diverse, and the volume of the spoon also depends on the shape. Therefore, the indicated volumes should be considered rather approximate. The smallest, teaspoon holds 5 milliliters of water (!), The density of another liquid may be different from the density of water. A dessert spoon is 2 times larger than a teaspoon, and therefore its volume is 10 milliliters. And a tablespoon is 3 times more than a teaspoon, respectively, 15 milliliters is placed in it.

    I also stumbled upon this interesting table on the Internet. I think it can be very helpful.

    It is quite easy to use (although a dessert spoon is not indicated there). Let's say a cookbook says 30 ml of water (last column in the table and second from the bottom), this amount is contained in 6 teaspoons, 2 tablespoons, or 1/8 cup.

    In a teaspoon, of all the listed spoons, the least liquid will fit - no more than 5 ml. Further, in increasing order, a dessert spoon follows, in which a little more liquid can fit - from 10 to 12 ml. And the last, most capacious, is a tablespoon, into which you can pour up to 18 ml of liquid.

    If it were necessary to continue this list according to capacity, then after a tablespoon there would be a garnish spoon, which can accommodate three or four volumes of a tablespoon.

    A teaspoon holds 5 ml, a dessert spoon can be different: 10-15 ml. Canteen - 18-20 ml of liquid. Just don't confuse milliliters with grams. The number of grams can be quite different, depending on the type of liquid or substance.

If it becomes necessary to accurately measure the amount of ingredients added during the preparation of a dish or drink, as well as taking potions during treatment, the question arises - how many grams of this or that product is placed in a tablespoon or teaspoon?

Tablespoon- This is a cutlery with a volume of 18 ml. With the help of a tablespoon, cereals, soups, jams and other liquid dishes are eaten. In addition, a tablespoon is often used as a unit of measure to determine the required amount of a substance to prepare a particular dish. Often in recipes, the ingredients are indicated in tablespoons. Also, the unit of measure "tablespoon" in addition to cooking is used in medicine.

The number of grams that a tablespoon can hold, depends on what kind of substance needs to be measured, that is, on its density and the fullness of the spoon - with or without a top. Often in recipes, if not specified exactly, they mean a tablespoon filled with top. But for a more accurate adherence to the recipe, you still need to know how many grams are placed in a tablespoon of one or another ingredient.

Cookbooks and many thematic Internet resources offer special tables that allow you to determine how many grams of a substance a tablespoon holds. Thanks to such tables, any housewife will be able to quickly and easily convert grams to tablespoons and vice versa. Such tables usually mean a tablespoon with a scoop width of 4 cm and a length of 7 cm.

The following are the most popular products that in culinary recipes indicate in tablespoons. So, an ordinary tablespoon holds 18 g of water, 17 g of vegetable oil, 20 g of milk. In a tablespoon with a slide, 25 g of sugar, 30 g of salt, 15 g of flour, cocoa or coffee are placed. Also, rice is often measured in tablespoons (20 g, if with a slide, 15 - without a slide), ground nuts (with a slide 15 g, without a slide - 10 g), dry grass (with a slide 10 g, without a slide - 5 g) .

Dosing in teaspoons or tablespoons and liquid medicinal substances is common. Medical practice takes into account that one teaspoon contains 5 ml of liquid, and one tablespoon contains 15 ml of liquid. If water acts as a medicinal solvent, but milliliters can be easily converted into grams: in 1 teaspoon you get 5 ml of liquid or 5 g, in one tablespoon - 15 g. However, the accuracy of such measurements of the volume and weight of medicinal substances may be questionable.

A special study was conducted, during which the volumes of "standard" teaspoons and tablespoons were studied. Participants in the study collected medication in a standard 5 ml teaspoon, after which their volume was measured. In addition to the fact that the teaspoons and tablespoons used in the experiment differed in their capacity (the volume of teaspoons ranged from 2.5 to 7.3 ml, the volume of tablespoons - from 6.7 to 13.4 ml), the volumes collected the same 5 ml spoon, but by different participants - from 3.9 to 4.9 ml.

Below you can find more details with dosages of certain products in grams, which are placed in a tablespoon. These characteristics will help you more accurately calculate the dosage of ingredients that are found in culinary recipes.

Now you know for sure how many grams in a tablespoon can be taken with or without a slide depending on what ingredients you use to prepare a particular dish.

Much of what you read below may seem strange and even offensive. After all, this “much” is studied in the first three grades of an ordinary high school.

But still, reminders and primitive explanations can be useful, taking into account the fact that you will be doing the calculations in a particularly nervous state due to the illness of the child ...

So, we will talk about how to correctly calculate the dose of the drug for the child.

The dose of your child's prescribed medication must be measured in some way, and as units of measurement can be used :

  • units of mass (gram, milligram, etc.);
  • volume units (liter, milliliter, drop, etc.);
  • special units (conditional, biological, etc.);
  • units of a specific dosage form (tablet, capsule, ampoule, etc.).

The basic unit of mass is gram and its derivatives - milligram and microgram.

Common abbreviations:

  • gram - g;
  • milligram - mg;
  • microgram - mcg.

In 1 g - 1,000 mg or 1,000,000 mcg.
In 1 mg - 1,000 mcg.

  • 1.0 is a gram;
  • 0.001 is a milligram;
  • 0.000001 is a microgram.

The basic unit of measurement for volume is milliliter . A liter habitual in everyday life as a dose is rarely used, but still it is sometimes used. For example, "the volume of fluid required for a cleansing enema is 1 liter" or "the daily volume of infusion therapy is 1.5 liters."

Common abbreviations:

  • liter - l;
  • milliliter - ml.

In 1 liter - 1000 ml.

The unit of volume must be specified!

If it is not indicated, that is, 15.0 is simply written, it means that this is not a volume, but a mass - 15 grams. If we are talking about milliliters, then next to the number 15 it should be written - ml: 15.0 ml.

Please pay attention: the most common parenting mistake is when they get confused MG And ML.

Once again, we pay attention, because this particular moment is extremely relevant!

Do not confuse units of mass and units of volume - this is very, very important!

Whenever a drug is prescribed parenterally in a certain amount of ml, we are talking about the fact that this volume will be measured with a syringe for injection of the appropriate size or an infusion solution bottle with appropriate volume marks will be used.

Packages of modern medicines dispensed in milliliters for reception inside without fail contain special measuring devices: caps, pipettes, syringes, cups, measuring spoons.

If there is nothing like this, but the medicine is still prescribed inside and in ml, which means that injection syringes or special graduated measuring cups sold in pharmacies should be used to measure the required volume.

A non-standard and inaccurate unit of volume is a drop . The volume of a drop is largely determined by the physical properties of the dispensed liquid.

For example, the volume of one drop alcohol solution is on average 0.02 ml, and the volume of one drop water solution can range from 0.03 to 0.05 ml.

Pharmacists and doctors have long agreed that the standard pharmaceutical, medical measure of a drop is 0.05 ml.

Thus, 1 ml = 20 drops.

When a solution of a particular drug is prescribed to your child in drops and we are talking about a modern drug, the package usually contains a special pipette or the bottle cap is a special dropper.

If there is no pipette or dropper cap, then you can use a standard medical pipette sold at any pharmacy. If many drops are prescribed, it is quite possible to use a disposable syringe to measure the required volume of liquid.

Assigned to 10 drops - so it's 0.5 ml; 40 drops - respectively, 2 ml.

You can even use the formula:

number of ml = number of drops divided by 20.

The main thing to remember is that whenever a certain drug is prescribed in drops, and you cannot figure out how to extract and measure these drops, so, in such situations, it is clearly understood that the volume of one drop is 0.05 ml. And this means that, having a medical syringe with a volume of 1 ml in the house, you can easily and absolutely accurately determine the required amount of medicine: 2 drops - 0.1 ml, 3 drops - 0.15 ml, 5 drops - 0.25 ml etc.

Even more non-standard (compared to drops) units of volume are various household spoons, which are sometimes (but less and less often) used to dose inactive and relatively safe drugs.

Standard volume of spoons in ml:

  • tea room spoon - 5 ml;
  • dessert spoon - approximately 10 ml (there is no single standard);
  • dining room spoon - in the CIS countries - 18 ml, in the USA, Canada - 15 ml, in Australia - 20 ml;

In some countries, the concept of a baby spoon is used.

  • children's spoon - 10 ml.

To completely close the topic of kitchen utensils for measuring volume, recall glass . Dosing with glasses is more common in cooking, but is sometimes used in medicine to measure the volume of infusions, decoctions, rinses, etc.

  • one glass - 200 ml.

The active substance is present in a liquid medicinal product at a certain concentration. The digital value of this concentration is reflected in such a seemingly obvious, but not always clear expression, as solution percentage .

The expression "5% solution of ascorbic acid" does not look complicated and mysterious at all. But still, some explanations should be given in order to finally dot the i's.

So, the concentration in pharmacology is usually displayed as number of units of mass per unit volume. Thus, the expression "1% solution" means that 100 ml of liquid contains 1 g of the active substance.

In the vast majority of cases, the amount of fluid prescribed to a child is measured in milliliters. Therefore, we recalculate:
100 ml - 1 g;
10 ml - 0.1 g;
1 ml - 0.01 g.
0.01 g is 10 mg. Quite a logical conclusion: in 1 ml of 1% solution contains 10 mg of active ingredient .

We train:

  • in 1 ml of a 5% solution of ascorbic acid - 50 mg of ascorbic acid;
  • in 1 ml of a 50% solution of analgin - 500 mg of analgin;
  • in 1 ml of a 0.1% solution of loratadine - 1 mg of loratadine;
  • in 1 ml of 66.7% solution of lactulose - 667 mg of lactulose;
  • in 1 ml of a 0.05% solution of chlorhexidine - 0.5 mg of chlorhexidine ...

Manufacturers of children's dosage forms are very skeptical about parental mathematical abilities. The instructions may well say “loratadine solution 0.1%”, but the package will indicate in capital letters: “loratadine 1 mg / 1 ml” or “loratadine 5 mg / 5 ml”.

A huge number of liquid medicines are available in different concentrations. In 1 ml of a suspension of paracetamol there may be 20, or maybe 50 mg: “120 mg / 5 ml” or “250 mg / 5 ml” will be written on the box with the suspension. The pharmacy worker will not be able to release correctly, and the mother will not be able to correctly give the child paracetamol prescribed at a dose of “5 ml of suspension” - you need to know what concentration of the suspension is in question. In this way, Whenever your child is prescribed anything liquid, it is important to make sure that you know not only the name of the solution, but also its strength!

The situation when a doctor prescribes a solution, syrup, suspension, etc., but does not indicate the concentration, is nevertheless possible.

So, for example, lactulose syrups are produced by almost all manufacturers in the form of a 66.7% solution. And when the doctor wrote: Lactulose syrup 5 ml in the morning before breakfast”, then there is no error in this.

Another option: we are talking about a drug prescribed under a specific trade name.

An example of such an assignment: nurofen for children, suspension, at temperatures above 39 ° C 10 ml orally". Suspension called "Nurofen for children" is available in only one concentration - 100 mg / 5 ml. Therefore, everything is written correctly, it is impossible to make a mistake.

Another question is that in a pharmacy they can tell you something like this: “We do not currently have Nurofen for children in suspension. We have another medicine, but in the composition of ibuprofen, as in Nurofen, and this is different - only in tablets of 0.4. Everything else is in the regional center, the bus tomorrow morning ... "

And then you calculate:

10 ml with a concentration of 100 mg / 5 ml - this means we were prescribed 200 mg.

And in a tablet 0.4 is 400 mg.

So, we will persuade Mashenka to swallow half a tablet ...

Another fundamentally important point. Knowing the concentration is necessary not only when drugs are taken orally and are dosed in ml. For topical application and dosing with drops, this is no less important.

And if assigned xylometazoline 2 eachdrops in each nostril 3times a day”, then before dripping, you should definitely clarify which xylometazoline we are talking about - 0.1% or 0.05%?

The concentration of the active substance in dermatological products is also indicated by percentages, but there is no specificity here. So if it says " hydrocortisone ointment 1% ”, This means that 1 ml of this ointment contains 10 mg of hydrocortisone. But just like with a suspension of paracetamol, you can’t just write “hydrocortisone ointment”, since this ointment comes in 0.5%, 1%, 2.5% ...

Now about dosing using special units . Always, when it comes to certain dosage units, the number of these units is linked either to a unit of volume, or to a specific package or dosage form. And this relationship must be clarified without fail!

That is, you must definitely know that in 1 ml of solution insulin contains exactly 40 units or exactly 100 units of the drug.

You need to know exactly what is in this tablet with pancreatin contains a dose equal to 10,000 units of lipase. Exactly 10 thousand, not 40 or 25.

You must know that it is in this sterile vial that there are 500,000 units of sodium salt benzylpenicillin.

Once again, I would like to emphasize that always, when something is prescribed in units, it is imperative to clarify in what volume, in which vial, in which capsule exactly this number of units is contained.

The use of the name of a particular dosage form as a dosing unit is associated with enormous difficulties and many errors.

In one tablet of the same pharmaceutical agent, there may be a different amount of active ingredient. So, for example, in one tablet paracetamol may be 80, 120, 125, 200, 285, 325, 500 or 564 mg. Obviously, no one will be able to properly sell in a pharmacy or give a child paracetamol prescribed in a dose of "1 tablet".

Therefore, next to the name of the drug and the selected dosage form, the amount of the active substance in this particular dosage form prescribed for a particular patient should be indicated.


  • calcium gluconate, tablets of 0.5;
  • cephalexin, capsules of 0.25.

An indication of a certain tablet or capsule, in the absence of information about the content of the active substance, can in some cases be justified by the fact that there is no choice of tablets of this particular drug.

This is possible if:

  • the drug is produced in this dosage form only with a strictly defined amount of active substance. For example, ornidazole Available in tablets of 0.5. There are no other pills. Make no mistake;
  • the drug is prescribed under a trade name, and a specific manufacturer produces it only in such a dosage form - there is no choice. For example, one tablet suprastin always contains 0.025 chloropyramine. Therefore, if suprastin is prescribed one tablet twice a day, you will not be mistaken;
  • a drug is a strictly defined combination of certain ingredients protected by a trade name. For example, decathylene, lozenges. There is no other decathylene. You won't be mistaken.

We already know that the optimal way of dosing drugs to children is based on the relationship of the dose with the weight of the child.

Consider the intricacies of such dosing using the example of the most popular children's antipyretic - paracetamol.

From paragraph 2.1. we know that single dose paracetamol is 10-15 mg/kg.

We have a child weighing 15 kg. Thus, a single dose of the drug is from 150 (10 x 15) to 225 (15 x 15) mg.

We bought a 120 mg/5 ml suspension. This means that in one ml - 24 mg. And we need from 150 to 225. So, our single dose is approximately equal to 6.2-9.3 ml.

We bought a 250 mg/5 ml suspension. This means that in one ml - 50 mg. And we need from 150 to 225. So, our single dose is 3-4.5 ml.

We bought 200mg tablets. And we need from 150 to 225. So, our single dose is 1 tablet.

We bought 325mg tablets. And we need from 150 to 225. So our single dose is half a tablet.

Now let's deal with daily dose the same paracetamol. If there are indications, this medicine can be given repeatedly during the day, but not more than 4-5 times, and it is very important that the interval between doses be at least 4 hours.

All the same child - body weight 15 kg. The maximum daily dose of the drug should in no case exceed 60 mg / kg. This means that our baby can take no more than 15 x 60 - 900 mg per day.

We bought a 120 mg/5 ml suspension. This means that in one ml - 24 mg. And we need no more than 900. So, our maximum daily dose is 37.5 ml (900/24).

We bought a 250 mg/5 ml suspension. This means that in one ml - 50 mg. And we need a maximum of 900 per day. This means that our daily dose should not exceed 18 ml (900/50).

We bought 200mg tablets. So, no more than four tablets per day.

We bought 325mg tablets. So our maximum daily dose is 2 tablets and another three-quarters of a tablet.

Already this enumeration of our shows that, knowing the weight and the required single / daily dose, it is quite easy to make a rational choice of dosage form. It is obvious that in most cases it is much easier to give a child 3 ml of suspension than 10 ml or half a tablet. Therefore, for a child weighing 15 kg, the optimal dosage form of paracetamol will probably be a suspension of 250/5 ml.

Even more indicative in this aspect is the choice of the optimal dose of paracetamol for rectal administration.

It is known that when using suppositories, a single dose of paracetamol is higher than when taken orally, and is 20-25 mg / kg. Thus, a child weighing 10 kg should receive a suppository containing 200 to 250 mg. We go to the pharmacy, and there it turns out that there are paracetamol suppositories on sale containing the active substance in an amount of 50, 80, 100, 125, 150, 250, 300, 500, 600 and even 1,000 mg. In our situation, it is most logical to buy candles of 250 mg and use them with a minimum load for the child's psyche. But you can not know all this and mock the child by putting two 100 mg candles into it, or mock yourself by trying to cut off half of the 500 mg candle.

We also draw your attention to the fact that a careful study of the sheet with medical prescriptions in many cases will allow you to save significant funds.

Assignment example: " azithromycin suspension. 200 mg 1 once a day half an hour before meals, 3 consecutive days". We go to the pharmacy, and there it turns out that the antibiotic azithromycin in suspension is sold in the following packages:

  • powder for suspension 100 mg/5 ml, bottle 20 ml;
  • powder for suspension 200 mg/5 ml, 15 ml vial;
  • powder for suspension 200 mg/5 ml, 30 ml vial;
  • powder for suspension 200 mg/5 ml, bottle 20 ml.

It is clear that the optimal choice in our situation is 200 mg / 5 ml, a 15 ml bottle - this is just enough for the prescribed course of treatment. Any other packaging is not economically viable: either you have to buy more, or it remains.

Unfortunately, there is often a situation where the doctor simply does not have time to follow the rapidly changing assortment of pharmacies. And in this case, such appointments are quite possible: loratadine 5 mg 1once a day for 2weeks". This, of course, is wrong, but a very slight parental intellectual effort can solve the problem.

So let's go to the pharmacy. - We need loratadine, 5 mg.

It turns out that loratadine is available in tablets of 10 mg, as well as in syrups or suspensions - 1 mg / 1 ml.

5 mg is half a tablet or 5 ml of syrup. We don’t want to share pills, and our baby has problems swallowing pills, so we get liquid-tasty and give what the doctor ordered ...

By the way, before buying, we carry out simple calculations: 5 ml per day, yes for 2 weeks, this is 5 x 14 - it turns out that 70 ml is needed for a course of treatment. How much is in the bottle? We are interested: it turns out that in one bottle of syrup or suspension of loratadine there can be 30, 50, 60, 100, 120 and 150 ml. It is probably the most rational to buy a bottle of 100 ml - please give ...

And the last thing I would like to draw your attention to. Whenever a doctor prescribes to divide tablets, this is either indicated by words (half, third, quarter), or by a fraction: 1/2, 1/3, 1/4.

And if it says "calcium gluconate 0.5" - this is not half a tablet (!), It's half a gram - 0.5 g.

0.25 is not a quarter of a tablet, it is 0.25 g.

Here and below, when we say "basic unit", we mean the unit, basic in terms of drug dosing. That is, we know that from the point of view of the international system of units (International System, SI), the basic unit of mass is the kilogram (kg), and the standard unit of volume is the cubic meter (m 3).

Sometimes you have to measure liquid with a teaspoon, dessert spoon, or tablespoon. For example, the doctor has prescribed medicine for your child or you to take 1 teaspoon or tablespoon 3 times a day. And now you are tormented by the question: - How many ml are in a teaspoon? How many ml in a tablespoon? Because in the instructions for the medicine, the dose for one dose is clearly stated in milliliters. A loving mother, fearing to harm the child, is tormented by the question: - How many ml of syrup are in a teaspoon or a tablespoon?

How many ml in a tablespoon?

You may have the same questions while preparing various culinary recipes or following certain diets. For example, the recipe says to add 20 ml of vinegar. How many ml of vinegar in a spoon? Which spoon to measure the required amount of liquid? How many teaspoons does a tablespoon hold, and is there some kind of dependence here?

In all medical and kitchen books, you can read that a teaspoon contains 5 ml, a dessert - 10 ml and a tablespoon - 15 ml of liquid.

It is this volume of spoons that doctors are taught at medical institutes and, based on such knowledge, they prescribe medication. Although Wikipedia says that a standard tablespoon in the CIS countries and, in particular, Russia is 18 ml.

Now we are only talking about measuring liquid with spoons. There is no particular difference between water, vinegar and sunflower oil, when dosing these products with spoons. They are all liquid. Bulk products are another matter - they can be collected both "with a slide" and without a "slide". The result in this case can differ quite significantly, sometimes by 2 or more times.

Therefore, we will not talk about the amount of bulk products (sugar, flour, soda, salt) in one spoon today.

Today in your house there are spoons from different manufacturers, made to different standards. Therefore, the number of milliliters of liquid that are placed in them, it would seem, should differ in a fairly wide range. But it's not. All of them approximately meet the following standards:

1 teaspoon = 5ml

1 dessert spoon = 10 ml or 2 teaspoons

1 tablespoon = 15ml or 3 teaspoons

Video. How many ml in a spoon?

It should be noted that this amount of liquid is placed in all spoons from different manufacturers. But in some it is placed with difficulty and, only due to the laws of surface tension, protrudes slightly above the edges of the spoon. In principle, it is possible to lift a spoon with such filling so as not to splash water, although it is difficult, but to give medicine, especially to a child, in this way is generally unrealistic. And if you pour a little less liquid, then this will already be a discrepancy with the recipe.

Based on this, it is possible to use spoons to measure the amount of liquid only as a last resort.

Therefore, we recommend that you measure the medicines you take using the measuring spoon that comes with liquid medicines - syrups and potions. You can also measure the amount of liquid medicine with a disposable syringe. Only in this way can the required dose be observed. This is especially important when taking medications for children.

For the correct dosing of liquids in the kitchen, we advise you to purchase a set of standard measuring spoons.

You can also test one spoon from your home. Using a syringe, determine the amount of ml that she puts into herself, mark it with a special mark and put it in a certain place.

This is the only way to avoid gross errors in the dosage of the substance with spoons.

Very often, housewives, when preparing some kind of culinary dish, confectionery, or herbal decoction according to a new recipe, ask themselves the question: how, without weights or a measuring cup, with the help of improvised items, determine the weight, volume of a particular product.

And most often such measuring utensils become a tablespoon, a glass. The volume of the glass is usually known in advance. And not everyone knows how many milliliters or grams are included in a tablespoon.

Grams, milliliters - what's the difference?

There is no difference for water. 1 gram is equal to 1 milliliter, and 1 kg of water corresponds to 1 liter. But there is a significant difference between these concepts. In grams, weight is measured in liters or milliliters - its volume. It's all about the density of the product.

Take, for example, vegetable oil. You have probably noticed that any fat, oil in the finished product floats on the surface of the water. This is because it is lighter than water in weight. 1 liter of oil weighs 900-930 grams.

And one more small note. Sometimes the volume is indicated in cubic centimeters or decimeters. How to understand such information? We remind you that 1 ml corresponds to 1 cm 3, and 1 liter is a cubic decimeter.

Volume of a tablespoon for liquids

But let's get back to our tablespoon. What it is, no need to explain. This is a cutlery with which people eat liquid, loose food, such as porridge or soup.

And also a housewife's measuring tool, which she uses to salt the same soup, add sugar to compote, put butter in porridge, without thinking at all about physical categories. She just knows that half a spoon of salt is enough for this pan, and it is better to put 2 tablespoons of oil.

Let's see how many milliliters are in a tablespoon? This cutlery has its own volume. In Art. a spoon holds 18 milliliters of water. For liquid vegetable oil, the volume will also be 18 ml or 16 grams by weight.

Rubbing alcohol is also lighter than water. 100 ml of alcohol weighs 78 grams. Accordingly, 18 ml of strong alcohol in a cutlery is equal to 14 g.

And condensed milk or sour cream is denser than water, due to the milk components contained in them, and, accordingly, heavier. 21-22 g of milk product will fit in 18 ml of container. Soy sauce or fruit syrup have a similar mass.