A game where you create a blacksmith jack weapons. Blacksmith Jack Smith cheats codes (Jacksmith)

Blacksmith Jack - new story about the eternal struggle between good and evil, where the outcome of everything depends on our participation. And if we try, then the daughter of the king will be saved from the clutches of the insidious magician, who so vilely kidnapped the beautiful girl. To save the princess and destroy the evil wizard, you will need the best weapon, the steel of which can destroy any armor of the evil sorcerer's army. But, unfortunately, the king did not have weapons of such steel, so he would have to look for a blacksmith who could forge a powerful weapon. It turned out that there is such a thing in the kingdom, it’s just that no one has heard of him, and he turned out to be an unsightly donkey, who has been studying the craft of a blacksmith all his life. The donkey's name was Jack, and he graciously agreed to help the king and his daughter. To do this, he uses his reserves of the best steel, weapons from which are capable of cutting through any metal and even the hardest stone, be it a granite rock. Warriors will have to fight various evil spirits, including stone dragons, famous for eating stones and drinking fiery lava, straight from the mouth of a volcano. But since a huge amount of weapons is needed, the blacksmith Jack himself does not have time to cope, so why don't we help him cope with the task and organize a real mass production of weapons.

How to play?

Take orders from the king and his subjects soldiers. In order not to make extra swords, the king and Jack agreed that each soldier would personally approach the blacksmith, and he would make weapons directly to the strength and skills of the warriors. The process will not be long, but nevertheless, divided into several stages. The first stage is the melting and preparation of the metal, pouring it into a special mold for the sword. The next stage is one of the most time-consuming, it is giving the future sword a shape and sharpness, that is, forging and sharpening. And the last action, before giving the soldier his future weapon, is the installation of a handle and a guard, without which not a single sword can do. Now you can give the sword to the warrior, and he will go to fight.

Jacksmith 2 great sequel famous game Blacksmith Jack, which allows us to be on the other side of the barricades in typical fantasy battles, providing weapons to the army, consisting of fabulous pigs, and all this in order to protect the country and save the princess from the hands of an evil wizard. Our hero blacksmith Jack is a donkey, and his assistant Scott is a poodle. But these are all sweet conventions. Playing with your own non-standard approach immediately immerses himself. At first, the game mechanics seem simple and the controls are intuitive, but try to create the perfect weapon the first time. No, the game is such that it requires a lot of experience. They made a little mistake with the temperature, they sharpened the blade incorrectly or the handle was not placed in the center, like everything down the drain - the weapon sharply loses its characteristics. By the way, there are only a certain number of pig warriors, so our first task is to provide each of them with the most effective weapon from the best material in time, and then during the battle to collect everything necessary to throw it back into circulation. There are a strictly defined number of monsters every day, in addition, every morning Scott comes running to you and honestly warns you about all the varieties of monsters that you have to fight today. It is under them that weapons are made. In Jack Smith, it happens that a poorly made weapon will not allow you to completely destroy the enemy - it breaks earlier on the skin of the first monster. As a result, the pigmen flee without weapons, and the mobile forge cart is deprived of many potentially available resources. So you have to take things seriously in Jacksmith 2.

Blacksmith Jack - a game made with love

And indeed it is. First of all, everything is drawn just fine. Secondly, and other elements of Jack Smith - high-quality sound and animation, user-friendly interface also leave the most pleasant impression. The mechanics of the game has not changed much, all the best from the previous part has remained, bugs have been fixed, and a number of minor improvements have been added. But we will not spoil the surprise by revealing all the cards at once. It would be much nicer to find out about this right during the game of Blacksmith Jack.

But that is not all. The donkey gunsmith is also crazy fun game, aptly parodying many conventions typical of the role-playing game genre. Just think - the protagonist games Blacksmith Jack is a donkey, his closest assistant, student and informant is a dog, the militia consists exclusively of pigs, and the bestiary of local monsters will put on the shoulder blades any of those who mistakenly consider themselves serious role play. All the processes in the smithy are presented absolutely charmingly. Thus, we summarize: an interesting setting, and the impeccable performance of the game Donkey Gunsmith will remain in your memory for a long time. After all, Jack Smith is, perhaps, the only game that combines the management of a forge with the gameplay of a good RPG and at the same time has an irresistible irony.

We add that you can play Gunsmith Donkey online.

There was a donkey named Jack Smith. Jack is a professional blacksmith and knows how to forge the highest quality weapons that can be. And then one day the king's daughter is kidnapped. The king orders Jack to rescue the princess and offers a good reward. The blacksmith thought about it and gathered an army of pigs, began to forge weapons and armor for them in order to send them on searches and raise the morale of the army.

Blacksmith Jack Smith- it's interesting strategy game where you have to work as a blacksmith and design weapons and combat armor. When you have created all the necessary arsenal, the army can be sent into battle. While the battle is on and the war pigs are fighting the enemy, you need to look for new materials in order to create another arsenal from them. As a blacksmith, you are provided with a wide range of functions. In addition to designing an arsenal, you can combine materials and experiment with the quality of your products. The better the weapon, the longer it can last for a warrior. By the way, you have a worthy assistant dog who will help you cope with a difficult task.

Do you want to go to one of the closed virtual worlds? It will be a very exciting journey. After all, this world is in times reminiscent of the earthly Middle Ages, only its inhabitants are intelligent animals. And there is magic there. You will meet a local blacksmith-gunsmith. Don't be surprised it's a donkey. Blacksmith Jack is an excellent craftsman and he will definitely teach you how to make weapons and share his secrets. Yes, being a knight and rushing at the enemy on a mighty war horse with a sword and a lance in your hands is a good thing. Still - heroes are always loved and praised. But what will all these detachments of knights and other fighters against evil spirits do if there is no one to forge reliable weapons for them? Therefore, become a master gunsmith and master all the techniques of work!

How to play?

Jack has a lot of experience participating in battles and making a wide variety of weapons. You just have to pick up the tool and start forging. You will not end up with clients - weapons quickly become dull and break in battles. It needs to be repaired and forged new. You will quickly get used to it, and soon first-class blades will come out from under the hammer of your gloomy character. But the metal for them will have to be mined in battles. Therefore, you will never be bored!