SPA business development trends. Features of the development and functioning of the SPA industry in the Russian Federation Wellness is a global mega-trend

Resort-SPA and salon-SPA are concepts that have been included in the world practice of healing for a long time. The origin of the word "SPA" is associated with the name of the Belgian resort town, known for over 500 years for healing mineral and thermal springs, clean mountain air and picturesque forests. The city owes its name to Peter I, who during his visit tried the water from the springs and said "thank you". The temperamental Walloons thought the word too long, they left only the first syllable - "SPA". Therefore, we can assume that SPA has Russian roots. In addition, in Russia, the ideas of SPA spread in the form of water resorts and the national school of balneotherapy. Many SPA principles can be found in the traditions of the Russian bath.

The European ideas of SPA were introduced into Russian life by the same Peter I. The tsar-builder repeatedly visited the resorts of Belgium, Germany and France. Returning to Russia, he issued a decree on the systematic search for mineral and thermal waters on the territory of our country, and also sketched several water resort projects with his own hand. The 20th century almost threw SPA principles out of our lives, but in recent years they have returned to us again. Any explanatory dictionary of Western languages ​​interprets the word "SPA" as a designation of a mineral spring, a water spa, a wellness salon with water procedures and a hydromassage pool. Over the past five years, this word has been actively used in Russian in all the indicated meanings, primarily in articles and books devoted to health and beauty issues. Proper use of the ancient healing traditions that came from the West and the East is combined in practice in Russia with the achievements of modern rehabilitation medicine and folk methods of restoring beauty and health.

In most civilized countries, SPA is an integral part of the so-called "mainstream", having become something taken for granted for every self-respecting citizen. The growth of daily health burdens in the accelerating pace of urban life brings new thousands of clients to SPA centers all over the world. Unfortunately, there are no more or less clear statistics for Russia. And it's not the lack of industry information as such. The problem is the reliability of this information, since in our country the level of understanding of what, in fact, should be a real SPA-salon, is not just low, but even contradictory. The SPA market began to develop in Russia no more than 5 years ago. The first SPA-salons tried to become both beauty salons, and fitness centers, and even medical institutions. But the massive development of outbound tourism allowed the Russians to get acquainted with the "correct" SPA procedures. In Russia, the SPA industry developed precisely as a Western advent. The success of SPA on the waters and in salons in Europe itself assumed its continuation on the Russian market. However, thalasso procedures of several European companies are popular in Russia, as well as separate (unfortunately, there are very few of them) thalasso centers. At the same time, of course, the concepts of "SPA" and "thalassocenter" are not identical, since the first is much more capacious.

SPA is an absolute, 100% phenomenon, which includes 10 essential elements:

Healthy food, active supplements, diet

Physical education

Contact procedures (massage, reflexology, body-oriented cosmetology)

Comprehensive effects on the body, mind and psyche

Beauty services based on natural products

A room where the rule of living space, ecology and climatology is respected

Culture and art in the interior, music, communication

Modern management, marketing and work style

Rhythm and cyclicality.

A manifestation of the European and American trend can be called the hardware component of SPA services in Russia: microclimate capsule, Vichy shower, Softpack, LPG, etc. The European SPA scenario in Russia will apparently still be popular, especially in the "oil" regions. The problem, more precisely, the question is when the return on investment actually occurs, and not according to the business plan of the consultant-seller. Alas, very often this document is unreasonably optimistic. I would not like to indiscriminately accuse all equipment sellers of incompetence. Rather, it is a call for cooperation between "apparatchiks" and "practitioners" who ultimately bear the financial responsibility for the enterprise. The presence of oriental motifs in modern spas is increasing year by year. This is reflected in the production of drugs, and in the nature of the procedures, and even in the interior design of many centers. The eastern trend in the near future will more and more capture the market with separate methods, opening oriental spaces (offices) inside existing salons, as well as whole conceptual SPA centers. At the same time, the entire oriental range will be widely represented: the Middle and Far East, Southeast Asia, Ayurveda, etc.

The creation of well-trained personnel, a well-coordinated team is, of course, one of the most important components for the development of the SPA industry. At the same time, it should be noted that in most foreign salons, resorts and well-known hotels, Russian-speaking specialists of SPA centers are almost always present. However, there are very few educational institutions that train personnel for SPA centers in our country.

Clients of SPA-salons, too, of course, evolve. Many people today no longer perceive these centers only as a place where you can just have fun. Attitude towards SPA as a means of healing and rejuvenation is growing every day. In addition, there is more and more interest in the development of SPA medical orientation. People are gradually turning away from traditional Western therapies towards more integrated approaches to health. A number of SPA experts predict that in the near future every major hospital will be equipped with SPA elements, especially in terms of rehabilitation. The current SPA client is people born between 1960-1980. They are now actively interested in restoring and maintaining health, improving the quality of life and the quality of communication. According to sociologists, representatives of this generation live in the present, are prone to experiments, and love to achieve quick results. This age category of clients has great opportunities (primarily financial) for traveling and getting to know the health practices of different countries and peoples, primarily the so-called "green tourism". Being healthy, looking good and feeling comfortable is fashionable, profitable and is an integral part of the image of a successful person, so interest in SPA services in Russia will grow, which means that this segment has good prospects for the next 10 years. And already in the near future SPA-culture will be perceived as an integral part of its general culture and level of education, lifestyle. At the same time, in the future, people will perceive the elements of creating external beauty and the manifestation of careful attitude towards them by the staff not as the main goal of the visit, but as an obligatory, but subordinate part of achieving the goal of healing, rejuvenation and well-being.

Men will play an increasing role among clients, including in traditionally female areas. The development of salon services specifically for men is on the rise, and the cosmetics industry is also developing very rapidly - these trends are already evident now, as sales increase annually.

The pricing policy in the SPA business depends on the solvency of the potential clientele, the location of the salon, the list of services offered, the level and price of cosmetic preparations used for procedures. At the moment, SPA services are not so expensive as to be targeted only at high-income citizens. The cost of each service separately can indeed be objectively high due to the difficulties in the production of certain drugs (oils, for example) and their delivery. But many SPA centers offer their clients more affordable subscriptions for an annual course of SPA therapy.

All over the world, SPA enterprises amaze the imagination with luxury and splendor. The SPA takes into account and uses all sorts of human harmonization factors: the surrounding landscape, climate, smells, colors and sounds, that is, everything possible is done to create maximum comfort and convenience. After all, the secret of SPA success lies not in unique healing methods, but in creating an atmosphere of spiritual comfort, relaxation and pleasure.

Residents of cities (especially megacities), who are forced to spend a lot of time in the office and traffic jams, experience this or that stressful situation almost every hour, often experience a passionate desire to escape from the "roaring and rumbling" world, to find themselves on a desert island where the bright sun shines, and the surf quietly rustles, where someone foresees and imperceptibly fulfills all desires, cherishes and cares for him, hears him, looks after him - his majesty the Man. But, alas, the next vacation is still far away, and business requires a constant presence. From this follows SPA - the best salvation.

Before talking about spa market trends in the world, let's look at some real numbers to get an idea of ​​this area of ​​the beauty industry.

Spa market trends in the world

  • 3.400 billion dollars
    According to the Stanford Research Institute, this is the sum of the annual sales turnover of the wellness sector (wellness tourism, spas, wellness treatments, beauty, anti-age and the trend of healthy nutrition around the world). This is 3 times more than the entire global pharmaceutical industry.
  • $94 billion
    The spa industry generates $94 billion (2013 official figures), a 58% increase in spa market share over 6 years.
  • $494 billion
    Originating from the tourism destination, the wellness market is now valued at around $494 billion.
  • Wellness is growing 50% faster than tourism
    Wellness is developing 50% faster than the tourism sector as a whole.
  • Europe is the main business platform for wellness professionals from Asia, Oceania, North America
  • Hydrotherapy gives way to spa
    Hydrotherapy remains a very popular destination. In 2013, the sector brought in almost $50 billion in revenue, but today its market share is slowly declining in favor of spas.
  • France is in 4th place in the number of spas in the world
    In terms of numbers, France is the 4th largest spa after the US, Germany and Japan.
  • France's wellness sector is growing rapidly
    In France, the wellness sector is developing quite rapidly - according to the latest data, spas, beauty salons, thalassotherapy centers and balneological centers average a turnover of 2.5 billion euros annually.
  • 6 out of 10 five-star hotels have a spa or wellness center
    According to KPMG, 6 out of 10 five-star hotels have a spa or wellness center.
  • 1.5 million hotel visits are associated with spas, generating a turnover of 150 million euros
    Having a spa in the hotel is an undeniable advantage and contributes to an additional 1.5 million visits per year and an additional turnover of 150 million euros.

You will ask me: “But what about in Russia?”

Spa market trends in Russia

  • The personal care sector is one of the capital's most successful markets
    Looking exclusively at Moscow, the personal care sector, including a range of professional cosmetics, is one of the capital's most successful markets. For example, the turnover of the Moscow Institute of Beauty is approximately 250 million euros per year, and the growth rate reaches 13%.
  • Anti-stress programs at the spa are polar in times of crisis
    In recent years, the pace of development has slowed down somewhat in the context of the crisis. And yet, wellness centers produce an unsurpassed anti-stress effect, like antidepressants, which is undoubtedly extremely popular during a crisis.
    Demand in this sector is especially high: in Russia, women spend significantly more on spas, beauty services and beauty products than, for example, in Europe or America.
  • Foreign clients believe that some salons reach a really high level
    According to numerous foreign clients in Russia, and mainly in Moscow, some salons reach a really high level.
  • The most common problem: prices do not match the quality of services
    The most common problem faced by clients of beauty and wellness companies is the low level of service provision or inconsistency of prices with the quality of services. I want to say that despite the sky-high prices in some Moscow salons, the quality of services does not always meet the expectations of customers.
  • Customers are willing to pay a high price, but expect special conditions
    Russian clients are demanding, especially women who follow the news of the beauty industry and are always up to date with the latest beauty trends. When designating a high cost, the client expects to receive a special service.
    Service is not only smiling staff and fragrant coffee, but, first of all, the ability to give the client what he needs.
    For example, some salons offer their clients a complement in the form of an additional service: for example, after hair coloring, some salons offer not only free styling, but also make-up.
    To attract and interest a client for a long time, it is important not only to create, but also to maintain a connection with him.

About Russian clients in the world

Small Luxury Hotel of the World research on Lux trends (late 2013):

  • There is an increase in demand for luxury goods and special services among Russian customers
    520 small luxury hotels in more than 70 countries indicate an increase in demand for luxury goods and special services among Russian customers: approximately 90% indicate an increase in demand in the travel sector, as well as a bar / restaurant.
  • The ideal of a luxury vacation is matched by an exclusive secluded seaside resort
  • 30% of Russians are ready to spend more than 2400 € per person

About Lux trends in customer travel from different countries:

For 43% of respondents, the ideal of a luxury vacation is an exclusive secluded seaside resort.

Latin Americans choose city hotels

The majority of Hispanics choose city hotels for their vacation (36%). As it turned out, the beaches are less attractive to them.

American clients choose eco-direction in tourism

It is worth noting that every day eco-hotels are gaining popularity among American customers - about a third of Americans (30%) voted for eco-recreation.

The French, Germans and British gravitate towards a special type of hotel: a working farm with a spa

The French, Germans and British choose a special type of hotel located closer to the center of the country. They crave a return to basics: among them, hotels are popular, which are a farm in the center of Europe, with a good spa.

Chinese and Russians prefer luxury resorts

Luxury resorts (mainly on the coast), spas and wellness centers are popular with Russian and Chinese tourists. 55% of Chinese are willing to pay €1,200 for a luxury weekend, while 30% of Russians say they are willing to spend more than €2,400 per person.

What spa and wellness trends are in store for us in the future?

In my opinion, the wellness and spa industry must maintain a rapid pace of development. As for the latest trends, an individual approach to the client comes to the fore. Programs will be based on a comprehensive study and take into account the general health of the client. This will encourage indecisive spa visitors to try the industry's latest, recommended by a specialist.

The rhythm of life of a modern person, a significant increase in the information load, constant mental stress and a number of other factors have led to an increase in the need for recovery during the holidays.
Modern SPA-technologies promote holistic healing, relieve the stresses of everyday life, aimed at harmonizing the “body, mind and spirit” of a person. That is why the SPA industry is defined as a leading direction in health tourism. International experience in the development of the SPA industry is promising for use in order to increase the number of tourists whose purpose is to improve and treat.

Since ancient times, society has used natural water resources for healing. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, was the first to say: "Nature heals diseases." Bathing culture has been going on for more than two thousand years. The beginning of spa tourism can be found in ancient Greece, where people went to the sources of mineral water on the island of Euboea. The first resorts associated with the use of mineral water and the construction of thermal baths were founded by the Romans. Many of them are still functioning today: Aqua Calida is a modern Vichy resort in France, Aqua Helvetica is a modern Baden in Switzerland, Aqua Herkuli is a modern Baile Herculane in Romania. However, real resort tourism arose in the 18th century. Travel "on the water" became popular among the social elite throughout Europe. The most famous and popular areas - Bass (England), Spa (Belgium), Baden-Baden (Germany), Evian (France) - are visited by several tens of thousands of guests a year. At the same time, the first legal documents appeared that established the principles for the creation and operation of resorts.

With the beginning of the development of rail transport in the early XIX century. resort tourism has been further developed. Improved transport accessibility has led to a significant increase in the number of resort visitors, including foreign tourists. The most popular European resorts at this time are Bad Homburg, Sopot, Svinoustje (Germany), Karlovy Vary, Bad Ischl, Krynica, Zakopane (Austria). A kind of democratization of resorts took place in the twentieth century. - after the first and especially after the second world war, among the clients of the sanatoriums were representatives of all social strata. The next key moment in the development of resorts falls on the end of the twentieth century. By this time, a necessary condition for the creation and successful development of the resort is the presence of certain natural resources that have healing properties. In modern conditions, the presence of such natural resources is no longer mandatory. In particular, wellness functions can be provided through the use of artificial mineral water - the Thermae 2000 project. Spa tourism is increasingly being replaced by wellness tourism, which is understood as "any activity that improves the health of a tourist and his family members."

Within the framework of this type of tourism, two subspecies are distinguished: travel for the purpose of relaxation and body care and travel aimed at “healing the spirit”, achieving spiritual bliss. In accordance with new trends, ideas about resorts as places for recreation for the elderly are changing. Modern resorts are becoming more medical and recreational centers, where more attention is paid to the prevention of diseases, rather than their treatment. The restoration of the physical and mental strength of a person occurs both due to water procedures and active recreation (tennis, squash, golf, horseback riding, aqua aerobics, etc.). Next to the traditional sanatoriums, exclusive resort & spa hotels are being built, they have a modern recreational base and offer customers accommodation in a complex with medical and cosmetic procedures. Tour programs can include a variety of programs for weight loss, body care, body cleansing, relaxation, oriental meditation and others. Typical healing procedures are complemented by aroma and light therapy sessions, a variety of saunas, massages, ultrasound and oxygen therapy, yoga, Ayurveda.

In modern society, ancient traditions have been developed in the spa industry. There are several versions regarding the origin of the term SPA. The first is historical, according to which SPA is an abbreviation for the Latin “Sanus per Aquam” or “Sanitas pro Aqua”, which in Latin means “health through water” or “health through water”. This concept was known in the days of Ancient Rome, where thermal springs and thermal baths were used to treat ailments. The second version is geographical: the name SPA comes from the name of the small Belgian town of Spa, where the famous water resort is located. Here aristocrats from all over Europe and tsarist Russia went "to the waters". The modern understanding of SPA is much broader.

SPA is a complex system of healing and relaxation, which makes it possible to quickly and effectively restore psychophysical energy, relieve stress, improve the performance of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and stimulate the processes of removing toxins from the body.

Research by the International SPA Association (ISPA) in the USA in 2010 confirms positive long-term trends in revenue growth and overall visitor numbers. The studies, which were led by Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC), analyzed supply and demand.

Dynamics of indicators of development of the SPA industry

Source: SPA Business e-magazine.

The rapid development that the SPA industry has recently demonstrated has led to the emergence of several areas: SPA destinations, SPA resorts, medical Wellness & SPA, medical cosmetic SPA, FEMI SPA, wedding SPA, holistic SPA, day SPA, cruise SPA, mobile SPA.

The most complete classification of SPA objects was proposed by the European center for the study and promotion of resorts and water sources ISPA Europe:

1. Complex SPA;
2. Medical SPA;
3. SPA - mineral waters (a classic from the "Belgian" times);
4. Hotel SPA;
5. Club SPA;
6. One-day (day) SPA (Day SPA);
7. Cruise SPA (sea, river, lake, etc.)

The International SPA Association conducted an analysis of various SPA-objects in the USA according to several parameters: the level of profit, the number of visitors, the number of jobs.

SPA destinations- resorts, which, in addition to traditional medical treatment aimed at physical rehabilitation, offer other types of individually prepared programs. The formation of a SPA destination is due to specific natural resources or unique healing practices that ensure the popularity of the country among users of SPA services. So, for example, Ayurvedic procedures are the most attractive in India, thalassotherapy on the sea coast and the like. The ranking of the most attractive SPA destinations in the world was compiled according to the Russian National SPA Guild.

The first place in this ranking is occupied by the United States, which founded this direction in 1992 and remained the leader in 2007. In Europe, the recognized leader is the UK, which maintained its position until 2007, until other countries entered - Germany, which has the largest number of SPAs. -objects, Spain perfectly combines price and quality.

The leaders in Southeast Asia are Thailand and Malaysia with excellent natural opportunities, but lacking sanitary standards and professionally trained specialists. Since 2006, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Syria have been developing this direction. Such countries are characterized by interesting design projects. Countries such as Turkey, Egypt develop SPA-centers according to the European or Asian tradition, so they are characterized by the absence of an individual style.

Recently, the SPA industry has received significant development in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, for example, in Hungary. Naturally, the traditions of using thermal waters develop in Hungary, where the SPA culture has a long history. Hungary is one of the countries with rich geothermal resources in the world: 1289 thermal springs, 39 therapeutic baths, 5 therapeutic caves, 48 ​​certified mineral and 133 therapeutic water sources, 4 deposits of therapeutic mud are located on the territory of the country. About 300 thermal springs are used for bathing and about 130 mineral and healing springs are located in the capital of the country - Budapest. Infrastructural development is also a competitive advantage of the country: 62 SPA hotels, 39 establishments with therapeutic baths, 13 sanatoriums, 385 settlements have equipped baths with therapeutic water. But the problem remains compliance with modern technical and health standards in this area. In order to standardize SPA services at facilities, in 1992 a professional association Hungarian Baths Association was established in Hungary, which since 1998 has been a permanent member of the European SPA Association (ESPA). Now the association unites 186 members.

Health domestic tourism is a priority for the development of the country, it accounts for a significant part of tourism revenue in Hungary. Domestic tourism showed growth dynamics in 2005. According to the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, the number of visitors increased by 5.3%, the number of bed nights increased by 3.5%. In wellness hotels, the number of bed nights doubled and SPA hotels also rose in these indicators (+13.1%). The three most popular areas for domestic tourism are Lake Balaton, Budapest, and the Central Danube region.

In recent years, international experts have noted a stable positive trend in the development of SPA industries in India through a combination of traditional Indian practices of holistic recovery, natural resources and against the backdrop of new government policies, infrastructure development, innovative approaches in vocational training. According to forecasts for the near future, India is the most promising territory for SPA operators when servicing the middle class. India is also rapidly developing as a tourist destination, with 5.37 million foreign tourists visiting the country in 2008, up 57% from 1996. The modern SPA&Wellness sector is integrating into Indian culture through healing practices. Despite the fact that such practices have always been offered to visitors in hundreds of salons, most of the world-class spas began to appear in hotels within the last 5-8 years. But the market for such services is growing rapidly: in a report by Netscribes, the Indian wellness market is estimated at $ 2.5 billion, with an annual growth of 33%. Increasing role of India in the development of medical tourism: according to the company RNCOS (market research), India's share in global medical tourism will increase to 2.4% by the end of 2012, medical tourism revenues are expected to be US$ 2.4 billion, annually growth rates - 27%.

Assessing India's prospects, one should also point out problems: poor infrastructure development, bureaucratic restrictions and a shortage of specialists at all levels. Now the state policy of India is aimed at creating an attractive investment climate in the country, simplifying the conditions for investment, especially for the Indian diaspora abroad. In terms of infrastructure development, India has the possibility of franchise agreements in the hospitality and SPA sector. But, despite the presence of deep traditions of recovery, India is positioned as a country - the creator of brands. According to the forecast, the hospitality sector is on the rise: by 2017, at least 20 companies will take part in the construction of hotels. India will become a competitive country in terms of attracting tourists.

A significant problem is the training of personnel: in the near future, India will need 20,000 new SPA-therapists. Now there are 7 main institutions that train specialists in the field of SPA. The presence of a variety of training programs will help solve the personnel problem in the near future. For example, the Ananda SPA Institute (ASI) offers several types of courses: long-term - from 9 months to 3 years and short-term - from 2 weeks to 6 months. India is the birthplace of Ayurveda. In total, 220 colleges and one university provide training for Ayurvedic practitioners. One of the problems is the lack of standardization in the provision of such services. At the initiative of the Ministry of Health of India, a department was established to develop training standards for institutes, universities and hospitals. The department has created accreditation programs where Wellness SPA and medical SPA are clearly defined.

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  • According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, the hospitality industry market in our country will experience rapid development in the next decade and will enter the top three world leaders in terms of capital investments.

    The underlying reason is the transition of hotels from a historically defined state sphere to private hands, active attraction of investments and, as a result, expansion of opportunities for landscaping the facility and equipping it at the highest technical, functional and intellectual level. This process is accompanied by global changes leading to the introduction of a number of adjustments to the unified classification system of hotels, assigning them on the basis of clearly defined criteria for “star rating” and mandatory standardization of the package of hotel services.

    like an avalanche growing popularity of hotels located in the countryside , modernized and re-equipped sanatoriums and health resorts in the resort and traditionally visited corners of Russia. According to experts, health tourism is the fastest growing industry sector. There is a birth of new business forms for the domestic market - SPA and Wellness hotels. Unlike foreign experience and standards, the specifics of Russia. due to its vast territory, the richest natural resources, the diversity of natural and climatic factors, ethnic and cultural heritage, it makes it possible to combine seemingly contradictory alternatives: the variability and uniqueness of the package offer for each taken SPA or Wellness hotel and universal standards for the provision of services.

    Stimulation of the development of new forms of hospitality industry enterprises is associated, first of all, with the development of Adequate tourism, focused on the use of the unique resources of the area. We are talking about medical, educational and ecological types of tourism.

    One of the characteristic signs of the dynamics of the services market is the emergence of new forms and business models that arise at the junction of various areas. A vivid example of such an alliance is the cooperation of professionals in the hotel business and the beauty and health industry, which resulted in opening of SPA at the hotel, Park hotels with SPA, Cruise SPA etc. Hotel technologies began to find more and more practical application in the construction and reconstruction of health resorts and medical enterprises. Ultimately, modern hospitality standards, combined with new healthcare technologies, led to the creation of an entire industry called the "Wellness Industry".

    Hotel spas. Independent and integrated business models.

    It is generally accepted that initially the concept of SPA appeared as a definition of the location of mineral springs, and this finally happened in 1326, when sources of healing water were found in Belgium in an area with the same name, and their miraculous properties were similar to the water that the ancient Romans used back in the beginning of the century. By the way, the first Roman baths with mineral water were built in Britain in 76 BC... So the ancient Romans were the pioneers of the spa business. And the historical right is called the first resort on Mineralnye Vody, probably belongs to the German Baden-Baden, where the thermal springs were discovered by the Romans in 211 AD. Emperor Caracalla built baths on these springs, which are still in operation today and are called the Friedrichsbad Roman-Irish Baths. This is how spas located on mineral or thermal springs, or Mineral Spring SPA, arose.

    The first impetus for the transformation of the spa, from an understanding of a spa on the waters to an already broader interpretation of a specialized medical center, was made by Vincent Priznitz in 1829. Using mineral water in combination with other already known natural healing factors, such as dosed thermal loads, contrast hydrotherapy, special physical exercises, massage, diet, he created the first medical SPA center, first in Germany, and then a whole network of such centers throughout Europe and America. Medical centers offering specialized treatment and health-improving and rehabilitation programs using the complex use of natural healing factors and their artificial analogues as the main method of therapy are called Mediacl SPA – Medical Spas .

    The idea of ​​creating health and entertainment complexes like SPA resorts inside the hotel turned out to be so successful that at present, without a SPA, a hotel cannot claim a star rating higher than 3. So equipping a spa in hotels has become the next milestone in the development of the spa industry. And this was the first step when the concept of SPA went beyond purely medical.

    In 1993, the English company Steiner Leisure Group launchedfirst cruise spa . Over the next ten years, more than 200 floating spa hotels were launched. The creation of this business was a compilation of already new technologies that were tested in SPA hotels, fitness clubs and Day Spa, giving rise to Cruise ship SPA - SPA on cruise ships .

    SPA Hotel - SPA hotels are, in the usual sense, a modern form of a sanatorium of a general health profile. These facilities are located on the coast of the sea, lakes, rivers, or on the territory of other protected areas near major cities. They have a SPA in the structure of the hotel with a wide range of general health programs, which are the main element of business organization. The therapeutic component of the rest is combined with a health path, excursion programs, taking into account local characteristics.

    However, the most interesting form of integration of hospitality and health-improving technologies has become Wellness Hotels - Wellness Hotels . The theme of Wellness, as a modern philosophical system of optimal well-being, has been developed not only as a theoretical construction, but also as specific technologies that ensure a healthy lifestyle. The first wellness hotels appeared in Thailand (ChivaSom and Oriental Spa), offering clients a completely unique service that can be copied, but in no way can be reproduced. On this principle of the uniqueness of the form of service delivery using local color and traditions, modern Wellness hotels are built. Since Russia is a unique country in terms of natural and ethnic diversity, this form of development of symbiotic business structures is the most promising.

    Ultimately, the following fact becomes obvious - the concept of the level of service and a set of services that each hotel should offer, depending on the class, is universal. As for the positioning of a hotel as a Wellness or SPA, there are features and differences that make it impossible to automatically transfer any business model to the Russian SPA market.

    SPA in hotels. Implementation objects.

    Sufficiently technological and reproducible for the domestic business have become typical spas in the hotel, consisting of a swimming pool with a relaxation area, a sauna and a steam bath with showers, a gym and a beauty salon (haircut, massage, cosmetology, solarium, pedicure, manicure). As for more complex forms that combine hospitality and healthcare technologies, their promotion to the domestic market turned out to be not so active due to the fact that the principles of organizing recreation and treatment in Russia are fundamentally different from European ones. In the already familiar sense, the main function of health care is the treatment of a disease or “reducing the level of disease”. To perform this function, a coherent system of domestic health care was created - this is prevention and "improving the level of health." Such wellness centers are SPA and Wellness Hotels, Beauty Farms, Cruise Spas, Thermae, Thalassotherapy Centers, Mini Spas, Club Spas, etc.

    This does not mean at all that the European health care culture is ideal, however, in terms of organizing health-improving rest services, preventing aging, relieving emotional overload, body shaping, and simply cultivating the cult of beauty and health, we have a lot to learn. The most successful scheme of interaction between the European and Russian culture of health care is mutual enrichment, when new forms of essentially modern “Resort Houses” and “Sanatoriums” come to our market, and European SPAs are happy to adopt the rich experience of Russian physiotherapy, balneology, mud therapy, etc. .

    Our company is one of the first Russian companies in the beauty and health market, specializing in the development of SPA facilities of any complexity at any stage of implementation. An integrated approach includes all the main stages of the cycle: the formation of a business idea, technological design, equipping with exclusive equipment, developing a service menu, staff training, master training and subsequent support of the facility: services, information and methodological support and spa consulting.

    Combining experience of foreign partners and unique developments of Russian specialists in the field of balneology, restorative and preventive medicine, cosmetology, the company managed to create invariant SPA models that implement the entire paradigm of SPA services within various design solutions.

    Ways to increase the profitability of the services of the hotel's recreational zone.

    Key success factors and source of additional funds for the hotel SPA service , is a combination of the following factors:

    • Correct "customer orientation";
    • A wide range of procedures to choose from;
    • Complexity and efficiency;
    • SPA equipment in the hotel and new spa technologies;
    • High standards of service and professionalism of specialists;
    • Appeal and elements of the show.

    Modern spa technologies in the hotel have a number of features that differ from spa centers and beauty salons, due to the limited duration of clients' stay in a certain hotel infrastructure.

    Due to the specific profile of the client of the hotel Spa, the most popular are express programs, comprehensive packages of services under the Day Spa scheme and targeted procedures for various groups of potential clients, which can be considered on the example of the package offer of one of our successful clients - the Russian Wellness Hotel Yugorskaya Dolina (Khanty-Mansiysk):

    • “Oxygen Detox” program with the use of the “Alpha Oxy SPA” capsule, offered in the oxygen therapy room specially “for business people”. Recommended for morning “cheering up” after protracted evening negotiations;
    • typical types of Wellness - programs based on natural gifts of nature, in the form of cedar oil and nuts, various berries, honey, herbs and flowers - "Cranberry-cowberry wrap", "Nut-honey massage "Siberian nut", "Siberian health". Programs are positioned for lovers of ecological and adequate tourism;
    • for sophisticated guests of hotel spas, this is an occasion to plunge into the atmosphere of relaxation procedures with show elements - “Singing Bowls of Tibet”, SPA program “SPA-Hammam “Rasul” or exotic SPA massage with bamboo sticks, a session of natural hay-aromatherapy. combined with thermal wrap.

    Chernenko Grigory,

    leading spa market expert

    magazine "HOTEL", №2 (86), 2007

    According to BTI (Business Travel International), Moscow ranks first in the world in terms of the cost of hotel rooms with almost full occupancy of the room stock. This fact indicates that a period of intense competition among hotels of the high price segment is approaching, and in connection with this, the role of hotels of the "old wave" category 3-4, which are under restyling and reconstruction, is increasing. Compared to global hotel chains, this class of hotels has a number of undoubted advantages, one of which can be new types and forms of customer service as a way to increase the flow of guests and a stable source of additional profit.

    SPA today is not only the main tool in the fight for a healthy lifestyle and quality of life, it is the concentrated expression of everything that serves health and longevity. Today, the main direction of the SPA industry is not relaxation and weight loss, but the harmonization of life, the fight against bad habits, education and training of clients in healthy and useful skills - caring for their physical body, balanced nutrition, good rest, stress management. This trend can be seen in the content of SPA programs, the inclusion of psychologists in the SPA menu, the emergence of a new profession "wellness coach", specialized periodicals for clients ("LiveSpa", "HealthyLifestylesAndSpa").

    There is a noticeable transition of the SPA industry into the “optimal savings” mode. This does not mean that SPA-services become public. But even in the most expensive and well-known SPAs in the world, a departure from external flashiness is noticeable - more restraint and minimalism are seen in the design and equipment of work areas. SPA haute couture today is, first of all, the highest level of service, its refinement and impeccability, and not a large amount of equipment and expensive cosmetic brands. Increasing emphasis is placed on local resources (own water sources, growing organic plants, using local natural materials), which can reduce the cost of services. For example, this is what the Siberian SPA is built on, based on ice, fire and cedar power. Krasnoyarsk specialists have created a special Siberian SPA protocol, in which the client is first offered herbal tea with honey, infused with Siberian herbs. He calms, gives "settle" to agitated emotions, prepares for a leisurely procedure. Then - a fifteen-minute warm-up in a cedar mini-sauna. Fir balsam is sprayed in the booth. Inhaling the aroma of hot resin and essential oils, you begin to feel like a man of nature, merge with the world in which the main thing is life, health and harmony.

    The secret of harmony is natural, although not simple - it is the author's combination of essential oils of lavender and sweet orange, added to fir balm.

    The cedar mini-sauna itself is a very interesting invention. This is a small wooden structure, sitting in which you leave your head at the top. They close you up to the neck, and the body begins to warm up, but not like in a Finnish sauna - someone will burn someone faster, but slowly and in a gentle temperature regime of no more than seventy degrees Celsius. Dry heat causes profuse sweating, deep warming, while the vessels of the brain are safe, because our head is outside! Unlike its other sisters - saunas of various kinds, the cedar mini-sauna will not harm your health, even if it is taken every other day or two. This is followed by body peeling, which is carried out with a mixture of cedar oil and microscopic pieces of pine nut shell. They are crushed so that they do not scratch the skin, do not damage it, but only gently exfoliate excess, dead cells. And cedar oil will moisturize, nourish and protect the skin from infections. After peeling, you get into the shower, but you can’t wash off the smell of cedar oil, it remains and protects you from bad mood and loss of strength for a long time, surrounding you with a thin, barely noticeable aura. Then - again on the couch, and while the SPA-therapist is preparing to continue the procedure, bags with heated cedar sawdust are placed on the lower back, under the neck and knees. They keep an even temperature for a long time - they warm up the joints well, but do not dry out the skin. And then the massage with “cedar cones” follows! Just not the kind that you can imagine: big, bluish-green and resinous, fraught with small tasty nuts. In the Siberian spa, cedar cones are special massage tools carved from the trunk of a healthy cedar. In shape, they are very similar to cones, but smoothly processed. The secret of the cedar cones massage is that the massage therapist can control the level of pressure on the muscles. Without tearing off the "bumps" from the body, smoothly move from site to site, deeply and thoroughly working through every centimeter.

    After the massage, one more warming up in the cedar mini-sauna and then a contrast shower or massage with ice pieces, which the cleansed, warmed, rested body perceives as a life-giving grace.

    During the procedures, only natural, pure components are used, which are traditionally considered sources of health in Siberia. Everything that is inextricably linked with a tree, and especially with a cedar, is considered by the people as a source of strength and longevity, tranquility and dignity. “A new body,” you say to yourself when, resting after the procedure, you drink herbal tea again, feeling it in a completely different way. - A new soul, having forgotten the difficulties and worries of the past day, refreshed, having received new strength for a long and healthy life.

    For several years now, one of the leading trends in the development of the global SPA industry has been the “eco-bio-orientation” of SPA (or, as Western experts put it, “greening” spa) . Almost all major conferences and forums for SPA professionals put this topic on the agenda. Abroad, SPA certification systems on the basis of "environmental friendliness" have already been developed and are being implemented. The new concept of "eco-SPA" is being actively introduced. Leading professional publications in the industry publish educational materials on energy-saving technologies in SPAs, and customers are offered selection criteria for SPAs that care about life on the planet.

    Return of a personal SPA. Some time ago, experts noted the depersonalization of the SPA-service - in order to increase the profitability of the business, emphasis was placed on procedures and services that do not require the presence of SPA-therapists. As a result, a large number of huge SPA-aqua-bath complexes appeared. Today there is a return, and even an increase in the individualization of the SPA service. In true SPAs, zones are created where clients do not feel like "part of the crowd" - family, couples and VIP suites. New functional positions appear - SPA-attendant (employee accompanying clients) and SPA-concierge (administrator-coordinator, providing all possible needs of clients in SPA). "Exit SPA" is widely practiced (in the office and at home to clients). The most fastidious clients in the SPA are offered an individual selection of combinations of oils and preparations (sometimes even on the basis of DNA analysis), programs and packages of “individual tailoring”, music and the type of lighting in the rooms.

    The computerization of society is reflected today in the computerization of SPA. Today, "serious" SPAs always offer their clients online booking and programming. Online advertising is becoming the main channel for SPA to attract new customers. The possibilities of electronic marketing are actively used (online gift certificates, online spa shopping). And even in the depths of the SPAs themselves, they do not cease to be “children” of technological progress: some SPAs provide customers with WI-FI-Internet connection in recreation and dining areas. And a variety of computer diagnostics, due to its versatility and accessibility, successfully replaces tedious examinations of clients for contraindications to procedures. And, perhaps, the most important thing that determines the fate of the SPA industry for the coming decades is the new attitude of service consumers towards SPA: they no longer regard SPA as a toy for rich people, but consider SPA an integral part of their lives.

    In the world, special SPA-programs for hands are being developed. It has been noticed that it is the hands - the joints and muscles of the hand - that get especially tired during constant work on the computer, as well as when driving a car and operating other equipment. SPA-programs are implemented at beauty enterprises located near or inside business centers and are very popular with office workers. The cost of such procedures is on average $15 more than a regular manicure, and includes both hand massage and treatment.

    SPA travel. A large share of SPA-clients among people traveling around the world has brought to life a new phenomenon that is firmly entrenched in the global SPA market - TravelSpas. We are talking about SPA at airports and train stations. The format and level of such establishments are different - from zones for massage and SPA-pedicure fenced off with light screens in waiting rooms to large "luxury" SPAs at the terminals of international airports. The first Russian project opened at Sheremetyevo Airport.

    The uniqueness of the placement of SPA objects. The creative imagination of architects and designers encourages them to design SPAs in the most unexpected and unusual places for this type of service. On the one hand, there is an interpenetration and mixing of cultures. Some leaders of the hotel industry have already used hospital and prison buildings for their projects, now it's the turn for SPAs. Against the background of the growing number of SPAs in all countries, this approach guarantees the uniqueness and interest of the clientele.

    Preventive SPA. In the named variant - it is "prevention of diseases". Its new reading is connected with the SPA culture. Many SPA-structures offer their services, focusing the consumer on the prevention of diseases, primarily associated with overload, stress, aggressive environment. Managing your own health is in vogue.

    Menu simplification. The fashion for complex names of procedures and exotic rituals is leaving. The consumer all over the world strives for the effectiveness of the SPA, in connection with which he wants to receive intelligible information about the upcoming service. The menu is designed to provide complete, structured information about the method of exposure and its results. Cleopatra's baths and Aphrodite's body wraps have done their job, dry and strict words are now relevant - efficiency and safety.

    SPA in social networks. More than half of clients under the age of 24 and 48 percent of those under the age of 34 choose SPA as a form of relaxation and wellness under the influence of Twitter and Facebook. New information technologies have become a decisive factor in attracting young visitors, but at the same time, the opposite process is expanding: some SPA hotels, on the contrary, make their territory closed to the Internet, mobile communications and even television, believing that rest should be complete.

    Mini SPA services. The crisis forced visitors to treat money with great respect, therefore, SPA-salons are also ready to offer mini-services, that is, some short-term “tasting”, so that the client can understand whether he wants to try this procedure or whether he is not ready to pay money for it, as for complete service.

    Happy dreams! What does the client want after the procedure? This question has finally been answered correctly. And SPA-salons introduce a new format of service - after the procedure, the client can sleep to his heart's content, finally relaxing. To do this, you do not need to leave the office of the SPA operator and go home, no one will disturb the client, a sweet dream in the salon has become a service component.

    Thus, the beauty industry market is developing rapidly. Each leader hopes that his enterprise will develop successfully and bring solid profits. But not all beauty salons that have introduced SPA elements are destined to become a real SPA salon, respected and loved by customers. On the way to development and gaining national recognition, there are many subtleties and pitfalls that require taking into account the knowledge of management and marketing, plus increasing competition, forcing to take into account all the factors of development and direction of the SPA business.