What is spontaneity? Spontaneity: the most underestimated psychological health resource.

Spontaneity, which will be discussed in this article is a meditative experience of the nature of one's own mind in the true light. Thousands of experiences without any meaning and reason spontaneously appear and dissolve. Trying to keep something or get rid of something creates tension, limits perception, chains to the object of duality. All so-called events are illusions, because in fact, they are unstable, elusive, spontaneous thoughts and images in the mind. Simply by leaving everything as it is, without turning the abandonment into movement or tension, you are freed from the all-encompassing immersion in experiences and discover the great spontaneity of what is happening. This is the practice of non-choosing, non-doing. It is difficult to find a solution to all problems and worries. It is easy to make the subtle discrimination that lets in a flood that washes away all notions of problems and leads to an awareness of the spontaneity of all things.

In the beginning, "non-choosing" may appear as a subtle choice, and non-action as a subtle action. This residual tension is the thought that says, "I am practicing." At this time, we can clearly see the paradox of what is happening. It would seem that we are simply here and now, but something is still acting, and acting in spontaneity, against our will. It turns out that there is an “I” that simply is, and a separate “I” that acts. Is there a difference between them? Where is this invisible transition from one "I" to another? It is impossible to understand this, because this is the boundary of the mind and that which is beyond mental understanding.

And when we just continue to be in such a suspended relaxed state, not limiting ourselves to private understanding, not making noise with a rough analyzing mind, then we gradually begin to see more and more clearly what is truly here and now. The incomprehensible secret about its own nature is revealed to the mind - the mind has no basis, it has no essence of its own, it is not even alive. All these are conventions. We see how it is, that the mind is still reflecting, making calculations, creating its own tension, analyzing something, trying to drive insights into new system, produces differences, builds formulas. And all this happens spontaneously, by itself, without our participation, simply due to the nature of the intellect - due to its charge.

Identification with the mind, or disidentification with it, is just a thought, another duality. When there are no divisions and preferences, then there is what is - being, always a new reality of the present moment, grandiose spontaneity. This is possible only through a relaxed non-interference in the very presence that already occurs beyond any effort.

Why, if reality and enlightenment are so natural, is a person in tense duality and entangled in thoughts? Nobody else can. The paradox is that our habitual state is also natural and spontaneous, although it looks like something based on doubt and planning. It just happens, like everything else in this reality. A person lives in the illusion of creation, in the illusion that there are actions, and these actions are not just a random movement, but a movement endowed with life meaning. Actions that do not make sense, we do not. Every situation in different levels, every moment for us is a deal and a compromise.

There is an action - there is a result. When the result is not obvious, there is a feeling of dissatisfaction, injustice and deceit. The aching emptiness, like a small gap through which the senselessness of all this mechanical hash is felt, prompts us for the first time long time sleep think about own life. And then there is a feeling that “I don’t want anything, everything is tired, everything is meaningless.” Although this sensation reflects reality to some extent, this reflection still occurs at the level of the mind, and is just another illusion, a thought. When this gap, during the practice of awareness, becomes wider, all experiences are temporarily intensified. The process of purification begins, during which, meaninglessness and emptiness suddenly manifest themselves as freedom, clarity and purity.

If we take the plane of tension and relaxation for consideration, it turns out that we are almost always in such a suspended state. We do not tend to - neither total tension, nor total openness. We maneuver from one small tension to another, calling the succession of these moments life. Our whole life is a continuous immersion in hundreds of mechanical (spontaneous) choices dictated by a myriad of unconscious impulses.

We do not feel how this happens, our attention slides along the consequences of unconscious causes that flow into the habitual life that we take for granted. The manifested thought is realized to some extent, but the mechanical choice is not. Spontaneity is the nature of all phenomena. When viewed by the mind, spontaneity can seem limiting. However, in the realm of the soul, it is freedom. If choice always proceeds mechanically, accordingly, the very concept of choice is an illusion. The mind is always limited, that is its nature. However, consciousness is free from choice and doubt, it is itself spontaneity, consciousness is simply there, as an eternal spectator of this action on the boundless stage of the ocean of life.

Overexertion spontaneously leads to fatigue and relaxation. Perhaps for this reason the experience of concentration is inevitable. Fed up with immersion in doubt, the wise mind chooses. When attention, hardened by practice, becomes sharp, we no longer need to make an effort to relax. We are aware ordinary life as a bundle of stresses and work with them without creating unnecessary excitement. It happens without the effort of the mind – intuitively.

Everyone knows how to physically tighten the body and then let it go. Something similar happens at subtle, causal levels. We bring awareness into our own mind, without prompting, just looking at what we can see. There is no need to look for thinner edges. Our work is our level. What is happening now is much more important than that which, as often seems to the mind, could be happening. The true middle path is an intuitive trust in the reality of the present. Then relaxation becomes natural. What is is much simpler and brighter than what it seems. Spontaneity is the natural course of all things in the universe.

Spontaneus) (book). Arising from internal causes, without external influence. A spontaneous attraction to something.

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


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The term "spontaneity" is used in modern world in a negative way and is personified with unpredictability, lack of control, impetuosity. But quite recently, it meant harmless surprise and unexpectedness of actions. A spontaneous person arouses suspicion, distrust and a condescending attitude among others, caused by the fear that at any moment he can throw something out of the ordinary. According to the unanimously prevailing opinion of society, it is impossible to rely on such a person due to her reckless unpredictability. Is spontaneity so dangerous, and how to reveal this “dangerous” quality in oneself?

Spontaneity - is it good or bad?

In psychology, spontaneity has historically been explained in different ways. In some sources, a spontaneous person is a person who finds in himself the strength and courage to act according to his inner impulses, ignoring external influences. In others, it is the inability to regulate one's behavior, the complete lack of awareness of the actions performed. Thus, spontaneity was first put on a pedestal, and then rather rudely asked to vacate a place that was not rightfully taken. The concept of free self-expression of the individual fought against lack of control, and vice versa. Both concepts are quite interesting, because the spontaneous personality for a long time caused either admiration or contempt.

A brief moment of the triumph of spontaneity

The scales in psychology continued to pull spontaneity in one direction or the other. Some argued that a spontaneous person is a dangerous and unreliable person, because he does not know how and does not want to control himself, while others praised individualism and the ability to be himself. This protracted discussion was brought to an end by the teachings of Moreno, Jung and Fromm, who boldly declared that the phenomenon we are considering is one of the driving energies of human existence, and the ability to show spontaneity is a sign of a real person. According to their concept, this personality trait is considered a huge force pushing a person towards self-realization and freedom of expression.

Spontaneity in their mouths has become a challenge to the established foundations and stereotypical behavior. It has become fashionable to “be yourself”, “decide to embark on your own path” instead of the usual “everyone does it, so I should”, “be like the rest”. Spontaneity finally established itself on a pedestal and was proclaimed "the road to self-development."

Our days. Being spontaneous is out of fashion?!

Years have passed, masters have sunk into oblivion psychological sciences who managed to return spontaneity good name. And again, she fell out of favor with the people, she was credited with such negative qualities as lack of control, impulsiveness and unpredictability. In the modern world, a spontaneous person is an infantile, irresponsible and immature person, unable to keep his indefatigable "I" in check. To be spontaneous - alas! - can only children.

The dynamically developing world has subjugated us and taught us to follow responsibilities, schedules and stereotypes. upbringing, social restrictions tied our hands, and we did not resist, confident that this was how it should be. Even spontaneous speech is not held in high regard today - everything must be thought out, verified from all sides and fed through a sieve of stereotypes. And only a few of us find the strength to follow our inner convictions, without hearing the indignant exclamations of society, to move towards the freedom of our “I”. And we still cannot decide for ourselves who they are - outcasts of society or real individuals?

Way of spontaneity!

Constantly living in a world of standards is hard and sad. Everyone has the right to fall into childhood for a brief moment and feel free, blow off steam and return to habitual life. For spontaneity, like all good things, must have a time and a place. How to achieve such a state?

Such actions will give you a charge positive emotions and energy. You will be able to feel like a free spontaneous person.

No matter how much this topic develops, to questions about whether a person is spontaneous - or bad, spontaneity - is a danger to society or a form of self-expression, each person has the right to answer in his own way, based on his own vision of this concept. However, you should not cut off your oxygen if spontaneity is a source of joy, movement and life for you.

Spontaneity is the topic of this article, it is important to use spontaneity in life, spontaneity comes from the soul.

Spontaneity is as important in life as anything else. Without it, life becomes boring, insipid, not interesting. People are used to living according to a plan. We were taught that way. Planned five-year plans in the USSR. Fulfill the plan, overfulfill. But the plane of life is the realm of the mind, and spontaneity comes from the soul. And just as important here , like everything else. Balance must be present in all spheres of human life, especially between the mind and soul.

Spontaneity is the realm of the soul

Spontaneity comes from the soul. The problem is that man is mainly controlled by the mind. The mind seized power over man. Human civilization is a civilization of the mind, not of the soul. Moreover, a person is a slave of his mind, and not a master. The master follows the soul, not the mind. Man obediently goes on about his mind. The main thing here is to listen less to your thoughts, and more to feel yourself and your body. The soul communicates with you through feelings.

Feelings should not be confused with emotions. Emotions are the result of thoughts. And feelings are not a consequence, they are most often the cause.

Your highest truth is hidden in your deepest feelings.

A person needs to be liberated and let go of himself. Stop being in control all the time. Let go of the world and yourself, let life run its course. Stop holding the world by the throat.

Everything will be as it will be. Feel yourself. And the more you feel, the more spontaneous you become. The more your life becomes more interesting and unexpected.

If you are going somewhere and you suddenly want to stop and admire the beauty surrounding nature, do it. If you suddenly want to approach to a stranger and chat, do it. If you really want to suddenly eat ice cream, do it. If you suddenly want to scream at the top of your lungs, then scream. All this is the desire of your soul.

But know that if you are controlled by the mind, you will not do it and you will find a thousand excuses why you should not do it. You are in a hurry to work, you have no time, it is indecent, what people will think - these are all thoughts of your mind, and if you follow their lead during the impulse that you felt, then congratulations, you are a slave of the mind, the owner does not pay attention to these thought, and follows the impulses of the soul.

You came into this world to make your soul happy

Yes exactly. All for the soul. Not for the mind. The soul came to this world to experience joy and love. Don't let her do it. Just allow the impulses from the soul to flow freely through your body.

The problem is that a person does not hear his soul. His mind, which creates an uninterrupted stream of thoughts, simply drowns out the "whisper" of the soul. Need , to hear her. You have to be vigilant in life, aware.

A conscious person is one who leads the soul, one who does not allow his mind to take control of him, such a person is the master of his mind, not a slave. Such a person can think, or he can forbid his mind to think and stop the flow of thoughts when he wants.

An unconscious person sleeps, sees nothing around him except his thoughts, which are illusions, because there is only one reality, where your body is, and the mind does not fly.

So listen to your mind less, feel your soul more, and you will be surprised how your life will be filled with joy and spontaneity.

Illusions that interfere with being in contact with the soul

Spontaneity, a sign of connection with the soul. And if you listen to impulses and follow them, then if these impulses are from the heart, you, as a result, always experience joy, or gain life experience which prepares you for future events in your life.


But illusions prevent us from rejoicing in the literal sense.

Examples of illusions

A man is walking down the street, it is winter and cold around, and with his thoughts he is drinking hot tea at home. Everything, it is not here and now. He is in illusions, he is surrounded by a street - this is reality, an illusion - a house and a cup of tea. It is one thing when a person chooses to think about it, but at the same time sees what is happening around him, another thing is when the mind itself sends pictures and a person falls into its traps and does not see anything around him. So you can get hit by a car if at this time the road is crossing, people get caught because they are in their thoughts, instead of looking around.

Be vigilant, this will not only save your life, but also strengthen your connection with the soul, you will learn to hear impulses, this is more interesting than hovering in the clouds. This is awareness. This is the ability to be spontaneous, not to sit in your head, but to emerge from it and see the life around you, hear the sounds and feel the world around you with your body.

The only reality is what you see, hear and feel in this moment Here and now.

Spontaneity is the soul, planning is the mind

It is important to learn to enjoy life here and now, but at the same time not to live in one day and learn to plan. Balance is important here, the golden mean.

The plan should always be flexible and not overly boxed. Understand that unforeseen situations are always possible, and be prepared for them. Thus, spontaneity is intertwined with life planning. Both soul and mind are in harmonious balance. This is the best thing to strive for.

You should not go to extremes, where a person always lives according to a plan, and is nervous when at least something goes wrong, or when a person lives one day without thinking about tomorrow. Only balance and again balance makes life harmonious.

Conclusions on the topic "Spontaneity":

  • spontaneity comes from the soul and the closer a person is to the soul, the more pleasant unpredictability in him;
  • spontaneity makes life more interesting, lively, paints it in bright colors;
  • the mind prevents a person from connecting with his soul, the mind loves to plan everything and manage everything;
  • the soul does not plan anything, it does not live in the future or the past, but here and now;
  • we were all children and then we didn’t plan anything, there was only a moment now and we were happy until we grew up, and until our mind got stronger, which eventually began to control our life, and the soul faded into the background;
  • what is important is the balance between planning and spontaneity, between soul and mind, and the body will always follow either one or the other;
  • a person came into this world to rejoice, and this is possible only here and now, and in illusions, joy is always tomorrow or yesterday.

You can also ask all questions in the comments, which are located immediately below this article.

Spontaneity is psychological resource, providing access to deep energy sources within our psyche, this is a characteristic of processes caused not by external influences, but by internal causes; self-activity, the ability to act actively under the influence of internal impulses. In this article, we will explore why spontaneity is so important.

Spontaneity implies the ability of a person to be himself, to feel in touch with himself, to express himself naturally in different life situations. The concept of "spontaneity" comes from lat. sponte - free will. Spontaneity is always associated with creativity, intuition, play, the ability to improvise in new situations, when what is happening is born before our eyes. Spontaneity is the highest expression of human individuality.

Spontaneity has to be discovered, or rather rediscovered, because when you were a child you were spontaneous. You have lost your spontaneity because too much artificial has been implanted in you - discipline, morality, virtue, character. You have learned to play many roles; so you have forgotten how to just be yourself.

Spontaneity is joy, it is play, it is dance, it is anticipation and exciting uncertainty. It is love, creativity, inspiration, pleasure from daily activities. Creativity is one of the great practices of spontaneity. There are many techniques for developing spontaneity. One of the most famous researchers of spontaneity, Moreno, described the independent forms of expression of spontaneity: dramatic form (revival of actions, thoughts, feelings, words that have already taken place); creative form (creation of new ideas, behavior, works, etc.); original spontaneity (giving new form already existing); adequate reaction (correctly chosen in terms of time, form, direction and intensity of behavior).

Spontaneity is a resource

Alas, spontaneity, like sleep, is a resource that does not accumulate. But basic Spontaneity does not accumulate or persist; it appears to be spent "here and now", giving way to the following manifestations. Spontaneity can find an outlet or be suppressed. The purpose of training is the release of spontaneity and its simultaneous reasonable integration into the integral structure of human life.

If spontaneity is barely enough to complete the task, but not enough for joy, the person is serious, collected, tense. For some people, this happens sometimes, and for some all the time, and not always the tasks of the second are more global, often they simply do not know how to relax, enjoy life and exist in harmony with the world around them. Lack of spontaneity means an almost complete lack of enjoyment.

Spontaneity is not impulsivity.

At the same time, impulsivity and spontaneity should not be confused, they are completely different things! The internal impulse away from the necessary is called impulsiveness. Spontaneity is an internal activity that enriches patterned behavior. Those. if you are furious and suddenly break the pencil that you were twisting in your hands, then this is impulsiveness. And if you start drawing with this pencil without knowing what you are drawing, this is spontaneity.

In fact, spontaneity is when all this also has an optimal form in this world, in a given situation and at a given moment in time. In particular, it may turn out that at a given moment in time and in a given situation, the most optimal and most spontaneous would be to be patient and wait for a more opportune moment (but not for long, of course). True spontaneity is always voluntary, which is what distinguishes it from involuntary impulsivity.

Your level of spontaneity.

You can roughly find out your level of spontaneity on this scale. The Spontaneity Scale measures an individual's ability to spontaneously and directly express their feelings. A high score on this scale does not mean a lack of ability for thoughtful, purposeful actions, it only indicates the possibility of another, not pre-calculated way of behavior, that the subject is not afraid to behave naturally and uninhibitedly, to demonstrate his emotions to others.

Spontaneity Scale:

1. I feel no remorse when I get angry with those I love.

2. I almost never need to find a justification for my actions, which I do simply because I want to.

3. I don't always try to avoid disappointment.

4. I often make spontaneous decisions.

5. I am never afraid to be myself.

6. It often happens that expressing your feelings is more important than thinking about the situation.

7. I trust the decisions that I make spontaneously.

8. Perhaps I can say that I live with a feeling of happiness.

9. I often show my affection for a person, regardless of whether it is mutual.

10. I almost always feel the strength to do as I see fit, regardless of the consequences.

Why should you develop spontaneity?

Why does modern man need developed spontaneity? He knows the route from work to home and from home to the bakery, he lives mechanically, because he lives in a comfortable and civilized way... He doesn't need to hide from the tiger or spend the winter in the tundra.

However, the peace and comfort of modern urban civilization are deceptive and deadly. They lull a person into a mediocre (non-creative) and non-viable (not spontaneous) average person, who has all skills atrophied from such a life, except for the ability to consume.

Thanks to spontaneity, a person is able to respond flexibly in new, non-standard situations, think and feel in the “frame”, not hide behind various “social masks”, stereotypically relying on the “crutches” of learned skills, phrases, imitating authorities, concepts of success and happiness.

It is important that spontaneity is a basic resource, a “prepersonal” psyche. Only after spontaneity and the restoration of the locus of control should one undertake the restoration of self-esteem.

1. Energy

Spontaneity is a source of energy, it is the ability to act in conditions of uncertainty and effectively cope with stress. For spontaneous people, life is many times brighter, more beautiful and full of inspiration and love.

Remember that spontaneity is a source of vital energy that cannot be forced, forced, subjugated, which comes by itself and leaves by itself. There are no rules and protocols on how to strengthen it. If it is still possible to work with awareness in protocol, then one has to speak very vaguely about spontaneity. Look at children: they are full of energy and enthusiasm, spontaneous! With age, spontaneity becomes less and less, because duty displaces pleasure, morality displaces feelings, and reason displaces sensations, because resources are not pumped and are gradually frustrated.

2. Adaptation and spontaneity

Spontaneity is a quality that helps our survival and adaptation. Spontaneity is a willingness to change. Remember that you are only as alive as how much you love change? At modern man the sense of spontaneity is much less developed than any other important function of the central nervous system. Hence - the complete failure of modern man in a collision with the unexpected, and most often - this reaction of evil. Violations of spontaneity lead to the development of neuroses and loss of energy. If a person always behaves in approximately the same way, be it "life in a rut", or constant outrageousness, presented as spontaneity - this is automatism.

3. Lightness and play.

The development of spontaneity enables a person to become, ultimately, more vivid, confident, expressive and light. An accomplished and successful person must be a creative, creative and spontaneous person. Every person needs spontaneity, everyone who would like to feel confident and happy, personally and professional life, to everyone who would like to go beyond the usual, established patterns of behavior and try themselves in unusual roles, who would like to develop the ability to express themselves vividly and expressively, enjoy the energy of improvisation, self-expression. Spontaneity, of course, is needed for those who would like to reach some heights in this life. The achievement of spontaneity is always associated with a feeling of great pleasure, a joyful feeling of life.

The development of spontaneity is not the path to perfection in the usual sense, it is the path to naturalness. Moreover, the desire to achieve ultimate perfection increases the obstacles to achieving free spontaneity.

4. Relationships.

Spontaneity is also very important for those who would like to improve their partnerships. Often women and men are dissatisfied with their behavior in relationships with the opposite sex or do not understand why their partner refused them, not realizing that their behavior is stereotypical, regardless of whether the person is outwardly very active and talkative, or vice versa, closed and conservative.