What is the name of the castrated piglet? Boar and boar: difference, breeding features

    See Pig... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Laid boar, Bolg. Brav, Serbohorv. bravo sheep, dial. castrated boar, boar, Slovenian. brȃv, Czech. brav (small) cattle, slvts. brav hogs, pol. browek fattened boar. Related to d. n. barug, barh, other isl. bǫrgr, new in. n. ... ...

    male, female- ▲ the animal is male, the sex (of the body) is female, the sex (of the body) is male, the animal is male. female animal female. sire (stallion #). drone. bee. rooster. capon. chicken. broody. mother hen. gander. goose. turkey. turkey. turkey … Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Borov, ryaz. (ZhSt., 1898, issue 2, p. 215). Probably named so due to the fact that the animal grunts; cf. crack, crack, etc., and especially Slovenian. krehati make rough, hoarse sounds, rumble, krehǝlj pig, Czech. křeček hamster; cm.… … Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Fasmer

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    Cover of the first volume of the manga. Japanese フルーツバスケット (katakana) Fruits Basket (romaji) furu:tsu basuketto (kiriji) Fruit basket (officially Russian) Shojo genre, romance, mysticism ... Wikipedia

    Fruits Basket Cover of the first manga volume. フルーツバスケット (katakana) Fruits Basket (romaji) Genre romance, mysticism ... Wikipedia

    One of the largest families of the order of anurans, uniting more than 400 species belonging to 32 genera. The extremely diverse amphibians of this family are characterized by the presence of teeth on the upper jaw, cylindrical, ... ... Biological Encyclopedia

    Female yard animal Sus scrofa, own. his female; ryushka, ryukha, ryushka, ingot, sow, vyat. daughter, campfire sika (Ofensk. from Chukhon.); male: wild boar, poroz(s), kilun, toothfish, vyat. boar, ryaz. parsuk, thief. don't cut it, church knorosis: put: hog, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Rodents included in this family are medium and large in size (Large ones have a body length of 70 cm and a weight of 9 kg). The hind legs of squirrels are no more than 2 times longer than the front ones. Their tail is of different lengths and is always covered with hair. Scull… … Biological Encyclopedia

Sometimes people resort to extreme circumstances in relation to animals, but they are the only way out of any situation.

There are several methods of castration of piglets, in their specific to the body. About rehabilitation and other postoperative actions will tell briefly, but completely this content.

The genus of pigs includes many varieties and breeds. The most common and in demand both in agriculture and in the household are Vietnamese and bellied piglets, as well as common breeds for meat.

Piglets are grown domestic breeds for slaughter, and pigs for offspring and also for further slaughter. Vietnamese pigs have an early maturation period, and therefore they begin to "walk" as early as 2.5 months of age.

Their feature is a color that distinguishes them from ordinary breeds of pigs. They are demanding in their maintenance and care, because they are a domesticated species. Vietnamese bellied pigs eat in the same way as ordinary species.


  • Castrated pigs, which are called hogs.
  • Uncastrated pigs called boars.

These names were given to pigs in the common people.

Purpose of castration of piglets

There are purposes for which pigs are castrated:

  • Due to hormonal issues.
  • Castration for medicinal purposes.
  • due to economic problems.

Castration for hormonal problems

Hormonal problems may be due to an overdose of supplements or vice versa, a lack of normal development and growth of the pig.

Hormonal supplements can harm the human body and the animal itself:

  • They worsen the metabolism in the body.
  • Harm the development and growth of the muscle mass of the pig.
  • Change the balance of substances in the human body.
  • Accumulate chemicals.

Hormonal supplements, or anabolics, increase the muscle mass of the pig, which makes it look better when slaughtered for meat.

With various deviations in development and growth, piglets are castrated, which is best done at an early age. It is carried out so that the pig does not bring out sick piglets during childbirth. Since they have to get rid of, which leads to an economic problem.

Castration for medical reasons

Sometimes they are castrated for medicinal purposes, because many diseases affect the reproductive system of a piglet or pig, which worsens puberty, future brood, and overall health of the body.

Pigs and piglets can develop infections that affect the brain, nervous system, many receptors, and skin. For example, the herpes virus for pigs is very dangerous, because untimely help from veterinarians can lead to mass death not only of pigs, but also of their further genus - piglets.

Piglets can also become infected while still in the placenta. In this case, boars should be castrated to remove the problem. You can castrate both in winter and in summer.

Medical and economic goals are closely related, namely:

  • Diseases lead to the death of pigs and even piglets, which affects the economy.
  • An excess number of pigs on the farm also worsens the economy, increases costs.
  • The purchase of medicines has a negative impact on the economy of the economy.
  • Timely castration can prevent diseases and economic recession.

Castration for economic purposes

Castration for economic purposes can also be carried out due to lack of material resources to raise the younger generation, that is, piglets.

Material provision of normal conditions for growing pigs and piglets includes the following conditions:

  • Providing food.
  • Provision of heat and water.
  • Territorial support.

All of the above services are provided only financially and nothing more.

At what age are pigs castrated?

Most owners of farms argue that it is necessary to castrate eggs from a piglet only at an early age, until puberty occurs.

However, a number of studies say differently at what time a piglet should be castrated:

  • It is necessary to castrate during the puberty of the pig, that is, an uncastrated boar is operated on due to the different goals described above.
  • Boars are castrated because of the large number before slaughter.
  • Adult boars are castrated for less expense, but more emotional for the pig.

Benefits of castration at an early age

Castration at an early age of a piglet has several advantages over surgery in adulthood:

It is impossible to castrate a pig during its vaccination against viral infections! This can lead to infection of the blood and death of the piglet.

The optimal age is still considered to be a 6- or 7-day-old piglet, since during this period there is less blood loss, less pain for the animal and less surgery costs.

Conditions for normal operation to proceed:

  • It is definitely recommended to carry out in the morning, because during the day you can observe and analyze the well-being of the piglet and take action.
  • Before the operation, carefully select the piglets, that is, pay attention to the skin surface (if there are any spots or scratches there, this way you can infect the animal from another).
  • The penis of a pig or pig must not be damaged.

It happens that even an adult animal is castrated. At the age of puberty, the boar is aggressive. Therefore, antidepressants must be administered to calm the pig's nervous system.

As for the person conducting the operation:

  • Pay attention to the nails and wounds on the hands, remove everything that interferes (cut the nails, seal the wounds and hangnails).
  • Disinfect hands, treat with an antiseptic and put on the necessary gloves.
  • Wear special clean clothes.

The place where the operation is performed must be:

  • Treated with local antiseptics (including the animal's place).
  • Ventilate the room before the operation to remove unpleasant, excess odors.

In the event of an incorrect operation and non-compliance with all the rules and criteria, you can infect both the piglets and yourself, and even lead to his death due to a large loss of blood.

How to castrate a piglet?

Necessary tools and medicines

In order to castrate a piglet, the following tools are needed:

  • Leshchetki and breech screw.
  • Forceps Telyatnikov.
  • Forceps Burdizzo.
  • Amosov forceps.
  • Sand forceps.
  • Emasculator.

All of these tools complement each other to some extent, that is, it should be understood that the exclusion of one of them may have a bad effect on the entire operation.

During castration, there may be various phenomena with a piglet, a profuse hemorrhage will begin, or an accidental scratch on the surface of the skin. Thus, you need to anticipate different events and be prepared for anything.

In addition to tools, in order to castrate piglets, they use medicines, sometimes they are simply necessary during operations. Painkillers should be in the first place in the castration!

Disinfection of hands, the operation site and the skin surface of the piglet:

  • Disinfection with alcohol is carried out at the first antiseptic stage. Wipe hands, castration site and skin surface of piglets.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is necessary, which will neutralize accidental wounds and normalize blood clotting (both in humans and animals).
  • The day before castration, the room is disinfected with 15% boric alcohol and closed, then ventilated and the operation is performed.

Observing all the stages of disinfection, it is still worthwhile to castrate the piglet carefully so that undesirable consequences do not happen. The main condition is the availability of all medications and tools at hand.

Preparation for the operation involves the selection of healthy and ready for castration piglets. They study and analyze the surface of the animal's skin, its behavior and nutrition.

Castration methods

Each method is characteristic and individual for different pigs in its own way. Each pig breeder castrates his farm, depending on favorable conditions, the physiology of piglets.

CastersYou can edit in different ways:

  • in a closed way. With the open method, the skin is cut so that the testis freely comes out of the seam. You need to cut to the front edge, but not to the anus. It is important! In piglets, the seminal ligament is separated by hand, and in an adult boar, everything is done with a scalpel. A thread, usually silk, is applied to the seed rope, while retreating from the testicle itself, and cut through it. Then the tip of the rope is treated with an antiseptic, but so that there is no irritation.
  • Open way. The closed method is used exclusively for adult pigs or for piglets that suffer from some kind of disease, such as a hernia. The operation is carried out 3.5 months before slaughter. In any case, anesthesia is used, depending on the aggression of the animal and on the position. The name of the method itself speaks for itself, closed - that is, not opening the vaginal membrane. A tourniquet is applied to the seed rope and one testicle and the second are cut off.

A good condition for an operation without complications is evidenced by holistic prophylaxis, which is described above. Note! Since the further well-being of the animal depends on this.

There are also other specific ways to castrate pigs. Open and closed methods are local.

But other methods are not excluded:

  • Castrate for a ligature. First of all, you need to understand what a ligature is. Ligature is an admixture of various metals, which gives the object hardness. You can castrate for a ligature without anesthesia. They also cut around the testis, take it out and put a ligature on the rope. All are treated with iodine and other medicines described above.
  • Castrate using the break method. This method is used exclusively for small piglets. Because adult boars, due to their aggressiveness, can spoil the course of the entire operation. The beginning of the conduct is similar to the ligature method, but the rope itself is scrolled until it separates itself from the place. You can also cut off abruptly, but should be held with tongs. At the end, they are also treated with an antiseptic.
  • Chemical castration. Chemical preparations are also used for castration of boars. For example, seva valor. This drug is absolutely harmless to the animal, but can be dangerous for humans in the use of meat. They mean an injection with this drug and the animal is castrated! The drug is excreted from the body of the pig after a couple of days. But after that, the meat of such a pig must pass all the conditions and criteria for the standardization of meat and meat products.

All pig meat after slaughter and processing undergoes a thorough check and must comply with all TRTS 269/2012 standards.

Pig care after surgery

After castration, complications may occur:

  • Bleeding.
  • Loss of seals.
  • Intestinal prolapse.
  • Prolapse of the lining of the vagina.
  • Edema on the surfaces of the reproductive system.

All these consequences are associated with improper operation or with unstable immunity of the pig. In any case, these consequences must be dealt with.

An experienced veterinarian will conduct a complete analysis of the animal and determine the methods of treatment:

Due to these complications, the next operation should be carried out no later than a week or two, the sooner the treatment, the sooner problems can be avoided.

After carrying out any operations, the pig needs rest and proper nutrition, this is necessary so that the immune system itself fights against mechanical damage inside the body and helps the animal recover faster.


It is common for a piglet to have an infection in a latent form, that is, in a latent form. You need to contact a specialist who, by some minor signs, will be able to determine an infectious disease, because with infections, castration of a piglet is prohibited, blood poisoning may begin.

To determine the presence of infection in a latent form in a piglet, a vaccine strain is introduced, which differs from the virulent one in the content of glycoprotein. This vaccine does not affect the reproduction of the cells of the body of the piglet and is able to immediately show signs of infection.

It should be understood that antibiotics can affect the weight of the pig, which can lead to significant economic downturns and deterioration in meat quality. It is forbidden to administer antibiotics to everyone after castration! Since not every pig needs this, and once again introducing an antibiotic will not lead to high-quality raw materials.


In conclusion, it must be said that castration is best carried out in special institutions where the equipment is fully equipped, and the animal will not be subjected to bad consequences and further diseases. Of course, this is not economically beneficial for the pig owner.

If you carry out operations at home, it is better to have a veterinarian or at least a person with a secondary medical education, because the question is in healthy and high-quality meat.

What is the difference between a boar and a boar? Now, few people can accurately answer this question. But just a hundred years ago, almost everyone knew this, since rural residents made up the majority of the population of our country. The difference between male domestic pigs, denoted by the terms "boar" and "boar", is fundamental. The boar is capable of reproducing offspring, but the boar is not.

From the history of pig breeding

People tamed wild pigs at the stage of the primitive communal system. According to archaeological data, the first "experiments" on the domestication of these animals began about 13 thousand years ago. At first, pigs were kept in a semi-wild state (as the Papuans of New Guinea keep them now), without much concern for selection and fattening. It is not known exactly how and when a person figured out what is the difference between a boar and a boar in terms of the quality and quantity of meat obtained from one individual.

One thing is clear: they learned to distinguish them a long time ago. This is indirectly evidenced by the fact that in Russian words with different roots are used to designate a boar and a boar. Most likely, this happened after the pigs were completely domesticated, that is, they began to build special pigsties for them. Maintenance costs have increased, which has led to the need for especially high-quality meat.


It is difficult to say at what period and in what way the ancient people determined that a castrated animal gains weight faster than an uncastrated one. But, however, such knowledge appeared and was actively applied in practice. In addition, the meat from the castrato was not just more. Due to the cessation of sexual activity, the pig became inactive, which led to the accumulation of fat in the body, and this made the flesh even softer, more tender and tasty.

The procedure for converting a male domestic pig from a boar (uncastrated) to a boar (neuter) is simple. A livestock specialist comes to a piglet that has not reached the age of three months - and snip with scissors! And the future boar (this word is used to refer to adult male producers) turns into a future boar - a castrate intended for fattening. In the future, it remains only to choose the right diet and diet.


What is the difference between a boar and a boar is clear from the table below.

And in New Zealand.

Pigs are raised mainly for their meat. World pork production in the United States amounted to 97.2 million tons (according to the US Department of Agriculture).

Pigs are highly intelligent and better trained than dogs and cats. On rare occasions, pigs, usually dwarf breeds, are kept at home. In France, specially trained pigs scout for truffles.

Biological and economic features of pigs


Cultivated breeds have retained some biological features inherent in wild pigs - poor eyesight, acute hearing, a keen sense of smell, the ability to swim well; increased fertility, ability to rapid growth and fat deposition. Pigs have an elongated muzzle, with a short movable proboscis ending in a bare flat “patch”, which makes it possible to dig the ground in search of plant roots, worms and other food. 44 teeth, including 4 strongly developed canines. The limbs are four-fingered. The udder has 14 teats arranged in 2 rows. The hairline is sparse, coarse, mostly of bristles. The stomach is simple, single-chambered. Animals are omnivorous, they eat plant and animal food.


Piglets and sow

In mating, young sows are allowed at the age of 8-9 months, when they weigh 130-150 kg, boars - at least one year old, when they weigh 180-200 kg. Sexual hunting is repeated every 18-22 days.

Due to the relatively short gestation period (114-115 days) and the short suckling period (from 26 to 60 days), a number of farms receive two or more farrowings from each queen and raise more than 20 piglets per year. With full feeding and good keeping conditions, sows of modern factory breeds produce 10-12, and sometimes even 14-16 piglets per farrow. Advanced pig breeders annually raise 22…24 piglets from each queen.


With appropriate feeding and maintenance, by the age of 6-7 months, pigs reach a mass of 100-110 kg or more, and when slaughtered, they give a carcass weighing 73-75 kg. The best pig farms with a population of 2-6 thousand queens receive from each of them annually an average of 15-20 centners or more of pork, and from individual animals - much more.

Due to the high fertility and precocity of pigs, as well as their ability to produce offspring at a young age, it is possible to annually painlessly sell for meat more than 100-150% of the animals available on the farm at the beginning of the year. Due to the same biological characteristics of pigs in pig breeding, ample opportunities are created for the rapid improvement of the herd by replacing less productive animals with more productive ones that provide products that meet the changed requirements (in particular, the transition to breeding animals from which less fat pork is obtained).

The slaughter yield depends on the breed, age, sex, degree of fatness of the animal, as well as on the amount of losses during carcass cutting. When slaughtering 90-100 kg pigs, it usually fluctuates within 72-75%, in animals killed with a mass of 120-140 kg - about 75-77%, and in well-fed adult pigs - in the range of 80-85%.

Religious norms



  • Ladan P. E., Kozlovsky V. G., Stepanov V. I. Pig breeding. - M., 1978.
  • Tabakova L.P. Private animal husbandry and livestock production technology. - M.: KolosS, 2007.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • cartilaginous
  • cartilage tissue

See what "Boar" is in other dictionaries:

    boar- boar, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

    boar- boar / ... Morphemic spelling dictionary

    boar- a; m. S. x. Male pig. Tribal x. * * * boar male domestic pig, sire. * * * BOAR BOAR, male domestic pig, sire… encyclopedic Dictionary

    boar- boar, boar, wild pig, fat man, knur, boar, wild boar Dictionary of Russian synonyms. boar, see wild boar Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011 ... Synonym dictionary

    BOAR- male, don., tul., moscow. nohrok, laid boar, boar. You will live forever and bow to the boar! Live for a lifetime, bow to the boar: boar, boar, do it! And he: oink, oink, look! Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    boar- BOAR, a, m. A fat, overweight man. Calm down, boar, everything will be all right. From the common "boar" male pig ... Dictionary of Russian Argo

It is generally accepted that a male pig is a boar or a boar. In general, it is, however, the meanings of the words are still different. If in the past, when village life was at its peak, people knew the differences between these animals, then in the modern world the concept began to be forgotten. But, meanwhile, this individual can be called a billhook, a boar, a wild boar, a wild boar, a knur - the lexicon is quite extensive. Some of these words are found in the dialects of different villages.

Looking for difference

Let's try to find the difference between these males, and they are quite significant.

From the age of five months, a piglet is ready to copulate with a female, because the hormonal system is fully mature. Boars are capable of fertilization and reproduction. A boar is an animal that has been castrated and fattened for slaughter.

The procedure is not difficult, just in males aged 10 to 45 days, the gonads are removed. Piglets generally tolerate surgery well. During this period, they are still close to the sow. Experts advise to do castration as early as possible. After six months, you may not achieve the desired effect.

We note the positive qualities of a castrated boar:

  • fast weight gain;
  • more tender and tasty meat;
  • calm, friendly disposition.

Livestock breeders are convinced that the output will be much more useful if it is hogs that are sent for slaughter. This is an animal whose meat does not have an unpleasant odor, since the glands that secrete an unpleasant secret do not work. And already at 40 weeks, the young reach adult volumes.

So, the male domestic pig is a boar, and also a boar. Both terms are correct, but the difference between them is in reproductive ability.

Complete manufacturer

What is the difference between a boar and a boar, of course. Now - about the pros and cons of the operation.

If boars are calm and clumsy animals, then frisky boars can bring a lot of worries to farmers. First of all, such an individual has a relatively small weight. Although this is not a big problem, they get much less meat from them. But after puberty, uncastrated males can become violent. They break everything, run away from the yard and from the paddocks. These are already certain difficulties with maintenance, because you need to catch up with the fugitive and restore broken household items.

Tribal individual is also too aggressive. After he fulfills his destiny in relation to the female, he is also sent to the slaughter. Here lies another problem, which we mentioned above. The meat of such animals can smell unpleasant. The palatability is generally good. But, in order not to completely spoil the product, when cutting the carcass, you need to carefully remove the place where the sexual secret accumulates, avoiding damage to it with a knife.

However, this procedure does not save from an unpleasant smell and taste, therefore it is recommended to castrate the boar two or three months before the slaughter and wait for the body to be cleansed of the secret.

We conclude: when keeping male piglets, if producers are not required, it is best to castrate in order not to miscalculate the quality of meat products and avoid keeping aggressive boars.

History - a short course

There is evidence that semi-wild keeping of pigs is still practiced in New Guinea. But this is an exception to the rule for our time.

Domestication of pigs began a very long time ago. This happened 12 thousand years ago, which is proved by archaeological excavations. When agriculture was born, animals were free to graze and feed themselves. In those days, people did not yet know about such a concept as selection. It is difficult to say exactly when the differences between the tastes of meat products from a boar and a boar were recorded.

One can only guess that these taste qualities were appreciated when the wild boar was fully domesticated. Already at the time when they began to build pigsties for domestic pigs, it was necessary to improve the quality of meat. This is because building, feeding and other aspects of maintenance require costs, unlike free grazing. This gave impetus to the search for a way to improve the quality of meat products, which will be profitable.

And on one of the old ranches, the farmer noted that a boar and a boar have a significant difference in the taste of meat. Perhaps this happened in parallel in different countries and at different times. The name of the discoverer and the exact date are unknown.

Speech concepts

People do not always distinguish who is in front of them - a pig, a boar or a boar. In colloquial speech, there are no strict rules for pronunciation. That is, any male pig, whether castrated or not, can be called different words.

A boar or a boar is in any case a male pig, and not everyone can know the differences. Some are even sure that the second individual is capable of fertilization. In this regard, the concepts are confused, and confusion may arise. Even in some literary works, incorrect wordings were noticed.

A special place can be given to the dialects of different regions. In them, an animal, whether it is a boar or a boar - it does not matter, they call it a knur. But usually this concept is applied to wild boars or male producers, whose meat has a specific smell.

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