Message on the topic people of art. Contemporary art and its role in human life

For centuries, man has always had a desire for everything beautiful. And the desire for art appeared in the days of hoeing, hunting for mammoths and dressing the skins of caught animals. The first painters decorated the walls of their houses with various drawings of everyday life. They depicted a successful hunt, animals living in the forests, their settlement and prints of their palms. Later, when they got acquainted with clay and began to sculpt pots, they began to put images on them too.

Humanity has evolved, so has art. Rock paintings were replaced by frescoes and mosaics. The Greeks were especially skilled in this area. They were invited by many kings to decorate the walls of their palaces with their works. Replaced frescoes and mosaics came. At that time, the icon served not only as an object of prayer, but also as a home decoration. Since the 4th century, the icon has become an obligatory attribute of every home. The wealthier class allowed themselves to decorate them with gold and silver, precious stones and enamel. The family's well-being was judged by the number of icons and their framing.

Along with the image of the faces of saints, lint-free carpets or, as they were called, tapestries, and later - tapestries served as decoration for the walls. They were made by interweaving colored threads covering a woolen or linen base. The tapestries themselves were a hand-woven carpet with a plot and ornamental composition.

Tapestries, tapestries and paintings have become an indispensable attribute of the decoration of palaces and country residences.

Fashion has changed, but in our time they remain an integral part of interior decoration. A properly selected picture can not only decorate the room, but also make it cozy and unique, with a zest inherent only to you. When decorating the interior, it is worth considering many nuances, the main ones of which are: with a small amount of furniture and accessories, an oppressive emptiness and a feeling of incompleteness will be felt, and oversaturation will lead to a feeling of fatigue and overload. Therefore, before buying a painting, you need to think in advance about its location and how it will look next to other interior items.

Buy paintings with a good plot and positive themes for the interior of an apartment or house. Do not forget that any picture is not a wardrobe or a carpet, it is the result of the creativity and imagination of the person who created it. Therefore, it carries a powerful energy and emotional charge. It is worth paying attention to the color scheme present in the canvas. It has been scientifically proven that color has a great influence on our psyche. It can excite or soothe, depress or cheer up, and maybe even heal. Therefore, the purchase of a painting should be taken seriously.

Art is part of the spiritual culture of mankind, a specific kind of spiritual and practical development of the world. Art includes varieties of human activity, united by artistic and figurative forms of reproducing reality, painting, architecture, sculpture, music, fiction, theater, dance, cinema. In a broader sense, the word "art" refers to any form of human activity, if it is done skillfully, skillfully, skillfully.

All the diversity of the world around us and the attitude of a person to it, thoughts and feelings, ideas and ideas, beliefs of people - all this is transmitted by a person in artistic images. Art helps a person to choose ideals and values. And so it was at all times. Art is a kind of textbook of life.

“Art is an eternal joyful and good symbol of a person's desire for goodness, for joy and perfection,” wrote the famous German writer T. Mann. Each type of art speaks in its own language about the eternal problems of life, about good and evil, about love and hate, about joy and sorrow, about the beauty of the world and the human soul, about the height of thoughts and aspirations, about the comic and tragic life.

Various types of art are mutually enriched, often borrowing from each other means of expressing content. It is no coincidence that there is an opinion that architecture is frozen music, that this or that line in the picture is musical, that an epic novel is like a symphony.

Correlate the nature of the sounding music with the figurative structure of architectural monuments. What Western, Eastern, Russian culture do A C B belong to?

When talking about any kind of artistic activity, including performing arts (creativity), they often use such concepts as composition, rhythm, color, plasticity, line, dynamics, musicality, which are common in a literal or figurative sense for different arts. But in any work of art there is always a poetic element, that which constitutes its main essence, its pathos and gives it an extraordinary power of influence. Without a sublime poetic feeling, without spirituality, any work is dead.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Art in the life of modern man">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> What is art? This word has several meanings. Art is a skill , skill,"> Что такое искусство? У этого слова несколько значений. Искусством называют умение, мастерство, знание дела. Самое дело, требующие такого умения, тоже называют. Искусством можно назвать художественную деятельность и то, что является ее результатом - произведение. Искусство – часть духовной культуры человечества, специфический род духовно - практического освоения мира.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Art includes: n Literature n Music n"> Искусство включает в себя: n Литература n Музыка n Архитектура n Театр n Киноискусство n Хореография n Цирк n Изобразительное искусство и др.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Fine Arts n Sculpture n Photography n Design n Painting n Graphics"> Изобразительное искусство n скульптура n фотоискусство n дизайн n живопись n графика n декоративно-прикладное искусство!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Classification: n spatial or plastic arts (fine art, decorative - applied arts, architecture,"> Классификация: n пространственные или пластические виды искусств (изобразительное искусство, декоративно- прикладное искусство, архитектура, фотография) n временные или динамические виды искусств (музыка, литература) n пространственно-временные (синтетические или зрелищные) виды (хореография, литература, театральное искусство, киноискусство)!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Sculpture (lat. sculptura, from sculpo - cut, carve) - sculpture, plastic - view"> Скульптура (лат. sculptura, от sculpo - вырезаю, высекаю) - ваяние, пластика - вид изобразительного искусства, произведения которого имеют объёмную форму и выполняются из твёрдых или пластических материалов. Различаются круглая скульптура (статуя, группа, статуэтка, бюст), осматриваемая с разных сторон, и рельеф (изображение располагается на плоскости).!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Relief on the wall of the Buddhist temple Venus de Milo">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Arts and crafts n Arts and crafts (from lat."> Декоративно-прикладное искусство n Декоративно-прикладное искусство (от лат. decoro - украшаю) - раздел декоративного искусства создание художественных изделий, имеющих утилитарное назначение. n Произведения декоративно- прикладного искусства рассчитаны на художественный эффект; служат для оформления быта и интерьера!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Views">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> The origin of art Art originates in primitive society. With the help of it, people"> Происхождение искусства Искусство возникает в первобытном обществе. С помощью него люди стремились решать какие-то практические задачи своей жизни. Несомненно, важную роль в происхождении искусства сыграл труд.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> According to archaeological data, the origin of primitive art occurs 45-40 thousand years ago years ago,"> Согласно археологическим данным, зарождение первобытного искусства происходит 45 -40 тыс. лет назад, когда формируется вид Homo Sapiens.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Functions of art n Unmotivated functions of art 1) human instinct for harmony,"> Функции искусства n Немотивированные функции искусства 1) человеческий инстинкт гармонии, 2) способ ощутить свою связь с внешним миром, 3) способ применить воображение, 4) обращение к неограниченному кругу лиц, 5) ритуальные и символические функции.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>n Motivated functions of art 1)Means of communication, 2)Art as entertainment, 3) Art for the sake of"> n Мотивированные функции искусства 1)Средство коммуникации, 2)Искусство как развлечение, 3)Искусство ради политических перемен, 4)Искусство для психотерапии, 5)Искусство для социального протеста, 6)Искусство для пропаганды или коммерциализации.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Spheres of human life n Social status">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Elite and mass art Elite art (from the French elite -"> Элитарное и массовое искусство Элитарное искусство (от французского elite - лучшее, отборное), искусство, ориентированное, по мысли его создателей, на небольшую группу людей, обладающих особой художественной восприимчивостью, в силу которой они должны оцениваться как лучшая часть общества, его элита. Элитарные тенденции получили распространение в XX веке в русле авангардстски- модернистского искусства.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Mass art is designed for the widest range of viewers, public, simple"> Массовое искусство рассчитано на самый широкий круг зрителей, общедоступное, простое по форме, не требующее специальной подготовки для понимания. К массовому искусству относят произведения, распространяемые через средства массовой коммуникации (кино, телевидение), печатную графику, популярную музыку, продукты художественной индустрии, рассчитанные на усредненный вкус широкого потребителя, упрощенные и необладающие высокой художественной ценностью.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Political sphere (relations of people connected with power) Power -"> Политическая сфера (отношения людей, связанные с властью) Власть - это способность и возможност оказывать определяющее воздействие на деятельность, поведение людей с помощью каких - либо средств.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Art as a means of ideological influence"> Искусство как способ идеологического воздействия Часто искусство понималось как явление подчиненное, служебное: по отношению к политике государства.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Official political ideology (30-50s in the USSR )">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Spiritual sphere (the area of ​​ideal, intangible formations that include ideas , the values ​​of religion,"> Духовная сфера (область идеальных, нематериальных образований, включающих в себя идеи, ценности религии, искусства, морали и т. д.) n Искусство и наука n Искусство и техника n Искусство и религия n Искусство и образование!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Art and Science"> Искусство и наука Наука, изучающая искусство в целом и связанные с ним явления - искусствоведение. Отрасль философии, занимающаяся изучением искусства - эстетика. Отличия искусства от науки: n наука и техника оказывает большее влияние на вещи, а искусство - на психологию; n наука добивается объективности, авторы же творений искусства вкладывают в них себя, свои чувства; n научный метод строго рационален, в искусстве же всегда есть место интуитивности и непоследовательности; n каждое произведение искусства является единым и законченным, каждый научный труд - лишь звено в цепи предшественников и последователей;!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Art and technique photography, stage">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>cinema, television">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Connection with religion Religion (from Latin religio - piety,"> Связь с религией Религия (от лат. religio – благочестие,) – это мировоззрение и мироощущение и также соответствующее поведение и специфические действия (культ), основанные на вере в существование Бога или богов, в существование священного, то есть той или иной разновидности сверхъестественного.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Economic sphere (a set of relations between people that arise when creating and moving material blessings)">!}

Art is a creative understanding of the world around by a talented person. The fruits of this reflection belong not only to its creators, but to all mankind living on planet Earth.

Immortal are the beautiful creations of ancient Greek sculptors and architects, Florentine mosaic masters, Raphael and Michelangelo ... Dante, Petrarch, Mozart, Bach, Tchaikovsky. It captures the spirit when you try to embrace with your mind everything created by geniuses, preserved and continued by their descendants and followers.


Depending on the material means by which works of art are constructed, three groups of art forms objectively arise: 1) spatial, or plastic (painting, sculpture, graphics, art photography, architecture, arts and crafts, and design), i.e. those who deploy their images in space; 2) temporary (verbal and musical), i.e., those where images are built in time, and not in real space; 3) spatio-temporal (dance; acting and all based on it; synthetic - theater, cinema, television art, variety and circus, etc.), i.e. those whose images have both length and duration, corporality and dynamism. Each type of art is directly characterized by the way of the material existence of its works and the type of figurative signs used. Within these limits, all its types have varieties, determined by the characteristics of this or that material and the resulting originality of the artistic language.

So, varieties of verbal art are oral creativity and written literature; varieties of music - vocal and various types of instrumental music; varieties of performing arts - drama, music, puppet, shadow theater, as well as stage and circus; varieties of dance - everyday dance, classical, acrobatic, gymnastic, ice dance, etc.

On the other hand, each art form has a generic and genre division. The criteria for these divisions are defined in different ways, but the very existence of such types of literature as epic, lyric, drama, such types of fine arts as easel, monumental-decorative, miniature, such genres of painting as portrait, landscape, still life is obvious ...

Thus, art, taken as a whole, is a historically established system of various specific ways of artistic development of the world,

each of which has features common to all and individually peculiar.


All kinds of arts serve the greatest of the arts - the art of living on earth.

Bertolt Brecht

Now it is impossible to imagine that our life would not be accompanied by art, creativity. Wherever and whenever a person lived, even at the dawn of his development, he tried to comprehend the world around him, which means he sought to understand and figuratively, intelligibly pass on the knowledge gained to the next generations. This is how wall paintings appeared in caves - ancient camps of man. And this was born not only by the desire to protect their descendants from the mistakes already passed by their ancestors, but by the transfer of the beauty and harmony of the world, admiration for the perfect creations of nature.

Mankind did not stagnate, it progressively moved forward and higher, and the art that accompanies man at all stages of this long and painful path also developed. If you turn to the Renaissance, you admire the heights that artists and poets, musicians and architects have reached. The immortal creations of Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci still fascinate with their perfection and deep awareness of the role of man in the world, where he is destined to go through his short, but beautiful, sometimes tragic path.

Art is one of the most important steps in human evolution. Art helps a person to look at the world from different points of view. With each epoch, with each century, it is more and more improved by man. At all times, art has helped a person develop his abilities, improve abstract thinking. For centuries, man has tried to change art more and more, to improve it, to deepen his knowledge. Art is the great mystery of the world, in which the secrets of the history of our life are hidden. Art is our history. Sometimes in it you can find answers to those questions that even the most ancient manuscripts cannot answer.

Today, a person can no longer imagine life without a read novel, without a new movie, without a premiere in the theater, without a fashionable hit and favorite musical group, without art exhibitions ... In art, a person finds new knowledge, and answers to vital questions, and peace of mind from the daily hustle and bustle, and enjoyment. A real work of art is always in tune with the thoughts of readers, viewers, listeners. The novel can tell about a distant historical era, about people, it seems, of a completely different way and style of life, but the feelings that people have been imbued with at all times are understandable to the current reader, consonant with him if the novel is written by a true master. Let Romeo and Juliet live in Verona in ancient times. It is not the time or place of action that determines my perception of the great love and true friendship described by the brilliant Shakespeare.

Russia has not become a distant province of art. Even at the dawn of its appearance, it declared loudly and boldly about its right to stand next to the greatest creators of Europe: "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", icons and paintings by Andrei Rublev and Theophan the Greek, cathedrals of Vladimir, Kyiv and Moscow. We are not only proud of the amazing proportions of the Church of the Intercession on Nerl and Moscow's Intercession Cathedral, better known as St. Basil's Cathedral, but we also sacredly honor the names of the creators.

Not only ancient creations attract our attention. We are constantly confronted with works of art in everyday life. Visiting museums and exhibition halls, we want to join that beautiful world, which is available at first only to geniuses, and then to the rest, we learn to understand, see, absorb the beauty that has already become a part of our everyday life.

Pictures, music, theater, books, films give a person incomparable joy and satisfaction, make him sympathize. Eliminate all this from the life of a civilized person, and he will turn, if not into an animal, then into a robot or a zombie. The wealth of art is inexhaustible. It is impossible to visit all the museums of the world, you cannot listen to all the symphonies, sonatas, operas, you cannot review all the masterpieces of architecture, you cannot re-read all the novels, poems, poems. Yes, and nothing. Know-it-alls actually turn out to be superficial people. From all the variety, a person chooses for the soul what is closest to him, which gives ground to his mind and feelings.

Art plays an important role in our lives, helping future generations to grow morally. Each generation contributes to the development of mankind, enriching it culturally. Without art, we would hardly be able to look at the world from different points of view, in a different way, to look beyond the ordinary, to feel a little sharper. Art, like a person, has many small veins, blood vessels, organs.

No matter how complex and unpredictable our life is, there are always moments and events that decorate it and make it beautiful. We always try to strive for the best, for something good. Living, loving, doing something useful for yourself and society is wonderful. The role of art is as important as life itself. Everything that surrounds us is a kind of art.

Even in ancient times, our ancestors tried to depict on the walls, pieces of leather, stones, some pictures, events of their lives, battles, hunting. At that time, they did not even suspect that their attempts would bring a lot of new knowledge for humanity in the future. Their sculptures, utensils, weapons, clothes are of great importance, thanks to these finds we know the history of the development of our ancestors. Then they had no idea that everything they do is art, and that the role of art in human life will be very great.

Cultural development, morality is promoted by different areas of art (the essence of which is to show and teach the real and beautiful world). With the help of music, poetry of professionals and amateurs, we can learn the aesthetic perception of our world. Therefore, the role of art in human life is simply huge!

Artists, sculptors, poets, musicians, and every person who tries to convey through his work the perception and his vision of something special that surrounds us, occupies an important place in the cultural development of mankind. Even a small child, having made his first drawing, appliqué or craft, has already touched the world of art to some extent. At an older age, being a teenager, his tastes in choosing a style of clothing, preferences in music, books and his perception of life are formed. Worldview and aesthetic taste line up in a logical chain in direct contact with works of art, but only personal assessment affects the choice and formation of taste. Therefore, it is necessary to more often encounter the world of art and real masterpieces.

The role of art in human life is so great that, once having mastered the habit of visiting museums and art galleries, reading interesting books, poetry, you will want to touch the spiritual and historical world, meet new and interesting people, learn the artistic creations of other peoples, get acquainted with their history. and culture. All this brings diversity and bright colors to our lives, contributes to the desire to live better, more interesting. There is a lot of spiritual wealth around us and the role of art in the modern world is not the last. Having touched the beautiful, a person tries to bring as many beautiful things into his life as possible, strives for the perfection of his body and speech, correct behavior and communication with other people. Studying and communicating with art, there is a desire to come up with something new and original, I want to create and invent.