Confrontation: the meaning of the word, definition. What is constructive confrontation in conflict? Confrontation is an effective technique in psychological counseling


1) Opposition, clash, opposition of opinions, people or groups. In this socio-psychological sense, the term can be used to describe the process of group or family psychotherapy. 2) In psychotherapy, it is one of the main techniques: presenting unconscious or ambivalent attitudes, attitudes, or stereotypes of behavior to a patient or group in order to understand and work them out. It can be carried out both in a direct (hard, verbal) form, and in a hidden one - using psychotherapeutic metaphors and non-verbal techniques.
A number of psychotherapists have a negative attitude towards confrontational techniques and oppose them to empathic ones (empathic psychotherapy). This delusion is based on a confusion of the psychotherapeutic and socio-psychological meaning of the term, when K. is understood as a “confrontation” between the psychotherapist and the patient or group; on the reassessment of the importance of empathic techniques, which are the basis for establishing contact and the diagnostic stage in working with patients, but insufficient for psycho-corrective interventions, the effective completion of most short-term forms of psychotherapy; on the personal avoidance of "hard, psychosurgical" techniques that threaten the "good" relationship with the patient and the psychotherapist's psychological comfort, but necessary for radical help to the patient; on uncontrolled identification with the protective settings of patients (“I want the tooth not to hurt, but there is no need to drill”).
The most developed confrontational techniques in psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

Psychotherapeutic encyclopedia. - St. Petersburg: Peter. B. D. Karvasarsky. 2000 .


See what "CONFRONTATION" is in other dictionaries:

    Confrontation... Spelling Dictionary

    - (French confrontation) confrontation, opposition, clash of social systems, class interests, beliefs (for example, confrontation politics, military confrontation, confrontation of views) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Collision, confrontation, confrontation, opposition Dictionary of Russian synonyms. confrontation, see opposition Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language ... Synonym dictionary

    - (French confrontation) confrontation, opposition, clash of social systems, class interests, beliefs (eg, confrontation politics, military confrontation, confrontation of views). political science: Dictionary reference. comp.… … Political science. Dictionary.

    - [English, fr. confrontation Dictionary foreign words Russian language

    confrontation- and, well. confrontation f., German. Konfrontation lat. con + frons (frontis forehead, front. Opposition, clash. We understood that opposing points of view would inevitably clash at the table of the London conference, and we did not have ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (from Latin con against and frons (frontis) forehead, front) confrontation, confrontation, collision. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. M .: INFRA M. 479 s .. 1999 ... Economic dictionary

    CONFRONTATION, and, fem. (book). Confrontation, confrontation. Political k. | adj. confrontational, oh, oh. Dictionary Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Contrasting, confrontation (social systems, ideological and political principles, beliefs), clash Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

    CONFRONTATION- (lat. con against and frons (frontis) forehead, front) confrontation, confrontation, collision ... Legal Encyclopedia

    AND; and. [French] confrontation] Book. Confrontation, confrontation (social systems, class interests, beliefs, etc.); collision. K. on a national basis. Political KK views. * * * confrontation (French confrontation), ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Chechen Republic. Confrontation, stability, peace, N. F. Bugay. The book is based on a large amount of factual material, with the involvement of current archives and documents prepared with the direct participation of the author, who previously worked in the Ministry of Affairs…
  • On the political anthropology of the Soviet system. Foreign Policy Aspects, Francis Comte. The articles of F. Comte that compiled the collection were written in different years. They analyze problems related to two key moments Soviet history - post-revolutionary period and time...

Confrontation(in clinical psychology) (lat. con - against + frontis - forehead, front) - a concept that reflects the opposition, confrontation, clash of social systems, communities, people among themselves, a person with himself, with his ideas, attitudes, etc. In psychotherapy, one of the main techniques is when usually unconscious ambivalent attitudes, attitudes or stereotypes of behavior are presented to a patient or group in order to understand and work through them. R. Bastine and D. Kommer (1979) are proposed as an independent technique and can be used both in a direct rigid form, directive (for example, the question is asked: "What do you think or feel about what I told you"?), And in a milder form - through the use of parables, psychotherapeutic metaphors, non-verbal communication. When using K., the main attention is drawn to the contradiction between the desired (from the patient's point of view) and the patient's actual behavior, to its verbal and non-verbal manifestations. The most developed methods of K. in psychoanalysis. However, they are shown only if there is a good emotional contact between the patient and the therapist. A number of psychotherapists generally reject K. as a technique and oppose it with an empathic approach (for example, in C. Rogers' client-centered psychotherapy, 1950).

L. A. Karpenko

Definitions, meanings of the word in other dictionaries:

Psychotherapeutic Encyclopedia

1) Opposition, clash, opposition of opinions, people or groups. In this socio-psychological sense, the term can be used to describe the process of group or family psychotherapy. 2) In psychotherapy - one of the main techniques: ...

Psychological Encyclopedia

Conflict in programming

A situation resulting from the incompatibility of the results of the actions of different programs / algorithms.

For example: a conflict occurs when one routine tries to update a record or table that is already locked by another user or routine. Such conflicts are one of the main causes of computer freezes.

legal conflict

legal conflict- a situation in which two or more parties confront each other, arguing over legal rights, responsibilities. A legal conflict may arise regarding the recognition, restoration, violation of legal rights, failure to fulfill legal obligations.

Legal conflict is a kind of social conflict. This means that in the emergence, development and even resolution of legal conflicts, traces of action can be found. general patterns origin, maturation and resolution of social conflict. Although, by virtue of the fact that a legal conflict arises only between people, it is inflated by them, legal conflicts are based on the eternal aspirations of people for equally well-known values ​​- wealth, power, status. However, the legal conflict, being independent view social, cannot but have features.

Further, a legal conflict is evident if they argue about the scope or nature of legal rights, about claims to certain rights, about the redistribution of legal rights and obligations. An important characteristic of legal conflicts is the onset of legally significant consequences (appearance or disappearance of legal rights, legal obligations for the parties, changes in their volume, etc.), as well as special forms and procedures for fixing and resolving legal conflicts.

political conflict

Anti-constructive actions caused by differences in the interests of political groups (interest means the totality of interests of group members).

A political conflict is one of the possible options for the interaction of political subjects. It can be defined as a kind (and result) of the competitive interaction of two or more parties (groups, states, individuals) that challenge each other's powers or resources. The concept of political conflict means the struggle of some subjects with others for influence in the system of political relations, access to the adoption of generally significant decisions, the disposal of resources, the monopoly of interests and their recognition as socially necessary, for everything that constitutes power and political domination. Conflicts, reflecting the rivalry of certain subjects (institutions) with some forces, as a rule, express their cooperation with others, stimulating the formation of political coalitions, alliances, agreements. Thus, political conflicts require a clear formulation of the positions of those involved in political game forces, which favorably affects the rationalization and structuring of the entire political process.

The leading role in the emergence of conflicts is played, as recognized by conflict studies, social factors. Among this kind of determinants, there are three main reasons underlying political confrontations:

  • various forms and aspects of social relations that determine the discrepancy between the statuses of political subjects, their role assignments and functions, interests and needs for power, lack of resources, etc. These, relatively speaking, are objective sources political conflicts most often determine the contradictions between the ruling elite and the counter-elite, various pressure groups fighting for parts of the state budget, as well as between all other political subjects of the power system. The external orientation of such conflicts, as a rule, can be extinguished quite easily. However, to eradicate the sources of the conflict disposition of the parties, in various ways included in the political struggle, is possible only through transformations, either changing the very organization of power in society, or reforming the socio-economic foundations political activity competing entities;
  • discrepancies of people (their groups and associations) in basic values ​​and political ideals, in assessments of historical and current events, as well as in other subjective meaningful representations about political events. Such conflicts most often arise in those countries where qualitatively different opinions on the ways of reforming the statehood collide, the foundations of a new political structure of society are being laid, and ways out of the social crisis are being sought. In resolving such conflicts, finding a compromise is often very difficult;
  • processes of identification of citizens, their awareness of their belonging to social, ethnic, religious and other communities and associations, which determines their understanding of their place in the social and political system. Such conflicts are typical, first of all, for unstable societies, where people have to realize themselves as citizens of a new state, get used to non-traditional norms of relations with the authorities. The same contradictions arise in those countries where tensions with ruling structures causes people to protect the cultural integrity of their national, religious and similar group.

Marital conflicts

The causes of all marital conflicts fall into three broad categories:

  1. conflicts on the basis of unfair distribution of labor (different concepts of rights and obligations);
  2. conflicts on the basis of dissatisfaction of any needs;
  3. quarrels due to deficiencies in education.

Regarding the first reason, it should be noted that the main thing in the distribution of family responsibilities is precisely their consistency, as a result of which both the traditional and the egalitarian are quite acceptable for family well-being if they satisfy both spouses.


The meaning of "conflict" is closely related to other words. So, internal conflict can be interpreted as "stress", as well as "problem" - a problematic situation. The meaning of this word is interesting English language. A problem is also a “task” (school, etc.) that needs to be solved.


see also

  • Constructive Communication
  • Conflict resolution
  • confrontation


  • Vdovina M.V. Intergenerational relations: causes of conflicts in the family and possible ways to resolve them // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. - 2009. - No. 3 - Sociology.
  • Zubok Yu. A. Conflicts // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. - 2005. - No. 2. - S. 179-182.
  • Litvak M. E. Psychological Aikido
  • Lukov Val. A., Kirillina V. N. Gender conflict: a system of concepts // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. - 2005. - No. 1. - S. 86-101.


  • Sysenko V. A. Marriage sustainability. Problems, factors, conditions. M.: 1981.
  • Kratochvil S. Psychotherapy of family and sexual disharmony. M.: Medicine, 1991.

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See what "Confrontation" is in other dictionaries:

    Confrontation... Spelling Dictionary

    - (French confrontation) confrontation, opposition, clash of social systems, class interests, beliefs (for example, confrontation politics, military confrontation, confrontation of views) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Collision, confrontation, confrontation, opposition Dictionary of Russian synonyms. confrontation, see opposition Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language ... Synonym dictionary

Any opposition of positions, interests, views is called a confrontation.

AT general sense confrontation is a clash of discordant tendencies in social systems. These may be class differences, friction in matters of ideological and political views, and so on. However, this term is also called one of the most complex and, at the same time, effective techniques in Let's consider what techniques are still used in a consultative session, and how confrontation stands out among them.

Consultation with a psychologist is not just a "confession"

A person comes to a specialist with a specific problem that he himself has repeatedly tried to solve, turning to relatives, friends, perhaps even psychics. But the problem remains, and a great responsibility is assigned to the psychologist. He must unravel the tangle of complex thoughts, prejudices, get to the bottom of the truth and show it to the client. Therefore, an expert in the field human soul should not only listen to the client, but be able to correctly raise questions, give a competent interpretation of what he heard, put forward hypotheses, sometimes even confront the client in order to show him the essence of his problem, so that the client himself sees and understands what the psychologist saw.

Technicians in psychological counseling

Let us briefly outline the main techniques used by the psychologist:

  • Asking questions - they can be clarifying and suggestive.
  • Reassurance and encouragement as manifestations of empathy and acceptance of the client.
  • Techniques for reflecting the feelings and content of the client's story.
  • Pauses of silence - give the client the opportunity to digest the information received, and the psychologist to think.
  • Hypothesis and interpretation.
  • Confrontation is a technique that requires special skills, confidence and a certain activity from the psychologist.

Confrontation in psychology and psychotherapy

When a client tells a psychologist about his problem, he cannot look at it from the outside. Since the client's story is a situation only on one side, the story inevitably contains contradictions in the judgments, statements, and feelings of a person. The client does not even notice this, then the consultant's task is to point out these contradictions to him. In general, confrontation is any reaction of the psychologist that is contrary to the behavior or judgments of the client. The consultant enters into a kind of confrontation with a person, a struggle in order to point out to him all his tricks, evasions, etc. Using these tricks, the client does not realize that he is deceiving himself; this is a kind of protection from information that may indicate that he is to blame for his problem. It should be noted that confrontation is not a way to humiliate a client, but to help him. Confrontation is used in three cases:

  1. When it is required to draw the client's attention to the contradiction of his judgments, feelings, thoughts, his behavior and intentions.
  2. When the client cannot see the situation objectively due to their own prejudices and needs.
  3. When a client unknowingly avoids discussion specific situations and problems.

Using confrontation in his work, the psychologist must understand his responsibility, have the skills of fine work, in no case use it as a punishment or a way to destroy the client's defense mechanisms.

This is something that every person, regardless of status, age and gender, constantly faces. It doesn't matter if you are a politician or a housewife.

Confrontation is a tough confrontation of views, interests, principles, social systems.

For example, the revolution of 1917 is a social confrontation, sanctions against European products are a political confrontation, the Second World War is a military one.

Real life examples

So, you have a permanent localized disease developing at home. Civil War, conflict . Everyone is fighting against everyone, the mother comes home from work exhausted and immediately from the doorway loudly rages on the topic of what she saw in the house, gets a teenage son, for scattered shoes, unfinished homework, mess in the room - it's an open confrontation.

In turn, the teenager is silent, frowning, quietly retreats to his territory, but fundamentally disagrees with his mother, he has his own understanding of the order, the location of shoes / socks / books, and he is not going to change anything - it's a hidden confrontation.

At the moment when the confrontation comes to a standstill, a spouse appears on the arena of hostilities, he does not go berserk, because he has already managed to relieve stress before coming home: “Honey, my colleagues and I only have a glass of beer ...”. The wife abruptly switches from a teenager to her husband, continuing to openly confront the next opponent, the husband gently and affectionately persuades her to stop screaming, promises that in the event of the desired outcome, this will not happen again, he will come home from work on time and bring the entire salary - it's a mild confrontation.

The same may apply to work or relationships with neighbors. Have you ever looked into the eyes of your immediate supervisor, being late for work or missing deadlines, even if he is silent, his eyes promise you lifetime hell on earth. And try to turn on your favorite music at full volume on a beautiful Sunday morning at 7 o'clock and you will get all kinds of confrontation, depending on the temperament of your neighbors.

How to behave in a situation of everyday confrontation?

You can leave everything as it is for a long time if you are an adrenaline addict. Why not, everyone has their own way of having fun . But, if you, like most normal people, cannot live in constant tension, then you will have to look for ways out of this situation.

  1. All events are neutral and have a positive or negative coloring only in our head, polar inversion method will help to replace a negative attitude with a positive one: the shoes are lying around - how wonderful that it is in the hallway, and not in the living room. The husband came late and drunk - how wonderful that he came! The wife screams - it means she is not indifferent to her husband, she is worried about him.
  2. Bringing to the point of absurdity, aggravation: “Son, your room is already a mess, almost a garbage dump, so let your dirty shoes stand there, and at the same time the wastebasket from the kitchen, you don’t care, but the kitchen will be in order, oh! and dirty dishes we will attach there too. The situation will no longer look threatening, but simply stupid.
  3. Postponement: “Darling, I’m not ready to talk about this right now…” As ridiculous as it may sound, the intuitively absolutely correct approach allows the opposing sides to cool down and start a constructive, peaceful dialogue.
  4. Switching attention: “Oh, dear, you’re yelling at me, but look at your son’s shoes are scattered and the room is a mess!”
  5. Well, my good advice, do not enter into confrontation, because it is easy to enter a war, it is much more difficult to end it, and without losses it is not at all possible!