Subpersonalities. Independent work with them

For more effective interaction with other people, for a better understanding of oneself, it is desirable to highlight certain facets in one's personality, which are called subpersonalities. Subpersonalities are programs that are created in the subconscious to solve repetitive similar tasks, to perform certain roles (Housewife, Athlete, Daughter, Sluggish, Lazy Me, Great Combinator, Intelligent Locksmith with a secondary education). Facets of personality are tools that are used by a person for more effective and harmonious behavior in a particular life situation.

A person has several key subpersonalities associated with important areas of life in which a large number of time. For example, a few at work ("accountant" and "life of the company"), a few at home ("strict father" and "loving husband"), a few with friends ("love to talk" and "joker"). And there are many accessory facets of the personality that are used less often and are activated for rarer tasks. Each subpersonality can be distinguished shades, states in which it most often happens. For example, "dad" can be strict, gentle, loving, protective, master.

Example "Student"

Here is a schoolboy sitting at his desk. He has an active “trembling loser”, the teenager timidly hides behind the backs of other guys, is afraid that he will be asked an unlearned lesson, and then he will receive a scolding from an angry mother. He is lucky, the bell sounds from the lesson, the danger has passed. The “computer lover” starts to turn on, a joyful teenager runs home, where a level 65 hero is waiting for him - a rare achievement in this game. At the computer, he plays the role of a "clan leader", his sense of self and interaction with other people are greatly rebuilt - he behaves like a leader: he is confident in himself, knows what and how to do, leads people (it is quite possible that some of the followers will be adults from 20 years old, who have a different level in the game and a different sense of self). Or an “all-knowing excellent student”, who feels like an authority and a winner in a physics lesson, and in physical education, all his agility disappears, he turns into a “weakling, whom everyone laughs at.” An example from a later stage of life is a "violent director" at work, and at home - a "gentle henpecked" who unquestioningly fulfills all his wife's orders.

In the examples above, when active subpersonalities change, completely different people appear before the observer, with their own history, skills, posture, manner of speaking and preferences. The memory of one's former subpersonalities and what happened to them in a person can be temporarily wiped out. You can watch the children how they play and how much they can identify with their role, completely immerse themselves in it, during the game they are in their own separate world. Adults play no less selflessly, only their roles are sometimes called differently.

Each subpersonality says “I”, and therefore, without giving them names and determining the spheres of their manifestation, it is difficult to understand one’s inner world, behavior and motives of actions, it is difficult to build a system of values ​​and achieve the intended goals, because different subpersonalities can lead a person in different directions.

Work and home example

Sitting at work at 6 pm, the "responsible employee" who did not complete the report and the "lover of the hearth" perceive the situation in completely different ways, they have different goals, and when activated, the subpersonalities will behave differently. The “responsible employee” will think that the report has not been completed and you can linger for a couple of hours once a month (and close your eyes, as if forgetting that this is not the first time you have been delayed), and the “hearth lover” will remember what is being shown today interesting film and the wife cooked a good dinner, turns off the computer with the words: “you can’t redo all the work.”

More often than not, the usual work of making lists of goals is ineffective because the list is formed from one subpersonality, and completely different subpersonalities are included in life, which have their own goals and their own opinion. A person simply does not want and cannot fulfill the obligations that he assumed before. Therefore, it is important to remember the needs of other subpersonalities, as well as to be able, when necessary, to change your state, leave some roles and include others. When you change roles, your outlook on the world will change, as well as your abilities, desires and level of motivation.

Example "Jog"

Boastful Self says he will go for a run tomorrow. When tomorrow comes, a person, seeing that the weather is nasty, a cold rain is falling, activates the “Comfort Lover”, who finds “good reasons” (can, for example, use sayings famous people, choose something suitable from the repertoire of sayings or come up with something of your own: “life is given to us for pleasure!”) Or simply forgets about the previous decision, with pleasure and a slightly unclear inner feeling (here comes a lie to calm and avert eyes from unwanted facts) sits down to drink hot fragrant tea in a soft enveloping chair).

A person, as a rule, does not know what subpersonalities he has and therefore does not control their activation at all. In this case, subpersonalities are unconsciously activated under the influence of external shocks, for example, from egregors or through other people (see the example of “Consultation with a psychologist”). And as a result, a person’s conscious control of himself is at a very low level, his behavior can be very inconsistent, inconsistent, contradictory and harmful for the goals that he once set for himself (see the article “Identification, awareness, free will and choice "). At the same time, organization and consistency are far from necessarily a sign of consciousness - a person can be led by any egregore, as he moves, forming the necessary shocks to which a person reacts properly. The latter can sincerely believe that he himself invented everything, planned, organized and implemented it.

Putting on some role, a person in a certain way rebuilds the energy flows going through him. The reaction of another person to the energy coming from outside is often automatic and therefore he unconsciously puts on the most suitable role, his former state can quickly disappear. Accordingly, the goals, behavior, desire and worldview will change. This can be clearly observed during constellations, when a person is told, for example: "Please, be my husband's deputy." Implicitly, this happens all the time - if a director approaches a person from the “Work and Home” example at the moment of his thoughts, then it is likely that the man will move into the role of “responsible employee” and will complete the report.

Roles can also be dressed up by egregors with unconscious connivance on the part of a person. In Hellinger constellations, there is often work with cases where the family system imposes an unnatural role on the client (for example, a daughter is identified with her father’s former love, plays the role of a rival for mom and lover for dad. See also the article “Hellinger Constellations. The influence of systems on a person). The main thing is that a person perceives the induced state, thoughts, impulses to action as his own, and therefore, without hesitation, he puts into action.

People are completely immersed in the game, follow a certain scenario, which, most likely, has already been played out more than once (see the article "Archetype" and in the section " Higher archetypes" of the article " Loss and return of the soul") and an attentive observer knows how and by what everything will end (E. Berne in the book “Games People Play” analyzed the frequent forms of human interaction, what lies on the surface, the hidden benefits that are not realized by the participants and the negative consequences that the players do not notice, as well as ways to get out of these games, destroy scenarios). Accordingly, if a person remembers himself during the game, he knows at what points there will be a fork in the course of the scenario, where and how it is necessary to make a push so that the game turns in the right direction and ends more favorably.

A person who is oriented in his subpersonalities, and can also determine which subpersonalities are launched by a partner, will find it easier to track what is happening, more flexibly and accurately manage the game. It is advisable to learn to track the key points where you need to push. Under the influence of point impulses, a person begins to unconsciously roll in the right direction, to work out the scenario in which he was sent. Often a person does not take care of himself and the impulses coming from outside, plays everything indiscriminately: they put an aggressive record on him - he aggresses, they changed him to a gentle one - he is gentle, the leader was activated - he selflessly plays the leader, commands.

Example "Wise Woman"

An angry husband comes home, his wife can, depending on the goals, turn on different subpersonalities (I want to spend the evening in the form of a scandal or so that it somehow ends well, in a warm way). To some words of the husband and actions, the wife may feel strong impulses to react negatively, something inside her beckons to explode. Here it is easy to succumb and sink into already finished script skirmish, in which both sides shout, consider themselves absolutely right and do not understand what is happening at all.

But let's say a woman remembers herself and activates a "caring wife" or "mother." These subpersonalities modulate the outgoing energy in a certain way. Such a state of the wife invites (better to say, imperceptibly hypnotizes, shifts the assemblage point) to her husband gradually reorganize, put on a different mask, more adequate to the situation. A man can gradually leave his angry state and begin to play the role of an "affectionate husband." The transition process is usually smooth, the fire gradually fades. There is also a tougher version of the change, when the wife does something that goes far beyond the script, the man can fall into a stupor, trance, and from this state he can be pushed in the right direction. As a result, communication develops the way the woman wanted it, although, perhaps, the man did not notice anything. Then you can turn on your “mistress”, and first, through subtle hints, flirting, a thawed, softened husband is gradually transferred to the state of a “male”, or from a “loving mother” to feed and put to sleep a sweet dream.

A person through a conscious change in his state can change the atmosphere around him. Switching the active subpersonality, he changes his radiation that affects the world (or in another way: by shifting the position of the assemblage point, a person moves to another world, with slightly different characteristics).

Example "Transformation of the world"

If a person used to constantly play the role of a dissatisfied aggressive person, regularly got into conflicts and quarreled with someone (people and the subtle plane reacted accordingly to him, mirrored him internal state, mood), and now it has become softer and more welcoming, then the environment around him is gradually changing, becoming more friendly and welcoming, potentially conflict situations are less common, occur in a milder form and fade faster.

In addition to the "aggressor", people often play the role of "offended", "helpless", "unfortunate", "victim" and thus form the appropriate environment. You can set yourself the task of tracking initial stages launch these roles and try to get out of them as quickly as possible (until you plunge headlong and forget yourself in the game), “change the record” for a more suitable one (see the technique for getting out of obsessive states in the article “The invisible world and its impact on person"). It is important to remember that states can come from outside, from someone else, and there is no need to act them out.

Comments (14):

Alexey, good evening!

Did I understand correctly that there is still an “Observer” who analyzes and observes the manifestations of subpersonalities, a certain main “I” over “us”? (after all, self-awareness in plural and encourages you to seek advice from a psychiatrist, I tell you :-))


There is an observer, but, as a rule, a person is often identified with some subpersonalities, rigidly guided by programs, unconscious and does not notice anything. Subpersonalities are roles-tools for running some programs. As for analyzes (in the sense of logic, operating with facts) - it's hard to say that this word is suitable, perhaps it's better to say that there is knowledge.
And psychiatrists and other people who are busy helping, often themselves may not be very healthy (both physically and psychologically) - they take some of the burden of clients on themselves.


Yes. Thank you :-) I just want to understand who is the carrier of information about my buddhic values, about the mission, and if there is a “true” observer, a carrier of “knowledge” as you said, then how can I distinguish him among the many “I” (this is some special voice or something like that). After all, somehow this knowledge must get (transformed, converted :)) to the mental level so that I can comprehend it.


among the many "I" (it's some special voice or something like that).

it is a gradual process. They interfere with hearing the inner voice, including: various suppressions, patterns, imposed stereotypes, tips from egregors, psychological defenses, inner lies. On this topic, you can see articles: " Fulfillment of desires 2", " Loss and return of the soul" and " Why all this». By gradually putting these areas in order, a person can better feel and hear the inner voice.

After all, somehow this knowledge must get (transformed, converted :)) to the mental level so that I can comprehend it.

Jura Himalayan:

Aleksey, but subpersonalities, their number, type, etc. already initially "laid" in a person? Can a person “artificially” form the subpersonality he needs? And some unnecessary, pulling back, on the contrary - to remove, erase?


It can be said that not so much subpersonalities are laid down as energies that come to a person (for example, they can be seen by a horoscope). In order to manifest energy, subpersonalities are created (mostly unconsciously) as tools.

As a rule, there are no unnecessary subpersonalities - there are those that require rethinking. If something is done, then there is a reason for it, and as a rule, straightforward attempts to suppress one or another subpersonality can lead to degradation of behavior, i.e. there will be even more disharmonious manifestations (or they will gradually emerge. For more on this, see the articles: “ Why all this”, “ Man’s desires”). Those. at the heart of the actions that a person does, there is some, albeit deeply hidden, rational grain.

It is possible to form a subpersonality if there is energy for it. if there is no energy, then it is difficult to form - there will be something ephemeral (and in fact some other one will act). The question of the formation of the “necessary” subpersonality still often comes up against the fact that a person begins to sculpt something out of his conditioning, not fully feeling the situation and aggravating it even more.

Subpersonalities can be ennobled, translated into more high level to form positive habits. What at the lower level looks like harmful, when rethought, moving to a higher level, can become (and becomes) useful, creative. A person can gradually cultivate subpersonalities in himself on the basis of the energies that come to him. This can be done more or less harmoniously. For example, energy comes to perform a specific action, but a person did not realize it due to prohibitions. As a result, this energy begins to destroy it and demand a way out, a person can gradually develop a subpersonality in himself, which understands and manifests with such energy “poisonings”, even if at a lower octave (for example, it breaks down on someone).

Long before the occurrence of any events, energy can come to a person, on which he does something, prepares for these events to happen later. For example, feels desire move and come to it forces. Then it turns out that he went to another city in order to meet his future wife there. This is to the fact that the events that it is desirable to take place, the true ones, as a rule, are energetically reinforced, strength and enthusiasm come (albeit not always explicit, subtle). egregore future family can begin to prepare future suitors long before they meet, they may begin to show some specific interests and gradually subpersonalities are built on them.

There is one parable. The novice monk noticed that he was greedy in some areas. He began to meditate on this topic and after a while realized that greed in these areas arises from the fact that he does not feel the manifestation of Higher Power, her worries. Those. greed performed the function of protection and this is its positive role. After some time, he penetrated deeper into these spheres, really felt the Highest Care in them, and greed disappeared by itself.

There is no question of forcibly and straightforwardly forcing oneself to comply with any prescriptions, even good ones. The necessary state came indirectly and naturally, through rethinking, through a deeper understanding and feeling.


I'm a little unclear about subpersonalities. How many of them does a person have?


Alexey, good afternoon! Specify, please, does it mean that subpersonalities are a part of human consciousness, more precisely, human consciousness consists of subpersonalities? Those. subpersonality programs do not belong to the physical body. brain, namely consciousness? Thus, the same subpersonalities whose programs are embodied in the physical world can also manifest themselves in the astral plane? In a lucid dream, for example.


Alexander, thanks for the feedback! glad! :-)


Don't all the subdivisions of the one hinder the achievement of the one? specific purpose human? Suppose he set himself the task of buying a house. And the rest of the subpersonalities, so to speak, with their own point of view and best case it doesn't matter whether there will be a house or not ... or just do, waking up in the morning, the morning subpersonality, which is not in the mood, says - well, this house is his, I need it painfully ... How to deal with this? Is it possible to make some subpersonality dominant in order to achieve the goal? Or is it that the others don't affect it?


Sometimes some subpersonalities may resist. Often, if there is some serious task, it can be supported by a number of subpersonalities and not only. For example, not only the Worker and the Earner are needed, but, probably, the “Prudent Self” is needed so that money is accumulated, etc. The “Head of the Family”, “Gardener”, etc. may be interested in the house. Also, the family egregor and children who came to the family may be interested in the house, they can also provide support (energetically, through the emergence of opportunities). To buy a house (if this is a task for a person for several years), sometimes it is necessary to seriously reorganize, change the daily routine, priorities, and this will all affect subpersonalities, their hierarchy, energy and time that will be devoted to them. Some parts will expand their influence, and some will have to shrink. For example, if a person needs to work more, then he will be able to devote less time to rest and entertainment. With the help of work on the value (buddhic) level, a person organizes the energy flows realized through him in such a way as to create something in the external world.

Is it possible to make some subpersonality dominant in order to achieve the goal?

There are several points here.

The Soul may have many tasks for this life that it would like to realize, there may be many directions in which it is desirable for a person to participate and realize himself. If a person, in this case, closes on one thing, then satisfaction can leave his life. Satisfaction can be with a hard life, or it may not be with an easy, carefree life - a person, for example, simply withers and toils, although, it seems, everything is there. Any task, goal can be considered, not in itself, but as a way to reorganize, to perform internal work, i.e. Achieving some external goals, a person can imperceptibly rearrange himself inside, develop qualities, gain experience. It is better to pay attention to the inside, and not to the outside: to see if a person is developing, whether he is interested in it inside, whether he overcomes any obstacles on his way. An activity can be monotonous and boring for an external observer, but a person’s internal perception of it can be completely different: new and interesting, with challenges and discoveries. And outwardly colorful life can be tedious and boring when everything is tired.

Another point: a person may make a mistake in choosing a goal, with a point of application of efforts, may begin to realize a false value, when, for example, in fact, a house is not needed (in this moment) neither his Soul, nor those close to him. Then he does not feel support at all, he is energetically depleted, moving in the chosen direction.

And what else can you pay attention to. Some subpersonalities that interfere can be viewed not as enemies, but as parts that want the best, but were not understood and heard. Sometimes a person needs rest and it would be better to sleep than to do something, and he, ignoring this, can make the situation worse. Sometimes it is better to hear the voice of other parts, try to understand them and make changes in your activities. When a person is rigidly focused on one thing and does not want to pay attention to the amplifying signals from other parts, this can lead to negative consequences. For example, a person can actively manifest his Sun (will, intention, guidance) and Mars (activity), but he should also not forget about the Moon (health, rest), paying attention to her.


Within the framework of the commentary, there is no way to answer personal questions (“why am I like this?”, “How can I do that ...?”, “What should I do?”, “Is it useful for me ...?” and the like). Such questions often do not have a ready answer, and require study. specific situation person and work with him, i.e. one or more consultations. See the parable at the very beginning of the article Systems of Interpretation.

Questions "Is it effective ...?" “will it help me...?”, “whom should I choose?” often assume the expectation of a certain guarantee on my part, but I cannot give it, because. if, for example, a person goes to a specialist or does something on his own, then I don’t manage this process in any way, I’m not responsible for it, and I can’t promise anything.


Subpersonality is a term in psychology that denotes the internal images of the elements of behavior that are perceived by the consciousness of each individual as parts separate from the individual itself. The concept of subpersonality was introduced into the world of science by the Italian psychiatrist, psychologist Roberto Assagioli as part of a new psychotherapeutic method - psychosynthesis. The subpersonalities of an individual are tied to his family, social, professional roles. For example, the roles of parents, daughter, son, boss, unpleasant colleague, school teacher, attending doctor, etc. As Osho said, great philosopher: a whole crowd lives inside us. And all these people inside at times pretend to be us.

The manifestation of a person's subpersonalities exists indirectly when he leads his own internal dialogue. The personal qualities of a person, his abilities, habits, skills that he shows while living his life, is also a manifestation of parts of his whole "I".

Subpersonalities in psychology

The concept of subpersonality is such a metaphor in psychology, which means that inside each there are several small creatures with which it is realistic to work, solving various problems. Miscellaneous conditions life, circumstances, worldview do not equally affect the way of life of a person, his understanding of difficult situations, relationships. Often unconsciously, obeying one circumstance or another, we choose our own style of behavior, develop external image, actions, set of gestures, postures, thoughts, habits. Assagioli called all this subpersonalities, this is something that resembles a miniature personality. Each such part, as a living creature that takes place in the psyche, leads an existence with its own values, which may not correspond at all and differ greatly from the values, motives for the existence of other parts. Their number and characteristics depend on the awareness of a person, his fantasy, on his real personal qualities, the readiness of a person to see one or another subpersonality in himself.

Subpersonalities develop by repeating the same acquired reactions, then in the process, having their own desires and needs, they try to realize them, conflicting with each other. This process is unconscious. These parts of the personality express themselves through the body, feelings, thoughts, behavior. At the same time, each subpersonality, declaring their needs, their desires, speaks on behalf of the whole personality. Often we systematically make ineffective decisions, do inadequate actions that we did not want to do, but it seems impossible for us to change something, because this is accompanied by a struggle of internal voices, parts of the personality. But the man in the best option accepts these decisions as his own, from the whole personality, at worst, he will blame other people for his problems.

Working with human subpersonalities is effectively used in psychotherapy, more often in psychosynthesis and. When the client identifies one of his parts, their individual qualities, ways of behaving, then with the help of a psychologist he can contact her, find out the reasons for his non-adaptive behavior, reactions, physiology.

Working with subpersonalities allows the client to see and fully appreciate what is happening in life, what is going wrong, change attitudes and have the opportunity to change behavior. Basically, a subpersonality in psychology is a part of a personality that has its own characteristics and abilities of an individual, can go far into the subconscious, into the past, can establish contacts and relationships with its subpersonalities, and negotiate with them. A priori, these are such parts of a person's personality, the existence of which helps him to look for ways out of problem situations, protects the psyche and plays an exclusively positive function for his personality. Such parts have positive intentions.

In therapeutic work with subpersonalities, it is proposed to consider them according to the principle of the structure of the psyche - this, and superconsciousness.

Working with subpersonalities in therapy goes like this:

- recognition of parts of the personality, awareness of them;

- Adoption;

- coordination, transformation of subpersonality;

— integration;

- synthesis of parts of the whole "I"

The main task for a psychologist is to single out and combine individual and independently acting subpersonalities of a person into a single harmonious whole “I”, and teach a person to manage them consciously, and not hide them in the unconscious.

Schwartz subpersonality therapy

The idea of ​​plurality and parts of personality is not fresh and not new: id, ego, Freud's superego, Animus, Anima, Shadow, Jung's Person, adult, parent, child of E. Bern - all these parts live in a person.

R. Schwartz's subpersonality therapy is one of the directions in current psychotherapy, the main concept of which is to accept that many personalities live in the human inner world, and that this phenomenon is the norm.

Richard Schwartz created a system of hierarchy of human subpersonality, their therapy. The scientist said that all the inner inhabitants of our psyche have feelings, desires, thoughts, needs, personal characteristics. Also, these subpersonalities are of different ages, male or female. They appear within each under the conditions necessary for them, when their time comes.

R. Schwartz states that a person lives in different subpersonalities in different, dissimilar moments and situations. This is manifested in behavior, action, experience of feelings, thoughts, which is significantly different when he resides in different subpersonalities. The main idea of ​​the psychotherapist R. Schwartz is that the internally main “I” of the personality does not split, but remains integral, but in difficult moments, under the influence of traumatic experience, it gives way to other subpersonalities. Then it becomes like a disease, although, in reality, the separation of the individual's inner world and psychotherapeutic work with his subpersonalities is extremely important and necessary for his survival and recovery.

How do human subpersonalities arise?

Schwartz claims that in a situation that is traumatic for a person, his psyche tries to protect him from experiencing feelings such as pain, guilt. These feelings, not being able to express themselves, are, figuratively speaking, “locked up”. These are the "exiles" - oppressed, repressed, with a sense of guilt, an understanding of their unworthiness and inferiority, they will be in search of how to escape, who would save them, give them freedom. They reveal themselves in a person through pain, fear, nightmares, flashbacks, uncontrolled traumatic memories, controlling behavior, . Looking for at least the slightest love and protection, they create such circumstances in which their actions will be aimed at attracting someone who is similar to the first offender, they will endure violence and humiliation in the hope of obtaining the illusion of protection. Thus, they create repeated situations for a person in which he becomes a victim.

Another group of parts of the personality behind Schwartz are "managers". These are such subpersonalities that are designed to protect the "exiles" so that no one else offends them. Some “managers”, who control, seek help from people, but at the same time they know that the “exiles” will not receive it, they will be rejected; at the same time they are watching so that they do not escape from custody; others do not trust others, try to limit contacts, prevent emotional intimacy, this is as a way to protect themselves from the repetition of pain; appraisers make sure that others like them, their own appearance; addicts make a person helpless, offended, in the role of a victim, so that others will regret; a pessimist undermines confidence so that a person does not act, is passive; the denier distorts the person's understanding of the situation, the perception of insecurity; the worryer talks about anxiety, worst case scenario, etc. "Managers" are conservative and tough, have a lot of responsibility for human safety. They, like "exiles", are looking for recognition and love, but they believe that they must hide their needs, because the system requires it.

The third type is "firemen". They serve to dampen those emotions and feelings that exiles express when "managers" fail to control. "Firefighters" are called to urgently dull the pain, separate from reality. The methods of "firefighters" are all kinds of addictions, self-damaging and suicidal behavior, sexual promiscuity, rage, an unhealthy craving for material goods,.

In this way, the "managers" try to hide, protect the "exiles", and the "firefighters" look for opportunities to calm and saturate them. Therefore, according to the idea of ​​Schwartz, we all have all three types of subpersonalities. And, based on the symptom manifested by a person, it is possible to designate which group of parts prevails. For example, when a person suffers from any addictions, then he is in the power of "firefighters"; if he has depression, phobias, somatics, he is in the power of "managers"; tormented by sadness, guilt, fear - in the power of "exiles". And these parts of the personality play a positive role in the inner world of a person.

The usefulness and positive result of this method of working with subpersonalities lies in the fact that a person must be perceived as one who has resources, but in some circumstances is limited in their use through a state of tension inside and outside. The essence of the therapist's work lies in isolating these parts of a person, getting to know them, loosening restrictions, finding opportunities, and most importantly, returning power over all parts to the integral "I".

Why can't a smoker quit smoking, and a fat one can't lose weight?

A different look at ordinary things!

Greetings to my readers. Oksana Manoilo is with you. In this article I will share my knowledge, my understanding of the topic of human subpersonalities.

We will analyze:

  1. What are human subpersonalities.
  2. How do subpersonalities manifest themselves in ordinary life.
  3. I'll tell you what they are.
  4. What are subpersonalities affected by?
  5. How to get rid of subpersonalities.

So, what is the subpersonality of a person?

I will start from afar, but this is important for understanding the issue. In ancient times, our ancestors were very close to nature, they observed it and compared the processes taking place in it with themselves. The forest is filled with its inhabitants, animals. The reservoirs are inhabited by their own living creatures, fish, crayfish, plankton.

Man is a part of nature and is an energy-emotional entity and has his "animals" inside him, they are subpersonalities of man.

Our ancestors were wise, honest and called a spade a spade. They thought in images, did not complicate the processes, but simplified them. They spoke in such a way that it was clear for perception from small to large. Therefore, speaking about someone, describing someone, they awarded the yoke with the images of this or that beast, animal. After all, you must admit, it’s clear to everyone once what kind of person is, if you say this: “He has a wolf grip” or “He has a fox nature.”

Depending on the situation, mood, subpersonalities are manifested in us to a greater or lesser extent. It happens that we notice behind us our different reactions to basically similar events in life. Our reaction, by and large, depends on what kind of subpersonality manifested in us at that moment.

Subpersonality - but I see them as certain types energies, not the kindest, iridescent and good. These are foreign energies acquired, nurtured inside a person. They manifest themselves in the form of reactions, actions.

Simply put, these are certain programs prescribed in a person, thanks to which a person leaves himself, from his real self. The more such subpersonalities, the further a person goes from his true path. Moreover, each person has a different set of subpersonalities and they all look different.

Why are subpersonalities dangerous?

Subpersonalities knock people down and take them aside. This is the saddest thing, because everyone is born, incarnates on Earth with his own specific program, task, and subpersonalities are taken aside and a person cannot fulfill his own. If a person does not follow his own path, he cannot be! Happy is not some kind of rich loafer mired in endless material wealth, but the one who is part of the universe, the one who can answer the question - WHO AM I. Remember, it happened to you that you flared up, screamed, got angry at someone, although understood somewhere deep inside that you were doing something wrong, somehow wrong, wasn’t it? At that moment, your subpersonalities took over, captured you, so to speak, and you personally faded into the background and, as it were, were an outside observer in this situation. It is you personally, your Self, deep inside felt uncomfortable at the same time. It was you who personally understood that something was wrong. But you, personally, were forced out by subpersonalities and could not influence the situation.

Agree, it is unpleasant to realize that in our life, in our body we occupy a non-dominant place, we are subordinate to some kind of subpersonalities. And these are not empty words, not far-fetched descriptions, but the real state of affairs. Everything in our world is energy. Matter is only densely concentrated energy. Money is energy. Love or fear, these are also energies. Subpersonalities are also manifestations of energies. People capable of clairvoyance see the subtleties of the body, energy, including subpersonalities. I see them. I see figuratively and energy subpersonalities, I will write about this a little lower.

How do subpersonalities manifest themselves in everyday life? What are subpersonalities?

The subpersonality of the wolf is anger.

When a person is angry, he is like a wolf, showing a grin. Through habits, actions, the wolf manifests itself in a person.

The subpersonality of the fox is a trick.

As soon as the fox spoke, the person begins to scoff, cunning, squirm, bend. In general, he does everything to get what he wants in the easiest way. Of course, for many it is so convenient, profitable to hide behind the face of subpersonality. Especially in business, in the field of finance.

The subpersonality of a hare is cowardice.

Sometimes I see such huge hares in people that the person himself is many times smaller than his subpersonality. Yes, this happens and not infrequently. I spend for the first time or already working with a person, I see on the subtle plane a huge hare nurtured. These people are afraid of everything. They are afraid to change their unloved job, they are afraid of new ones, they are afraid of changes in life. Although in fact they understand that it is high time to change the work, the current relationships and life, in fact, I want a completely different one, but the subpersonality of the hare does not allow to move from the dead point, it is very scary.

The subpersonality of a piglet is greed.

Greed can manifest itself in any form, from the desire to eat more, to excessive love for hoarding anything. There is even a saying - greedy as a pig. We all have acquaintances or relatives that are somewhat similar to a pig, and this is a direct manifestation of a subpersonality on physical body, even the voice of some resembles a screech or grunt.

The subpersonality of a ram is stupidity.

When the ram appears in us, we do truly stupid things. Then we can’t even explain why we did it. And everything is simple. After all, in fact, it was not we who acted, but the ram in us. He was stupid, and we gave him the furrows of government for a while. The ram-man stops hearing other people, he hears only himself and sows grain in his head common sense almost impossible. I gave a small list of subpersonalities, there are many more of them, but more, deeper only in.

If you carefully observe those around you and analyze their behavior, you can easily see the manifestation of such subpersonalities in them.

There is another type of subpersonalities, these are some kind of causes of addictions, causes of bad habits.

The subpersonality of an alcoholic is drinking alcohol.

It is she who pushes a person to certain actions, whispers to him, controls him, and the person eventually loses his appearance, turning into a completely dependent, controlled, inadequate drunkard. Such a subpersonality takes a person into its reality and gradually destroys it. Get rid of such a subpersonality, and it will be easy for the body to give up alcohol.

Glutton subpersonality - eats excessively

Then the person cannot stop and control his appetite. And by removing this subpersonality from the subtle plane, a person becomes powerful over his appetite. It turns out that there is - you don’t want so much and the body doesn’t need so much food. And having restored, having pumped additionally I live, which is responsible for the will, you can immediately lose weight.

When the will is strong, we are our own masters and can easily limit the amount of food eaten, which is the key to losing weight.

With smoker's publicity - makes you smoke

She who smokes, she suppresses the true desires and needs of a person, changes consciousness. She launches her tentacles, and a person becomes a puppet, a performer. Many smokers are well aware of how harmful it is to inhale carcinogenic smoke filled with hundreds of poisons and still continue to smoke. Others resort to self-deception, supposedly it does not harm me, or smoking calms me down, or there is no other way at my work. All this is said not by a person, but by his subpersonality. Removing it, expelling it from the body, it is much easier to quit smoking. Removing it from is much more efficient.

Do you have subpersonalities?

Each person coexists with several subpersonalities, one of which dominates at certain moments or most of life. Many people, over time, become even physically similar to them: some like a fox, some like a pig, some like a hare.

People even get nicknames according to their physiognomic resemblance to one or another animal.

As a result of their power, a person is a world inhabited by subpersonalities, and, while he himself is, and, as it were, lost, among this animal kingdom.

If we approach this issue honestly, then only 5-10% remains inside us, ourselves. These are the realities modern man. And this is our very Self. The very thing with which we came into this world and with which we will leave it. The one that will stay with us all the way. And our path on Earth is just a fraction of a microsecond in the development of our Self, which lasts forever.

How to get rid of subpersonalities?

The best thing is to work them out once and for all. To work means to get rid of. Subpersonalities cannot be negotiated. You cannot compromise with them. You can only work out yourself, your internal state in a certain way and get rid of them. In the evolution of our Self, sooner or later we will have to part with subpersonalities, so we will drag them from incarnation to incarnation until we completely get rid of them, and eventually becoming ourselves, we will be able to reach a new stage of development by changing the dimension

There are certain practices that allow you to get rid of unnecessary programs, from fears, anger, aggression - from subpersonalities. The practices are very simple, like all my practices in general. Anyone can master them with a little effort. But there are subtleties, nuances. I teach getting rid of subpersonalities as part of my course. At the moment I do not have the opportunity to take students for personal training. There are no seats. Everything is occupied for the next half a year. Sometimes I just take personal recommendation their clients, and not all of them. There is a course in the recording, for independent, smart and eager for changes in life urgently.

With uv. Oksana Manoilo.

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In ordinary communication between two people, much more actually take part than two “interlocutors”. No, no, this is not about, this is about normal people. In fact, we are not one-dimensional and not quite holistic in communication and in general.

Within each of us, subpersonalities live under the same roof of personality.

In our personality there are several subpersonalities(Realizing the complete conventionality of this term, we will call it that for convenience). Each subpersonality also takes part in a dialogue with all its attitudes, goals and methods of achieving them.

They rarely speak in unison. Often each subpersonality pulls the blanket over. They are the ones who have internal conversations in our heads. And it is with them that we very often argue, pour from empty to empty, while spending a lot of time and effort on fighting with ourselves.

In communication with another person, one is often truthful subpersonality, and a completely different one speaks out loud, one understands everything correctly, and the other sticks out and inspires us with a more acceptable lie. Here is such an internal market.

Read also: Temperament and character. Relationship

Now in more detail and with an example.

Here's an anecdote for you:

Baba Yaga sits on a stump, Kashchei the Immortal jumps up to her and says:
“Hey, hag, marry me!”
“Back off, decrepit, the rose has not blossomed for you!”

It looks like a dialogue. But in reality, there is at least six subpersonalities!

First and second- these are actually our heroes, as they really are. The real Baba Yaga and the real Kashchei.
Third subpersonality is Baba Yaga, in her own vision. She imagines herself as "forever young rose", slightly limping, which only adds to her charm in her own eyes.
Fourth subpersonality— Kashchei, in his own vision. A somewhat thin young man, rich, intelligent, a good warrior.
Fifth- Baba Yaga in the view of Kashchei is a good option, he knows magic and potions, his own plot with living space (on chicken legs), transport (stupa with a broom). In appearance, of course, she is not chic, you need