Teaching English in a playful way to teenagers. English for toddlers: where to start

English language not very relevant difficult languages similar to Japanese. Therefore, it can be learned at any time without outside help. The main thing - right motivation. In this article, we will tell you how to learn English on your own from scratch. And the best assistant in this matter is the English language tutorial.

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Self-learning algorithm

Where to start learning English? Here are some important points:

  1. To get started, you need select targets. Why do you need knowledge of English? The fact is that in the learning process you will have to constantly motivate yourself, every day devoting time to the language. Motivation plays a decisive role. Perhaps you need to know the language to travel, study abroad, communicate with English-speaking friends.
  2. Set yourself up for hard work. You should not trust the methods that are widely advertised and promise to turn a beginner into a professional fluent in English in a month. Miracles don't happen. Really learn a language in a few months so that you can understand what you read and communicate. According to professionals, in order to know English like a native, it will take decades.
  3. Need to learn the language from the ground up, that is, with . The letters in the transcription are not pronounced the way they are written. After memorizing the pronunciation of letters, you can proceed to remember words.
  4. Planning when learning words is extremely important. Set yourself a goal to learn a month, for example, five hundred words. Priority should be given to those words that are used in everyday life, that is, in everyday speech.
  5. Start your own dictionary by writing down the words you just learned . You need to write manually, because that's how it works best. motor memory. You can also use cards with Russian words written on one side and their translation on the other.
  6. In parallel with memorizing words, study basics to build phrases. Try to repeat aloud what you learn as much as possible.
  7. more often watch English videos With subtitles. Pause the screening periodically to memorize the passage.
  8. Listen to radio like the BBC to learn colloquial.
  9. Use audiobooks with a hard copy and on hand to be able to compare the original and the translation.
  10. Make language learning a priority by giving it at least 30 minutes daily time for each lesson. By taking breaks and distractions, you can learn a language easily and without stress.

Independent study of English at home.

Technique for beginners

It is not worth counting on a quick result in training, because Everyone's memory speed is different.. Language skills are highly individual. It is realistic to expect some kind of breakthrough in the level of proficiency after three years from the beginning of the study - this is how practice shows. English words at the phrasebook level can be studied in a month. These are question-and-answer structures that will come in handy if you go abroad. English for beginners is usually limited to everyday vocabulary and simple phrases.

Important! Visualization is essential in learning English. Be sure to look through the topics included in the tutorials.

When studying, you can use material on DVD, which contain both images with English words and their translation. At the same time, the speaker pronounces the words correctly. Manuals on disks are varied: they contain everything you need for the language in a complex.

Remember that learning English is based on three areas: pronunciation, replenishment vocabulary, grammar. And it is important to combine this without compromising your psychological comfort.

A beginner should first learn the simplest grammar ( verbs, and sentence construction), learn to read in English, and only then move on to watching movies. An advanced student who has mastered grammar should emphasize in speech practice. This is the only way to remove an accent from a speech.

Immersion in the English-speaking environment has importance. To do this, you need to communicate with people who speak English fluently, listen to music with such text. If, for example, you move to the country of the language being studied, then the learning process is reduced twice.

No need to be shy to ask those who are professionals. About which method to choose, which educational materials better, you can ask your teacher foreign language.

Lots of information about good benefits contains the Internet. English teachers create their own websites, post manuals and share their work.

You can chat with a native speaker on Skype. There are also thematic chats, which are very easy to find using the Yahoo search engine. In addition, you can correspond by e-mail, write messages on Twitter and Facebook.

Attention! The method of learning English on its own involves learning the language a little, but daily.

Manuals and tutorials online

Using the tutorial online, you will learn in a month read, understand content of English movies on Youtube, original lyrics. But the most important thing is that you can Express your thoughts and understand interlocutors.

To evaluate your level of achievement, take the test. This is not difficult, as it contains approximately 20 questions. Tests designed for different levels:from elementary (Elementary) to high (Advanced).

Better understand the language and build phrases will help online lessons. Here is the grammar step by step, starting with the verb "to be" (to be). This is used in the construction of temporary structures of the past, present and future. Additionally, having studied the turns of speech, you can already quite speak fluently.

It should be noted that online learning is best conducted in interactive form, that is, through a dialogue with a virtual interlocutor. This allows simulate communication like in real life.

Gadgets help turn learning English into an exciting activity. This is special applications for Android and iPhone platforms. The advantage of apps is that they contain analogues of paper cards with English words. Training takes place in a couple of clicks.

English for children

Children open to everything new, and if the child has shown sincere interest, you need to at read english in a playful way. The easiest way to do this is by looking at tutorials on the Internet, typing "English for children from scratch" in the search engine.

For example, you can show your child a colorful site fairy-english.ru Such sites are created specifically for young students and taking into account their characteristics.

In addition, a lot of videos shot specifically for children by professional teachers have been posted on the network. Lessons for beginners are presented in simple and visual form.

Attention! Learning videos help you learn a language faster and more effectively.

The basic principle in language learning in children is progress. This means you have to move from simple concepts to more complex ones. The child is able to learn those words in English that he already knows in Russian. Reading a dictionary will do nothing: it is necessary learn words from pictures. A simple example. Doing exercises in the morning, you can learn the names of body parts, and in the process of breakfast, learn the pronunciation of the names of menus and products in English.

How to learn English with a child at home

It is important to present the process of language learning as a game, but motivating by the fact that by playing it, the child will receive a prize. Knowledge will give the key to the treasure. And the child will be interested to learn and comprehend new things. Of course, it is impossible to deceive a child. In the form of a treasure, you can purchase a disc for it with cartoons in english or a book English fairy tales in the original.

Motivation for language learning

After a while, the child may get bored with the language and may find new entertainment. It `s naturally. To stay motivated, do the following:

  • regularly buy bright and colorful manuals (discs, books, games);
  • give a child a chance take part in the competition with knowledge of the language, participate in the Olympiad, where diplomas and awards are awarded;
  • sign up for an English class, acquaint with the same enthusiastic children;
  • learn a language with a child who often takes an example from an adult.

Teaching children English in a playful way is much easier and faster.

Online tutorials for kids

If the child is really interested, you can use the popular English tutorial.

A site about a funny tiger cub who speaks English: http://lingualeo.com/en.

Other tutorials:

  • http://www.study-languages-online.com/ru/en/english-for-children.html
  • http://begin-english.ru/samouchitel
  • http://lim-english.com/ http://lingust.ru/english

If you still have difficulties, the site will always help. eng911.ru. On it is laid out lot useful information and benefits interesting for both children and adults.

Starting such an interesting activity, how to quickly learn English at home, many people use an effective method: stick stickers on household items with their English names. Constantly looking at the familiar environment, a person automatically remembers the words. On the way to school or work read e-books, listen to recordings, watch videos. So the trip will be boring and will be useful.

A method is also used, such as compiling lists of synonyms and antonyms. A very effective technique that helps you learn English on your own from scratch. Dialogue is also effective. Think and speak, ask questions and answer. Do not be afraid to seem ridiculous: those around you will understand. After all, you are learning to speak English!

The peculiarity of English is that in it, as in any language, there are sustainable structures. These are the so-called turns of speech. Need them memorize, memorize. In addition, there is colloquial slang, that is, the language of narrow groups of English-speaking people. For example, youth slang. There is slang and professional. Of course, this is already the level of an advanced student who wants to communicate in English as a native.

How to learn English on your own

How to memorize words


The advantage of an independent approach is that you can choose methods, study for as many hours as your mood allows, choose the level of the language for learning. If you study English in courses, then the student will always limited in choice because the teacher decides for him. Take advantage of this opportunity, because now you know how to learn English on your own at home.

It is quite easy to start learning English with a 5-6 year old preschooler. This is an exciting and multifaceted process, and parents will have to make considerable efforts not only to educate a preschooler, but also to develop their own language skills.

What and how to teach with a child?

Methods for teaching English to children aged 5-6 years are different from those intended for toddlers. At the age of 5, a preschooler is already fluent in Russian, knows letters and even knows how to write. Therefore, it will no longer be possible to introduce a foreign language as a second native language as organically as it happens with children of 2-3 years old.

  • Buy or draw and hang posters with the alphabets of both languages ​​in the nursery. Immediately at the initial stage of training, it is worth studying the letters, learning how to write them. But you should not focus on the rules for reading vowels in open and closed syllables, diphthongs, etc., as in school English lessons. It is enough to inform the child that, as in Russian, one thing is written and another is pronounced.
  • When learning new words, be sure to show how they are spelled. Thus, in parallel, learning to read in English will take place. Since there are a lot of exceptions according to the reading rules in this language, it is worth memorizing words with their visual presentation. At the beginning of training, it is worth using words with a simple spelling.
  • Use cards, or even better - stickers with which you can sign the right things. If there is no place in the kitchen to place a “still life” consisting of a plate, cup, spoon, glass and other signed items, you can place them in the nursery on a special shelf. Or create a kind of "dictionary" of thematic cards that the baby could use.

At the initial stage of education, in order to maintain the child's interest in a foreign language and give him the opportunity to develop communication skills, you need to learn words and phrases that:

  • often used in your home in Russian;
  • belong to the sphere of interests of the child (dolls, cars, robots, little animals, drawing, cycling);
  • will be needed in everyday life for active communication - the names of dishes, furniture, clothes, body parts. They also include the main verbs and adjectives used for communication - “sleep, walk, eat, give, show, look, go, good, tasty, hot, cold” and others.

This approach will allow the child to quickly learn to understand and actively use English speech in everyday life.

It is easy and simple to learn a foreign language in a group. If you manage to find like-minded people with children of the same age, you can organize joint walks, tea parties, themed gatherings, and watching cartoons. With a well-thought-out organization, the mother will no longer need to urge the child to use the language - the kids will learn to communicate with each other in English. At the same time, it will be possible to see and analyze what words the baby is missing, at what moments he switches to Russian. It is also good if the children hear the conversations of adults in English.

How to develop the most significant areas for a child in 20-30 minutes a day

  • Three ready scripts complex developmental classes in pdf format;
  • Video recommendations for conducting complex games and for their independent compilation;
  • A plan diagram for compiling such activities at home

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How to make a child concentrate?

Do not tire a preschooler with hourly pre-scheduled activities - he is still quickly tired, it is difficult for him to keep concentration for a long time. It is best to discuss with him some rules and stick to them. For example:

  • fulfillment of some requests made in English;
  • using the language in any situations - during lunch, walking, etc .;
  • encouragement for the correct completion of any tasks (for example, you can make new cards with English inscriptions for new toys).

In order not to discourage the desire to learn English, in no case should you punish a child for refusing to speak a foreign language in some situations. In this case, it is important to understand what is hindering him - constraint, fatigue, lack of the necessary baggage of vocabulary. Ideally, when English is heard in the house constantly and freely used by at least one of the parents in everyday life, the child grasps words and phrases very easily and quickly and does not have any problems with communication in a foreign language.

How to avoid possible mistakes?

If a child is not interested in learning a language, it is the parents’ inability to organize classes correctly. Although, strictly speaking, the very wording “organize classes” is already incorrect. Communication in a foreign language must be entered into everyday life– and this can be quite difficult for adults themselves. On the other hand, if you can do this, you will definitely be able to teach your baby English and raise your own level.

Before you start learning a language with a preschooler, you need to talk with the rest of the family and discuss a few fundamentally important points.

  • It will be necessary, if possible, to create a language environment. These are conversations on English at home, watching TV channels, the ability to communicate with other children and adults in English. Ideally, if you manage to find English-speaking friends for your child, a nanny, a tutor. Do not force your child to watch cartoons forcibly. It is enough to turn on the TV on English-language channels more often, and it does not matter what is on there - news or talk shows. The child will get used to the melody of the sound of the language, intonations.
  • The rest of the family, more or less familiar with English, will have to take part in the child's education as much as possible: answer his questions, fulfill requests made in English.
  • Adults will have to repeat or learn a large amount of vocabulary. It will not be possible to avoid the direct question: “What is the socket in English?” When the child needs to ask his dad to connect the tablet to charge. You need to be ready for any questions and own a large vocabulary yourself, because in no case should you teach a child to be clever and build phrases differently at the initial stage of learning. This may disappoint him with his parents in general and the need to learn English in particular.

From the point of view of psychology, for the effectiveness of English classes, it will be easier and more useful to change your attitude to what is happening: not “we create a language environment for teaching a child English”, but “we create a language environment in order to improve English ourselves”. The child will simply be confronted with the fact that a second language has appeared in the house, in which he also needs to communicate. If parents wisely present this idea (for example, they explain that the language is necessary for a future trip abroad), then there will be less whims and demands on the part of the child to switch to Russian when he has no desire to speak a foreign language. Mom, dad and older sister need English - so they speak it, watch movies online and news on TV. With this approach, adults will have more opportunities to passively teach the child the language, even in those moments when he is not in the mood to study. Realizing that nothing really depends on his desire, the child will be more relaxed about the need to speak a second language, fulfill requests addressed to him, answer questions, which will ultimately increase the effectiveness of learning.

English is the international language. Even his basic knowledge allows him to freely travel to many countries and communicate with foreigners. Moreover, most modern educational institutions require students to have at least basic knowledge of the language, since it is it that is a priority during training.

Importance of English in modern world very high. For many people, knowing this language is a guarantee successful career and professional demand. That is why modern parents are increasingly wondering when to teach English to their children?

The optimal age for learning English

On this issue, teachers and professors were divided into three groups:

The former believe that learning should take place from the very beginning. early age. Thus, a foreign language will be firmly rooted in the life of a child, which will contribute to its further development.

In the second group, it is believed that the child must be at a conscious age (6-10 years) before starting the study. Since otherwise the student simply will not be able to consolidate the material properly.

Specialists of the third group are sure that it is never too late (and not too early) to start training. However, the main factor is immersion in the language environment. Living in an English-speaking country will provide the child with everything the necessary conditions for effective learning.

However, professional educators, who have tremendous practice, are sure that training should begin in the period from 3 to 5 years. At this age, the child begins to show an active interest in everything new (including languages), wants to learn children's songs in English and play educational games.

Thanks to such lessons, the child will not only develop his linguistic skills, but will also acquire such qualities as self-discipline, organization of work, learn to concentrate, and be able to develop memory and perception.

How to teach English to children without a tutor?


Cost of education: From 590 rub/hour

Discounts: Buying activity packages, inviting friends

Learning Mode: Online

Free lesson: Provided

Online testing: Provided

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English for kids online is a great way to save money on a tutor. You can agree on teaching a child with a teacher via Skype, in any case, it will not be so expensive. But First stage in mastering English, you can go on your own with the baby. The familiar environment helps to relax and revive interest in new knowledge. It is necessary to control the correct assimilation of the norms of pronunciation of letters and words, as well as the understanding and translation of the first English phrases. This is a great way to lay the foundations of knowledge of the English language in the child's memory, develop his language skills and love for new and useful knowledge.

With the money saved, it will be possible to enroll the baby in an English learning group, since without communication with an English-speaking audience it is difficult to achieve good spoken English. And at the first stage, it is quite possible to limit yourself to educational cartoons that will not tire the child, but will help him join the study of a foreign language.

English online for preschool children will help prepare for school, including those with a language bias. The first knowledge (alphabet, basic words and phrases) is available for study at home with parents. And soon your baby will demonstrate the first successes in English.

So for effective learning English children need to use a game form with memorizing words, counting rhymes, children's songs, fairy tales in English, etc. Use bright objects and pictures. No need to load children with grammar, as this will cause them rejection. It is important to remember that children tend to take everything literally.

The interest of the child as a key factor

The first lessons should be short. Parents can introduce their children to English through lullabies and nursery rhymes. After that, it will be interesting for children to hear and even memorize small verses. Thus, parents gradually and unobtrusively introduce the child to a foreign language.

Recall that kids should acquire almost all their knowledge only in a playful way. To do this, children's songs in English will help, for example:

  • hello
  • What color is the sky
  • ABC - song!
  • Hello! nice day!
  • ten little numbers

Bright illustrations and pictures during training will help develop visual-figurative thinking of the child. Toys from your favorite cartoons, as well as videos, are perfect.

Information should come to the child naturally and unobtrusively. If you use interactive teaching methods, then the lessons will take place without much stress for your child. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the sequence and systematicity in the classes, i.e. gradual transition from the simplest lessons to more complex ones. And if the child begins to get tired of learning and perceives information poorly, then it is worth reviewing your training program and, possibly, taking a break.

Programs and methods of teaching children

There are a huge number of programs for learning English for children of different ages. All of them are very effective. But, before choosing a teaching method, you need to choose the way your child learns: in a group or individually.

Note that if you choose individual program, then it is best to hire a specialist or tutor for the child. In practice, it has been proven that a child learns faster with an unfamiliar teacher than with parents (even if they know English perfectly well).

Group classes should be treated more carefully. It is necessary to take into account the qualifications of the teacher, his contact with each child in the lesson, the number of children in the group, teaching methods and other factors.

For example, today the program for children from Glen Doman is very popular. By studying this technique, the teacher focuses on the visual memory of the child. The program from Helen Doron mainly uses play lessons that are adapted for children from 1 to 10 years old.


Cost of education: 999 rubles/case

Learning Mode: Online

Free lesson: Not provided

Teaching methodology: Selfeducation

English for children from 1 year old is not very similar to a lesson in its usual sense. English classes with kids are mostly English-language “staging” with a small plot, poetic stories, English songs, funny pictures and interesting drawing-crafts. At the same time, no, including new, foreign words are translated into Russian for the baby. The child should become interested in a language that is incomprehensible to him and, immersing himself in the English-speaking environment, listen and absorb. Quite often, very young students at first just listen, listen and listen to the English speech of the teacher, and then they begin to give out whole constructions.

In order for the child to be immediately involved in the process of learning games, the child can be accompanied by a parent in the Polyglot Center. As soon as the student finds contact with the teacher and stops losing mom or dad, he can independently stay in English lessons for the smallest.

Age features

English language courses for kids are divided into several subspecies. With children from one to 2 years old, teachers are engaged in the presence of parents. In addition to learning a foreign language, special attention is paid to early development. The teacher in his work uses finger games, mobile tasks that encourage kids to act, learns short poems and songs with his wards. One of the available effective ways providing information watching cartoons in English. The main task of the teacher is to interest children, to make them want to learn the language and develop. The teacher is working on preparing the child for a more intensive course, teaching him to intuitively recognize and understand foreign speech.

The English language program for kids from 2 years old is aimed at ensuring that the child speaks as early as possible. With regular attendance at classes, children develop perfect pronunciation and lack grammatical errors. This level combines tasks for the little ones and is the basis for regular learning. The teacher still devotes a lot of time to games, but the children are more at the table, doing creative assignments. A competent approach allows you to increase the child's vocabulary several times in a year. In the structure of the classes there are songs, dances, small poems and nursery rhymes.

Modern teachers note the importance of early learning English. And for this there is whole line reasons. Psychologists have long known that childhood memory and thinking have unique features. Unlike adults who strive to understand logic in any situation, children think figuratively. They have no need for analysis, which means that any grammatical phenomenon is taken for granted by them.

In addition, babies have an amazing ability to quickly memorize information and retain it for a long time, and this lays a solid foundation for further language acquisition at school. Perhaps every school teacher agrees that the children with whom they were engaged in the early study of the English language are immediately visible. Moreover, they not only remember the material covered and easily give out the words and constructions requested by the teacher, but also much easier and faster to adapt to the language environment and learn new knowledge.

Nevertheless, there is only one way to arouse in a child an interest in learning a foreign language and a desire to seriously engage in it - by forming a positive attitude towards the lessons. And this can be achieved by choosing a competent approach to teaching children English, corresponding to age characteristics.

At what age can children be taught English?

The popularity of language courses is growing today, but few are asking the question “At what age can a child start learning English?”.

The answer is not obvious - right from birth. So the baby will absorb foreign speech from the first days. Use, naming your child, affectionate English words and sing lullabies.

If you start teaching your child a language at 3-5 years old, then we will please you: games for learning English and the use of characters (dolls or toys) as teachers will make classes fun. At this age, children will already be able to learn by ear the names of colors, numbers, family members, words from basic topics.

At 6 - 8 years old lessons can be approached even more seriously: read short fairy tales, turn on children's songs. Introduce written assignments - let the child enter new words in a notebook and practice writing them in copybooks.

At 8 - 10 years old you can move on to mastering the main base - grammar and vocabulary. For schoolchildren, games in English, songs, hymns, rhymes and rhymes will be a “delicious” addition to the main lesson. Use colorful textbooks and workbooks - for a child, the main factor in learning any discipline is involvement.

Are you convinced that English for kids is interesting and useful? Well, start teaching your child too!

English for children "from scratch" - basic techniques

Basic principles of teaching children

In order to successfully learn English for children from scratch, experienced teachers, as a rule, try to adhere to certain principles.

  • Constant repetition of words and development of grammatical structures. Of course, at each lesson, the teacher introduces new lexical units, due to which the vocabulary increases. However, periodic repetition of the material covered is no less important.
  • Usage various ways presentation and learning of material. Some children have a better developed visual memory, others remember information more easily through listening to it, and for others it is especially important to perform certain movements at the time of repeating a word. Therefore, once again, an integrated approach is the most successful option in this regard.
  • The use of memorized words in sentences. Even three-year-old children who have the skills of speaking their native language can easily compose simple sentences in English, which experienced teachers try to teach them from the first lessons.

Teaching children English in practice

Surely, many mothers are interested in whether it is possible to organize English training for children “from scratch” on their own, without the help of specialists. Certainly yes. If you speak the language at least at an elementary level, then you may well become a personal tutor for your own child. To do this, of course, you will have to study some methodical literature, as well as determine study guide. UMK "Kid`s box", "First friends", "Playway to English", "Wonderland", "Pingu`s English" are excellent for such purposes.


Hey, bi, si ... it will not be difficult for a child to repeat simple letters after his mother every day. So he will first learn the first 5-6 letters, and then the entire alphabet, which will later come in handy for him to master the basics of the English language.
English alphabet with pronunciation


Having studied the first ten digits, your child can easily count the number of toys in his room and spoons on the kitchen table. Educational games in English will help him with this.
Numbers in English from 0 to 20


This topic is interesting for kids. It is not so voluminous, and the studied words have the opportunity to constantly train. English games for finding colors or identifying parts of a color palette in a drawing are standard options for memorizing new lexemes.
Colors with translation and transcription


One of the objects of love for children is animals. Now, when visiting the zoo and viewing the encyclopedia of species, you can safely include their foreign counterparts in the story about lions, dogs and cats. Little zoologists will like this innovation - they will definitely imbue it and first of all learn the name of their favorite animal.
Domestic and wild animals in English


Among the exercises in English lessons for children, you can find the names of various fruits, vegetables, flour, etc. Memorization happens quickly due to the fact that English names are trained during breakfast, lunch and dinner, so the child unconsciously brings foreign words to automatism.


In Russian cuisine, vegetables are used everywhere. From the first days of life, the child eats foods made from them. For the topic “Vegetables”, it is not necessary to select special tasks or exercises, it is enough for children in English in a playful way to use a couple of words at lunch, during dinner or the next lunch you will certainly hear what you said the previous time.
Vegetables in English


There are only four seasons, however, these 4 words can be played with different clothes, pictures, pay attention to the current weather. English for kids online gives you the opportunity to expand on this topic to include months, weather and holidays.
Seasons and weather in English

Online word guessing game for kids

Children love to explore the world through a variety of games. A riddle is one of the game methods for learning new words. It is suitable for learning new information, and to test already known topics.

You can see the riddles at this link, and below is a classic online word guessing game for children that our parents played on paper.

Clue -

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Fairy tales in English and Russian

And also, you can read fairy tales to children in English. After your child has mastered the initial level, you can offer him fairy tales in English, which he knows well in Russian. A familiar story, told in English, will undoubtedly interest the child.

Having put the English version of your favorite fairy tale, you can take the Russian book of the same name with illustrations and try to follow through the pictures what the announcer is talking about. Below is an excerpt from the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” in English with a translation into Russian, as well as a very short fairy tale about a princess for beginners. By the way, you can find the whole fairy tale about the three little pigs as part of the training exercise on our website.

The Three Little Pigs

There was an old sow with three little pigs, and as she had not enough room to keep them, she sent them out to seek their fortune. The first that went off met a man with a bundle of straw, and said to him: "Please give me that straw so I can build my house." Which the man did, and the little pig built a house with it. Then along came a wolf, and knocked at the door, and said: "Little pig, little pig, let me come in!" To which the little pig answered: "No, no, not by the hair of my chinny chin chin." The wolf then answered: "Then I"ll huff and I"ll puff and I"ll blow your house in." So he huffed, and he puffed, and he blew his house in. And ate up the little pig.

Three pigs

Once upon a time there was an old pig with three piglets, and since she did not have enough place to keep them, she sent them to seek their fortune. The first one to leave met a man with a bundle of straw and said to him, "Please give me this straw so that I can build my house." What the man did, and the pig built a house with it. Then the wolf came and knocked on the door and said, "Piglet, piglet, let me in!" To which the pig replied, "No, no, I swear by the beard on my double chin." (I won't let you in). The wolf then answered: "Then I will blow and puff, and I will blow your house away." So he blew and blew and blew away his house, And ate the pig.

The princess

The little princess lived in the castle. She dreamed of a prince. She imagined that he would be tall, beautiful and educated. Every day she dreamed of her wedding.

One day the princess was walking in the forest, and a wolf attacked her. The young shepherd beat him - the wolf ran away.

The princess fell in love with her savior. He was of small stature, not beautiful appearance, but the girl liked his soul. And she realized that this shepherd is the most beautiful of men, and that growth, eyes is not the main thing.

A princess

The little princess lived in her castle. She dreamed of a prince. She imagined that he would be tall, handsome and educated. Every day she dreamed about her wedding.

Once the princess was walking in the forest, and a wolf attacked her. The young shepherd beat him with a stick - the wolf ran away.

The princess fell in love with her savior. He was small in stature, did not have a beautiful appearance, but the girl liked his soul. And she realized that this shepherd is the most beautiful of men, and that height, eyes are not the main thing.