Fasten buttons in a dream. See Button in a dream

buttons in a dream

An ambulance provided by a person pleasant to you is promised by a dream in which you suddenly find a button.

interpretation of sleep buttons

Sleep promises you a certain difficult psychological condition. If in a dream you saw a button, there is a chance that you will find yourself in some kind of unpleasant, bad company. When a button is torn off in a dream, you will soon have to experience unreasonable strong excitement.

which means if the buttons are in a dream

Help from people you like and an increase in well-being promises a dream with a button. A warning about the need to pay attention to your life and the current state of affairs. Be very attentive to this sign of fate. Golden buttons - to a good deal. In another case, such a dream may warn of your imminent entry into a fairly profitable marriage, which is not destined to become happy and lasting for you.

what are the buttons for

Unforeseen troubles promises you a dream with a button. If you sew a button to someone's clothes, you will toil for no reason and invent empty, unnecessary things for yourself. If you tear off a button in a dream, you will soon show unforgivable irresponsibility, evading, it would seem, unnecessary, small, but in the end quite important things.

Their appearance in a dream predicts domestic difficulties and gossip. Exact value depends on what exactly they saw, where there were a lot of them and what they did with them.

Sometimes their appearance is a dream that you want to bind a person to yourself and make him think in a way that he does not want.

To accurately understand the meaning of sleep, remember exactly where you saw the buttons, whether there were many or few of them, and what they did with them.

General meaning of sleep

Usually a button dreams of difficulties and obstacles in life, but most often it indicates household worries and small things that prevent you from being distracted and enjoying life.

The correct meaning of sleep depends on exactly where you saw them and what you did with them. If there were a lot of buttons in a dream,

Miller writes that you will be busy with your activities and work and are unlikely to want changes in your life. More precisely, you will have little time for what you really dream of doing.

If you dream that you are sewing on buttons, and they come off all the time, then minor problems and troubles will prevent you from achieving the desired result. The meaning of sleep depends on what exactly you began to sew them on.

Another meaning is gossip and the constant interference of strangers. An ordinary round button with two holes shows the eyes and face schematically.

Therefore, to see a lot of them indicates that you will not be able to hide anything from prying eyes. Exact interpretation sleep depends on what clothes you saw them on.

Fiddling with buttons and shifting them in a dream is not always a favorable sign. Such a dream indicates that you will be dissatisfied with your life and begin to deal with petty gossip and gossip.

Round buttons indicate fresh impressions and events. Sometimes they dream of attachments and new acquaintances. A girl may have such a dream for pregnancy.

Unattractive buttons indicate relationships with unpleasant and harmful personalities. If they were sparkling and shiny, then you will be pleased with yourself and your successes in life. Sometimes a dream predicts a reward.

But if the buttons break and fall, you may lose friends or people around you. Seeing in a dream a button that looks like a pill - to illness or, on the contrary, recovery and pleasant moments in life. The interpretation of sleep depends on where exactly you saw them and what you did with them.

Fiddling with buttons or looking for what you need among them is difficult. Such a dream for a girl can predict an active search for a loved one and different options.

A dream in which you collect them and put them on a table or in things is always favorable. Such a dream can predict a quick and unexpected receipt of money.

The exact meaning of the dream depends on exactly where you used them. This is how the dream book interprets the appearance of buttons on clothes and things that you wear all the time.

Top and bottom clothes

To see them on a blouse, shirt - for work activity or various affairs, readiness to overcome obstacles.

Pay attention to the fact that they are unbuttoned on clothes - you are afraid to make a mistake and make a mistake in your activities.

But if you don’t wear a shirt or blouse for a strict event and want to unbutton it, then this is a favorable sign. A dream indicates that you will be pleased with yourself or want to get around the usual framework.

To dream that there are old buttons on a new blouse - do not listen to other people's advice and do not follow outdated rules. You need to think more creatively, gently and beautifully so that luck is on your side, then everything will work out.

Finding a button on the street that fits perfectly with clothes is a favorable sign. Such a dream is seen towards the completion of some business or an idea that will help you cope with difficulties.

Freud writes that you can find a mate. A beautiful button on the street dreams of a new acquaintance with nice person or unexpected receipt of money.

If you dreamed that your shirt had dull buttons, expect disappointment and disappointment. For some people, this dream portends disappointment and trouble. The exact meaning of sleep depends on what happens next in it.

If you changed the buttons to brighter and more beautiful ones, then your life will become more interesting. To fasten a jacket or shirt with all buttons - to the completion of some business.

But if one of them came off, then an unpleasant surprise will greatly ruin your relationship and lead to difficulties in life. Perhaps a loved one will betray.

Buttons on outerwear dream of joy, security and money. But if there are too many of them, beware of condemnation and gossip.

When you dream that one of them has come off, then soon the gossip will leave your environment. Sometimes a vision indicates a loss of money or material difficulties.

If you yourself decide to tear off the button, then on your own initiative you will break off relations with an unpleasant person. If the buttons were on your dress, beware of scandals or adversity. Sometimes such a dream indicates excessive control over feelings.

If you dreamed that the buttons came off and fell on the floor, then you can lose all your surroundings or become independent from gossip and gossip.

Buttons on underwear portend serious difficulties and problems for you. If they began to break and crumble, then beware of diseases of the reproductive organs. Sometimes such a dream comes to worries and disappointments. If you notice large red buttons on your underwear, then beware of interference in your personal life.

Sometimes a vision predicts a sexually transmitted disease or a situation that will make you blush.

If one button is broken in half, then beware of losing loved one. Find a thread to it and sew it on again - you can return your loved one.

Sew and cut

If someone's hand in a dream holds out buttons to you, then you can receive unexpected money in the near future. Such a dream often predicts changes in life or gossip and trouble.

Sewing a shirt in a dream and sewing buttons on it - to the desire to find a job, something important and necessary. If you did not have enough buttons, beware of troubles and problems in your personal life.

For some people, such a dream predicts unfinished business or difficulties in undertakings. For students, a dream portends failure on the personal front and big problems.

If you could find a button or even replace them, this lucky sign. You will be able to look at your problems in a different way and soon complete your undertakings.

The golden button dreams of success and the more you see them, the more worthy the reward will be. However, for some people, such a vision portends difficulties and scandals in life, an overestimation of their capabilities.

If the button came off, then expect loss. Especially when it happened on the thing that you wear all the time.

Buy buttons or new thing with them - to gossip and gossip. For some people, such a plot portends losses and tears. Especially if the buttons were small.

Large and round things dream of experiences and gossip. Sometimes a dream predicts communication with new people, with whom interests will be shallow. The exact meaning of sleep depends on which buttons in color and texture you took. Multi-colored and bright, very beautiful dreams of new impressions and acquaintances.

For most people, such a dream predicts joy, but sometimes visions hint at tears. Gray and mother-of-pearl buttons indicate new impressions and acquaintances with boring and unpleasant interlocutors. Some people dream of such a plot for routine work and adversity; for brides, a dream portends tears and sorrows.

Black buttons indicate difficulties and obstacles in business. Sometimes a vision dreams of a dangerous illness or great feelings and sorrows. The exact meaning of the dream depends on what exactly you saw.

Unusual buttons in shape and color dream of strange events and communicating with incomprehensible and unpleasant people. Bright buttons indicate a desire to attract attention or become more interesting and brighter in the eyes of others.

Sew them to children's clothes - for an early pregnancy or the birth of a baby. For young mothers, such a plot portends a childish team, chores, or the fact that they will be forced to send their son or daughter to kindergarten or often visit the site.

If you began to sew them to the corset, beware of gossip. Sewing buttons on a skirt or dress is an unfavorable sign. Such a plot predicts difficulties in your personal life and love.

Tearing them off and sewing on new ones is an attempt to change your environment. If you began to sew buttons to outerwear, then complete some big business.

But if they come off or look ugly on the fabric, you will have to redo everything. To take off clothes with buttons and change them to a zipper - you will try to protect yourself from gossip and gossip.

A dream about them speaks of your affection for someone. See interpretation: clothing.

To tear off a button in a dream means that your careless behavior will cause a break with a loved one. Losing a button in a dream portends a break with a friend or other losses. Finding a button in a dream is a sign that friends will not leave you without help at a difficult moment. Sewing a button on someone else's clothes in a dream means that you are attached to the person to whom you are sewing a button. If the clothes are uniform, then you will fall in love with a military man.

A lot of small nondescript buttons in a dream are a sign of worries, everyday troubles, disappointments. To fasten all the buttons in a dream means the end of some business. The more beautiful the buttons are in a dream, the better and happier you will feel.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Button

If you dreamed that you were sewing on a button, your enemies cannot do anything to you now. To protect yourself for a long time, sew on as many different buttons as possible to your clothes.

If you dreamed that you were fastening buttons, then in the near future you would find yourself embroiled in intrigue. To avoid this, tear off a button for a week before leaving the house and carry it with you all day.

Interpretation of dreams from

What can buttons in a dream portend? The answer to this question will be the interpretation of different interpreters.

Modern dream book

A young girl's dream, where she is sewing bright buttons to a uniform, portends a worthy candidate for husbands in all respects. When such a dream occurred young man- it prophesies military service and remarkable success in this area.

Buttons in a dream of a dull appearance or made of matter prophesy disappointment in someone or something, incurring losses and developing various ailments.

When in a dream you lost a button and at the same time were very worried, it means that in reality you will experience unprofitable business dealings.

In the dream book, a button can be a sign of change in life path.

A large number of buttons dream of untold wealth.

When in a dream you cut off a button, in reality you may encounter a partner's infidelity.

You had to sew on a button in a dream - which means that life circumstances will turn out well.

Small Velesov dream book

To changes on the path of life and real success - that's what buttons dream of.

You were lucky enough to find a button - wait for helpers from the outside.

When you were sewing on buttons, you will receive a lot of money.

Lost a button in a dream - in reality, expect various obstacles that will prevent you from achieving your goal.

Women's dream book

A young girl who has seen how she is sewing on buttons can in fact soon expect the appearance of a pleasant and wealthy lover.

To various losses or a disappointed state, you dream of buttons that are small or faded.

When you lost a button and behaved anxiously, it means that in reality you will face loss and unsuccessful business dealings.

Miller's dream book

We saw in a dream the process of sewing on a bright button - such a dream for young ladies can become a harbinger of the appearance of a successful spouse in her personal life.

A young man sees such a dream before leaving for the service. The dream also prophesies young people a successful service and an excellent career in this direction.

Faded buttons dream of disappointment in something or someone, and also to poor health.

Losing buttons and worrying about it - in reality, the likelihood of facing problems related to money, business and personal relationships.


Did you sew on buttons in a dream? Come up with small chores for yourself.

I had to tear off the button - which means that in reality you will move away from small, but very important things.

A button is a small, inconspicuous and insignificant object. It can always be replaced. However, this small object, appearing in a dream, acquires a deep symbolic meaning, correct interpretation which can tell a lot about the fate of the dreamer. To find out why the buttons are dreaming, the dream book and the details of night vision preserved in the memory will help.

If a girl dreamed of a button hanging on a thread, she should carefully choose the companies in which she is going to relax. Unsavory people may try to use her body while she is drunk.

A button torn off with a piece of fabric speaks of the dreamer's extreme anxiety about the health of his loved ones, children and relatives. Clothes with multi-colored buttons of different sizes dream of unfulfilled expectations, worries and troubles.

If the button that appeared in the night vision is broken, this is not the best omen: it portends the dreamer the appearance of obstacles on the way to the goal. A dream in which a sleeping person communicated with a lover (oh), and at that moment a button broke, portends such twists of fate that will test the feelings of partners for strength.

A dream in which you had a chance to talk to someone, and at that moment the button breaks on the interlocutor, portends difficulties in negotiations, making a deal, signing a contract or agreement.

A dream in which a sleeping person receives a button as a gift warns him: awkward moments should be avoided, carefully monitor your behavior, otherwise it may not be the most pleasant moment that makes you blush.

Interpretation by appearance

A button, appearing in a night vision, can acquire different symbolic meanings depending on what color it was, what condition it was in, and what other external signs it had.

  • Silver buttons in a dream are a symbol that encourages the dreamer to devote more time to doing their business and better monitor their appearance.
  • If they were gold, a profitable and tempting deal is expected, or entry into a short-term, albeit successful marriage.
  • White buttons portend a meeting with a good-natured person with pure intentions.
  • If the dreamed fasteners were distinguished by their extraordinary beauty, this is a sign portending a useful and promising acquaintance with influential people.
  • Multi-colored buttons dream of many small things, to fuss.
  • For a girl, bright and shiny buttons in a dream portend a new love, and for a young man, advancement up the career ladder.
  • Faded, old and nondescript buttons dream of disappointment, which can be avoided with great effort.

Interpretation by actions

If a girl dreams about how she sews on buttons, this is a positive omen that portends a new mutual sympathy, love. Such a dream is no less a good sign for a man. A dream with sewing on fasteners promises him a new, higher position. If a young man saw such a dream, now is the perfect time to start a military career.

If in a night vision I had a chance to sew on a lot of buttons, this is a good sign that portends a quick solution to the accumulated small and not only problems. The scale and number of difficulties resolved is directly proportional to the number and size of buttons sewn in a dream.

A dream in which the dreamer happened to fasten buttons on himself, while counting their number, portends a profitable deal, after which you will have to count many large bills received with net profit.

Raking a handful of buttons in the palm of your hand and looking at them is a symbol that the dreamer's attention is focused on his own person. A dream in which a very large button appeared warns a sleeping person about the onset of serious life changes associated with considerable amounts of money.

A night vision in which the dreamer sews buttons on another person's clothes or fastens them on someone else speaks of the strong attachment that the dreamer feels for this person in reality.

If the dreamer, on the contrary, broke off the fasteners from someone or unfastened them, such a dream speaks of his negative attitude towards this person in real life.

Miller's dream book

According to the interpretation of the dream given by this dream book, shiny and bright buttons, if sewn onto uniforms, portend to a woman who has such a dream the sincere affection of a rich and powerful, attractive man.

If a young man saw such a dream, perhaps his career will be associated with promotion military service. He will show himself well in this direction and will succeed.

Small linen buttons portend unfulfilled hopes, petty deeds, fuss, poor health. If in a dream you happened to lose a button and get upset because of this, you should prepare for spending and losses in real life.

Esoteric dream book

This dream book interprets a dream in which buttons were seen as a symbol of the sleeping person's attitude to business and work in real life. If the dreamer sewed on buttons in a night vision, in reality he comes up with a mountain of small, unimportant things. If a person tore off or ripped the buttons in a dream - in reality he shirks from things that seem insignificant, but the implementation of which is important.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

A torn button promises minor but unpleasant problems. Sewing on such a fastener, on the contrary, dreams of resolving difficult situations. Buy a button - be surrounded by an influential character.