How to manage time properly. How to properly allocate working time? How to find time to rest

Greetings, dear readers! Today we will talk about two very important points, thanks to which you can achieve good success. Unfortunately, many do not even think about this, and very much in vain ... At first I thought that all this was superfluous, and it was not worth wasting time, but then my opinion changed, and I am glad about it!

Intrigued by the first lines? Then I advise, even insist to read the post to the end! Why such a hurry? The fact is that not so long ago I started to adhere to this moment and life just got easier! It has become easier for me to blog, work around the house, study, in general, just live!

I think many have already guessed what will be discussed now - and. Like the usual two words that everyone knows from school years. But not everything is so simple ... most people do not use it, and therefore they suffer a lot and do not have time to do anything ...

Time is everything! Indeed it is, and there is no other way to say it. Therefore, it is worth everyone, absolutely everyone, to monitor their time and manage it properly, and not as your heart desires!

Unfortunately, for many, this is not an easy task, so sticking to certain things at certain times is very, very difficult, and sometimes even "unrealistic" ... But it's not! Absolutely everyone can manage and allocate their time, and complete the planned tasks on time!

And now in this short article I will try superficially and at the same time as thoroughly as possible to acquaint you with these two concepts and learn how to “use” them, so to speak, correctly and profitably! You are ready? Then let's get started!

Case Planning and Time Management

Before proceeding to advice on planning things and allocating time, that is, to moralizing, I would like to analyze these two concepts in a language understandable to everyone. If someone does not agree with these definitions, and such will definitely be - please write about it in the comments.

- this is a kind of "rule" of affairs, which you draw up for yourself in advance, and by which you are guided by a certain period of time.

Once again, I want to repeat that this is very, very important! In no case should you forget about it and "score" ... Do you want to achieve something in this life on your own? Then act! All in your hands!

- this is a "certain" rule for the efficient use of time.

This is also very important, and must be "in conjunction" with the planning of affairs. Only thanks to these two points can you achieve good results over time!

In every business, no matter marketing, blogging, infobusiness or something else, you always need to be self-developed, you always need to work on yourself first of all! If you do not gain power and confidence over yourself, then nothing will come of it! Everything will walk around like that, but for you it will remain inaccessible ...

As you already understood, these two points are very similar to each other, and should be brought “to the table” together, therefore, the advice will be general. But before proceeding to the tips, I would like to say the following: be sure to analyze each tip separately, learn how to use it, and only then proceed to the next one. After that, you can use all the tips at once, and then you will understand for yourself that this is very important!

1. Be sure to have a notebook in which you will write down things for the future!

Everything is exactly like that! It is mandatory to buy yourself a convenient notebook (perhaps a smartphone), in which you should write down things for the future and compare them with your free time. For example, you have some task for the next day, it is worth writing it down and “attaching” a certain time to it!

2. Do things on time without fail!

If you violate the planned business, then what is the order? This is completely wrong! If you set a goal, a task at a certain time, then it is worth fulfilling it, no matter what it costs! Moreover, if the matter is very serious, and laziness has swallowed you up, then you don’t need to succumb to it, but you still need to complete the planned task! By the way, about laziness, I already wrote an article about how to deal with it. You can read it!

3. Do not chase everything at once!

Here I think everything is clear what's what ... Many have already encountered this problem more than once, when they wanted everything at once, but this does not happen! It's worth remembering! This is all to the point that you don’t need to try to cram dozens of things into one day, attributing them in groups to each other ... It’s better to do very important and necessary things first, and “attach” a separate day for the rest. It will make much more sense that way!

4. Don't fill up all the time! And also rest!

Two very important advice! You don’t need to fill the whole day at once, all 24 hours, with deeds ... A person, by nature, will not be able to do anything of this ... Even if he can, he will spend a lot of energy, which would be very useful for the next day ... I highly recommend dividing all the time into two parts: working - allocate 70%, and free - 30%. You never know what can happen, then these 30% of the time will be very useful. Also, don't forget to take breaks and rest!

5. Try to make a plan for the next day in the evening.

Another day is over, you've done a good job... Now it's time to make a plan for the next day! Try to write down all the important things that you would like to do without fail, and distribute them as accurately as possible in time. If you didn’t do something today, and this is an important matter, you can postpone it until tomorrow, but then you should definitely do it!

6. You are human! Then make realistic plans!

Do not load yourself with a mountain of work! This will have a bad effect on the quality of work, as well as on your fatigue ... Therefore, be sure to plan for yourself as much work that you can handle under any conditions! If one of the tasks requires a lot of time, but it is not very important what time to complete, then it is best to divide it into several parts. For example, I did one part today in 30 minutes or 1 hour, the second tomorrow and the third the day after tomorrow, etc.

7. If something goes wrong - don't panic!

It’s absolutely not scary if something goes wrong and you can’t complete the planned tasks on time. Do not panic in this case, but it is best to just calm down and set a new time for this matter. If it's important, then tomorrow, in the morning. In no case should you work at night, the night is given for rest!

8. Here can be any of your advice ...

If you have any tips on today's topic, I advise you to write in the comments - I will definitely add them here.

Well, that's all I wanted to write about in today's article. As for me, it turned out very cool, exactly what I wanted. Therefore, now I can safely cross out the topic of this article in my notebook. “The plan has been completed!”

If I didn’t adhere to everything that I wrote about above, then most likely this article would not exist now, but would be on a different topic, and in no one knows how long ... Since there would be no clear plan for the future! Have I convinced you? Not? Then read the article again and understand what it is very at very important points +7 952 160 36 17

All of us are allotted the same amount of time in a day - 24 hours, but we do not always use it equally effectively. Moving along the wrong path - we lose years, we lose time. "How do you manage your time wisely?" - a similar question, sooner or later rises before each of us. And here absolutely no role is played by gender, status or education of a person. A student, a businessman, a woman raising children - each of us wants to skillfully and correctly manage our time.

This article is for a wide range of readers, which is designed to help all of us (the art of using our time as efficiently as possible), that is, to work skillfully under high information loads.

Reasons for lack of time

Before revealing ways to improve efficiency, let's look at the most common causes of time pressure:

  • Rush. In conditions of constant haste, it is impossible to concentrate on the main thing. It is not for nothing that there is still a proverb among the people: "If you hurry, you will make people laugh."
  • Fussiness. It arises, as a rule, from the inability to organize your day. In the end, everything falls apart. Fussiness is inherent in many people (if not innate, then definitely acquired character trait, which is clearly not with positive side characterizes a person).
  • Planlessness. It is precisely because of the lack of an action plan that a significant part of active time is lost (time outside of sleep and illness). If cases and tasks are not lined up in a strict hierarchy in order of importance, then they will remain mostly unresolved.
  • Non-serious approach to business, which implies frequent mistakes, the correction of which, as a rule, takes a considerable part of the time.
  • Distractions, among which are: phone calls, SMS messages, frequent snacks, TV, Internet, unexpected visit of guests.

Time resource usage analysis

So we got to the methods of time management, which are based on: analysis of the time spent. This analysis It is aimed at identifying both stimulating and limiting forms of performance.

So, the most correct methods of accounting for time:

  1. Keeping permanent records. Use not only a paper notebook, but also all the possibilities of modern computer technology - laptops, tablets. For example, a very interesting and visual option is graphic image his work.
  2. Planning(time structuring). Start writing down what needs to be done and what has already been done. Planning can be long-term, medium-term and short-term. It is recommended to plan at least 60% of your time (while plans should be as realistic as possible), and leave 40% for unforeseen times (arrival of guests, downtime on the roads during rush hour, power outages, etc.)
  3. Creation of material and emotional interest. Reward yourself, make firm promises to yourself that there will be a reward for an excellent result (for example, a long-awaited purchase of a camera). Financially, you can be stimulated, if only by the employer. But even here, do not expect outside help, influence yourself - constantly strive to improve your result, working on yourself, look for all kinds of earnings.
  4. Equipping the workplace with the latest technology. Modern technology gives us a lot of opportunities to save time, the main thing is to be able to use it correctly. Study in detail the instructions offered for the technique, apply the tips in practice.
  5. Scientific organization of labor (SOT) opens up new possibilities rational use time due to: photographs of working time (round-the-clock monitoring of the required object, data processing and analysis), improvement of working conditions, division of labor.
  6. Setting clear time frames for execution current tasks and cases. For example: 1.5 - 2 hours for the most difficult, easier for half an hour.

These were general rules and recommendations that are suitable for absolutely everyone. But all of us in this life perform more than one role and work (in addition to the main activity - business, study - we are part-time mother, daughter, wife, sister), and these "titles" require additional responsibility from us, and I create another "stack of things".

Women hostesses

So, in order to make your work easier and be able to find time for rest, specifically housewives need:

  • Do not overestimate cleanliness standards: divide an apartment or house into several zones, so on Monday - wash the kitchen, on Tuesday - only the hall, and so on.
  • Go shopping outside of rush hour, that is, not at lunchtime or in the evening, the most the best way- during the day, when most of the population of your city is at work.
  • Buy clothes wrinkle-resistant fabrics - avoid ironing.
  • Cook more on weekdays simple meals: buckwheat porridge with meat, light salads.


And now for the students:

To paraphrase a well-known proverb, we can say this:

  • “Write what it means, outline exam topics- in advance. This will also help to avoid the state of fussiness during the "hot period".
  • Reduce sleep time (teach yourself to get up early).
  • Observe the leaders (excellent students) in your group, learn from their experience.


Fellow businessmen, this is for you:

  • Make a matrix of cases, grouping them like this: urgent and non-urgent; important and unimportant. This grouping is called the Eisenhower matrix.
  • Plan always and everything: the route of movement, the text of the speech, questions to opponents, and so on (look for effective ways in everything, for example: to get to tax office of your city, the fastest way is to use public transport (metro) than to waste time on a personal one - in traffic jams).
  • Learn to delegate authority - transfer part of the management functions or solve certain tasks to other people. This way you will be able to concentrate only on the most important, which means you will achieve significant results.

Remember! Time, unlike money, cannot be recovered if it is wasted. Save time - use it as efficiently as possible.

Time is all we have. No one knows how much we have allotted, but you can and even need to learn how to use every minute of your life as efficiently as possible.

Keeping up with everything is not so easy, although, on the other hand, there is nothing difficult in this either, especially if you master such a thing as time management. "Time" (Time) - English word, translated into Russian meaning time. Management is management, control. The art of prioritizing is the basis for successful people. rich and happy people always know how much time they have for rest, and how much for work or duties. The correct psychology of self-development is based on this.

Why we need time management

Man needs time control for one simple reason - we multitask. We are rational beings, so we have to do a lot of different things, without which life will simply stop.

Even if you are on vacation, you still have favorite hobby and there are people who are in love or friendship with you. Life is very dynamic, it does not stand still. Time management helps people all over the world to remember that everything changes every second, every moment. It is possible to wake up in the morning and find that you live in a different world from the one that surrounded you 8 hours ago.

We need time control because time cannot be reversed. We are completely dependent on it, so we can only interact with it. Many people ask themselves: “Why do I always have no time for what?” The answer is obvious - you are not prioritizing your life correctly. And sometimes people burden themselves with work and truly overwhelming tasks. This can also be the cause of problems associated with lack of time. It is necessary to clearly separate unnecessary altruism and rules good manners. Of course, mutual assistance is the first step to success. Help your neighbor and you will receive help in return. But you also need to remember about yourself. And value your time.

How to allocate time correctly

To get started, get into such a useful habit as fixing all tasks for the future. If you do not know exactly when you will be free, for example, after work, then write in your personal notebook that you should go for medicines in the evening or do it during lunch. We live in the 21st century - if you do not like the prospect of carrying notebooks with you everywhere, use it as a notebook special application in phone.

If you have tasks that do not require a solution at a certain time, then try to complete them as quickly as possible. Remember that absolutely any business that can be done now is better not to postpone for later. So you free up time for other things, you will be less nervous and worried. The only "but" is rest.

Don't forget about rest. If you can do everything right now, and it does not make you feel overtired, then everything is under control. But don't force yourself to limit your well-deserved time of relaxation and idleness. Alternate periods of activity and periods of recovery.

Another important note and advice: Don't forget to keep track of your expenses and receipts. In general, moderate control allows you to see the full picture of what is happening. Statistics show that people who track money lose less money and, most importantly, worry less.

To prevent time from working against you, time management experts advise do not borrow money and, moreover, do not give. It is strictly forbidden to lend more than you are willing to lose.

Now that the tips have been given out, we can talk about the direct distribution of time:

In order to always have time for everything, single out four groups of cases for yourself:

  • duties;
  • hobby;
  • entertainment;
  • rest.

1. Responsibilities. This is what makes it impossible to even think about postponing. If you forget to do something, it will cause a failure in the mode and, possibly, big problems. This includes:

  • Job;
  • House cleaning;
  • regular important purchases;
  • children (take to school, check lessons, take a walk, and so on).

Duties may be assigned unlimited amount time, because these are the things that define your lifestyle. Although, of course, if the prospect of wasting time at work only makes you lose energy, it may be worth considering changing activities.

Responsibilities do not need to be written down - you should always remember them. Distribute tasks so that it is convenient for you and your significant other to complete them. Few people know or guess, but, for example, eating is also a duty. Proper nutrition determines mood and performance, so have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time. If you don’t want to cook, wash the dishes so that your significant other doesn’t do everything entirely. An exception is the situation when one person comes home at, for example, at 4 pm, and the second at 7 pm. During this time, you can cook and wash the dishes. If you live on your own, then you need to cook and wash the dishes right away. Forget about the mountains of unwashed dishes - this is the lot of those who will begin to transfer important fateful events to later.

Responsibilities take as long as it takes. They cannot be replaced by anything - neither rest, nor a hobby. After you make and learn a list of all the duties for the whole week, you can start planning the rest of the cases.

2. Rest. This is the second point of your time planning. Many mistakenly believe that only those who hardly rest have time to do everything. This is not true. The body needs relaxation. Rest should be planned as clearly as duties. You must always rest. Remember this. Don't skip rest cycles at work and at home. When you get home, do not sit down at the computer and do not go to the gym. Lie down for literally 15-20 minutes. Just do not fall asleep, because such a dream is quite harmful for the daily routine. By the way, about the mode. Follow it as clearly as possible. This important rule all successful people.

When all urgent matters are completed and you have rested, it is time for hobbies and entertainment.

3. Hobby. A hobby is something that no one can live without. Sometimes it happens that a hobby coincides with work, that is, with responsibilities. In this case, you can find another hobby. Let it draw you in. Think about it more often, creating in yourself a desire to do it. Hobbies should be useful, so sports are one of the best options.

The task of hobbies is obvious - you switch, change the type of activity, do what brings you pleasure. In your plan for the day, doing what you love can be shifted and not planned carefully and painstakingly. This is their main charm.

4. Entertainment. Entertainment is going to a club, bowling, cinema, restaurant, computer games, friends, and so on. The difference between recreation and entertainment is that you spend your time or vitality. Entertainment is needed only on weekends or on Fridays if you work out according to the plan of the five-day work week.

It is better not to plan them for more than a week, because you cannot know what the situation will be like in the future. Entertainment should be reserved special place also in the budget. Without entertainment, you can live for a very long time. This is an optional item, but if you want to live an active life, then you should include them in your program.

Telephone, computer and television deserve a separate discussion. They also require some amount of energy, so in any case, do not go to bed immediately after watching TV or after computer games. Give your brain a break for at least an hour. Before going to bed, it is better to engage in a quiet hobby like reading books.

So, the main rule of time management is the ordering of all life processes. Do what you want, but duties and rest must always be planned. These are things that should not be put off without a good reason. If you live by these rules, you will always be in time for everything. In addition, this is also one of the secrets of punctual people - they always know what is required of them, therefore they save both their own and other people's time. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

"I have no time…". This phrase has ruined so many opportunities, because in the end, we always do not have enough time to do training, interesting things, pay attention to our loved ones, relax. Why do people not know how to plan it in such a way as to have time to complete all the tasks before the evening, which should be devoted to more pleasant spiritual affairs? Here are thirteen ways to manage your time effectively.

  1. Make a daily to-do list and cross them off as you complete them.
  2. From the list, select the most important and urgent tasks for the coming day. And when you deal with them, take on the rest of the list.
  3. Now number the recorded tasks in the order in which they were performed.
  4. First of all, deal with the most difficult and unpleasant tasks, so that by the end of the day you will quickly finish the work and go home in a great mood.
  5. Write down the most difficult cases at the time when your performance is most active.
  6. All things should be realistically doable, you don’t need to make a huge list on the first day of what you won’t do in three days. Gradually, when you get used to the list, gradually increase the load and be sure to set aside hours for rest.
  7. Be sure to indicate the required time for a particular task, for example, fees for work (hair, makeup, selection of clothes, etc.) take 35 minutes, tomorrow - 20 minutes, etc. At first, you will be simply stunned by how much extra time it sometimes takes to check one mail, and over time you will learn to control time, and for better efficiency, wear a wrist watch.
  8. Spend less time on distractions. These include checking mail, social media, telephone conversations etc. If you want to get distracted, it's better to listen to your favorite songs, take a ten-minute walk in the air, leaf through a magazine, or do a light workout.
  9. Learn to combine several things at the same time. For example, while you are eating breakfast, check your email.
  10. Get just one diary where you will write down absolutely all the notes you need - meetings, purchases, holidays, goals, work ideas, etc. Sometimes we can miss significant event for the stupid reason that the entry was made in another notebook or marked on the calendar hanging on the refrigerator.
  11. Consider the fact that time does not stand still, because it may not be enough to solve a complex issue. Do not worry, but approach its implementation in a complex way, so you will be able to effectively plan the day and get the hard work done.
  12. Based on the above point - you do not need to plan too many things for one day. After all, it is important not only to plan the time correctly, but also to take into account your strengths, otherwise you will already collapse from fatigue in the middle of the list.
  13. Be flexible - try to find new ways of performing, search, invent and use various methods for the efficient completion of tasks.

We often complain that we don't have enough time to get everything done. Can use the Da Vinci method and sleep for fifteen minutes every hour? They say this method helps to significantly increase the amount of time. It's just that it doesn't suit everyone. What then to do? In fact, everything is very simple - you need to learn how to rationally allocate your time.

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Photo gallery: How to learn to rationally allocate your time?


In order to have enough time, always get up at the time you planned in the evening, and in no case allow yourself to give up. Of course, many, looking at the alarm clock, think that you can sleep for another hour, and then they will definitely do everything. In fact, when you get up later than planned, you are guaranteed not to have enough time for all your plans. Therefore, no matter how difficult it is for you, get up as much as your alarm clock rings.

The saying: “Whoever gets up, God gives him” has a completely truthful and rational explanation. The fact is that from eight to noon, a person has the highest indicator of brain activity. Accordingly, he can perform many useful and necessary things. Of course, it is very difficult for “owls” people to cope with such a daily routine, because they cannot go to bed early and get up early. On the other hand, if you get up after two in the afternoon, it starts to seem to you that you do not have time for anything. Therefore, try to get up early at least on those days when you have a lot of things planned. In this case, you will be surprised how much free time you have for rest in the evening and night.

Mandatory planning

In order to keep up with everything and correctly allocate time, you always need to plan. Without a plan of action, you start to miss everything in a row, and in the end you don’t have time to do anything. So if you have a lot of different things to do, be sure to write yourself a plan. When creating your schedule, be clear about the time limits for certain activities. Don't forget about things like eating, showering, makeup, and so on. When you write down from what time to what time you are going to do something, indicate the real time frame, taking into account minor force majeure. It often happens that we give ourselves, for example, for breakfast, fifteen minutes, and then our milk runs out or something unexpected happens, and as a result, eating is delayed for half an hour, or even more. Therefore, immediately write thirty minutes in your schedule, so that later you don’t worry about the fact that you simply don’t have enough time for the next task.

When you have made a plan, remember that you must strictly follow it. Never change things around, unless the circumstances require it. It may seem to us that it is better to do this and then that, but in fact, in such situations, laziness most often begins to control a person. For example, let's say you decide to meet up with a friend for 7 pm and clean up the house for 5 pm. As a result, it occurs to you that these points can be changed, because you were only going for half an hour. Of course, you don’t want to think about the fact that half an hour can stretch into three hours. As a result, you come home around midnight, and you don’t want to do anything at all. And the next day, on which other plans are assigned, you start rushing around the house, trying to do everything and complaining that you can’t do it at all.

Resist the temptation

If you decide that you must complete a certain number of important things in a day, never allow yourself to be distracted. As practice shows, the law of meanness works in everything and always. Therefore, as soon as you get down to business, your friends immediately begin to call you, whom you could not find for weeks, and invite you for a beer; suddenly it turns out that there is no one to sit with your nephews, you are simply necessary for your relatives and so on. Therefore, if the situation is not really hopeless, and they can’t manage without you, in no case should you change your plans. Of course, the temptation is great, especially if your friends call you, but you must learn to fight the temptation. Remember that no matter how you promise and swore to yourself that you will only drop by to say hello, in the end, there will definitely be those who can persuade you. And all your plans will go down the drain, because instead of doing what you planned, you will sit all day in the company, maybe have a drink, and you will definitely not want to do anything. Therefore, if you know that someone can seduce you with their call to ruin plans, you can not pick up the phone at all until you finish your business. True, in this case, you may not answer a really important call in which a person will ask you for help, but here it is up to you to decide what is best to do.

Do not be distructed

A lot of things we do not have time precisely because of the fact that we are constantly distracted. Therefore, if you sat down to work, you should not turn on background music or TV. It just seems like it's easier to work that way. But in fact, you will definitely be distracted at least from time to time: either your favorite song will play, or they will tell you interesting news. So, if you want to quickly deal with the case, create the most comfortable conditions for its implementation, without external stimuli.

If someone calls you, immediately ask for a question, and in the case when a person just wants to chat with you, immediately tell them that they are busy and call back when they are done. Almost all women like to chat, so when your beloved friend calls, the temptation to talk increases significantly. Do not under any circumstances give in to him. Even if you promise yourself that the conversation will be short, in the end. spend at least half an hour on it. Therefore, make it a rule for yourself: never be distracted from the task until it is completely completed. At first it will be difficult for you, but then you will accustom yourself to this and it will already become abnormal for you to be distracted by conversations while performing certain tasks.

Do not take on a hundred things at once

Never try to do everything at once. No need to start cooking, cleaning and washing at the same time. If you complete all the tasks, then the result will turn out to be of very poor quality and instead of saving time, you will spend it even more, because everything will have to be completed, or even redone. Remember that quality can only be done one thing at a time. You must be completely focused on the task, and if you take on many problems at the same time, then your attention is scattered, and you simply begin to get confused and lost. Do things in turn, and then you will see how much the speed of task resolution will increase, and, accordingly, the amount of your free time.