What is the difference between method and method. The concept of "methodology" in various industries



II. Descriptive language learning method

III. comparative method

IV. Comparative-historical method in linguistics

V. Constructive Methods

VI. distribution method

VII. Component analysis method

VIII. psychological method in linguistics

IX. Neurolinguistic Methods

x. Quantitative Methods in language learning

XI. Sociolinguistic Methods



modeling, which are of a different nature depending on the specifics of science.

Observation includes the selection of facts, the establishment of their signs, the description of the observed phenomenon in verbal or symbolic form, in the form of graphs, tables, geometric structures, etc. Linguistic observation concerns the selection of linguistic phenomena, the selection of a particular fact from oral or written speech, its correlation with the studied paradigm of the phenomenon.

Experiment as a general scientific method of research, it is a staged experiment under precisely taken into account conditions. In linguistics experiments are carried out both with the use of instruments and apparatus (experimental phonetics, neurolinguistics), and without them (psycholinguistic tests, questionnaires, etc.).

Modeling is a way of knowing the phenomena of reality, in which objects or processes are studied through construction and research of their models. Model in broad sense- this is any image (mental or conditional: image, description, diagram,
drawing, graphics, etc.) or a device used as a "substitute", "representative" of an object, process or phenomenon. Any model is built on the basis of a hypothesis about the possible structure of the original and is its functional analogue, allowing the transfer of knowledge from the model to the original. The concept of a model was widely included in linguistics in the 60-70s of the XX century in connection with the penetration of ideas and methods of cybernetics into linguistics.

An important general scientific element of the process of cognition is interpretation(from Latin interpretatio - explanation, interpretation), the essence of which is to reveal the meaning of the results of the study and include them in the system existing knowledge. Without the inclusion of new data in the system of existing knowledge, their meaning
and value remain uncertain. In the 60-70s of the XX century, a whole scientific direction arose and developed - interpretive linguistics, which considered the meaning and meaning of language units dependent on the interpretive activity of a person.

3. Private methodology includes methods of specific sciences, for example, mathematical,


linguistic, etc., which correlate with philosophical and general scientific methodology, and can also be borrowed by other sciences.

Linguistic research methods are characterized primarily by the rare use of instrumental experiment and weak formalization of evidence. The linguist usually conducts the analysis by superimposing the available knowledge about the object of study on the specific material (text) from which one or another sample is made, and the theory is built on the basis of sample models. Free interpretation of a variety of factual material according to the rules of formal logic and scientific intuition are characteristic features linguistic methods.

Term"Method" as a way of investigating phenomena has never been unambiguously understood.

Most often the method is understood generalized sets of theoretical attitudes, research methods associated with a particular theory.

Most general method always represents the unity of "method-theory", isolating that side of the object of study, which is recognized as the most important in this theory. For example, the historical aspect of language in comparative historical linguistics, the psychological aspect in psycholinguistics, the structural aspect in structural linguistics, etc. Any major stage in the development of linguistics, characterized by a change in views on the language, was accompanied by a change in the method of research, the desire to create a new general method.
Thus, each method has its own scope, explores its aspects, properties and qualities of the object. For example, the use of the comparative historical method in linguistics is associated with the relationship of languages ​​and their historical development, statistical - with discreteness
language units, their different frequency, etc.

Research methodology is a procedure for applying a particular method, which depends on the aspect of the study, the technique and methods of description, the personality of the researcher and other factors.

For example, in the quantitative study of language units, depending on the objectives of the study, different methods can be used:

estimates are made

accurate calculations using mathematical apparatus,

continuous or partial sampling of language units and the like. The methodology covers all stages of the study:

Observation and collection of material,

The choice of units of analysis and the establishment of their properties,

description method,

Acceptance analysis,

The nature of the interpretation of the phenomenon under study.

Most good method and reception of the study may not give the desired results without the correct research methodology. When characterizing each of the linguistic directions and schools, methodological problems occupy either a greater or lesser place in this. The difference in schools within the same linguistic trend, direction most often lies not in research methods, but in various methods of analyzing and describing the material, the degree of their severity, formalization and significance in the theory and practice of research. Thus, for example, different schools of structuralism are characterized: Prague structuralism, Danish glossematics, American descriptivism.

Thus, methodology, method and methodology are closely related and complementary concepts. The choice in each case of one or another methodological principle, the scope of the method and methodology depends on the researcher, goals
and research objectives.



I. Methodology, method, technique: similarities and differences

Pedagogical activity requires clarity of the educational goal and an accurate understanding of specific tasks, the solution of which should lead to a positive result in the process of personality formation. This means that the teacher must be guided by evidence-based and proven practices that allow the individual to instill positive behavioral skills. When systematizing such techniques, a pedagogical method is developed.


Method in Pedagogy- this is a system of ways to influence the behavioral sphere of a person, aimed at the implementation of educational and educational tasks.

Admission to Pedagogy- a practical mechanism for the application of educational methods and technologies in the process of forming a conscious, comprehensive developed personality.


The pedagogical method reflects the basic principle of organizing the educational process as the interaction of all its participants. According to this principle, the methods of education and training can be classified as explanatory-reproductive, problem-situational, interactive, personality-oriented, binary, forming types of social behavior.

The classification of methods determines the general direction of the teacher's actions, which in practice is carried out in the form of pedagogical techniques: positive motivation through assessment, business game with elements of communicative exercises, student presentations, creating a problem situation and many other pedagogical discoveries.

Repeated repetition of techniques contributes to the development of skills that gradually turn into a skill. Skill, combined with skills and developed motivation for social communication, determines the type of human behavior.

Findings site

  1. Method - general direction pedagogical activity oriented to the behavioral and cognitive domain human consciousness. Admission is one of the elements of the practical organization of the educational process.
  2. Reception correlates with the method as private with the general.
  3. Classification pedagogical methods takes into account the goals and objectives that are priority for a particular type of pedagogical activity. Many pedagogical techniques are used as a practical tool for several methods at once.
  4. The method is always theoretically substantiated and tested. Reception is flexible and aimed at the practical solution of pedagogical problems.

method, Method, technique, technology as pedagogical concepts

In modern science and practice, one can often come across such concepts as “method”, “method”, “technique” and “technology”. At the same time, quite often one of these concepts is tried to be defined through the other. So, for example, you can find the following definition of the method of activity: “Method  ... reception, way or mode of action. Or: "Method  ... way organization of practical and theoretical development of activities, due to the laws of the object under consideration ". In turn, the concept of "method" dictionary S.I. Ozhegova defines it as follows: "A method is an action or a system of actions used in the performance of some work, in the implementation of something." From these definitions, it is completely unclear which of these two concepts is wider and which is narrower, and how they relate to each other. A similar picture, as we will see later, is also observed in relation to the concepts of "methodology" and "technology", and after all, all the above concepts are basic both in didactics and in the theory of education. Thus, it can be stated that there is a problem of ambiguity in the interpretation of the main, basic concepts pedagogical science and practice. Since in our case it is necessary to define not one concept, but to form an organized system of concepts fixed in terms, we will turn to the position of logic that "an organized terminological system provides for the relationship" one term - one concept ". At the same time, this system provides for the possibility of expressing one concept through another, or other concepts. Based on these provisions of logic, we will try to solve the following tasks: to define the above concepts in a pedagogical context; establish, if possible, their ratio.

Let us analyze the various definitions of the concepts "method", "method", "technique" and "technology", tabulating their various definitions in the interpretation of different authors.

The most common definitions of the concepts "method", "method", "technique" and "technology"

Table continuation

way theoretical research or the practical implementation of something.

way achieving any goal, solving a specific problem; a set of techniques or operations of practical or theoretical development (cognition) of reality ".

3. The technique is

totality methods teaching something, doing something in practice, as well as the science of teaching methods.

4. Technology is


a set of production processes in a particular industry, as well as a scientific description of production methods.


1) aggregate methods processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials, material or semi-finished products in the production process ... 2) the science of how raw materials, materials or semi-finished products are affected by the corresponding production tools.


totality methods processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials, material or semi-finished products in the production process.


systemic method evaluating the entire process of learning and mastering knowledge by taking into account human and technical resources and interaction between them to achieve more effective forms of education [UNESCO definition, op. according to 7, p.264].


art, craftsmanship, skill, totality methods processing, state changes.


cultural concept associated with human thinking and activity.


intellectual processing of technically significant qualities and abilities.


a body of knowledge about the methods of implementation of any processes.


organized, purposeful, deliberate pedagogical influence and impact on the educational process.


content technique for the implementation of the educational process.


a means of guaranteed achievement of learning objectives.


description of the process of achieving the planned learning outcomes .


a project of a specific pedagogical system, implemented in practice.

Table continuation


minimum pedagogical impromptu in practical teaching.

Literally, the word "method" comes from the Greek " methodos' and literally translates as ' path to something". The philosophical dictionary defines the method as follows: “... in the very general meaning it is a way to achieve the goal, a certain way ordered activity ".

As can be seen from this definition, it consists of two parts. The first part interprets the method, similarly to the definitions discussed above, as a way of activity in the interests of achieving the goal. The second part of it defines the method as an activity ordered in a certain way. Let's analyze both of these parts.

It follows from the first part that a method is a method. In turn, it was previously determined that the method is a system of actions, and the action has always been an element of activity. Thus, a method is an activity to achieve a specific goal. However, as shown above, way is also defined as "an action or system of actions used in the performance of some work, in the implementation of something." Accordingly, any work has a specific purpose and is carried out for the sake of this purpose. From this we can draw only one conclusion: the existing definitions of the concepts "method" and "method" practically do not differ from each other, and do not allow us to understand the differences between them.

This conclusion can be fully attributed to the concepts of "methodology" and "technology". All this gives rise to an urgent need to define the concepts: "method", "method", "method" and "technology".

Without pretending to be canonical, we propose the following definitions and their relationship, accompanying this process necessary explanations.

Way activities  is a set funds, methods and forms activities necessary for a given change in the initial state of the object of activity (subject of labor).

Graphically, this can be represented as follows.

Accordingly, in relation to training and education, this idea can be specified as follows.

Funds activities - this is a set of material and ideal objects, as well as functional human organs, with the help of which they produce a change in the state, properties and form of raw materials, material or semi-finished products in the process of activity.

Method this is a certain logical sequence of actions carried out in the interests of achieving the goal of the activity.

At the same time, this definition takes into account the meaning of the Greek word " methodos"and its literal translation:" path to something". Accordingly, the path involves some sequence of steps, stages that need to be done and overcome in order to reach its end, which is the ultimate goal of traveling along this path. Therefore, in this context, the concept of "method" was defined as a logical sequence of actions leading to the achievement of the goal. It can also be said that method- this is a set of actions taken in their logical sequence, which leads to the achievement of a given goal of the activity. However, in both cases, the path is not identical to the means and forms of its passage, that is, the concept of "method" is not identical to the concept of "method".

The form activity determines the nature of the relationship between the components of the activity process.

For example, in way metal processing, called "sawing", the following components can be distinguished: means activities  a file of a certain shape and purpose; method activities  reciprocating movements carried out by a file in a certain plane; the form activities  individual manual processing of metal.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that with the importance and inalienability of means and forms of activity in the structure of a certain method, it is still based on the method of activity, since it is in it that the actions necessary to achieve the goal of the activity are carried out, and the whole set of actions, which are, in fact, the activity itself, and form the essence of the method.

On this basis, it can be concluded that a method of activity can be called a set of methods and means adequate to them, as well as forms of a certain activity, or  a set of methods of this activity.

In relation to the field of education, the methodology subject, for example, defines "the tasks of studying a given subject and its content", as well as "the development of methods, teaching aids and organizational forms of training in accordance with the objectives and content of training". Based on this definition, it can be stated that the means and forms of activity are always inextricably linked with methods of activity and must be adequate to them. Abstracting from the definition of methodology as a science that explores the patterns of activity (in our case, learning), or as a science about methods of activity, we define it as follows.

Methodology activity is a set of methods of a certain activity with adequate means and forms.

In the development of any methodology, one can single out a certain logical sequence of actions. In a generalized form, such a sequence will look like it is shown in the figure.

Such activity in the sphere of production, for example, involves: processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of the object (subject) of activity. At the same time, since the definition of methodology contains, in addition to methods, also means and forms of activity, we can, in fact, speak not about a set of methods, but also about a set of ways of a certain activity.

Why does the term "method" come from the word "method" and not "method"?

First, if the set of methods is a technique, then, following the laws of logic, the set of methods is, respectively, “ method", and such a word in Russian, Ukrainian and other Slavic languages no. Therefore, the set of methods is still called a methodology.

Secondly, as mentioned above, the basis of the mode of activity is still the method of activity.

However, based on the analysis of the definitions of the concept of “technology” given in the table, which, like the methodology, interpret technology as a set of methods for a certain activity (processing), it is not clear how the methodology differs from technology. Let's try to understand this terminological problem.

First, in general definitions technology indicates that this activity is carried out "in the production process". At the same time, it should be noted that we are talking about material production, where “processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials, material or semi-finished products” is carried out.

Secondly, the concept of “methodology” is used mostly in relation to training and education (as, for example, by S.I. Ozhegov in), that is, in the humanitarian sphere, or in the sphere that can conditionally be called the sphere of spiritual production.

What is the difference between these two concepts that characterize human activity?

In the sphere of material production, due to the development of science, engineering and technology, humanity has managed to achieve guaranteed in terms of quality and quantity of performance.

Such successes in the field of spiritual production, in particular training and education, became possible only after the technique and technologies reached a certain level of development. These include the creation of adaptive learning systems, the use of multimedia tools for learning, including, for example, distance learning, the use of which has become possible due to the intensive development of computer technology. In other words, it can be stated that the guaranteed in terms of the quality and quantity of the result in the sphere of spiritual production, it became possible only thanks to success in the development of the sphere of production of material, or rather, thanks to the use of new, due to the development of technology and technology, means of spiritual production. Such means in training, for example, are: computers with appropriate software in the form of training and control programs; use of the international information network internet, including in the distance learning system; various kinds of modern projection equipment using liquid crystals, technically sophisticated training systems, etc., ending with the use of laser pointers.

It was the desire to obtain a result of activity guaranteed in terms of quality and quantity in the sphere of spiritual production that gave rise to the need to use such methods that, by analogy with the sphere of material production, would allow it to be obtained. They, accordingly, were called technologies in the humanitarian sphere in general and technologies of training and education (pedagogical technologies)  in the field of education in particular.

Taking into account the above reasoning, we can propose the following definition of general technology.

Technology a system of methods (methods, means and forms) of activity that ensures the receipt of a guaranteed final result in terms of quality and quantity.

At this stage of the discussion regarding educational technology (pedagogical) we can conclude the following.

1. Technology in the field of education is a technique that guarantees a high quality and quantity end result.

2. Obtaining a result of high quality and quantity when using educational technologies does not depend on the subject and object of training and education. At the same time, the methodology should always take into account their individual psychophysiological characteristics, is based on the intuition of the teacher, that is, it is the author's way of activity or a kind of author's technology.

3. Technology in education is a technique brought to perfection, in which, due to the use of a special combination of means, methods and forms of training and education, individual psychophysiological characteristics that prevent obtaining a guaranteed result are leveled. In this connection, it should be noted that this "special combination" is nothing but system activities with all the properties inherent in the system: constant focus on achieving the goal, high noise immunity, etc. It is these properties that are characteristic of any systems that ensure the guaranteed result of the activity.

4. Any technology is always based on a certain methodology and, conversely, any methodology is based on one or another technology adapted to the personality of the teacher and students. In this ratio, the technique is more of an art, and technology is more of a science. About this phenomenon V.P. Bespalko in the epigraph to the first chapter of his famous monograph “The terms pedagogical technology wrote: “Any activity can be either technology or art. Art is based on intuition, technology is based on science. Everything begins with art, ends with technology, so that everything starts all over again.”

Summing up our reasoning, we can define the relationship between these concepts.

^ Method activity is integral part, element way activities. In turn, the totality of activities is methodology activities. A technique that gives a guaranteed result, regardless of personal qualities subject and object of activity, can be considered technology.

This entire logical chain, having adapted it to the field of education, can be used to characterize the elements of the pedagogical process.


Dictionary of foreign words.  7th ed., revised.  M.: Russian language, 1979.  624 p.


Goncharenko S.U. Ukrainian Pedagogical Dictionary. - Kiev: Libid, 1997. - 376 p.


Toftul M.G. Logic. A guide for students of higher initial mortgages. - K., 1999. - 336 p.


Ozhegov S. I. Dictionary of the Russian language / Ed. Dr. philologist. sciences, prof. N. Yu. Shvedova. - 10th ed., stereotype. - M .: “Owls. Encyclopedia", 1975. - 846 p.


Big encyclopedic Dictionary: In 2 volumes / Ch. Ed. A.M. Prokhorov. - Owls. Encyclopedia, 1991. Vol.1. - 1991. - 863 p.


Big Encyclopedic Dictionary: In 2 volumes / Ch. Ed. A.M. Prokhorov. - Owls. Encyclopedia, 1991. V.2. - 1991. - 768 p.


Professional pedagogy: A textbook for students studying in pedagogical specialties and areas. - M .: Association " Professional education» 1997. - 512 p.


Philosophical Dictionary / Ed. I.T. Frolova. - 5th ed. - M.: Politizdat, 1987. - 590 p.


Bespalko V.P. Components of pedagogical technology. - M.: Pedagogy, 1989 - 192 p.

Vasiliev I.B.

Method, method, technique, technology as pedagogical concepts

An attempt is made to clarify the existing conceptual apparatus of pedagogy from the standpoint of the idea of ​​an organized terminological system. The author's interpretation of such concepts as "method", "method", "technique" and "technology" with their adaptation to the field of education is presented. Their correlation and interrelation are determined.

Vasiliev I.B.

Method, method, technique, technology as a pedagogical understanding

The attempt to clarify the basic conceptual apparatus of pedagogy from the position of representation about the organized terminological system was completed. The author's interpretation of such understanding as "method", "method", "technique" and "technology" with their adaptation to the sphere of knowledge is presented. Signed їhnє svіvіdshennya ta vzaєmozv "language.

I.B. Vasilyev

Method, Process, Technique, Technology as Pedagogical Concepts

In attempt has been made to specie by the existing conceptual apparatus of pedagogies from the point of view of an organized terminological system. The author's treatment of such concepts as "method", "process", "technique" and "technology" with their adaptation to the sphere of education is submitted. Their ratio and interrelation are determined.

Each of us has heard such concepts as a method or technique many times. But not many people may know that they are closely related, and sometimes they may think that these words are synonyms. You should know that the method is complemented by a methodology for approaching the problem. It should be borne in mind that when choosing one or another method for solving a problem, it is necessary to follow a certain methodology for resolving a particular situation.

The concept of method and methodology

The method is way of moving a goal or solving a specific problem. It can be described by all the views, techniques, methods and operations that are closely interconnected and create a kind of network. They are purposefully used in activities or in the learning process. The main reasons for choosing a method are the worldview of a person, as well as his goals and objectives.
Methods, in turn, can have their own groups. They are:

  1. Organizational.
  2. Empirical.
  3. Data processing.
  4. Interpretive.

Organizational methods is a group that includes complex, comparative and longitudinal methods. Thanks to comparative methods, it is possible to study objects according to their characteristics and indicators. Longitudinal methods allow you to examine the same situation or the same object over a certain amount of time. The complex method includes the consideration of the object and its study.

Empirical methods, first of all, observation and experiments. They also include conversations, tests and the like, a method of analysis, evaluation and products of activity.

The method of data processing includes statistical and qualitative analysis situation or object. The interpretation method includes a group of genetic and structural methods.

Each of the above methods is selected from the applied methodology. Each human activity can contain one or another decision method. Each of us decides how to act in specific situation based on external factors and signs. We evaluate what is happening and try to choose the right next steps with the maximum benefit and minimum negative. Nobody wants to lose and therefore does everything to prevent this from happening.

The methodology, in turn, is determined the totality of all techniques and methods in teaching or carrying out some work, process, as well as doing something. This is a science that can help implement any methods. It contains various ways and organizations in which the objects and subjects under study interact using specific material or procedures. The technique allows us to choose the most suitable method for the situation, which will allow us to move on, as well as develop. It also allows you to navigate in a particular situation, which makes it possible to move in right direction and choose the right method to solve the problem.

The difference between a method and a technique

The methodology includes more specifics and subject characteristics than a method. In other words, this science can provide a well-thought-out, adapted and prepared algorithm of actions that will solve a specific problem. But at the same time, such a clear sequence of actions is determined by the chosen method, which is characterized by its own principles.

chief hallmark technique from method is more detailed techniques and their applicability to the problem. The solution methods are more detailed, which allows the researcher to choose the right method and turn his plan into reality. In other words, the method is embodied due to the method. If a person chooses the appropriate method for solving a particular problem, based on a set of specific methods, then he will have several methods for solving, and he will also become more flexible in his approach to this situation.

Such a person will be hard to drive into a dead end, as he will be ready for anything. So, the method is nothing more than choosing the direction on the right path to successfully solving a problem, getting out of an unpleasant situation, or success in general. In addition, you still need to skillfully apply it. This will allow you to squeeze the maximum out of any situation, while allowing a minimum of errors. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right solution technique, based on the chosen method, which will allow you to find the right path and open your eyes to what is happening.

In addition to the above mandatory characteristics and requirements, scientific knowledge is guided by a number of methodological principles.

The main ones are:

1. The principle of objectivity. This is the requirement to consider the object as it is, regardless of the opinion and desire of the subject.

2. The principle of universal communication. This is a requirement to consider an object and take into account in working with it, as far as possible, the maximum number of its internal and external links.

3. The principle of development. This is a requirement to carry out cognition and take into account in activity that the object itself, the science that studies it, as well as the thinking of the cognizing subject develops.

When asserting something about an object, one should consider:

a) what his state or stage of development is in question in a particular case;

b) using a scientific statement, take into account that it belongs to the development of knowledge at any of its stages, in a certain historical period, and could already change.

4. The principle of integrity. This is a requirement to consider the object in terms of the dominance of the whole over the part.

5. The principle of consistency. This requirement is to consider an object systematically, taking into account its own system characteristics, where both the properties of the elements themselves and the connections between them are important and essential for the characteristics of the system. It is also important that the general, systemic characteristics as a whole can decisively influence the elements and relationships.

6. The principle of determinism. This requirement is to consider and include in the activity the object as a product of a complex of causes. It also takes into account the fact that all scientific provisions are formulated according to such a logical scheme: if this happens, then this will happen.

Great value to understand scientific knowledge has an analysis of the means of obtaining and storing knowledge. The means of obtaining knowledge are the methods of scientific knowledge. What is a method?

There are equal definitions of the method in the literature. We will use the one that, in our opinion, is suitable for the analysis of natural science. Method - it is a mode of action of the subject, aimed at the theoretical and practical mastery of the object.

Under subject in the broad sense of the word, all mankind in its development is understood. In the narrow sense of the word, the subject is a separate person, armed with the knowledge and means of cognition of his era. The subject can also be a certain scientific team, an informal group of scientists. Under object understands everything that is included in the scope cognitive activity subject. In the empirical, i.e. In experimental natural science, an object is some kind of fragment of reality. In theoretical natural science, an object is a logical construction of fragments of reality. We already know that these will be ideal models of fragments of reality or idealizations of certain real objects.

Any method is determined by the rules of the subject's action, which are based on certain known objective laws. Methods without subject action rules do not exist. Consider, for example, the method of spectral analysis. It is based on such an objective regularity: any chemical element, which has a certain temperature, gives a radiative emission or absorption spectrum, which has a number of characteristic lines.

Let's have a mixture chemical composition which is unknown. Taking the spectrum of this mixture and comparing it with known standards, we can easily determine the composition of the mixture. Even this elementary example shows that people strive to turn any knowledge into a method of obtaining new knowledge.

A method is a set of rules based on a certain pattern.

There may be an incorrect application of the method. This happens when the method is used where the pattern on which it is based does not work.

The methods used in natural science can be divided into:

general scientific - these are methods that are used in all natural sciences ah (eg, hypothesis, experiment, etc.); private methods are methods used only in narrow areas of specific natural sciences. For example, the method of integration by parts, the method conditioned reflexes etc.
empirical theoretical
Observation, experiment, measurement - comparison of objects, according to some similar properties or sides. Description - fixation by means of natural and artificial language of information about the object. Comparison - simultaneous correlative study and evaluation of properties or features common to two or more objects. Formalization is the construction of abstract mathematical models that reveal the essence of the studied processes of reality. Axiomatization is the construction of theories based on axioms. Hypothetical-deductive - the creation of a system of deductively interconnected hypotheses, from which statements about empirical facts are derived.

The specification of the application of any method is technique in the narrow sense of the word. For example, one of the integration methods, as we have already said, is integration by parts. Suppose we need to calculate the integral. It is taken in parts. Recall the formula for integration by parts . In our example and = x, a dv = sinx dx. This is an example of a methodology in the narrow sense of the word as a specification of a certain method.

Selection and application of methods and techniques in research work depends on the nature of the phenomenon under study and on the tasks that the researcher sets himself. AT scientific research not only a good method is important, but also the skill of its application.

There is no rigid connection between the method and the object under study. If it were, then progress in methods for solving the same problems would be impossible.

Under methodology in the broad sense of the word, they understand the doctrine of the method, i.e. the theory of the method itself.

In the theory of the method, at least the following problems must be solved:

What is the pattern on which the method is based?

What are the rules of the subject's action (their meaning and sequence) that make up the essence of the method?

What is the class of problems that can be solved using this method?

What are the limits of applicability of the method?

How connected this method with other methods? For science in general, including natural science, it is important to know not only the theory of individual methods, but also the theory of the entire system of methods used in natural science or in its separate industry. Therefore, the most complete definition methodology is: methodology is a system of principles and methods of organizing and constructing theoretical and practical activities, as well as the doctrine of this system.

In general, many different definitions of the methodology of science have been proposed. In our opinion, we can proceed from the following definition of methodology: science methodology- this is a scientific discipline that provides a fairly complete and usable knowledge about the properties, structures, patterns of emergence, functioning and development of scientific knowledge systems, as well as their relationships and applications.

There are various methodology levels. Philosophical level methodology is common system principles and regulations human activity. They are set by the theory of knowledge, which is developed within the framework of philosophy.

Distinguish content and formal methodology natural science knowledge.

The structure of scientific knowledge and scientific theory;

Laws of generation, functioning and change of scientific theories;

The conceptual framework of science and its individual disciplines;

Characteristics of explanation schemes adopted in science;

Theories of methods of science;

Conditions and criteria of scientific character;

The formal aspects of the methodology are related to the analysis:

The language of science formalized methods of cognition;

structures scientific explanation and descriptions.

Methodological analysis can be carried out at the specific scientific and philosophical levels, the latter being the highest and defining level of methodologies. Why?

At the philosophical level, the analysis is carried out in the context of solving the fundamental worldview problems of a person's relationship to reality, the place and significance of a person in the world.

Problems to be solved here:

The relationship of knowledge to reality;

The relationship of the subject to the object in cognition;

Places and roles of these forms of knowledge or methods of research in the system of man's cognitive attitude to the world.

The problems of the scientific method were widely discussed already in the period of the formation of experimental natural science. Thus, during the Renaissance, it was realized that scientific method includes experimental (experimental) and theoretical beginnings, the latter is embodied primarily in mathematics.

The development of the theoretical basis of the scientific method was accompanied by the development of powerful research tools. “Theory,” writes L. de Broglie, “must also have its own tools in order to be able to formulate its concepts in strict form and strictly derive from them sentences that could be exactly compared with the results of the experiment; but these tools are mainly tools of an intellectual order, mathematical tools, if I may say so, which the theory gradually received thanks to the development of arithmetic, geometry and analysis and which do not cease to multiply and improve ”(De Broglie L. On the paths of science. - M., 1962, p. 163).

What is the value of mathematics for natural science?

In the process of the development of knowledge, there is a change in those mathematical disciplines that interact most strongly with natural science. At the same time, it is very important that mathematics can prepare new forms "for future use". The example of the mathematization of physics says not only that certain physical theories have their own mathematics. Most notably, the relevant branches of mathematics in their main outlines often arose independently and before the advent of these theories themselves. Moreover, the use of these sections of mathematics was necessary condition development of new directions of research. Mathematics anticipated the development of physics. In the history of physics, surprising coincidences between the results of mathematics and experimental reality have occurred more than once. It is in this anticipation that the whole force of the instrumental character of mathematics is manifested.

The gradual mastery of the principles of the scientific method in the Renaissance led natural science to develop the first scientific theories as relatively integral conceptual systems. These were, first of all, Newton's classical mechanics, and then classical thermodynamics, classical electrodynamics, and, finally, the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Scientific theories are the main form of expression of knowledge. In physical and mathematical natural science, the development of theories is the result of the persistent application of mathematics and the painstaking development of experiment. The development of theory had a significant rebound effect on the very method of science.

scientific method became inseparable from scientific theory, its application and development. The true scientific method is theory in action. Quantum mechanics is not only a reflection of the properties and patterns of physical processes on an atomic scale, but also the most important method for further knowledge of microprocesses. A geneticist is not only a reflection of the properties and patterns of the phenomena of heredity and variability in the development of living systems, but also the most important method of understanding the deep foundations of life.

To fulfill the function of a method, a theory must satisfy the following requirements:

1) be fundamentally verifiable;

2) have maximum generality;

3) have predictive power;

4) be fundamentally simple;

5) be systematic.

In concluding this question, we note that, especially in our time, it is important not just to state, for example, environmental issues, but the development of ways, methods and means of their real solution. And it is extremely important that it is physics that is the testing ground on which new means of cognition are born and tested, the foundations of the scientific method are improved.