I dreamed of a broken wrist watch. What did the clock dream about? Why dream of a wristwatch according to other dream books

Why did the Clock dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

A clock in a dream is a symbol of an important person who will bring certain changes into your life.

  • Why dream of a big wall clock- the authorities will ask you to make an important decision in record time.
  • Small wristwatch - to sudden changes in family life.
  • Why dream of a clock that strikes - this is a symbol of the completion of an important matter. The dream warns you that there is little time left. If you do not make it in time, your success may sink into the abyss.
  • if you dreamed of an expensive watch, wait for a visit important person, which will turn your view of pressing matters.

What did the Hours move dream about (Psychiatric dream book)

What is the clock for? From time immemorial, watches have been considered a symbol of fleeting time.

  • If you saw a clock, you subconsciously understand that you will soon miss some important chance, if you have not already missed it.
  • see how you buy new watch, you yourself understand that you treat some life moments with carelessness or do not know how to navigate difficult life situations.
  • Seeing a broken watch is a cry from your subconscious that you are no longer the same person as you were before. Everything changes, and you have changed, and that's good.

Why the Clock is dreaming (Romantic dream book)

  • If you dreamed of a watch, you will soon become the object of someone's attention. This will lead to the dawn in your personal life.
  • To see a large wall clock - to meet your loved one soon, to family well-being and long, sincere love.
  • You listen to the clock and count how many beats are left before noon expect great happiness in your personal life.

Why does a woman dream of a watch (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

  • Why dream of a watch- there is very little time left for an important event in your life.
  • Determine the time in a dream by a watch that does not have a dial,- a harbinger of serious danger.
  • Why dream of the sound of a clock - your life will not get better for a long time. You are destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

The meaning of the dream about the Clock (Russian folk dream book)

What is the clock for? A dreaming clock - this symbol corresponds in our subconscious with time. In some cases, the clock symbolizes age. There is a belief that if the clock has stopped in the house, then this is a bad sign.

  • You are afraid to be late and look at your watch all the time - this means that in reality you have a chance that you are afraid to miss.
  • Why dream of breaking your watch in a dream, in reality, you find yourself in a difficult, confusing situation.
  • You buy yourself a new watch, indicates your carelessness and inability to cope with the situation.

Worldly interpretation of a dream about the Clock (allegory of the writer Aesop)

What is the clock for? According to the dream book, this symbol is associated in our subconscious with time and inevitability. In some cases, the clock symbolizes age and health. There is a belief among the people that if the clock stops in the house, this is a bad sign. It is not customary to give watches to young people for a wedding, as folk wisdom says: “ happy hours are not watching."

  • If in a dream you are afraid to be late somewhere and look at your watch all the time, in reality you missed your chance, which is given to a person infrequently.
  • A stopped clock is dreaming - a sign of sad news and disappointments.
  • If in a dream you heard the chime of a clock that had stopped long ago,- it threatens you with serious troubles. You or your loved ones may find themselves without a livelihood. You are at risk of serious illness.
  • To dream that you are buying yourself a new watch indicates your carelessness and inability to navigate in difficult circumstances.
  • Break your watch in a dream - in reality you will find yourself in a very delicate situation.
  • If in a dream you are afraid to oversleep and set yourself an alarm clock on your watch- it means that in reality you have to experience the bitterness of disappointment and listen to unfair accusations.
  • Why dream of a broken watch - it reminds you that nothing stands still, everything changes.
  • Do you see how sand flows in the hourglass,- this is a reminder to you that time is moving inexorably and if you do not hurry, then your opportunities will be irretrievably lost.
  • You are trying to repair the clock - testifies to your fruitless attempts to stop the inevitable.

I had a dream about the Clock (we guess from the Erotic Dream Book)

  • Why dream about a watch - a dream watch reminds you of an important matter, your unfulfilled plans and dreams.
  • If in a dream you hear the chime of the clock, this means that you are a very sensitive person, reacting to the slightest irritation - some sounds, light touches, the timbre of your voice.
  • I dreamed that the clock was running forward, the dream speaks of your disappointment and unsatisfied desires.
  • To see the mechanism of a working clock - everything is in order with your health.
  • To dream that the clock is behind- you have a long and stormy love story, complete sexual harmony with a new partner.
  • In the same case, if you dreamed of a broken, stopped watch, it can be assumed that some kind of failures also occurred in your sex life.

Analysis of the dream in which the Clock was dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

  • In a dream, let the watch on your hand - a dream indicates that you will be rewarded for the work you have done, only this reward is not material.
  • if you dreamed of a large wall or floor clock, it means that you will be surprised by sex with a person whom you always thought of as very reserved and dry. It turns out that in an informal setting this person expresses his feelings very clearly, so there is no doubt about his emotionality.
  • Why do tower clocks dream - it means that you have to find out some very important news, and long-awaited.
  • A broken watch is a symbol of bad sex. You are too direct and do not want to come to terms with some, in your opinion, of your partner's eccentricities, and he, in turn, does not want to give up these quirks. Someone has to take the first step, right?

Interpretation of the Hours from the dictionary-dream book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

  • A watch is dreaming, symbolizes a new daily activity, obligations.
  • Looking at a watch or finding it in a dream means rushing things in reality.
  • I dreamed of an expensive, beautiful watch - a successful, profitable marriage.
  • To dream that the clock has stopped - the death of one's own or a very important person, parents.
  • I dreamed of an hourglass - a feeling of the transience of my life.
  • I dreamed of a cuckoo clock - a long life.
  • Seeing a clock with a pendulum in a dream can symbolize the work of the heart.

What is the dream of the Clock (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Looking at the clock in a dream means that your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.
  • Dreaming of breaking the clock, portends troubles and losses.
  • Breaking glass in a watch in a dream is a harbinger of frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society.
  • If a woman loses her watch in a dream, it means that domestic troubles will cause misfortune.
  • I dreamed of a watch presented as a gift - it means that you are in trouble.
  • If you hear the beat of a clock, upsetting news is possible.

The meaning of sleep about the Wrist (Wangi's Dream Book)

  • If you saw an old clock in a dream, then the dream indicates that the time has come to reflect on your past: did you live with dignity, did good or bad deeds, what mark will you leave behind on Earth.
  • If you dreamed of a wall clock, you do not value your life at all. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not allow it to pass you by.
  • Why dream of a watch - there is very little time left for an important event in your life.
  • Determine the time in a dream by the clock, which do not have a dial - a harbinger of serious danger. The dream prophesies a great tragedy, which you can survive only by turning to God for help.
  • Hear the sound of a clock in a dream- a prophecy that your life will not get better for a long time. It will seem to you that God has turned away from you, but this is not so, it’s just that you are destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

Clock in night dreams (interpretation of the Esoteric dream book)

  • To put on a wrist watch, to see serviceable, going to well-coordinated work; you are making good use of your time.
  • Broken, stopped clock- problems with time, you do not fit into its course. In this regard, you will be forever late not only in everyday life, but also when “distributing blessings”.
  • Lose, drop watches - you missed the time, and your place is both personal and public life will be occupied by others.
  • Why dream of a clock on the wall- a fateful time for you and your family. Be careful, do not miss opportunities, do not neglect dangers.
  • The tower chimes are striking, the clock is ringing to important events in the state, which will affect your life. Looks like you do not have enough internal stability in order not to be afraid of any external events.

The meaning of the dream about the Wall (Numerological dream book)

The meanings of dreams with the number "1" on the clock face

  • Why dream of a large wall clock on which the number “1” stands out brightly means that in one month you will win the attention of a person you really like.
  • If there are no more numbers on the watch dial besides one, then this means that you are too self-confident - moderate your ambitions, otherwise in a month you will quarrel with good friends.
  • If in a dream both hands of the wall clock point to one, then this is a direct indication that you need to start acting. The people you met last week will be your teachers in your new business and help you make good money.
  • She dreams that the hands on the clock are crooked or broken, then you should not be deceived by the first victory, it will be followed by a losing streak that will last a whole year.
  • To translate the hands of the clock to the hour of the day in a dream means that in 19 days you will be sued.
  • If the unit on the watch dial stands out brightly, then you will win the case, but if it is written clumsily or carelessly, then you will be a loser, and within a year you will have to clear up this mess.
  • Why do you dream of a digital wall clock on which 00:01 is displayed means that in reality you will enter into an argument with your inner circle and after 64 days you will make an important discovery.
  • If the clock is 01:00, then be prepared for the fact that they will slander you - do not be discouraged, in a month the situation will clear up and everything will fall into place again.
  • You look at the digital clock and from the numbers displayed on the scoreboard, by adding you get the number "1", this indicates that in reality you will have to reconsider your goals, they are outdated and you will have to abandon them. This is an interpretation of what images are dreaming of.
  • For women, a dream in which they easily add up the numbers on the clock and get a unit predicts easy and quick wins on love front. This is 20:08, 21:07, 09:10 and so on. If in a dream you experience difficulties with calculations, then in reality, self-doubt and self-doubt will prevent you from achieving success in your professional and personal fields.

Meanings of dreams with the number "2" on the clock

  • Looking at a wall clock in a dream and seeing that the number “2” stands out brightly on them means that you are going to be invited to some important event. If it takes place two weeks after you dream about the clock, then as a result you will get a lot of interesting offers and you can choose which job to take.
  • Watching an electronic watch in a dream and seeing the time on the scoreboard, which, as a result of adding the numbers that make it up, gives a deuce, means that you have lost sight of something important to you, and therefore are temporarily out of the game.
  • Why do watches dream, if they show 00:02, then in 2 days you will be able to visit government agency, which you can not get into for a long time.
  • Spending 2 minutes or 2 hours on something in a dream - in 2 years you will complete the business, which you will take up in 2 days with two like-minded people. This business will be profitable, it will make you not only a financially independent person, but will also bring fame in your professional circle.

What is the dream of the number "4" on the watch dial

  • You look at your wristwatch and see that both hands point to the number "4", which means that you have become too important and solid, and this prevents you from perceiving new information.
  • If you experience at least some emotions when you look at your watch, then in life you are depressing by your inability to free yourself from the conditions and attitudes that bind you. But soon a wonderful person will appear in your life, with whom you have already glimpsed 4 times, and will help you fall out of your rut.
  • Why dream of a wall clock, on the dial of which the four stands out brightly, means that you are behaving so correctly and righteously that there is absolutely nothing to reproach you for, and therefore it is simply ... boring with you. Perhaps people see you as some kind of sinless saint.
  • If in a dream you look at the clock face and in particular at the number "4" with some fear or dislike, then in reality you are tired of being clean and having a spotless reputation, so go to your meeting and let yourself relax in cheerful company! Moreover, in 22 days you will have a great opportunity to do this.
  • But if in a dream you don’t care what’s on the clock, or you experience a feeling of joy when looking at the four, then in life you only seem to be a righteous person, in fact you are sinful and how! You just know how to throw dust in your eyes. However, advice to you: become yourself, you have already made four unforgivable mistakes!
  • You look at the digital clock and see that 00:04 is displayed on the scoreboard, then after 40 days you will get two jobs and will spin like clockwork to get as much as possible more money, since the implementation of all your plans for the next 4 months rests on a banal lack of money. If you are late somewhere, then in reality you will not be able to earn the required amount and you will have to borrow the missing money from someone from your environment.
  • If 00:40 is on the clock display, then you buy yourself a computer, car or new apartment, and the more pleasant your dream, the more satisfaction you will receive from your acquisition in reality. This is an interpretation of what images are dreaming of.
  • She dreams that some other time is indicated on the electronic clock, for example, 17:05, 23:44 and so on(when you add up all the numbers, you get the number “4”), this means that you need to patiently wait for the results of your work, you planted a seed and watered it, nothing else is required of you - wait and do not get ahead of events. You will witness unexpected transformations in the personal lives of others. Most importantly, do not try to forcefully accelerate events and intervene in what is happening, so you will only harm yourself and do not expect anything good.
  • If you spend 4 minutes or hours on some business in a dream, then in life you will be disappointed in a friend, and this will happen in 4 weeks.

Why dream of a watch with the number "5" on the dial

  • Why dream of looking at a watch and seeing clearly only the number "5" on the dial means that you are trying in reality to look like a different person than you really are.
  • If you look at the wall clock and see a five on them, then someone from your environment is trying to throw dust in your eyes. Perhaps this person's phone number ends with "32" or he lives on the 5th floor.
  • You look at the digital clock and see how 00:05 is displayed on the scoreboard, which indicates that you want too much in life, your ambitions are too great and conflict with the needs and plans of others. Try to moderate your ambitious desires for 5 years, only after this period you can become what you see yourself in your dreams. This is a transcript of what the clock is dreaming of.
  • Seeing in a dream a scoreboard of an electronic clock, on which 05:00 or 00:50 is brightly lit, is a period of forced downtime in business and lack of money. After 14 days, you will be able to borrow a large amount money for for a long time. If you are sure that you will be able to give it away, then feel free to take the money and do with it what will benefit your business. But if there is even the slightest doubt that you will be able to give this amount, then it is better to endure a difficult period of need so as not to fall into an even more difficult situation later.
  • To see another time on the electronic display of the clock, the numbers of which, when added, give a five, for example, 17:06, 09:05 and so on, means that after 5 months you will know the real strong feeling, but it will only bring you pain, because you will love a person with whom you can never connect.

Meanings of sleep with the number "6" on the watch face

  • You look at your watch and see only a six on the dial, then you can stop doubting: you did the right thing, and if you accepted the offer that was made to you 6 days ago, then in six months you will reap the benefits and praise yourself for prudence and wisdom.
  • Why dream of a watch on which the number "6" is all mangled or covered with dirt, then your actions and decisions will benefit only you, and everyone else will suffer by your mercy and because of your selfishness.
  • You see that all the numbers on the watch dial are sixes, then this is a sign from above: you take your duties too lightly, so you may not notice that an error has crept into the documents. If you skip it and don’t fix it, then you won’t see any bonuses, promotions, or out of turn vacations. So be vigilant and try to focus your attention on the 15th and 14th of this month. In addition, the whole of June will be tense and troublesome for you, do not relax if you do not want problems at work. For schoolchildren, this dream promises the fulfillment of their desire if they complete the work they started 14 days ago.
  • You look at your wristwatch and see that both hands point to the number "6", then in 6 days you will become the owner of knowledge that will help you achieve what you secretly dream of. For women, this dream promises a complete victory in love due to the fact that they learn the secrets of their rivals and can use them to their advantage. But if the glass on the wrist watch is cracked, then the rivals will not doze off either and will strike a strong blow.
  • Seeing an electronic clock display in a dream is a warning to you. Pay attention to the time that is displayed on it - this is symbolic. Let's say 00:06 - you made a mistake in love affair, but oddly enough, your miscalculation will serve you good service and will bind you and your loved one even stronger.
  • According to the dream book, if you see that 06:00 is displayed on the clock display, then be prepared for the fact that after 51 days you will unexpectedly accomplish a real feat and find yourself in the spotlight. Perhaps articles about you will appear in all the central newspapers, and your face will flicker for several days on all channels of the local body. Try with honor to pass the test of glory and not be conceited.
  • Why dream of seeing 17:34 on the scoreboard - to hard physical labor. For girls, this dream predicts the danger of overwork and a protracted illness.
  • If any other time is displayed on the clock display, which, as a result of adding all the numbers, gives a six, for example, 24:00 or 18:33, it means that you work too much, your body will soon fail if you do not spare yourself and give to your mind and body good vacation. Go to nature, relieve yourself of stress.

Meanings of dreams with the number "7" on the clock face

  • Looking at a watch in a dream and seeing that there is only one number on the watch face - “7” - this is your creative nature making itself felt.
  • If you are sad that all the other numbers on the clock are missing, then in life you have just accepted one offer that worries you extremely, because you are unsure of your abilities and capabilities.
  • If you don’t care or are even pleased that there is nothing else on the clock face other than “7”, then this means that you are ready to make every effort and talent to do what you were offered. In any case, after 16 days you will receive the first result and understand whether you have taken up your business.
  • If 07:00 is displayed on the electronic clock display, this means that in the next week you will be able to conquer the peaks of parnassus or shine on stage.
  • You see that on the wall clock both hands point to the number "7", then after 88 days an important conversation will take place for you, during which you will decide on a serious operation or move to another city.
  • Why dream of an electronic clock on which 00:07 is displayed means that a person you barely know hates you. Perhaps it is precisely because you do not perceive him as an enemy that you run the risk of falling into the trap he has prepared. To prevent this from happening, be careful on the 7th, 16th and 25th of the next month.
  • If any other time is lit on the clock, which consists of numbers, when added together forming a seven, then the entertainment that you have been dreaming of for 7 months is waiting for you in reality.

The meanings of dreams with the number "8" on the clock face

  • You look at your wristwatch and notice only the number “8” on them, then this is a symptom of an approaching ill health.
  • If, apart from the figure eight, there is nothing on the watch dial, no numbers, no arrows, then you will be sick hard and for a long time, you will have to take a long vacation and leave 80 kilometers from your current location. This is an interpretation of what images are dreaming of.
  • You look at the wall clock and see that both hands point to the number "8", which means that you can count on friendly help and participation in your affairs of everyone who is dear to you. Especially important for you will be the advice of a person who is 8 or 17 years older or younger than you.
  • You hear the clock strike 8 times or the cuckoo calls the same number of times, then in reality you can show your artistic gift and become famous for your wonderful playing on stage. This dream is especially good for students. theater faculty– he tells them that they have absolutely correctly chosen a specialty.
  • You look at the digital clock and 00:08 is displayed on the scoreboard, then after 8 days a serious change will occur in your life, one of the people you love will go to jail. Be prepared for this test and don't get discouraged.
  • According to the dream book, if you see 01:07 on the electronic clock, then know that your fate depends on the person you met on July 1 last year. If you are with him this moment in a quarrel, then urgently put up!
  • If 00:17 is displayed on the clock display, then someone from your environment, who is 17 years old, has serious problems. Perhaps these are your children or sisters and brothers. Help them, because it is difficult for them to deal with the problems that have fallen on them alone.
  • Why dream of 00:26 highlighted on the scoreboard means that in life you are connected by common interests with a person who is 26 years old, or you have been friends with him for 26 years. Perhaps in the near future you will have to do what you love with this person.
  • You see that on the electronic watch any other time, which, as a result of adding all the numbers that make it up, gives a figure eight, for example, 17:00 or 19:34, then in reality you will languish with boredom and look for an opportunity to get acquainted with unusual people or do something original.

Meanings of dreams with the number "9" on the clock face

  • It is good to see an ordinary wall clock, on which a nine stands out brightly, which means that in reality you will take a risky step and do something that no one expects from you.
  • If both hands of the clock point to nine, then in nine weeks the long-awaited guests will come to you or you will receive news that will give you all the trump cards and allow you to win an honorable victory over competitors and rivals.
  • Why dream of an electronic clock on which 09.00 or 00.09 is displayed means anxious waiting: do nothing until you receive a notification that it is time to act.
  • If the electronic clock shows 09:09, then you should think about the means by which you are going to achieve your goal.
  • If the electronic watch is broken, then do not hesitate, if you get down to business now, then soon you will have a lot of money.
  • Why do you dream of a cuckoo clock and hear how the bird says its “cuckoo” nine times, it means that in reality you will fall out of the common cause. If the voice of the cuckoo in the clock is sonorous, then after a certain time you will return to business, you just need rest. If the cuckoo in the clock has a hoarse voice, then you will be bypassed and squeezed out, at work you will lose your place, and a split will occur in the family.

Depending on the plot, a watch in a dream can either rush the sleeping person to do something or keep him from a hasty decision or act.

A dream in which a watch is present is always related to the sleeper himself, to what concerns him.

To receive a watch as a gift in a dream is an opportunity to realize one's own potential in reality at the expense of others.

If you didn’t like the wristwatch you received as a gift, didn’t match your taste or style, you will be forced to do something that you really don’t have a soul for, however, later it turns out that it brought you considerable benefit.

Every now and then look at the clock on your hand in a dream, not understanding why you are doing this and why you need to know the time - to the loss of a good chance in the area of ​​interest to you.

The fight of the clock in a dream portends trouble.

Breaking a watch is a signal of carelessness and poor life orientation.

A golden watch dreams of a successful undertaking, a great start.

To find them is to catch in reality an extremely rare chance for good luck.

See in a dream that different watches show different times - to unfair accusations or life uncertainty. You should make sure that what you are doing is correct and legal.

If in a dream you were presented with a watch, it means that in life you will receive help or an impetus to some kind of action, new beginnings. If you are given a wrist watch, it can also warn of an attempt to interfere in reality with your personal life and even turn it in a different direction. Pay attention to the personality of the donor and the feelings experienced at the same time, did you like the watch received as a gift? Are you faced with the need to wear a thing that you do not like?

I dreamed of stealing a watch - in real life someone abuses you in the most unceremonious way, robs you of time that was meant for something else.

I happened to steal a watch from someone myself - the same can be said about you. In your environment there is a person whom you simply interfere with.

Pay attention to the readings of the clock face, try to remember the numbers indicated by the minute and hour hands. To decipher them, refer to the appropriate interpretation.

If you dreamed of a watch according to Tsvetkov's dream book

In general, the clock seen in a dream is a call for self-control and a reminder of the rapid passage of time.

The watch on the hand is dreaming of a significant event in his personal life.

Tower - something significant is coming in the life of society. Most likely negative.

Buying a watch is a dream as advice to more reasonably allocate your time, enter a regime or make a plan so as not to stagnate and not return several times to the same thing.

To start the clock ahead of the time at which you need to wake up or do something - such a dream suggests that you are used to reinsuring yourself in everything, thereby creating inconvenience to yourself. Live easier.

A golden watch in a dream is a sign that a fruitful period is coming or a time that you will remember as the best in your life.

Also, a gold watch is dreamed of as a reminder that time is precious, and you treat it lightly.

If in a dream you happened to find a watch - a period of active, vigorous activity begins, you, if you try, can successfully start new project, master the new kind activities.

If the clock was found in a dream by a young unmarried girl- this is a reminder that time in terms of arranging her personal life does not work for her.

We saw an electronic watch in a dream - you are too conservative. What you spend time doing the old fashioned way can be done much faster and more productively with modern technology.

dreamed broken watch- waste your time on something.

Received a wrist as a gift - get help in some business, a hint or advice. In any case, this will move your affairs forward a lot or get them off the ground.

I dreamed that they were giving a gold watch - this help or advice would be truly invaluable for you.

Steal them - such a dream says that you will steal someone's time or idea, use the results of other people's labors.

If in a dream the watch was stolen from you, you yourself will suffer through someone else's fault. If you are doing creative activity, you can become a victim of plagiarism.

Watch repair dreams of trying to systematize or fix something in your life.

The meaning of sleep hours - Hasse's dream book

A golden watch is dreamed of as a sign of the value of the time allotted to a person for earthly life.

Find them in a dream - good sign promising the successful use of the presented opportunity.

If the sleeper found a watch lying in a hidden, hard-to-reach place (in the grass, tree hollow, etc.), then he will be able to use the chance, the probability of which was very small.

A watch on your hand dreams of changes in your personal life.

If they were broken or broken, these changes will be negative.

Buying a watch in a dream is a good change. You can expect a favorable life period, a new undertaking, the realization of your plans - everything that will turn your fate for the better.

Especially favorable is the dream in which you happened to buy a gold watch.

But if you came to the watch store and couldn’t find anything for yourself, make a mistake in choosing in reality.

I dreamed that your wristwatch stopped - you will get into trouble. If you do not take the dream into account and do not be careful, death may overtake.

If the cuckoo wall clock stops, one of your family members may die.

A broken glass in a clock that continues to run is a dream that indicates that you are over-dramatizing what is happening. Life goes on as usual, it has not stopped, and your current troubles will soon be forgotten.

I dreamed that you were presented with a wristwatch - you will spend an unforgettable time thanks to the person who made this gift to you.

If you don’t like the watch you donated, you will appreciate this person and what he does for you much later.

A dream in which a dead man gives you a watch indicates that you should be grateful to him for something and pay this lifetime debt with prayers for him.

Why the clock is dreaming - an esoteric dream book

Your own wrist or pocket watch, which is in good condition, dreams of coordinated actions, successful work and the positive changes taking place against this background.

I dreamed that your watch stopped or started to go wrong - everything will go awry and may even end tragically.

An expensive watch in a dream reminds you how precious our time is, and right now you have the opportunity to do something for future prosperity.

Seeing an hourglass in a dream is an indication that you may be late to do something. You put off something for too long, or perhaps you simply forgot about it.

The tower clock dreams of imminent danger. This may concern not only you, but also the people around you and even the whole settlement.

Breaking a clock in a dream is a missed opportunity, someone else will take your place.

Hearing the chimes in a dream is a formidable warning, danger, a fateful moment in the life of the country, which will invariably be reflected in your personal destiny.

Wall Clock stopped or broke - such a dream warns that trouble may come to your house.

If you dream that in your apartment all the clocks are different times, then in the family there is a discord, a divergence of interests, a disorder of mutual understanding.

An unnaturally large clock in a dream suggests that you lack the willpower, the spirit, to bring at least some semblance of order and self-control into your life.

Received a watch as a gift in a dream - fate will be merciful to you, but you should not waste time in vain so as not to lose Fortune's favor.

If a loved one gives them, you will go through life together.

The dead man is dreaming, and he gives a watch - during his lifetime he did something, the fruits of which you, under a successful set of circumstances, can use.

Buying a watch in a dream is to achieve happiness with your own hands, work. You will not get anything in life just like that, but you will not miss yours.

If in a dream you tried to repair a watch, you can talk about the action of the mother matrix, which seeks to restore mechanical repeatability.

In some cases, dreaming of a broken watch gives out mental instability, an obsessive state, the presence of an irreversible program in the action of the deviation monitor.

Why the clock is dreaming, Longo's dream book

I dreamed of a watch on my hand - expect imminent changes.

If they were expensive, such that you cannot afford in real life, something joyful, very good will happen in your personal life.

An old watch is dreamed of as a reminder of something not done, for example, an unpaid debt.

Finding such a watch in a dream is a hint that the solution to the issue that concerns you at the moment can be found in your own past, since something similar has already happened to you.

If a woman dreams that she has found a watch, she should pay more attention to the reality of her own appearance and state of health, because both of them will very soon begin to give her not the most pleasant sensations.

Buying watches, choosing them in a store in a dream - to recognize old mistakes, revise principles and routines, and put current affairs in order.

If in a dream you were presented with a watch, someone will pay the necessary attention, help in some way, or just have a good time with you.

A dream in which a woman sees on her hand Men's Watch, says that she has a masculine mindset and is quite capable of achieving a lot herself, but this is partly what repels the representatives of the stronger sex from her.

A woman's watch on a man's hand indicates to the dreamer that he is used to being guided in his real life by feelings, although it would be more logical for a man to listen to the voice of reason.

Clock, English dream book

A beautiful watch on your hand is a dream as evidence that you devote a lot of time to hobbies and fun, and also give a lot of effort and money in reality to furnish yourself with beautiful things. To some extent, this comes at the expense of everything else.

To receive a watch as a gift - such a dream promises you another chance to achieve what you want. If you recognize the person who gave them to you - somehow this will happen thanks to this person.

I dreamed that your watch was broken - you will suffer a loss.

Selling watches in a dream - for the long-awaited rest that you have earned.

Start - to routine, monotonous work.

Buying watches for home - such a dream promises a peaceful and harmonious family life.

Choose wrist - your self-esteem will increase, and there will be reasons for this.

A watch without a dial is a dream unfortunately.

What is the dream of the clock - modern dream book

Finding a watch in a dream is a warning that your life can hardly be called orderly and stable. It's time to wake up and pull yourself together.

If a sleeping person found a watch that turned out to be faulty, in the coming days you should not make fateful decisions in reality or go on long journeys.

Losing hours in a dream is an unworthy or simply meaningless activity.

I dreamed that they began to look for them - you will fight with bad habit. How successful depends on the search results.

Buy a watch as a gift - such a dream plot suggests that you will try to re-educate someone or warn against erroneous behavior.

Measuring watches in a store in a dream is a reason to look at what is happening differently, from a different angle. Perhaps this will change something in your life for the better.

Break - to a nervous breakdown, emotional shock.

A dreaming clock can not only tell a lot about the passage of time and your rational use of it or waste, but also indicate accuracy, mechanical repetition. Great importance it has what kind of clock you dreamed about, the interpretation of dreams varies greatly depending on whether it was a wall clock or a wrist clock, an old one, a tower clock, just a dial, and so on. Good luck will bring, on which the clock hung.

Dreamed of a wall clock

AT esoteric dream book it is said that a wall clock in a dream means an offensive in your life important point, which can provide big influence for a future fate. According to interpreters, it is important at this time to exercise reasonable caution and don't miss the good time. For Hasse, such a dream is a harbinger of the death of a loved one, and Nostradamus considers such a dream an indication of an upcoming event that will have a decisive impact on your life. Interpreter Vanga notes that a wall clock in a dream is an indication that you do not value your own life enough, do not think about its transience. In Freud's dream book, wall clocks are mentioned as an opportunity to discover new sexual sides of a partner who previously seemed to you not sensual enough.

Watch in a dream

Vanga believes that it is a wristwatch, and not a wall clock, that dreams of approaching an important period of your life, while Nostradamus, in his dream book, considers such a dream as a direct indication of the lack of time to complete what was planned. In the esoteric dream book, a watch is considered to be a symbol of well-established work and the correctness of actions.

Freud in his dream book mentions dreams in which you bring your watch. In his opinion, this dream suggests that the work that you did a long time ago will finally be paid, while the interpreter assures that the reward may turn out to be intangible.

Dreaming about an old clock

For Nostradamus, such a dream is an indication of the need to repent of the mistakes made earlier. The interpreter specifies that, perhaps, the misconduct of your ancestors will be the cause of remorse. Vanga in his dream book notes that the appearance of an old clock in a dream is a message about the need to stop and look back at your life. The soothsayer believes that it is after such a dream that one should think about all the perfect deeds and the memory that will remain about you for the next generations.

Dream tower clock

Dreams about a tower clock may portend a change in the type of activity, as a modern dream book reports. The French consider such a dream to be bad and interpret it as a harbinger of a deterioration in affairs and dilapidation of the house. Freud considers the tower clock a symbol of the arrival of extremely important news that you have been waiting for a long time, and esotericists recommend stocking up on the fortitude that you lack to confidently meet the upcoming events in your life.

Clock chime for the British, it is interpreted as a warning, while if you just heard the clock strike, expect a happy marriage and family happiness, while one blow may indicate a possible deterioration in health, and counting the strokes of the clock will indicate the approach of serious trouble or great happiness. Modern interpreters are sure that the striking of a clock in a dream portends the need to make a responsible decision in reality, which must turn out to be correct in order for your life to improve. Nostradamus considers the clock to be a demand to immediately help a friend who needs support, and for Vanga, such dreams mean the approach of life's trials.

Broken or incorrect clock in a dream

The interpreter Freud in his dream book notes that the image of a broken clock in dreams speaks of sexual problems. The reason lies in the fact that the partner has a wild imagination, while you are inherently conservative in this matter. The solution to the problem can be a frank conversation and a subsequent compromise.

In the esoteric dream book, dreams of a broken watch serve as a message that you are not in trouble with time, you do not know how to properly manage it, which in reality often causes problems. Tsvetkov considers a broken watch a symbol of rash acts, and for a woman, in his opinion, such a dream should serve as news that she is wasting time on a particular representative of the opposite sex.

Tsvetkov in his dream book also mentions hurrying and lagging hours. The interpreter is sure that the course of this clock in a dream represents your actions. Either you are in a hurry and risk missing out on something important, in a hurry to do something, or, conversely, you are too slow, which can also become a serious hindrance in life.

There are various signs in dreams - some can be completely obscure and blurry, while others are so metaphorically vivid that you just feel even at the level of intuition what it can mean approximately.

Many things and objects have strong associations for us with something - with certain phenomena, events, and so on.

One of the brightest, metaphorical, associative symbols is the clock. They are not just an item that is in every home, and in every institution, but on almost every hand.

Gold, plastic, electronic, mechanical, antique, children's, cuckoo or chiming - such an incredible variety of clocks. And they all seem to have their own soul. The clock is time, the inexorable course of moments, it is a reminder that the life of each of us is eternal, seconds flow, they cannot be returned ...

Reflections on the transience of our days, the value of moments and the passage of time can be endless. But here's how to correctly interpret what the clock is dreaming of, because it is such a complex, voluminous and multifaceted symbol!

First of all, it is worth recalling your entire dream very carefully and scrupulously - after all, the clock could be anything, and anything could happen to it. It is from such important nuances and what the clock is dreaming of will depend on, and believe me, there can be a huge variety of meanings and meanings.

So, such dreams with dials and arrows can be similar:

  • You heard a clock fight in a dream.
  • I saw a watch on my hand.
  • The wall clock in your dream is ticking very loudly.
  • You dreamed of a pocket watch.
  • Wall clock or other clock stopped in a dream.
  • You saw a dial without hands.
  • The clock in your dream has gone backwards.
  • You saw midnight on them.
  • Wall clock, and in them - an insect, such as a spider.
  • You dreamed of a cuckoo clock.
  • Solar.
  • Sand.
  • Golden.
  • Women's watch.
  • Clock on the facade of a building or tower.
  • You are looking at the time.
  • You repair watches.
  • The clock was broken, either by accident or on purpose.
  • You lost your watch in a dream.
  • Wind them up.
  • Buy.
  • They were given to you.
  • You gave them to someone.

It is difficult to find any symbol that could have so many different, sometimes completely opposite meanings and meanings in a dream. Therefore, in order to determine as accurately and correctly as possible what the watch is dreaming of, be sure to remember everything - what they were like and what happened.

So different, seen in dreams

To begin with, it is worth analyzing such dreams in which the clock was simply seen by you - from the side. But you yourself did not touch them, but only looked or accidentally noticed. It is very important what they were and where they were.

In addition, if you remember exactly what time was on them, think - this time can be important in reality. Perhaps it is at this time that some important event will happen for you in reality.

1.If in dreams you hear the clock strike, know that an important and significant event is already very close. Such a dream is simply a reminder that you should prepare for something and get together.

2. It is curious why a watch is dreaming of - on your or someone else's hand, or just lying on a table, in a shop window, and so on. This dream portends many small joys, pleasant chores, small events that will fill your days to the brim. You will not have enough time, but it will be a pleasant workload.

3. A wall clock that ticks loudly in a dream indicates that you have to wait for something. It can be the expectation of a long-awaited meeting, event, decision - anything. Be patient and do not rush things - the ability to wait patiently will give you many advantages.

4. If, for example, you dream that you have a pocket watch, or you just saw it with someone, this is a wonderful sign, a symbol of the obligatory good luck that will overtake you in business. Work, personal relationships - everything will go well, and the period of failures will pass.

5. Dreaming about how the clock on the wall or on the hand stopped? Know that this is an omen of the end of something. Some kind of protracted business or process, perhaps even a whole life period. What seemed endless will soon end.

6. If you dreamed of a dial without arrows, this also promises the end of something. But here the dream book hints that it is time to start something new, that the time of the old is already coming to an end.

7. If you saw how the arrows went back, it is easy to find an interpretation of such a bright symbol in the dream book. This symbolizes a return to the past, some events or meetings from the past, people, memories, past connections.

8. If you dream that it is exactly midnight on the clock, this means that a very significant event awaits you ahead. It may even change the course of your life, but most likely it will not be in your very near future.

9. But if you happen to find a spider or another insect in a watch in a dream, which is not clear how it turned out there, this means that you will find an ill-wisher, a hypocrite or an imaginary friend next to you.

10.A dream in which a cuckoo clock is present is a dream of peace and order in the family. You have to get great joy from family life, calm, peaceful and favorable.

11. A sundial is a hint that you are building too many shaky and ghostly plans. You should be a little more down to earth, look at things soberly.

12. Finding or seeing an hourglass is advice: take care of your loved ones and friends, keep relationships, your actions can destroy them.

13. But why dream of a clock located on the facade of a building? This dream promises you recognition, praise and approval. Your work and deeds will be recognized.

14. Gold also promises glory, recognition and honors.

15. Women's watch is a symbol of household chores. Maybe there will be guests.

Time is a precious gift

Consider why a watch is dreaming, which is not just seen in a dream, but with which you did something directly. All the details of the dream are also important here.

1. If you dream about how you look at time, it means that in reality you will correctly distribute your days and manage to do everything.

2. To receive a watch in a dream as a gift means that in reality you will receive some kind of offer, very rare and desirable. For a girl, this can mean a marriage proposal, and a man can get a very lucrative job offer.

3. Finding them in a dream is a good sign. So, soon you can count on unexpected and great luck.

4. It is curious why the watch that you wind up in a dream is dreaming of. This is an indication of your impatience, and advice to be more patient, learn to wait.

5. As the dream book says, the clock that you accidentally broke in a dream promises you a loss. And if you broke it on purpose - you yourself will intentionally get rid of something - and do it confidently.

6. If you are doing hourly repairs in a dream, this indicates that you are probably wasting a lot of time and do not know how to plan correctly. Try to reconsider your plans and everything that you spend precious time on every day.

7. Losing walkers in a dream is a warning: you may be late somewhere. Remember - this can be in an everyday sense, for example, being late for a meeting, or maybe in a global sense - you risk missing something important. Be careful.

8. If you yourself bought a watch in a dream - it doesn’t matter if it’s wrist, wall or something else, this promises you the beginning of new, interesting things that will change your life a little. They will bring something bright into it, something will captivate you, and you will be busy with interesting things.

9. But if you gave someone a watch in your dream, it doesn’t matter at all to whom exactly - it awaits you new novel, love adventure and a lot of emotions!

It turns out that this is such a complex, interesting and multifaceted symbol. Our time goes on, it cannot be stopped - and dreams only remind us of this again.

Listen to the advice of the dream book, do not forget to listen to your heart and mind, and do not waste time - after all, the most interesting and important thing is happening now, in these moments! Author: Vasilina Serova

If a girl in a dream had to break a watch that was presented to her by her lover, then this does not bode well at all. Most likely, the couple will not just break up in the very next days or weeks. The likelihood of extremely unpleasant situations is very high.

What if you dream of breaking the clock?

For a fairly long period of time, people who specialize in the interpretation of dreams almost unanimously agree that a broken watch in a dream is an extremely negative symbol. So, to the question regarding why one dreams of breaking the clock, one can give an extremely unfavorable forecast. In particular, when such a dream occurs on the eve of the wedding, this suggests that, most likely, the life of the newlyweds can hardly be called good. There are also problems associated with the parents of the second half.

A very unfavorable dream is about a broken watch, which was seen on the eve of opening one's own business. Quite significant is the risk of not only going bankrupt soon, but also getting jail time for a long period of time.

If no important matters are foreseen in the near future, then the dream of a broken clock can only be worn psychological character. Quite often, such an option is possible in the case when a person has not previously decided to change his job or has not started a relationship with a person he likes. Thus, breaking the clock in a dream means dooming yourself to certain failures in reality, as well as missing quite profitable opportunities. In fairness, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that such a dream is far from always negative.

What portends?

In particular, in recent times all large quantity relevant experts draws attention to the fact that breaking the clock in a dream can mark the onset of those events that are exclusively neutral. Quite often, a dream of this nature can predict a meeting with an old acquaintance, the connection with which has been lost for a long time.

In addition, breaking the clock in a dream means having a short waking love affair. Such an attitude will not bring any disappointments.

It is very important to pay attention to the fact which clock breaks in a dream. The more beautiful and expensive they are, the greater the losses in reality are likely to be. It is worth paying attention to what day of the week such a dream had.

Most often, a dream in which a clock breaks does not bode well at all. That is why, in order to mitigate failures as much as possible, it is worth behaving more carefully in real life. Only in this case, the occurrence of various problems can be avoided.