The mission and purpose of man: What is it? Why is she needed? How to find it? A planet of great people and big money.

Now I will give a few exercises for clarifying and setting a life goal. After completing all the exercises, delve into the results. Next time do these exercises in 3 months and compare the results. Only after productive work on goals will you clarify them for yourself. And without a goal, why do anything at all? Perhaps you are moving away from your happiness and success.

Life Goal Exercise #1

1. Name two of your unique personal qualities, for example fun and tranquility

2. List one or two ways you enjoy communicating, such as soothe and uplift.

3. Assume that the world has now become perfect. What did he look like? How do people interact with each other? How do they and you feel in the new world? Write your answer in present tense, as if you were describing what you are seeing now. For example There are only comedies on TV. People smile and joke. Everything around is very joyful and free. The world is full of love....

4. Combine the previous three points into a general statement.

For example: My goal is to use my cheerfulness and calmness in order to cheer up the people around me, so that around me it would be joyful and calm, and the world would be full of love ...

Exercise #2

This exercise is recommended by Stephen Covey in order to write down your life mission, your constitution, in accordance with which you will act. You need to be guided in your life by the program that you create for yourself. It gives inner balance and strength.

Sit comfortably, take a piece of paper and a pen. Close your eyes and imagine that you are at a funeral. You come through many people to the deceased. You look into his face and see ... that it's you. You've been through enough. Many people came to your funeral. Now the farewell speeches will begin. Describe what kind of person the deceased was. Wife / husband, children, friend, neighbor, people with whom the deceased worked will perform. What will they say? What would you like them to say? Imagine in detail their speeches and write them down.

From them you can make your life goal, and already having the last station - you can move back to today, make intermediate goals. Record performances...

Wife husband________________________________________________________________




acquaintances at work ________________________________________________________

From these statements you can begin to draw up your personal constitution. Your Life Mission will be reflected in the Constitution. your creed. How are you going to live your life? What are the laws and regulations? For what? When you make this clear to yourself, it will be easy for you to test all your intermediate goals and decisions by this Constitution.

My constitution. My Mission, ________________________________________________

Either you yourself write the plan and script of your life, or you play the role of an extra and extras in someone's play. In any case, the responsibility is on you. Even when other people control your life, it's only because you wrote in your short script: I WILL DO AS OTHER PEOPLE TELL ME.

The next cue of artists of this kind will be: NOTHING DEPENDS ON ME. THEY ARE GUILTY…. Everyone chooses their own roles to their liking. Some sit on the podium, while others play on the court. Both those and others die, and sometimes ahead of time .... and always sooner than expected.

Exercise number 3.

Life consists of two things: being and doing. Of course, your destiny lies in who you become and what you do. To find great meaning the meaning of your life, follow these three steps and begin to discover your life purpose.

Step 1: Remember what you wanted as a child to be when you "grow up", and also the times when you felt really "on horseback".

1. C eyes closed, remember when you were five, six, seven years old. What did you want to be when you grow up? Why did you want to be him? What feelings did you hope to experience?

  • What did you like to do?
  • Why did you want to do it?
  • What sensations did you hope to experience from this?
  • Who were your role models?

I wanted to be an archaeologist, an athlete, a writer.

2. Think about something else you wanted to be when you were growing up. Why did you want to be him? What feelings did you hope to experience? Find a life purpose

3. Think of three things you would like to be. Again, why did you want to be him? What feelings did you hope to experience?

4. Now, with your eyes closed again, think about a time when you were truly on horseback, where everything was effortless. What did you do, feel, experience?

5. Think of another time when you were at your peak, where you felt like "This is what life is about." What's happened? What did you do, what did you feel? Were other people included? What were you and what did you do? Master not only the idea, but also the sensations.

6. Think a third time about a period when you felt great. Remember what you did, created, shared, felt.

Step 2: Write your goal

Write a simple phrase, sentence or two. For the first time, it doesn't have to be perfect. Start brainstorming, write several until you find one.


The purpose of my life is to be a cheerful, happy and grateful person; enjoy life and share your love with others.

Your required criteria in the goal:

1. Be positive

2. Be concise

3. Include emotional words

4. Tell us what you are going to be, what you are going to do

5. Turn on yourself and others

6. Be achievable in your lifespan

7. Be able to gain experience every day

8. Make yourself happy...really happy!

The purpose of my life is...

Step 3: For the next month, keep your goal statements in front of you.

Make a copy and hang another copy on the near wall. Since you look at it every day, think about how you can move towards your goal even faster….

I can follow my goal even faster with...

"There is no thing in the world that can resist the desire of man" - Sages of the Torah.

“Determine what you love to do as early as possible, and then put all your energy into figuring out how you can make a living doing it.” Pat Williams, Senior Vice President basketball team Orlando Magic

« To get everything you want out of life, you must first determine what you want. Ben Stein, actor and writer.

Before any speech, think about your Mission and life goals.

Think about how this talk will bring you closer to realizing them.

Make EVERY performance the FOUNDATION for your goals and Mission, and they will be POWERFUL, ENHANCED AND BRIGHT.

The same as YOU, Dear Reader - now for sure, A PERSON WITH A MISSION AND GOALS! (Which sounds VERY COOL AND PROUD!)

I Know - You Can!!!

Read more development articles:

"A man who realizes his mission,
it seems to me an amazingly beautiful sailboat,
the majestic move of which gives everyone around
feeling of delight, harmony and love "
Stephen Covey

Every person sooner or later thinks about the meaning of his life, about his destiny on Earth. But each of us is unique, so no one can give an unambiguous answer to this question. As the Austrian psychiatrist and psychologist Viktor Frankl noted, a person should only ask himself the question of the meaning of life. And only within ourselves can we find the answers. One of the tools for finding answers Stephen Covey, a well-known specialist in life management, calls making a personal mission.

To find your calling, start by developing a life strategy.

Personal mission becomes a kind of constitution for a person. It expresses values, worldview, life goals. Achieving these goals, along with the realization of one's vocation, brings incredible satisfaction to a person. Creating a personal mission helps you develop your own life strategy, which in general helps you understand your purpose.

Uniqueness life path human makes every personal mission just as unique. Therefore, it can only be compiled individually. A few exercises will help with this.

Exercise 1.
First of all, you should understand what you are talented in.

Talent is natural abilities, which develop over time, when a person acquires certain experience, develops skills. Of course, if you do not use such abilities, they "fall asleep", lose their power. Therefore, not all talents can be discovered as easily as we would like. That is why, in order to answer the question of what you are talented in, you need to “dig into” yourself very carefully.

To discover your talents, to realize what exactly, you need to understand at what moments in your life you feel “absolutely” happy. For this you need to remember specific situations in the family, at work. You should highlight your progress in different areas life. Don't forget to write everything down.

Pay attention to your childhood hobbies: remember what you liked to do, but then you abandoned it. Remember what abilities your teachers noted for you and your friends and leaders are now celebrating.

Then write down the qualities you value in yourself that make you interesting.

Now leave this list for a while, and then return to it in order to evaluate it objectively - as a description of an outsider. Then you will be able to see those talents that you yourself could not notice.

Exercise 2.
The next step in creating a personal mission is to make a list of your values.

Now think about what is really important to you. At the same time, weed out those values ​​that in life you do not confirm with deeds: you do not need to say that health is a value for you when you actually smoke and like to skip an extra glass. You have no one to pretend to, you can be honest with yourself, so make a list sincerely.

The next step is to write down the flaws that you consider the most significant. Think about why they are so important, whether these shortcomings speak about some of your values ​​in life.

Record for your personal mission at least five values ​​that really mean a lot to you.

Think about what you have done for yourself, your family, friends and colleagues, maybe even for the city and the world. Imagine yourself as a great old man who lived his life exactly the way he wanted to, and think about what goals you have achieved.

And now, once again becoming the way you are, write down these goals, dividing them by the terms of achievement - short-term and long-term.

Exercise 4
An important step in compiling a personal mission is to determine the principles of your life.

Formulate your moral standards, the rules by which you live. Remember those people from whom you took an example at some stage in your life, who taught you something that you always remember. Then it will be easier for you to understand your principles.

Think about which of these principles are the main ones for you, which you always adhere to and are not ready to give up. Also write down the rules and regulations that you would like to follow.

So, personal mission

It's time to draw conclusions from the answers you found while answering the previous questions. Formulate your personal mission short and simple. Now you will understand yourself, your meaning of life, your goals much better. You will be able to highlight the things that are really important to you. Yes, you can return to personal mission any time you need support, the confidence that you are doing everything right.

Of course, there is no one true personal mission. Everyone has her own - uniqueness of human life just consists in the fact that everyone goes his own way. Your personal mission is your fulcrum, which expresses your worldview, significant moments for you.

At the same time, it should be understood that the principles, the significance of any things may change over time, and therefore personal mission may change. There is no need to be afraid of this. We need to continue to analyze, develop and, accordingly, rewrite our mission. But you will be able to understand why you act this way and not otherwise, what is the meaning of your life, what are your values ​​and principles. This is how you can find your calling, or at least take one more step in defining your purpose.

I recently read Covey and got inspired to write my personal Mission. I wrote it. And now I mustered up the courage to publish it for a wide range!

My personal mission

I strive for harmonious and continuous development and set an excellent example for my family, friends, acquaintances and other environment. I highlight the following areas of harmonious life:

  • Work;
  • finance;
  • a family;
  • health (nutrition, sleep, ecological environment, disease prevention);
  • sport;
  • social sphere (friends and environment);
  • learning and growth (including spiritual development);
  • relaxation;
  • material values ​​and well-equipped life.

The Wheel of Harmonious Life by Alexander Khomutov

My attention must be given to each of these areas. The wheel of life must roll.

Happy, rich and interesting life my ideal image.

I plan my week according to my long term goals. At the same time, I try to live in the moment, here and now.

Justice, freedom and honesty are very important to me. This is what I expect from my environment.

My professional goal: to make the maximum number of people rich and happy, and above all yourself and your family. To fulfill my professional purpose, I provide financial advice to individuals (an independent financial advisor or a financial advisor to an investment company), give new ideas to businesses, share with my virtual tribe the aspects of a harmonious life and the characteristics of a successful and ethical business.

I always have my own opinion. I listen to the opinion of professionals.

I take full responsibility for my life and lead a proactive lifestyle.

It is important for me to convey the value system to children, but I do not encroach on their privacy and rights. My goal is to show and explain, the choice is up to the children. I will accept any choice of children and will love unconditionally.

I love my wife unconditionally. We try to build reliable and deep relationships, but without being tied to each other.

I am open to new knowledge, which I replenish from books, practices and my own experiments, webinars, the Internet and communication with competent people. I share my knowledge with the environment through the blog, social networks and real communication. I follow the digital sphere and its updates, I am a good level expert in the field of Internet marketing and Internet projects.

Continuation of the article "3 characteristics of a successful person" Part 2

In the article:

  • The mission of great people. Examples.

  • What is the mission for an ordinary person.

  • Mission and money.

  • Goals and mission.

  • Consider Kiyosaki.

  • 5 ways to find a mission.

The mission of great people. Examples
The mission of Henry Ford, the father of the American mass automobile, was clear and understandable to all. Ford's mission involved the formation of a giant automobile corporation.
“Every American will drive a black Ford.

The mission of the great cartoonist-storyteller Walt Disney was simple:
"Every American, during his life, will keep for himself the world of childhood and fairy tales."

The richest man in the world Bill Gates sees his Mission in “in the information age, every person had free access to information and an unlimited opportunity to communicate with the world.”
For the eternal existence of the organization, it is necessary that its owner want something unattainable, strive for some kind of ideal that does not meet SMART requirements. In other words, the owner, who wants it right, provides his organization with one of the most important conditions for eternal existence. And apart from the owner, no one else in the organization can do this.

V.Ya. Smerek believes that the following missions will be quite correct for a person: "Always respond to help people", "Dedicate your life of creativity", "Enter the top ten best writers peace", "Be a caring family man" etc.
After looking at all the mission options, I can't help but ask questions: "For what" and "Specifically." And I wouldn't call the third mission a mission at all.

What is the mission for an ordinary person?
We will not talk about the mission that is being developed for organizations now - on this moment there is enough quality information on the Internet that describes all the advantages of this approach to organizing a business. But very little is written about the need for a mission for the average layman.
Imagine you decide to get up at dawn on Monday. Everything would be fine, but that's bad luck: you want to sleep, the bed wraps you in warmth, the pillow smiles with all the buttons. There is a perfectly working and wonderful technique here: we write a list of things that we need to do, put this sheet by the bed and, waking up, read. Motivates. Yes.
Allows you to get rid of laziness? Also yes. But
But this is a one-day motivator. There is a more effective motivator that will answer the question: “why should we get up at all, not only on this particular morning.” This motivator is called a personal mission. When a personal mission is found, you wake up in the morning already with the thought that you need to get up faster, otherwise there are so many things ahead, you have to do more. You no longer need to come up with things for yourself every day to get yourself out of bed. Every morning, a holistic image of the final result arises in my head, to

How is the mission related to money?
The more people we include in our mission, in the picture of our lives, the more resources we need to make this mission a reality.
If only one person is included in your mission, then, all other things being equal, you will need much less financial resources to carry out this mission than if tens of thousands of people were included in your mission.
To help more people need more resources. This is logical.
In order to give something, you must first receive something. If you need to give a LOT, then you need to receive a LOT.

What does this give us? This means that in order to realize the mission, which includes a large number of people \ animals \ other objects we will get a huge amount Money. Of course we the lion's share We will invest these funds in our life's work, in our mission, but we will not have such a small piece left;)

Along with a big mission comes big money, fame and significance. For some it's important, for some it's not. But the bottom line is that in this case, fame, money, power - this is a by-product.

Now about the relationship between goals and mission.
How is a goal different from a mission?
Everything is simple here: the goal always has a time reference (which, by the way, differs from fantasy), while the mission cannot have a time reference. If a person suddenly, for some reason, fulfills his mission, he can only die. He dies because it is so prescribed from above, or because of the fallen depression regarding the completion of the “work of life” - it is not so important here. Another fact is important for us - the mission must be unattainable. That's what her mission is.
Well, for example, Henry Ford's mission is to provide every average American with a car. Average Americans, as you know, do not go anywhere: they multiply, multiply, supplying Henry Ford with more and more average Americans.
How else is the mission related to the goals?
We set goals in order to get something from the world, from the Universe. When we reach a goal, we usually take energy/resources from the outside world. There can be many goals. And all of them will take resources.
But we take resources in order to give back later. We give resources according to the means of fulfilling our mission. Mission is always a one-way process “From self to the world”. When this process starts, we do not take anything for ourselves - we only give. We take at the level of goals.
There are other models for the functioning of the give-and-take system. But I prefer to stick with this one.

Consider Kiyosaki.
His ideas about Rich Dad Poor Dad include the idea of ​​having three piggy banks. These piggy banks were given to him by rich dad. Piggy banks need to be evenly replenished day after day. What are these piggy banks?
1) Savings.
2) Investments.
3) Charity.
An interesting fact is that many people talk about charity successful people. Moreover, they are not talking about the charity that is done for the sake of lowering taxes, but about sincere charity, which is done without thinking about secondary benefits.

And at the end of it all, we return again to Frankl, to his amazingly true phrase:
“As long as there is a meaning to life, as long as there is a FOR WHAT, a person can endure any HOW.”

5 ways to find a mission (+ formulating rules) I decided not to post to the community so that there would be no flooding. Who cares - unsubscribed in livejournal.

When it comes to setting goals, sooner or later a person asks himself the question, why do I need all this? This is what Gleb Arkhangelsky calls Level 3 time management, while Level 2 time management helps a person answer the question "what" and Level 1 - "how". The question "why?" — very interesting and powerful. On the one hand, it is able to quickly identify useless activities. On the other hand, it can help to understand the vital need for certain actions, which provides a very high and enduring motivation. The question "why?" can knock a person out of his thoughts and stop him, cause confusion if he is not doing what he should. And at the same time, the question "why?" allows you to ignite a spark in the eyes, give energy and enthusiasm.

Answers to the question "Why?"

Man in different situations may forget the answer to the question “Why?”, lose the thread that connects him with what is really important to him. So that this thread is never interrupted, humanity has come up with concepts such as:

  • purpose
  • values
  • mission
  • the main purpose of life
  • vocation

Once identified and written down, we can quickly resurrect in our minds the answer to the question “why?”. What is the difference and what is the similarity between purpose, values, mission, the main purpose of life and calling? How to identify them and when to use them?


Purpose is your answer to the question “why are you here?”. This is a short one-sentence statement that reveals the essence of what you should be doing. It doesn't matter what you can do. It doesn't matter who you are. There's a reason you're here - that's your purpose. Destination example:

Help people find their way

Purpose has a limited scope - it inspires only the person to whom it belongs. When you read the five words from the example of purpose, did they trigger a flurry of emotions in you? Have you stopped your breath and thought about how many more useful things you can do in life? Did you feel confident and calm because you know why you are here and know what to do? Personally, I experienced all this, I am writing these lines and even my heart beat faster, because it is in this formulation - to help people find their way - that I see my purpose now.

There are two perspectives on purpose:

  • it is ordained from above, your goal is to find it out and follow it.
  • you yourself determine your destiny, the one that inspires you the most.


Values ​​are what is important to you in life, what you value the most. Wisdom, calmness, abundance, courage, consciousness, family, relationships, money, warmth, friendship, confidence - what do you value? The list of possible values ​​is unlimited, Steve Pavlina collected 374 possible values ​​in the article "List of Values". Just choose. Here is a list of values ​​in Russian -. You can come up with your own. Here is what I see as important for me in life at the moment, my list of values:

  • peace of mind
  • family relationships
  • opportunity to develop
  • health
  • love

By definition, values ​​are things that don't change over the course of your life. Goals may change, circumstances may change, but values ​​remain the same. But is it really so? In fact, values ​​can change - your task is to improve and refine them, and not forget them. On the one hand, values ​​allow you to remain human, on the other hand, they limit you. If your value is continuous development, it will be almost impossible for you to achieve the goal of "becoming the leader of the conservative party." If your value is “peace”, then the goal is “to accomplish trip around the world The same is unlikely to be achieved. If you have a value of "power", then it will be difficult to achieve the goal of "having a relationship of trust."

When there is a disagreement between purpose and value, sit down and think about what is holding you back and what is moving you forward. As a result, either the goal or the value will change. If you have never defined your values, then forget about it for now - just determine what is important to you and write it down. These will be your values.


The simplest definition of mission: mission is purpose + values. In essence, the way it is, only the form is different - the mission is presented in the form of a text, and not fragmentary sentences and words, which are the purpose and values ​​​​for an outsider (but not for you!). The mission can be shown to another person - and he will understand with whom he is dealing. The mission will inspire you more when you have low level consciousness in the moment, while with high awareness, purpose will be a more powerful motivator. Mission example:

My mission

Help people find their way.

Make a positive impact on people's lives.

Make life for your family and others happy.

Constantly develop your body, heart, mind and spirit, use every opportunity for this, help other people develop harmoniously.

To live oneself and help others to live more consciously.

Radiate love, kindness, consciousness, calmness and confidence.

To love, understand, protect, care for and make your wife happy.

Making the world a better place.


To create something useful and developing, raising consciousness. Useful in the long run.

To be happy, healthy, wise, loving and helpful.

Live from the inside out.

Be hardworking and purposeful, open, honest and sincere, responsible, courageous and proactive.

Trust others as you trust yourself.

Treat others with the awareness that we are all part of the same whole.

To help people make life more fulfilling, improve the quality of life.

Act according to your intuition and conscience.

Take time for yourself to find peace of mind, show love everywhere and in everything, get out of today's comfort zone for the highest level of happiness for your loved ones, for the highest good of all.

If you look closely, you can find wording and purpose and values ​​in the mission, but in such a way that it becomes clear what is meant by this, and how you are going to manifest these values ​​in life. Although the mission answers not only the question "why?", but also the question "how?", the answer to the question "how?" given very high level abstraction, since all the situations in which you will follow your mission cannot be listed.


A vocation is the thing that you like the most, that “calls” you. It has taken me a long time to figure out what my calling is (still searching) and how it differs from my calling. To do this, consider the following model in relation to what you do in life:

  1. Love.
  2. You should, you are useful.
  3. Turns out you can.
  4. You receive gratitude and reward.

Purpose is what you should do. A calling is what you love. It may seem that calling is what you do best, but it is not. For example, it might turn out that:

  1. There is a business that you you don't like to do and what you have badly done. Clearly this is NOT your calling.
  2. There is a business that you you don't like do, but which you have doing very well. Will this be your calling? No, because you do not enjoy and do it not though. What is the calling here?
  3. There is a case that you are very strong love do, but which you have badly done. If this is true, then by continuing to do what you love, you will develop the necessary skills, acquire skills, and each time it will turn out better and better, only strengthening your love for this business. This is your calling.
  4. There is a case that you are very strong love to do and what you have doing very well. There is no doubt that this is your calling.

And if both 3 and 4 are true, then what? What if there are a lot of things that you love to do, some are better, some are worse? Choose the one you love the most. The greater your passion, the more you will be able to bring benefits later, the better expert you will become in this matter, the more people will be grateful to you for it.

If you haven't tried yourself in various activities yet, you should start with this. I have ideas about how I would like the work of a doctor, a lawyer, a politician, a business analyst, but I have never taken it seriously. True, these professions never attracted me. I always liked to invent something, create it, come up with rules myself, and then follow them, automate repetitive actions in order to remove routine work and be able to think even more, identify new patterns and rules. As a child, I loved inventing new games. What is my calling? Write articles, speak in public, blog, develop software, automate testing, lead people, educate? Now it seems to me that writing articles is my calling. But I cannot believe this subjective opinion, looking at myself from the inside, at the time of writing the article. I noticed that the more I do something, the more I like it. Something that I rate a 6 on a 10-point scale of love (1 - dislike at all, 10 - like the most) when I'm not doing it, could easily have a 9 if I was rating it just doing it. Therefore, it is good to make such assessments several times, being in different states, then the resulting picture will give a more objective answer.

Despite the fact that vocation and purpose are related, they operate in different dimensions. If we take the mission of "helping people find their way", then it can be realized through different kind activities:

  • write inspirational articles
  • work as a psychologist
  • using psychic skills, convey to people what the guardian angels tell them about their destiny
  • work as a pizza delivery man and write on the bottom of the box "why are you here?"
  • develop computer games to help you find your purpose in life
  • consult
  • sell a program of action to define one's purpose
  • work as a lawyer, and while communicating with the accused, help him find his way
  • write a book "how to find your way in life?"
  • etc.

At the same time, the same activity can be performed in different ways, with a different understanding of why you are doing it. For example, “write inspirational articles” can be used to:

  • help people find their way
  • improve literacy
  • leave a legacy
  • help readers become better
  • earn a lot of money and open your own charitable foundation
  • become famous
  • make many friends
  • organize a community of like-minded people
  • etc.

An exercise to clarify your calling and purpose

  1. Imagine yourself working as a lawyer, programmer, doctor, educator kindergarten, politician. Imagine yourself in turn in any other profession, list also all those that you have ever dreamed of. For each profession, determine HOW you will do your job. How will you always differ from your colleagues? What special will you bring to each profession? State this in one sentence. This is the benefit that you bring to other people, your purpose.
  2. Focus on your purpose and list all the activities that help you achieve it.
  3. Which of the activities you have received will help you fulfill your purpose? Have you ever taken it seriously? If not, try it. Perhaps this is your calling. When in doubt, choose what you love to do the most.

What is common between purpose, values, mission, the main goal of life and vocation, and how to use it?

And purpose, and values, and mission, and the main goal of life, and vocation help to better define your goals. And purpose, and values, and mission, and the main goal of life, and vocation greatly motivate you and, most importantly, help you act. It is one thing to proclaim your mission in life and tell everyone about it, another thing is to manifest it, follow it and realize it.

You do not have to define the purpose, and values, and mission, and the main goal of life, and vocation - billions of people have never done this. But how much more wonderful life becomes when you know what you are here for! Try!