Qualities that characterize a person's personality. Inclinations as natural prerequisites for abilities

are not limited to the knowledge, skills and abilities of the individual. They manifest themselves in the speed and strength of mastering the methods of a certain activity, act as regulatory features. mental activity individual.

The nature of abilities

In the middle of the XVIII century. abilities were assessed as a global psychological problem (X. Wolf). For a long time they were interpreted as all-encompassing properties of the soul, originally inherent in the individual, as his hereditary predestination. French materialists of the 18th century. put forward the opposite thesis about the complete dependence of abilities on the living conditions of the individual. Meanwhile, the problem of abilities is the problem of the dialectical interconnection of the internal and external.

Ability problem became the subject of scientific study in the 19th century. in connection with the research of F. Galton, who applied experimental and statistical approaches to this problem and became the founder of differential psychology. With the help of the "twin method" Galton opened the possibility of studying the relationship between heredity and external influences. Galton also owns the idea of ​​using tests (samples) to determine individual differences (“Research on human abilities and their development” (1883)).

The development of abilities should not be understood as a quantitative increase in natural inclinations, the maturation of what is given to man by nature. The development of abilities is determined by the requirements put forward to a person in the course of his activity, the diversity and content of this activity. Each person has only his inherent abilities both in certain types of activity and in broad areas of life.

The ability to a particular activity can determine the aspiration of the individual to certain types of activity, manifest itself in the form inclinations. Along with this, each person has features that are unfavorable for certain types activities, inability to perform certain activities. There are no good or bad abilities, there is the ability or inability of an individual to a certain activity.

Abilities and inclinations of a person

From birth, a person does not have the ability. But it has certain natural prerequisites - makings for their subsequent development under certain conditions. Thus, the corresponding properties of the visual analyzer and the artistic type of higher nervous activity are innate prerequisites for the formation of artistic abilities.

The makings of abilities are the features of the nervous system, which determine the work of various, individual cortical zones and hemispheres of the brain. Congenital inclinations determine the rate of formation of temporary nerve connections, their stability, the ratio of the first and second signal systems.

Natural prerequisites for abilities polysemantic- on their basis can be formed various abilities. Abilities lend themselves perestroika(recombination). This provides compensatory possibilities mental regulation: the weakness of some neurophysiological components is compensated by the strength of others.

The psychophysical possibilities of a person, his abilities are inexhaustible. However, not every person is aware of their capabilities and uses them to the proper extent. Meanwhile, the highest self-realization of the individual is the main meaning of human existence.

There is an opinion that a person with a talented nature has abilities for everything. And it is very important not to ignore these abilities, but to let them develop.

And of course, given the law of action and reaction, this opinion has a huge number of opponents. They believe that not every person is talented, so some people should not waste their time developing non-existent abilities.

Does such an opinion really have a right to exist, or do people justify their unwillingness to move forward in development in this way? It is easy to label a person that he is incapable and has no talent for anything, but is it right? To get more or less definite answers to such controversial questions, it is worth turning to psychology, psychology as a science will be able to explain many points about human abilities.

Natural gift from birth

Based on the opinion of psychologists, we can safely say that abilities and inclinations are closely related. But in order to say more about the interaction of these personal qualities, one should understand what inclinations are and define the concept of “ability”.

  • Ability is a personal predisposition of a person, allowing him to achieve certain successes, heights in his life. These are the personal qualities that we were able to discover in ourselves with little or no effort, and we always get satisfaction from them.
  • Inclinations are those traits of our personality, thanks to which we can develop our abilities. These skills are directly related to the nervous system and often have prerequisites in the anatomical or physiological properties of a person.

Now, when the definition is given, it is immediately clear that inclinations are the main guide in the development of personality. In addition, inclinations are responsible for the development of abilities in general, and under favorable conditions, people reach a certain level in their lives. At the same time, these properties are acquired throughout a person's life, regardless of whether he wanted to achieve a certain success.

Until now, scientists are debating whether the inclinations have congenital roots or acquire them. However, although the anatomical roots of inclinations have not been proven, scientists argue that with the right approach in early childhood, competent upbringing and favorable living conditions, it is much easier for a person to adapt on the path to a successful life.

If in childhood there are no conditions for development and parents do not help to reveal the interests that the child shows, then most likely this person will not be able to find himself and develop a certain talent. Such an erroneous approach in education is often observed.

Parents ignore the natural inclinations of their child, imposing their own unrealized dreams on him. Simply put, the child is forced to live the life of the parents, which they could not live. At the same time, he does not have the opportunity to realize his natural inclinations.


Inclinations and abilities can be divided into two types:

  • Specific.
  • Natural.

Natural inclinations are determined in a person at the biological level and develop due to life experience. If we talk about physical inclinations, then their development will help a person to realize himself in sports activities.

Specific inclinations and abilities are a more complex concept. It consists of several components.

  • Theory and practice. The theory appears in logical thinking of a person, practice involves the implementation of theoretical ideas. A developed person quite successfully and harmoniously manifests these qualities, which are very successfully combined with each other.
  • Special and general. General abilities will develop together with a person - for example, speech, memory, that is, those inclinations that help a person become socially significant. Special, on the other hand, do not have an abstract definition. They concretize the direction and inclination of a person. A personality can manifest itself in a certain area: technology, sports activities, musical or literary direction, art.
  • Creativity and study. Learning skills help a person to accumulate and apply knowledge, and also play an important role in shaping the personality as a whole. Creativity determines a person's inclination to art, creative predisposition directs a person in this direction.

The concept of "inclinations" characterizes the possibility of personality development in a certain direction. It is important to notice tendencies in early childhood and provide favorable conditions for their development. The characterizing factor determines two types of inclinations: acquired and congenital, in other words, they are also called social inclinations and natural.

All abilities go through certain stages of development. And each subsequent developmental step directly depends on how much the previous level of development was assimilated and accepted. If a person shows a clear inclination towards mathematics, then in order to go to the higher one, he should study elementary mathematics very carefully.

And just elementary mathematical knowledge will act as the inclinations for the ability to higher mathematics. This leads to the conclusion that people differ precisely in inclinations, and not in abilities. Their differences directly depend on the ability to assimilate certain material, and this ability is associated with the natural, innate qualities of the individual.

Abilities, if properly characterized, directly depend on inclinations. These are skills, knowledge in various industries, and even certain social norms which are generally accepted. The propensity to develop manifests itself at an early stage of the formation of inclinations, when certain interests of the child are just beginning to appear. This is how the giftedness of the individual is formed.

However, giftedness cannot be considered in general terms, it is allowed to talk about giftedness for something, that is, about a propensity for a certain activity. Giftedness is developed personality, this is the last step, when we can say that all stages have been passed. And there are several of these stages, and inclinations play an important role in the formation of giftedness.

  • Makings - a natural predisposition to abilities.
  • Abilities are personality traits that “grow” from inclinations.
  • Next comes the level of development, which we call giftedness.
  • The next, highest stage of development is talent.
  • And as the maximum level of development - genius.

As we can see, inclinations and abilities are the main factors in human development. They need to be noticed and actively developed from childhood in order to adulthood the person had certain reserves for personal growth. Do not forget that these important personality traits can be developed.

The formation of personality

Since childhood, our personality goes through several stages of development. Natural qualities - inclinations - help us develop abilities. Abilities, in turn, show the degree of giftedness of a person. Giftedness is manifested in talent. And talent leads to genius.

But it is also worth remembering about personal interest. Quite often, competition is a motivating factor for personal development. But if you still have doubts about whether you have the makings of a genius, then there are many psychological tests and techniques that will help you accurately determine in which direction you should develop. Remember, every person from birth has every chance to successfully develop a brilliant personality. Author: Lyudmila Mukhacheva

Inclinations are something on the basis of which certain abilities are formed in a person. Inclinations are also prerequisites for the formation and development of abilities, that is, what is given (or given - hence the name “inclinations”) to a person even before the corresponding abilities are formed and developed in him. The most general, traditional definition of inclinations connects them with some innate properties that the human body possesses. It's about about such properties, the appearance and development of which in a person practically does not depend on his training and upbringing, and which arise and develop according to the laws of genetics, in the process of maturation of the organism. A person's abilities can be at different levels of development, and in this regard, one more, non-traditional understanding of inclinations can be proposed as what actually precedes the appearance and development of a person's abilities of a certain level. In this case, as the inclinations or prerequisites for the development of abilities of a higher level, abilities already formed in a person can be considered. low level. At the same time, abilities of a lower level of development are not necessarily innate. For example, knowledge of elementary mathematics obtained at school can act as a prerequisite, a deposit for the development of abilities in higher mathematics.

Self-consciousness of the individual and "I-concept".

Interacting and communicating with people, a person distinguishes himself from environment, feels himself the subject of his physical and mental states, actions and processes, acts for himself as an “I”, opposing others and at the same time inextricably linked with him.

The experience of having a "I" is the result of a long process of personality development that begins in infancy and which is referred to as "discovery of the I".

self-awareness personality begins in adolescence, when the desire for self-perception increases, for awareness of one's place in life and oneself as a subject of relations with others.

How scientific concept The self-concept came into use in specialized literature relatively recently, perhaps because in the literature, both domestic and foreign, there is no single interpretation of it; closest in meaning to it is self-consciousness. But the self-concept is a less neutral concept, which includes the evaluative aspect of self-consciousness. it dynamic system a person's ideas about himself, which includes both the actual awareness of his physical, intellectual and other qualities, and self-esteem, as well as the subjective perception of those influencing this person external factors. The descriptive component of the self-concept is often called the image of the self or the picture of the self. The component associated with the attitude towards oneself or one's individual qualities is called self-esteem or self-acceptance. The self-concept, in essence, determines not only what an individual is, but also what he thinks about himself, how he looks at his active principle and development opportunities in the future.
The self-concept arises in a person in the process of social interaction as an inevitable and always unique result of mental development, as a relatively stable and at the same time mental acquisition subject to internal changes and fluctuations.

Motivational sphere of personality, personality orientation as a set of stable motives.

Motivation- this is a set of motivating factors that determine the activity of the individual; these include motives, needs, incentives, situational factors that determine human behavior.

motives- these are relatively stable manifestations, attributes of the personality. For example, arguing that a cognitive motive is inherent in a certain person, we mean that in many situations he manifests cognitive motivation.

Needs and Motives

Needs- subjective phenomena that encourage activity and represent a reflection of the body's need for something. The whole variety of needs can be reduced to two main classes:

  • biological (vital)
  • informational (underlying social needs).

Biological needs are easily and quickly satiated. The regulatory function of biological needs is limited, since they determine behavior in relatively short periods of time during which needs are satisfied. If an animal or a person acted under the influence of only these needs, then their activity would be very limited.

Informational needs (these include both cognitive and social) are unsaturable or much less satiable compared to biological needs. Therefore, their regulatory function in relation to human behavior is unlimited.

The nature of human abilities still causes quite heated debate among scientists. One of the dominant points of view, leading its history back to Plato, argues that abilities are biologically determined and their manifestation depends entirely on the inherited fund. Training and education can only change the speed of their appearance, but they will always manifest themselves in one way or another. As evidence of innate abilities, they usually point to the facts of individual differences, manifested in childhood when the impact of training and education, it would seem, could not yet be decisive. So, for example, Mozart's musical talent was revealed at 3 years old, Haydn - at 4. Talent in painting and sculpture manifests itself somewhat later: with Raphael - at 8 years old, with Van Dyck - at 10, with Dürer - at 15 years old.

The concept of inheritance of abilities is reflected in the views that connect the ability of a person with the mass of his brain. As you know, the brain of an adult weighs on average about 1400 g. Weighing the brains of prominent people showed that their brains are somewhat larger. medium size. So the mass of the brain of I.S. Turgenev-2012, the brain of D. Byron is somewhat less - 1800 g, similar results were given by weighing the brain of a number of prominent people. However, no less examples can be given of celebrities whose brains were smaller than the average, the famous chemist J. Liebig's brain weighed 1362 g, and the writer A. Frans - 1017. Moreover, it turned out that the largest and heaviest brain was more than 3000 g - turned out to be a mentally retarded person. However, in ordinary consciousness this relationship turned out to be very stable: an individual with a high forehead is obviously endowed with a mind and reasonable proposals are expected from him, and the mental abilities of a person with a low forehead are estimated extremely low, without any scientific basis for that.

A certain connection with the idea of ​​inheritance of abilities can be traced in the teachings of Franz Gall, called phrenology (from the Greek phrenos - "mind", logos - "teaching"). Phrenologists tried to trace the dependence of a person's mental characteristics on the external shape of the skull. The main idea was as follows: the cerebral cortex consists of a number of centers, in each of which a certain ability of a person is localized. The degree of development of these abilities is directly dependent on the size of the corresponding parts of the brain. On the basis of special measurements, a phrenological map was compiled, where the surface of the skull was divided into 27 sections, each of which corresponded to a certain individual feature. Among them are "bumps of ability" for music, poetry, painting; "bumps" of ambition, stinginess, courage, etc. However, subsequently, numerous autopsies showed that the skull does not at all repeat the shape of the cerebral cortex. Therefore, the definition of cones and cavities of the skull of mental and moral features man is anti-scientific and groundless. Even less scientific was the method by which the phrenological map was created. For this purpose, sculptural or pictorial portraits of such mythical and legendary people as the biblical Moses, St. Anthony, Homer, etc. were studied, the very existence of which, and even more so the reliability of the image, is quite controversial.

At the same time, the importance of the assumption made by F. Gall about the localization of functions in the cerebral cortex should be noted. brain, which was subsequently confirmed in the works of Fritsch and Gitzig. One of the well-known researchers in this direction is Francis Galton, who explains the inheritance of abilities based on the principles of the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin. Analyzing biographies eminent figures, Galton came to the conclusion that the improvement of human nature is possible only by deriving, on the basis of the laws of heredity, a race of especially gifted ones; mentally and physically strong people. Continuing the line of Galton in the 20th century, Kots determined the degree of giftedness of famous people by the number of lines assigned to them in the encyclopedic dictionary, and singled out about 400 people whose high ability traceable over several generations.

The history of the family of German musicians Bach is especially impressive. For the first time, great musical abilities appeared in her in 1550. The ancestor of the family was the baker W. Bach, who, as T. Ribot noted in his work "Heredity of mental properties", took away the soul after work with music and singing. He had 2 sons, and it begins with them continuous series musicians famous in Germany for 2 centuries. There were about 60 musicians in the Bach family, more than 20 of them were outstanding. But the world-wide fame of this surname brought brilliant composer Johann Sebastian Bach.

It was also established that great-grandmother L.N. Tolstoy - Olga Trubetskaya and great-grandmother A.S. Pushkin - Evdokia Trubetskaya were sisters. 5 major representatives German culture - the poets Schiller and Hölderlin, the philosophers Schelling and Hegel, as well as the physicist Max Planck were related: they had a common ancestor - Johann Kant, who lived in the 15th century.

More rigorous evidence is provided by studies using the twin method. A number of studies compared the abilities of identical (monozygotic) twins and just brothers and sisters (the so-called siblings). The correlation of indicators within monozygotic pairs turned out to be very high: 0.8-0.7, while the same comparisons in pairs of sibs gave coefficients of the order of 0.4-0.5.

The existing numerous dynasties of artists, artists, sailors, doctors, teachers also testify in favor of the heredity of abilities ... However, most likely, in most cases, one should speak not of biological, but of social heredity. The child follows in the footsteps of his parents not only because of hereditary predestination, but also because from childhood he learned and fell in love with their profession. The concept of heredity of abilities cannot be recognized as explaining all the facts of the manifestation of abilities, and following it is rather the result of pedagogical and psychological illiteracy. In essence, at present this "convenient" explanation of abilities (as a "gift of nature") frees one from the need to look for the causes of poor student performance and find ways to eliminate them.

Representatives of the other extreme point of view believe that the characteristics of the psyche are entirely determined by the quality of education and training. So, back in the 18th century. K. A. Helvetius proclaimed that genius can be formed through education. Supporters this direction they refer to cases when the children of the most backward and primitive tribes, having received appropriate training, did not differ in any way from educated Europeans. Here they also talk about cases of social isolation leading to a lack of communication, in particular about the so-called "Mowgli children", which convincingly testify to an irreparable level, even the impossibility of proper human development outside of society. The evidence also presents the facts of the mass development of certain special abilities in the conditions of certain cultures. An example of such a development was found in the study of pitch hearing, which was conducted by O.N. Ovchinnikova and Yu.B. Gippenreiter under the leadership of A.N. Leontiev.

Pitch hearing, or the perception of pitch, is the basis of musical hearing. Investigating this perceptual ability with the help of a special method, scientists discovered its severe underdevelopment in about one-third of adult Russian subjects. As expected, these same faces turned out to be extremely unmusical. The application of the same method to the Vietnamese subjects gave opposite results: all of them were in the best group in terms of sound-frequency hearing. On other tests, these subjects also found 100% musicality. These amazing differences are explained in the peculiarities of the Russian and Vietnamese languages: the first refers to timbre, the second to tonal languages. In the Vietnamese language, the pitch of the sound has the function of semantic distinction, and in the Russian language, the pitch has such a function. no speech sounds. In Russian, as in all European languages, phonemes differ in their timbre. As a result, all Vietnamese, mastering their native language in early childhood, simultaneously develop an ear for music, which does not happen with Russian or European children. This example is instructive, as it shows the fundamental contribution of environmental conditions and exercises to the formation of such a "classical" ability as musical ear has always been considered.

The final conclusion of this concept was the position that any ability can be formed in each person. Adhering to this view, the American scientist W. Ushby argues that abilities are determined primarily by the program of intellectual activity that was formed in a person in childhood. In accordance with their program, some people solve creative problems, while others solve only reproductive problems. At present, adherents of this concept in the United States are creating special centers for "growing" their gifted children. So, at the Philadelphia Institute for the Best Use of Human Potential, classes on the mental development of children begin at the age of 4-5, believing that every minute is precious and the brain should not be allowed to rest. Representatives of the institute inspire parents that the mental potential of their children is not inferior to the mental potential of Leonardo da Vinci, Shakespeare, Mozart and Einstein.

However, life observations and special studies show that the natural prerequisites for abilities cannot be denied. Without recognizing the innate abilities, psychology does not deny the innate features (brain structures that may be conditions for the successful performance of a certain activity. These innate anatomical and physiological features of the structure of the brain, sensory organs and movement, which make up natural basis development of abilities are called inclinations. As a matter of fact, the natural differences between people are not differences in ready-made abilities, but precisely in inclinations. Since the inclinations are only a prerequisite for the development of abilities, between one and the other lies the whole path of becoming a person. Developing on the basis of inclinations, abilities are everything, but a function not of inclinations in themselves, but of development, in which the inclinations themselves enter only as a prerequisite.

For example, the inclinations of intellectual abilities are manifested primarily in the functional activity of the brain - its greater or lesser excitability, the mobility of nervous processes, the speed of the formation of temporary connections, etc., - i.e. that I.P. Pavlov called the genotype (congenital features of the nervous system). The development of intellectual abilities is also associated with the blood supply to the brain. An abundant supply of blood to the brain contributes to an increase in mental performance, focused attention, the rapid flow of associative processes, good memory, less mental fatigue, and, in general, greater intellectual performance. In cases where the vessels of the brain are not able to quickly and abundantly supply the brain with blood, early fatigue is noted during intense mental work, and, accordingly, its lower productivity.

Congenital features of the brain are directly manifested in the typological features of a person. I.P. Pavlov distinguished 2 typologies of people:

  1. depending on the type of higher nervous activity
  2. depending on the ratio of signal systems.

The type of higher nervous activity (strength, balance, mobility, etc.) has a significant impact on the development of a person's abilities. Thus, the strength of nervous processes in combination with balance and mobility (live type) favors the formation of many volitional and communicative properties, which are especially important for the development of organizational abilities.

The predominance of manifestations of the first or second signaling system, with their inherent reflection of activity, allows us to distinguish 3 types, designated by I.P. Pavlov as artistic (the predominance of the first signal system), mental (the predominance of the second signal system) and medium (equal representation).

The main differences between the artistic type and the thinking type are manifested in the sphere of perception, where the "artist" is characterized by a holistic perception, and for the "thinker" - its fragmentation into separate parts, in the sphere of imagination and thinking, "artists" have a predominance of figurative thinking and imagination, while time, as abstract, theoretical thinking is more characteristic of "thinkers"; in emotional sphere persons of the artistic type are distinguished by increased emotionality, affectivity, and for the mental type, rational, intellectual reactions to events are more characteristic. Representatives of the middle type combine the features of the artistic and mental types, which is a prerequisite for the manifestation of abilities in various areas of human knowledge. Studies have shown a close relationship between both typologies. People with a predominance of the first signaling system usually have a stronger and more labile nervous system, while persons with a predominance of the second signaling system more often turned out to be weaker and more inert.

The value of makings for different abilities is not the same. Thus, it is clearly manifested in musical abilities, the essential prerequisite of which is a keen ear. But the structure of the peripheral (auditory) and central nervous apparatus are precisely the inclinations for the development of musical abilities, the prerequisites for their development. The musical abilities themselves in the true sense of the word are the properties and data necessary for musical activity. The structure of the brain does not provide for what professions, specialties related to musical ear, will develop in human society. It is also not foreseen what area of ​​activity a person will choose for himself and what opportunities will be presented to him for the development of these inclinations. How much the deposit will be issued depends on the conditions individual development. According to the results of this development, i.e. from available capacity, one cannot tell what the "contribution" of the deposit was. There are no ways yet to determine the degree of participation of the genotypic factor in the development of abilities.

The development of inclinations is a socially conditioned process, and if a need arose in society for such professions where a keen ear for music is needed, and if this particular person has the appropriate innate inclinations, then it is easier for him than anyone else to develop the appropriate abilities. It was the combination of these factors that allowed the Bach family to realize the inclinations of the musical abilities of its members for such a long time - as a result, for many decades in Europe, all musicians were called "bachs". But to say about any representative of this family: "He is a born musician" is only conditional, since his brain does not contain predestination. life path, professions, abilities.

The inclinations are non-specific in relation to the specific content and specific forms of activity, they are ambiguous; on the basis of the same inclinations, different abilities can develop depending on the nature of the requirements imposed by the activity. Thus, a person with good hearing and a sense of rhythm can become a musical performer, conductor, dancer, singer, music critic, teacher, composer, etc. At the same time, it cannot be considered that the influence of inclinations is completely neutral in relation to future abilities. So, the features of the auditory analyzer will affect precisely the abilities that require the participation of this analyzer. Thus, individual inclinations are to some extent selective, unequal in relation to different types activities.

At present, the essence of the productive manifestations of inclinations has not been sufficiently investigated; here science proceeds, as it were, from the contrary, studying their defects. So, for example, with some congenital or acquired in early age brain anomalies (oligophrenia), the makings of abilities for any kind of activity are lost. Any human activity has a complex structure, and for its successful implementation, one quality is not enough, even if it has reached a very high level of development. A person's abilities for a certain Activity are a set of mental qualities that also have a complex structure. It is determined by the requirements of a particular activity and is different for its different types. So, as a result of his research, B.M. Teplov came to the conclusion that in order to engage in any kind of musical activity, unlike any other, such a complex psychological education- like musicality. Musicality consists of the following abilities: ear for music, ability for auditory representation, musical and rhythmic feeling.

The structure of literary abilities includes a high level of development of aesthetic feelings, the presence of vivid visual images of memory, a sense of language, rich imagination, a deep interest in the psychology of people, the need for self-expression, etc. The structure of any particular ability includes universal or general qualities that meet the requirements different types of activity, and special qualities that ensure success in only one type of activity. Studying mathematical abilities, V.A. Krutetsky established that for the successful completion of mathematical activity it is necessary:

  1. an active, positive attitude towards mathematics, a tendency to engage in it, turning into a passion at a high level of development,
  2. a number of characterological traits, primarily diligence, organization, independence, purposefulness, perseverance, as well as stable intellectual feelings;
  3. 3) the presence during the activity of mental states favorable for its implementation
  4. 4) a certain type of knowledge, skills and abilities in the relevant field
  5. certain individual psychological characteristics in the sensory and mental spheres that meet the requirements of this activity. (Krutetsky V.A. Psychology of mathematical abilities. M., 1968).

In this case, the first 4 categories of listed properties should be considered as general properties, necessary for any activity, and not consider them as components of abilities, since otherwise interests, inclinations, skills and abilities should be considered as components of abilities.

The last group of qualities is specific, showing success only in mathematical activity. This is explained by the fact that, firstly, they manifest themselves in a specific area and are not associated with the manifestation of abilities in other areas. So, for example, judging by the biographical data, A.S. Pushkin shed many tears in the lyceum over mathematics, but did not show noticeable success; DI. Mendeleev at school was distinguished by great success in the field of mathematics and physics, and in linguistic subjects he had a solid "one". On the other hand, the famous mathematician S. Kovalevskaya was a talented writer, as was the English professor of mathematics Ch.L. Dodgson, who wrote the famous book Alice in Wonderland under the pseudonym of Lewis Carroll. Secondly, whole line special studies did not reveal any relationship between indicators of general intelligence and mathematical abilities. Thirdly, in school practice, as many teachers point out, the manifestation of mathematical abilities is not associated with success in studying other subjects.

Special abilities also include musical, literary, stage, etc.

General abilities that provide relative ease and productivity in mastering knowledge in various types activities are often called giftedness. Giftedness can manifest itself in various fields activities: intellectual, academic (educational), creative, artistic, in the field of communication (leadership) and psychomotor. Gifted people are distinguished, first of all, by attentiveness, composure, constant readiness for activity; they are characterized by perseverance in achieving the goal, an irrepressible need to work, as well as an intelligence that exceeds the average level.

Gifted people show great perseverance in their area of ​​interest. Therefore, one of the earliest indicators of giftedness is the amount of time a 2-year-old child can focus on one activity. Gifted children are absorbed in their work for several hours in a row and return to it within a few days, unlike a normal child of the same age. Giftedness is not the only factor determining the choice of activity, just as it is not the only factor determining the success of the activity. In addition to giftedness, a person, at a minimum, must have the appropriate knowledge and skills.

Specific differences in giftedness are found mainly in the direction of interests. Some dwell on mathematics, others on history, and still others on social work. Further development abilities occurs in a particular activity. In the structure of the ability to a certain activity, one can single out the qualities that occupy a leading position, those that are auxiliary. So, in the structure of visual abilities, the leading properties will be the high natural sensitivity of the visual analyzer: a sense of line, proportion, shape, chiaroscuro, color, rhythm; sensorimotor qualities of the artist's hand; highly developed figurative memory, etc. The auxiliary qualities include the properties of artistic imagination, emotional mood, emotional attitude to the depicted, etc. The leading and auxiliary components of the abilities form a unity that ensures the success of the activity. However, one should not consider the structure of abilities as a rigid, inflexible formation. The ratio of leading and auxiliary qualities in a particular ability differs for different people, and depending on which quality is leading, the necessary auxiliary abilities and the specifics of the activity, its result are determined. Even within the same activity, a person may have a different combination of features that will allow him to perform it successfully, compensating for shortcomings. So, for example, N. L. Levitov believes that the following qualities should be present in the structure of pedagogical abilities:

  1. the ability to transfer knowledge to children in a concise and interesting way
  2. ability to understand students based on observation
  3. independent and creative way of thinking
  4. resourcefulness and quick and accurate orientation
  5. organizational skills.

(Levitov N.D. Child and pedagogical psychology. M., 1960).

F.N. Gonobolin expands the structure of pedagogical abilities, including here:

  1. ability to do educational material accessible to students
  2. teacher's understanding of the student
  3. creativity at work
  4. pedagogical volitional influence on children
  5. ability to organize a children's team
  6. interest in children
  7. content and clarity of speech
  8. its imagery and persuasiveness
  9. pedagogical tact
  10. the ability to connect learning material with life
  11. observation (in relation to children)
  12. pedagogical exactingness

But, probably, this list will also be incomplete and different for teachers working in junior and senior grades, teaching miscellaneous items, different sex, age, etc. The structure of abilities for a certain activity in each person is individual as well as his personality. Lack of ability does not mean unsuitability, as there are psychological mechanisms compensation for missing abilities.

Not only those who have the ability to do it, but also those who do not have them, have to engage in activity. If a person is forced to continue engaging in this activity, he will consciously or unconsciously compensate for the lack of abilities, relying on strengths of his personality. According to E.P. Ilyin, compensation can be carried out through acquired knowledge or skills, or through the formation of a typical style of activity, or through another, more developed ability. The possibility of a wide compensation of some properties by others leads to the fact that the relative weakness of any one ability does not at all exclude the possibility of successful performance of the activity most closely related to this ability. The missing ability can be compensated within a very wide range by others that are highly developed in a given person.

For example, a kind of musical ability is the so-called musical ear (absolute pitch), which is expressed in the fact that a person with this ability can recognize the pitch of individual sounds without resorting to comparing them with other sounds whose pitch is known. There are good reasons to see absolute pitch as a typical example of an innate ability, i.e. abilities, which are based on innate inclinations. However, the ability to recognize the pitch of individual sounds can also be developed in persons who do not have absolute pitch. This does not mean that they have developed absolute pitch, but in the absence of absolute pitch, it is possible, relying on other abilities (relative pitch, timbre pitch, etc.), to develop a skill that is achieved in other cases on the basis of absolute pitch. The mental mechanisms for recognizing the pitch of sounds with real absolute pitch and with specially developed, so-called pseudo-absolute pitch will be completely different, but the practical results may in some cases be exactly the same.

By studying the characteristics of the character of a particular person, it is possible to identify what qualities characterize a person. At the heart of their manifestation are the influence of individual experience, knowledge, abilities and capabilities of people. The list of biological features includes the innate characteristics of a person. Other personality traits acquired as a result of life:

  • sociality

It means irreducibility to individual, biological characteristics of people, saturation with socio-cultural content.

  • Uniqueness

The uniqueness and originality of the inner world of an individual, his independence and the inability to attribute to one or another social or psychological type.

  • transcendence

Willingness to go beyond one's "limits", constant self-improvement as a way of being, belief in the possibility of development and overcoming external and internal obstacles on the way to one's goal and, as a result, incompleteness, inconsistency and problematicness.

  • Integrity and subjectivity

Internal unity and identity (equality to oneself) in any life situations.

  • Activity and subjectivity

The ability to change oneself and the conditions of one's existence, independence from the surrounding conditions, the ability to be a source of one's own activity, the cause of actions and the recognition of responsibility for the actions performed.

  • Moral

The basis of interaction with the outside world, the willingness to treat other people as the highest value, equivalent to one's own, and not as a means to achieve goals.

List of qualities

The personality structure includes temperament, volitional qualities, abilities, character, emotions, social attitudes and motivation. And also separately the following qualities:

  • Independence;
  • Intellectual self-improvement;
  • Communication;
  • Kindness;
  • industriousness;
  • Honesty;
  • Purposefulness;
  • A responsibility;
  • Respect;
  • Confidence;
  • Discipline;
  • Humanity;
  • Mercy;
  • Curiosity;
  • Objectivity.

The personal qualities of a person are internal perception and external manifestations. External manifestation includes a list of indicators:

  • congenital or acquired artistry;
  • attractive appearance and sense of style;
  • ability and distinct pronunciation of speech;
  • intelligent and sophisticated approach to .

The main qualities of a person (her inner world) can be classified according to a number of criteria:

  • a comprehensive assessment of the situation and the absence of conflicting perceptions of information;
  • inherent love for people;
  • unbiased thinking;
  • positive form of perception;
  • wise judgment.

The level of these indicators determines the individual characteristics of the student.

The structure of individual qualities

To more accurately determine the quality of a person's personality, it is necessary to highlight it biological structure. It consists of 4 levels:

  1. Temperament, including characteristics of genetic predisposition (nervous system).
  2. The degree of unique mental processes that allows you to determine the personal qualities of a person. The level of individual perception, imagination, manifestation of volitional signs, feelings and attention affects the result.
  3. The experience of people, characterized by knowledge, abilities, capabilities and habits.
  4. Indicators of social orientation, including the attitude of the subject to external environment a habitat. The development of personal qualities acts as a guiding and regulating factor in behavior - interests and attitudes, beliefs and attitudes (a state of consciousness based on previous experience, a regulatory attitude and), moral norms.

Features of people that characterize their temperament

The innate qualities of a person form him as a social being. Behavioral factors, type of activity and social circle are taken into account. The category is shared by 4 concepts: sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic.

  • Sanguine - easily adapting to a new habitat and overcoming obstacles. Sociability, responsiveness, openness, cheerfulness and leadership are the main personality traits.
  • Melancholic - weak and inactive. Under the influence of strong stimuli, behavioral disturbances occur, manifested by a passive attitude to any activity. Closure, pessimism, anxiety, a tendency to reason and touchiness - character traits melancholic.
  • Cholerics are strong, unbalanced, energetic personality traits. They are short-tempered and unrestrained. Resentment, impulsiveness, emotionality and instability are clear indicators of a restless temperament.
  • Phlegmatic - a balanced, inert and slow personality, not inclined to change. Personal indicators act in easy overcoming of negative factors. Reliability, goodwill, peacefulness and prudence - distinctive features calm people.

Individual character traits

Character is a set of individual traits that are manifested in different types of activities, communication and relationships with people. The development of personal qualities is formed against the background of life processes and the type of activity of people. For a more accurate assessment of the nature of people, behavioral factors in specific circumstances should be studied in detail.

Varieties of character:

  • cycloid - changeability of mood;
  • hyperthymic accentuation consists in high activity, failure to complete things;
  • asthenic - capricious and depressive personal qualities;
  • sensitive - timid personality;
  • hysterical - the makings of leadership and vanity;
  • distimic - focused on the negative side of current events.

Individual abilities of people

Individual psychological qualities of a person contribute to the achievement of success and perfection in a certain activity. They are determined by the social and historical practice of the individual, the results of the interactions of biological and mental indicators.

There are different skill levels:

  1. giftedness;
  2. talent;
  3. genius.

The development of the algorithm of personal qualities and abilities of people is characterized by the ability to learn new things in the mental sphere. Special features are manifested in a specific type of activity (musical, artistic, pedagogical, etc.).

Volitional traits of people

Adjustment of behavioral factors associated with overcoming internal and external discomfort makes it possible to determine personal qualities: the level of efforts and plans for taking actions, concentration in a given direction. Will manifests itself in the following properties:

  • - the level of effort to achieve the desired result;
  • perseverance - the ability to mobilize to overcome troubles;
  • endurance is the ability to limit feelings, thoughts and actions.

Courage, self-control, commitment are the personal qualities of strong-willed people. They are classified into simple and complex acts. In a simple case, urges to action flow into its execution automatically. Complex acts are carried out on the basis of drawing up a plan and taking into account the consequences.

human feelings

The persistent attitude of people to real or imaginary objects arise and are formed on the basis of the cultural and historical level. Only the ways of their manifestation change, based on historical eras. are individual.

Personality motivations

Motives and motivations that contribute to the activation of actions are formed from. The stimulating qualities of a person are conscious and unconscious.

They appear as:

  • striving for success;
  • avoiding trouble;
  • getting power, etc.

How to manifest and how to recognize personality traits

The personal qualities of an individual are determined by analyzing behavioral factors:

  • self-esteem. manifested in relation to themselves: modest or confident, arrogant and self-critical, decisive and brave, people with a high level of self-control or lack of will;
  • assessment of the relationship of the individual to society. There are different degrees of relationships between the subject and representatives of society: honest and fair, sociable and polite, tactful, rude, etc.;
  • a unique personality is determined by the level of interests in the labor, educational, sports or creative field;
  • clarification of the position of the individual in society occurs in a close relationship of opinion about it;
  • in the study of psychological factors, special attention is paid to memory, thinking and attention, characterizing the development of personal qualities;
  • observation of the emotional perception of situations allows you to assess the reaction of the individual when solving problems or its absence;
  • measuring the level of responsibility. The main qualities of a serious personality are manifested in labor activity in the form of creativity, entrepreneurship, initiative and bringing things to the desired result.

A review of the individual properties of people helps to create a general picture of behavior in the professional and social sphere. Under the concept of "personality" is a person with individual properties, due to the social environment. These include personality traits: intelligence, emotions and will.

Grouping features that contribute to personality recognition:

  • subjects who are aware of the presence of their inherent social traits;
  • people participating in the social and cultural life of society;
  • personal qualities and character of a person are easy to determine in a social relationship through communication and the labor sphere;
  • individuals who are clearly aware of their peculiarity and significance in the public.

Personal and professional quality of a person are manifested in the formation of a worldview and internal perception. The individual always asks philosophical questions about life, his significance in society. He has his own ideas, views and life positions affecting