Tasks for the development of phonemic perception in preschoolers. Some types of practical tasks and games aimed at reinforcing the image of a letter, developing visual attention, memory, and fine motor skills

Development phonemic perception is one of the most important tasks facing speech therapists working with children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech. The lack of formation of phonemic perception negatively affects the formation of sound pronunciation: children are characterized by the use of diffuse sounds of unstable articulation, numerous substitutions and mixtures with a relatively favorable state of the structure and function of the articulatory apparatus.

This card file contains games and exercises for the development of phonemic hearing and perception, which can be effectively used in the process of corrective work with older children. preschool age, Considering individual characteristics children and the conditions for organizing training.



The basic prerequisite for mastering writing is a developed phonemic awareness. Underphonemic awareness- the main component of speech perception -is understood as the ability of a person to hear and distinguish individual phonemes, or sounds in a word, to determine the presence of a sound in a word, their number and sequence.Thus, a child entering school must be able to distinguish individual sounds in a word. For example, if you ask him if there is a sound “m” in the word “lamp”, then he should answer in the affirmative.

Why does a child need good phonemic hearing? This is due to the method of teaching reading that exists today at school, based on the sound analysis of the word. It helps us to distinguish between words and forms of words that are similar in sound, and to correctly understand the meaning of what is said. The development of phonemic hearing in children is the key to successful learning to read and write, and in the future - to foreign languages.

By the age of five, children are able to determine by ear the presence or absence of a particular sound in a word, they can independently select words for given sounds, unless, of course, preliminary work was carried out with them.

How to develop phonemic hearing in a child? The best way to do this is in the game. Many development games phonemic processes have a combined character, which is expressed not only in the enrichment of the dictionary, but also in the activation of higher mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, motor skills). We bring to your attention games that allow you to teach your child to listen to the sounds of speech in an interesting way.

Development of auditory perception, speech hearing

"Guess what it sounds like"

It is necessary to show the baby what sounds various objects make (how paper rustles, how a tambourine rings, what sound a drum makes, how a rattle sounds). Then you need to play sounds so that the child does not see the object itself. And the child should try to guess what object makes such a sound.

"Sun or rain"

The adult tells the child that they will now go for a walk. The weather is good and the Sun is shining (while the adult rings a tambourine). Then the adult says that it started to rain (at the same time he hits the tambourine and asks the child to run up to him - to hide from the rain). The adult explains to the baby that he should listen carefully to the tambourine and, in accordance with its sounds, “walk” or “hide”.

"Whisper Talk"

The bottom line is that the child, being at a distance of 2 - 3 meters from you, hears and understands what you say in a whisper (for example, you can ask the baby to bring a toy). It is important to ensure that the words are pronounced clearly.

"Let's see who's talking"

Prepare pictures of animals for the lesson and show the child which of them "as they say." Then draw the "voice" of one of the animals without pointing to the picture. Let the child guess which animal “speaks” like that.

“We hear the ringing and we know where it is”

Ask the child to close their eyes and ring the bell. The child should turn to face the place where the sound is heard and, without opening his eyes, show the direction with his hand.

"Noisy bags".

Together with the baby, pour cereals, buttons, paper clips, etc. into bags or boxes. The child must guess by the sound of the shaking bag what is inside it.

"Find a Pair"

Prepare in advance several pairs of boxes or jars filled with different fillers, for example, 2 boxes with cereals, 2 boxes with paper clips, 2 boxes with small pebbles, 2 boxes with buttons, etc. One set of boxes for a speech therapist, the second for a child. The speech therapist shakes the box so that the child listens to how it sounds. Then he looks for a box with the same sound in his kit.

"Let's clap."

The child repeats the rhythmic pattern of clapping. For example, two claps, pause, one clap, pause, two claps. In a more complicated version, the baby repeats the rhythm with eyes closed.

"Loud quiet".

Agree that the child will perform certain actions when you say the words loudly and when you say it quietly. There is a similar version of the game "Far-Close". You say the word loudly, the child answers - close. Speak the word quietly, the child answers - far away.

"Three Bears".

The child guesses which of the characters in the fairy tale the adult speaks for. A more complicated option: the child himself speaks for three bears, changing the pitch of his voice.

"Who's standing at the traffic light?"

Material: tape recorder and audio recording with street noises.

The speech therapist turns on an audio recording with the sounds of the street. Children listen to the sounds and name the transport that has stopped at the traffic light (car, truck, tractor, motorcycle, cart, tram).

Development of phonemic hearing.

"Listen and choose."

In front of the child are pictures with similar-sounding words (com, catfish, scrap, house). The adult calls the object, and the child raises the corresponding picture.

"True False".

An adult shows the child a picture and names the object, replacing the first letter (forota, short, morota, gate, porta, goodness). The task of the child is to clap his hands when he hears the correct pronunciation.

Elephant racing.

Description of the game: a speech therapist invites children to “turn hands into elephants” (index and ring fingers are the front legs of an elephant, the thumb and little finger are the hind legs, the middle finger extended forward is the trunk; the elephant walks, rearranging the “legs”, you can’t touch the ground with the trunk) . The speech therapist suggests the elephants take a walk, but warns the children that they should freeze when they hear the word "stop." The speech therapist pronounces the words: elephant, groan, stop, stock, stop, camp, knock, hearing, elephant, stop, chair, stop, stop. The child whose elephant was the most attentive wins.

"Listen, look."

Equipment: subject pictures of a bear cub, a bear, a girl.

Description of the game: a speech therapist puts pictures on the board and gives the task: “I will name two words. Repeat only the word for which there is a picture. The speech therapist calls a pair of words: bear - fly, Mashenka - cherry, Mishutka - lattice.

"Funny ball".

Equipment: ball.

Description of the game: the children stand in a semicircle, the speech therapist takes turns throwing the ball to the children, pronouncing one syllable at a time (pa, ba, po, bo, ta, yes ...). Children return the ball by repeating the named syllables.

"Catch the right sound with a clap."

Instructions: If you hear the sound [K] of the word, clap your hands. Words: [K] wound, mor [K] ov, hut, botino [K]. . .

The same with any other sounds:

Sh - cat, hat, mask, pillow ...; C - dog, paints, horse, socks, nose ...

P - hands, paws, Motherland, shelf, mug ...; L - shovel, bark, words, pilaf ...

"Red White".

Equipment: two mugs for each child (red and white).

Description of the game: the teacher invites the children to listen carefully and determine which word has a given sound. If there is a given sound in the word, the children must raise the red circle, if not, they raise the blue one.


Game description: speech therapist offers children to learn to catch sounds. He asks the children to pretend that they are sleeping (so as not to “scare the sound off”): put their heads in their hands, close their eyes. “Wake up” (sit up straight), hearing the desired sound in a number of other sounds.

"Come up with words for a given sound."

To begin with, it is better to give only vowel sounds (a, o, y, and) - watermelon, hoop, snail, needle, etc.

Then consonants (p, s, w, l, p, b, etc.)

"Name the same sound in words."

The speech therapist pronounces three or four words, with a given sound: sled, bone, nose - children must name the same sound (s) that is in these words.

"Answer - do not rush."

Offer several tasks for quick wits, check how the children learned to hear and highlight certain sounds in words.

  • Think of a word that begins with the last sound of the word palas.
  • Remember the name of domestic animals, which would have the last sound of the word nose (dog, pig ...)
  • Pick a word so that the first sound is m, and the last sound is a (Masha, car, fly ...)
  • What word will you get if you add one sound to the syllable ro? (Mouth, rum, horn...)
  • Make up a sentence in which all words begin with the sound p (Petya gave Pavlik a pyramid.)
  • Find objects in the group that have a k sound in their name (pencils, a book, a pen, cubes ...)

"Fix Dunno's Mistakes."

Dunno was visiting his grandmother in the village and this is what he saw there. Listen carefully and correct mistakes.

The scythe jumped over the fence.

Kolova gives delicious milk.

Roshad chews juicy grass.

The cat catches the mouse.

The dog guards the house.

"Identify the shortest word by ear."

Words are selected in accordance with the topic of the lesson, you can also give the task of determining the longest word. Builder, bricklayer, house, glazier.

"Say the opposite."

The speech therapist pronounces two or three sounds, and the children must pronounce them in reverse order.

"Catch a fish."

Equipment: metal paper clips, small subject pictures (the depicted object is cut out to the contour), a box and a fishing rod with a magnet from the game “Catch a fish”. Paper clips are attached to subject pictures.

Description of the game: children take turns catching various objects with a fishing rod. They are called. They determine whether the name lacks the necessary sound (for example, p), its place in the word (at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word). For a correct answer, the child receives a point. The one who scores more points wins.

"Chains of words".

This game is an analogue of the well-known "cities". It consists in the fact that the next player comes up with his own word to the last sound of the word given by the previous player. A chain of words is formed: stork - plate - watermelon.

"Be careful!"

Goals of the game: to stimulate auditory attention, to learn to quickly and accurately respond to sound signals develop phonemic awareness.

Children walk under the "March" by S. Prokofiev. Then, for a word that begins with one of the differentiable sounds (for example, when practicing the topic “Differentiation - [F]”, with the word “Bunnies”) pronounced by the leader, the children should start jumping, for the word Zhuki, freeze in place, “Zina ” - jumping, “Giraffe” - froze in place, etc.

"Listen to the clapping and pick up the syllables"

Played by 2 people or 2 small teams.

Goals of the game: the development of the distribution of attention, phonemic hearing.

Letters denoting vowel sounds are placed on the typesetting canvas.


“If I clap my hands once LOUD (like this), you must quickly compose and say a syllable starting with 3, for example: ZA, ZU, ZI, etc.

If I clap once QUIETLY (like this), I need to compose and say a syllable ending in 3, for example A3, KZ, IZ, etc.

If I clap my hands twice LOUDLY (like this), I must quickly compose and say a syllable starting with Zh, for example: ZHA, ZHU, ZHI, etc.

And if I clap twice QUIETLY (like this), I need to compose and say a syllable ending in F, for example, AJ, UZH, IZH, etc. ”

"Listen and repeat!"

Goals of the game: the development of phonemic hearing, the ability to regulate and control speech activity.

The speech therapist writes on the board 2 syllables with differentiable sounds, for example: FOR- and ZHA-.

One player must invite the other to repeat an arbitrary sequence of 3-6 repeating syllables, for example: FOR-FOR-ZHA-FOR.

His “opponent” must repeat this sequence exactly, and the tasker must evaluate the correctness. The judge is a speech pathologist.

With the complication of the game, syllables with differentiable consonants and their sequence are set by the players themselves.

The player or the team that made the fewest mistakes and picked up the most syllables wins.

"Hear - stop!"

Goals of the game: development of auditory attention, phonemic hearing, phonemic perception.

  • http://www.boltun-spb.ru/sluh.html
  • Speech therapy / L.S. Volkova, R.I. Lalaeva, E.M. Mastyukova and others; Ed. L.S. Volkova.- In 2 books. Book 2
  • Pozhilenko E.A. Magic world sounds and words. – M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 1999-224 p.
  • Povalyaeva M.A. Handbook of a speech therapist. - Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix", 2002.
  • Tkachenko T.A. Logopedic notebook. Development of phonemic perception and sound analysis skills. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2000
  • Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. The program of education and upbringing of children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment ( senior group kindergarten).- M.: MGOPI, 1993 -72 p.

  • ,
    teacher-speech therapist, MAOU “Gymnasium No. 6”, Gubkin, Belgorod region.


    Goals of the game: development of active attention and phonemic analysis.

    Each player is assigned a letter of the alphabet. Then one word or a phrase of two or three words is thought up. On a signal, the children begin to print: the first “letter” of the word stands up and clap their hands, then the second, and so on. When the word is printed, all the children clap their hands.

    "Be careful!"

    Objectives of the game: to stimulate auditory attention, to learn to quickly and accurately respond to sound signals, to develop phonemic hearing.

    Children walk under the "March" by S. Prokofiev. Then, for a word that begins with one of the differentiable sounds (for example, when practicing the topic “Differentiation - [F]”, with the word “Bunnies”) pronounced by the leader, the children should start jumping, for the word Zhuki, freeze in place, “Zina ” - jumping, “Giraffe” - froze in place, etc.

    “Count the letters and make a sentence”

    Play from 3 to 6 participants.

    Goals of the game: development of skills in phonemic analysis, memory, distribution of attention, the ability to work with deformed text.

    Children line up, count in order, loudly repeating their serial number. The speech therapist names any sound; the word that contains that sound.

    Children must determine the place of the sound in this word, and the player steps out of the row one step ahead, the serial number of which matches the serial number of the sound in the word. He must keep his word.

    The children remaining in the row are once again calculated in order, and this is repeated anew until one player remains.

    All children repeat their words loudly, and the last one must make a sentence out of these words and arrange the players accordingly.

    “Listen to the claps and pick up the syllables”

    Played by 2 people or 2 small teams.

    Goals of the game: the development of the distribution of attention, phonemic hearing.

    Letters denoting vowel sounds are placed on the typesetting canvas.


    “If I clap my hands once LOUD (like this), you must quickly compose and say a syllable starting with 3, for example: ZA, ZU, ZI, etc.

    If I clap once QUIETLY (like this), I need to compose and say a syllable ending in 3, for example A3, KZ, IZ, etc.

    If I clap my hands twice LOUDLY (like this), I must quickly compose and say a syllable starting with Zh, for example: ZHA, ZHU, ZHI, etc.

    And if I clap twice QUIETLY (like this), I need to compose and say a syllable ending in F, for example, AJ, UZH, IZH, etc. ”

    The player or the team that made the fewest mistakes and picked up the most syllables wins.

    "Repeat after me"

    The purpose of the game: the development of motor-auditory memory.

    Children stand near the leader's table. The host invites one child to slam everything that the host taps with a pencil. The rest of the children listen carefully and evaluate the performance with movements: they raise their thumbs up if the claps are correct, and lower them down if they are incorrect.

    Rhythmic phrases should be short and clear in their structure.

    “Listen and repeat!”

    Goals of the game: the development of phonemic hearing, the ability to regulate and control speech activity.

    The speech therapist writes on the board 2 syllables with differentiable sounds, for example: FOR- and ZHA-.

    One player must invite the other to repeat an arbitrary sequence of 3-6 repeating syllables, for example: FOR-FOR-ZHA-FOR.

    His “opponent” must repeat this sequence exactly, and the tasker must evaluate the correctness. The judge is a speech pathologist.

    With the complication of the game, syllables with differentiable consonants and their sequence are set by the players themselves.

    “Hear - stop!”

    Goals of the game: development of auditory attention, phonemic hearing, phonemic perception.

    A forbidden sound is assigned (for example, [C]). Children stand in a line facing the speech therapist at a distance of 7-9 steps. The speech therapist says the words out loud. For each word, the players must take a step forward, except when the word has a C sound in any position. In this case, you must skip the step.

    The students who are the first to reach a speech therapist lose.

    Below is a collection of educational games that have proven to be the most effective in joint work speech therapist and educational psychologist.

    "What do you hear?"

    Purpose of the game: to develop the ability to quickly concentrate. 1st option. The facilitator invites the children to listen and remember what is happening outside the door. Then he asks to tell what they heard.

    2nd option. At the signal of the leader, the attention of the children is drawn from the door to the window, from the window to the door. Then each child should tell what happened where.


    Purpose of the game: development of strong-willed attention.

    Children stand next to each other. Hands rest on the shoulders of the person in front. Having heard the first command, the first child raises his right hand up, the second - the second, etc. When all the children raise their right hand, they begin to raise their left hand in the same order to the next command. Lifting left hand, the children also, under the command, take turns lowering their hands down.

    Speech games for children 6-7 years old

    Games for the development of sound-letter analysis skills, the formation of phonemic hearing

    1) The game "Chain of words"

    Task: to teach children to distinguish initial and final sounds in words, expand their vocabulary, develop auditory attention, quick wit.

    Description. You can play alone or with a group of children and adults. One of the players calls any word - a noun in singular and nominative case, the second - invents a word for its last sound, the third - for the last sound of this word, etc., as if building a chain of words. For example: Anya - apple - autumn - thread - turkey - cat - cable - dog, etc.

    2) The game "Stomp - clap"

    Task: to teach the child to distinguish between similar sounds.

    Equipment: words in which the consonant is pronounced clearly, with effort, and the vowel should be stressed.

    Description. The game is played by ear. The adult informs the child: “Today we will learn to hear sounds and distinguish them from each other. For the task, sounds are selected that are somehow similar to each other: for example, O-U, Y-I, M-N, K-T, P-T, etc. - for children 5 years old, pairs of consonants for deafness - voicedness (V-P, D-T, G-K, V-F) and hardness-softness (M-M", T-T", K-K, etc.) - for children 6-7 years old .

    First, the game is played on individual sounds, then on syllables and words. The adult selects the speech material and pronounces it clearly, and the child, following the instructions of the adult, clap on one of the sounds, and stomp on the other.

    For example, the sounds [О-У] differ.

    Sounds: O, U, N, U, O, S, O, U, A, M, U, T, O, etc.

    Syllables: OH, UK, PO, UT, KO, NU, MO, UP, MU, etc.

    Words: Olya, duck, autumn, window, fishing rod, going, cow, morning, lake, Ulya, etc.

    3) The game "Choose pictures"

    Task: to teach children to choose a picture with a word that begins with a given sound, expand their vocabulary, develop visual attention.

    Equipment: subject pictures with words starting with a given sound, several pictures starting with other sounds.

    Description. An adult lays out the pictures on the table, instructs the child that he should choose those pictures that show words with a certain sound, for example, the sound [k]. Then the adult clearly names all the pictures, and the child chooses the appropriate ones from them (cat, pony, fly, horse, jacket, tank, cube, candy, nose, spider, poppy, doll, etc.)

    4) The game "Spread into piles"

    Task: to teach children to highlight the initial sound in a word.

    Equipment: subject pictures with words starting with different sounds, several pictures for each of them.

    Description. The adult lays out the pictures on the table, names them, then instructs the child that he must combine the pictures into several piles according to the initial sound.

    For example:

    [L] - moon, boat, horse, lamp, etc. [A] - bus, pineapple, watermelon, album, etc. [U] - duck, fishing rod, beehive, snail, iron, etc. [M] - poppy, fly, raspberry, car, bridge, etc. [K] - cat, horse, cube, jacket, doll, etc. [N] - nose, leg, knife, scissors, rhinoceros, etc. etc. [I] - willow, turkey, needle, toys, oriole, etc. d.

    5) The game "Repeat the words after me"

    Task: to train children in sound analysis, to teach them to distinguish given sounds in words.

    Equipment: rows of words prepared by an adult, most of which contain a given sound in their composition, while the rest do not. The game uses words with vowels (A, O, U, I, S) and consonants that the child can pronounce correctly ([M-N], [D-T], [G-K], [B-P] , [V-F], [X]). For voiced consonants [D], [B], [G], [C] it is not allowed to use words in which these sounds end and are deafened. Hard and soft pairs of sounds are analyzed separately from each other. The vowel sound [O] can be distinguished only in those words in which it is under stress, since in other cases it turns into the sound [A]. The vowel sound [Ы] stands out only in the middle and at the end of the word.

    Description. An adult pronounces a series of first 5 ^ 6, then 8-10 words and gives the child the task of remembering and repeating only those words that have a certain sound, for example, the sound [M]. Such a series of words is given: mother, cat, soap, house, spider, bridge, bow, fly, leg, lemon. Of these, the child must repeat the following words: mom, soap, house, bridge, fly, lemon.

    6) Game "Find the sound"

    Task: to teach children to hear the initial and final sounds in words, to develop their auditory attention, to consolidate the correct, clear pronunciation and distinction of sounds.

    Equipment: rows of pictures for a specific sound.

    Description. The game can be played with one child or with a group of children.

    The adult says: “Now I will show the pictures and name the objects depicted on them, and you listen carefully and guess what sound is in all these words.” Then the adult shows and names a series of pictures that begin, for example, with the sound [K]: cat, horse, jacket, wheel, doll, candy, and the children must answer with a full answer: “All these words have a sound [K]”. Next, they must remember the words named by adults with the sound [K], come up with a few of their own words with this sound.

    7) The game "Sound Lotto"

    Task: to train children in determining the location of a given sound in a word: at the beginning, middle or end.

    Equipment; stripes divided into 3 parts, indicating the beginning, middle and end of the word; subject pictures with words for certain sounds: vowels and deaf consonants - beginning, middle, end; sound [s] - middle, end of a word; voiced consonants - the beginning and middle of a word.

    Description. The child examines and names a picture with a given sound, then puts it on the first, second or third square in the strip, depending on its location in this word. The beginning of the word - when all other sounds come after the given sound, the middle of the word - other sounds come before and after the given sound, the end of the word - the rest of the sounds come before the given sound. For example, a child is given pictures with sound [m]. On the strip, they are arranged in squares in the following sequence: poppy - bag - house.

    8) The game "Who has more words?"

    Task: to teach children to find in the picture or invent words with a given sound. Equipment:

    Option 1 - a picture that contains a lot of objects with a given sound.

    Option 2 - subject pictures with words in which there is a given sound; chips.

    Description. You can play with one child or with a group of children.

    1 option. An adult shows a plot picture (for example, "Forest") and invites the child to find as many words with a given sound on it as possible.

    For each word, the child receives a token. The one with the most chips wins.

    Option 2. An adult calls the sound to the children and shows pictures with words that contain this sound.

    Then the pictures are removed, and the children must name as many words as possible from memory. For each word, the child also receives a chip. As you practice, you can play without pictures, throwing the ball between the players and naming words with the agreed sound.

    9) The game "Name the vowels"

    Task: to train children in isolating vowel sounds from a word.

    Description. An adult pronounces words syllable by syllable, highlighting and holding out vowels. Then he pronounces only the vowels in the order they were in the word.

    For example, fish-ba - s-a; ba-ra-ban - a-a-a; kosh-ka-o-a; ball - i-i, etc. Next, the child tries to independently stretch the vowels in syllables and name them in order.

    If necessary, an adult helps him in the correct division of words into syllables. First, two-syllable words with direct syllables are selected for the game, in which vowel sounds do not change depending on the stress or spelling rule, i.e. words are written and pronounced the same way (words like wasp, road, tire, summer are excluded), then one- and three-syllable words and containing consonants.

    10) The game "What happened?"

    Task: to exercise children in repeating and memorizing whole words.

    Equipment: pictures with the image of the words that should turn out.


    1 option. An adult lays out pictures in front of the child and begins to name words in which he omits the first sound. The child must find this word from the pictures and name it. For example, (z) amok, (k) oshka, (m) bus, (p) dress, (c) agon, etc.

    Option 2. An adult selects words so that they all begin with the same sound. He gives the child the task of pronouncing a certain sound each time, and after that he finishes the whole word.

    Then the child must again completely repeat the word. For example, to the sound [x] - (x) east, (x) leb, (x) omyak, (x) alat.

    To the sound [w] - (w) peony, (w) cola, (w) pagat, (w) uba.

    To the sound [k] - (k) splint, (k) key, (k) paint, (k) apusta.

    11) The game "Speak the word"

    Task: to train children in adding a given sound or syllable to a word.

    Equipment: subject pictures depicting words that should turn out.


    1 option. The adult lays out pictures in front of the child and begins to pronounce the first syllable of the word, and the child must find a suitable picture and complete the missing syllable in this word. For example, pitchfork (ka), ar (buz), snake (I), li (sa), etc.

    Option 2. The child pronounces the initial syllable, agreed in advance, and then the adult finishes the remaining 1-2 syllables, and together they repeat the resulting word in its entirety. For example, ka (sha), ka (reta), ka (mouse), ka (men), ka (ban), ka (cheli).

    3 option. Now the adult pronounces the beginning of the word, and the child finishes the missing prearranged last syllable and repeats the whole word. Depending on the pronunciation capabilities of the child, an adult can choose words, excluding sounds that the child pronounces incorrectly, or, conversely, words with a certain sound, in order to reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sound in the child.

    For example, love (ka), re (ka), shish (ka), horse (ka), hare (ka), gal (ka), book (ka); snake (ya), seven (ya), stan-qi (ya), fe (ya), seam (ya); ig (ra), but (ra), y (ra), horse (ra), zha (ra), child (ra); shko (la), ska (la), mirror (yes), marshmallow), etc.

    12) The game "Choose a sound"

    Task: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of individual sounds difficult for the child, develop the ability to add the missing given sound to the end of the word and pronounce the word in full.

    Equipment: rows of words with the same missing sound at the end, subject pictures showing the resulting words.

    Description. The adult offers the child to complete the word with a sound, choosing the appropriate one from two or three proposed.

    For example, you need to finish the word with the sounds [p] - [t] - [k]: kato (k), tulu (p), bile (t), kuso (k), compo (t), Ukro (p), veni ( k), ma (k), ko (t), su (p), one hundred (p), zamo (k), etc. Or with sounds [h] - [u]: vra (h), comrades (u ), gra (h), ovo (u), god (h), me (h), pla (u), le (u), etc. Or with sounds [c] - [h]: cucumber (c) , key (h), zaya (c), in (h) b, obru (h), deck (c), feces (h), etc.

    Words are selected depending on the pronunciation capabilities of the child: words with sounds that he cannot pronounce correctly are excluded.

    13) The game "Guess the word by vowels"

    Task: to improve the skills of sound analysis of children.

    Description. An adult lays out pictures in front of the child and offers to find among them a word in which the vowels are arranged in the sequence given to them. He pronounces only vowels, emphasizing the stress, for example, a - y "(spider), a - a" (eyes), y-a (fish), etc.

    First, the child is offered words from two direct, reverse or closed syllables, and as the training progresses, three-four-five-syllable words: a - s - a (mar-tysh "-ka), a - s ~ - a (ma-shi" - on), e -a - a "- o (ex-ka-va" -tor), etc.

    Games for the development of the syllabic structure of the word

    1) The game "Rearrange the syllables or sounds"

    Task: to train children's intelligence, the ability to rearrange letters or syllables in one word to form another, expand vocabulary.

    Description. 1 option. An adult calls the child words and offers to swap letters or syllables in them, and then repeat a new word.

    As you train, you can play with a group of children when a word with rearranged sounds or syllables is suggested to the driver, and he must guess it: lok - count, mod - house, zako - goat, bars - fish.

    Option 2. The adult points first at simple examples that some words can turn into others if you rearrange the letters in them (ros - sleep, body - summer, meadow - rumble, forest - villages) or syllables (bed - sting, bast - cola, pump - pine). Gradually, as you practice, you can complicate the words and increase the number of letters in them.

    Bank - boar.

    The mouse is a reed.

    Hair is the word.

    Bayan - bath.

    Brand - frame.

    Kapal - stick.

    The pump is pine.

    Kolos - falcon.

    Vobla - collapse.

    Fork - valnk.

    Mike - border.

    2) The game "Slap the word"

    Task: to consolidate in children the ability to divide a word into syllables depending on the number of vowel sounds, to train them in dividing words into syllables with the help of claps.

    Description. The adult pronounces the word, and the child must slap each syllable. After clapping, the child must say how many syllables he has counted.

    In this game, children can be offered words with a confluence of consonants, while it is necessary to explain to the child that when consonants converge, the syllable is divided between them: that is, one consonant goes into the first, and the other into the second syllable. For example, cat, open, honey, etc.

    3) The game "Come up with a word with a certain number of syllables"

    Task: to train children in making up words with a certain number of syllables.

    Description. An adult slaps or taps a certain number of syllables, and the child must come up with words suitable for them from the pictures. If he finds it difficult to name a word, an adult repeats the rhythm and pronounces the first syllable. As you practice, you can invite the children to invent words themselves without using pictures, or choose one of the children to lead.

    4) The game "Name the given syllable in the word"

    Task: to teach children to identify and name a certain syllable in a word.

    Description. An adult pronounces a word of two direct syllables in syllables and asks the child to name the first, then the second syllable in it, for example, ra-ma, water; then he is offered the next word, etc.

    As the training progresses, the adult offers the child two-syllable words with reversed or closed syllables, three- or four-syllable words (ma-shi-na) and words with consonants, for example, honey-because.

    5) The game "On the contrary"

    Task: to train children in the transformation of syllables by replacing a hard sound in a syllable with a soft one or, conversely, a soft one with a hard one.

    Equipment: rows of syllables to transform.

    Description. An adult shows a child how to turn a hard syllable into a soft one (or vice versa, a soft one into a hard one) if the vowel sound is replaced in it. For example, py - pi, mo - me, bae - be, la - la, well - nu, sho - so, ke - ke, du - du, vya - wa.

    Then the child tries to transform the syllables on his own, and the adult selects them so that they contain sounds that the child pronounces correctly.

    6) The game "Lay out the syllable that you hear"

    Task: to develop the skills of phonemic analysis and reading, fine motor skills of children.

    Equipment: counting sticks, matches or beans.

    Description. The adult clearly and slowly pronounces syllables containing sounds that the child can pronounce correctly, and invites him to lay out the letters corresponding to the sounds from sticks, matches or beans.

    7) The game "Repeat the syllables after me, highlighting the stress"

    Task: to teach children to repeat syllables with a given stress after an adult.

    Description. An adult pronounces a number of syllables, emphasizing the stress, and the child listens and try to repeat, observing the location of the stressed syllable. On the initial stage a series of two, and then three syllables is proposed: sa' - sa; sa - sa'; la' - la - la'; la-la-la’

    8) The game "Find the stressed syllable in the word"

    Task: to teach children to identify stressed syllables in words by ear.

    Description. The adult pronounces the word syllable by syllable, emphasizing the stressed syllable, and the child must hear and repeat it. At the initial stage, words of two, then three or more syllables are offered.

    For example, a spider is a stressed syllable -uk; hedgehog - yo-; bunny - zai-; phone - background; autumn - oh-; raspberries -li- etc.

    9) The game "Untangle the words"

    Task: to train children's intelligence, the ability to rearrange syllables in one word to form another, expand vocabulary.

    Equipment: subject pictures for each of the words.

    Description. An adult lays out pictures in front of the child and names words in which syllables are rearranged, and the child must find the corresponding picture and name the word correctly. For example, ba-so-ka is a dog, po-sa-gi is boots, fet-sal-ka is a napkin, mo-sa-let is an airplane, son-ko-ka is a scarf, be-re-nok is a child, ra-ba-ban - drum, ka-rel-ta - plate, etc.

    10) The game "What new syllable appeared in the word?"

    Task: to train intelligence, speech hearing of children.

    Description. An adult names pairs of words that differ from each other by some syllable: the child must determine which syllable appeared or changed in the second word.

    For example: hand - ru-bash-ka; crust - cor-zin-ka; roses - mo-roses; fly - feed fly; a child is a child.

    11) Game "Turn one word into another"

    Task: to improve the skills of sound-letter analysis, the ability to turn one word into another by rearranging sounds or syllables.

    Description. The game is designed for children with basic reading skills. The adult invites the child to name the word from the picture and read the word next to it. When he notices that what is written is not what is shown in the picture, the adult shows how to turn the given word into the right one: rearrange the syllables, replace one sound with another, add the missing sound. For example, a ram is a banana, concrete is a loaf, a fist is + a (shark), a child - + zhe- (foal).

    expansion games vocabulary, improving the grammatical structure of speech


    1) The game "Say the right word"

    Task: to consolidate general concepts in children, to expand their vocabulary.

    Equipment: ball.

    Description. An adult offers the child, throwing the ball, to name the words of a certain group, for example: flowers, animals, names, cities. The loser is the one who cannot come up with a word when he has the ball. The words called by the players must not be repeated.

    2) The game "He - She - It"

    Task: to consolidate in children the concept of the type of objects.

    Equipment: a set of pictures familiar to the child, with masculine, feminine and neuter objects.

    Description. An adult lays out pictures on the table and begins to form piles of them, explaining to the children that objects that can be called the word “he” are placed in the first, “she” in the second, and “it” in the third. Then the child continues to lay out the pictures on their own. An adult, if necessary, helps him by asking leading questions: Is the table he or she? Apple - she or it?

    3) The game "Pick up related words"

    Task: to give children an idea of ​​related words, that is, words formed from one source word.

    Description. An adult explains to a child that some words are similar to each other in some part, like relatives, native people, therefore they are called related. Then he gives examples of such words and shows the corresponding pictures, highlighting the part that is similar in all these words.

    For example, the main word is SNOW: snowy, snowflake, snowfall, snowball, snowman, bullfinch, Snow Maiden. Or the main word is HOUSE: house, house, house, home, brownie, housewife. Next, the adult offers the child to pick up or come up with related words to several given ones, using picture prompts. For example, you can offer the words: HARE - bunny, hare, hare, hare; WINTER - winter, wintering, wintering, wintering, wintering; SUN - sun, sunny, sunflower; ROD - native, homeland, spring, parents, etc.

    4) The game "One item - many items"

    Task: improve the grammatical structure of speech, teach children to use nouns correctly in speech in the singular and plural.

    Equipment: pairs of subject pictures with one and many objects, a ball.

    Description. The adult lays out pairs of pictures in front of the child, he calls the object from the picture in the singular, and the child - in the plural. If necessary, an adult corrects the child's mistakes in the endings of words in the plural. As you practice, the game can be played without pictures, throwing the ball.

    5) The game "Call it affectionately"

    Task: to teach children to form and use nouns with a diminutive meaning in speech.

    Equipment: subject pictures depicting large and small objects, a ball.

    Description. An adult shows a subject picture and names a large and a small object according to it.

    Then he begins to name a large object, and the child must form a word for a small object with a diminutive meaning.

    For example, a table - a table, a chair - a chair, a ring - a ring, a hat - a hat, etc. As you practice, the game can be played without pictures, throwing the ball.

    6) The game "Who has who?"

    Task: fix in active speech children names of baby animals and birds.

    Equipment: pictures of animals and birds, cut out pictures of their cubs, a ball.

    Description. An adult offers the child to pick up suitable cubs for animals and birds, superimposing the cut-out pictures on large pictures.

    When all the small pictures are selected, the child must correctly name and count the cubs, answering the question with a full answer: “Who has who?”

    For example. The dog has three puppies. The cat has five kittens. The chicken has nine chickens, and so on. As you practice, the game can be played without pictures, throwing the ball.

    7) The game "One - One - One"

    Task: to teach children to distinguish objects by gender and use them correctly with the numerals one, two.

    Equipment: pictures depicting male, female, neuter objects.

    Description. An adult mixes up the pictures on the table, and then begins to form three piles, depending on the gender of the noun and the corresponding numeral. For example: This is a pencil. He is alone. This is a book. She is one. This is an Apple. It is one. Then the child lays out the rest of the pictures on their own, matching the noun with the numeral in gender.

    8) The game "What does anyone need?"

    Task: to teach children to use nouns in the dative case correctly in speech.

    Equipment: subject pictures depicting people of different professions familiar to the child and the items and tools they need.

    Description. The adult shows a picture depicting a person of any profession, and the child chooses the objects and tools necessary for her from the pictures laid out on the table. For example, a doctor - a phonendoscope, syringe, medicine, thermometer; teacher - pointer, board, chalk, pen; hairdresser - scissors, a mirror, a comb, etc. A child at this age can be offered pictures of a driver, policeman, seamstress, seller, builder, cook, artist.


    1) Game "Replace the word"

    Task: to consolidate in children the concept of words that are opposite in meaning.

    Equipment: subject and plot pictures depicting antonyms, a ball.

    Description. An adult shows the child a pair of pictures and names one word, and the child must pronounce a word that is opposite in meaning.

    At the initial stage, it is better to name words - verbs (open - close, stand up - sit down), and then move on to nouns, adjectives and adverbs (high - low, day - night, cheerful - sad, hot - cold, etc.)

    As you train, the game can be played in the form of throwing the ball, while naming words that are opposite in meaning.

    2) The game "Whose - Whose - Whose - Whose"

    Task: to train children in education possessive adjectives from the names of animals and birds.

    Equipment: subject pictures depicting animals and their individual parts.

    Description. An adult shows a picture with an animal, names it, then asks a question about any "part of the body of this animal. For example: whose head? - cow; whose tail? - cow, whose tracks?" cow, etc.


    1) The game "Prove the word"

    Task: to improve children's word-formation skills, train them in memorizing and repeating new words - verbs formed by changing the prefix.

    Description. The adult pronounces the beginning of the word - the prefix, and the child finishes the missing, previously agreed part of the word - the root - and repeats the whole word. For the game, verbs are offered that form many new words with the help of a prefix: carry, go, ride, fly, swim, wear, walk, etc.

    For example, bring, carry away, bring in, bring in, take out, transfer; go, leave, arrive, leave, enter, call in, drive around, drive off, leave, move, drive, etc.

    2) The game "Swims, runs, flies"

    Task: to train children in inventing objects suitable for a given action. Equipment: ball.

    Description. The players stand in a circle. An adult (and, as the training progresses, a leader chosen from the children) throws the ball to one of the children, naming the action. The one who catches the ball returns it back, adding a suitable object.

    For example, flying - a bird, an airplane, a rocket, a swan, a butterfly, a helicopter.

    3) Game "Come up with an action"

    Task: to teach children to correctly correlate actions with a specific subject and call them with the appropriate verb.

    Equipment: ball.

    Description. You can play with one child or with a group of children. The players stand in a circle. An adult (and, as the training progresses, a leader chosen from the children) throws a ball to one of them, while naming an object (an animal, a person of a certain profession, the name of a boy or girl). The one who catches the ball must return it to the driver, naming the action suitable for this object. For example, a cow - mooing; cat - meows, purrs, scratches; doctor - treats; fireman - extinguishes; Vanya - jumping; Olya - plays; Katya is dancing; Dima - draws, etc.

    Numerals, adverbs, pronouns

    1) Game "Count objects"

    Task: to train children in the quantitative account of objects, correctly using endings in words.

    Equipment: numbers from 1 to 5, subject pictures depicting one, two, three, four, five objects; ball.

    Description. An adult calls a number and shows a picture with the corresponding number of objects, and the child must correctly name this object in combination with this number. For example, one cucumber - two cucumbers - three cucumbers - five cucumbers; one apple - two apples - five apples, etc.

    As you practice, the game can be played by ear, throwing the ball and naming the number of objects. For example: one watermelon - five (watermelons).

    2) Game "More"

    Task: to train children in the formation of the comparative degree of adjectives. Equipment: ball.

    Description. An adult explains to a child that some features of objects can be compared with each other and express this comparison in a word. He throws the ball to the child and calls the sign and the comparative word “still”, and the child must return the ball and form the comparative degree correctly. For example, loud - even louder, long - even longer, high - even higher, easy - even easier, etc. If a word is encountered, comparative which is formed by another word, an adult must explain to the child how to pronounce such a word correctly: good - even better, bad - even worse, a lot - even more, little - even less.

    3) The game "My - Mine - Mine"

    Task: to teach children to distinguish objects by gender and use them correctly with possessive pronouns.

    Equipment: personal belongings (toys, clothes, shoes) of children, a bag.

    Description. The game can be played with one child or with a group of children. An adult discreetly puts a few items from each child into a bag. Then, taking them out of the bag one by one, he asks: “Whose T-shirt (doll, car)? Whose shoe (scarf, bear)? Whose dress? etc.

    Connected speech

    1) The game "Professions"

    Task: to teach children to make sentences about people of professions familiar to the child.

    Equipment: plot pictures depicting people of certain professions: a salesman, a cook, a teacher, a driver, a policeman, a builder, a hairdresser, an artist, a firefighter, a doctor.

    Description. The child must make a proposal based on the picture about the duties of a person in this profession. For example, "The driver drives a car"; "Builder builds a house"; "The teacher teaches children at school."

    2) Game "Finish the sentence"

    Objective: to teach children how to compose simple sentences by pictures.

    Equipment: subject pictures.

    Description. An adult places pictures in front of the child and begins to pronounce a sentence, and the child must finish it with a suitable word, based on the pictures.

    For example, "The cat catches (the mouse)"; "The girl throws (the ball)"; "The dog gnaws (a bone)"; "Mom baked (a cake)."

    3) Game "Fix the offer"

    Task: to train children in the transformation of a deformed phrase, to develop a linguistic flair.

    Equipment: deformed phrases prepared in advance by an adult, in which the words are nouns in the nominative case, verbs are in the initial form.

    Description. An adult reads the words, and the child must rearrange and change them in such a way that a normal sentence is obtained.

    For example, "Mom, vase, candy, put" in "Mom puts candy in a vase"; “Fly, on, glass, sit” - “A fly sits on glass”; "I, book, read, interesting" - "I read an interesting book."

    4) The game "My family"

    Task: to teach children to make sentences about family members from pictures.

    Equipment: plot pictures depicting family members in various situations.

    Description. The adult shows the picture and asks the child: “Who is this? What is he doing?" The child must answer in a full sentence.

    For example, “Mom does laundry (cooks food, sews a skirt, irons a shirt, etc.). Dad cleans the carpet (he fixes the faucet, plays chess, watches TV, reads the newspaper, etc.).”

    5) The game "Where is the toy hidden"

    Task: to develop in children the skills of orientation in space, to teach them to understand verbal instructions and the meaning of adverbs of place.

    Equipment: toys.

    Description. The adult hides the toy somewhere on the playground or in the room and gives the child verbal instructions on how to find it. For example: stand facing the closet, take three steps to the left, look for the doll on the shelf, between the bear and the matryoshka. Or: go straight to the tree, go around it and for the beggar under the Bush you will find a typewriter. The child must perform the given actions, find the hidden object and answer with a full sentence where the toy was: “The doll was on the shelf between the bear and the matryoshka. The car was under a bush.

    6) The game "Little right word"

    Task: to acquaint children with the meaning of simple prepositions in speech.

    Equipment: objects surrounding the child (toys, dishes, furniture), plot pictures.

    Description. The adult gives the child small instructions, intentionally skipping prepositions. He must guess from the meaning what little word is missing here. For example: “Put the doll (in) the stroller. The book is (in) a box. The cat hid (under) the bed.” As you practice, you can invite the child to make sentences with a small word in the picture.

    7) The game "Make up a story"

    Task: to develop coherent speech of children.

    Equipment: a series of pictures connected by a single plot.

    Description. An adult offers to consider plot pictures, put them in order and come up with a story based on them. At the initial stage, an adult can ask the child leading questions - start a sentence, and the child will finish it. Also, an adult helps the child with the use of initial, introductory and final turns, inventing a name for the compiled story. As the training progresses, the child can become more independent: work without leading questions, show imagination, explaining the reasons for this or that action of the characters.

    Wish you success!

    Speech therapist MDOU d / s No. 5 M.A. Petroshevskaya

    Margarita Milk
    Practical games and exercises for the development of phonemic perception

    Practical games and exercises for the development of phonemic perception

    1. "Hear - clap". Goals: develop auditory attention, phonemic perception.

    move games. An adult pronounces a series of sounds (syllables, words, a child with closed eyes, having heard a certain sound, claps his hands.

    2. "Who is bigger?" Goals: , auditory attention.

    move competition games. Children choose words that begin with a given sound. (Repeats are not allowed.)

    3. "Attentive Listener"(or "Where is the sound?"). Goals: develop phonemic awareness, Attention.

    move games. The adult pronounces the words, and the children determine the place of the given sound in each of them.

    4. « The right word» . Goals: , phonemic representations, phonemic analysis.

    move games. On the instructions of an adult, children pronounce words with a certain sound at the beginning, middle, end of a word.

    5. "Sharp eye". Goals: develop phonemic awareness, phonemic analysis, Attention.

    move games. Children are invited to find in the environment objects in the name of which there is a given sound, to determine its place in the word.

    6. "Wonderful artist". Goals: develop phonemic awareness, phonemic analysis attention, fine motor skills.

    move games. Draw pictures for the specified sound at the beginning, middle, end of the word. Under the pictures, based on the level of knowledge of children, it is proposed to draw a word scheme in the form of a dash or a syllable scheme of a given word, in which each syllable is indicated by an arc, and indicate the place of the studied sound *.

    7. "Memory". Goals: develop auditory attention, memory.

    move games. An adult pronounces rows of words, and children remember and repeat. The first task consists of two words, then their number gradually increases (three, four, five, etc., for example:

    garden-sleigh juice-shock

    bag-soup-boots hat-son-fur coat speech material during games it is possible to carry out work on automation and differentiation of sounds, development of phonemic perception, phonemic representations.

    8. "Beads". Goals: develop phonemic awareness, analysis, auditory attention, memory. move games. After the words leading:

    Beads scattered.

    We will collect them, String them on a string

    And we'll find the word. -

    members games along the chain they pronounce from the catch- "beads" to a specific sound (no repetitions, for example:

    to the sound [R] - rainbow-rocket-loaf-steam-hand -. to the sounds [R] - [L] - crayfish-lamp-burrow-onion-fish-soap -.

    9. "Repeat and add". Delhi: develop auditory attention, memory.

    move games. The first player pronounces the word, the second, repeating it, adds his own, etc. Each participant increases the row by one word. The game stops and starts again after one of the players changes the sequence of words, for example: to the sound [Ж] -

    beetle, toad

    beetle, toad, snake

    beetle, toad, snakes, hedgehogs, etc.

    10. "Lay Down the Sounds". Goals: develop phonemic synthesis, auditory attention, memory.

    move games. An adult pronounces a series of sounds, and children pronounce syllables or words composed of them, for example:

    [DAD; [H], [O], [C] - NOS.

    11. "Say the opposite". Goals: develop phonemic awareness, phonemic representations, analysis and synthesis, auditory attention and memory.

    move games. The adult pronounces two or three sounds, and the children must pronounce them in reverse order.

    Option 1 - with vowels A, U - U, A I, O -. (Oh, and) U, O, A - A, O, U E, S, I-. (I, S, E)

    Option 2 - with solid consonants

    PA - AP AP - PA

    ON -. (OP) OP-. (ON)

    PU -. (UP) YP -. (PY)

    PE-. (EP) UP -. (PU)

    PY -. (YP) EP -. (PE)

    Option 3 - with hard and soft


    PA - PY PY - PA

    PU -. (PU) PI -. (PY)

    PE-. (PE) Pyu -. (PU)

    ON-. (PYo) Pyo-. (ON)

    PY -. (PI) PE -. (PE)

    The game is for phonemic exercises hearing and auditory accuracy perception

    You can play alone or in a large group. Before the game, an adult turns to children: "Have you ever heard an echo? When you travel in the mountains or through the forest, pass through an archway or are in a large empty hall, you can meet it. That is, you will not be able to see it, of course, but to hear - You can. If you say: "Echo, hello!", then it's for you will answer: "Echo, hello!", because he always repeats exactly what you tell him. Now let's play echo."

    Then they appoint a driver - "Echo", who must repeat what he is told. Start with simple words, then go to the hard and long (for example, "ay", "rather", "windbreak"). Use in game foreign words without forgetting to explain their meaning (for example, "Hallo, monkey!" - "Hello, monkey"). Try to offer poetry and prose phrases for repetition. (I came to you with greetings Tell that the sun has risen!"). If "Echo" answered correctly 5 times, appoint the next participant in a circle as the driver games.

    13) The Enchanted Word

    The game promotes phonemic development hearing and sound analysis of language

    The adult facilitator tells the children a story about an evil wizard who bewitches the words so they can't escape the wizard's castle. Words do not know what sounds they consist of, and it is necessary to explain this to them. As soon as the sounds of a word are correctly called in the right order, the word is considered saved, free. The game is played as a regular role-playing game, with the adult as the only literate person always remaining the leader, the children playing the role of saviors, and one of the participants represents an evil wizard who leaves the castle from time to time; it is then that the letters can be saved.

    An adult calls the word - the victim of imprisonment, and the rescuers must clearly repeat the sounds of which it consists. It is necessary to ensure that they are pronounced carefully, with the pronunciation of all vowels. They start with simple three-four-letter words, then complicating the "enchanted" words. For example, we “disenchant” the word “apple” - “I, b, l, o, k,

    13) Sounding pictures

    game for development of phonemic hearing and language

    For games cards with the image of the objects mentioned in the sentences below are used. You can also play with regular lotto, but in this case you need to modify the offers. The adult calls the sentence, and the child finds cards with the items that were mentioned in this sentence. If the child cannot do this, you need to help him, but in this case he cannot pick up the cards. The game continues until the cards run out or until the child gets tired.

    Sentence examples

    At the sound of C, the Wasps flew into the bag.

    The beads were brought on the plane.

    Sound 3 A goat is grazing near the fence.

    The hare keeps his mouth shut.

    At the sound of the Chick, the Chicken hatched from the egg.

    Heron and chicken are birds.

    To the sounds C, 3, C, the Cucumbers were weighed on the scales.

    Wasps bite chickens.

    An owl sits on a nest.

    At the sound of Sh, the Mouse hid in the closet.

    The cones are stored in a bag.

    On the sound of J The gun and skis are kept in the shed.

    Beetle and toad are animals.

    To the sounds of Sh and Zh, the gun hangs in the closet.

    Knives are put in a bag.

    To the sound H A teapot and a cup are needed for tea.

    The suitcase is opened with a key.

    To the sound Щ Pincers and tongs are tools.

    Pike and bream are different fish.

    At the sound of L, they dug up a bed for onions with a shovel.

    A saw and a shovel are needed in the village.

    On the sound R, the Child was bought a pen.

    Fish and crayfish live in water.

    To the sounds of R and L, Pisces swim under the boat.

    The squirrel hides in a hollow.


    game for development sound discrimination

    Pay attention to the child how important it is not to confuse sounds with each other. To confirm this thought, ask him to read (or read it to him yourself if he doesn't already know how) the following jokes.

    The Russian beauty is famous for her goat. Drags a mouse into a mink A huge hill of bread. The poet finished the line, At the end he put his daughter.

    Ask a question to the child, what did the poet mix up? What words should be used instead of these?

    14) Live alphabet

    game for development sound discrimination

    The same cards are laid out in front of the children on the table with the image up. Two cards with the image of letters are also used. On command, children should choose objects whose names include this letter and arrange them in piles. That one wins who will pick up more cards. The game continues until they are all taken apart. Couples letters: 3-F, Ch-C, L-R, S-C, Ch-S, Shch-S, S-3, W-F.

    Fix broken phone

    game for development of phonemic hearing

    It is best to play with three or even more. The exercise is a modification of the well-known games"Broken phone". The first participant quietly and not very clearly pronounces a certain word in his neighbor's ear. He repeats what he heard in the ear of the next participant. The game continues until everyone has passed the word "on the phone". Last Member must say it out loud. Everyone is surprised, because, as a rule, the word is noticeably different from those transmitted by the rest of the participants. But the game doesn't end there. It is necessary to restore the first word, naming in turn all the differences that have "accumulated" as a result of a phone breakdown. An adult should be careful to ensure that differences, distortions reproduced correctly by the child.

    The basic prerequisite for mastering writing is a developed phonemic ear. Phonemic hearing, the main component of speech perception, is understood as the ability of a person to hear and distinguish individual phonemes, or sounds in a word, to determine the presence of a sound in a word, their number and sequence. Thus, a child entering school must be able to distinguish individual sounds in a word. For example, if you ask him if there is a sound “m” in the word “lamp”, then he should answer in the affirmative.

    Why does a child need good phonemic hearing? This is due to the method of teaching reading that exists today at school, based on the sound analysis of the word. It helps us to distinguish between words and forms of words that are similar in sound, and to correctly understand the meaning of what is said. The development of phonemic hearing in children is the key to successful learning to read and write, and in the future - to foreign languages.

    By the age of five, children are able to determine by ear the presence or absence of a particular sound in a word, they can independently select words for given sounds, unless, of course, preliminary work was carried out with them.

    How to develop phonemic hearing in a child? The best thing do it in the game. Many games for the development of phonemic processes are of a combined nature, which is expressed not only in the enrichment of the dictionary, but also in the activation of higher mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, motor skills). I bring to your attention games that allow you to teach your child to listen to the sounds of speech in an interesting way.

    1. The game "Catch the right sound with a clap."

    Instruction: If you hear the sound [k] in a word, clap your hands. Words: [K] wounds, pestilence [K] ov, hut, boots [K]. . .

    The same with any other sounds:

    Sh - cat, hat, mask, pillow ...; C - dog, paints, horse, socks, nose ...

    P - hands, paws, Motherland, shelf, mug ...; L - shovel, bark, words, pilaf ...

    1. The game "Come up with words for a given sound."

    To begin with, it is better to give only vowel sounds (a, o, y, and) - watermelon, hoop, snail, needle, etc.

    Then consonants (p, s, w, l, p, b, etc.)

    1. The game "Determine the place of sound in the word."

    Determine where: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word we hear the sound [K] in the words: mole, carrot, fist, sock. . .

    Ш - hat, cat, shower; C - sun, paste, nose; H - teapot, bump, night; U - brush, puppy, help; L - moon, shelf, chair; P - locomotive, steam, rose; P - floor, foot, stop; K - falcon, varnish, roof, etc.

    1. Repetition of chains of syllables.

    Syllables are given with different voice power, intonation. (sa-SHA-sa), (for-for-SA). Syllables can be set with any oppositional sounds, for example, s-sh, sh-zh, l-r, p-b, t-d, k-g, v-f (i.e. deaf-voiced, hard soft, whistling- hissing). Make sure that the child does not change the sequence in the chains. If it is difficult for him to repeat three syllables, give two syllables first: sa-sha, sha-sa,

    sa-za, za-sa, la-ra, ra-la, sha-sha, sha-sha, etc.

    Examples of syllable chains:

    Sa-za-za, za-za-sa, sa-za-sa, za-sa-za

    Sa-sha-sha, sha-sha-sa, sa-sha-sa, sha-sa-sha

    La-ra-ra, ra-la-la, ra-la-ra, la-ra-la

    Sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha

    Za-zha-zha, zha-za-za, za-zha-za, zha-za-zha (Similarly with other pairs of sounds)

    1. Clap syllables with sound "B" in the palms, and with the sound "P" on the knees (ba-pu-bo-po). The same with sounds, for example, s-sh, sh-zh, k-g, t-d, r-l, ch-sh, etc.
    1. Say a word with sound "B": duck - bow - whale; "P": bank - stick - squirrel. Those. three words are given, among which only one with a given sound.
    1. The game "Who is more attentive."

    An adult shows pictures and names them (it is possible without pictures). The child listens attentively and guesses what common sound is found in all the named words.

    For example, in the words goat, jellyfish, rose, forget-me-not, dragonfly, the general sound is “Z”. Do not forget that you need to pronounce this sound in words for a long time, highlighting it with your voice as much as possible.

    1. Game "Guess the word".

    An adult pronounces a word with pauses between sounds, the child must name the whole word.

    First, words are given from 3, 4 sounds, if the child copes, then it can be more difficult - from 2-3 syllables, with a confluence of consonants.

    For example:

    s-u-p, k-o-t, r-o-t, n-o-s, p-a-r, d-a-r, l-a-k, t-o-k, l- w-k, s-s-r, s-o-k, s-o-m, f-u-k, h-a-s

    r-o-s-a, k-a-sh-a, D-a-sh-a, l-u-zh-a, sh-u-b-a, m-a-m-a, p- a-m-a, v-a-t-a, l-a-p-a, n-o-t-s, sh-a-r-s

    p-a-s-t-a, l-a-p-sh-a, l-a-s-t-s, k-o-s-t, m-o-s-t, t-o- r-t, k-r-o-t, l-a-s-k-a, p-a-r-k, i-g-r-a, etc.

    1. Say all the sounds in the word in order. We start with short words, for example: HOUSE - d, o, m
    1. A game " The fourth extra "

    For the game, you will need four pictures with the image of objects, three of which contain the given sound in the name, and one does not. The adult lays them out in front of the child and offers to determine which picture is superfluous and why. The set can be varied, for example: a cup, glasses, a cloud, a bridge; bear, bowl, dog, chalk; road, board, oak, shoes. If the child does not understand the task, then ask him leading questions, ask him to carefully listen to the sounds in the words. An adult can highlight the identified sound with his voice. As a variant of the game, you can select words with different syllabic structures (3 three-syllable words, and one two-syllable), different stressed syllables. The task helps to develop not only phonemic perception, but also attention, logical thinking.

    1. Ball tossing game “One hundred questions - one hundred answers with the letter A (I, B ...) - and only with this one.

    Throw the ball to the child and ask him a question. Returning the ball to an adult, the child must answer the question so that all the words of the answer begin with a given sound, for example, with the sound [I].


    -What is your name?


    -And the surname?


    -Where are you from?

    -From Irkutsk

    -What grows there?

    - Figs.

    1. Game "Chains of words"

    This game is an analogue of the well-known "cities". It consists in the fact that the next player comes up with his own word to the last sound of the word given by the previous player. A chain of words is formed: stork - plate - watermelon. Remembered?

    1. Game "Fix broken phone"

    It is best to play with three or even more. The exercise is a modification famous game"Broken phone". The first participant quietly and not very clearly pronounces a certain word in his neighbor's ear. He repeats what he heard in the ear of the next participant. The game continues until everyone has passed the word “on the phone”.

    The last participant must say it out loud. Everyone is surprised, because, as a rule, the word is noticeably different from those transmitted by the rest of the participants. But the game doesn't end there. It is necessary to restore the first word, naming in turn all the differences that “accumulated” as a result of a phone breakdown. An adult should carefully monitor that the differences, distortions are reproduced by the child correctly.

    1. Make no mistake game.

    An adult shows the child a picture and loudly, clearly calls the image: "Car". Then he explains: "I will call this picture either right or wrong, and you listen carefully. When I make a mistake, clap your hands." Then he says: "Wagon - wakon - fagon - wagon." Then the adult shows the next picture or a blank sheet of paper and calls: "Paper - pumaga - mumaga - pumaka - bumaka." The game is very popular with children and is fun.

    It must be emphasized that it is necessary to start with words that are simple in sound composition, and gradually move on to complex ones.

    1. Game "Be careful" An adult lays out pictures in front of a child, the names of which sound very similar, for example: cancer, varnish, poppy, tank, juice, bough, house, lump, scrap, catfish, goat, scythe, puddle, ski. Then he calls 3-4 words, and the child selects the corresponding pictures and arranges them in the named order (in one line or in a column - according to your instructions).
    1. The game "Pick by sound » An adult puts the following pictures in one line: lump, tank, bough, branch, skating rink, slide. Then, giving the child one picture at a time, he asks to put it under the one whose name sounds similar. The result should be approximately the following rows of pictures:
      com tank bough branch ice rink slide
      house cancer bow cell handkerchief crust
      catfish poppy beetle heel leaf mink
      scrap lacquer beech lash skein mark
    2. Game "SHOP"

    Games to highlight the sound on the background of the word.

    The task: Dunno went to the store for fruit, came to the store, but forgot the name of the fruit. Help Dunno buy fruits that have the sound [l'] in their names. Subject pictures are exhibited on the typesetting canvas: apples, oranges, pears, tangerines, plums, lemons, grapes. Children select pictures that have the sound [l '] in the name.

    Show your child the products you bought at the store and let him list those that have the sound [P] or another sound in their names.

    1. Game "Live ABC"

    Game for the development of sound discrimination

    Cards from pairs of letters: 3-Zh, Ch-Ts, L-R, S-Ts, Ch-S, Shch-S, S-3, Sh-Zh are laid out in front of the children on the table with the image up. Two cards with the image of letters are also used. On command, the children must choose objects (pictures) whose names include this letter and arrange them in piles. The one who picks up the most cards wins. The game continues until they are all taken apart.