How to find out who you are according to the Zoroastrian horoscope. The oldest Zoroastrian system will help you discover all the secrets of your destiny

Zoroastrianism is the oldest religion of prophecy. It originated in Persia and is considered the founder of all astrological movements. The founder is the prophet Asho Zarathushtra, whose life is shrouded in mystery and mysticism. There are three main virtues: good words, good deeds and good thoughts.

Ancient Persian astrology was considered a powerful movement for its time. And many nations still use its teachings.

The calendar starts on March 21st. This date is also used by other astrological systems. But the discovery belongs to the founders of the Zoroastrian horoscope.

The cycle is 32 years. Each year corresponds to a certain animal or bird (totem). But in parallel there is also an Antitoteme. Two choices of a person - the influence of the Totem - and life will be enlightened and pure. If you indulge the Antitoteme, its spiritual essence will be dark and lead to tragedy.

Deer (year of birth 1938, 1970, 2002)

The coming year, born under this sign promises interesting meetings and acquaintances. But new people should be treated with caution, not all of them are open and truthful. Rely on your intuition.

Personal relationships can spoil the influence of the Antitotheme. Put your relationship with your loved one above pride this year big chance to create a strong and harmonious couple.

AT professional activity you will demonstrate the wonders of compromise and reach heights. Team up like an analyst, you'll be second to none and your chances of success will increase.

Baran (year of birth 1939,1971,2003)

2018 is favorable for increasing the level of self-education. Find ways of spiritual growth that will give you the opportunity to increase your career growth. Sign up for courses on professional profile- and the financial condition will go up.

Plan a long vacation this year. Your body and soul will be exhausted, a source of peace and harmony is needed. Select quiet place where meditation is possible, recuperate and calm down.

In personal relationships, this sign will predict events. Use the gift of foreboding to get closer to your family and friends. Remove selfish and envious people from your life.

Mongoose (1940,1972,2004)

The totem endowed individuals born under the sign of the Mongoose with resourcefulness, a sharp mind and the ability to emerge victorious from any situation. Ability to instantly navigate life situations help make your dreams come true this year. Clearly formulate it otherwise you will go in a different direction.

Take care of your health. Sign up for dances (Latin American is better for your temperament), a pool, a gym for group classes. If you dream of adding offspring to the family, it's time.

Concentrate, although it is difficult, restless mongoose - and 2018 will be full of trips abroad, promising projects and numerous acquaintances. In communicating with new people - try to believe only in deeds, but not in words.

Wolf (1941,1973,2005)

This year, count on a natural analytical mindset. Do not go on about any kind of adventure. If you want to get involved, listen to other people's reviews.

Wolves are not inherent in a state of rest, so this year you will have to fight for the object of your sympathy. Success will be dizzying, the envy of others.

Financially, everything will be stable. Become a flexible partner, learn to negotiate. As a result, the financial situation will only grow.

Stork (1942,1974,2006)

In 2018, the main joys will bring the environment of home and loved ones, you will be near them. for real happy. Protect yourself from new acquaintances, it will not bring anything useful. If you are single, this is the best time to find a partner.

A lot of luck in financial matters. But do not attribute all the victories to yourself, do less criticism of others - otherwise activate the Antitoteme. As a result, you will lose business partners and communications, you will have to start over.

Try to talk less about your projects and financial rewards. There will be many envious people in the team. Be careful in communicating with colleagues. And many troubles will pass by.

Spider (1943,1975,2007)

The coming year will spin you in a whirlpool of interesting and useful ideas, which by the way is just in time. AT this moment you are energetic, filled with strength and energy, confident in yourself. The result will be support both in the team and from the authorities.

In this article, you will learn what a Zoroastrian horoscope is, how to determine the year of your birth according to the Zoroastrian calendar. You will be able to identify your totem animal, what properties it has and how it affects you and your life.

One of the oldest calendars on Earth is the Zoroastrian calendar. The mythology of this people has significantly influenced astrology and gives rise to various horoscopes, incl. and Zoroastrian.

History of Zoroastrianism

Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest religions, founded by the Greek prophet Spitama Zarathustra. He claims that he had a revelation from the god Ahura Mazda. In ancient times and at the beginning of the Middle Ages, this religion was mainly preached in the lands of Greater Iran.

Today, Zoroastrianism has practically been supplanted by Islam, but small groups still remain in India and Iran, in some countries former USSR and there are followers in the West too. In total, there are no more than 130 thousand Zoroastrians in the world, and their number is rapidly decreasing, because. fertility declines and they are swallowed up by other, larger communities.

The dualistic philosophy of Zarathustra is based on the idea of ​​confrontation between good and evil. According to this teaching, the wise and kind god Ahura Mazda, an absolute light principle, together with the holy spirit and all the spirits of the earth, sky, animals, water, fire and plants, opposes the dark Angra Mainyu, who has evil spirits in his assistants.

Zarathustra identified 3 main virtues:

  • good deeds
  • good words
  • good thoughts

The Zoroastrian calendar was over 4,000 years old. years ago in the Middle East. It was named after the founder of the religion of Zoroastrianism.

Features of the Zoroastrian horoscope

The Zoroastrians took as the basis of their calendar the rotation around the Sun of the most distant of the visible planets - Saturn. The Persians called this planet Keyvan, which means “lord of time”. The Greeks, by the way, also called this planet Kronos or Chronos - "the god of time", hence the term chronology - the science of time.

The Zoroastrian New Year begins very symbolically, on the day of the vernal equinox, and, as you know, falls on March 21st.

The Western and Eastern calendars are represented by 12 animals, and the Zoroastrian one operates with 32 animal totems, which are considered guides in our world between all the kingdoms of nature.

Totems and Anti-Totems in the Zoroastrian Calendar

Western and Zoroastrian horoscopes

On March 21, the Zoroastrians celebrated their New Year, from this day their calendar began. According to the Western calendar, this day begins the influence of Aries, which is the first sign of the zodiac of the Western horoscope. This day is often found in other astrological systems, but it was the Zoroastrians who first used it.

How to interpret a horoscope according to the Zoroastrian calendar

The Persians believed that the nature of the animal characterizes the events that occur in its year, and affects the appearance and inner world people born at this time, and also determines their life priorities and values.

They followed the animal-totem, and tried to unravel future events from its behavior.

  • The Persians believed that Deer people are noble, purposeful, have self-esteem
  • Also, the year of the Deer is favorable for the conclusion of contracts and transactions, which subsequently will continue to be valid for many years.
  • Wolf people are desperate, they are not afraid of anything, and this year is very dangerous natural disasters and wars
  • In the year of the Stork, poets and wanderers are often born, and the year of the Mongoose gives life to people who resist evil in any form.

Zoroastrian horoscope by date of birth

The cycle of the Zoroastrian horoscope includes 32 years, each year is represented by its own totem - an animal or a bird, therefore this horoscope is also called Totem. The beginning of the year starts on March 21, so if you were born before this date, your totem animal is from the previous year.

1st year. Totem - Golden Horned Deer (1906, 1938, 1970, 2002)

The patron of the year is Ahura Mazda.
Color year white.
deer have a strong intuition, easily recognize any deception. Often kept apart, lonely, uncompromising, never admit their mistakes. They rarely repent, they easily leave everything in the past.
antitoteme- warty toad. These people get fat, go bald, they grow warts, they suppress others, become arrogant, arrogant, appropriate dignity that they do not have.
Year Deer - this year when justice, goodness triumphs and lonely leaders rule.

2nd year. Totem - Wild Sheep (1907, 1939, 1971, 2003)

The patron of the year Fravashi.

Color year purple.
Ram cherishes blood ties, faithful to national and family traditions. Obedient, easily influenced. He is calm and noble.
antitoteme- Black Sheep, Goat. A person without traditions, who despises his family, does not honor the memory of the family, believes that only he should be respected.
Year The ram flows under the symbol of obedience: people go with the flow after those around them.

3rd year. Totem - Mongoose (1908, 1940, 1972, 2004)

Patron year of Atar.
Color year blue.
Mongoose knows how to solve problems with lightning speed and get out of any situation. He is fickle, he changes his mind. These people are open, sincere and devoted, they live for today.
antitoteme- Cobra is a poisonous black snake or Ferret. A person shows himself in deceit, deceit, is not particularly smart, cannot provide for himself, his deceptions are doomed to failure, because. he downplays the power of those around him.
Year The mongoose is the year of the best aspirations and sacrifice, symbolizes eternal life that conquers death.

4th year. Totem - White Wolf (1909, 1941, 1973, 2005)

Patron of the year Ramman.
Color year blue.
Wolves all their lives they long for fights and battles, the comfort of the hearth is not for them. They spend their lives traveling and wandering. They are not inclined to deceive or cunning, they do not compromise. Able to sacrifice themselves, but do not know how to take care of the weak.
antitoteme— Werewolf, Jackal. Breaks and destroys everything in its path, annoys others. Strong, embittered and cowardly. He despises others and hurts them.
Year The wolf is the year of wars, betrayals, intrigues, because these sacred animals are constantly in conflict.

5th year. Totem - Stork (1910, 1942, 1974, 2006)

Patron of the year Asman.
Color year green.
Stork- a lonely wanderer who always returns to his home. Monogamous, always faithful to his partner, but he remembers disappointments all his life. Silent, difficult to fit into society, relies only on himself. Knows how to highlight the main thing in life, understands life like no other.
antitoteme- Woodpecker or Toad. He talks a lot, provokes conflicts, neglects other people's interests, changes frivolous attachments, avoids real feelings. These people have a negative impact on others, their actions are dictated by complacency and are ridiculous.
AT year Storks often experience epiphanies.

6th year. Totem - Spider (1911, 1943, 1975, 2007)

Patron of the year Vayu.
Color year yellow.
Spider an informal leader, a wise strategist, able to lead others. Does not strive for fame, keeps in the shadows. Slow and attentive, smart and reasonable, constant in his affections and seeks reciprocity. Knows how to subordinate others to his will, but does not conspire and does not intrigue over trifles, does not strive for power. Can manipulate people, but rarely uses it. For a partner, he becomes a lover, friend and like-minded person.
antitoteme- Tarantula or Fly. He behaves defiantly, spends his energy on dividing people. Attracts attention and shocks others. Creates conflict situations, provokes disputes and quarrels that separate people.
Year spider is characterized by the acquisition of higher meaning and harmony.

7th year. Totem - Snake - Royal Python (1912, 1944, 1976, 2008)

Patron years of Apam-Napat.
Color year black and green.
Snake she cares little about what is said to her face, she is more interested in secret motives and hidden reasons. Possesses insight, easily recognizes lies, not talkative. Often continues work that others have begun. Has a flexible mind, adapts to any circumstances. Constant in her affections, faithful and devoted. Brave, knows how to live in constant tension, not to waste energy.
antitoteme- Poisonous Snake, Viper. A broken personality. Actions are inconsistent, aspirations are superficial and frivolous. He does not know peace, expects only negativity from others, easily succumbs to provocations, for which he pays dearly.
AT year The snake is mastering the secrets of world harmony and the purification of karma. Often this year repeats or returns what has already been once.

8th year. Totem - Beaver (1913, 1945, 1977, 2009)

The patron of the year is Advisura-Anahita.

Color purplish red.
beavers neat and hardworking, not afraid of routine work, not chasing ideals and not wanting more than they can achieve. They care about the future and not only about their own. Optimists do not give in to despondency, their house is full of warmth and comfort, and the doors are open to everyone. Take care of loved ones, do not leave them in trouble. They are wary of the new and quite conservative.
antitoteme— Water Rat, Nutria. He does not value his family, he refuses his own children. Sloppy, sloppy, lazy, easily changes priorities.
Year Beaver is the year of beauty, harmony, lawmaking. This is the year of love conquering hate.

9th year. Totem - Turtle (1914, 1946, 1978, 2010)

Patron of the year Zamyad.

Color years dark brown.
Turtle not very open and sociable, needs a sense of security. Easily shares the benefits received from fate, does not count on the help of others in difficult situations. He does not forget his own or other people's mistakes, as well as good deeds. Draws lessons from past experience. The turtle is smart enough, tends to complicate things too much, is afraid to get carried away with something. Maintains a detached, closed position from the world.
antitoteme- Slug or Seagull. Nervous, protected by masks, dependent on others. They are hypocritical, cannot take care of themselves, often become easy prey for manipulators.
Year Turtles are full of wisdom, harmony with nature, knowledge of the structure of the world.

10th year. Totem - Magpie (1915, 1947, 1979, 2011)

Patron of the Year Mara Spent.
Color year silver-blue.
Magpie always in the center of events. He talks a lot and does a lot, knows how to do several things at the same time. A skilled manipulator, behind external frivolity lies a clever mind and cunning. She always keeps her promises, does not survive defeats for a long time, pretends that everything in her life is easy. He does not neglect intrigues, is capable of tricks to achieve his goal.
antitoteme- Black Rook or Mole. Talkative, slow to react to what is happening, inactive, miss their benefits.
Year Magpie is also favorable for Deer. Life this year returns to normal, and Magpies and Deer can have a successful marriage.

11th year. Totem - Squirrel (1916, 1948, 1980, 2012)

Patron of the year Daena.

Color year yellow-green.
Squirrels mobile and agile, lively and intelligent, hard-working and homely. They always want to start a family. The character is not even, there are mood swings, depression is possible. Very conservative in affections. They are wary of the new, strive for stability. They need the support of others and appreciation of their merits. Everyone is forgiven.
antitoteme- Marten or Rat. Petty, slow, doubts everything, afraid of death and at the same time a long life.
Year Squirrels are not very pleasant. If a person runs away from a problem, it returns to him with greater speed. In this year, evil puts on a mask of goodness, a year of corruption and crimes.

12th year. Totem - Raven (1917, 1949, 1981, 2013)

Patron of the year Tishtar.

Color year black and blue.
crows severe and serious people who are not inclined to command and do not know how to obey. They marry late or remain single for life. They do not allow themselves to live at the expense of others, they are often squeamish and clean. Take care of themselves, do not allow weakness. They don’t take on debt, they don’t fill their own worth, they don’t play on the feelings of others. Restrained, do not show their feelings, even in the family they keep aloof.
antitoteme- Worm or Hoopoe. They adapt and live on alms, curry favor with their superiors, are always in debt, and often there are problems in the family. They try to dump their problems on others, but fail. They always look back at others, they cannot cope even with the simplest task.
Year The crow is characterized by persecution, injustice, epidemics.

13th year. Totem - Rooster (1918, 1950, 1982, 2014)

Patron of the year Sraoshi.
Color year red and white.
Rooster vigorous, full of plans warrior, never sits in the bushes. Outspoken, fearless, burning bridges behind him. He loves outfits, especially hats, loves attention, but at the same time he is embarrassed. Can quit an already started business if this does not affect his benefit. He does not imagine himself without a family and children, despite his "public". He never regrets his actions, the decisions made are always final. Helps those who are unable to take care of themselves, and puts their interests above their own.
antitoteme- Quail or kite. Cowardly and helpless, senselessly cruel, resigned to what is happening, often a slave to circumstances and causes pity. He does not love anyone, feels offended, deceived by life, hates the authorities and those who are in a better and more advantageous position.
Year Rooster - a time of exposure, but without retribution.

14th year. Totem - Ox (1919, 1951, 1983, 2015)

year of Geush-Urvan.
Color milky white, yellow.
Bull passive, disinterested and kind, like a child, in need of care. Very soft, knows how to endure, helps others, most often works in the field of medicine or education and receives a reward for all this. The bull is sensitive and trusting, very vulnerable, it is easy to humiliate or insult him. Protects his loved ones and beliefs to the last. He is not touchy, knows how to forgive, endures all hardships steadfastly and patiently.
antitoteme- Elk. Aggressive, nervous, obstinate, seeks to insist on his own at any cost. Subject to base desires. Impatient, devoid of stamina, embittered.
Year The Ox is a year of peace, a time to repay debts, be ready to obey and work hard.

15th year. Totem - Badger (1920, 1952, 1984, 2016)

Years of Keyvan.
Color year orange.
Badger attractive and mysterious, practical and thrifty, efficient and quite secretive. A person born this year has a rationalistic mindset, but the totem rewarded him with the gift of a psychologist and researcher. Deprived of false aspirations and empty daydreaming. Hardworking, reasonably distributes forces, does not show off. It is never boring with him, Badger knows how to enjoy life, has a good sense of humor.
antitoteme— Mole. Greedy, careless, unreliable, embittered, believes in nothing and hates people. Frivolous and insidious, loses the favor of others, does everything in order to get rich. His greed is boundless, words are misleading, actions are illogical.
Year Badger is connected with the past: with banks, funds, warehouses, storage facilities, with all the burden of the past.

16th year. Totem - Camel (1921, 1953, 1985, 2017)

Patron year of Rashnu.
Color year yellow and blue.
Camel- a man of action. Doesn't spend extra time for conversations. It is distinguished by asceticism and endurance, knows how to be content with little, what it has, uses it wisely. He never hides what he thinks about others, is somewhat harsh and distrustful, often expecting the worst. Knows his own worth, achieves everything he wants on his own. Much forgives relatives, family, but expects independence from them.
antitoteme- Hyena. She has a desire to have fun and sweetness. She is pampered and weak, has no control over her feelings, exaggerates everything, behaves stupidly. Life does not suit her, because it is boring, and the Hyena spends everything she has, and then turns to others for help.
Year Camel is the year of worries and labors of all those who were born under the sign of the herbivorous totem, but their diligence will be surely rewarded.

17th year. Totem - Hedgehog (1922, 1954, 1986, 2018)

years of Khvaren.
Color year white.
Hedgehog has a good memory, especially visual, meticulous, often clings to trifles. He is unpredictable, too fussy, ruffy. Periodically shakes up the dark world, sometimes defeats it. A good friend and partner, devoted and faithful, does not leave in trouble. It has a rebellious, cocky character, speaks without thinking and can offend, therefore it has many enemies and ill-wishers.
antitoteme— A shrew. Deliberately harmless and pleasant in appearance, but this is deceptive. In fact, she is deceitful and hypocritical, promiscuous, betrays friends, does nasty things, takes advantage of others, puts up with lies. Cowardly and confident in complete impunity.
Year Hedgehog - a time of freedom, grace, unpredictability, unexpected phenomena are possible.

18th year. Totem - Doe (1923, 1955, 1987, 2019)

Patron year of Art.
Color year purple.
Doe elegant and graceful, manners aristocratic and refined. Romantic by nature, sensitive and subtle, but rather capricious. Artistry is inherent in them, thanks to which they achieve success, especially in art. Doe is missing common sense.
antitoteme- Cow or goat. Unnecessarily rationalistic, rude, unpleasant in communication, inactive. Dress in a way that emphasizes flaws, not virtues. More reasonable and reasonable, but taunts those who want to help her.
Year Lani is characterized by the search for harmony and beauty, higher meaning, the manifestation of motherhood, a test for decency.

19th year. Totem - Elephant (1924, 1956, 1988, 2020)

Patron year of Asha-Vakhishta.
Color Year Blue.
Elephant balanced, it is difficult to piss him off, but if he succeeds, he is difficult to stop. Very strong. Conservative, but can shrug off conventions if need be. Slow, but very persistent, appreciates relationships and cooperation with others. Keeps traditions, head and support in the family. Often he is not confident in himself and misses the chances given.
antitoteme- Anteater. He looks stunted, round-shouldered, talkative, extremely unreliable, a bad family man, devoid of judgment, incapable of serious deeds, deceitful, even with close people.
Year The elephant is characterized by strength, stability and seriousness. Things that were started this year will be continued in the future.

20th year. Totem - Horse (1925, 1957, 1989, 2021)

years of Mitra.
Color year blue.
Horse honest and courageous, stands guard over order and justice, is able to punish the violator of any formalities. He always achieves everything himself, stubbornly goes towards his goal, he can show strength only among like-minded people. He loves space, sports and travel.
antitoteme— Jackal. Cowardly and optional, unhurried and lazy. Doesn't keep his word. Strives for loneliness, silent, afraid of strong attachments.
Year The horse is bound by contracts and oaths, fair retribution is possible.

21st year. Totem - Cheetah (1926, 19587, 1990, 2022)

years of Shahrivar.
Color year green.
Cheetah strong, graceful. Often predicts danger, calculates all options. Knows how to be in extreme conditions, loves to fight. Sometimes he retreats, but only to return with renewed vigor. Warlike and aggressive, fearless and cunning, but at the same time noble. Has an indomitable temper.
antitoteme- Swamp Cat. Cowardly, weak, promiscuous. Deprived of courage and strength, inspires pity. Does not know how to understand people, trusts those who use it.
Year Cheetah is the year of wars and revelations. A new political course may begin this year.

22nd year. Totem - Peacock (1927, 1959, 1991, 2023)

Patron years of Spenta Magnou.
Color year yellow.
Peacock prone to narcissism, always sure of his innocence. Possesses creativity and strive to open it with all your might. He always has many plans, but not all come true. Often discovers new traits in himself, which surprises himself and others. Cheerful, many-sided, does not value property.
antitoteme- Drozd. Gray and gloomy, withdrawn, embittered. He tries not to draw attention to himself, modest, but suffers because of this. He has few friends and interests, or none at all, the world is limited only to himself.
Year The peacock is full of deceit, seduction, games.

23rd year. Totem - Swan (1928, 1960, 1992, 2024)

years of Khaurvat.
Color year orange.
Swan proud, disinterested, true to high ideals, prone to self-knowledge and meditation, does not pay attention to material wealth. Strongly divorced from reality, tk. lives in his own world. He does not like loneliness and needs close people. Loyal to friends and faithful partner.
antitoteme- Duck. Greedy, obsessed with the material, deceitful and unreliable. Without moral values, profits from the weaknesses and mistakes of others, betrays even the closest and loved ones.
Year Swan is the year of uniting people. At this time, either miracles occur, or deceit, greed, intrigue, unfulfilled promises reign.

24th year. Totem - Lynx (Nightingale) (1929, 1961, 1993, 2025)

year of Haom.
Color year red.
Lynx unpredictable, sometimes quiet and calm, sometimes vicious and implacable. It seems uncollected, but this is deceptive, if necessary, it will mobilize. She always and everywhere has a mess, but she does not tolerate this with others.

Sometimes manifested Nightingale. Noble and peaceful, not proud of his merits, deserving of respect, having a sense of his own dignity, devoid of frivolity.
antitoteme- Mouse. Timid, cowardly, helpful, petty, boring, does not have her own point of view, strives to please the stronger. Afraid to break any norms and get a bad name.
Year Lynx is a time of trials and unexpected events. This year, the meaning of the previously incomprehensible may be revealed.

25th year. Totem - Donkey (1930, 1962, 1994, 2026)

Patron years of Spenta Armaiti.
Color year white.
A donkey efficient, hardy and patient, complaisant and calm. He loves and knows how to do everything with his own hands. Guided by common sense, calm and balanced. Has a strong character, but needs motivation to work.
antitoteme— Mule. Passive, withdrawn, stubborn, lazy. Cowardly, lustful, petty. He does stupid things, because of which he suffers and his loved ones suffer. Strive for fame, but does nothing for it.
Year Donkey is an auspicious time, this is the year of exit from crises, the beginning of abundance.

26th year. Totem - Polar Bear (1931, 1963, 1995, 2027)

year of Angraosh.
Color year purple.
Polar bear quick-witted and good-natured, strict and unpredictable, in some ways he behaves like a knight. Likes to live in grand style. He always has many attractive projects that are successfully implemented. Possesses good organizational skills.
antitoteme- Brown bear. Arrogant, petty, touchy, vindictive, brings chaos everywhere, boring, prone to sadism, knows how to disguise himself well. Interferes with other people's affairs, destroys the plans of others.
Year polar bear - year heavy test. The mistakes made this year cannot be corrected. This year is the foundation for the future.

27th year. Totem - Eagle (1900, 1932, 1964, 1996)

Patron year Amertat.
Color year blue.
Eagle worthily kept in society, can not do without the team. I am ready to sacrifice myself for the common cause. These are people with high ideals, defenders of statehood. They are respected and loved for their chivalrous demeanor and aristocracy. In love they are ascetics.
antitoteme- Fly. Envious, vain, fickle, unable to restrain himself, unscrupulous, gluttonous. Insatiable and greedy, does not disdain vile methods of satisfying her desires. These people form packs and do not act alone.
Year Orla is the time of construction, new projects that are beginning to be implemented. This is the year of bringing people together.

28th year. Totem - Fox (1901, 1933, 1965, 1997)

year of Vata.
Color year blue.
Fox has a sharp mind, thanks to which he exposes intrigues. Often the fate of these people is strange and changeable, devoid of monotonous everyday life. The fox is a little cowardly, but clever and witty. Never climbs on the rampage, prudent, always chooses the right path and shows it to others. Often punish others for meanness.
antitoteme- Weasel. Cowardly, greedy, opportunistic. Insolent, if confident with her impunity, but afraid of resistance. Often finding a strong patron, deceives and robs him, and then changes to a new one.
AT Gone Foxes very much depend on trifles and chance.

29th year. Totem - Dolphin (1902, 1934, 1966, 1998)

year of Wohu-Man.
Color year green.
Dolphin able to make decisions quickly. Dedicated to higher ideals, inclined to philosophizing. He clearly sees the difference between White and Black, Light and Darkness. Helps in difficult times, but does it imperceptibly. Always performs more difficult part work. He is mysterious and enigmatic, able to transmit his thoughts at a distance.
antitoteme- Carp. Vengeful, greedy, vicious, sows discord, always tries to distort the truth, confuse evil and good. Leaves behind ruin and chaos, tries to quarrel everyone, is aggressive and deceitful.
Year Dolphin - a time of help and salvation, a year of travel, great ideas, mysterious phenomena.

30th year. Totem - Boar (1903, 1935, 1967, 1999)

year of Vertragna.
Color year yellow.
boar has an indomitable temper, but can obey some higher idea. Brave, courageous, fearless, resolute, always ready to repulse the enemy and strives to become the first. Able to soberly assess their strengths. In peacetime, he is able to listen to the opinions of others and is quite tolerant of loved ones, who are forgiven a lot and allows them to sit on his neck.
antitoteme- Pig. Greedy, vicious, insidious, cunning, greedy, dodgy. She does everything only for bad purposes, fights on the side of evil, often helps criminals, and in this she is ruthless.
Year Boar - the year of struggle and aggravation of contradictions.

31st year. Totem - Owl (1904, 1936, 1968, 2000)

year Max.
Color year orange.
Owl possesses the gift of providence, prediction, is often the organizer of secret communities. Live according to your own schedule. Protects the highest values, mysteriously lives and also leaves. It is revealed to the full among people who are well related to it.
antitoteme— Filin. Vile, vengeful, cowardly. He obeys the stronger, is afraid of losing favor, for which he commits unworthy deeds. Deceives and cunning to get revenge.
AT year Owls are strongly influenced by dark forces, so you need to pay attention to the hidden side of things.

32nd year. Totem - Falcon (1905, 1937, 1969, 2001)

years Khvarshat.
Color year red.
Falcon swift and sharp. Often these people are preachers or reformers of religion who are obsessed with the idea of ​​resurrecting previously lost knowledge. Reckless, but later regret their behavior. If there is a wise leader, the Falcon is capable of much, but does not tolerate dictate. He knows how to easily disorganize, ruin, and does it with pleasure.
antitoteme- Sparrow. Does not value the past, cowardly, grumpy, does not attach importance to love. Behaves defiantly, obsessively. Always dissatisfied with life and afraid of everything.
Year Falcon - the time of splits and battles for justice. New projects should not be started only if you are 100% confident in your abilities.

Zoroastrian calendar compatibility

Totem and antitotem help to characterize a person, an ideal partner. Knowing the qualities of his personality, what he needs to strive for and what to avoid, you can imagine the personal qualities of a person who will complement him and help him go straight and up in life. This is precisely the foundation of a strong union.

Remember the saying: "A goose is not a comrade to a pig." According to the same principle, compatibility is determined according to the Zoroastrian horoscope. After all, it is impossible to imagine the union of the Uzh and the Mongoose, but the Deer and the Doe are made for each other. And if we consider the qualities of these people according to the horoscope, then the first couple has a joint future under a big question, but in the second case a strong union is possible.

Of course, compatibility according to the Zoroastrian horoscope is not a reason to change everything radically, there are exceptions to any rule. We advise you to take a closer look at your soulmate, you may notice that your "herbivorous" nature is annoyed by his "predatory" habits. These are the properties of his totem, and if you try to change this, he may fall under the destructive influence of the anti-totem. It's up to you to decide - do you need it?

Video: Zoroastrian calendar

All horoscopes are built on the correspondence of a person with something: planets, constellations, plants, living beings, and so on. The Zoroastrian (aka Persian) horoscope sees a guardian animal as a symbol of each year, which leads a person through life, endowing with positive and negative properties.

What is a Zoroastrian horoscope?

There are many horoscopes in the world that predict the fate of a person and name his main features depending on the date of birth (year or month). The first system, which became the ancestor of subsequent trends in astrology, was the Zoroastrian horoscope, which belonged to the Persians (Aryans). Zoroastrianism is an ancient religion of prophecy that originated in Persia. Its founder was the prophet Asho Zarathushtra. The horoscope invented by him is based on the correspondence to each year of the 32-year cycle (the daily cycle of Saturn) of the totem animal.

What effect do animal totems have?

According to the ideas of Zarathushtra and his followers, every person from birth has his own guardian in the form of an animal (bird). While the personality develops, the spirit is invisibly present next to him, endowing him with bestial qualities. A person must embody certain traits in himself in order to achieve success and go through life confidently. Along with totem animals, there are anti-totem ones that bring devilish temptations.

If you indulge your vices, negative properties will manifest themselves, which will be the beginning of the degradation of the individual.

But even for people endowed with the features of an antitoteme, they have the opportunity to overcome their negative influence and acquire positive qualities. Approaching the ideal - the image of his totem - a person gets a chance to find the protection of higher powers. The Persians believed that it was impossible to get away from fate, and in all people, one way or another, positive or negative traits of animal patrons are manifested.

Sign by date of birth

The calendar year begins when the Sun enters Aries on March 21st. Those born before March 20 inclusive, on the border of two months (February and March), fall under the influence of two totem animals at once. In total, the calendar circle includes 32 signs, the difference between the representatives of each is exactly 32 years. Referring to the data, you can find your totem animal.


(1906, 1938, 1970, 2002, 2034 ... years) A sign of higher power, justice, will and desire to win. Persons are easy-going, impetuous, endowed with strong intuition. They know how to understand people and easily find new friends, but not everyone is made close. They love to expose other people's vices, but rarely recognize their own. The antitoteme of the Deer is the Toad, blinded by the lust for power, greedy, despising others.


(1907, 1939, 1971, 2003, 2035) Solid and noble people, which is characterized by a reverent attitude towards the family. In it, they occupy a special position and are ready for anything for the sake of their loved ones, putting them above all else. Sheep succumb to someone else's influence, love when they are led. As a rule, they live in one place. In contrast to the positive qualities, the antitheme animal - the Goat - does not honor family customs, defiles its family, lives without firm principles.


(1908, 1940, 1972, 2004, 2036) A small but agile animal symbolizes constancy and fidelity. He is always honest, open, expects the same from others, so he easily falls for deception. Ideally, if a person born under the sign of the mongoose looks like him in appearance - he has thin moving limbs, a jumping gait. Then the totem will help him fulfill his destiny, and all his actions will be aimed at fighting evil. The opposite of the mongoose is the deceitful and base Ferret, weaving empty intrigues and not knowing how to think about the future.


(1909, 1941, 1973, 2005, 2037) The totem beast, a dexterous predator, is constantly on the move, his life is a struggle, like a person born in the year of the Wolf. His best qualities are manifested in battle, but he does not know how to work in a team. Wolves are loners. They are indifferent to the warmth of the hearth. They are little concerned about the interests of others, they are not used to taking care of the weak, but sometimes the Wolves are characterized by noble impulses. The beast is opposed by the cowardly Jackal, annoying others, embittered and using his strength to harm.


(1910, 1942, 1974, 2006, 2038) Stork people are strongly attached to home and family, in their hearts they are lonely wanderers who strive to return to their native nest. They are distinguished by a deep understanding of the world and life, are ready to replenish knowledge, constantly contemplate, but are laconic. If the Stork fell in love - this is forever, he also remembers his disappointment for a long time. The antitoteme of the sign is a talkative Woodpecker, neglecting other people's interests, not showing strong feelings.


(1911, 1943, 1975, 2007, 2039) Attentive, reasonable, a wise man born under the sign of the Spider. His dwelling symbolizes the universe itself. He knows how to captivate people, manipulate, although he rarely becomes a leader. Spiders set themselves global goals, strive to know the world, while avoiding conflicts. As a rule, they are happy in their personal lives, as they skillfully combine emotions and reason. The antitoteme of the wise spider is the provocateur Tarantula, directing all his forces to create strife and quarrels. These outrageous personalities love to provoke the public.


(1912, 1944, 1976, 2008, 2040) Representatives of this sign have a flexible mind, they do not achieve external brilliance, they try to learn secrets, get into someone else's soul (and they succeed) and adapt to the surrounding realities. Snakes tend to look back: to realize the mistakes of the past, to listen to the knowledge of their ancestors. In their life, nothing passes without a trace, they learn harmony through the knowledge of justice. The Viper - the antitoteme of the sign - makes a person act frivolously, succumb to provocations, and commit dangerous acts.


(1913, 1945, 1977, 2009, 2041) Demanding of themselves, tireless and hardworking individuals, Beavers do not catch stars from the sky, but they know how to take care of the future, and not only their own. Active life position makes them optimistic - they know that there is a lot of work ahead of them, for which they will be rewarded. The Beaver House is open to everyone. He understands people and strives to create comfort. The opposite of them are Nutria, who do not value the family, do not value it, refuse children, despise family ties.


(1914, 1946, 1978, 2010, 2042) In life, people of this sign move slowly, but purposefully, without turning off the chosen path. It is important for them to feel safe, they do not like to take risks. Turtles are closed, but still constantly surrounded by people, as they dispose them to themselves in a sedate way. People have a sign good memory- both for bad and for good, they remember good deeds. The anti-totemic animal, Slug, deprives the Turtle of a reliable shell. Under the influence, she is restless, always dodging, acting hypocritically, unable to take care of herself.


(1915, 1947, 1979, 2011, 2043) The brisk, restless Magpie endows her charges with activity. They are always in the thick of things, trying to influence them. People of this sign are talkative, but active. They try to keep their promises, although sometimes they weave intrigues and ascribe to themselves other people's merits. At the same time, defeats are not taken seriously, immediately taking up a new business. When Magpies say too much, blathering other people's secrets, and just talking nonsense, their antitoteme appears - the Black Rook.


(1916, 1948, 1980, 2012, 2044) Representatives of this Zoroastrian sign are quick-witted, active, who, however, are sometimes characterized by empty fuss. Squirrels pay great attention to the family, equip the house, but this does not bring them joy. Having wasted energy, they can become depressed. They are constant, in choosing friends and a partner, they are reluctant to let something new into their lives, they need stability for happiness. The opposite of Squirrels is the petty, slow-moving Rats, who tend to doubt everything, even their own abilities.


(1917, 1949, 1981, 2013, 2045) Since childhood, in the character of people of this sign, the desire to express personal opinion and independence. Proud birds give personality traits such as uncompromisingness (they do not recognize either their own or others' mistakes), determination, strength. Ravens are not burdened by loneliness, they are not indifferent to others, but even in the family they keep apart. Removes the totem inner strength Hoopoe. He seeks help from others, dumps the solution of his problems on someone.


(1918, 1950, 1982, 2014, 2046) The vigilant and militant Rooster cannot boast of constancy, rarely brings what he started to the end, while achieving success. He is brave, knows how to show himself in battle and cares about the welfare of those he loves. Roosters are direct and open people, sociable, therefore they have many acquaintances. They play for the audience, but are not conceited. Under the influence of the antitheme - Quail - these people become slaves of circumstances, helpless and cowardly. People really feel sorry for them.


(1919, 1951, 1983, 2015, 2047) Hardworking, gentle people are born under the sign of the Tour (Ox). They need a mentor, without help they are passive. Tours are resistant to any adversity, not vindictive, they know how to enjoy the little things, they do not require approval for their actions (thus realizing that they are right). Family for people of this sign is above all. The antitoteme is the Elk, which manifests itself in the character of the Tour with aggression, nervousness. They lack patience and lash out at others over small things.


(1920, 1952, 1984, 2016, 2048) The mysterious and secretive Badger does not fully reveal himself to anyone, even to his relatives. He pays a lot of attention to the past, delves into memories, learns life lessons from mistakes. He is good with people and gives good advice. It is never boring with him, he is tireless, generous, knows what he wants. But under the influence of the antitoteme, the greedy and careless Mole, the Badger throws words into the wind, becoming insidious and frivolous; acts illogically.

Camel Hedgehog

(1922, 1954, 1986, 2018, 2050) The hedgehog has a cocky rebellious character. He trusts loved ones and friends, is faithful to them, but may have ill-wishers because of his language. People of this sign are funny and fidgety. They are attentive to small details, they have an excellent memory. Hedgehogs can be overly active, but in a relationship they are patient and attentive. The antipode - the Shrew - brings lies, betrayal and hypocrisy into the life of Hedgehogs, makes you do nasty things under the guise of outward harmlessness.


(1923, 1955, 1987, 2019, 2051) People of this sign are artistic and sophisticated dreamers who know how to feel and experience subtly. They are defenseless against evil, touchy, need protection and very careful handling, although they do not tolerate guardianship, as they are too independent and freedom-loving. Trusting Lani do not recognize the bad intentions of others, therefore they cannot protect themselves and their loved ones. Always such people act from the best of intentions. The opposite of Lani is the lazy Cow, rude and unstylish. She always makes fun of those who come to her aid.


(1924, 1956, 1988, 2020, 2052) In the Zoroastrian horoscope, the sign of the Elephant belongs to people who are serious and thoughtful. At first glance, they seem to be slow simpletons, but in fact they do not trust anyone and carefully weigh their every decision. Elephants are endowed with great patience, which is not unlimited: in anger, such people are terrible. They are reliable family men, they are the backbone of their family. Antitotemic animal - Anteater - endows a person with fussiness, talkativeness, recklessness. He can change, betray, is not capable of serious deeds.


(1925, 1957, 1989, 2021, 2053) In the year of the Horse, athletic, hardy people are born. They are deeply decent, serious, love accuracy and are ready to work tirelessly to ensure their comfort. Sometimes Kony's routine gets too much attention. Such people are monogamous, but they do not know how to stay alone for a long time. Loshak shows opposite negative traits in people of the sign. The antitoteme is manifested by slowness, bordering on laziness, cowardice, optionality. Such a person does not keep his word.


(1926, 1958, 1990, 2022, 2054) Ferocious and fast predators patronize smart, active people who show cunning from an early age. Emotionality, prudence and strength are wonderfully combined in the character of these people. Cheetahs are independent, do not require support. A wide range of interests makes their variability possible. At any moment they can change their point of view or direction of activity. The bog cat is the antitoteme of the Cheetah. It deprives a person of courage, inner strength, makes him promiscuous in relationships, therefore often deceived.


(1927, 1959, 1991, 2023, 2055) Talented individuals are born under the sign of this beautiful bird. Peacocks know how to charm, but they work for the public, they need spectators. These people love experiments, they take on several things at the same time and achieve what they want. It is hard for them to admit that they have not succeeded in something. In addition, Peacocks do not tolerate when someone surpasses them, they always try to outgrow their authorities. The antitoteme of this sign is the nondescript Drozd, vicious, secretive, worried about his unpopularity and insolvency.


(1928, 1960, 1992, 2024, 2056) Swan people live a rich spiritual life. They are not interested in wealth, fame, power. He needs the support of loved ones, treat them reverently, with great tenderness. Love is in the first place for the Swan. Like proud birds, they choose a mate for life and remain faithful to her. In everything, these people follow ideals, but they hardly understand the qualities of character that are not characteristic of them. Having fallen under the influence of the antitoteme - the Duck - the Swan becomes petty, obsessed with money, takes care of its own benefit and lies recklessly.

Lynx and Nightingale

(1929, 1961, 1993, 2025, 2057) The main totem of the year is a strong and emotional Lynx, sometimes sharp, furious. She does not tolerate conventions and rules, she chooses outcasts as friends, she loves to fool around and have fun, she is reckless. No matter how soft the Lynx seems, she is always ready to repel an attack. The second totem of the year is the Nightingale, which appears much less frequently. He is devoid of frivolity, peaceful, all his actions (without exception) are worthy of respect. The antitoteme - the Mouse - is helpful, devoid of its own opinion and is afraid to violate accepted norms.

A donkey

(1930, 1962, 1994, 2026, 2058) Behind the peace-loving calmness of the Donkey lies an iron will. He has a strong character, endurance, purposefulness; values ​​stability and fears risk. An unstable start unsettles him. The donkey is a hard worker who must work tirelessly and constantly; without work, he languishes. The people of this sign are opposed by the Mule - passive, timid, lazy. He is driven by lust, and often the antitoteme pushes a person to betrayal and betrayal of loved ones.

Polar bear

(1931, 1963, 1995, 2027, 2059) People with an open heart, good-natured, very generous and attentive (especially to children) fall under the influence of a mighty beast. They are not aggressive, but sometimes their games become dangerous. It is pleasant to do business with the Polar Bear, he knows how to recognize profitable contracts and at the same time is not ready to break the law. The people of this sign are opposed to the Brown Bear, behind the outer peacefulness of which lies a bore and a sadist. Such a person always tries to do people a disservice - to get into things unnecessarily and ruin everything.


(1932, 1964, 1996, 2028, 2060) Eagles are steadily striving for their ideals and goals. They do not tolerate any manifestation of anarchy, they call others to order and unanimity, while they themselves remain loners. It is difficult for an eagle to fall in love, but family means a lot to them, especially children and parents. People of the sign are not afraid of enemies, they go into battle with a light soul, sometimes they have the gift of providence. Antitoteme - symbolizing vanity and envy - Fly. Insatiable and greedy, such people prefer to act in a group rather than on their own.


(1933, 1965, 1997, 2029, 2061) A sharp mind and incredible instinct distinguishes people of this sign. Cunning, meticulousness and a developed intellect help the Fox to expose the deceivers, which she does with pleasure. Sometimes these people behave too cautiously and try to put others under attack, not themselves. However, this does not mean that Foxes are selfish, they tend to help people. The antitotemic animal is the greedy and opportunist Weasel. If she is sure of her impunity, then she behaves impudently without hindrance, but as soon as she feels resistance, she cowardly capitulates.


(1934, 1966, 1998, 2030, 2062) A watermark that symbolizes travel and knowledge of secrets. Throughout their lives, people born this year work for the good of society. They are fierce fighters for the truth, disinterested, outcasts. Never ask for anything in return. Dolphins' outlook on life is somewhat idealistic. They are difficult to understand, even relatives are not always able to do it. They oppose this marine inhabitant of Karas, vicious, vengeful, seeking to sow discord and chaos around him. The quarrels of others seem to please them.


(1935, 1967, 1999, 2031, 2063) Brave and courageous people who were born under the auspices of the Vepr (Boar). They are tireless explorers, travelers, conquerors. Open to everyone, such people cannot stand hidden anger and try to resolve conflicts, since the struggle does not bring them pleasure. The boar always knows what he wants from life. His feelings are heated to the limit, if he trusts someone, but limitlessly. The Boar has an antitoteme, the insidious and dodgy Pig, which deprives a person of nobility and faith.


(1936, 1968, 2000, 2032, 2064) A mysterious fate usually awaits people born under the sign of the Owl. They are prone to mysticism, they prefer the spiritual to the material, they lead a closed lifestyle, they like to stay awake at night. Owls do not listen to others, go their own way and establish their own order of things. Especially the totemic essence is manifested in women. Meanness and cowardice, the ability to do low deeds is characterized by the antitoteme - Owl. He always listens to those who are stronger, betraying his ideals.


(1937, 1969, 2001, 2033, 2065) Independent and proud people under the sign of the Falcon. They do not like to be tightly controlled, but without a wise mentor they quickly leave their affairs. They are prone to exaggeration, sometimes arrange demonstration performances in public, and are proud of both victories and defeats. Representatives of the feathered totem are bright personalities, alternating periods of activity and rest. They love and appreciate family. Signs of the Sparrow opposite to the Falcon appear when a person ceases to value the past and present, becomes grumpy and cowardly.

Good and evil incarnations of each sign of the Zoroastrian horoscope must live in harmony. It is good when outwardly the representatives of the sign resemble a totem animal, but this is not necessary. When a person maintains his positive side, performs the actions expected of him, develops certain character traits, he approaches the ideal. His life will pass in harmony with himself.

Zoroastrianism, which big influence on Christianity and Islam, is one of the most ancient world religions. His mythology formed the basis for the creation of various horoscopes, among which the most famous is Zoroastrian horoscope, which has a cycle of 32 years, each of which is patronized by a certain totem: a bird or an animal.

The special specificity of the Zoroastrian horoscope lies in the fact that the totem has tremendous power over the person it dominates, and the task of the individual is to adapt as much as possible to the temperament of his heavenly patron. Also, the Zoroastrian horoscope assumes an external resemblance between a person and a symbolic animal, which is considered a good sign of the graces of fate and good luck in later life.

These questions are answered by the most ancient horoscope known to mankind - the Avestan horoscope of the Zoroastrians. It is based on the 32-year cycle of Saturn, the planet that symbolizes the inner core in astrology. That is why this particular horoscope reflects the inner essence of a person, the very core of his personality.

Thirty-two totems of the Zoroastrian calendar correspond to thirty-two types of personality, the Zoroastrian priests considered. But, since any of us has both light and dark side, since any quality can be turned both for good and for evil, each patron totem is opposed by an antitotem: the focus of the negative inherent in this type of personality. Read, analyze yourself, develop the "totemic" sides of the character and get rid of the manifestations of the antitoteme.

IMPORTANT:The Zoroastrian (Avestan) year begins on March 21, at the minute of the first sunrise in the sign of Aries. That is, those who were born from January 1 to March 20 are patronized by the totems of the previous year.

The main thing to remember! Fight your antitheme!


  1. Golden Horn Deer (from March 22, 1938, 1970, 2002): pride, strength, determination. Antitoteme - Warty Toad.

  2. Mountain Sheep (since March 22, 1939, 1971, 2003): collectivism, duty, traditions. Antitoteme - Sheep.

  3. Mongoose (from March 22, 1940, 1972, 2004): agility, creative activity, flexibility of thinking. Antitoteme - Cobra.

  4. Wolf (since March 22, 1941, 1973, 2005): independence of character, courage, responsibility, endurance. Antitoteme - Werewolf.

  5. Stork (since March 22, 1942, 1974, 2006): peace, fatalism, conservatism. Antitoteme - Toad.

  6. Spider (since March 22, 1943, 1975, 2007): fight against evil spirits, well-being at home, healing. Antitoteme - Fly.

  7. Snake or Already (since March 22, 1944, 1976, 2008): karma, reincarnation, intuition, mysticism. Antitoteme - Viper.

  8. Beaver (from March 22, 1945, 1977, 2009): natural harmony, beauty, love. Antitoteme - Otter or Nutria.

  9. Turtle (from March 22, 1946, 1978, 2010): wisdom, consistency, caution, secrecy. Antitoteme - Seagull.

  10. Magpie (from March 22, 1915, 1947, 1979, 2011): connection with upper world, secrecy. Antitoteme - Mole.

  11. Squirrel (from March 22, 1916, 1948, 1980, 2012): thought, knowledge of the family tree, a lively mind and a sense of duty. Antitoteme - Marten or Rat? [like the Swan].

  12. Raven (since March 22, 1917, 1949, 1981, 2013): seriousness, severity, isolation, purification from filth. Antitoteme - Solitaire.

  13. Rooster (since March 22, 1918, 1950, 1982, 2014): victory over demons, triumph of justice, reformism. Antitoteme - Kite.

  14. Bull or Tour (from March 22, 1919, 1951, 1983, 2015): a symbol of peace, prosperity, self-sacrifice, selflessness. Antitoteme - Wasp or Elk.

  15. Badger (from March 22, 1920, 1952, 1984): storage of wealth, traditions, memories, strengthening the material world. Antitoteme - Cat Bayun.

  16. Camel (from March 22, 1921, 1953, 1985): skepticism, humor, perseverance, independence. Antitotem - Black Karakurt.

  17. Hedgehog (since March 22, 1922, 1954, 1986): grace, novelty, freedom. Antitotem - Monkey or Shrew.

  18. Doe (from March 22, 1923, 1955, 1987): harmony, beauty, righteousness. Antitoteme - Chimera.

  19. Elephant (since March 22, 1924, 1956, 1988): stability, solidity, firmness. Antitoteme - Mouse.

  20. Horse or Horse (since March 22, 1925, 1957, 1989): justice, diligence, striving forward, broad-mindedness. Antitoteme - Jackal.

  21. Cheetah (from March 22, 1926, 1958, 1990): right-wing struggle, militancy, fearlessness. Antitotem - Leopard or Swamp cat.

  22. Peacock (from March 22, 1927, 1959, 1991): overcoming illusions, games, disguises. Antitoteme - Jerboa.

  23. Swan (since March 22, 1928, 1960, 1992): purification of faith, spirituality, hope. Antitoteme - Rat? [like Squirrel] or Duck.

  24. Lynx or Nightingale (from March 22, 1929, 1961, 1993): enlightenment, insight, transformation, fun. Antitoteme - Tick.

  25. Donkey (from March 22, 1930, 1962, 1994): abundance, peace, patience, passive resistance. Antitoteme - Rabbit.

Zoroastrianism is one of the most ancient world religions, which has left its mark neither for Islam nor for Christianity. The mythology of Zoroastrianism is used in the creation of many totem horoscopes, the most famous of which is the 32-cyclic Zoroastrian horoscope.

The totem, according to the Zoroastrian priests, has great power over a person, living in harmony with him will be successful and happy. And if a person outwardly resembles his totem according to the signs listed below, he will be especially successful in life. The Avestan horoscope is based on the 32-year cycle of Saturn, the planet that in astrology symbolizes the inner core. That is why this particular horoscope reflects the inner essence of a person, the very core of his personality. It is important to know that each totemic year begins on March 21, at the minute of the first sunrise in the sign of Aries. That is, those who were born from January 1 to March 20 are patronized by the totems of the previous year.

Deer 1938, 1970, 2002, 2034

Those born with the Deer totem have the gift of recognizing evil in all its manifestations. As a rule, they are proud strong people never resting on their laurels. They are very creative, bursting with ideas and are ready not only to make their dreams come true, but also to lead others. Deer are able to lead any business, they are charismatic leaders. True, they may lack self-confidence. Get rid of internal doubts, believe in yourself - and you will be able to move mountains. Deer people are usually thin, tall, long-legged.

Baran 1939, 1971, 2003, 2035

The main thing for those born in the year of the Ram is to feel part of the team: the family, the people, the team of like-minded people. Traditions, eternal values, family ties are very important for them. By the way, these people are under the special protection of their ancestors, so in a difficult moment of life, it is enough for them to mentally ask their great-grandfathers for support - and help will come. They are excellent performers, but they need external guidance, otherwise they get lost and waste their energy. Outwardly, the Baran resembles his totem: neither thin nor fat, curly hair, slightly bulging eyes and large teeth.

Mongoose 1940, 1972, 2004, 2036

In the year of the Mongoose, creative personalities are born, mobile, with the ability to navigate in any situation, intuitively find the right decision most confusing issue. These people are devoted and very frank, secrecy is unnatural for them, so Mongooses not only do not know how to keep secrets, but they do not consider it necessary. Mongooses love adventure and are often lucky. They are indispensable in crisis situations: they are able to pull a loved one out of any trouble, but in Everyday life it is not easy with them: they are too unpredictable. These people are easy to distinguish in the crowd: long-armed and long-legged, they move as if dancing.

Wolf 1941, 1973, 2005, 2037

These are born extreme people who love crisis situations in which they manage to arrange a duel with the elements, with the forces of evil - and emerge victorious. Wolves are practically devoid of a sense of danger and sometimes needlessly climb on the rampage, a calm, quiet life can bring them to depression, because the people of this totem travel a lot or choose a “hot” job for themselves. They are distinguished by an athletic physique, they are very dense, but by no means thick.

Aist 1942, 1974, 2006, 2038

These are noble people, very attached to their home and their loved ones. They love to travel, but always return to their nest. They value comfort and order, although by nature they are ascetic and able to get by with a minimum of comfort. They always rely only on themselves, they do not like to burden loved ones, but they themselves are always ready to help. Storks highly respect family values, marry for love and, most often, keep this feeling for life. Secondary marriage among stork people is rare. Storks are thin, slender, they have long legs and a somewhat elongated face.

Spider 1943, 1975, 2007, 2039

In the modern view, this creature is the embodiment of negativity. And in vain: in Zoroastrianism, the Spider is a sacred animal. Its eight paws are reminiscent of the eight cardinal points, and the spiral web is a model of the threads of fate connected into a single network. So Spider-People have an innate gift to unite people around them (however, as a rule, they avoid leading positions, trying to play the role of a gray cardinal), from scattered strokes they are able to create complete picture. In other words, they weave their own web. Spiders love to learn, as a rule, they are very needlework: they sew, knit, and so on. They are slow, but purposeful: sooner or later, the Spider will certainly achieve its goal. Spiders are distinguished Long hands and tenacious fingers.

Serpent 1944, 1976, 2008, 2040

People born in the year of the Snake are smart, unpredictable, but not very sociable. These are born mystics with developed intuition, philosophers who deeply understand many of the mysteries of the world. Snakes are well versed in complex, confusing situations, but rarely give advice: only if a loved one really asks. Loyalty, fidelity - the distinctive qualities of the Snake, outwardly cold, not too emotional, these people deep down are extremely attached to their chosen ones. Serpents are distinguished by deep-set eyes, flexibility, plasticity.

Beaver 1945, 1977, 2009, 2041

These are diligent hosts and jacks of all trades, they never sit idle and are always happy to have guests. Beavers are extremely hardworking, they value comfort, reliability and beauty. Of course, you can always rely on the Beaver himself: if he already promised, he will not let you down, no matter what it costs him. These are wonderful fathers and mothers of the family, faithful spouses, devoted daughters and sons. Feature these people - the ability to resist despondency: no matter how difficult it is, Beaver believes in the best. And he does everything to return the favor of fortune. As a rule, these are strong, short people, strong and very hardy.

Turtle 1946, 1978, 2010, 2042

These people are secretive and slow, in life they choose proven, reliable roads - but they already walk along them confidently, moreover, helping fellow travelers. It is not surprising that next to the Turtle there are always a lot of "stuck fish": those whom the Turtle has helped, she will no longer leave to the mercy of fate! These people have an excellent memory: they always remember those who supported them in difficult times and are forever grateful to them, but they also remember the evil that, in their opinion, should not go unpunished. Sooner or later, the Turtle will find a way to take revenge on the offender - thereby restoring justice. Turtle people are distinguished by dense skin, they are characterized by "turtle" habits: slowness, the habit of stretching their neck a little, looking closely or listening to something.

Magpie 1947, 1979, 2011, 2043

Magpies born under the totem are distinguished by a sharp mind, excellent combinatorial abilities and developed intuition. They are very talkative, sometimes they seem talkative, but this is a deceptive impression: Magpies never throw words into the wind, rather, they play some kind of game of their own. It's dexterous business people able to do several things at the same time, always ready to take risks. As a rule, the risk is justified: Magpies are surprisingly lucky, as if fate itself plays along with them. They are innovators, welcoming any change, they always forge their own paths, refusing to follow the well-worn paths. Magpie people are well built, agile, agile and very mobile.

Belka 1948, 1980, 2012, 2044

Alive, smart, homely, agile and very efficient Squirrels seem a little lightweight, but this is a deceptive impression. In fact, people born this year are deeply attached to the family and their lovers, highly value marriage, and are faithful and reliable partners. The subjects of this totem are characterized by mood swings: in principle, cheerful Squirrels are capable of becoming depressed from time to time. However, having felt love and support, Squirrels quickly cope with emotions. These people are very conservative - both in tastes and in life values. They are characterized by thinness, mobility, distinguishing feature Squirrels - a live look.

Raven 1949, 1981, 2013, 2045

They are loners and individualists. They do not like to command or obey, they shy away from any team and cannot stand the slightest pressure - even if it comes from someone close to them. The Crow family is rarely created and, as a rule, already in adulthood, but more often they still remain bachelors. Even if Raven got married, his character does not change much: he continues to live on his own, trying not to interfere with his family and not allowing anyone into his personal space. The raven is squeamish and clean, nothing can piss him off to such an extent as dirt, disorder. Another distinguishing feature of the totem: the desire to always live at their own expense: Crows never take on debt, because they do not want to depend on others for anything. They are characterized by a strong physique, the so-called "broad bone", they have an excellent complexion and good skin.

Rooster 1950, 1982, 2014, 2046

Those born under the auspices of this totem are true revolutionaries, reformers, truth seekers. Courage, determination, unwillingness to put up with injustice always makes the Rooster rush into battle. However, they often do not finish what they started: as soon as the battle on the barricades is replaced by a protracted positional war, the Rooster gets bored - and he begins to look around in search of new barricades. However, often the Roosters manage to solve the problem with a swoop, so that many cockfights bear fruit for him and those around him. Roosters are not only warriors, but also family men, attached to the house and children. They love to show off, adore outfits and all sorts of holidays. Roosters are distinguished by a mobile face and rich facial expressions.

Tour1951, 1983, 2015, 2047

In the year of the Tour, very stubborn, hardworking and patient people are born. They are characterized by spiritual purity, often - naivety, Tours need a leader, a spiritual leader. But it is very important who exactly the idealist-Tour chooses for himself as a shepherd: after all, from him, soft as wax, you can fashion anything if you wish! The Tours are vulnerable, touchy, they are not characterized by courage and special determination, however, for those they love, as well as for the cause that they consider right, the Tours are ready to fight to the death. As a rule, such people are distinguished by a dense physique; for women-Turs, a magnificent bust is characteristic.

Badger 1952, 1984, 2016, 2048

Those born this year are secretive, closed, not easy to make contact. True, trusting a person, opening his heart, Badger will be a devoted friend, a faithful comrade, ready to help at any moment. But at the same time, about the most important thing: for example, about the main business of his life, Badger may not tell even the closest. Badger people are zealous owners, they are extremely thrifty and practical, very homely and efficient. They are characterized by conservatism, respect for accepted values. As a rule, they show special abilities in the field of mathematics, logic, psychology. Many Badgers tend to be overweight, but their faces are often pointed.

Camel 1953, 1985, 2017, 2049

People who were born under the Camel totem are characterized by a deep mind, they are insightful and insightful. At the same time, the Camels are inveterate skeptics, taking nothing for granted, always able to find flaws in everything and everyone: it was probably the Camel who was the first to proclaim that there are spots on the Sun. The people of this totem are sharp on the tongue, they love to cut the truth-womb and know their own worth. You can always rely on the Camel: if he has already taken up the matter, nothing will make him stop halfway, to abandon his plan. Family members - spouse, children - Camel loves tenderly and devotedly, although it rarely shows it. He is demanding of his relatives, and yet he is ready to forgive them for anything. It has no distinctive external features.

Ezh 1954, 1986, 2018, 2050

People living under the Hedgehog totem do not take anything for granted, they have their own opinion about everything and they trust only themselves, their eyes and ears. And if the Hedgehog has made a decision, he will not back down from it! What he considered evil, the Hedgehog will try to destroy or neutralize in any way, but what he considered good, the Hedgehog will defend to the last. You can trust him with eyes closed, but sometimes it’s not easy to live with a Hedgehog: he is not only a 100% accurate man who demands the same attitude towards home from his relatives, but also a well-known bore. These people are meticulous, they like to cling to details. As a rule, Hedgehogs have a large head, their hair stands up straight, and they often have a pointed nose.

Lan 1955, 1987, 2019, 2051

Totem Lani rewards his subjects with aristocracy, artistry, sophistication. However, people born during these years often lack depth of feeling: they skim the surface, choosing the easiest roads - even if they are not very interesting. Doe is timid, serious trials and deep feelings frighten her, repel her, but in light flirting they are true virtuosos. People of this totem are often gifted in the field of art, they are very sensitive, romantic, but they lack common sense. Outwardly, they are distinguished by their special attractiveness: graceful, refined, eyes with a veil.

Elephant 1956, 1988, 2020, 2052

People born in the year of the Elephant are solid and conservative. These are collectivists who always prefer to act in a team and defend the interests of their community - family, clan, friendly circle, country. These are impeccable leaders of large projects. The elephant is balanced and calm, but if someone manages to bring him, let him blame himself: the enraged Elephant sweeps away everything in its path! And in general: if a person with this totem has made a decision, it is impossible to stop him, he will achieve his goal at any cost, overcome all obstacles. The main drawback is suspiciousness, self-doubt. The appearance of the Elephant corresponds to the totem: these are large, massive people, often they are distinguished by a long nose.

Horse 1957, 1989, 2021, 2053

Those born in the year of the Horse are hard-working and courageous people. Like the Elephants, they are staunch collectivists: it is easiest for them to work in a team, and they live in a large family. A person with this totem firmly keeps his word, but is too impetuous, self-confident, likes to make grandiose plans. Often such people are too keen on discussing their projects, but if the Horse starts to bring the idea to life, it’s better not to stand in his way. Usually Horses are well built, they are athletes with a proud posture. They have fine teeth and tend to have coarse hair.

Cheetah 1958, 1990, 2022, 2054

Those born in the year of the Cheetah are honest, determined and noble people. These are born protectors, able not only to take care of the weak, but also to unravel the most difficult situation: Cheetahs brilliantly calculate all the pros and cons, know how to foresee danger and always find the best way out of the situation. The cheetah is distinguished by an indomitable temper, pressure, deceit and perseverance in achieving the goal: if a person with this totem retreats, then only to, having gained strength, rejoin the battle. Outwardly, they are smart, graceful, and very strong. The cheetah has a hard look.

Peacock 1959, 1991, 2023, 2055

People who were born in the year of the Peacock love to show off, play, dream, shine in society, but are not able to do something thoroughly. But throughout his life, Peacock discovers new talents in himself, finds and shows completely unexpected abilities, which he himself did not suspect. The character of a person born with this totem is also constantly changing. Peacocks are little attached to material values, to earthly goods, as soon as they have money, they spend it on pleasure. These are very bright, original people, they say about them: “fireworks man”.

Lebed 1960, 1992, 2024, 2056

Those born in the year of the Swan are idealists. They are selfless, proud and eager to serve lofty ideas. On the material world The swan tries not to pay too much attention, and therefore earthly, materialistic things are not very successful for him. People with this totem are extremely emotional and sensitive, very attached to the house - but they themselves will not be able to build a family nest. In general, you should not rely on them in any serious matters: they themselves need help and support. Those born this year are distinguished by effeminacy, grace, flexibility, often these people Long neck.

Lynx 1961, 1993, 2025, 2057

People who were born in the year of the Lynx are real adventurers. They are characterized by mood swings: peaceful, domestic cats can instantly turn into an angry beast, and the reason for the change is clear only to the Lynx herself, others are in complete bewilderment. It is this trait that often prevents people with this totem from maintaining friendships and love relationships: with their unpredictability, they scare away loved ones. But another feature of the Lynx helps her out in the most difficult moments: if necessary, such a person is able to mobilize in a matter of seconds. Lynx is distinguished by a heightened sense of self-esteem. In appearance, there is usually something feline.

Donkey 1962, 1994, 2026, 2058

In the year of the Donkey, hardworking and stubborn people are born. They are serious, reliable and friendly, but if something unpleasant happens around, disputes, quarrels, conflicts arise, Donkeys become closed and stubborn. Able to perform the most difficult and responsible work: the main thing for the Donkey is to hear encouragement in time, good word. The Donkey knows how to get out of a difficult everyday situation calmly, acting sensibly and balanced. But he cannot stand troubles, conflicts: he withdraws into himself, is removed from business and decision-making. Usually people with this totem have an elongated face, strong, slightly protruding teeth.

White Bear 1963, 1995, 2027, 2059

In the year of the Polar Bear, strong, passionate, loving and noble natures are born. They are very patient, but be careful not to exceed the limit of their patience: it is just as dangerous as teasing a real bear! But for those whom the Polar Bear trusts, he becomes the best friend and the most reliable defender. People with this totem also like to provide patronage, especially if they are sure that their good deeds fall on fertile ground. Polar Bears do not have bright external differences.

Eagle 1932, 1964, 1996, 2028

Those born in the year of the Eagle always feel a little superior to those around them. These are proud people, they are distinguished by innate aristocracy, the ability to behave with dignity in any society. As a rule, Eagles are gifted leaders, they are prone to adventures, but always behave in a chivalrous manner. Eagles are capable of great accomplishments, and if a person with this totem is interested in some business, he will make every effort to achieve his goal. The Eagles are best at building a team and making decisions. They are also able to see the future. Outwardly, the Eagle is distinguished by a proud posture, a chased profile, and a well-placed voice.

Fox 1933, 1965, 1997, 2029

People born in the year of the Fox are intelligent and cunning. They will manage to solve any, the most complicated case. Among them are many excellent family and property lawyers. As a rule, the fate of people who were born this year is complicated, confusing. Any kind of life can wait for them - but not monotonous! Foxes are rarely distinguished by reckless courage, but they are extremely prudent and cunning. And not only they themselves are able to find a way out of any labyrinth, but also help others get out of the trap. Often people with this totem have an asthenic physique, they have a narrow face and thin features.

Dolphin 1934, 1966, 1998, 2030

Philosophers are born in the year of the Dolphin. They are very intelligent, but just as secretive, never revealing their true intentions. At the same time, they are real peacemakers, able to find a common language with any person and settle all problems in the most delicate way. The dolphin is always ready to help and never does it defiantly. Often people with a Dolphin totem show telepathic abilities, in any case they are surprisingly insightful. Dolphins are well built, they have a smooth speech and refined manners.

Vepr 1935, 1967, 1999, 2031

Those who were born in the year of the Boar are brave, courageous, resolute. They know how to very accurately assess their strengths, they do not like to waste them in vain, but if they are already confident in their goal, they will not think for a long time. Boars strive for leadership and are not afraid of open hostility. Despite the self-confidence inherent in the people of this totem, they listen to the opinions of loved ones, in the family and with friends they show almost unlimited patience: for those who are dear to him, the Boar can forgive almost everything. Although the Boar has an indomitable temper, he is able to submit to authority if he is convinced that it is lawful. These people are characterized by an athletic build, broad shoulders and a large head.

Owl 1936, 1968, 2000, 2032

People with the Owl totem live according to their own schedule: as a rule, they prefer to sleep during the day, but are active at night. These are born soothsayers and seers, so the main thing for Owl is to trust his intuition, listen to the prompts of his inner voice. Unfortunately, this is precisely what is given to them with difficulty: Owls are characterized by extreme suspiciousness. In addition, people with this totem (especially men) are very closed, they hardly make acquaintances and create a family. Eagle owls are distinguished Round eyes and a muffled voice.

Sokol 1937, 1969, 2001, 2033

People born under the totem of the Falcon are capable of great deeds, but no one will dare to call them collected. They are careless and reckless, besides, they like to bluff. In general, they tend to theatrical effects, to exaggeration. However, under competent guidance, they can easily cope with serious tasks. Their good impulses must be restrained and directed in the right direction. However, this is a very difficult task: those born in the year of the Falcon are very proud people who do not tolerate any dictate. Falcons usually have good posture, a medium build, and quick, jerky movements.