Act in the crowd of the film. How much can you earn as an extra on the set of television series and talk shows

If you do not have an acting education, and the main roles in the cinema do not shine for you, then there is only one option left, how to get into the extras on a TV show and filming a movie.

1. Almost everyone takes place in Moscow, so if you do not live there, then you need to come or fly there.

2. The second thing you should do is take good photos. It will be enough to take one photo where your face will be close-up, and one photo - in full growth. Photos must be of high quality and taken in the studio, and not against the backdrop of a carpet or sofa. You will need photos both printed on photo paper and on a flash drive in electronic form. On the printed photos, on the reverse side, you need to write your data, such as: last name and first name, date of birth, education, shooting experience, and of course your phone number and e-mail. Many people forget to sign their photos and then wonder why no one invites them to shoot in extras.

3. In the article, we have already mentioned the casting portal, the social network of actors and the site, where, in addition to castings, they publish up-to-date information about recruiting for extras in movies and TV. To begin with, you will need to register on these sites in order to gain access to the contact details of the extras foremen who sign up for extras. After that, you can go to these sites daily and select for yourself suitable shooting in the crowd for the coming days. Some foremen of extras sign up for shooting by phone, some by e-mail, and the most advanced ones - by viber and whatsapp. Also, on these portals, you can subscribe to the newsletter of actual shootings in extras, which will be sent to you by e-mail. Paid registration on casting portals should not scare away those who want to get into the extras, since even one shooting day will cover the cost of registering on the site, and then you can act in the extras at least every day, if you have the time and desire.

4. After you have been enrolled in the extras and you came for the first time to shoot with this foreman of the extras, then ask him if he can leave his photo for future projects. If you prove yourself as an adequate person, then in the future the foreman will be able to call you not for extras, but for a group meeting or even for an episode with words. Groups and episodes are paid more than shooting in extras, and it’s more interesting to act in them than to walk in the background. Now you know why we recommended you take good photos in the second paragraph of the article.

5. Also on the casting portals, you can place your profile, photo and your phone number in the database of actors of mass scenes, and the foremen of the extras themselves will call you and invite you to the shooting. Your task is to notify as much as possible all the people who select extras for their projects, so you need to use all the possibilities. It often happens that extras foremen and assistants for actors select extras for their projects according to a certain type, so they go to the casting portals and look through the entire available base of crowd scene actors. When they see your photos and realize that you suit them, they immediately call and invite you to shoot.

6. While shooting in extras, you should also contact your new colleagues, from whom you can find out about other extras foremen, from whom you can sign up for other shoots. Every extras has a list of foremen, although not everyone shares them.

Now let's summarize the above, so that you fully understand how to get into the extras on a TV show and in a movie:

1. We take high-quality photos.

2. We register on casting portals, for example, and (but there are others). We fill out our profile of an actor of mass scenes, daily look through current offers for filming in extras and contact the foreman.

3. During the shooting, we behave adequately and carry out all the commands of the extras foreman, after which we hand him our signed photos.

4. Chat with other extras and exchange information with them about the shooting and the people who record it.

I have been shooting extras in films and programs for more than 5 years. I will share tips on how to get into the cinema) how much you can earn.

extras ru the most popular resource for booking filming in Moscow. There is a record in other cities, but much less.

Filming in Moscow, sometimes trips to the Moscow region and other prides. Organizers are coming.

So. The site looks like a forum. Let's figure out where to look and what to do to get into the crowd.

Register first. Simple and clear. Add an avatar.

We look carefully at the sections of the site.

Questionnaires You don't even have to waste time filling it out. Millions of profiles, hundreds of new profiles every day.

Now to earnings.

Types of earnings in the crowd.

This is the second section. MOSCOW. INVITATION TO SHOOTING

  • filming by the viewer in programs.

The task is simple: to sit in the hall during the filming. Always filming in Moscow. Most often in Ostankino, sometimes other locations around the city.

How to get:

  • carefully read the requirements for age and appearance.
  • appropriate clothing. If it is written in the requirements of a dark color, then if you come in pink, then they will not let you in. So also the foreman will blacklist and you will not get to him.
  • take a passport with a residence permit or registration, if not, then a return ticket.
  • on the set of programs, viewers are not fed. Take food and water. Most often there is nowhere to buy.

Ad example.


  • Come half an hour early, you need to check in with the foreman.
  • Be sure to change shoes. It is more comfortable to sit in boats and sneakers than in tight shoes.
  • The clothes are comfortable, sitting with your legs clenched for 5 hours in a short skirt is still a pleasure.
  • If the program is about health, then it is better not to go on stage. We all know Elena Malysheva with her program to live healthy. Yes, they definitely pay extra for this, but you won’t get shame)

I also sometimes go to Live Healthy. Several programs are filmed, from 9 am to 5 pm. Paid 500r.

The cost is different and depends on the conditions of the number of programs. But of course, you won't earn much money here. Up to 1000 rubles.

Interesting projects

  • - Shooting in the New Year's editions. Blue light, etc. Just great atmosphere. Interesting. Not boring. But it takes a long time and they pay a little.

  • Politics, who cares. I go to Solovyov's show - one program is 200 rubles.
  • Live. - usually more requirements for clothing. And as in any shooting, do not yawn, do not make noise, do not itch, do not sleep, etc.))

    • Shooting in extras in movies and TV shows.

    This is very interesting.

    The projects are different. Filming is ongoing. I can talk about this for hours. Every shoot is unique. There are a lot of locations and images. Most often shooting all day, often delayed.

    Payment immediately after the end of the working day.

    Common roles: bystanders, medical staff, visitors, etc.

    Here I am in the series Pyatnitsky. The role of a journalist.

A large number of people are wondering how to act in films. A list of useful tips and recommendations specifically for them will be given in this article. After all, many do not suspect that getting a role in a film today is not so difficult.

Unusual appearance

Is it possible to get into the film industry without the proper experience and knowledge? In fact, everything is possible. There are a number of factors that can help an ordinary person to act in a film.

So, in the cinema, people with an extraordinary appearance have always been needed. And we are talking here not only about handsome men or beauties, on the contrary, people with non-standard, unusual external data are often needed here. Small or, on the contrary, huge growth, great weight, pronounced national features and much more - all this may interest the creators of the picture.

Of course, the main role of random people with unusual data is taken quite rarely. But it is quite possible for them to apply for secondary, additional places. For people with an unusual appearance, there is definitely at least one scene. A movie is shot in a very difficult way, and it happens that just one episode in a film can become a turning point, a key event.

Having acting skills

Is an extraordinary appearance enough for a warm welcome to the film industry? Of course not. What's really important is having a variety of acting skills.

And this is not about talent. After all, talent is a relative thing, and it can be fully revealed only in the process of work. And interesting, unusual, bright and memorable tricks and techniques that could be used when shooting a film - this is really important.

Who knows, maybe it is your unusual facial expressions or the ability to stay relaxed in front of the lenses that will help you break the path to the film industry. And it is not necessary to have an acting education to express yourself to the fullest. The main thing is to be confident in yourself and your abilities.

A quality path to the film industry

There are two paths to the film industry: qualitative and quantitative. They are completely different, and a person who wants to act in films must choose the best option for himself.

So, what is a quality option? How to start acting in films, following this path? It will suit truly creative individuals who are not afraid to create and show the results of their creativity to people. Maintaining your video blog, shooting a short film, clip or commercial - all this will definitely be noticed by the right people if the product is really high-quality. The main thing in the chosen path is not to be afraid and not to be shy. Let the released videos be not of the best quality, with poor sound or ridiculous editing. The main thing that the right people will pay attention to is the behavior of a person who wants to break into the cinema.

The Quantitative Path to the Film Industry

How to act in films if there is no possibility of implementing a quality path? The quantitative option is suitable for people who, for a number of reasons, do not have the opportunity or time to express themselves fully. In this case, you need to create a high-quality portfolio and correctly present yourself.

What does it mean? On special sites, you must leave your resume, in which you need to briefly and clearly state all your features and skills. In addition, you need to add a certain number of your photos - always of high quality, allowing you to fully appreciate your external data.

The portfolio can be seen by people who are somehow connected with the film industry. And only then will a person be able to get to the shooting of a real film. It is also worth adding that it needs to be updated periodically. For example, from time to time to add new photos in which a change in image and appearance is noticeable. Or edit your resume if new, interesting acting skills and talents have been discovered.

It is worth believing that this path to the film industry really works. Professionals from the world of cinema sometimes cannot find the right person, and therefore they often go to such sites with a collection of portfolios. "Today everyone is looking for new faces. We found the main character of the movie "Vanya" on the Internet," says producer Nadezhda Kopytina. That is why you should not be suspicious of such sites.

The main thing on the Internet site is the ability to present yourself well and patiently wait for the cherished hour when the invitation to the casting does come.

How do people get into movies?

How was Soviet cinema filmed? In the recent past, cinema was primarily an art. There was no stagnation in this cultural environment, because new faces were constantly sought and invited there. Many actors started their film careers in the Soviet Union quite suddenly. Faina Ranevskaya, Mikhail Pugovkin - all these familiar faces do not have a proper acting education. However, thanks to their talent and high skill they are known all over the world.

So how to act in films if there is only talent and an incredibly strong desire? The answer is simple - arrange real tests for yourself. There are several simple, but at the same time unusual ways to get to the cherished:

  • through acting agencies;
  • "Mosfilm";
  • through the crowd.

Each person decides for himself which method suits him best. And you can try all these methods at once.

How effective are acting agencies?

Acting agencies are one of the most famous and widespread, but, unfortunately, not the best ways. This option is suitable for people who are ready to spend a certain amount of money.

Acting agencies work as follows: for money they save all the data of a person who has come - records showing various kinds of abilities, photographs, resumes, etc. Moreover, unlike portfolio sites, acting agencies send out all the data about a person to directors, producers and other persons, one way or another connected with the recruitment of actors.

It would seem that everything is simple and logical, you just have to pay a little money (prices in Moscow vary from 500 to 10 thousand rubles). However, there is one problem. Recently, too many scammers have divorced in the cities, ready to make a star out of a person for "a symbolic 500 dollars." Naturally, such scammers hide behind signboards of acting agencies. That is why it is necessary to carefully choose the places where you can give your money and data. After all, some especially impatient people exclaim the phrase: "I want to act in films!" so often that it becomes quite easy to deceive them.

About participating in crowds

How to act in films without having the proper education? And what about the amount of money paid for the shooting? The answer is simple: take part in the crowd. It is not so difficult. Directors and producers quite often recruit a large number of people to their films, especially historical ones. Here, however, the matter is different: will shooting in the crowd be enough to fulfill the dream of a career as an actor?

For some yes, for others no. However, Russian cinema is shot in such a way that even a person for extras can prove himself and like the creators of the tape.

So, how do you get into the crowd? You must sign up for the shoot in advance. As a rule, advertisements for the recruitment of people in the crowd for the film can be found on the Internet. But sometimes the creators of the picture themselves find the necessary people - and do it on the street. It is also worth considering that participation in extras is not the easiest thing to do.

Firstly, you can spend almost a day on a seemingly unknown thing. Secondly, directors often have quite strict requirements for extras, and therefore it is necessary to be ready for anything. At the same time, if a person wants to somehow like the film crew, then he should especially try. The creators of the picture can be annoyed, and they will obviously not need unnecessary distractions. However, it should be borne in mind that many both Soviet and Russian actors got into the cinema precisely through extras.

"Walk" around Mosfilm

This option to prove themselves is suitable only for truly thirsty people who want to prove themselves. The thing is that people working in the film concern are not very willing to once again accept the next portfolio.

However, for decades now, people who have come to Mosfilm have come across directors and producers who saw something special in a person and offered film roles.

Today, the easiest way to get there is through a guided tour. If a person has a desire not just to walk around the film factory, but to show himself to the creators, then you need to tune in and prepare in advance. It’s worth considering right away that a list of vacancies hangs at the film concern itself, but it will be difficult to find the right option without having the proper experience. That is why a person who is confident in his abilities should take a portfolio folder with him and boldly knock on the doors of offices. At the same time, it is better to agree to any proposed option, to any episodic role. After all, the likelihood that someone from Mosfilm really wants to deal with a random person is not so high.

“If a person wants to act in films, he is obliged to simply live at Mosfilm,” says actor Konstantin Kryukov. So the advice here can be given as follows: it is better to go to the film concern as often as possible. It is important to be confident and full of energy.

Casting invitation

But what if a person is nevertheless noticed and, as a result, invited to the casting? First, do not be too happy or, on the contrary, panic. You need to calm down and start working on yourself.

It is worth learning that it is from the casting, so to speak, a kind of exam, and all future fate will depend. So how to pass the casting and act in films? You need to prepare your high-quality photos on a white background, write a resume, add a couple of extra certificates or diplomas of achievements to your portfolio.

In no case should you limit yourself to just the phrase: Firstly, this statement will not be enough for the film crew. And secondly, professionals most of all do not like "Wishlist". Cinematographers are looking for people who are ready to show their talent to the fullest, and not just "want". You should also not try to make friends with officials - it will be in bad taste.

Appearance and behavior at the casting

Appearance is very important, probably even the main criterion. The main rule here sounds very simple: you need to look natural. Girls should not put on too bright makeup and dress brightly. Guys should look neat and tidy. Hairstyle, posture, gait are very important. Behave very confidently, but not arrogantly. Persons associated with cinema should see in the person who came to the casting, first of all, individuality, and not some kind of far-fetched image.

It is worth agreeing that the correct behavior at the casting is the basis of success. Usually here a person is asked to sit in front of the camera and tell a few words about himself. This is necessary in order to understand how the visitor holds himself in front of the lenses directed at him. The advice here is simple: be natural, rehearse your speech in advance, and prepare a quality portfolio. It is worth relying, of course, on your own improvisation.

It is important to believe in yourself, and only then everything will definitely work out!

People go to TV shows as a spectator or hero for various reasons. Someone sincerely believes that this could be the beginning of a great career on television. Others hope to get a solid fee for an interesting time spent. Still others go for new sensations - it's great to be on the set of a popular program, to see famous hosts and star guests with your own eyes!

It seems to many that only selected or slightly more fortunate people participate in television projects than themselves. Is it so? The editors of the site talk about some ways to become a member of a TV show.

Method 1. Tour

A tour called “How TV shows are made” is found by Yandex and Google from the very first request. It is a walk around the Ostankino television center and filming in the program-which-cannot-be-named with Elena Malysheva, and if you don’t know, then it’s good that this cup has passed you.

In a 2-2.5 hour tour you will see the studios of famous TV projects, as well as the famous Ostankino staircases and corridors, where the cult films "Magicians", "Brother-2" and many others were filmed. But the finest hour awaits you on the set of the program “Live is great!” - Elena Malysheva often uses guests to demonstrate informative scenes about our health (the main thing is not to wear a sweater with a high neck, if you know what we mean).

To participate in the tour and obtain a pass to the Ostankino television center, you will need: an original Russian passport (for children over 10 years old - a birth certificate), registration in Moscow or the Moscow Region (if any), a travel document upon arrival in Moscow for up to 90 days (for guests of the capital, as well as those who do not have a registration document).

Method 2. Casting via the Internet and not only

Announcements about the recruitment of viewers and participants for TV shows can be found both on special resources like,, and others, and on popular TV sites - for example, Less often, shooting announcements come across in the official groups of TV projects on Vkontakte, Facebook and other social networks, another question is whether they can be trusted.

Method 3. Contact the creators of the transfer

In the credits of talk shows or quiz shows, as a rule, they indicate a contact phone number or an Internet site address where you can call and tell your story, or fill out an application for participation. It is worth noting that it can be extremely difficult to get through to such numbers, and the chance that they will choose your profile filled out on the transfer page is even less.

If you have not yet changed your mind when looking for an “access point” to a project of interest, pay special attention to the requirements of the organizers for guests.

1. Age

At the show "Ice Age" we are glad to see viewers aged 18 to 35 years old, at the musical quiz "Guess the melody!" - from 14 to 40 years old, on the talk show "Let them talk" - from 14 to 60 years old, but on the program "About the Most Important" you will be allowed to shoot only if you are strictly under 45 years old.

2. Clothing and appearance

Everyone is always asked to come to the shooting of any of the TV projects neat and smartly dressed. The differences are only in the colors.

On Boris Korchevnikov’s talk show “Live”, they are asked to definitely exclude red and dark tops in clothes, viewers in clothes with various inscriptions are not allowed on the “Wait for me” program, but on the Fashion Sentence show or Yulia Menshova’s program “Alone with everyone ”are glad to see the audience in clothes with a bright top.

3. Punctuality

If you are late or for some reason cannot come to the shooting, you must definitely notify the person with whom you recorded.

4. Prohibition of tips and walking on the set

Whatever feelings you have in relation to the participants of the program, you do not need to shout about it publicly on the recording of the project. This rule applies especially strictly to viewers at various TV games and quizzes. Even if you know the correct answer, but the transfer participant does not, you do not need to prompt him. Whoever you this participant is not accounted for. Violators are punished very strictly - they stop filming, are publicly expelled from the hall, they refuse to pay money and put them on the "black list".

Also, viewers are not allowed to get up from their seats and walk around the site during the recording.

5. Prohibition on photography, video filming

The phone must be turned off for the duration of the shooting, even silent / vibrate mode is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that waves from electronic devices can cause a defect in the quality of the picture or sound, and in this case it is necessary to reshoot everything from the very beginning.

Taking pictures in the studio, with the presenter, participants and guests is possible only if it is allowed by the organizers. This can only be done during breaks or at the end of filming.

6. Privacy

It is not uncommon for you to be asked to fill out a special non-disclosure document during filming, or you will be told orally what is forbidden to be disclosed.

As it is right, this concerns the secrets of the production of the program, as well as everything related to the intrigue of the show. It is forbidden to disseminate information about which of the participants will leave the show, who will become its winners, what and in what quantity they will receive as prizes before the broadcast is broadcast.

If you have violated the prohibition from the previous paragraph on photography and video shooting, then you should not post pictures from the “I was here” series. There are special people who track and punish violators who leave such publications about the project on the Internet, including various messages, photos and videos on social networks, video portals, etc.

7. Food and drink

You must arrange food and drinks for yourself in advance. Often there are no buffets or even food vending machines on set. Unfortunately, the organizers do not provide drinks and food to the audience in the studio, which means that you must stock them up on your own and in advance.

Regarding payment the work of an extras participant on television projects, you should not count on a large amount. On average, we are talking about 150-600 rubles for a full shooting day, during which from 1 to 4 programs can be recorded. Not infrequently, shooting ends deep after midnight, all this time you must be in your place. If you leave the studio before the director says the final “stop, filmed!”, You are unlikely to receive your reward.

Any Russian citizen between the ages of 25 and 65 can become a member of the Living Healthy and Health programs. To do this, you must fill out the questionnaire and carefully read the rules described below.

If you have been selected to participate in the filming of programs, then the project coordinator will contact you and provide the necessary additional information.

Filming dates and schedules are subject to change.

Be sure to check your email inbox on the morning of the shoot for any notices of possible changes.

The shooting day is divided into two blocks
Two programs are filmed from 10:00 to 13:30, the recording of the next two programs starts at 15:00 and lasts 3-4 hours. Thus, the viewers participating in the filming throughout the filming day have an hour and a half of free time in which they can relax and have lunch. Having previously agreed with the coordinator, you can take part in the filming of only one, morning or evening block.

Put on your best outfits!
You will be seen by millions of TV viewers across the country! Clothing in bright solid colors looks best on screen; do not wear exclusively white, gray or black clothing. Avoid small patterns, overly gaudy colors, commercial logos, short skirts and tank tops that don't look good on screen. We have the right not to allow any viewer who violates these rules to be filmed.
Since the invited audience usually takes part in the recording of several programs, we recommend that you bring a change of clothes with you, as well as a variety of accessories (scarves, glasses, jewelry, etc.).

You have a unique opportunity to watch how a television program is made, participate in the filming process, learn interesting facts about medicine and a healthy lifestyle, some viewers will be able to undergo a medical examination and receive recommendations from highly qualified doctors. For our part, we hope that you will be able to follow our simple rules.

Our simple rules:

  • Each participant in the program must have passport citizen of Russia. Please note that the entrance to the Ostankino television center is carried out exclusively with passes. If you were not invited to the recording of the program or you forgot your passport at home, you will not be able to enter the set.
  • According to the rules of the telecenter, prohibited bring luggage or electronic devices to the shooting: suitcases, backpacks, large bags, cameras and camcorders.
  • Clothing must be clean and neat.
  • Don't neglect personal hygiene so that neither you nor other viewers
    experienced discomfort during the recording of the program.
  • Program "Live healthy!" does not compensate participants transportation costs or income not received in connection with participation in the filming of the program. The costs associated with the arrival to the set and the return trip are entirely borne by the invited viewer.
  • If you have disability or accompany a disabled person to the set, inform the project coordinator about this, we will create the necessary conditions for viewers with disabilities.