Hand exercises. How to pump up the wrists? Myths, best tips and workouts to strengthen your hands

Many beginners, and sometimes even experienced athletes, often forget about the rule of uniform pumping of the whole body. Often, bodybuilders do not consider it necessary to train the hands with the same tenacity as the chest or legs. Perhaps the strength of the grip is not so important for them. But, for example, for wrestlers and athletes who perform in power sports disciplines, a strong grip is simply vital.

In the hall, you can hear the opinion that the grip strength is affected by the volume and width of the athlete's forearm. Genetics undoubtedly affect the strength of the hand, but without proper training grip will not be strengthened. But it is the forearms that are the main "gear" in the mechanism of high-quality training of all muscle groups. Indeed, in almost all exercises, we use the holding or squeezing function of our wrists. This article will reveal to you the secret of how to pump up your hands as quickly and as efficiently as possible.


For high-quality training of the palms and forearms, expensive simulators and special equipment are not needed. changing different types grips, you can pump your hands. The main thing is a constant increase in the load and progress in the intensity of exercises. Strengthening the grip involves loading all of its types of strength.

Types of grip strength.

  • For a strong handshake, the squeezing force of the grip is responsible.
  • One of the most important uses of the brush is to hold objects. long time. Strengthening your grip strength will come in handy for exercises such as deadlifts, chin rows, chest rows, and so on.
  • The holding power of the grip is complemented by the strength of the wrists, which is also very useful when lifting objects.

Experienced bodybuilders, when planning a quality hand workout, include exercises for all types of grip strength into the program. Intensive study of each functional feature of our brushes will allow you to achieve maximum results.

Exercises for the development of squeezing grip strength.

Of course, there are many ways to train this strength. The simplest, perhaps, is training with a carpal expander. You can easily purchase it at any sporting goods store. Start each session with exercises with an expander, gradually increasing the intensity and number of repetitions.

Here is a row useful tips, having adopted which, you will great develop the squeezing force of the palm:

  1. Never work with only one expander - for addiction is our worst enemy. It will be very good if there are several and different ones in your arsenal: 3-4 pieces. Constantly alternate work on each of them.
  2. Constantly increase the load. If you "grew" out of a black rubber ring worn to holes, give it to someone weaker, and get yourself a new one. Professional brushes with adjustable load have proven themselves very well. However, this does not mean at all that having such an expander, you can ignore the previous paragraph. Periodically please yourself with rubber.
  3. Constantly change the grip, this is especially true for brushes with a handle that affects all fingers unevenly. Such samples must be constantly turned up and down.
  4. Change and vary the stationary position of the wrist. That is, first bend your wrist (and the entire palm with the projectile), and in this starting position, perform bench presses. In the next approach, vice versa - straighten your wrist, and let's press ...
  5. Simultaneously with the expander presses, perform all kinds of rotations of the hand: pronation and supination, as well as flexion and extension, as in the previous paragraph, only with each iteration.

Having adopted all the above chips, you will pump up your palms much faster and more efficiently.

Exercises for the formation of the holding force of the grip.

In general, the squeezing and holding forces of the grip walk side by side. Here we will be helped by the same hand expanders discussed above and practically the same tricks and chips, with the only difference being that when performing approaches, you do not need to squeeze and unclench the hand, but use static: squeeze the expander and, overcoming its resistance, try to hold it longer in such a compressed state. Even better: unexpectedly alternate cyclic presses with static holds - in short, surprise your muscles!

Thick barbell.

In addition to carpal expanders, you need to use a thick neck in order to additionally pump your forearms. A thick bar significantly increases the load on the hands: it is more difficult to keep it under control. Using such a neck will initially seem painfully uncomfortable to you. You can compare the sensations of beginners with a feeling similar to traction with a “telegraph pole” instead of a neck. However, doing wrist curls will build all types of grip strength.

Correct exercise technique.
  1. Take a thick bar and stand in front of a horizontal bench in a kneeling position. Hands should be placed with forearms on the bench parallel to each other. The palms should look up. You need to position yourself on the bench so that your wrists extend beyond its edge, and it does not interfere with their movements. During the implementation of the movements described below, your body should be completely motionless, only the wrists work. It is not necessary to squeeze the neck strongly in your hands, you can allow free rolling.
  2. Initially, straighten your wrists, and gently lower them down. Movements should be performed smoothly, without sudden ups and downs. Then try to raise your hands as high as possible ... After a few repetitions, you will feel tension in the inner area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe forearm.
  3. And third main feature when performing this exercise is breathing. Be sure to exhale sharply on the rise of the neck, and when the neck goes down, we slowly inhale.
  1. In the starting position, your arms should be absolutely straight, and the ligaments should be extremely taut. Immediately accept correct position hard, you need to shift a little near the bench in search of a comfortable position.
  2. In no case should you tear off the forearm from the bench, since then the entire load will leave the wrists and forearms, while moving to the biceps.
  3. To increase the range of motion, you need to learn how to hold the bar "easily" and without straining. Free movement of the bar will allow you to fully extend your wrists at the bottom of the exercise.
The simulator Kisteukrepitel.

Of course, we could not help but tell you about such a wonderful invention of mankind as a brush strengthener. Read more about this trainer here. All its charm is also in an extremely simple design. If desired, you can build it at home with your own hands. Work on it is outrageously simple: only with the power of the palms and forearms you need to wind the cable, lifting the load, and then unwind it, lowering it accordingly. Try to exclude all possible manifestations of cheating.

Reverse biceps.

When working with dumbbells on the biceps brachii, be sure to add such an effective exercise as reverse biceps to your training plan:

  1. Starting position: the fingers of the palms with clamped dumbbells rest against your hips, that is, the palms are twisted towards you.
  2. We alternately lift the biceps, while rotating the brush so that at the top point of the amplitude the fingers (and palms) again turn towards you (to your face)
  3. Moving down, in the opposite direction, we rotate again to come to the starting position described above.

The reverse trains the muscles of the pronators and supinators, which also affect the strength and power of the hand.

Hammer grip and Zotman curls.

Some analogue of the previous exercise is Zotman. It is also very effective and does not allow our muscles to get used to the routine monotony:

  1. We hold the dumbbells as we usually hold the hammer tool.
  2. In this position of the palms and clamped shells, we carry out lifts for the biceps.
  3. Aside from the grip, this variation is no different from regular biceps brachii raises.

Armwrestling techniques.

Armwrestlers, for whom the hands and forearms are, in fact, the most important muscle groups on which victory or defeat directly depends, in addition to all of the above, other training methods and techniques are used:

  • Training with special projectiles. For example, a dumbbell with a long handle, and collapsible pancakes, but only on one side. The athlete takes the projectile like a hammer and performs all kinds of rotations and tilts of the hand from various positions at different angles, including the ones discussed above: pronation, supination, adduction and abduction of the wrists.
  • Working with block devices. Usually this is a kind of symbiosis of a cattle shop and a block frame. The arm wrestler sets the shoulder in various positions (dominant, inferior or neutral) and fights only not with another athlete, but with the handle of the block device, initially hanging the load to taste.
  • Training with a sparring partner. Nothing will test your readiness to fight like a real fight with the same opponent as you. And, if you can skip some corner on the simulators and not pump up, it will immediately pop up eloquently in a duel. Therefore, arm wrestlers regularly compete with each other, trying to choose a stronger opponent for themselves ... So you also periodically fight with one of your friends or relatives ...

Here are a couple of other points that you should pay close attention to:

  1. Highly important aspect with any training of the body is the correct sports nutrition. In order for your forearms to grow and your wrists to become stronger, it is recommended to drink a protein-carbohydrate mix after each workout, in which 1/5 part will be protein.
  2. Do not be afraid to pump over, as with other muscle groups. For the palms and forearms belong to the group of so-called "difficult" or "stubborn" muscles. They respond very poorly to load. Therefore, they need to be constantly shocked and bombed in full. It is for this reason that many athletes always keep a tassel in the pocket of their outerwear. A free minute appears - they make an approach or two. However, the more often, the better! It is almost impossible to pump these muscles.
  3. If after a while you do not see significant growth in your forearms, you should slightly limit the load on the palms outside the gym.

Purposeful training of the hands is a difficult process, but achievable. Practice regularly and you will be able to pump up your palms and forearms like Hercules! And let all your familiar men be afraid of your handshake, and let no one dare to sit down at the arm wrestling table with you!

Why pump your hands with the same zeal as your legs? For a bodybuilder, strong wrists and fingers may not be that important, but for strength athletes or wrestlers, this is required condition. What is the secret of pumping the muscles of the hands?

It is believed that grip strength depends on the size of the biceps and forearms. Biceps have absolutely no effect on the strength of your hands, while large forearms indicate a strong wrist, in addition, it also depends on how the forearms are trained and which muscles are more developed in them. Do you know how to pump up your hands with special workouts? After all, many exercises on the forearms do not always involve the hands. In addition, there are several types of grip strength, each of which has its own development method.

Consider a few exercises and workouts that will allow you to effectively pump up your hands without complex and expensive equipment. Most of the inventory can be designed by yourself with minimal cost and effort. One thing you must remember is that there must always be constant progress in volume, intensity or resistance. When doing these exercises, follow the principles of strength training.

Types of hand grip strength

  • Crushing Force: Like a strong handshake.
  • Holding Force: Thanks to it, you can squeeze an object and hold it for a long time. For example, the straight-legged multi-rep deadlift uses this type.
  • Pinch Strength: The ability to hold an object between the thumb and palm. This type of grip requires thumb strength.
  • Wrist Strength: For example, when lifting a chair by holding it only by the front legs (the legs are perpendicular to the floor), wrist strength is involved. Despite the fact that not exactly grip strength is involved here, nevertheless, this is an indispensable part of strong forearms and another reason to pump up the hands.

Pressing force training

There are several simple methods development of compressive force of the hand. The most economical way is with an expander. Such a device can be easily purchased at any sporting goods store. Expanders exist with different resistance and are easy to handle. In order to perform the exercise, you just need to squeeze its handles.

Holding Force Training

The holding and pressing force of the hand are closely related. However, the former is more difficult to develop endurance. Using a thick bar and dumbbell handles develops both grips excellently. Undoubtedly, a wide neck makes it difficult to work, especially when you swing your hands.

In general, a wide neck has incomparably many advantages. Thick bars are generally harder to control. Compared to an Olympic barbell with a bar of 5-7 cm, it will seem like a log to you. Imagine what it's like to do a deadlift or bench press with a telegraph pole! That's the feeling you get from a thick neck. You won't be able to rely entirely on style, form, timing, or technique when you press. Here it will be necessary to apply pure effort.

Yuri Spasokukotsky talks about this technique in detail and offers a workout with a thick bar to develop wrist strength, which will allow you to pump up the muscles of the forearms and fingers.

In addition, with a thick bar, you are constantly training your grip and pumping, while you do not even need to do additional exercises.

Pinch strength training

Even if you have strong grip strength in your hand, you may find it difficult to hold objects with your fingers, since pinching strength is related to the strength of your thumbs. Working on other grips, it is quite difficult to develop it, because when squeezing, the load is distributed evenly between all fingers. The easiest way to train pinching hand strength is to pump up your thumbs with two smooth plates. Place them together and hold them only with your fingertips. A sign of real strength is holding two 20-kilogram pancakes. It's much harder than you can imagine. Start with 5kg pancakes and just try to hold them with your fingers for as long as possible.

Trying to pump up your hands, remember to progress. To add weight gradually, you can put the plates on a wooden or iron stick until you are ready to use heavier weights. You can also hold the pancake with your fingers by the hole, while the pancakes should be without rims. This way of working on plucking power is suitable for a heavy single or timed hold. Again, aim for the reference 20 kilograms.

You can also train a pinch grip with a homemade device. Take a small wooden block 5 cm x 10 cm and 10-15 cm long. Drill a hole in the center and insert a bolt with a loop on which you will hang the weight. The board is wider than pancakes, so it's a little easier to work with. Hold the bar with your fingertips only. To complicate the task, try working with a narrower bar.

How to pump up the wrists

Strong, powerful hands form the strength of the wrist. By pumping up your hands, you can train your forearms with normal wrist curls. Try working with a thicker bar or dumbbells. This will bring the exercise to new level difficulties. Do no more than 6-8 reps per set.

The option of bending the arms at the wrists is considered effective - with a pancake, and not with a bar or dumbbells. Just place your forearms on the bench like you would in a regular curl, but now you're working with a plate (palms up or down). You hold the pancake with a pinch grip, so this exercise has a double effect - you swing your thumbs and hands. Take a 10 kg pancake and you will understand how hard it is. Another way is to bend your arms with a pancake while standing. You can hold the weight vertically (as in the hammer exercise), or horizontally (as in normal bending). The point is to keep your wrists in the same position throughout the exercise. Perform 6-8 repetitions.

Caution: When working in the low rep range with heavy weights and a thick bar, pain in the wrists is possible.

Another simple method of training the wrists, without using any fancy equipment, is to simply hold a dumbbell by one end (free of the plates) and move the wrist back and forth, right and left. In this case, the elbows do not work. If you are doing the exercise while sitting, you can put your forearms on your knees. In this case, work in the medium to high rep range.

Important: in order to avoid potential injuries, it is not recommended to do heavy repetitions. Do at least 6 reps.

Strong hands are very important for powerlifters. Excellent exercises for developing hand strength are plate lifts with one hand, a farmer's walk from a power extreme - you can take two heavy plates with your fingers and walk the distance with them. Stop only when your fingers open and the pancakes fall out of your hands. Try hanging from a weighted bar. Deadlift with a direct grip without straps will also make not only the muscles of the back and legs develop, but also the forearms, and most importantly, the hands.

In addition, you can do the following forearm workout at home.

Forearm Workout at Home: Reduce Wrist Stress

Other ways to pump up the hands

Many are familiar with the exercise made from a wooden pin. Despite all its advantages, a problem may arise during execution: the deltas and other auxiliary muscles will get tired earlier.

forearms. To avoid this, try working with a long steel handle.

Hand pumping can be combined with back workouts. Insert hand exercises after any back exercise. If you want to work your back - use rubber, in which case stand further away to load your brushes.

Records in hand exercises

For many old-school adherents, feats of strength are an exciting spectacle. We will briefly cover some of the feats of strength that are now rarely seen.

  • tearing the phone book in half
  • Breaking a deck of cards in two (four parts for very strong people)
  • Bending nails (and this is really very difficult)
  • Horseshoe extension

All this can be done by having inflated hands with our exercises.

The greatest feat of strength of the hands:

Herman Georner became famous for the weight of the world with the power of his hands! He held 327kg in deadlift with one arm. This happened on October 8, 1920. Georner used a lock grip with the thumb under the rest. This is the most striking example of the feat of lifting with one hand in history.

This technique is still used by professional weightlifters and simply by those who refuse to use wrist straps. If you need strong hands, don't use these straps!

Taking sports supplements - creatine, arginine, intra-training, amino acid bcaa and pre-workout complexes will help you increase your strength performance. This sports nutrition is specifically designed to improve sports and fitness performance for men and women. Just add it to your diet and go to conquer new heights!

Arm Training Supplement Program

Basic set


Basic set

Basic set


Universal Nutrition | Ultra Whey Pro

1-2 measuring spoons are mixed with 200-250 grams of water or any other liquid.

Universal Nutrition | daily formula ?

One tablet immediately before meals (preferably before breakfast).

UN Daily Formula is a highly effective multivitamin and mineral complex that, in addition to the basic elements, contains a set of specially selected enzymes that promote the rapid absorption of essential nutrients.

Universal Nutrition | Amino 2250 ?

2 capsules before and after workout.

Universal Nutrition Amino 2250 is a balanced amino acid complex that not only improves metabolism and promotes weight gain. muscle mass, but also has a positive effect on the body of the athlete as a whole.

Universal Nutrition | Creatine Capsules ?

The second cycle is 6 weeks, one teaspoon per day.

Universal Nutrition Creatine Monohydrate contains 100% purified creatine, essential for a burst of muscle energy and normalization of water balance in muscle tissues.

weider | Protein 80 Plus?

It is necessary to stir 30 g of powder in 300 ml of milk or water. The fat content of milk should
not exceed 1.5%.

The drug provides peak amino concentration in the first 60 minutes after application and maintains it for 5 hours. Therefore, the muscles grow and recover quickly, while the strength and endurance of the athlete increases. This protein shake is designed as a nutritional supplement to increase the amount of protein in your daily diet.

Ingredients: calcium caseinate, whey protein concentrate, milk protein isolate, dry egg white, flavouring, thickener: guar gum; sweeteners: acesulfame K, aspartame; calcium carbonate, antioxidant: ascorbic acid; vitamin B6. Contains a source of phenylalanine. Contains lactose. May contain trace amounts of gluten and soy.

The energy value one serving (per 300 ml of water): 112 kcal.
The nutritional value one serving (per 300 ml of water): fats 0.5 g, carbohydrates 2.3 g, proteins 25 g.

Energy value of one serving (for 300 ml of milk 1.5% fat): 256 kcal.
Nutritional value of one serving (for 300 ml of milk 1.5% fat content): fats 5.3 g, carbohydrates 17 g, proteins 35 g.

The development of the wrist joint is often left for later, when training moves to new stage complexity and the wrist can not withstand heavy loads. Or when a person wanted to learn how to stand on his hands, do acrobatic stunts with a push from the hands. If you do not train your hands, such elements will end with stretching of the tendons, ligaments and cracks in the bones. We have selected short workouts to pump up your hands at home with different levels difficulties. Let's start simple...

Bottles are on the way! We swing the wrists with improvised means

Easiest, cheapest and effective method to develop wrist joints is to do exercises with half-liter bottles of water.

To do this, take the bottle in the center and begin to bend and unbend the brush. Do 20 times and go to circular motions in and out 15 times. Shake your hands after one round and repeat the same exercises twice.

Liter bottles are suitable for static exercise to pump up the wrists of the hands. Pick up the center and just keep the water bottles level for a few minutes. Do not strain the biceps or forearm, distribute the load strictly over the carpal joint. After the time has elapsed, change the grip or shift the center of gravity to the side - this will complicate the task and give the maximum load with a weight of 1 kg.

Wrist training from the floor

We will work in an emphasis for push-ups, only you need to pump not biceps, but brushes. To do this, take a plank position or throw your legs back with your pelvis on the sofa, and rest your palms on the floor. Now we try to tear off the back of the palm from the ground so that the hand rests on the fingers. We perform 10-15 times.

In the plank position, stress on the joints is increased by body weight. For entry level lightweight workouts with the body placed on a horizontal surface are suitable.

How to pump up your hands with an expander

The expander is a marvelous thing made of durable rubber with different resistance. On average, a girl squeezes 25 kg with a brush, respectively, the expander must be selected with the same mark. The principle of operation is extremely simple: you take a rubber circle in your palm and, using maximum effort, turn the ring into an elongated oval.

Each hand is worked out 15 times, then a minute break is taken and the cycle is repeated 2-3 times.

How to pump up your wrists with a powerball?

Powerball (Powerball) or just a hygroscopic hand trainer is an amazing contraption that will pump your wrist and forearm muscles in just 3-4 days of training. You just need to pull the string correctly to launch the gyroscope and join the ball's movement. The first attempts are usually unsuccessful, but the third time you will definitely succeed.

In a minute, the gyroscope will accelerate to such a speed that it will become incredibly difficult to keep the ball in your hand, and the muscles of the forearm and hand will be as if poured with lead.

Lvl Up: how to pump up the hands with dumbbells

When gyroscopic simulators do not give results, it's time to take on heavy artillery - dumbbells. We repeat the same exercises as with water bottles. Difference in dumbbell weight. We recommend starting from 2 kg, after a week increase the load by 0.5 kg.

Common rookie mistakes: how to avoid injury

Joints are a traumatic place and take a long time to recover, so we strongly recommend that you adhere to simple rules wrist training.

  1. Always warm up your hands and fingers by doing warm-up exercises for 5 minutes.
  2. Take the weight with which it is difficult to perform the exercise the last 7-5 times in one cycle.
  3. Stop exercising at the first sign of pain.
  4. First, wrap your wrists with an elastic bandage.
  5. Let your hands rest every other day for the first weeks of classes.
  6. Protect your wrists from physical injury: blows, cuts.

If a mistake is made and hands have a hard time, we offer the right decision for such problems. Heat a mug of water and dilute it slightly so that the hand can be held for no more than 5 seconds. Then put a tablespoon of chamomile and dip your wrists in the decoction. This bath relieves inflammation well.

Mustard plasters have a similar effect. You can make a mustard mask out of them or just apply it to your hand, but this is inconvenient.

If the ligaments are strongly pulled, be sure to bandage the injury site and see a traumatologist. Often, a crack in the metacarpal and carpal bones, erasure of the periarticular bag, if we are talking about overload on the hands.

And finally: when training a handstand and acrobatic elements with an emphasis on the arm, ask a friend for help. It will help you regulate body weight and the degree of stress on the joints. If you are not ready, ask to be returned to your normal position.

Strong hands are needed not only for professional athletes. Weak grip can make it difficult power training. In addition, exercises for the hands are simply necessary for people who have experienced a serious injury. In all these cases, the same methods are used, thanks to which the muscles are strengthened and the joints are made more elastic.

Sports coaches use to strengthen the wrists not only special exercises. You can achieve a good result with the help of reflexology, yoga. A lot of practical experience in strengthening the grip has been accumulated over the centuries of its existence. martial arts. Before choosing a specific set of exercises, you should assess your condition.

For people who are trying to recover from injuries, training should be more gentle. If you have no health problems, and your wrists are weak, then you need to be guided by sensations. healthy person brushes should be strengthened in several cases:

  • During active exercise strength exercises. Often they are built on lifting various weights. With the help of dumbbells, for example, they pump biceps and triceps. So that your hands do not get tired, you should also pump your wrists. Otherwise, progress will be slower.
  • Professional boxers, fans of martial arts. Strong cysts are needed in many sports. Without them, you won’t knock the knife out of the opponent’s hands and you will deliver a calculated blow.
  • Feeling weak in the wrists. Some exercises not only strengthen, but also make the joints more elastic. They need to be performed not only by athletes, but also ordinary people to improve health.

How to pump up the wrists of the hands?

During training, you can not do without special devices and trainers. The most popular is considered to be an expander. With the choice of this simulator, you can make a mistake. There are many types of training different groups muscles.

For brushes, it is worth stopping at a round expander. It is a compact ring with a hole in the middle. For training, you do not need to choose a very hard expander. For those who have just started training, it is best to use a ring of medium hardness. So you do not injure the brushes.

During training, it is worth using 2 types of rubber expanders. Soft for warming up, and hard for basic exercises. Professional bodybuilders prefer spring expander models. In some of them, the applied force can be adjusted. Less successful are spherical powerball simulators that operate on the principle of counteraction. They begin to rotate, and your hand tries to move in the opposite direction.

If you constantly train, then the expander should not be chosen on the day of training. Muscles should be rested. Only in this way you can try several copies and find the right one. To restore the work of the brush, you should choose a rubber ring, and for serious training - a spring simulator.

Exercises for hands with an expander are extremely simple:

  1. Do a workout. To do this, perform about 8-10 compressions at the smallest stiffness.
  2. Go to basic repetitions. Increase stiffness and do 10 compressions. Rest 3-4 minutes. Do 2 more sets.
  3. Completing a workout with an expander - using the maximum values. Change the expander mode by setting the largest weight. Hold the simulator with 2 hands, squeezing it with one.

With daily classes for 10-15 minutes. the first signs of strengthening the hands will appear after 2 weeks. The advantage of these exercises is that you can do them anywhere. The expander is quite compact. In addition, it does not require any skills to use.

Exercises for the hands: techniques for performing

There are other exercises. For most of them, you can use improvised items like sticks with a large diameter. You can also pump up your hands with the help of exercises based on lifting your own weight.

In many martial arts, stick exercises are popular. It should be clasped with 2 hands near one of the ends. Thus, in the air you need to draw various shapes or letters. This exercise helps to train both hands at the same time. You can also train with other improvised items. Some do exercises with a sledgehammer. She is held by the handle with both hands, thrown over her head. Then they swing forward from this position. Many athletes know how to pump up their hands with weight plates from the barbell. They must be taken in both hands. In this case, the edge of the disk is clamped with fingers. The correct grip can be determined by the reaction of the muscles. You will feel your wrists tense up. Then the disks on outstretched arms are pushed forward. You can make other movements. For example, lift them along the body on the sides.

For strengthening use the following exercises:

  • Place a low, long bench in front of you. Starting position - on your knees. Hold the dumbbells in your hands and place them parallel with your fingers up on the bench. The wrists should protrude 25-35 cm beyond the edge of the bench. Tighten your wrists and try to lift the dumbbells. The movement is performed on itself.
  • Try push-ups with your fists. An easier way is by hand. If your hands are very weak, then modify the exercise. Approach the wall. Bend your elbows. Get against the wall. Try to press your body against it and move away with your hands.
  • Place a chair in front of you. Hold it by the back with your hands. Try to lift up. The wrist should be tense. Repeat approaches, taking a short break between them.
  • Take a small bar with small pancakes. Sit on a chair or sofa. Tilt the body forward. Grab the barbell with both hands. Place them on your knees so that your fists protrude slightly beyond them. Start lifting the bar up by tensing your wrist.
  • Also, ordinary household chores help strengthen the hands. You can be engaged in chopping firewood, digging a garden, mowing grass. At this time, the wrist will be exercised.

We swing hands at home

Yoga exercises can be used to strengthen the wrists.

Stretch your arms forward and clench into fists. Lower them up and down, tensing your wrists as much as possible. Perform several sets of 5 times. It is better if the fists come closer to the forearms. The same exercise can be done in a slightly different way. Bend your elbows. Pull them apart. Clench your fists. Like last time, start lowering them down and up. The wrist should be tense.

Some doctors advise improving the elasticity of the wrists with acupressure. So in reflexology, it is advised to massage the recess, which is called the “anatomical snuffbox”. Finding it is easy enough. Move your thumb to the side. At the base of the palm, on top, between 2 bones, you will find a recess. It should be massaged index finger 2-3 times a day.

Very often when intense training weak wrists, microtrauma occurs. Therefore, it is better to stock up on special ointments in advance. Painful sensations are quickly removed by Traxevasin and Rescuer.

Strong hands are needed not only for professional athletes. A weak grip can make strength training difficult. In addition, exercises for the hands are simply necessary for people who have experienced a serious injury. In all these cases, the same methods are used, thanks to which the muscles are strengthened and the joints are made more elastic.

Sports coaches use more than just specific exercises to strengthen the wrists. You can achieve a good result with the help of reflexology, yoga. A lot of practical experience in strengthening the grip has been accumulated over the centuries of its existence by martial arts. Before choosing a specific set of exercises, you should assess your condition.

For people who are trying to recover from injuries, training should be more gentle. If you have no health problems, and your wrists are weak, then you need to be guided by sensations. A healthy person should strengthen the hands in several cases:

  • With active strength training. Often they are built on lifting various weights. With the help of dumbbells, for example, they pump biceps and triceps. So that your hands do not get tired, you should also pump your wrists. Otherwise, progress will be slower.
  • Professional boxers, fans of martial arts. Strong cysts are needed in many sports. Without them, you can’t knock the knife out of the enemy’s hands and deliver a calculated blow.
  • Feeling weak in the wrists. Some exercises not only strengthen, but also make the joints more elastic. They need to be performed not only by athletes, but also by ordinary people to improve health.

How to pump up the wrists of the hands?

During training, you can not do without special devices and simulators. The most popular is considered to be an expander. With the choice of this simulator, you can make a mistake. There are many varieties aimed at training different muscle groups.

For brushes, it is worth stopping at a round expander. It is a compact ring with a hole in the middle. For training, you do not need to choose a very hard expander. For those who have just started training, it is best to use a ring of medium hardness. So you do not injure the brushes.

During training, it is worth using 2 types of rubber expanders. Soft for warming up, and hard for basic exercises. Professional bodybuilders prefer spring expander models. In some of them, the applied force can be adjusted. Less successful are spherical powerball simulators that operate on the principle of counteraction. They begin to rotate, and your hand tries to move in the opposite direction.

If you constantly train, then the expander should not be chosen on the day of training. Muscles should be rested. Only in this way you can try several copies and find the right one. To restore the work of the brush, you should choose a rubber ring, and for serious training, a spring simulator.

Exercises for hands with an expander are extremely simple:

  1. Do a workout. To do this, perform about 8-10 compressions at the smallest stiffness.
  2. Go to basic repetitions. Increase stiffness and do 10 compressions. Rest 3-4 minutes. Do 2 more sets.
  3. Completing a workout with an expander - using the maximum values. Change the expander mode by setting the largest weight. Hold the simulator with 2 hands, squeezing it with one.

With daily classes for 10-15 minutes. the first signs of strengthening the hands will appear after 2 weeks. The advantage of these exercises is that you can do them anywhere. The expander is quite compact. In addition, it does not require any skills to use.

Exercises for the hands: techniques for performing

There are other exercises. For most of them, you can use improvised items like sticks with a large diameter. You can also pump up your hands with the help of exercises based on lifting your own weight.

In many martial arts, stick exercises are popular. It should be clasped with 2 hands near one of the ends. Thus, in the air you need to draw various shapes or letters. This exercise helps to train both hands at the same time. You can also train with other improvised items. Some do exercises with a sledgehammer. She is held by the handle with both hands, thrown over her head. Then they swing forward from this position. Many athletes know how to pump up their hands with weight plates from the barbell. They must be taken in both hands. In this case, the edge of the disk is clamped with fingers. The correct grip can be determined by the reaction of the muscles. You will feel your wrists tense up. Then the disks on outstretched arms are pushed forward. You can make other movements. For example, lift them along the body on the sides.

For strengthening use the following exercises:

  • Place a low, long bench in front of you. Starting position - on your knees. Hold the dumbbells in your hands and place them parallel with your fingers up on the bench. The wrists should protrude 25-35 cm beyond the edge of the bench. Tighten your wrists and try to lift the dumbbells. The movement is performed on itself.
  • Try push-ups with your fists. An easier way is by hand. If your hands are very weak, then modify the exercise. Approach the wall. Bend your elbows. Get against the wall. Try to press your body against it and move away with your hands.
  • Place a chair in front of you. Hold it by the back with your hands. Try to lift up. The wrist should be tense. Repeat approaches, taking a short break between them.
  • Take a small bar with small pancakes. Sit on a chair or sofa. Tilt the body forward. Grab the barbell with both hands. Place them on your knees so that your fists protrude slightly beyond them. Start lifting the bar up by tensing your wrist.
  • Also, ordinary household chores help strengthen the hands. You can be engaged in chopping firewood, digging a garden, mowing grass. At this time, the wrist will be exercised.

How to pump up the hands at home?

Yoga exercises can be used to strengthen the wrists.

Stretch your arms forward and clench into fists. Lower them up and down, tensing your wrists as much as possible. Perform several sets of 5 times. It is better if the fists come closer to the forearms. The same exercise can be done in a slightly different way. Bend your elbows. Pull them apart. Clench your fists. Like last time, start lowering them down and up. The wrist should be tense.

Some doctors advise improving the elasticity of the wrists with acupressure. So in reflexology, it is advised to massage the recess, which is called the “anatomical snuffbox”. Finding it is easy enough. Move your thumb to the side. At the base of the palm, on top, between 2 bones, you will find a recess. It should be massaged with the index finger 2-3 times a day.

Very often, with intensive training of weak wrists, microtrauma occurs. Therefore, it is better to stock up on special ointments in advance. Painful sensations are quickly removed by Traxevasin and Rescuer.

In order to understand how to pump up the hands, you should determine the level of your condition. If you have had injuries and need recovery, you can use a rubber expander. If you want to improve performance through sports, then you should choose push-ups from the floor, exercises with dumbbells. Acupressure and some types of yoga can also strengthen the wrists.