When is the best time to go to the Seychelles? Weather in the Seychelles: when is the best time to go on vacation.

Anyone who chooses to relax on the granite-coral Seychelles is a clear romantic and a lover of solitude. He also doesn't count money. Why - the climate, island features, nature, and vacationers who have already happily visited the shores of the paradise archipelago will tell.

The Seychelles lie just above Madagascar in the Indian Ocean between India and the eastern coasts of Africa, on the equator itself. Former French and then British colonies. Since 1976, the archipelago has gained independence, but French and English are still the official languages ​​of the republic along with the local dialect, so holidays in the Seychelles are of a prestigious international character.

To get to the archipelago from Moscow, it will take 9.5 hours of flight by a domestic airline and from 12 to 19 hours of flight by foreign flights with transfers.

The state consists of more than 100 atolls made of granite and coral, and only on the map it seems close to other shores. Actually it is:

  • a very isolated place, very isolated from the harmful results of civilization;
  • a fairly young community in the tourism market, which is just mastering this industry;
  • a place not intended for active children's recreation or budget pastime.

Thanks to this, nature, untouched by turmasses, reigns on the coasts of incredible purity, and many inhabitants of the animal world of the atolls are endemic, that is, they are found only in this place on the entire planet.

local color

What will the average tourist get who came to spend a vacation in the Seychelles:

  1. Warm ocean temperatures, high quality white-silver sand beaches, lush tropical greenery, good climate all year round.
  2. A civilized, not crowded society of neighbors, due to the corresponding prices - everything is very expensive here.
  3. Any conditions for a quiet, somewhat contemplative relaxation associated with water - fishing, scuba diving or snorkeling with a breathing tube, sailing voyages, surfing, water skiing, marine park.
  4. Leisurely excursions to extensive botanical gardens, plantations of coconuts, orchids, nuts, local historical sites, neighboring atolls.
  5. The absence of noisy nightclubs, public drinking establishments, intrusive service from the local population.

The cuisine of the archipelago consists of a combination of French and English delights, complemented by rice, seafood, and vegetables that are more traditional for these latitudes. Meat is not very fond of, but all food and products are always exceptionally fresh and of high quality.

The cost of a holiday in the Seychelles

The money issue for local resorts is the most important, the prices for accommodation and services for average incomes “bite”. In 2019, the cheapest hotel costs $60 per night. A 2 or 3 star hotel will require $70 or more for the same period. Four stars cost from $150 per night, and five - from $300. Rent a villa - from $80 per day, book a place through special sites for finding cheap accommodation - from $75 to $125 per day or about $3000 per month.

Prices for products and services (the exchange rate of the ruble to the Seish rupee "SCR" is approximately 1: 4.82 as of the beginning of 2019):

  • lunch for two in a standard restaurant - 600 rupees or 2500 rubles ($ 45);
  • paired lunch in a prestigious institution - 1200 rupees, 5000 rubles. ($90);
  • 0.7 red wine - 100 rupees, 420 rubles. ($7.5);
  • 0.5 whiskey - 550 rupees, 2300 rubles. ($41);
  • 0.33 beer - 30-40 rupees, 130-170 rubles. (2-3$);
  • water - from 12 (0.33 l) to 15 (1.5 l) rupees. or from 50 to 65 rubles. ($1);
  • cappuccino - from 40 rupees, 170 rubles. ($3);
  • a pack of Marlboro cigarettes - 50 rupees, 200 rubles. ($3.7);
  • taxi ride - 23 SCR / hour (100 rubles / hour), landing - 30 SCR, 120 rubles. ($2);
  • bike rental - 100 rubles, 420 rubles, an hour ($ 7.5);
  • car rental - 600 SCR / day, 2500 rubles. (45$);
  • excursions - from 670 to 2250 SCR, 2800-9500 rubles. ($50-150).

To have a good holiday in the Seychelles, it is better to stock up on above average amounts of funds.

Seychelles weather

The main atolls where prestigious hotel complexes are located are Mahe, La Digue, Praslin. The climate on them belongs to the tropical, good weather all year round without temperature fluctuations. The air is stably heated up to 27-30 degrees Celsius, the water of the coasts does not fall below +26… +28°C. Humidity is about 80%.

However, there are seasons. Namely - dry, wet and intermediate.

The dry season is practically without precipitation throughout the summer and September. Humid comes from November, leaves only in April. Off-season - May to October, the most favorable period to fly to the Seychelles for vacation - the weather is fresh, warm, there is no rain, the temperature is always +28 ... +30 ° С.

There are also monthly differences. December is very hot and rainy, with even more rain in January. February turns to a decrease in precipitation.

March pleases with rains 1.5 times less than February weather, the thermometer stops at +29°C. April brings peace and calm, the ocean waters are clear, the weather is ideal for fishing or diving, and by the end of the month the rains are completely gone. May opens the first full season of the year for tourists. Air, water are very warm, a comfortable, fresh breeze blows from the ocean.

Summer June is the beginning of the southeast monsoons. The air temperature drops by 2-3 degrees, there is no rain at all, but the ocean becomes restless and is not very good for swimming. But ideal conditions for surfing are created, which is used by fans of this sport from all over the world. This weather lasts almost until October.

October is the off-season, the drought subsides, the ocean calms down, becomes gentle and transparent. Daytime air is heated up to +28°С, at night +24°С. With November, excess moisture appears, the climate jumps from heavy rains to scorching heat, nature prepares for the rainy season.

What do seasoned tourists say?

The main pearl of the Seychelles atolls is the beaches, the most enthusiastic reviews about the rest in the Seychelles are devoted to their beauty. But that's not all. Those who have visited willingly share other observations, having studied them, you can get the most up-to-date idea of ​​the Seychelles of the current years.

Seychelles- Lost and found paradise in the heart of the Indian Ocean: 115 wonderful islands, of which only 30 are inhabited. The beaches here are like a selection: white sand, wide and secluded, the hotels also correspond to the paradise. All about the Seychelles: photos, tours, road and maps.

  • Tours for May to the Seychelles
  • Hot tours to the Seychelles

Wedding destination - it is in this section that the Seychelles invariably ranks in foreign guidebooks: all year round, happy newlywed moths flock to its idyllic landscapes. The Seychelles offer a very rare commodity in today's hectic world - absolute peace, solitude and a measured rhythm of life (if not the complete absence of it) - in a word, ideal conditions for starting a life together. Paradise, frankly, is not cheap, on the other hand, there is also one wedding ... at least, few people are already planning the next wedding during their honeymoon.

Another category of local tourists is people who are in love with the sea: there are many exceptionally beautiful dive sites around the archipelago, and the coasts of its 115 islands are washed by waves for every surfer's taste. In addition, lovers of sea fishing, yachting and exclusive beach holiday without any frills. Is it necessary to add that all of them are at least very wealthy people?

Disadvantages of direction? Well, there is one ... although it's for someone like ... look at the prices - you'll find out.

Time difference with Moscow

1 hour

  • with Kaliningrad
  • with Samara
  • with Yekaterinburg
  • with Omsk
  • with Krasnoyarsk
  • with Irkutsk
  • with Yakutsk
  • with Vladivostok
  • with Severo-Kurilsk
  • with Kamchatka


Tropical, very mild, without significant temperature fluctuations throughout the year. It is never too cold or too hot here. The average annual air temperature is +26...+30 °C. Rather, for the sake of formality, it is still customary to distinguish between two seasons: conditionally hot (December-May) and conditionally cool (June-November), when monsoons blow. During the hot season, most of the annual precipitation falls, mainly on the mountainous islands of Mahe and Silhouette. January is considered the rainiest month. The rains are heavy but not long. See also: current weather forecast for the Seychelles for the next 10 days.

Visa and customs

Citizens of Russia arriving for a period not exceeding 30 days do not need a visa to the Seychelles. But despite the general “chocolate” and the safety of the destination, medical insurance will not hurt.

Import and export of foreign and local currencies is not limited, the allowable limit for the transport of local is 2000 SCR. 200 cigarettes or 250 g of tobacco are allowed duty-free; 2 liters of alcohol with a strength of more than 16% and 2 liters of less strong drinks; 200 ml perfume. The importation of other goods is limited to 3,000 SCR per person. When transporting musical instruments, sports equipment and portable electrical appliances, you will have to pay a special deposit (on the way back, the money will be returned - unless, of course, the listed items leave the country with the traveler). Prices on the page are for October 2018.

Pets are placed in quarantine (14-180 days) and are allowed in the Seychelles only if they have an international veterinary certificate issued no earlier than a month before arrival. It is forbidden to import weapons (including pneumatic and for spearfishing), vegetables, fruits, plants, birds, tea, non-canned meat and meat products, as well as medicines and drugs. The export of shells, corals, tortoise shell products and coco de mer nuts is prohibited without special permission.

There is no Tax free system in the Seychelles.

How to get to the Seychelles

Entertainment and attractions

The historical "excursion" in the Seychelles is present in minimal quantities - and, by and large, it is not needed. All the main attractions here are exclusively natural: snow-white (and in some places even pale pink!) beaches, the purest water, unique tropical nature, multi-colored marble stones and stunning undersea world. Service in hotels, bungalows and lodges is always on the level. Aborigines are nice and friendly. Sunsets are fantastic, waves (where there are no strong currents) are invariably gentle. And also a fantastic (and this is not an artistic exaggeration) underwater world.


Cousin Island, a nature reserve since 1968, is located 2 km from Praslin Island. It is home to several endangered animal species and a nesting site for seabirds and turtles. Two of whom, old George and Georgina, live here and often follow tourists in the hope of scratching their necks.

Bird Island can be reached in half an hour by plane from Mahe Island. The island is known as home to approximately 1.5 million black terns that live here from May to September. The giant tortoise Esmeralda also lives here (they say that she is already over 150 years old). Curieuse Island, named after the ship that discovered it in 1768, is famous for its large colony of giant tortoises and dense thickets of tropical plants. There is also a national marine park here.

Arid Island is located just 15 km from Praslin. In 1973, it was bought for the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature by Christopher Cadbury, an English "chocolate" tycoon. The island serves as a major gathering place for seabirds throughout the region and is home to the world's largest colonies of pink terns, lesser fulmars and red-tailed tropicbirds.

Nautical national park St. Anna consists of 6 small islands. A tour of them begins with a trip on a glass-bottomed boat, which allows you to observe the colorful life of coral reefs. Then the path goes to the island of Moyen, which is privately owned by a certain Mr. Grimshaw, long time living here still trying to find pirate treasure. You can explore the island, see pirate graves and historical ruins (and try to score Mr. Grimshaw's bucks by finding the infamous treasure).

10 things to do in the Seychelles

  1. Do nothing, do nothing and do nothing again on the secluded white sand beaches of the Seychelles archipelago.
  2. Dive into the captivating underwater world off the coast of the Seychelles.
  3. Appreciate the delights of Creole cuisine - and not necessarily the stew from bat, for example, fish with rice - a miracle how good!
  4. Try to find pirate treasure on Moyen Island.
  5. Walk around the capital of the island of Victoria and look at one of the two traffic lights in the whole country.
  6. Fly in a helicopter over the turquoise expanse of the Indian Ocean.
  7. Fish for tuna, secretly hoping to catch blue marlin.
  8. Take a chance - and combine legal marriage under the approving whisper of the ocean.
  9. Join the proud fraternity of the "dosochnikov" on the beach of Grand Anse.
  10. Take a “coco de mer” walnut with you to your homeland so that there is something to remember in the long Russian winter.

Night life

Stormy lovers nightlife may be disappointed: all local entertainment is represented by a couple of discos and casinos. There are only three casinos on the island of Mahe: at the Plantation Club Hotel, Berjaya Beau Vallon and a recently opened, but already the best casino in Victoria. With clubs - the same problem. They are far from numerous and often uninteresting. Pleasant exceptions: the Lovant Club in the center of Victoria, the Katiolo disco, which looks like Uncle Tom's hut and the country disco of the 80s and 90s, the very small 369 Club and the Barrel (or simply the Barrel) ) is a cheap and fun place, mostly with a local audience. Praslin Island has a casino at the Lemuria Resort.

But on the islands throughout the year there are many festivals and sporting events, the most famous among them are the Great Regatta and the Festival of Creole Culture.

Holidays and events in Seychelles

The main public holidays in the Seychelles fall on the first month of summer. June 5 - Liberation Day in honor of the coming to power of the socialists, 29 - Independence Day: in 1976, the islands got out of British control and officially became a republic. The brightest in the summer series is National Reconciliation Day on June 18 in honor of the adoption of the Constitution with magnificent parades in the capital, music shows and flower shows.

At the Praslin Culinary Festival in September, among other treats, you can taste coco de mer cocktails, ostrich stew and other exotics.

New Year they celebrate with a tropical flavor: palm trees are decorated instead of Christmas trees, flowers are hung instead of electric garlands, but dances, fireworks and feasts are international traditions. They also love festivals in the Seychelles: in the spring they hold the March Carnival, which attracts thousands of tourists, and the French Week with concerts, exhibitions and craft fairs. In May, a sailing regatta takes place, in June - Mind Body Spirit, which promotes healthy lifestyle life. The festival of Creole culture is a chance to get acquainted with the ancient customs of the islanders, the fishing festival on La Digue is an occasion to compete with the locals in the art of fishing.

Seychelles is located in East Africa in the western waters of the Indian Ocean and consists of 115 islands, of which 33 islands are inhabited.

Weather in Seychelles now:

The location of the islands is so far from the zones of formation of weather cyclones that the climate in the Seychelles can be called one of the calmest on the planet. Here, the temperature practically does not change all year round, adhering to the average mark of +27 °C. There is not much rain, precipitation falls in large quantities only during the wet season, which is winter. The rainiest month is January. In the rest of the other seasons, the weather on the islands is hot and good, only in summer strong winds blow, striking not the calmness of the waves, but it blows no more than 6 points.

The climate of the Seychelles by months:


Spring is the most interesting time in the Seychelles. In May, many birds fly to Bird and Cousin Islands. Exotic lovers can see a wide variety of birds. This is a white and black gull, this is a red cardinal, and an irbis, and Dutch pigeons, once brought by man, as well as rare representatives of exotic birds - black cockatoo and bulbul nightingale. And on the coastal areas you can see huge sea turtles, some weighing 250 kilograms.


With the advent of summer, the weather does not change much, except that the days become more and more dry without any precipitation. It rains, but at this time of the year it is extremely rare and not great at all. A southeast wind begins to blow, which raises waves, the wind strength sometimes reaches 6 points and brings monsoon Indian air.


Precipitation occasionally occurs in autumn, and by winter it will become especially frequent in the more mountainous places on the islands. The most favorable months for visiting the islands are coming, when the water is especially calm and warm, and the rainy season has not yet begun. Here on the islands trees bloom all year round. Especially unique fruit trees. And the largest palm tree in the world is located on these islands and was called the Seychelles palm. Its fruits weigh up to 20 kilograms.


In winter, the rainy season begins, with rainfall multiplied by the northwest monsoon winds, and in January, precipitation can exceed the average of 394 mm. It is in winter that frequent heavy rains occur, but unlike the European prolonged rains we are used to, showers in the Seychelles are short-lived and quickly end, while humidity throughout the year is high, about 80%. Temperatures during the winter months of the rainy season still average around +27°C.

We talk about the features of a holiday in the Seychelles in 2019. Find out about the weather, beaches, prices for tours, tickets, hotels, food and entertainment. How are weddings celebrated on the islands? Can you save money while traveling?

Exchange rate: 1 Seychellois rupee (SCR) ≈ 5 RUB.

When is the holiday season in the Seychelles

Thanks to the warm tropical climate, the Seychelles is pleasant to relax all year round. The weather is good, and there are no sudden temperature changes. Sea water heated up to +26...+28°С, and average temperature air +25...+32°C at 80% humidity.

Tourists come to tropical islands in any month. However, according to reviews, the dry season is considered the best time to relax in the Seychelles. June on September and calm off-season - May and October. The fewest tourists during the wet season - with november on April.

Monthly weather in the Seychelles:

t air, °С t air, °С Rainy days
January 30 28 11
February 31 28,5 8
March 31,5 29 7
April 32 30 7
May 31,3 29,5 8
June 30 27,5 5
July 29,5 26,5 2
August 28,5 26,5 4
September 29 27 7
October 30 28 8
november 30,5 28,5 10
December 30,5 28,5 13

Seychelles beaches map

The best beaches and islands

On the island of Mahe is the most popular Beau Vallon beach. It has a length of 3 km and is covered with white soft sand. A chain of shops, cafes stretches along the coast, and several diving centers operate. According to reviews, this a good place for family vacation in the Seychelles and water sports.

Surfers love Anse Intendance- a beach in the southwest of Mahe. The coast in this part of the island is not covered by a coral reef, so large waves and breakers form. A picturesque and convenient beach on the island of La Digue - Anse Coconut, and on the island of Praslin - Anse Lazio.

Mahe island beaches

The most expensive beach in the Seychelles is located on a small island Frigate. Service here is affordable only for very wealthy tourists. A forest grows along the beach strip, the shade from which saves holidaymakers from the heat.

A complete guide to the beaches of the Seychelles

Prices for tours to the Seychelles in 2019

How much does a holiday in the Seychelles cost? In the high season of 2019, prices for tours are high. A trip for two lasting 10 days with a departure from Moscow and accommodation in a 2 * hotel will cost 158 ​​thousand rubles. Tour with accommodation in a 3 * hotel - 160 thousand rubles, in a 4 * hotel - 178 thousand rubles, and in a 5 * hotel - 183 thousand rubles.

program all inclusive on the islands they are offered only in 4 * and 5 * hotels, but there are not many of them. Holiday prices "all inclusive" in the Seychelles in 2019 are prohibitively high - from 340 thousand rubles in the high season for 7 days. Tours with meals "full board" are cheaper, but still expensive - from 200 thousand rubles in 4 * and 5 * hotels.

Not surprisingly, the majority of tourists opt for self-catering packages, with breakfast included, or staying at hotels that have the option of "meals in the room."

Hotel prices

Holidays in the Seychelles are not affordable for everyone. Hotel prices are 2-2.5 times higher than in the resorts of the Mediterranean or Egypt.

The cost of a standard double room in the high season at popular resorts, in $:

Victoria Mahe La Digue Praslin Frigate Island
Guesthouse 100 90 115 100 -
Hotel 2* 115 100 130 120 -
Hotel 3* 140 140 200 140 -
Hotel 4* 260 250 300 200 -
Hotel 5* 350 350 - - 550

Ticket prices

Holidays in the Seychelles in 2019 turn out to be costly not only because of expensive accommodation, but also high flight prices. At the peak of the season, air tickets from Moscow to Mahe Island and back for one cost from 36 thousand rubles. For a flight to Praslin Island, they pay even more - from 39 thousand rubles.

Food prices in the Seychelles in 2019

The average check for breakfast and lunch in a budget cafe for two is 600 SCR. For this money, tourists are served a dish of meat or fish with rice, vegetables and a drink. For dinner in an inexpensive restaurant, excluding the cost of alcohol, they pay 1200-2000 SCR. Big Mac set at McDonald's costs 210 SCR. Ordering a couple of sandwiches, two bowls of soup and drinks in the room is 500-700 SCR.

Food prices in the Seychelles in 2019:

  • a portion of freshly cooked fish from street vendors - 50-60 SCR;
  • octopus salad - 60-100 SCR;
  • main course in a restaurant - 300-500 SCR;
  • pizza - 160 SCR;
  • coconut nougat - 80-100 SCR;
  • a cup of cappuccino - 50 SCR;
  • a glass of wine - 150-200 SCR;
  • coca-cola, 0.33 l - 20 SCR;
  • ice cream - 15-20 SCR.

Products in the Seychelles are expensive, because only a small part of the land of the island nation is suitable for farming Agriculture. Buying in the markets is a little more profitable. Prices for groceries in stores in the Seychelles:

  • bread - 12-15 SCR;
  • rice, 1 kg - 25 SCR;
  • a pack of pasta - 12 SCR;
  • eggs - 40 SCR;
  • condensed milk - 25 SCR;
  • milk, 1 liter - 30 SCR;
  • yogurt - 7 SCR;
  • fish, 1 kg - from 60 SCR;
  • cheese, 1 kg - 196 SCR;
  • sausage, 1 kg - from 50 SCR;
  • chicken, 1 kg - 85 SCR;
  • vegetables, 1 kg - 30-80 SCR;
  • potatoes - 25-30 SCR;
  • bananas - 40 SCR;
  • papaya, 1 kg - 50 SCR;
  • lime, 1 kg - 35-40 SCR;
  • a can of coffee, 0.2 kg - from 100 SCR;
  • bottled water - 20 SCR.

Alcohol prices in the Seychelles:

  • local beer, 0.5 l - 20-30 SCR;
  • imported beer, 0.33 l - 30-40 SCR;
  • a bottle of wine - from 100 SCR;
  • rum - 300 SCR;
  • whiskey - 550 SCR.

Prices for excursions and entertainment

Entertainment programs are offered in travel agencies and right in the hotels. According to reviews, during a holiday in the Seychelles, tourists are happy to make evening cruises, go sea fishing and neighboring islands. Vacationers are in demand:

  • Mahe bus tour - 780 STC;
  • air travel to Bird Island - 3600 STC;
  • St. Anne Marine National Park - 1320 STC;
  • Praslin island by ferry - 1700 STC.

Those who are not indifferent to outdoor activities choose:

  • sea ​​safari - 1700 STC;
  • half day fishing - 7700 STC;
  • flight over the islands by helicopter - from 5000 SCR.

Snorkeling and diving. Rest in the Seychelles is impossible to imagine without scuba diving. According to tourists, snorkeling here is slightly inferior to the Maldives, but the islands and picturesque coral reefs are considered one of the best places in the world for divers. Visibility exceeds 30 m, more than 900 species of fish and fifty varieties of corals live in the ocean.

The annual monsoons affect the quality and transparency of the water, so there are almost no dives in the Seychelles during the wet season. The best time for diving is April, May and the first half of autumn.

The most popular dive sites in the Seychelles are the Aldabra Islands, the Silhouette and the Marianna Shark Site near La Digue Island. In addition, divers like Dragon’s Teeth, Blanchiseusse, Malgache Bank, Recife Island, and Trompeuse and Biter underwater cliffs.

The best places for snorkeling in the Seychelles, according to reviews, are Sainte Anne National Marine Park, Anse Sunset Beach and the sheltered Anse Royale Beach on Mahe.

Approximate prices for snorkeling and diving in the Seychelles in 2019:

  • individual dive - 850 SCR;
  • package of 5 dives - 3900 SCR;
  • night diving - 1000 SCR;
  • snorkel boat rental for half a day - 7000 SCR.

Wedding and honeymoon in the Seychelles

Tropical islands are great for wedding ceremonies and romantic getaways for two. You can choose a symbolic wedding or official registration. Newlyweds enjoy exotic flower celebrations by the sea, romantic candlelit dinners, live concerts under palm trees and pampering spa treatments.

Newlyweds prefer to stay in small hotels on the coast, where there are no large crowds of people. Many people choose cozy guesthouses near picturesque beaches.

Prices. visiting wedding ceremony or a wedding in a hotel costs from 60 thousand rubles. The price depends on the venue, hotel, date and included services.

Nearly every scenic beach on the planet has a local wedding agent attached to it. (Photo © Pexels / pixabay.com)

Tips on how to save money during your holiday in the Seychelles in 2019

  • If you are interested in surfing or diving, buy tickets to low season- it's cheaper.
  • Housing on the islands is designed for tourists with high incomes. It is most expensive to live on small resort islands. On the larger islands, there are more hotels, guesthouses and apartments to choose from. Book your holiday accommodation outside the Seychelles in advance.
  • Exchange currency upon arrival - at the airport the most favorable rate. There are few places on the islands where they accept bank cards, and all payment is made in cash in Seychellois SCR rupees.
  • Take care of insurance in advance, because medical services the islands are expensive.
  • There are few pharmacies in the Seychelles, so take the necessary medicines with you. Don't forget sunscreen too!

Grand Anse Beach (Photo © unsplash.com / @mece)
  • Do not buy an excursion to Victoria - just go there on your own. Take a look at the beautiful Botanical Garden - 82 SCR, go to Central market, admire the Hindu Temple and the Clock Tower. Only 14 SCR are tickets to the Museum of Natural History and the National Historic Site.
  • Don't waste your money on souvenirs and turtle shell jewelry. According to customs rules, they will not be allowed to be taken out of the islands.
  • Beach restaurants are overpriced. If you do not want to overpay, take cheap and high-quality food in street tents or dine in small cafes take away.
  • There is a good range of groceries at the STC Supermarket in Victoria.

Detailed essay about the trip to the Seychelles

Intro image source: © unsplash.com / @necone.

You can fly to the Seychelles all year round, the weather is always good here, of course there are some small features about them, I will tell you in more detail.

January- this month it rains the most, but due to this nature at this time is insanely beautiful, everything blooms around, very green. You should not be afraid of rains, they usually go at night for several hours in a row. At this time, prices for tours are lower than usual. It's not bad to use it. The daily temperature at this time is around 27 - 30 degrees. Humidity is high.

February - good time to visit the Seychelles. The rains are already becoming much less, if they do, then for about 20 minutes and at night. The average air temperature is about 29 degrees. The water in the ocean is very warm - 28 C. By the end of the month it becomes already hotter. Humidity is very high.

March- in March, the weather is very good, but given that this month still falls into the wet season, not large short-term rains are not ruled out. During the day, the average air temperature is about 28 degrees, the water in the ocean is very warm, like fresh milk - 29 degrees. Swimming in the heat from 12 to 16 is almost impossible. But evening swimming, on the contrary, will bring a lot of pleasure.

April- the temperature regime is the same as in March. Very hot and humid. However, it is in this month that the hot season ends and the best weather for tourism begins. Ticket prices are starting to go up.

May- the best time to visit the Seychelles is coming. Daytime air temperature is about 27 degrees. The ocean is very warm around 28 degrees with no waves. The rainy period ends, respectively, the high humidity recedes and the heat is transferred much lower.

June- the same comfortable month as May. The climate is moderately humid, rains are not expected during this period. Daytime air temperature is about 26 degrees, the ocean is warm - 27 C.

July- in the month of July, there may be small short-term rains, but they both start unexpectedly and end quickly. Daytime air temperature is about +27 degrees, water + 28.

August- a month for those who need high waves. In August, southeast winds come, it is in this month that you can feel a slight coolness in the evening and at night. During the day, everything is as usual, the temperature is +27 degrees, the ocean is +26.

September- At this time, the hot humid climate returns again. During the day the air temperature is about +30 degrees. Showers are possible in the morning and at night.

October- a good time to visit the Seychelles. This is the last month before the rainy season. The winds are leaving and the ocean is very calm at this time, ideal for diving and snorkeling. The daily temperature is about + 28 degrees. Humidity is already getting high, the heat is felt strongly. Tour prices are starting to drop.

November- very strong humidity of about 85%. During the day the temperature will be around 30 degrees. The water in the ocean is the same, about +28. There are heavy showers almost every day. Sometimes a light breeze is possible, but it will not bring tangible coolness.

December- the time to visit the Seychelles is not bad, ahead of the New Year and prices are starting to rise again despite the fact that the rainy season is not over yet. During the day, the air temperature is about +29 degrees, the ocean is very warm. Those wishing to visit the islands at this time begins to increase due to the approach of the holidays.


As you can see, the average air temperature in the Seychelles varies from +26 to +31 degrees. Two seasons can be distinguished here - dry from May to October and wet from November to April. But they are not as pronounced as, for example, in other tropical countries, so you can safely come to the Seychelles at any time of the year.