Motivation for a healthy lifestyle. Motivation for health and healthy lifestyle

Introducing a person to a healthy lifestyle should begin with the formation of his health motivation. Caring for health, its strengthening should become a value motive that forms, regulates and controls a person's lifestyle. The way of life of each person determines his ideas about the meaning of life, attitude to the world around him, to himself, to his health. It has been proven that no wishes, orders, punishments can force a person to lead a healthy lifestyle, protect and strengthen their own health, if all this is not controlled by conscious health motivation.

Health motivation is formed on the basis of two important principles- age, according to which the education of health motivation must begin with early childhood, and activity, according to which the motive of health should be created through health-improving activities in relation to oneself, i.e. to form new qualities through exercises. The experience of health-improving activity and exercises in it create the appropriate motivation (purposeful need) and attitude (readiness for activity) to health, just like “appetite comes with eating”. Based on this conscious motivation, one's own style of healthy behavior is formed. Style healthy life driven by different motives. Let's name the main ones:

O self-preservation motivation a person does not perform this or that action, knowing that it threatens his health and life. For example, a person will not jump from a bridge into a river if he cannot swim, because he knows for sure that he will drown;

O motivation for obedience to ethno-cultural requirements: a person submits to ethno-cultural requirements because he wants to be an equal member of society and live in harmony with its members. During a long social evolution, society selected useful habits, developed a system of protection from adverse factors. All this was passed down in a certain ethnic group from generation to generation in the form of taboos or traditions. Failure to comply with the requirements was seen as a challenge to society and was punished. For example, based on hygienic, aesthetic and ethical requirements, a person is taught from early childhood to send his physiological needs to certain closed places specially equipped for this; violation of these norms is fraught with negative consequences;

O motivation to enjoy health: this simple hedonic (enjoyable) motivation, because the feeling of health brings joy. To experience this feeling, a person strives to be healthy. For example, children and teenagers love to run, jump, dance, as these activities improve blood circulation in the body, increase metabolism, evoke positive emotions, and improve mood. All this contributes to the formation of motivation, prompting to maximize the motor activity of this nature, and later to the formation of interest in systematic dancing or dancing. physical education. As they grow older, these activities will turn into a habit that will certainly give pleasure, since the result will not only good mood but also physical perfection. It's important not to overdo it;

O self-improvement motivation: expressed in the realization that, being healthy, one can rise to a higher rung of the social ladder. This motivation is very significant for graduates of secondary and higher educational institutions when it is necessary to be competitive in order to achieve high level public recognition. A healthy graduate is more likely to succeed;

O motivation for maneuvering: it boils down to the fact that a healthy person will be able to change his role and his position in the community at his own discretion. A healthy person can change professions, move from one climatic zone to another, he feels free regardless of external conditions;

O motivation for sexual fulfillment is formulated as follows: "Health gives me the opportunity for sexual harmony." Sexual potency of men and women is directly dependent on health. BUT young man it is paramount to be sexually attractive;

O motivation to achieve the highest possible comfort, the essence of which is that healthy person not worried about physical and psychological inconvenience.

People in whom all motivations are equally significant are extremely rare. Moreover, the exorbitant concern of such a person with his health gives reason to think: is he too busy with the problems of a healthy lifestyle and has this concern acquired a painful character?

Throughout life, a person experiences different motivations. In adolescence, the leading motives are sexual realization, self-improvement, and maneuvering. If a boy or girl smokes, then such a motive as a threat to health in the future is not suitable for them, because the future for them is tomorrow, next Sunday, the end of the semester, and pleasure is now and here. The reference to ethno-cultural requirements is not suitable for them either, since this motive is insignificant for them. Moreover, breaking it, young people experience pleasure, believing that in this way they assert themselves. At this age, the motivation for sexual fulfillment has already been formed and can play a positive role in the prevention of alcohol, drug and tobacco abuse, if it is skillfully proven to have a detrimental effect on sexual potency in boys and childbearing function in girls.

Observations show that self-preservation motivation sometimes loses its significance for young people. Health and strength make it difficult for them to be careful in dangerous situations. They think: "It can happen to anyone, but not to me!". It is a weak sense of responsibility for one's behavior that is the main cause of venereal diseases after casual intimate contacts, the reason for being drawn into drug addiction, drunkenness, leading to alcoholism. It seems to young people aged 18-25 that the resource of their personal health is not limited. But this is a mistake. Try to protect yourself from it - scientists call.

Do students have healthy lifestyle motives?

Studies have shown that students, like high school students, understand a healthy lifestyle, mainly as following a good known positions: “Move more!”, “Take care of your nerves!”, “Temper!”, “Do not drink!”, “Do not smoke!”, “Do not use drugs!” etc. However, these provisions did not become a guide to behavior for many. This is due to the fact that, firstly, recommendations on a healthy lifestyle are planted in an instructive, categorical form and do not cause young people positive emotions; secondly, adults themselves rarely adhere to these rules in Everyday life; thirdly, the mass media in an attractive way advertise (cultivate) an unhealthy lifestyle; cigarette smoking and excessive beer consumption are regarded as prestigious attributes of youth (and not only youth) subculture.

In this regard, the formation of healthy lifestyle motivation among schoolchildren and students requires effort. Since the effect of these efforts is projected into the future and not everyone is able to solve this problem on their own, it is necessary to focus the system of upbringing and education on the formation of a culture of health among students. You need to start with the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyle motivation

Introducing a person to a healthy lifestyle should begin to form his motivation for health. Caring for health, its strengthening should become a value motive that forms, regulates and controls a person's lifestyle. The lifestyle of each person determines his ideas about the meaning of life, attitude to the world around him, to himself, to his health. It has been proven that no wishes, orders, punishments can force a person to lead a healthy lifestyle, protect and strengthen their own health, if all this is not controlled by conscious health motivation.

Health motivation is formed on the basis of two important principles - the age one, according to which the education of health motivation must be started from early childhood, and the activity one, according to which the health motive should be created through health-improving activities in relation to oneself, i.e. to form new qualities through exercises. The experience of health-improving activity and exercises in it create the appropriate motivation (purposeful need) and attitude (readiness for activity) to health, just like “appetite comes with eating”. Based on this conscious motivation, one's own style of healthy behavior is formed.

Throughout life, a person experiences different motivations. In adolescence, the leading motives are self-realization, self-improvement, maneuvering. If a boy or girl smokes, then such a motive as a threat to health in the future is not suitable for them, because the future for them is tomorrow, next Sunday, the end of the semester, and pleasure is now and here. The reference to ethno-cultural requirements is not suitable for them either, since this motive is insignificant for them. Moreover, by violating it, young people experience pleasure, believing that in this way they themselves are affirmed.

Observations show that self-preservation motivation sometimes loses its significance for young people. Health and strength make it difficult for them to be careful in dangerous situations. They think: "It can happen to anyone, but not to me!". It is a weak sense of responsibility for one's behavior that is the main reason for being drawn into drug addiction, drunkenness, leading to alcoholism. It seems to young people aged 18-25 that the resource of their personal health is not limited. But this is a mistake.

healthy life motivation

Do students have healthy lifestyle motives?

Studies have shown that students, like high school students, understand a healthy lifestyle mainly as following well-known provisions: “Move more!”, “Take care of your nerves!”, “Temper up!”, “Do not drink!”, “Do not smoke!”, "Don't use drugs!" etc. However, these provisions did not become a guide to behavior for many. This is due to the fact that, firstly, recommendations on a healthy lifestyle are imposed in an instructive, categorical form and do not cause positive emotions in young people; secondly, adults themselves rarely adhere to these rules in everyday life; thirdly, the mass media in an attractive way advertise (cultivate) an unhealthy lifestyle; cigarette smoking and excessive beer consumption are regarded as prestigious attributes of youth (and not only youth) subculture.

In this regard, the formation of healthy lifestyle motivation among schoolchildren and students requires effort. Since the effect of these efforts is projected into the future and not everyone is able to solve this problem on their own, it is necessary to focus the system of upbringing and education on the formation of a culture of health among students. You need to start with the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Health, definition, levels, groups and evaluation criteria.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization) "health is a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being and not merely the absence of disease."
Mental health is a state of well-being in which a person realizes their abilities, can withstand the normal stresses of life, work productively and contribute to their community. In this positive sense mental health is the foundation of human well-being and the effective functioning of the community.
Social health is the ability to live and communicate with other people in our world. Our ability to create and maintain positive relationships with family, friends and colleagues.
Physical health is complete physical well-being,
calm and happy, without any disturbances in the course of affairs, life.
Spiritual health- this is a free, harmonious and practical interconnection of knowledge, religions, traditions and history of one's people in oneself.


Public level- characterizes the state of health of a large contingent of the population, for example, a city, country or the entire population of the Earth.

Group level- due to the specifics of the life of people who make up a family or team, i.e. people united by professional affiliation or living conditions.

Individual level- at this level, a person is considered as an individual, this level is determined by genetic characteristics this person, lifestyle, etc.

1 group. Healthy

Group 1 Having functional deviations

3rd group. Having chronic diseases (compensation stage)

4 group. Those with chronic diseases (subcompensation stage)

5 group. Having chronic diseases (decompensation stage)


Presence/absence of a chronic disease

Functional deviations

The level of physical and neuropsychic development

The level of moral-volitional and value-motivational attitudes

Healthy lifestyle - main factor health. Healthy lifestyle norms and ways of formation.

“This is everything that in the behavior and activities of people has a beneficial effect on their health.”

According to the definition of Academician K.N. Chumakov, a healthy lifestyle “these are typical forms and methods of daily life of the body, which strengthen and improve the reserve capabilities of the body, thereby ensuring the hasty performance of its social and professional functions.

Healthy lifestyle factors are:

− rational nutrition,

− optimal motor activity,

− compliance of life activity with biorhythms,

- rational alternation of work and rest,

− compliance of physical and mental loads with age,

− cultivation of positive emotions, conscious harmonization

own inner world and management of behavior in accordance with

moral standards society,

− erotic culture,

− rejection bad habits including abuse

narcotic substances (tobacco, alcohol, drugs, etc.) and

gambling (computer games etc.).


There are two ways to create a healthy lifestyle:

creation, development, strengthening, activation of positive health conditions, factors, circumstances, in essence, the formation of the potential of public health;

overcoming, reducing risk factors.

Risk factors:

Social activity-low

Ecological activity-low

Rational nutrition - irrational

Motor activity-hypodynamia

Harmony of family relations- disharmony

Medical activity-low

The role of motivation in the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Health motivation is formed on the basis of two important principles -

· Age:

In childhood, this is subordination to ethno-cultural requirements and motives for obtaining


In adolescence, the motives of opportunity play a leading role.

sexual fulfillment, self-improvement and maneuvering.

In the mature age period, the dominant and important in the formation

a healthy lifestyle become motives: the possibility of sexual realization,

improvement and maneuvering.

In the stage of involution (starting from old age, i.e. from the age of 74), motivations come first: self-preservation and the achievement of the maximum possible comfort.

· activity, according to which the motive of health should be created through health-improving activities in relation to oneself, i.e. to form new qualities through exercises.

Self-preservation motivation

Motivation for obedience to ethno-cultural requirements

Motivation to enjoy health

Sports, proper sleep and rest make a person's life better, protect against illness and stress. Sometimes it can be difficult to give up behavioral habits that interfere with a healthy lifestyle. In order to improve the quality of existence, well-built motivation is necessary.

It includes a correct understanding by a person of such questions as: why do I need to eat right and play sports? What will I get if I give up bad habits? How will my life change if I adopt healthy lifestyle habits? Without proper motivation, it is not always possible to achieve the set goals, especially when they require a change in views on oneself, one's inner and outer world.

It happens that a person really wants to change, but he still fails to form healthy habits. Why is this happening? Perhaps there is something in his habits without which it is difficult to imagine a safe existence. In this case, it is necessary to work with what keeps the person from striving to live differently, having an attachment to a healthy lifestyle.

Motivation is an active impulse to action that forces a person to use all his resources to achieve results and improve the quality of life.

Proper motivation can significantly bring closer the realization of the goals that a person sets for himself. What does it consist of? First of all, it is the presence strong desire have something necessary. This can include both material things, such as purchases and acquisitions, and intangible things - effective behavior, mastering new ways of communicating and thinking.

To be highly motivated means to want something very strongly, to know how to achieve it, and to have practical skills. When a person really wants something, a great power is concentrated in his hands, helping to go towards his goal and overcome obstacles. Therefore, it becomes clear why without desire and motivation to act, it is not possible to come to changes.

A person's habits to improve his life can change throughout his existence and depend on the conditions in which he lives. People do not always succeed in forming ways of behavior and thinking that would lead to a healthy lifestyle. This is facilitated by special exercises for training consciousness and habits of thinking, which will help to understand what goal a person pursues when he begins to take care of his health, nutrition, and appearance.

Exercises to Increase Motivation

Motivation reveals the true goals of a person and false ones. It is often difficult to force yourself to do something because the goal is not the truth. It is easy to find out by analysis. Answer a few questions:

  1. Do I really want this? Or do other people want this from me (friends, parents, colleagues, children, etc.)?
  2. What will I get when I achieve this?
  3. How will my life change after I see the result?
  4. Why do I need it?

When the need to change oneself meets such a serious goal as starting to lead a healthy lifestyle, the result that a person will receive in this case should fully satisfy his needs, please, inspire. Without it, it is impossible to form high motivation, which means that it will be difficult to strive for activity.

Relying on thinking alone, without practical action, it will be difficult to achieve changes in your life. Therefore, the formation of a healthy lifestyle should begin with practical skills. One of the healthy habits for a healthy lifestyle is to control the mode of work and rest. Getting into the habit of getting up and going to bed at about the same time means not only developing self-regulation skills, but also feeling good about yourself every day.

The habit of putting things off until later takes a lot of time and energy, especially when they turn into unresolved issues. It is important to learn how to solve problems in a timely manner, making a plan for their implementation.

The habit of being lazy is one of the first character traits that you should get rid of on the way to healthy lifestyle life. In order to do this, it is important to understand what is really behind laziness? Perhaps it is a reluctance to be active. Any motivation begins with the words: why do I need what I strive for? As soon as visible and hidden advantages, results and changes in life, health, appearance are indicated, laziness will fade into the background, giving way to a healthy desire to improve the quality of one's existence.

The habit of refusing fast food and food fast food will give visible results. When a person begins to monitor his diet, this is reflected in his internal state and appearance - the body feels light, the unpleasant feeling of heaviness disappears, the complexion and the work of the gastrointestinal tract improve.

Sport helps to tune in to a healthy lifestyle, forms the ability to take care of yourself and treat your body with love, helps maintain health and excellent appearance. If it is difficult to immediately form the motivation for sports or force yourself to do them regularly, you can start with small changes. Enter into your usual way of life evening or morning run take up yoga or meditation. Gradual familiarity with your own body will contribute to the desire to work on it and make it even more attractive.

The mind needs care too.

Healthy lifestyle habits are also taking care of your own emotional state too. How can a person take care of his psyche? First of all, it is a rejection of old grievances - they spoil the mood and take away the desire to be active. Taking care of yourself in the present moment allows you not to succumb to sad thoughts about past events that are long gone. Also, in order for the human psyche to be healthy, it is important to communicate with people who do not manipulate during communication, avoid disrespectful behavior, experience sincere sympathy and know how to listen.

The human psyche and his physical health are closely related to each other. It is difficult to lead a healthy lifestyle when a person is overloaded with stress at work and in the family. In this case, first of all, one should deal with the problems of a personal plan - this will be the first step in the formation of high motivation for the development of healthy lifestyle habits.





"Samara State Medical University"

Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Psycholinguistics

Ways to motivate a person to lead a healthy lifestyle

Prepared by: 2nd year student

medical faculty of group 201

Shavaleev R.R.

supervisor :

Ryazantseva N.M

Samara 2011

Healthy lifestyle motivation

Remember the old Soviet cartoon "About Khoma and the Gopher"? The hamster, waking up in the morning, says to his neighbor: “Gopher, are you my friend? Load up for me." And further along the plot, the phrases sound: “Run, gopher, run, it’s useful for me to run; swim, swim, it’s good for me to swim.”

Probably sometimes every person has such a desire for someone to do it, but it would be useful for you. Someone would go in for physical education, harden, eat right, and at the same time quit smoking. And we would become slimmer, healthier, and would feel great, continuing to lead a familiar lifestyle.

Today, everyone is well aware of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, but often everything is limited to knowledge. So you don’t want to get out of the warm swamp of an established life, break your habits, strain your muscles and will. After all, for the sake of some distant supposed advantages and benefits, you need to give up so many small joys of life right now.

Not just and not immediately, but I managed to get together and move in the right direction. And it turned out that everything is not so bad, and much of what seemed like a boring, unpleasant necessity can actually bring pleasure. It’s just that the main thing in this, and in any other business, is the mood, or, as it’s fashionable to say now, motivation. And from this place - in more detail.

To begin with, laziness, inertia, unwillingness to get out of the knurled rut of habitual life, is primarily due to the low vital energy of a person. Think back to your childhood. The whole day you could run, play something, be very active and not feel tired. I didn’t feel like eating at all, and if they put me to bed during the day, then for me personally it was torture. The energy was overflowing... Imagine how magically your life would change if you could act so actively even now.

What takes away our vital energy? And here, the very thing is taken away. A lifestyle that is different from a healthy one, let's say so. Alcohol and cigarettes, unhealthy diet, low physical activity, base thoughts and feelings. The transition to a healthy lifestyle is sure, of course, guaranteed to increase vitality. Do you want children's activity and tirelessness? So here's your first motive.

However, a vicious circle turns out: there is not enough energy to move, but in order to get energy, you need to move. In fact, everything is not so scary, the situation is like with a heavily loaded cart. To move it from its place, you need to make significant efforts, and it is already much easier to maintain movement. Now more effort needs to be applied to stop the cart.

Gather your courage and take action, that's the main thing. Further it will be easier. Gradually you get involved in it and begin to enjoy the process itself. If for some reason I didn’t do exercises in the morning, I already regret it in the afternoon, and refusing to douse with cold water will definitely deprive myself of pleasure. There comes a state when it is easier to do than not to do. And here's your second motive.

Move on. What kind of person is this, leading a healthy lifestyle? Let's imagine. Probably he or she looks good, physical education and proper nutrition contribute to maintaining a slender figure, correct posture, ease and beauty of movements. The absence of bad habits, regular visits to the steam room and hardening causes a healthy complexion, the absence of edema, bags under the eyes. In general, the person looks younger than his age.

An excellent general condition of the body is the absence of pain, tightness, discomfort in one or another problem area, most often common, closer to forty years, phenomena. And this guarantees a great mood and a positive attitude towards life. It's a pleasure to do business with such a person.

The correct flow of physiological processes, the timely purification of toxins and the delivery of the necessary substances to the body, as well as a positive attitude and the right attitude to life, significantly increase the ease and speed of thought. This person is a smart and interesting interlocutor, communication with him is a pleasure. This is how it turned out collective image. Imagine yourself in this image, and this will be the third motive. So let's sum up our motivation. Leading a healthy lifestyle is important because:

    Increases vitality;

    Gives pleasure;

    Improves appearance and promotes personal growth.

Everything? Well, actually, no, add your personal motives, they are definitely there, if you think carefully. Personally, I really do not want to gradually turn into an old senile ruin. No one lives forever, but the opportunity to maintain cheerfulness, optimism and clarity of mind until the end of life seems to me a worthy motive to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Health-saving educational technologies are divided into three subgroups. One of them is teaching and educational technologies, which include programs to teach competent care of their health and the formation of a culture of students' health, motivate them to lead a healthy lifestyle, prevent bad habits, which also provide for organizational and educational work with schoolchildren after school, education their parents. In the process of learning, in accordance with the ideas of health-saving educational technologies, the task is to form the necessary competencies for a healthy lifestyle in the student, to teach how to implement them in everyday life. The whole process of learning in the conditions of health-saving pedagogy includes three stages, which differ from each other both in particular tasks and in the features of the methodology. If at the first stage the main task is to achieve the fulfillment of the elementary rules of health conservation (at the level of the initial skill), then at the second stage it is to achieve the conscious fulfillment of the elementary rules of health conservation. Stability and automatism of the implementation of health saving rules is the main task of the final stage. At this stage, the number of repetitions of the use of basic concepts and ideas about a healthy lifestyle in normal and new, unusual conditions increases, which allows you to develop a flexible skill to apply existing knowledge in various conditions. various methods and techniques: practical method; educational game; situational method; game method; competitive method; active learning methods; educational, educational and educational programs.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren includes four components: 1. Creation of an information and propaganda system to increase the level of knowledge about the negative impact of risk factors on health, the possibilities of its reduction. It is only through current, everyday information that a person receives the necessary knowledge, which, to one degree or another, influences behavior, and, consequently, the way of life of a person. Naturally, the information should take into account the composition of the target group, the interest of the audience. For example, if the topic of the lecture is material that is of interest to at least some of the listeners, its comprehensibility by the rest of the listeners will increase significantly. Assessing the overall situation in the region, it should be emphasized that elements of the information and propaganda system in the region have been created in last years become more and more pronounced. On the channels of the regional television and regional radio, specialized programs "Territory of Health" and "Health Bowl" operate, in regional and local newspapers - special headings and thematic pages "Your Health", "Doctor's Advice", "Your Home Doctor", "At the Reception at the Doctor’s, etc., dedicated to the protection and promotion of health, the development of motivation for caring for one’s health, where materials on disease prevention measures are regularly published, methods of maintaining health are made public - from physical education and sports to rational nutrition. 2. The second important direction in the formation of a healthy lifestyle is the so-called "health education". This is a comprehensive educational, educational and educational activity aimed at raising awareness on health issues and its protection, at developing health promotion skills, creating motivation for leading a healthy lifestyle, both for individuals and society as a whole. In this regard, it is impossible not to emphasize the main issue: no information, if it is not supported by personal interest, means nothing to a person. Today, this is especially important in relation to young people, who are essentially constantly at risk. The school is the center of formation of outlook and intellectual level of the young person. It is here that throughout the entire period there is an opportunity to give children and parents deep knowledge about the essence of mental and physical health, to state in an accessible form the causes of its violations, to teach methods of its restoration and strengthening. The health of students directly depends on the attitude of children to its preservation and strengthening. At the same time, educating children to take care of their own health, the formation of appropriate skills and abilities in the overwhelming majority is formalized. The current practice reduces this work at school to lectures, the main content of which is information about the clinic, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. As a rule, they are read either by school medical workers, or doctors of territorial polyclinics. However, they do not own the methodology of teaching and educating healthy behavior, the theory and methods of forming positive motivation in people to maintain health. Hence the lack of concern for their own health among the vast majority of the healthy population. Prevention of diseases only among the adult part of the population or only among children is not effective enough, since the child lives in the family. If the child's parents and relatives have certain risk factors or suffer from chronic non-communicable diseases and do not care about their health, then the child develops stereotypes of behavior that contribute to the development of the same diseases. The family performs functions that largely determine the preservation and strengthening of human health and society. The family most fully performs the reproductive function; in the family, parents introduce their children to moral values ​​and norms of behavior, to life in society, interacting with other people, and pass on labor skills. The leisure function is solved in the family, which ensures the harmonious development of a person. 3. Measures to reduce the prevalence of smoking and consumption of tobacco products, reduce alcohol consumption, prevent the use of drugs and narcotic drugs. It should be emphasized that success directly depends on the degree of people's interest in their own health. this direction in promoting a healthy lifestyle. In recent years, the desire to protect the population, especially young people, from bad habits has become more persistent in society, a legislative framework is being formed in this area, but it is premature to talk about success. Three-quarters of men under the age of 40 smoke, and the proportion of women and adolescents who smoke is rapidly increasing. Alcohol abuse is the cause of more than 70 percent of accidents, 60 percent of fatal poisonings are associated with the use of alcoholic beverages. According to the data of the all-Russian monitoring of the drug situation, the number of people who allow illegal drug use is 6 million people. According to estimates, there are currently 60,000 people who inject drugs in the Stavropol Territory. The main form of anti-drug prevention in the region is propaganda. But this work is largely empty, especially with children and youth. The explanatory work of health care professionals is carried out sporadically, it is practically carried out by narcologists and doctors of other specialties are not involved. Preventive actions are usually carried out in cities, without affecting small settlements. The propaganda materials do not take into account the psychology of the "market" generation with a more individualized consciousness than the older generation, its new consumer subculture, in which the main concept is prestige. In order to increase the effectiveness of preventive work, it is advisable to more actively involve in its implementation workers of education, science, culture, prominent politicians, showmen and other persons who enjoy authority among certain groups of the population. With this in mind, conducting targeted mass actions involving well-known personalities who influence public opinion can be the most effective. 4. Encouraging the population to a physically active lifestyle, physical culture, tourism and sports, increasing the availability of these types of health improvement. Naturally, the commercialization of sports infrastructure hinders the development of mass sports. At the same time, it is wrong to reduce the problem solely to the accessibility of sports facilities. It should be about the fight against hypodynamia by all accessible ways, including physical education lessons at school, physical education breaks at work, morning exercises, walking and hiking and other forms available for mass use. First of all, it is necessary to overcome the passivity of the municipal authorities for youth affairs and for physical culture and sports, which are capable of professionally leading and conducting this work. Rural and school stadiums, yard sports grounds, and other simple sports facilities can successfully become places for teaching the population, especially children and youth, the skills of physical culture. A special role in this regard should be played by summer recreational institutions, which are currently used more as a means of providing employment for children than as a means of promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Good afternoon, I completely agree with you, I would like to add that the technologies of health-preserving education include the following: Classes according to the program are recommended for elementary school students on the basis of the formation of "risk groups", which include children with the following deviations: violation of posture; insufficiency in the development of fine motor skills of the hand; low level of formation of cognitive functions (memory, attention); pronounced imbalance of nervous processes 2. Health-improving complex "Healthy back" Breathing exercises are an integral part of health promotion and, in particular, back correction. All healing systems of the East pay great attention to the regulation of breathing and consider breathing as an element of psychoregulation techniques 3. Finger gymnastics - a technique for developing speech, memory and attention in children The finger training technique is based on modern scientific data, but also uses the achievements of ancient Chinese medicine and folk traditions 4 The all-Russian public program for the development of general secondary education, covering mass general educational institutions (schools) and various forms of additional education. 5. Health-saving pedagogical system "Healthy baby" 6. Prevention of deviations in health and the occurrence of diseases in schoolchildren "Healthy baby"

The problems of preserving the health of students have become especially relevant at the present stage. crisis phenomena in society they contributed to a change in the motivation of educational activities among students, reduced their creative activity, slowed down their physical and mental development, and caused deviations in their social behavior. In the current situation, the active use of pedagogical technologies aimed at protecting the health of schoolchildren has become natural. According to Professor N.K. Smirnov, “health-saving educational technologies are systems approach to education and upbringing, built on the desire of the teacher not to harm the health of students. The concept of "health-saving technology" refers to the qualitative characteristics of any educational technology, showing how the task of maintaining the health of a teacher and students is solved. These technologies must comply with the principles of health saving, which were formulated by N.K. Smirnov: “Do no harm!” - all applied methods, techniques, means used must be reasonable, proven in practice, not harmful to the health of the student and teacher. The priority of caring for the health of the teacher and the student - everything used should be evaluated from the standpoint of the impact on the psycho-physiological state of the participants in the educational process. 1. Continuity and succession - work is carried out not from case to case, but every day and at every lesson. 2. Subject-subject relationship - the student is a direct participant in health-saving measures both in content and in procedural aspects. 3. Correspondence of the content and organization of teaching to the age characteristics of students - the volume of the teaching load, the complexity of the material must correspond to the age of the students. 4. An integrated, interdisciplinary approach - unity in the actions of teachers, psychologists and doctors. 5. Success breeds success - the emphasis is only on the good; in any act, action, the positive is first distinguished, and only then the shortcomings are noted. 6. Activity - active inclusion, and any process reduces the risk of overwork. Responsibility for one's own health - each child should try to form responsibility for his own health, only then he realizes his knowledge, skills and habits for the preservation of health. Any teacher inevitably faces the task of teaching a subject of high quality, which is completely impossible without a sufficient level of motivation for schoolchildren. In solving these problems, health-saving technologies can help. It should be noted that all health-saving technologies used in the educational process can be divided into three main groups: 1. technologies that provide hygienically optimal conditions for the educational process; 2. technologies for the optimal organization of the educational process and physical activity of schoolchildren; 3. a variety of psychological and pedagogical technologies used in the classroom and in extracurricular activities by teachers and educators. Consider these groups of health-saving technologies. Technologies that provide hygienically optimal conditions for the educational process The functional state of schoolchildren in the process of learning activities, the ability to maintain mental performance at a high level for a long time and prevent premature fatigue. We must not forget about the hygienic conditions of the lesson, which affect the health of students and teachers. Criteria for health saving (Characteristic) The atmosphere and hygiene conditions in the classroom (Temperature and freshness of the air, classroom lighting and blackboards, monotonous unpleasant sound stimuli) Number of types of learning activities (Types of learning activities: survey, writing, reading, listening, storytelling, answering questions solving examples, reviewing, copying, etc.) Average duration and frequency of alternation of types of activities Number of types of teaching (Types of teaching: verbal, visual, independent work, audiovisual, practical work, independent work) Alternation of types of teaching Presence and place of methods that contribute to activation (Method of free choice (free conversation, choice of mode of action, freedom of creativity).) Active methods (student in the role of: teacher, researcher, business game, discussion). (Methods aimed at self-knowledge and development (intelligence, emotions, communication, self-esteem, mutual evaluation)) Place and duration of the use of TCO (Teacher's ability to use TCO as a means for discussion, conversation, discussion) Student posture, posture alternation ( Correct fit student, a change in activities requires a change in posture) The presence, place, content and duration of moments of recovery in the lesson (Physical minutes, dynamic pauses, breathing exercises, gymnastics for the eyes, massage of active points) The presence of motivation for students in the lesson (External motivation: assessment, praise , support, competitive moment Stimulation of internal motivation: the desire to learn more, the joy of being active, interest in the material being studied) Psychological climate in the lesson (Relationships in the lesson: teacher - student (comfort - tension, cooperation - authoritarianism, taking into account age characteristics); student - student (cooperation - rivalry, friendliness - hostility, activity - passivity, interest - indifference) Emotional discharges in the lesson (Joke, smile, humorous or instructive picture, saying, aphorism, musical minute, quatrain) passive distractions th in the process of learning activity (The moment of onset of fatigue and a decrease in learning activity) The pace of the end of the lesson

The problems of forming a healthy lifestyle are closely related to understanding the very phenomenon of "health".

In the "Great Soviet Encyclopedia" health defined as “the natural state of an organism, characterized by its balance with environment and the absence of any painful changes. Human health is determined by a complex of biological (hereditary and acquired) and social factors. The latter are so important in the maintenance of health or in the occurrence and development of disease that the preamble to the constitution of the World Health Organization states: Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Health is the opposite disease.

Disease- this is “a process that occurs as a result of exposure to an organism of a harmful (extreme) stimulus of the external or internal environment, characterized by a decrease in the adaptability of a living organism to external environment while simultaneously mobilizing its defensive forces. The disease is manifested by a violation of the balance of the organism with the environment, expressed in the occurrence of adverse (inadequate) reactions, and in humans - a decrease in his ability to work for the duration of the disease.

Health and disease states can be linked by various transitional states and do not have clear boundaries. In connection with these features, the concept "practically healthy person" in which the pathological changes observed in the body do not affect the state of health and do not affect the performance of a person.

Unfortunately, the health of a modern person is exposed to many destabilizing factors that lead to the development of the disease.

In the scientific literature, they are classified as endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external) factors. Some authors also highlight confounding factors combining the influence of both the first and second.

To the number endogenous factors include: heredity; immunological reactivity; structural and functional homeostasis; the impact of pregnancy and childbirth on the development of the child; physical development and fitness; intrinsic motivation for a healthy lifestyle, etc.

exogenous factors negatively affecting human health, Berdus M.G. grouped into three large groups:

1) social

2) sociogenic environmental factors of negative impact;

3) natural environmental factors of negative impact .

Let's consider them.

To social environmental factors negative impacts include: the growth of the world's population (due to the countries of the "third world"), migration of the population, urbanization of cities, wars, crimes, terrorism, labor activity associated with health risks, lack of proper rest, physical inactivity, sports of the highest achievements (do not confuse with physical activity), family breakdown, etc.

Environmental factors of sociogenic negative impact conditionally divided into: 1) factors affecting a person indirectly - through pollution of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere; 2) factors affecting a person directly (ionizing radiation, noise, dust, aerosols, electric shock, electromagnetic fields, the microclimate of production and other premises, smoking, alcohol, drugs, poor nutrition, violation of the physiological regime of life, etc.); 3) factors - "cross-cutting subsystems", for example, "harmful substances" present in all these systems of factors.

natural environmental factors, negatively affecting a person, are represented by two groups of factors: abiotic (impacts of inanimate nature) and biotic (impacts of organisms). An important note is that, in terms of negative impacts per person, these factors are often interrelated and complex.

To the negative abiotic factors include natural disasters (the so-called "natural disasters"), which are called dangerous natural phenomena or processes that are of an emergency nature and lead to a violation of the daily way of life of significant groups of the population, human casualties, as well as the destruction of material values. These are: strong wind (tornado, tornado, simum, dry wind); dust storm; volcanic activity; earthquake; flood, storm, tsunami, high and low tide; avalanche, mudflow, rockfall, landslide; fire caused by spontaneous combustion of peat, lightning and other natural factors; various types of lightning; blizzard or blizzard, as well as significant precipitation, especially in the form of large hail or unseasonal snow; drought; severe persistent frost or similar heat, especially in areas where these phenomena are unusual; soil erosion (such forms as the growth of ravines, wind erosion, washing out of the soil by rivers, showers, etc.), etc.