Separate branches of animal husbandry. Livestock industries

Plant growing and animal husbandry. Our article tells about what these industries do, what types they are divided into.

History reference

The emergence of animal husbandry goes into deep antiquity when a person, living next to wild animals, decided to tame them for the purpose of using them in the household. Thanks to hard work over a long period of time, people have managed to change the nature of certain species living in wild nature. After domestication, their productivity increased many times over. Animals have become for man:

  • Source of food: they gave meat, milk, eggs.
  • From them they received raw materials (skins), from which they sewed clothes, built huts.
  • Animals were used for transportation, as a labor force and for the protection of property (for example, dogs).

Animals suitable for domestication were cows, pigs, sheep, goats, deer, camels and some others. Scientists were able to establish that most of the species of these animals intersected in the Middle East. For the peoples living here, this served as a great advantage in development, as a result of which the first civilizations arose.

What is animal husbandry?

Exist various industries industries: chemical, woodworking, engineering, food, light. Animal husbandry is an industry that belongs to its main task is the breeding and maintenance of animals in order to produce and sell the products that are obtained from them.

Importance of animal husbandry

Human life cannot be imagined without agricultural products. Animal husbandry is the main element in the agro-industrial complex. This industry is one of the main ones. Thanks to it, the population is provided with meat and lard, milk and eggs, and light industry with leather, wool, bristles and many others. In addition, animal husbandry is a supplier of live draft power. The industry is engaged in breeding horses, camels, oxen, deer, mules, donkeys. Animal husbandry is of great importance as a supplier organic fertilizer.

Products and waste of the industry are used to obtain feed: meat and bone meal, skim milk and much more. They go to the manufacture of hormonal preparations, therapeutic serums and other medicines. So, the manifestation of the foundations of animal husbandry is carried out through the elements of the agro-industrial complex, interconnected.

In economically developed countries, animal husbandry is the leading branch of the economy, not by chance, because the products of this area make up 60% of the diet.

Analysis in animal husbandry

For the proper management of the economy and profit great importance has an analysis that is carried out according to different indicators. On the example of cows, it looks like this:

  • Determine the number of livestock and the structure of the herd. It takes into account what type of animals are kept, how many of them, including young animals.
  • Find out the volume of products received during the accounting period. It is determined what type of product, how much (in tons) of milk and meat was received, what is the offspring of calves.
  • Clarify They analyze the indicators of annual milk yield per cow, the number of calves from 100 cows and the average daily (meaning meat) weight gain in grams.

Types of animal husbandry

This industry is very broad. Animal husbandry is a branch that is engaged in the cultivation of large and small cattle and pigs, horses and camels, sheep and goats, mules and donkeys, rabbits and dogs, birds and fish, bees, fur-bearing animals and many others. The direction of the industry depends on the locality to which certain animal species are adapted. For example, in northern regions do not breed llamas and camels, and in the south - foxes and minks. However, there are animals that can be found in the agro-industrial complex of almost every country. These are chickens, cows, pigs, rabbits, horses and others.

Cattle breeding

Currently, this direction is the main branch of animal husbandry. The main task is to breed large and Animals are divided into meat and dairy. The level of provision of consumers with milk and meat depends on the development of cattle breeding. The indicators of this industry affect the work of light industry enterprises that produce woolen clothes and household items.

Pig breeding

This branch of the industry supplies the population with livestock products such as meat, lard. In Russia, it is developed in the regions of the Central Black Earth Region, in the Caucasus, in the Volga region. Meat, tallow, bacon, ham pigs are grown here.

horse breeding

This industry is engaged in breeding animals of this species. In addition, horses in the national economy are of productive and sporting importance. Horse breeding has been developed in the North Caucasus and Altai, the south of Siberia and the Urals, in Yakutia and Buryatia.

Sheep breeding

This direction is engaged in breeding sheep and goats. Animals provide man with meat, milk, wool, down. Their skin goes to the production of chrome, husky, chevro. From the sheep of the karakul breed, valuable fur is obtained - karakul. Milk is used to make feta cheese and other types of cheese.

poultry farming

This branch of the industry is common in any country. It provides consumers with meat, eggs, feathers, down. Since the main food of the bird is grain, it is bred in areas where it grows: in the North Caucasus, the Volga region, the Black Earth region. Poultry farming is also developed in densely populated regions (North-Western, Central), located near large cities.


No less popular direction in agriculture- Breeding bees. Thanks to its development, the population is provided with honey, royal jelly, and wax. The areas of use of these products are very diverse, but the main ones are the food and pharmaceutical industries.

Fur farming

The industry is engaged in the breeding of such fur-bearing animals as nutrias, arctic foxes, minks and others. The main products are skins, from which hats, outerwear, accessories and much more are sewn.

crop production

Its basis is grain farming, which occupies half of all areas in the world. Grains, like potatoes, form the basis of the human diet. It is the raw material base for such an industry as food industry. Grain uses cereal, flour-grinding, mixed fodder alcohol. The most important crops in the world are wheat, corn and rice.

Wheat is grown in 70 countries of the world, but most of it is in Canada, America, Australia, Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. These states are the main breadbaskets of the world.

We owe the appearance of rice on our tables to China and India, from where the culture spread widely to other regions. Currently, rice is grown in 100 countries of the world, but 9/10 of the total grain harvest comes from Asian countries such as China, Japan, India, the Philippines, and Indonesia.

The country where corn originated is Mexico, from where it quickly spread throughout the world. Corn is used as a fodder crop and as a food crop. The leading country in the cultivation of corn is the United States. In addition to cereals, a person uses for various purposes such crops as vegetables (potatoes), sugar-bearing crops (sugar cane), oilseeds (sunflower), and fruit crops.

Types of crop production

Crop production is divided into the following types:

  • Cereals. These crops for humans and animals are the main ones in the diet.
  • They are raw materials for the production of vegetable oil.
  • Potato growing. All tubers belong to this direction.
  • Viticulture. task given direction is the cultivation of grapes for the production of wine. To this end, breeders develop many new varieties that are of high quality.
  • Gardening. This direction is multifaceted. Grow and fruit trees different types, and berry bushes.
  • Melon growing. The crops of this branch include melons and watermelons.
  • Floriculture. Flowers are grown not only for pleasure, but also for profit. To make the business profitable all year round, they build greenhouses where flowers grow in winter.
  • Cotton growing. Without the products of this industry, weaving production will not work. Cotton does not grow everywhere. His plantations are located in Uzbekistan.

Crop production is a very important industry for National economy, as it provides people and animals not only with food, but also with raw materials for the manufacture of clothing, medicines, and cosmetics.

Animal husbandry in Russia is incredibly promising and economically profitable business, despite the fact that there are many types of bred livestock. Having chosen the preferred type of animal husbandry, and having properly organized places for keeping, climatic conditions and choosing the diet for animals, the farmer will be able to obtain natural products for personal use and sale.

Animal husbandry is one of the most ancient occupations of man, as evidenced by numerous archaeological excavations and rock painting. Conscious domestication of wild animals replaced hunting, which became more and more dangerous. Man hunted to survive, because it gave him food, as well as fur and leather for clothes, sharp bones for making tools and weapons. But hunting claimed too many lives, even a minor wound was mortally dangerous. At the same time, the domestication of wild animals was safe and allowed planning for consumption and production.

It's one thing to risk your life for a wild boar, and quite another to focus on farming to grow food for yourself and your livestock. Agree, this type of activity is safer. Already in ancient times, animal husbandry was divided into types, which was associated with climatic and geolocation conditions. For clarity, we can consider the diversity of animal husbandry in Russia, the territory of which extends over a vast area. The climate of Russia varies from subtropical to sharply continental, so each region has historically developed its own type of animal husbandry.

Animal husbandry was practiced all over the world. The first mention of the domestication of wild animals dates back to the Mesolithic era, that is, approximately in the twelfth millennium BC. During excavations in Egypt, evidence was found indicating that the ancient Egyptians bred pigs, cows and camels, and also taught geese and ducks. Later, horses were trained, which became an indispensable assistant to man.

Throughout the history of animal husbandry, about 40 species of wild animals have been accustomed, which have become an integral part of the agricultural complex. different countries peace.

Livestock in Russia

On the territory of Russia, animal husbandry has taken an important position - it makes up half of the total share of the agricultural complex. Farming and animal husbandry are two interrelated areas that work for each other. To understand this relationship, you need to consider the types of animal husbandry in Russia:

  1. Pig breeding. An important industry, the main products of which are meat and lard.
  2. Cattle breeding. This industry is engaged in raising cattle for the production of meat and milk, as well as small ruminants.
  3. Horse breeding. Breeding horses is an important type of animal husbandry.
  4. Poultry farming. Breeding of domestic chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys is important because it gives the consumer eggs, valuable meat, feathers and down.
  5. Reindeer breeding. A characteristic type of activity for the northern regions of Russia.
  6. Fur farming. This area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity includes breeding animals for valuable fur, such as mink, nutria, arctic foxes, rabbits and others.
  7. . Production of honey and wax products.
  8. Fish farming. Cultivation of river fish.

Each of these types of animal husbandry is a huge branch of agriculture.

One of the most important types is cattle breeding. It includes the breeding of cattle and small cattle. Cattle are cows and bulls, which are raised both for food (meat and milk) and for breeding. It must also be said that cattle breeding provides light industry raw materials for the production of shoes, clothing and other leather haberdashery. Genuine leather is still an indispensable material that is used in many areas not only in light industry, but also in mechanical engineering.

Small cattle - goats and sheep, provide such a valuable livestock product as meat, milk and wool. Goats, like cows, give milk, from which hard and soft cheeses are made, as well as fermented milk products: cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir.

Cattle and small cattle feed on plant food, which is provided by crop production.

Pig breeding in Russia, as well as cattle breeding, is practiced almost everywhere. Pigs are hardy animals that can live in a variety of climates. They are grown in the central regions of Russia, as well as in remote ones. Due to the fact that pigs can be kept in sufficient simple conditions, and their diet is classified as omnivorous, pig breeding is very common.

Basically, pigs are fed grain, but usually they are given all the food waste.

Breeding horses is a serious area of ​​agriculture. Horses are used in sports and also as traction. This is a rather costly type of animal husbandry. however, breeding also brings a significant income. Horses eat plant foods, but like all animals raised in captivity, they require vitamin and mineral supplements in the diet.

Relatively rare types of animal husbandry in Russia are considered reindeer and camel breeding. This is due to geolocation: deer are common in the northern regions, and camels are common in the southern regions.

Rare types of animal husbandry in Russia is also the breeding of ornamental animal species that are not typical for our region. AT recent times exotic and rare species of animals are imported into Russia, which readily take root in the Russian climate. So successful experience began breeding ostriches, ornamental pigs, llamas, rare species of birds and many others.

The most ancient type of animal husbandry is the industrial breeding of fur-bearing animals. For example, such animal species as rabbits provide the consumer with delicious meat and fur. Nutria is also used as valuable fur and meat. Breeding of polar fox and mink provides light industry with fur for making outerwear and hats.

Humanity has been engaged in poultry farming for many millennia. One of the most valuable products that poultry give is eggs. They contain protein and many useful substances necessary for a person to live a full life. poultry meat - main part dietary diet, because it is not as fatty as pork.

Birds eat plant foods, the main diet is grain.

Beekeeping is also one of the types of animal husbandry. the most valuable product. The one given by the bees is honey. Natural honey is incredibly useful. It can be stored for very long years without loss of quality and loss of useful properties. The industry receives from beekeeping a unique product - wax, which is used everywhere. Candles are made from wax, it is used in cosmetology, pharmaceuticals and other industries. For the maintenance of bees, crops of plants grown in an environmentally friendly way are necessary. Honey is able to accumulate toxins in itself, and therefore the issue of environmental friendliness in the production of honey is especially important.

Fish farming on an industrial scale is replacing labour-intensive fishing. To date, the breeding of river fish is especially successful. This type of activity makes it possible to fully meet the needs of the population of a large territory of Russia in river fish.

With the constant development of infrastructure, new logistical opportunities appear that make it possible to provide various territories of Russia with products of all types of animal husbandry.

Types of livestock products

Every type of agricultural activity, and especially animal husbandry, produces products that people use. As already mentioned, the main products are meat, milk and eggs. Without animal proteins, the human diet would be incomplete. Also important products are leather, fur, bones, wax and pharmaceuticals from animal husbandry.

The main problem, as before, remains the issue of quality feed, as well as their storage. The quality of the products obtained depends on the correct observance of the technology of cultivation, tillage and storage technology. Keeping animals is a very expensive undertaking, and the main item of expenditure falls on feed and its storage. Animals kept both on farms and at home should receive good nutrition, as well as the entire necessary complex of vitamins and minerals. The quality of the resulting products - milk, meat, eggs - depends on this.

New agrotechnical developments help to gradually move away from the use of harmful chemicals in soil cultivation and in the process of growing plants. The main task of animal husbandry, as part of the entire agricultural complex, is the production of at least a harmless product. Organic meat, milk, honey and eggs are more expensive, but they pay off instantly, because healthy food is important to the consumer.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 5 minutes


Animal husbandry is the second most important branch of domestic agriculture after crop production. Not only the well-being of the population, but also the food security of the state depends on the level of its development.

Increasing the volume of livestock production is one of the main strategic objectives for our country.

Until recently, animal husbandry in Russia was characterized by low profitability. At present, thanks to the use in this industry innovative technologies the situation is starting to change for the better.

Before understanding the variety of types of livestock products, the range of which is truly huge, one should decide on its structure. Breeds of farm animals - a great variety. In practice, all livestock production is classified according to the types of animals raised.

So, the livestock complex of Russia is represented by the following industries:

  • cattle breeding;
  • pig breeding;
  • sheep breeding;
  • poultry farming;
  • horse breeding;
  • fur farming;
  • beekeeping, etc.

Livestock products

Cattle breeding is dairy, meat and combined (meat and dairy).

This branch of animal husbandry is the main one in Russia.

Dairy farming, as the name implies, specializes in the production of milk. The importance of this industry can hardly be overestimated, because milk is a very valuable and sought-after food product. In addition to direct milk production, dairy farming provides raw materials for processing into a variety of dairy products. Therefore, products also include different kinds cheeses, fermented milk products (kefir, sour cream, cream, and so on) and butter. Beef cattle breeding is engaged in the production of meat products, which include both the meat itself and the liver, kidneys and other by-products.

In addition, in the process of processing meat raw materials, the food industry receives a variety of canned food, sausages and products. fast food(semi-finished products). In addition, beef cattle breeding is a source of raw materials for light industry (hides, leather and wool), from which we sew shoes, clothes, produce fabrics and other products necessary for everyday life. Meat and dairy production is engaged in breeding such breeds of livestock that are of value both as producers of milk and as suppliers of meat and by-products. In addition, one should not forget about such a type of cattle production as organic fertilizers, which are in great demand in crop production.

Pig products

The main products supplied by this livestock industry are meat and lard.

The food processing industry also uses the entrails of slaughtered pigs, liver, kidneys and so on as raw materials for the preparation of canned offal, sausage products and numerous semi-finished products. Skins and bristles are actively used as raw materials for light industry (clothes, shoes, brushes, and so on). Manure is an organic fertilizer, as is the case with cattle.

Sheep products

It is also a very important branch of domestic animal husbandry. The most valuable product of sheep breeding has been and remains wool, which is widely used as a raw material in light industry enterprises. In addition, sheep skins are also used. It is impossible not to say about the beneficial properties of such meat as lamb, which is gaining more and more popularity among the population of our country.

Horse breeding products

This industry is divided into breeding, meat, working and sports direction.

The meat direction is not so widespread on the territory of our state, however, horse meat is a valuable export product for countries where this type of meat is traditional. Breeding horses allows you to improve existing and create new breeds of these beautiful animals, so the horses themselves are the products of this livestock breeding direction (especially with good genetic qualities). The use of horses as a draft force is still of great importance, so the working direction of horse breeding is still in demand. The products of this sub-sector are working animals suitable for use as transport and tax. Equestrian competitions are very popular in the world, therefore, raising horses with good speed or jumping qualities is a good source of income for competent specialists.

Enterprises in this livestock sector produce important food products such as poultry meat and eggs.

Today, the share of poultry meat (mainly chicken, but also goose, duck, turkey) in the diet of the inhabitants of our country is constantly growing. In addition, almost all parts of poultry are used in poultry farming, some of which serve as raw materials for the food processing industry, which produces canned food, offal, sausages and semi-finished products. Poultry down and feathers are important raw materials for light industry. Bird droppings are used as organic fertilizer and even in the production of feed for livestock.

Fur products

This livestock industry is mainly focused on the production of furs and furs.

The industrial cultivation of arctic foxes, minks, nutrias, foxes and other valuable fur animals makes it possible to obtain such valuable raw materials for light industry as fur skins (used for sewing hats, outerwear and various accessories).

Many experts distinguish rabbit breeding as a separate livestock industry, since in addition to skins, it also provides dietary, easily digestible meat.

Beekeeping products

This branch of animal husbandry makes it possible to obtain such valuable products as honey, royal jelly, propolis (beeswax).

They are widely used not only in food but also in pharmaceutical industries.

In addition to those listed above, on the territory of Russia there is also a fairly developed fish farming, reindeer breeding and camel breeding.

From an economic point of view

Finished livestock products are divided into two groups by specialists in the economic field of activity:

  • products obtained as a result of the normal process of life of farm animals. Its sale for consumption outside the livestock sector does not involve the elimination of the livestock itself. Such products include meat, milk, eggs, wool, honey and similar animal products. When obtaining such products, animals are used as means of labor;
  • products of livestock rearing, the sale of which outside the livestock industry is either associated with the slaughter of animals, or the products are the animals themselves, and not their metabolic products. Thus, fattened animals act as objects of labor associated with the production of products, or, in other words, as unfinished production of livestock of the main herd or meat contingent. If grown adult animals remain for the tribe, then they are considered as finished, finished products, which are used as means of labor.

The second type of livestock products include:

  1. animals raised for breeding purposes (reproduction of the main herd);
  2. animals that have been bred to be exploited as a draft force;
  3. animals intended for slaughter for meat;
  4. weight gain of rejected adult cattle taken out of the main herd for fattening.

It should be noted that if we do not take into account the early maturing species of farm animals and the weight gain of adult livestock, then finished livestock products (adult working, breeding and beef cattle) are produced over a fairly long period of time (from one and a half to three years). Therefore, at the end of the year, when I count the output of all economic sectors, most of the livestock is in the stage of work in progress. However, this type of work in progress, due to its natural form, has its own specifics, namely:

Product accounting

The above features lead to the fact that the finished livestock products produced by agricultural enterprises consist of:

  1. all livestock sold outside the livestock enterprise, both for breeding and beef purposes, as well as livestock not completed in general production (in the form of young animals);
  2. animals that were raised to replenish their own herd and slaughter for the needs of the farm itself.

However, the animals that were sold to the outside, and the animals left for the tribe in their herd or for internal slaughter for meat are the results of the production of not the same year (at least this production period does not coincide with the calendar year). Moreover, the rejected cattle, which were sold after fattening, and the cattle purchased from outside, are already partially recorded products for other periods or in other agricultural enterprises.

Therefore, the volume of livestock products in each specific calendar year can only be determined by calculation:

  1. in the form of money. From the value of all livestock at the end of the year, combined with sales proceeds and taking into account the cost of internal slaughter, the cost of livestock that was available at the beginning of the year, as well as the cost of livestock purchased during the year, is subtracted. Since adult dead animals are compensated by repairing the herd, their value must be added to the result;
  2. in live weight. Accounting for livestock products in live weight has economic sense for two main reasons:
  • that raising animals for internal slaughter or for breeding purposes, that fattening livestock for sale outside leads to a change in the total live weight;
  • all farm animals for meat purposes and animals of the main herd are potentially complex raw materials for obtaining meat, leather, skins, lard, and so on.

However, this indicator is rather inaccurate, since, firstly, the live weight of various species of animals is summed up, which have different meat yields and meat yields. qualitative indicators(taste indicators, calorie content, and so on); secondly, live weight tends to fluctuate regardless of slaughter weight due to the different condition of the animal; thirdly, the volume of live weight taken into account earlier may decrease if livestock is underfed in the future.

The first disadvantage of this indicator can be eliminated by converting live weight to slaughter. But in the case of applying it to the cultivation of breeding animals, this really does not give anything. To overcome the second drawback, it is necessary to determine the slaughter weight according to the objectively existing characteristics of livestock, and for this you need to have special skills and in practice it is possible only in the conditions of procurement centers. The third drawback creates very specific difficulties in taking into account unjustified losses in production.

When accounting for livestock products, the most appropriate is the use of the following two indicators:

  1. general, which reflects all changes, including also the change in the live weight of the main herd (which is very important for the control function);
  2. indicator that characterizes livestock products without taking into account changes in live weight in livestock of the main herd.
  1. determine the live weight of the offspring minus the weight of the dead cattle, or by subtracting the live weight of the dead animals from the live weight of the grown young animals, or subtract the weight of the case from the weight gain of fattening animals;
  2. the live weight of the resulting offspring should be summed up with the increase in the live weight of young animals and the weight gain of fattening animals, and already from this sum, subtract the weight of the dead animals, taking into account the dead young animals and adult animals.

Determining the quantity of meat products only, without taking into account other interrelated indicators, does not provide a reliable description of the activities of livestock production. This is due to the fact that with an increase in the proportion of animals left for the tribe, or with a decrease in the number of herds, or the transfer of livestock purchased on the side without fattening and rearing (or with insignificant weight gain), the value of this indicator changes dramatically. - abstracts to order (more than 500 authors in 170 cities of the CIS).

    Development problems and the place of animal husbandry in agriculture

    1. Development of the livestock industry

Animal husbandry is an important branch of agriculture, providing more than half of its gross output. The significance of this industry is determined not only by its high share in the production of gross output, but also by its great influence on the agricultural economy, on the level of provision of important foodstuffs.

The most common areas of specialization of livestock farms in Russia currently remain: in cattle breeding - dairy, meat, milk and meat; in pig breeding - meat, bacon, semi-lard, fur coat; in poultry farming - egg, meat, broiler, mixed.[

Meat, milk, eggs are the main food of the population and are characterized by high nutritional properties. Without them, it is impossible to provide a high level of nutrition. Animal husbandry provides valuable raw materials for industry: wool, leather, astrakhan, etc. The development of livestock industries makes it possible to productively use labor and material resources in agriculture throughout the year. Crop waste is consumed in the livestock industries, valuable organic fertilizers are created - manure and slurry.

In animal husbandry, narrower branches are distinguished - by animal species, product composition and other characteristics. [Kovalenko N.Ya. Economics of agriculture., p. 427]

Cattle breeding (breeding of cattle) occupies one of the main places in the country's animal husbandry.

Cattle have the highest milk productivity compared to other animal species. From this type of livestock comes the bulk of meat products. In the meat balance of the country, beef and veal occupy more than 40%. Milk Dairy products are essential food items. The main producers of milk are agricultural enterprises. For many farms, milk production is profitable and is the main source of daily income. However, it becomes profitable only with a sufficiently high productivity of the dairy herd and high quality milk. From a cow with proper cultivation and maintenance, they receive 5-6 thousand kilograms of milk or more per year with a fat content of 4% or more.

Valuable hides and skins are also obtained from cattle breeding. Cattle consume the cheapest vegetable feed.

Cattle breeding as an industry plays a significant role in the development of other branches of agriculture. It supplies crop production with valuable organic fertilizers - manure, pig breeding - milk, which is necessary for young piglets.

Pig breeding is one of the most productive and early maturing branches of animal husbandry. The main products of pig breeding are meat and lard. In terms of precocity, fertility of animals, the yield of meat and fat, pig breeding ranks first among livestock industries.

Sheep breeding is an important branch of animal husbandry, which produces diversified and valuable products: meat, lard, milk, as well as wool, fur and fur coats, sheepskins and leather.

Poultry farming provides the population with highly nutritious dietary foodstuffs, and light industry with valuable raw materials. [Economics of agricultural and processing industries, No. 6, 2001]

The change in the number of livestock and poultry depends primarily on the provision of livestock with high-quality feed and the rate of reproduction of the herd.

Behind last period the provision of livestock with fodder has improved due to an increase in the yield of grain crops. In terms of a conditional head of cattle, the amount of feed, including concentrated feed, has increased. The offspring of cattle, sheep and goats increased, and the mortality of all types of livestock decreased. This makes it possible to count on a slowdown in the rate of reduction in the number of livestock, an increase in its productivity and an improvement in reproductive performance. [Economics of agriculture and processing industries, No. 4, 2001]

The development of animal husbandry is negatively affected by the imperfection of pricing, the disparity in prices for industrial and agricultural products, the lack of state support, and other factors. The low productivity of livestock is one of the main reasons not only for the poor quality of livestock raw materials, but also for the high labor intensity and unprofitability of the industry's production.

The number of cattle has not yet stabilized, but the rate of decline has slowed down, as managers and specialists of agricultural enterprises have realized that further reduction in the number of cows will upset the emerging balance between the availability of livestock, fodder, means of production and labor resources. [Economy of agriculture and processing industries, No. 11, 1999]

In the production of livestock products, there is a possibility of internal and external risks. The level of internal risks is influenced by:

● production potential

● technological equipment

● level of specialization

● the level of labor productivity, etc.

Factors affecting the level of external risks:

● demographic

● social

● economic

● political, etc.

Depending on the location and specialization, the selected livestock farm systems differ significantly in their material and technical equipment, technology, organization of labor and production.

AT last years these differences sharply sharpened, mainly depending on the financial condition any livestock farm.

Under the system of animal husbandry, it is customary to understand the composition and size of livestock industries due to the production specialization of the economy, as well as a set of interrelated and interdependent, scientifically based zootechnical, veterinary, technical, organizational and economic measures for their management. Livestock systems are distinguished by the level of intensity, methods of fodder production and types of animal feeding, forms of organization of livestock management, organization of herd reproduction, breeding, etc.

The improvement of these systems consists in organizing the production of livestock products on an industrial basis, at large highly specialized enterprises. In the beef cattle breeding industry, the leading positions are occupied by large specialized fattening enterprises of an industrial type. In pig breeding, in most cases, the same farms are engaged in raising and fattening animals, and the division of labor in this industry is more limited. In poultry farming, the separation of meat production, which was previously a by-product in egg poultry farming, into an independent poultry meat industry is progressing.

The negative trends that began in the late 1980s in the livestock sectors of Russia were expressed primarily in a reduction in the potential of livestock and poultry in public sector farms, a gradual slowdown in the impact of intensive factors on the growth rate of livestock production since the early 1990s, destabilizing processes in the industry have taken a landslide character, as a result of which, in all types of livestock farms, without exception, all the parameters of their economic activity have deteriorated.

The main consequences of industry degradation are as follows:

● there was a large-scale reduction in the number of livestock and poultry, up to its elimination in many farms and the disappearance of unique breeds;

● Animal productivity has dropped to a minimum;

● complete unprofitability of the production activities of livestock buildings and other industrial infrastructure facilities;

● curtailment of measures for the introduction of factors of intensification of production and achievements of scientific and technological progress in the field of animal husbandry;

● The decline in livestock production has exceeded all permissible limits in terms of ensuring the country's food security.

AT modern conditions deepest systemic crisis of the national economy, most developed until the early 90s. On an industrial basis, livestock complexes, highly productive enterprises and workshops, large inter-farm and regional associations for the production and processing of livestock products have been privatized and ruined.

Among the most important changes in last decade in the technology and organization of labor in livestock farms, it should be noted the decrease in the level of mechanization of labor processes and the deterioration of working conditions, which led to a significant decrease in its productivity.

Conducting large-scale production in a difficult financial situation, lack of material resources and technical support on farms, first of all, highly productive animals, which are more susceptible to various diseases, are eliminated.

Of all livestock sectors, the greatest losses are characteristic of sheep breeding. Its quantitative and qualitative potential has been significantly undermined, there has been a massive liquidation of sheep farms in public farms, and the material and technical base of the remaining farms has been thrown back several decades.

Restoration and development of the production base of livestock farms is provided for in the Federal programs for the development of livestock industries until 2005.

Compliance with the technology of keeping livestock and poultry and the production of livestock products directly depends on the rational organization of labor in the economy. When organizing labor in animal husbandry, unconditional observance of such basic principles of the rational organization of work processes as proportionality, consistency, rhythm, continuity is necessary. [Popov. . Organization of agricultural production, p.]

1.2. Efficiency of livestock production

Manufacturing efficiency is complex economic category, which reflects the actions of economic laws and shows the most important aspect of the enterprise's activity - its effectiveness.

Efficiency in production is always a relative value, not an absolute one.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concept of effect and efficiency.

An effect is a consequence or result of certain activities. It does not give an idea of ​​the profitability of the event. Therefore, the effect must be compared with the costs.

Grade economic efficiency production of livestock products is carried out according to a complex of natural and cost indicators.

When evaluating the efficiency of livestock production, the following indicators are used:

● the value of gross output, the amount of gross income and profit per one employee employed in the industry, one man-hour spent, one conditional head of livestock, one hundred rubles of production fixed assets;

● the amount of production costs per one ruble of the cost of production;

● the level of profitability of produced and sold livestock products in general;

● rate of return

A comparative economic assessment of the production of certain types of livestock products, carried out in order to identify the most effective types of it, is carried out according to natural and cost indicators:

● productivity of farm animals;

● output of gross output in physical and monetary terms per employee, one man-hour of labor intensity of production, as well as per head of livestock, per centner of output and one ruble of gross output;

● realized price of one centner of production;

● the amount of profit per head of livestock and per centner of production;

● the level of profitability of production

A comparative economic assessment of livestock breeds, systems of its maintenance, herd structure, types, norms, feeding rations, etc. is carried out according to the following main indicators: livestock productivity, gross output in physical and monetary terms per head of livestock, labor productivity, labor and all production costs per head of livestock, the payback of additional costs, the cost of production, the amount of net income or profit per head of livestock and one centner of production, the level of profitability. The evaluation of the economic efficiency of these measures is carried out by comparing several options and choosing the most effective of them. [Kovalenko N.Ya. page]

The calculation of economic efficiency in any case involves a comparison of data.

In this case, the costs of veterinary measures should be compared with the amounts of probable material damage. The actual damage is made up of losses from mortality, forced slaughter, reduced productivity and product quality. [

1.3. Ways and reserves to improve the efficiency of livestock products

The ongoing decline in agricultural production and the decline in its efficiency require agricultural workers to make great efforts to get out of this situation, stabilize production, and increase its efficiency.

The fundamental difference between the modern period compared with the pre-reform period is that the economic condition of enterprises, regardless of the form of ownership, depends on the results of their production and financial activities. At the same time, the role of labor collectives in the process of managing production in the countryside, in increasing its efficiency, is growing significantly. The task of maintaining production at a certain level of efficiency and work on constant growth comes to the fore today as one of the most important features of agrarian policy.

In this regard, the rationale for priority areas for improving the efficiency of agricultural enterprises in the conditions market economy is very topical issue. It is objectively determined and requires a comprehensive study, identification of the main factors and reserves, due to which their effectiveness can be achieved.

During the formation of market relations in livestock products, there is a steady decline in production, a decrease in its efficiency.

One of the main reasons for the decline in meat and dairy products is associated with the unsatisfactory state of the forage base, low level feeding, imbalance of the feed ration.

The efficiency of feed use has sharply decreased, the genetic potential of animals is used at best by half.

Growth in the production of milk and meat can only be ensured through the rational use of production potential. Its effectiveness is due to the influence of the following main factors: economic, social, natural and biological. [

To economic factors relate:

    Agricultural intensification. The solution to this problem is possible on the basis of the achievements of scientific and technological progress, the introduction of intensive technologies and rational forms organization of production.

    Accelerated scientific and technological progress, development of industrial infrastructure. In solving the food problem, priority attention should be given to the areas of procurement, storage and sale of products. Increasing production efficiency and achieving high end results largely depend on a fundamental improvement in road traffic in rural areas. [

    Development of specialization and concentration on the basis of agricultural cooperation and agro-industrial integration.

    Improving economic relations and working conditions in agriculture:

● management and planning in the industry;

● procurement system;

● pricing;

● financial incentives for improving the quality of work and products;

● responsibility for the results of economic and financial activities.

    Improving the relationship between agricultural, industrial and procurement enterprises of all sectors that are part of the agro-industrial complex, increasing their mutual responsibility for increasing the yield of final products and reducing the cost of its production.

    Strict observance of the regime of economy, reduction of production costs, improvement of its quality.

    The main direction of increasing the economic efficiency of production is to increase the productivity of animals with the economical use of material and monetary resources for raising animals. The productivity of cows in the future should be increased by 1.3-1.5 times, and the average daily gain in live weight of cattle should be increased to 600-700 grams instead of 420 grams at present. The basis for the development of animal husbandry is well-balanced feeding rations and proper animal care. In this connection paramount importance should be given to the accelerated development of the forage base. [Kovalenko N.Ya. p. 437]

Increasing the economic efficiency of animal husbandry is unthinkable without a further increase in the level of comprehensive mechanization of all technological processes. It is necessary to fully mechanize the distribution of fodder and the removal of manure on farms, the milking of cows and the supply of water. With comprehensive mechanization of labor-intensive processes, labor costs per unit of livestock products can be reduced by 35-40%.

A major reserve for increasing the profitability of livestock products is the improvement in product quality. This applies not only to milk, but also to livestock and poultry meat and other types of products.

An important role in raising the economic efficiency of livestock products is given to improving the forms of organization and material incentives for labor.

On dairy farms, as a rule, tie-down keeping of cows with milking in the milk line is used. In a number of farms, due to the rational organization of production, this method of keeping and milking cows provides milk yields of more than 8,000 kilograms.

Active integration of agricultural producers with milk processing enterprises and financial support from the latter contribute to the modernization of cow milking.

It is necessary to mechanize the distribution of feed on all farms, where the width of the passages allows, with mobile feeders. The organization of labor should be brigade or brigade-link, a two-shift mode of work is established.

Brigades should mainly be specialized - for the production of milk, the cultivation of breeding and dairy young animals, the harvesting and removal of organic fertilizers, pasture care, and more. [Sternigov B.K. page 145]

    Characteristics of the natural and economic conditions of the economy (SPK "Obskoy")

Refers to the agricultural activity.

For a long time, it has brought great profits.

This industry is considered one of the most promising.

Even in ancient times, people raised cattle to provide for their families and sell them.

Of course, it's a big area. The main thing here is to choose the right direction. And for this you need to determine which direction is in demand in the region of residence.

But, even having decided on an animal, an entrepreneur should take into account that in order to open a business, he will have to have a lot of money that will have to be invested. With the right formulation of the case, animal husbandry as a business from scratch will quickly pay for itself.

In Russia, animal husbandry is becoming more and more popular not only among ordinary people but also entrepreneurs. This is due to some indicators:

  • In our country, there are special programs that support farming. Entrepreneurs are provided with various subsidies and benefits, as well as land for doing farming business.
  • A noticeable increase in the cost of products, which ensures greater profits.
  • The product line obtained from this type of activity is always in demand. Entrepreneurs usually have their own distribution channels.
  • Restrictions have now been introduced on the import of products from abroad to the market.
  • Lots of directions. The introduction of new varieties, for example, the breeding of ostriches.
  • Russian products inspire confidence and, accordingly, are in demand.

Therefore, farming is considered profitable and shows great promise. It develops rapidly and brings a lot of profit. Only for its organization will have to make a lot of effort and invest money. At the same time, profits can be made very soon.

How to start an activity

The first thing that an entrepreneur needs to determine is what goal he will pursue when breeding cattle. It is possible to combine several in one direction. Now there are many directions. For example, they breed:

  • for the purpose of selling meat
  • for milk production
  • generic method
  • marketing of juveniles

There are two types of factors affecting farming activities: external and internal. The first ones include:

  • degree of specialization
  • security
  • performance availability

External factors include:

  • availability of demand
  • economy
  • politics

This activity is an integral part modern world. Rejecting it, you can come to primitive times. Therefore, animal husbandry must be supported and developed. Only in this case, the entrepreneur will be successful.

Before raising livestock, a novice in the business should think about several questions:

  • choice of direction
  • business plan preparation
  • registration of activities
  • appeal to the state for help
  • purchase of livestock, feed and necessary equipment

Properly setting up this business is associated with some difficulties. It is recommended to start business from a more familiar direction. It is necessary to adhere to ideas that allow you to quickly recover costs. This will help you get to new level activities with higher profits.

Many farmers buy several types of livestock at the same time to determine which one will be more profitable and to their liking. After all, each region may have its own level of sales, connection with the needs of people.

Having studied in practice the technology of growing and feeding livestock in small volumes, you can proceed to a large scale. Just because you need to learn from small.

Possible directions of animal husbandry

Before drawing up a business plan, an entrepreneur needs to carefully understand all sectors of animal husbandry. This includes breeding:

  • birds
  • cows
  • deer
  • camels
  • fur animals

Quite often, entrepreneurs are tormented by the question of whether animal husbandry as a business from scratch is more profitable.

It is worth noting that to profitable direction include cow breeding.

Entrepreneurs engaged in such business provide the population not only with meat, but also with dairy products.

In addition, young individuals can be sold.

Of course, this direction is laborious. After all, you have to look for a barn, and for cows it should not be small.

Therefore, for many aspiring entrepreneurs, it is possible to start a business with something simpler. Two more no less profitable industries are:

  • pig breeding
  • poultry breeding

This is due to the fact that the resulting products are among the most in demand. But to achieve a good result, you need to spend a lot of effort and money.

A stable option would be a large farm of various specializations.

But creating such a business from scratch and immediately is quite difficult.

Yes, and it will require a lot of investment.

If we consider separately the direction of breeding cows, then with the number of twenty heads of big profits, you should not expect big profits.

It is necessary to constantly increase the livestock, and then you can come to an excellent result. However, if there is no experience in this direction, it is better to start with a small amount. To begin with, it is enough to have five heads of cattle. This will make it possible to understand whether it is worth pursuing this direction and whether it was generally chosen correctly.

Most Profitable Business

As mentioned above, cow breeding is considered the most profitable activity. This is due, first of all, to the provision of people not only with meat, but also with dairy products. Before embarking on such a business, an entrepreneur needs to draw up a business plan. It should include:

  • volumes that the farmer plans to receive
  • expenses for the purchase of livestock, feed and equipment
  • marketing advertising costs
  • sale value designation
  • sales channel information
  • employee salary costs
  • water, lighting and heating costs
  • expenses for regular animal health care, usually for vaccinations
  • risk analysis
  • planned income
  • business start-up costs
  • taxes
  • rent or purchase price of the premises

It is very important to determine in advance with the room. It should be away from the city. Then you can get an environmentally friendly product.

It is important to determine the purpose of breeding cattle:

  • for sale of young
  • for slaughter
  • dairy production
  • dressing
  • production of meat products

After the business plan is drawn up and the premises are found, you can proceed to the design of the activity. To do this, you will have to obtain a number of permits and collect the necessary documentation.

A dairy cow must have:

  • belly in the form of a barrel
  • small horns
  • good muscles
  • elastic udder

A narrow ass and a sagging back can be attributed to disadvantages.

Be sure to check the documents before buying livestock.

Must be vaccinated.

Livestock must first be provided with feed.

It is ideal to have good pastures nearby.

Be sure to disinfect the barn and vaccinate the cattle. Be sure to provide additional space for the slaughterhouse.

Beef is an expensive and high quality meat. It is in high demand. In order to make more profit, farmers buy cattle of different breeds. This helps to make a profit not only from meat, but also from milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese and the like.

What is more profitable for the purpose of sale

Let us consider specifically how profitable each of the areas of animal husbandry is:

  • Breeding rabbits is not associated with large investments and troubles. People who have not previously been involved in animal husbandry are advised to start a business with this type of activity. The main advantage of these animals is precocity. Within a month, their weight increases twelve times. By purchasing five females, you can get two hundred skins and about three hundred kilograms of meat annually.
  • Breeding nutria, with the right business setting, can lead to good profits. After all, one carcass of this animal costs twenty-five conventional units. With proper organization of activities, one family will bring up to twenty thousand rubles per month. To get good skins, they must be kept for at least nine months.
  • Quite often people are bred. From this animal you can get fluff and healthy milk. For beginners in the field of animal husbandry, this is quite a lucrative business.
  • When breeding turkeys, it is worth considering that they are difficult to maintain. But after ten months, such a business pays off. By this time, the bird weighs about twenty-five kilograms. The demand for it is very good, so there are no problems with the implementation.
  • Pigs are classified as early maturing cattle. If you provide them good care, at the age of six months the animal reaches one hundred kilograms of weight. One female can produce two offspring in a year. Therefore, in addition to meat, you can trade in young animals. Little piglets stand not cheap.
  • Beef has always been and will be in the price. Therefore, the cultivation of this animal for sale can be safely called one of the most profitable. At proper nutrition and leaving this cattle for a year and a half is gaining weight up to three hundred and fifty kilograms.

Due to the fact that the main types of livestock products are always in demand, there are usually no problems with their implementation. Entrepreneurs can sell products on the market or rent them to small retail outlets.

As for the big farms, they make deals with trading networks, as well as enterprises that are engaged in the processing of products. Some farmers additionally equip their own production facilities for processing products, which helps to increase profitability from their activities.

What is needed for a successful business

Pig breeding - profitable business

Every novice farmer must understand that this type of business does not allow you to earn instant income.

Animal husbandry is one of the most risky activities.

Since there is always a possibility of occurrence of diseases or natural disasters leading to losses and bankruptcy.

In addition, it takes time to make a profit.