Scientific and practical effectiveness of the study. Control Systems Research

One of the main tasks of the top managers of the organizational and production system (OPS) is the timely detection of market dangers and opportunities for research, the choice of options for action in accordance with real circumstances and criteria. In case of detection of a problem or with a reporting (once a quarter, year) frequency, studies of control systems are carried out. The purpose of the study is determined by the practical problem facing the OPS. The goal is what the research is for.

The goal of the study will be called the ideal result of this study in the future: the discovery of a problem in activity; diagnosing the causes of this problem; refinement (elimination of shortcomings), modification of the system of the manager of an object or process. In order to evaluate the result obtained in the study, to correlate it with the costs incurred in the course of the study, the scientific and practical effectiveness of the study is singled out.

The concept of scientific research effectiveness is more related to basic research. The scientific effectiveness of research is determined by the increase in knowledge in a particular area that has taken place as a result of research. It can be expressed in the number of patents obtained as a result of research, copyright certificates of publications, in citation ratings, etc.

To characterize applied research, the concept of the practical effectiveness of research is more often used. The scientific effectiveness of research turns into practical in the process of implementation scientific knowledge obtained during research. The implementation of research results is an important element in the development of society, NSO. IN market economy the main driver of applied research is a practical problem and the need to solve it at a level that ensures competitiveness,

The study is effective if it achieves its goals within a certain time, while the expenditure of resources and risks do not exceed the planned volumes. In each case of the study of control systems, it is necessary first of all to formulate the problem and goals. The process of formulating goals is heuristic in nature. The quality of the problem and goal statement can determine the success or failure of a study. The purpose of the study of control systems is those specific results that are expected to be obtained under certain conditions, object, subject, period of time, resource consumption.

When formulating the purpose of the study, it is important to remember that the purpose always lies outside the study itself. It is also necessary that the goal satisfies a number of general and specific case study requirements. In particular, one must take into account General requirements to goals:

they must be unambiguously formulated and understood by the performers;

must be measurable and have deadlines;

should motivate the actions of the performer in the direction necessary to achieve it;

the goals of research and individual performers must be compatible;

the goal must be formalizable.

Most often, the goals of systems research are the need to:

increasing the efficiency of target functioning (labor productivity, income, profit, etc.);

reducing the consumption of resources (raw materials, materials, electricity, etc.) per unit of manufactured products, including reducing defects, waste;

improving safety by eliminating sources, ensuring risk control (property, financial, environmental pollution) in the course of economic activity, etc.

In local studies, narrower goals can also be set. For example, reduce the cost of accounting, increase the effect of using management accounting data in the activities of the enterprise; increase the motivation of staff in the unit; eliminate the causes or reduce the amplitude, frequency of undesirable fluctuations in certain parameters of financial and economic activity, etc.

Often a number of organizations are involved in research. This requires the correct division (decomposition) of a single goal into sub-goals of organizations participating in the study. To do this, build a graph - a tree of goals.

A graph is a figure consisting of points, called vertices, and segments connecting them, called edges. Graphs can be connected and disconnected, directed and undirected, contain and not contain cycles (loops). The choice of this or that structure of the graph is determined by the essence of those relations between the elements that it must express,

A tree graph is a connected directed graph that does not contain loops. Each pair of its vertices is connected by a single edge. When designing research, it is useful to build a graph-tree of problems and (or) goals.

A tree of research goals is a graph-tree that expresses the relationship between vertices that are subgoals (private goals) to be achieved in the process of research of various subjects, enterprises or at various stages of research on the way to achieving the goal of the entire study. The goal of the entire study is the starting node of the graph-tree of goals.

The tree of goals, the tops of which are ranked, i.e., expressed by quantitative estimates of their importance, is widely used to quantify the priority of various areas of research.

Building a goal tree requires additional research. Each of these tasks can be solved by the method of expert assessments.

Goals become a management tool when they:

defined or formulated;

known to staff;

accepted by employees.

When formulating goals, it is necessary to take into account the restrictions on the object, the subject of the study, the resources allocated for these studies (including office space, the possibility of power supply, sewerage, etc.), the time for obtaining the result.

The timing of the results is especially important. The result of the study should be obtained and practically used until the moment when the process under study goes into an uncontrolled state or ceases to exist. Research that satisfies this condition is called real-time research of control systems. This is especially important in security management. However, this is not always technically possible with a highly dynamic object. Economically, such research can be too expensive.

Formalization of goals takes place in the formation of a criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the system. The complexity of systems, as well as differences in research goals, has given rise to various options criteria definitions. When evaluating the effectiveness of a study, the criterion is defined as a quantitative reflection of the degree to which the system achieves its goals.

In research management, as a rule, it is more convenient to consider the criterion for choosing the preferred solution from a number of alternative ones. In accordance with the predictive efficiency, the following solutions for the study of control systems can be distinguished:

ineffective, not allowing to solve the problem;

rational, i.e., allowing to solve the problem;

optimal solution - a solution that allows, in a certain criterion sense, to solve the research problem the best way or build the best research system. If there can be many inefficient and rational solutions, then optimal solution one. When conducting a study of a complex control system, due to its versatility, the criterion, as a rule, is a vector. At the same time, the problem of optimizing a complex system is a multicriteria problem.

The criterion includes parameters of efficiency (effect) as components.

Research efficiency parameters are the relative values ​​of the most important parameters of the system and (or) research, as well as the ratio of such parameters that allow you to evaluate the quality of the problem solution and the achievement of the goals set for the system. For example, efficiency parameters will be estimates of the ratio of the same parameter (let it be fuel consumption) before and after the implementation of the study results. They reflect the degree of progress as a result of research and/or the efficiency of resource use, in particular Money, in the process of research. They allow you to choose the preferred options for changes in the object or the research process itself.

As parameters of the research effect, we will name the absolute values ​​of changes in the most important parameters, for example, the volume of fuel saved in liters, tons, rubles, etc.

One of the well-known approaches to the synthesis of the study evaluation criterion is that one of the effect parameters is maximized or minimized, and the rest are constrained.

The choice of a variant of the criterion formalizes the goals of the customer (or performer) of the study. At the same time, the practical urgency of the problem and restrictions on resources, risks, and time for conducting research are the basis. The practical and scientific effectiveness of research on control systems is inextricably linked with the completeness, reliability and accuracy of the results obtained.

The completeness of research results is the ratio of the number of studied control situations, system functions, its contours, elements and the depth of their study in the research process to the number of situations, functions, etc., that were not subjected to such verification in the research process.

The accuracy of research results is the possible ranges (from minimum to maximum values) of finding real perimeters compared to the estimates obtained during the study.

The reliability of research results is the statistical reliability of the results obtained. The unreliability of the results determines the possibility of the appearance of results that go beyond the limits obtained in the process of research, the assessment of accuracy.

The completeness, accuracy and reliability of research results must be taken into account in the practical use of these results, as well as in assessing the effectiveness of research.

Research management and their timely and sufficient funding are the most important problems in the practical activities of the top leaders of the OPS.

Research management, in addition to the goal-setting discussed above, marketing (selection of methods and methods of research) includes research management.

Research management consists of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling research. Given the existence of certain specifics of research management, general approaches to these components generally correspond to generally accepted ones.

The choice of methods for studying control systems is based on their preliminary classification. Such a choice can be made intuitively, using formal methods and criteria. For example, as a criterion for choosing a research method, the accuracy of estimates or another important parameter from the point of view of the objectives of the study can be used under fixed restrictions on financial or time costs.

Classification is a fundamental method of cognition of reality, dividing the object of study into certain classes by highlighting essential features based on identifying their homogeneity (homogeneity) and heterogeneity (heterogeneity). Such a selection allows you to study the object under study more deeply and delve into its essence by determining the composition, properties, internal and external relations, ways of using the object of study.

When conducting research, they distinguish:

Artificial classifications: are non-essential, auxiliary features.

In studies, two types of classification are distinguished:

Division of the general: division of the object under study according to a certain selected feature into subclasses;

Separation of the whole: component parts are distinguished from the whole object under study according to the classification criterion.

General Approach to the choice of method for studying the control system is that:

1) determine the goals of the study, including restrictions on the time to achieve them, the consumption of resources, the availability of the necessary equipment, personnel;

2) establish requirements for the result of the study (first of all, it is the completeness of the reflection of the properties of the object of study; quantitative or quality result, for a quantitative result, accuracy and reliability are established);

3) establish the presence and type (intuitive, subject, quantitative) of data about the control system, object, environment (quality, functions, structure, parameters);

4) evaluate the possibility of obtaining additional data of each type in the course of research;

5) determine the range (set) of methods applicable to existing and possible data;

6) from among the applicable methods, a subset of methods is selected to achieve the stated objectives of the study. Such methods of studying control systems are called rational;

7) formulate a criterion - the rule for choosing the best in in a certain sense(the cheapest, fastest, most accurate, giving a unit of result at minimal cost, etc.) method from a number of rational ones;

8) calculate the value of the criterion for each of the rational methods;

9) choose the best (optimal) method.

Information conditions can be called the most important when choosing a method and studying control systems. The need for measurements in research, the type, accuracy, reliability of information and data are determined by:

The type of study and the composition of the methods used (each of the methods is applicable only if a certain amount of information is available);

The accuracy and reliability of its results (they cannot be higher than the accuracy and reliability of the original data);

Time and financial costs for research related to the application different methods researches at various information base of research.

Information (according to Wiener) is data that reduces uncertainty in knowledge about the control object, its control system, and the external environment.

The information conditions under which such a study is carried out are divided into deterministic (definite), random, and indefinite.

Deterministic or certain conditions occur when the outcome of each of the alternative choices is known exactly.

Random conditions occur when it is possible to determine the probability of occurrence of each outcome.

Uncertain conditions occur when it is not possible to estimate the likelihood of potential outcomes.

The situation in which the study of control systems takes place is characterized by the following 3 main features:

1. Having a goal. The need for research is determined by the presence of a problem and is dictated by the existence of a goal that must be achieved in order to solve the problem.

2. Availability alternative concepts research. Research is carried out in conditions where most often there is more than one way of such research, or, otherwise, several alternatives for achieving the goal.

3. The presence of limiting factors. Almost always there are factors limiting methods.

Scientific research is one of the cognitive activity, the process of developing new scientific knowledge, is characterized by completeness, reliability, objectivity, evidence, accuracy and a certain degree of novelty.

The study of management systems is an activity aimed at developing and improving management in accordance with constantly changing external and internal conditions. Scientific research, as a rule, is carried out within the subject framework of a certain scientific approach using a group scientific methods. Theory and practice in scientific research are inseparable. Practice provides information, a “key to reflection”, a problem that needs to be solved, while theory has a well-established set of concepts, categories and methods.

Methodological approach - a system of knowledge, methods, conceptual and methodological base of research, characterized by a certain aspect of the consideration of problems. Within the framework of one methodological approach, there may be a number of different theories, views, provisions that have the same conceptual basis for the study.

The general methodological approaches used for the analysis of control subsystems can be considered:








A research method is a way of obtaining new knowledge, a direct toolkit with which research is carried out.

The object of study in management is: enterprise, organization, management system, processes, i.e. directly measured by quality and quantitative indicators real physical object.

The subject of the study is a system of knowledge, skills, methods, methods, factors of the external and internal environment and processes occurring in the organization.

The main types of studies of management systems: marketing, sociological, economic, as well as socio-economic experiments, audit as a study, predictive and planned studies, reporting, control studies, design of test objects, product quality research; research conducted in different functional subsystems of management.

A systematic approach is a direction of scientific knowledge and practical activity, which is based on the study of any object as a complex integral socio-economic system. The main principles of the system approach are: integrity, structuring, hierarchical construction, multiplicity. With a systematic approach based on marketing research first, the “output” parameters, goods or services are examined. Then the "input" parameters are determined, i.e. the need for resources (material, financial, labor and information), the organizational and technical level of the system, the parameters of the external environment, the parameters of the process are studied. The advantage of a systematic approach lies in the possibility integrated assessment production and economic activities, effective organization decision-making process at all levels of management.

System analysis allows you to identify the feasibility of creating or improving an organization, determine which class of complexity it belongs to, identify the most effective methods scientific organization of labor, which were used earlier. A systematic analysis of the activities of an enterprise or organization is carried out mainly in the early stages of work on the creation specific system management. This is due to the complexity of design work on the development and implementation of the selected model of the management system, the rationale for its economic, technical and organizational feasibility.

A group of planning methods develops forecasts, includes methods of extrapolation, regression analysis, scenario building, brainstorming, expert assessments, factor analysis, forming a tree of problems and solutions, etc.

Research methods are methods, techniques for conducting research. Their competent application contributes to obtaining reliable and complete results study of problems that have arisen in the organization. Choice of research methods, integration various methods during the research is determined by the knowledge, experience and intuition of the specialists conducting the research.

The whole set of research methods can be divided into three large groups:

Methods based on the use of knowledge and intuition of specialists;

Methods of formalized representation of control systems (methods of formal modeling of the processes under study);

Complex methods.

The first group - methods based on the identification and generalization of the opinions of experienced experts, the use of their experience and non-traditional approaches to the analysis of the organization's activities include: the "brainstorming" method, the "scenarios" type method, the method of expert assessments (including SWOT analysis), "Delphi" type method, "target tree" type methods, " business game”, morphological methods and a number of other methods.

The second group - methods of formalized representation of control systems, based on the use of mathematical, economic and mathematical methods and models for the study of control systems. Among them are the following classes:



Set-theoretic, logical, linguistic, semiotic representations;


The third group includes complex methods: combinatorics, situational modeling, topology, graphosemiotics, etc. They were formed by integrating expert and formalized methods.

The method of "brainstorming" ("brainstorming") is a method that allows, with a minimum investment of time, to find a set of solutions put forward spontaneously by the participants for the problem posed.

This method was developed by A. Osborne in 1953. It is also called the CGI method (collective idea generation) or the creative problem solving method.

This method is used when searching for solutions in an insufficiently explored area, when identifying new directions for solving a problem, and when eliminating shortcomings in an existing system.

When conducting the brainstorming method, you must be guided by the following rules:

There is a ban on criticism of put forward ideas;

Suggested ideas are evaluated after brainstorming;

Preference is given to combined (combining several ideas into one) and improved ideas (development of an already expressed idea);

Brainstorming participants can speak several times, but each time no more than one idea should be expressed for better perception.

The advantages of the brainstorming method are as follows:

Groupthink generates 70% more new valuable ideas than the sum of individual independent proposals;

Trains the mental abilities of the participants;

Provides an opportunity to get new unexpected visions of the problem under consideration;

Allows you to treat the ideas put forward with great confidence.

The method of "reverse brainstorming" is similar to the usual "brainstorming". Main Feature of this method is the permission to express criticism. During the implementation of this method, the shortcomings of the proposed ideas are identified and ways to eliminate them are proposed.

The method of "scenarios" is one of the methods of expert assessments, with the help of which a picture of the object under study is given in the future based on the current situation. With the help of this method, the main goals of the development of the object of study are determined. It contributes to the development of a solution to the problem based on the identification of all possible obstacles and the identification of serious shortcomings. Scenarios are based on reasoning, on the results of technical or statistical analyzes, characteristics and indicators of the object of study. Scenario - descriptive material necessary for work on the development of the object of study.

Scripting is divided into the following steps:

The wording of the question;

All basic information is collected and studied;

All internal problems are identified;

A precise research question is formulated;

Definition of spheres of influence - the influence of the environment on the object of study is studied;

Determination of consequences - the level of impact on the object of study of the proposed solutions is determined;

Decision making - based on the chosen option for solving the research question, measures are selected to implement it.

To develop scenarios, leading experts in the field of knowledge are involved, who use the help of system analysts in preparing the scenario.

Method of expert assessments - a method of analysis and generalization of judgments and assumptions with the help of experts. This method is used when rational mathematical methods ineffective in problem solving. An intuitive-logical analysis of the problem is carried out, followed by quantification judgments and formal processing of results.

The problems to be solved can be conditionally divided:

To problems provided with information;

Problems for which there is a lack of information.

Expert assessment methods are used in solving the following problems:

Compilation of a list of possible events in various areas for a certain period of time;

Determining the most probable time intervals for a set of events;

Definition of goals and objectives of management with ordering them in order of importance;

Definition of alternative options for solving problems with an assessment of their preference;

Alternative distribution of resources for solving problems with an assessment of their preference;

Alternative decision-making options in a certain situation with an assessment of their preference.

The review process can be divided into the following steps:

1) drafting a guiding document. It indicates the main provisions of the examination: goals, tasks for its implementation, composition and responsibilities of the working group and the group of experts, the resources necessary to ensure the work, and the timing of the work;

2) selection of working and expert groups. Two groups take part in the examination:

Working group, which consists of an organizer, a specialist - a system engineer and a technical worker;

Expert group, i.e. a group whose expert opinions will form the basis for future decisions;

3) development of a methodology for conducting a survey. At this stage, the following are determined: the place and time of the survey; tasks; form of holding; procedure for fixing and collecting results; composition required documents. Depending on the time available for the examination, the complexity of the problem under consideration, the participating specialists, the following forms of the survey can be distinguished:

Individual - the abilities and knowledge of each specialist are used to the maximum;

Group - allows experts to exchange opinions and, based on them, adjust their assessment. But with this method of questioning, a strong influence of authorities on specialists can appear;

Personal - the survey is carried out with direct contact, for example, the interviewer and the expert;

Correspondence - one of the most common examples of this survey method is the sending of questionnaires. There is no direct interaction between the interviewer and the expert;

4) registration of the results of the work. An analysis of the results obtained as a result of the examination is carried out, on the basis of which a report is drawn up. After discussion and approval of the results obtained, the results of the work done are provided to the customers of the expertise.

When forming the expert and working groups, it is necessary to present the following requirements to the experts:

Estimates put forward by experts should be stable over time;

With the introduction of additional information, the expert assessment should improve, but it should not fundamentally change from the originally formulated assessment;

The expert must be a recognized specialist in the field of knowledge under study;

The expert must have experience of participating in such examinations;

Expert opinions must be stable.

Stability is determined by the nature of the errors that experts can make during the examination. In this regard, there are 2 types of errors:

Systematic, which are characterized by a stable positive or negative deviation from the true value;

Random, when the given values ​​of experts are characterized by a large dispersion.

Synectics as a method for studying control systems

Synectics (translated from Greek) is a combination of heterogeneous, and sometimes even incompatible elements. The "synectics" method" as a method of searching for new solutions was proposed.

The main idea of ​​this method is that during creative activity, when creating special conditions, a person puts forward unexpected analogies and associations regarding the problem under study. Creative activity is understood as mental activity in the process of solving problems, the result of which is an artistic or technical discovery.

The synectics method has the following features:

1) the approach to making a decision is that the idea put forward is a complete, holistic thought, the author of which is the individual who expressed it.

2) the creative activity of synectors is ensured by the fact that the group influences creative activity each synector in such a way that in the process of putting forward new ideas, individuals try to surpass themselves, use non-standard approaches decision-making and take on the greatest part of the difficulties;

3) the selection of group members is carried out taking into account the emotional type of the individual.

The synectics method consists of the following steps:

1) statement of the problem;

2) the translation of the task, "as it is posed," into the task, "as it is understood";

3) identification of a question that causes analogies;

4) work to find analogies;

5) the use of analogies, including:

Direct analogy;

Symbolic analogy;

Personal analogy;

Fantastic analogy;

6) search for the possibilities of translating the found analogies and images into proposals for solving the problem.

The "Delphi" method is one of the methods of expert assessments, with the help of which quick search solutions, among which the best one is chosen. This method was developed by O. Helmer and his colleagues, it was originally created for the purpose of scientific and technical forecasting of the future. It is based on the principle of increasing the level of reliability of information received from a group of experts, i.e. collective expert assessments .

The goal tree method is a method based on the principle of separation common purpose management systems into sub-goals, which, in turn, are divided into goals of lower levels. This method plays importance in the study of management systems, since the organization's activities are reduced to the achievement of formulated goals. The need to use this method is due to the fact that the “goal tree” helps to obtain a stable structure of goals, which will be relatively stable over a certain period of time with ongoing changes.

The goal tree is built using 2 operations:

Decomposition is the operation of extracting components;

Structurization is the operation of highlighting links between components.

The process of building a goal tree is divided into the following steps:

1) script development;

2) goal statement;

3) generation of subgoals;

4) clarification of the wording of subgoals (checking the independence of the subgoal);

5) assessment of the significance of subgoals;

6) verification of goals for feasibility;

7) checking the elementarity of subgoals;

8) building a tree of goals.

When building a goal tree, the following rules should be followed:

Each formulated goal must have the means and resources to achieve it;

When decomposing goals, the condition of completeness of the reduction must be observed, i.e. the number of subgoals of each goal should be sufficient to achieve it;

The decomposition of each goal into subgoals is carried out one at a time - * the development of individual branches of the tree can end with different levels systems;

The vertices of the higher level of the system are targets for the vertices of the lower levels;

The development of the goal tree continues until the person problem solving, will not have at its disposal all the means to achieve a higher goal.

Morphological methods

The main idea of ​​morphological methods is to systematically find all conceivable options for solving a problem or implementing a system by combining the selected elements or their features.

In a systematic form, the morphological approach was developed and applied for the first time by the Swiss astronomer F. Zwicky and long time was known as the Zwicky method.

The starting points of morphological research F. Zwicky considers: 1) equal interest in all objects of morphological modeling;

2) the elimination of all restrictions and estimates until the complete structure study area;

3) the most accurate formulation of the problem posed.

Causal Analysis

Causal analysis is the primary attempt scientific analysis management systems feature which is the strongest connection between variables, leading to a qualitative transformation of one element by another. The object of causal analysis is a strong stable relationship between two factors, in which one of the factors acts as a way of changing the other factor x - a, x causes a.

The main goal of causal analysis is to identify the chain of causal relationships between the variables of the process under study.

The main tasks of causal analysis include:

Identification of the most characteristic indicators for this problem situation and determination of the nature of their dependence on each other. The key indicators of the production system usually include such indicators as the volume of production, the number of employees, the volume wages, sales volume, costs, profit.

Construction in the group of selected indicators of closed loops, the purpose of which is to ensure the conditions of balance between the key indicators of this system.

The achievement of these tasks becomes possible when constructing a cognitive graph, thanks to which it is possible to determine the local sections of the controlled system with negative feedback.

When analyzing causal dependence, the nature of this dependence should be taken into account. In accordance with this, two types of dependence are distinguished: direct dependence, inverse dependence.

There is a set of points at which one axis depends on the other. A direct dependence is such a dependence in which an increase (decrease) in the values ​​of one factor causes an increase (decrease) in the value of another factor.

To a large extent productive in management practice is the use of matrix schemes in determining the causal relationships between the identified problems. The meaning of these schemes lies in the collective assessment of the impact of some problems on others, which makes it possible to make assumptions about the natural trends in the development of problem situations and about the order for their sequential neutralization.

Assessed by a 5-point system, a causal relationship between topical issues organization allows, during the discussion, to get a comprehensive picture of the existing problems and their main sources, identifying the most saturated ones in terms of impact on other problems. However, when making a final decision, the manager must take into account a lot of other factors, mainly external ones, the influence of which can hardly be formalized.

The procedure for constructing a matrix scheme is as follows. Quantitative relationships between causes and effects are plotted horizontally, assessed in terms of the degree of direct influence.

To determine the priorities in the order of solving the problems that arise before the organization, the method of constructing a graph of problems is used. The diameter of the graph circle expresses the importance of this problem as the cause of other problems, forming the basis for justifying the sequence in solving key problems. The direction of the causal relationship on this graph is fixed by the connecting arrow

SWOT analysis

The classic SWOT analysis involves identifying strengths and weaknesses in the organization's activities, potential external threats and opportunities, as well as their assessment in points relative to industry averages or in relation to data from strategically important competitors. An example of a SWOT analysis is tabulation.

S- strengths in the activities of the organization;

W- weak sides in the activities of the organization;

O - potential favorable opportunities;

T - external threats.

Often, the SWOT analysis methodology focuses on methods for determining and estimating S, W, O and T is negligible, and focuses on formulating specific strategies and activities based on these indicators.

Often a technique is used that, after determining S, W, O and T, proceeds to compiling a strategy matrix:

SO - activities that need to be carried out in order to use the strengths to increase the potential of the organization.

WO - activities that need to be carried out, overcoming weaknesses and using the opportunities presented.

ST - activities that use the strengths of the organization in order to avoid the threat.

WT - measures that minimize weaknesses in order to avoid a threat.











Moscow MEI Publishing House 2006










Research of management systems of organizations

Course Study Guide

"Research of control systems" for students,

students in the areas of "Management" and "Economics"

Moscow MEI Publishing House 2006

Approved by the Educational Administration of MPEI as a teaching aid for students

Prepared at the Department of Management and Information Technology


Reviewers: Dr. tech. sciences, prof. S.V. Egorov,

cand. economy Sciences, Assoc. L.F. Cherneva

Akchurin R.M.

A-448. Research of management systems of organizations: textbook. -M.: MPEI Publishing House, 2005 - 100s.

ISBN 5-7046-1318-7

The manual outlines the main goals and objectives of the study of management systems of organizations. The following aspects of the functioning and development of organization management systems are considered: the mission and goals of the organization, management functions, the structure of management systems, optimal planning of the organization's activities.

Designed for students studying in the areas of "Management" and "Economics".

ISBN 5-7046-1318-7 © Moscow Power Engineering Institute (TU), 2005

Research of management systems of organizations

1. The main objectives of the study of management systems of organizations

The main objective of the discipline "Research of management systems" (MIS) is to study the following aspects of the functioning and development of the management system (MS) of an organization:

    mission and goals of the organization;

    management functions;

    CS structure;

    organization activity planning;

    operational management of the organization;

    modeling of management structures;

    optimal reconstruction (or synthesis) of the management structure;

    methods of making managerial decisions;

    management personnel motivation systems;

    the culture of the organization and the means of transmitting culture;

    SU environment;

    study of the effectiveness of SU.

Organization is a consciously coordinated social entity with defined boundaries that functions on a relatively permanent basis to achieve a common goal or goals.

Under the words "consciously coordinated" is understood management, under "social education" - that the organization consists of people or their groups interacting with each other. An organization has relatively defined boundaries that can change over time. The advantage of the organization as a system is that a person, being part of a team, can achieve his goals more successfully than individually. Sometimes some goals cannot be achieved by an individual and can only be achieved as part of an organization.

Study scientific knowledge any process, the study of an object or phenomenon. The study of control systems (MCS) includes analysis, diagnostics, forecasting and synthesis.

Analysis – method scientific research by considering individual parties, components of an object or process. Its main tasks include:

    analysis of the objectives of the MS;

    analysis of management functions;

    analysis of the CS structure;

    analysis of factors influencing the functioning of the object of study;

    analysis of the dynamics of functioning and development of the object of study and its elements.

Diagnostics represents the identification of the object of study, its state, structure, behavior. Diagnostic tasks can be divided into the following.

    Determining which of the groups of the studied population the object under consideration belongs to. This is the task of qualitative identification of the object.

    Identification of the difference between this object and other objects of an already identified group. This is the task of quantitative identification.

    Identification of system capabilities (since problems can be considered not only as discrepancies between the desired and actual state of the object, but also as potential opportunities).

Synthesis - a method of scientific research of some object, phenomenon, consisting in the knowledge of it as a single whole, in the unity and interconnection of its parts.

Synthesis can be focused on the generalization of information and on the design of more advanced control systems.

The key direction of MIS is analysis, which is focused on identifying management problems, as well as their identification (qualitative and quantitative). In this case, various formalized and expert methods are used. Various approaches to analysis are possible:

    by degree of detail - general and detailed analysis;

    by coverage of the object of study - full and partial;

    according to the frequency of conducting - systematic and express analysis.

Note that when diagnosing control systems, both the reference (normative) values ​​of the elements and other elements of the system act as a comparison base. For example, the functions of the system are compared with its goals and structure, with resource provision in order to identify the degree of their compliance (adequacy).

An important step in the analysis is decomposition , during which more detailed problem situations and factors that cause a general problem are identified.

When analyzing the object of study, it is necessary to description , which can be divided into the following types:

    parametric (representation of the main parameters of the object of study);

    functional (representation of the main functions of the object of study);

    structural (description of the elements of the object of study and their relationships).

Each of these types of description of the object of study can be divided into static and dynamic, deterministic and probabilistic.

After the analysis, the system is diagnosed. Analysis and diagnostics are closely related. It is possible to repeatedly return to the analysis and clarify the conclusions after the analysis procedures for a more accurate diagnosis of the object of study. As part of the analysis, descriptive and explanatory research hypotheses are put forward and tested.

Forecasting - techniques for obtaining information that allow, based on the analysis of past and existing internal and external relations inherent in the object, as well as their possible changes, to make a scientifically based judgment about the future development of the object with a certain probability.

Forecasting includes both analysis tasks and diagnostic tasks, but in relation to the future, and not to the base period.

The results of analysis, diagnostics and forecasting are:

    identified problems of the management system;

    determination of their influence on the control object;

    sources, conditions and factors of problems;

    preliminary identification of possible directions for overcoming problems and improving the efficiency of the management system.

Before proceeding to the study of the goals, strategies, functions of the management system, it is necessary to define the concepts: "management", "system", "management system", to describe the characteristic features of the management systems of organizations.

1.2. Objects and subjects of research.

1.3. Features of the control system as an object of study.

1.4. Composition and characteristics of control subsystems.

1.1. The essence and content of the study.

"Research is the process of scientific study of an object (subject, phenomenon) in order to identify its patterns of emergence, development and transformation in the interests of society."

In the past, the concept of "research" was associated only with specialized scientific activities. In modern management, research is the main improvement in management efficiency. Research allows you to see where the reserves are and what hinders development, what should be feared and what should be supported.

The concept of purpose is interpreted in many literary sources ambiguously.

In relation to research, it is most preferable to consider the goal as a desired new research result of the state of the subject of a certain research object, expressed qualitatively and (or) quantitatively, mainly with an indication of the timing of its achievement, performers and resources.

Research as an integral part of management put forward the following tasks:

1. Achievement of the optimal ratio between the controlled and control subsystems;

2. Increasing the productivity of managerial employees and workers in production units;

3. Improving the use of material, labor, financial resources in the control and managed subsystems;

4. Reducing the cost of products or services and improving their quality.

As a result of the research, concrete proposals should be formulated to improve the organization's management system.

Research is carried out in the following cases:

At system improvement management of the operating organization;

At system development management of the newly created organization;

At system improvement management of production associations or enterprises during the period of reconstruction or technical re-equipment;

At system improvement management due to a change in the form of ownership.

1.2. Objects and subjects of research.

The object of study in the general case is a structure (subdivision, enterprise, association of enterprises, industry, national economy), its internal and external environment, systems (social, economic, technical, organizational, industrial, scientific, political, cultural, personnel, etc.), the totality of their elements, i.e. this is what requires a control system.

Internal environment can be characterized by the composition of the elements of the object of study. External environment includes the environment of the object under study.

Stages of research of the control object:

At the first stage research analyzes the problems and the totality of all factors that need to be identified and taken into account when solving problems.

On thethird stage it is necessary to choose the research methodology.

On thefourth stage an analysis of the resources required for the study is carried out.

Fifth stage involves the choice of research methods, taking into account the available resources and the objectives of the study.

Sixth stage is to organize research.

On theseventh The (final) stage should record and analyze the results obtained.

Sometimes the process of researching a particular object is carried out in accordance with the selected (recommended) model of the control system, often called the standard.

The subject of research in the general case is what is aimed at and what is the content of scientific study, consideration, knowledge and resolution.

Possible subjects (participants) of SU studies can be:

1) the personnel of the organization's MS under study, performing professional management functions in accordance with their official position and staffing;

2) personnel of a permanent or temporary specialized research unit of the organization's MS;

3) consultants of specialized consulting organizations and divisions of other structures;

4) professional researchers of universities, research, audit organizations and other structures.

Management can only be truly successful when it is in constant and continuous development, when it is focused on changes that ensure the viability of the organization and the accumulation of its potential for innovation. This turns out to be practically possible under the condition of studying control systems, which implies the development and proposal of the most effective options for building a control system as its result.

In the process of development of management, new realities and new needs arise, which in a certain way are reflected in the content of management. In modern management research activities accounts for at least 30% of the working time and effort of the managers. In the future, the share of research activities will increase. This is one of the main trends in the development of management. Today there is no management simple solutions: management conditions become more complicated, a person becomes more complicated in his socio-psychological characteristics. It is impossible to make decisions based only on experience, intuition and common sense or formally acquired knowledge. It is necessary to study situations, problems, conditions, factors of the effectiveness of the organization's activities, a reasonable choice of solutions from the constantly growing number of their options is necessary.

Every organization is in constant development. Its development is the solution of many problems that follow one after another or together, arise unexpectedly, appear sharply and do not give time for reflection. The untimeliness of their decision can turn into a crisis. Therefore, the study provides an approach to management that includes high quality management decisions.

The essence of the study of control systems

Research is a type of human activity, consisting of the following components:

recognition of problematic situations and the problems themselves, establishing their place in the system of accumulated knowledge;

identification of properties, content, patterns of behavior and development;

finding ways, means and opportunities to use new ideas or knowledge about a given problem in the practice of resolving it.

Any research is characterized by the purpose, object and subject of research, methodology and organization of its conduct, results and possibilities for their practical implementation. .

The purpose of the study is to find the most effective options for building a management system and organizing its functioning and development. The main task of the study is to find a solution to the problem, which either eliminates the existing obstacle to development, or reveals a factor that ensures normal, desired functioning or development. The solution obtained as a result of the study may take the form of a certain act of activity, or it may be a concept of activity for the near future. The best option The result of the study is the development of a program for improving, modernizing or reconstructing, reforming the management system in the full range of its characteristics and parameters.

The object of research is the control system. From a methodological point of view, it is very important to understand and take into account the class of this system. It belongs to the class of socio-economic systems. And this means that its fundamental element is a person, since it is human activity that determines the features of all the processes of functioning and development of such a system. No matter how perfect modern technical means are, the control system is based on human activity. It is possible to study technology, but it is impossible to study it in isolation from a person and from all the factors of its use in his activity.

The control system cannot be considered in isolation from the control object. Therefore, in the study of control systems, along with the control system itself, the controlled socio-economic system (enterprise, firm, corporation, association, etc.) acts as an object of study. Its main feature also lies in the fact that the fundamental element here is a person, whose activity determines both the existence and development of this system and largely depends on how the management of this activity is organized, to what extent management corresponds to his interests and motives of behavior, for what purposes and taking into account what factors it is carried out.

The subject of study of control systems is the most significant aspect for the researcher of the manifestation of the essence of the control system under consideration, a certain problem, that is, this is a real contradiction that needs to be resolved. The subject of study may be problems in the organization of management, professionalism of personnel, motivation mechanisms, the use of computer technology, etc.

Methodological approaches to the study of control systems

The methodological approach to the study of control systems is the perspective of the study, it is, as it were, the starting position, the starting point, which determines its orientation relative to the goal. The approach can be aspect, system and conceptual. The aspect approach is the choice of one facet of the problem according to the principle of relevance or according to the principle of taking into account the resources allocated for research. So, for example, the problem of personnel development can have economic aspect, socio-psychological, educational, etc.

A systematic approach requires the maximum possible consideration of all aspects of the problem in their relationship and integrity, highlighting the main and essential, determining the nature of the relationships between aspects, properties and characteristics.

The system approach is used in solving socio-economic, socio-political, engineering and other problems that involve the study or design and creation of system objects high complexity and their management.

The system always exists and functions within the framework of its environment - the environment. The properties and functions of the elements of the system are determined by their place within the whole. At the same time, one should not forget about the relative independence and specific properties of the elements that enter into certain relationships with each other. The integrity of the system is concretized and carried out through connections. For example, a business organization as open system interacts with the environment, exchanges materials, energy, people, information with it. The environment, its factors affect the system and can affect the internal life, elements and connections in the organization system, can lead to a change in the functioning of elements, subsystems.

In the process of studying the control system, it is revealed from which constituent parts, the elements make up the control system, how they interact with each other and with the environment. To form a system, the elements must be compatible with each other, the possibility of establishing productive links between them.

The totality of connections leads to the concept of the structure and organization of the control system. The structure of the organization of material elements, their connections give the control system stability, stability .

The requirement for effective management in the system necessarily leads in the process of analysis to the formulation and development of a system of goals, the direction of communications, and behavior. In particular, in many cases there is a problem of correlation between functioning and development, stability and innovation. In each management system, there are two types of goals: internal (corporate) and external - the production of goods, the provision of services, etc. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out coordination between the types of goals, i.e., establish priority and establish subordination in each type separately. Management of activity and its organization must necessarily be "expedient".

Goal-setting has as its continuation the setting of tasks - the formulation of previously set goals and sub-goals in the specific conditions in which the organization exists and intends to develop.

The conceptual approach involves the preliminary development of the research concept, i.e., a set of key provisions that determine the general direction, architectonics and continuity of the research.

The approach can be empirical, pragmatic and scientific.

The empirical approach is mainly based on experience, the pragmatic approach is based on the task of obtaining the nearest result. The most efficient is, of course, scientific approach, which is characterized by the scientific setting of research goals and the use of the scientific apparatus in its conduct.

The problem is formulated in different ways. This may simply be a statement of the object of study in terms of its name or specifics. For example, management personnel, motivation for productive activity, etc. But such a formulation of the problem does not always contribute to focusing attention on the contradiction that reflects its peculiarity and essence.

Statement of the problem through a question contributes to a more accurate idea of ​​its content, because the question is a form of thinking focused on obtaining a specific answer in the form of judgments. The judgment, the conclusion of any study can be considered as an answer to a certain question. Examples of research questions and their designs can be the following:

How does the management system reflect the needs and conditions for the development of the organization?

Why does an organization lose its competitive position?

Where can I find additional resources to complete the project?

How to develop a strategy?

The practical results of the study of the management system are, as a rule, recommendations for changing certain aspects of its functioning, improving the quality of the managerial activity of the manager and all management personnel. These recommendations may be of socio-psychological, economic, organizational content, they may relate to the field of information support for management, management motivation, changes in operating conditions, taking into account additional factors in the development of the company, quality of activity, assessment of development trends, competitiveness and etc. Research results are opportunities that improve management efficiency and ensure sustainable and perspective development organizations.

Of course, the study also has theoretical results - understanding the problem, identifying the patterns of functioning and development, the concept of managing the system under certain conditions, set no longer from the position of a specific situation, but categorically. Depending on the depth of penetration into the essence of the problem and the level of generalization of theoretical results, it becomes possible to significantly expand practical results, solve an important national economic problem, and provide an opportunity for replicating new management experience.

Any research requires a certain resource provision. Without the necessary resources (human, information, financial, economic, technical) it is impossible to carry out modern research(and even more so it is impossible to implement its conclusions in practice). That's why important issue research management systems is to allocate the resources necessary for its implementation and implementation.