Worthy professions for men. The most profitable professions in Russia

Men can do everything: give birth, run a country, bake pies, write music, make laughs, build rackets, do hair, create religions. This means that the list of male professions is endless.

However, men very rarely like routine work. Men love to take risks and create, invent new things, explore the mysteries of nature. They are subject to highly abstract thinking and highly intellectual humor. They are aggressive. They are physically strong. They are better women understand the hardware. And what does all this mean?

The most masculine profession

This means that an engineer, physicist, philosopher, firefighter, policeman, carpenter, boatswain, pilot, foreman, bonker, composer, programmer, cook, surgeon, stuntman, rescuer, pilot are, as a rule, the most masculine professions.

However, any profession is really subject to men. Men can work perfectly not only with their heads, but also with their hands. Male working professions live in the construction, manufacturing, transport, cultural, and agricultural sectors.

AT real life not for romance. A man needs to earn money, and he is forced to look towards the most sought-after male professions (they are also the most popular professions). And this, as a rule, is a variety of engineering, information technology, sales, logistics, restaurant business, aviation, business, sports.

What profession to choose a man

There are many professions, and you are one. Maybe you like several professions. But you have to choose. Choosing a profession from everything in the world is a real job, and not just like that. If you don't go there, you'll lose years.

To determine which profession is right for you, we offer you 7 steps, after which you can choose your profession. We also offer

In our urbanized world the stronger sex needs to earn a lot of money in order to be able to provide not only for himself, but also for his family in the future. For this reason, already in the 10th grade, young guys begin to think about choosing a profession that would bring them the maximum income, and not just work and a sense of satisfaction. Success these days is measured in money, and not a single self-respecting man will agree to work even as a director of an enterprise, if at the same time they offer a salary like that of a simple engineer.

If you remember old proverb: "In one's hands, in one's mouth," it can be assumed that the most profitable male professions are directors of enterprises, heads of regions, regions, housing and communal enterprises, mayors of cities and other officials of various stripes. Oil industry workers, bankers, businessmen, show business stars, athletes, jewelers, heads of real estate agencies, astronauts and chief doctors of large clinics have good incomes in our country. However, few manage to reach such heights in career growth, so let's look at the list of the best male professions that can really be mastered young man fresh out of school:

1. Purchasing or marketing manager. Unfortunately, in our country in the first place is not production, but sales and purchases. Therefore, a purchasing or marketing manager can earn good money these days if he masters all the intricacies of the purchasing and sales process. Despite the dismal financial situation of many enterprises, the eyes of the young guys working there in these areas and receiving a small official salary burn. This, of course, is not connected with their desire to profitably buy or sell something for the enterprise, but the result of the opportunity to earn left money for their wallet. In addition, these professions open the way to commerce and help you learn skills that can help you start your own business and become a successful businessman.

2. Information technology specialist. A modern office is inconceivable without a computer and a telephone. Therefore, specialists in Internet technologies and telecommunications in our country are in demand and can count on a stable, well-paid job after graduation. The most prestigious are 1C programmers, the areas of creating and maintaining websites, software for ATMs, POS-terminals, modern technologies for transmitting and receiving information. As they say, as long as there is demand, there is supply. A good programmer himself tells the employer what salary he is ready to work for them.

3. truck driver. A lot of guys try to get higher education to get a job that does not require the application of serious physical effort. Meanwhile, it is natural for a man to have developed muscles and a toned appearance. Of course, the professions of a truck driver, a miner and people working on a rotational basis in the North are far from the image of a successful man imposed on us by cinema and television. However, working in these specialties, you can earn good money and have an annual income that is many times higher than the money earned in a year by an engineer or a doctor with a higher education.

4. Chef. Today, a chef in luxury restaurants is considered one of the most prestigious. You just need to go to a food college or take a good culinary course, then take advantage of the privileges of this profession while serving in the army and prove yourself a good culinary specialist at your first job. This profession definitely guarantees a good salary and a buffet.

5. traffic police inspector. A military man, a fireman, a representative of the FSB, OMON, a rescuer of the Ministry of Emergencies and other men in uniform have always evoked respect and admiration of others. These professions are associated with courage, honesty and courage. Unfortunately, in our country, traffic police inspectors cannot be proud of this for obvious reasons. But, despite this, the number of young guys who want to get a job in the traffic police every year only increases.

6. Auto Mechanic. One of the most sought-after and highly paid professions today is the specialty of an auto mechanic. AT last years there is an increased growth rate in the number of cars and car services in our country, which gives the professional auto mechanic the freedom of choice when applying for a job. He himself can offer his candidacy for a prestigious car service and set himself the maximum salary level that exists in car services.

7. Working professions. Labor market researchers are confident that in the near future, workers will receive the highest wages. The number of young people with higher education is steadily growing, and there is a catastrophic shortage of workers. Already today, in many enterprises, the management is ready to pay skilled workers a salary two to three times higher than that of an engineering and technical worker. Therefore, in the near future, such specialties as a toolmaker, a CNC machine operator, a turner-miller can become the most prestigious.

8. Doctor. If you modern girl ask the question: "In what profession do you like working men the most?", then, of course, the answer will be: "Doctor." Thanks to numerous TV shows, a slender male doctor with a kind face in a white coat is today elevated to the cult of a sex symbol. The protagonist favorite series of girls - a noble surgeon. He works in a private clinic, lives in a luxurious house, performs complex operations and is ready to sacrifice everything to save his patients. Unfortunately, in life, the profession of a doctor is very different from the work of the screen. After graduating from a medical university, it is very difficult to find a job with a decent salary, although the profession of a doctor is considered one of the most sought after. good income can bring only the specialty of a dentist or the presence of an international doctor's diploma. In the US, doctors earn the highest salaries, and getting an M.D. is very expensive and difficult. Therefore, doctors who graduated from a university in our country and got a job in an American clinic are very satisfied with their profession.


You can just work, or you can work to earn money. But where can you find such a job? Are there professions in demand for men that will provide for a family, help save up for a vacation and become a guarantor of a good future? Let's figure it out.

At present, the boundary between the so-called female and male professions is almost invisible. If earlier the professions in demand for boys and girls were outlined by their specificity, today this is not the case. But just recently, a woman could work in several professions, and the entrance, for example, to engineers was categorically closed to her. But still, these limits exist. Most often, men choose professions associated with the use of intelligence and physical strength, associated with risk, with effort and overcoming.

Demanded professions for men are professions where stress resistance, courage, determination, the ability to make a decision quickly, effort and quick reaction would be useful. Therefore, in such professions as policemen, firefighters, oil workers, pilots, rescuers, the majority of workers are men.

The most demanded profession for men

What professions are in demand for men now in the top? Among the most popular, in the first place, of course, are IT specialists. Everything related to the field of programming, system administration, application development is a very promising job for any male intellectual who understands modern technologies. Most of the professionals in these fields are men. In IT, in general, what is not a job is a very popular profession for a man and very well paid. In the near future, the demand for such specialists will steadily grow. Qualified IT-specialists are valued not only at home, but they are willingly invited to work by foreign employers. Even novice specialists will not remain unemployed, the demand in the market is very high.

In demanded professions for boys who today enter educational establishments, includes the profession of a bank employee, financier. Financial Analysts, credit specialists, anti-crisis managers, stock market specialists, these specialties are among the most prestigious. In banks, in investment companies - experienced workers are needed everywhere. This is an excellent and respectable choice for men, allowing you to realize your mind and personal qualities.

A sufficiently demanded profession for a man is the specialty of a lawyer. It requires a long study and not just anyhow, but preferably "excellent". It's also a great way to be successful. Unfortunately, the number of applicants for the position is large, but if you are different from other men, then you have prospects in the legal industry.

The profession of an SMM specialist is gaining popularity. These are the people who are promoting social networks any projects. Many companies are now actively entering the Internet space and are mastering this method of promotion. This is not yet such a sought-after profession, but very soon it will become one. Therefore, it gives a great chance to prove yourself and become a rare valuable specialist.

Traditional in-demand professions for men

Technical specialties, engineers, builders. Now there is a lot of active construction, even at the state level they support the construction industry. Originally male scope. High-altitude fitters, masons, welders - you rarely meet women among them. After all, here we need more physical strength beyond the engineering mindset. The demand for the technical elite - engineers, architects, designers is now greater than ever, and is constantly growing. This is due to a certain unpopularity for some time of work in the field of real production. The decline in the number of people wishing to study in these specialties has led to the fact that the demand for engineers now greatly exceeds supply. And now the demand for highly skilled workers is also growing, in general, these are now almost characters from the Red Book, although the need for them is great.

Modern demanded professions for men

A very popular profession for men is a manager. It's a lot of specializations. Managers work in advertising, in sales, in almost all areas National economy, from production to trade and services. For this profession, a higher education is not necessary, although its presence will be an advantage. Natural business ability is important here.

Special mention should be made of sales managers. Men who choose this specialty must be ambitious, purposeful and tenacious. This is not such an easy profession, because you need to constantly be persuasive, communicate with people all the time, decide contentious issues. Profits in the field of trade are very good.

Remained from ancient times in the top of the most sought-after professions for men and the wonderful profession of a doctor. Doctors are always needed. Men work in surgery, dentistry, traumatology, cardiology and many other medical specialties. This is one of the most courageous and noble professions.

Marketer. They develop a sales strategy, organize advertising campaigns. Men work effectively in this area.

And it's far from complete list professions for men. But these are some of the most popular.


Fashionable or monetary, promising or stable, medical or creative… What are the professions for men and what profession should a man choose? Let's try to figure it out.

Among the series of truly masculine professions, it is difficult to choose one thing. In an age of rapid technological progress and big changes in public relations it is difficult to determine for oneself which professions are for men and which are only for women. Now there is no strict distribution or any prohibitions on choosing a profession, except for objective reasons. For example, heavy manual labor is not suitable for women and is even prohibited by law. But, for example, a woman can become an astronaut.

What are the professions for real men?

Of course, there are professions that are considered masculine and it is difficult for a woman to find herself in them. For example, these are the professions of a fireman or rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, complex, dangerous, requiring masculine qualities (both physical and psychological). But these are becoming less and less, women are winning the right to the difficulties and hardships of male professions.

What are the professions for men? There are works where the predominance of one sex has historically developed. For example, a male teacher is rare these days. But how can it be called not male? When it was only a male profession, but 100 years have passed and everything has changed radically. And this can be said about many areas. labor activity and about many professions.

Therefore, the question arises - what profession should a man choose? Of course, it is better to choose one in which you want to realize yourself. It is not necessary to put statistics or some kind of public opinion, because both (as can be seen from the above) change over time. If a man wants to become an accountant, but is blinded by the stereotype that this is a purely female profession, because so many female accountants and accounting are now considered a female kingdom, then you should get rid of this stereotype. After all, an accountant or, as they were once called, an accountant, is also initially a purely male profession, and before the development of emancipation, no employer in their right mind would have hired a woman for this job. But now the gender boundaries are blurred and most professions are available to both sexes.

What profession should a man choose?

What are the professions for men - diverse, intellectual, "office", workers associated with working with people or numbers, where you need to use physical force and where you do not need - the list is rich and multifaceted. Of course, highly paid professions are now popular among men. One of the most popular is IT-specialist.

This is one of the most promising and sought-after professions related to modern technologies. Programmers, system administrators, hardware specialists - all of these are mostly men. It is easier for them to do technical and related to clear logical mathematical thinking classes. In the near future, this profession will remain in the top of the most demanded and well-paid. Good specialist not only has an interesting job and a very solid salary, but also the prospect of being invited to a leading global company like Microsoft.

Work in the field of finance and credit - this is what profession a man should choose if he has the ability to analyze and the corresponding personal qualities. Such as the ability to make decisions, manage people, draw logical conclusions and feel the situation. Such specialists are in demand in banks and investment companies.

Also a good choice is the profession of a lawyer. With the proper zeal and diligence for learning, as well as developing the necessary personal qualities, you can become an excellent specialist, gain good practice and get good money as a freely practicing lawyer. Demand for the good and experienced remains stable and is not going to fall.

One of the best professions for men is the profession of a doctor. It will always be relevant and in demand. Also, it is one of the most respected professions in society. Surgeons, therapists, dentists, gynecologists are always required and receive a good salary. It is believed that for medicine - an occupation more suitable for men, as for more calm, restrained and focused, and also, traditionally, with a more logical mind. Men are often better at reassuring the patient.

Engineers. It is also an option which profession to choose for a man. Engineer is one of the most courageous professions. The builder may no longer have great strength, since the construction process is mechanized, but, nevertheless, the civil engineer, architect and designer are still considered truly masculine. The demand for such creative technical professions is high and growing every day.

Sales Managers and Specialists. For some statistical research conducted on job sites, a sales manager is the most demanded profession today. About 40% of vacancies - they are. If the sales manager is good, his income ceiling is practically unlimited for growth. Good managers are highly valued among employers.

It is very difficult to answer the question of what profession to choose for a man with confidence. But we can say that almost any one can be chosen if there is a desire to deal with it.

Professions for men, the list of ten most demanded of which is presented on the page, are the most demanded and prestigious in Russia. Getting to know him will help you make the right choice of direction.

Any modern man tries to choose for itself the most demanded and highly paid profession. Job seekers today must meet high standards. Yes, knowledge in English or computer literacy is no surprise. To develop and advance career ladder, you need to have special skills and abilities.

What are the specifics of professions for men?

Today, the boundary between women's and men's professions is rather blurred, but, nevertheless, it remains noticeable. So, the representatives of the stronger sex choose for themselves those positions where physical strength and certain qualities are required. It's about about increased stress resistance, determination, courage and the ability to make decisions quickly. Of course, women are also ambitious and courageous, but there are not so many such ladies. For this reason, there are so many men among firefighters, pilots, miners, oil workers and rescuers.

Of course, this is an incomplete list of popular male professions. It will change over time, because in some industries there is already a glut of specialists, while other areas are just beginning to develop. So, in the near future, specialists in nano- and biotechnologies, logisticians and chemists will appear in the top ten best male professions.