The importance of elections in a democratic state. The concept and meaning of elections

are important for our country and why is it important for every resident of Russia who has the right to choose to participate in them? There are several main reasons for this.

One of the first and most significant reasons is the realization of the right to vote, which is given by the supreme law of Russia - the Constitution of the Russian Federation - to all citizens of the country. Having the right to vote, everyone gets the opportunity to take part in the process of governing the state, as well as to directly influence the government. It is the voters who can start the process of change.

The second reason is that by taking part in the elections, every Russian decides who he would like to entrust the government of the country during the next presidential term. You can and should give your vote only to the candidate you trust. Since the opportunity to elect the president of the country is provided once every six years, it is impossible to neglect a unique chance to make your life better.

The third reason is the manifestation of personal civic position, which is expressed in the desire to take part in elections of any plan. Only a true citizen of his country is not indifferent to what is happening, both in the country and in his hometown.

The maximum voter turnout is the fourth reason. Fair elections are elections with a high turnout. After all, the more voters expressed their will by coming to the polling stations, the more weighty this will will be. A high turnout is evidence that voters are active citizens and are concerned about their future and the future of the country in which they live.

Minimizing possible fraud is another reason to take part in the elections. With a high voter turnout, the likelihood of forgery and manipulation of voting results is greatly reduced. After all, attempts by falsifiers to use at their own discretion the votes of those who ignore the elections were recorded several times by CCTV cameras during previous elections in some regions of Russia. Then the ballots of the "silent" were thrown into the ballot boxes in batches.

Recall that the presidential elections will be held in Russia on March 18 this year. Several dozen candidates have previously expressed their desire to participate in them. At the same time, as reported by the CEC of the Russian Federation, the maximum number of candidates will be 19 people - in case no one has problems with collecting signatures. Among them are Ksenia Sobchak, Grigory Yavlinsky, Pavel Grudinin, Vladimir Zhirinovsky and others. Vladimir Putin is also a presidential candidate who runs as a self-nominated candidate.

Pupil of 11 b class of MAOU secondary school No. 27 of Balakovo Abushaeva Sophia

In accordance with constitutional legislation, elections occupy a special place in the system of modern democracy in the Russian Federation. Part 3, Article 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation extinguishes that the referendum and free elections are proclaimed as the highest direct expression of the power of the people. This work was submitted to the regional competition in political science, received a high rating. According to the results of the conference, she took first place.







creative work

The role of elections in political life modern Russia

Work completed:

11th grade student

MAOU secondary school No. 27, Balakovo

Abushaeva Sofia


history teacher

Varfolomeeva Tatiana




Introduction 2

  1. Elections and their essence in modern Russian Federation. 4
  2. Functions of elections in a democracy. 7
  3. Principles of suffrage in modern Russia. eight
  4. Elections and suffrage in the history of Russia and the USSR. eleven
  5. Conclusion 17
  6. References 18


Elections are the most important component contemporary politics, an essential feature of democracy. Elections are a way of forming government bodies based on the expression of the political will of citizens.

Article 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states: “The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people. The highest direct expression of the power of the people is the referendum and free elections. Article 32 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation “Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to elect and be elected to bodies of state power and bodies of local self-government, as well as to participate in a referendum. Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to participate in the management of state affairs, both directly and through their representatives.

The 1993 Constitution legislated the right of citizens to elect and be elected, the political structure of the country with strong representative power, laid the foundations of a democratic electoral system. Our country has declared its desire to support democratic international standards in this domain.

Elections are a legalized form of direct popular will, the most important manifestation of democracy. In the conditions of modern democracy, elections are the main form of manifestation of the sovereignty of the people, their political will as a source of power. Through elections, citizens influence the formation of public authorities. They are an important tool by which the interests of various social groups are represented in the authorities. The institution of elections has a special responsibility, since elections are a kind of alternative to the ingrained totalitarian consciousness of citizens. The pluralism of opinions inherent in civil society does not make it possible to get citizens to voluntarily comply with laws, therefore it is important to create public authorities on an elective basis with the participation of citizens. Elections are a universal political institution that performs an integrative function in political process Russia. The participation of citizens in elections is not only the fulfillment of civic duty, but also an opportunity to influence the political situation in the country, to protect their rights in the near future. Elections are directly related to political parties and the political elite. A lot depends on the position of the participants in the elections, on their activity. Elections allow citizens to understand the true meaning of the programs of political parties fighting for power. Elections enable citizens to re-elect the government and deputies who, for one reason or another, do not suit the citizens, to replace them with people who enjoy confidence.

Elections represent the interests of various social groups of the population, to achieve correspondence between the policy of the authorities and the needs of various social groups of the population. They provide a democratic way to resolve contradictions in society between the interests of citizens and the activities of the authorities. Elections in the conditions of modern democracy are the main instrument for the manifestation of the sovereignty of the people, their political role as a source of power.

The topic "The role of elections in the political life of modern Russia" is relevant, since it is necessary to improve the legal literacy of the country's population and especially young people - the future of our country, in the conditions of the formation of a democratic state, to form civic responsibility, to cultivate patriotism, love for one's Motherland.

Target of this work - to show the features of the system of elections to the authorities.


Reveal the essence of the concept of elections;

Reflect the historical aspect of elections in Russia;

To reveal the principles of elections in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Method : analysis of sources, periodicals, research articles.

1. Elections and their essence in the modern Russian Federation.

The essence of elections is that the people, choosing their representatives, gives them the right to exercise power. Elections are always associated with voting; this is a relatively regular, periodic process of electing the composition of government bodies, enshrined in the Constitution and other laws.

Elections are either direct or indirect. In direct elections, the issue of election is decided by the citizens themselves, and in indirect elections, the persons elected by them. Elections may be general or partial. During general elections, all voters of the country participate in them (for example, presidential elections), and partial elections are held when it is necessary to replenish the composition of the House of Parliament due to the early departure of individual deputies. Elections are national, federal and local. If the result is not revealed in the first round, then a second round is held, which is called repeated voting.

In order for elections to be recognized as legitimate, it is necessary that the elections be free, fair and genuine. It has long been proven that the legitimacy of elections can play an important role in the transition of states to a democratic political regime. In our country, this problem is especially acute. This is due to the fact that the idea of ​​strong power has taken root in the minds of people. The Russian political elite has been given answers to questions related to the prospects for the development of the country, to repel the blow of international terrorism. These events affected the functioning of political institutions, including elections.

Elections are recognized as free if they are characterized by the absence of pressure and intimidation of voters and the observance of all fundamental human rights. The most important guarantee of free elections is an independent judiciary. In the Russian Federation, free elections are a constitutional norm.

The fair character of elections grows, first of all, from democratic suffrage, in which universal and secret elections by secret ballot are firmly guaranteed. To ensure the fairness of elections, effective protection of elections - both during their conduct and during the counting of votes - from fraud and abuse (presence of observers, media access, etc.) is necessary.

Genuine elections involve the exercise by citizens of a set of electoral and other rights. Genuine elections provide voters with a real choice, i.e. based on political pluralism. However, this requirement has not yet been provided for in the laws and practice of the Russian Federation.

In Russia, there are five subsystems that establish the procedure for election:

the President of the Russian Federation;

Deputies of the State Duma;

Heads of administrations of subjects of the Russian Federation;

· Deputies of legislative bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation;

· Local self-government bodies.

An important feature of Russian electoral law is that the election of the President of the Russian Federation and deputies of the State Duma is established only by the Constitution and federal laws, without regulation by the subjects of the Federation. Another feature of Russia is that its Constitution does not contain a special section on the right to vote. Only in the most general form, suffrage is enshrined in Art. 32 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as Art. 81 when determining the procedure for electing the President of the Russian Federation. The principles and norms that establish the basic provisions of the electoral law are enshrined in the chapters on the foundations of the constitutional system, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, and the system of public authorities .

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the electoral legislation belongs to the current jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities. This means that when electing to their bodies of state power, the subjects of the Federation are obliged to comply with the federal legislation on elections and, at the same time, independently adopt such laws. Such a solution of the issue, on the one hand, ensures a certain uniformity of the electoral systems of the Federation and the subjects, and on the other hand, it gives rise to differences in the electoral systems of the subjects of the Federation.

Elections to state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies are held in accordance with the constitutions and charters, laws on elections adopted by the legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation. If there is no such law, then the elections of the state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the local self-government body are held on the basis of the federal law. .

In addition, the organization of elections is regulated not only by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, constitutions (charters) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, but also by a number of other legislative acts, a significant part of which is part of the system of state law and is directly devoted to the regulation of electoral relations.

2. Functions of elections in a democracy.

For many and most, elections are the only form of citizen participation in politics. In the conditions of modern democracy, elections are the main form of manifestation of the sovereignty of the people, their political will as a source of power. Elections perform various functions in society. They represent the various interests of the population.

During the election period, citizens may include their interests in the electoral programs of parties and individual deputies.

  1. They exercise control over the institutions of power (the institution of control over the government is the parliament, the opposition is formed, which monitors the observance of the Constitution and the law).
  2. Elections provide an opportunity to re-elect an objectionable government, to replace them with people who enjoy confidence.
  3. Expansion of communications (During the election campaign, candidates meet with citizens, listen to their opinions, and make adjustments to their election programs).
  4. Regulate relations, tk. openly show the emerging contradictions, translate them into the mainstream of a peaceful settlement.
  5. They are mobilized to solve urgent social problems, tk. during the election campaign, deputies explain their own programs to citizens. And they mobilize the masses to solve important problems for the country.
  6. Developing political consciousness and political participation of the population.
  7. During the election process, the political elite is formed. As a result of the elections, the composition of the ruling and opposition elites is updated, the ratio of parties and their representatives changes

8 Elections make it possible to look for the best ways of development, accompanied by a competitive struggle of opinions, activity programs, which contributes to

validating viable ideas.

The main thing in elections is the service of democracy, but the named functions are performed by elections only if they are democratically organized.

3. Principles of suffrage in modern Russia.

The principles of suffrage are mandatory requirements and the conditions without which any election cannot be recognized as legitimate. These principles are formulated in international legal acts, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws. The Constitution of the Russian Federation in Art. 32 and 81 establishes the principles of suffrage: universal, equal, direct by secret ballot, and the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation" of 2002 adds more voluntariness .

Universal p such suffrage is recognized under which all adult citizens, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, membership in public associations, have the right to participate in elections. In the Russian Federation, active suffrage is granted to citizens who have reached the age of 18. Giving citizens active suffrage (the right to vote) does not mean forcing them to participate in elections. Often in the subjects of the Federation there is a massive non-participation of voters in elections, this may have the significance of a political decision, but most often it reveals elementary apathy or a lack of political culture. So Russian legislation, establishes a certain percentage of voters, below which the elections are declared invalid. For example, in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation it is 50%, and in the elections of the State Duma - 25%.

In Russian federationactive suffrageprovided by federal laws to citizens over the age of 18. Since this form is not constitutionally established, the State Duma has already discussed a proposal to amend the Federal Law on the Election of the President of the Russian Federation, reducing the age for participation in elections from 18 to 16 years. It should be noted that such a low age limit is set only in a few countries of the world, while in most countries it is equal to 18 years or even more than 18 years (up to 21 years). Of the persons with active suffrage, an electoral corps, or electorate, is formed. This concept also covers citizens of the Russian Federation residing outside its borders.

Giving citizens active suffrage does not mean forcing them to participate in elections (mandatory vote). A citizen is free to decide whether to participate or not to participate in elections, which achieves the voluntary participation of citizens in elections. At the same time, despite the bulk of people actively participating in the elections, for last years the percentage of voters has dropped significantly. This phenomenon in constitutional law is designated by the term "absenteeism" (from the English word meaning absence). People do not understand that participation in elections is a civic duty, but the main thing is that with their votes people have the opportunity to influence the political and economic processes in the country, the opportunity to protect their rights. This is due to a misunderstanding that a lot depends on their position and activity. Non-participation in elections and lack of political culture are explained.

Passive electoralthe right (the right to be elected) is limited by a number of additional conditions established by the Constitution, federal laws and laws of the constituent entities of the Federation. Thus, a citizen of at least 35 years of age who has citizenship of Russia and has lived in it for at least 10 years can be elected President of the Russian Federation, this is due to the completely justified need for the future head of state to know and understand the specifics of living conditions in the country. In the election of the head of local self-government, the minimum age of a candidate established by the Federal Law is 21 years, the same age is set for candidates for deputies of the State Duma, and for the head of the executive body of State power (President) of the constituent entities of the Federation, the minimum age is 30 years.

The electoral rights of citizens are legally protected from any interference. The federal law establishes one general limitation of active and passive suffrage. Citizens recognized by the court as incompetent, as well as persons held in places of deprivation of liberty by a court verdict, do not have the right to elect and be elected. These restrictions are temporary, after the cancellation of the court decision on declaring incapable or serving the sentence, the citizen has the right to elect and be elected in full.

The principle of equal suffrageassumes that all citizens have equal rights and obligations, an equal opportunity for everyone to influence the results of elections.

Direct suffragemeans that voters vote "for" or "against" candidates (list of candidates) directly, which allows citizens to choose who they trust. Thus, a direct connection is established between the voters and the elected. This is a kind of guarantee against distortion of the will of the voters.

A prerequisite for a democratic electoral system is -secret ballot.No one has the right to control the will of a citizen. The voter has the right to keep secret about his choice. In Russian history, secret voting appeared with the adoption of the Constitution of the USSR in 1936, and before that, deputies were elected at meetings of voters by open voting. . In order to guarantee the secrecy of the expression of the will of the voter, specially equipped booths are created at polling stations for filling out ballots, in which the presence of other persons is not allowed.

The principle of voluntariness is that the citizen is free to decide whether to participate or not to participate in elections. In the Russian Federation, free elections are a constitutional norm. Article 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states: “The highest direct expression of the power of the people is a referendum and free elections. No one will litter to appropriate power in the Russian Federation. The seizure of power or the appropriation of power is punishable under federal law.”

4. Elections and suffrage in the history of Russia and the USSR.

Elections as a mechanism of people's power in the history of our country have deep roots. The tradition of popular government as a form of democracy can be traced back to the Slavic lands. The Byzantine researcher Procopius of Caesarea wrote in the 6th century: “These tribes, the Slavs and the Antes, are not ruled by one person, but have been living in the rule of the people since ancient times. And because they have happiness and unhappiness in life is considered a common cause. . The history of elections in Russia should be counted from the Novgorod feudal republic, which existed from the 12th to the 15th centuries . Elected institutions were formed for the first time in Veliky Novgorod. The supreme power is a city-wide veche, although it was a boyar aristocratic republic, all decisions were made by more than one person, through the electoral principle: those present were asked to speak “for” or “against” the proposals formulated by the executive branch. The main officials of Novgorod were also elected - the posadnik, the thousand, the archbishop. At the same time, the activities of all elected officials were under control, they were removed from their posts for violations, to the point that the invited prince could be expelled for violating communal customs.

Elections and electoral procedures in the Russian state receive legal formalization in the process of forming a single Moscow state. In 1497, the Sudebnik of Ivan III was adopted. A system of local self-government is being created. A special role was given Zemsky Sobors, which were class-representative bodies, they had the right to elect kings, declare war or make peace, approve taxes, appoint officials.

The most significant reforms in the field of suffrage were carried out in the 60s and 70s of the XIX century. They affected mainly local self-government (zemstvo reform of 1864, city reform of 1870). Class affiliation was put in the basis of the elections. Foreigners and persons convicted by a court verdict, under investigation or trial could not participate in the elections. At the same time, the activities of the zemstvos were limited only to economic issues; the zemstvos did not take part in solving political issues.

According to the city reform, an all-class system of city self-government was established. Elected bodies - City Dumas - received significant rights in resolving many issues of urban life, just as zemstvos did not participate in resolving political issues. An important point there was a property qualification, i.e. who did not have real estate, lost voting rights. Early 20th century was marked by significant changes in the state structure, caused by the revolution of 1905-1907. For the first time in the history of Russia, a nationwide government body was created -The State Duma. The population received political rights. All this led to changes in the electoral law: a system of electoral legislation was formed that determined the procedure for the formation of the State Duma and State Council. October 17, 1905 was published the manifesto of Nicholas II "On the improvement public order which proclaimed political freedoms .

Following the Manifesto, new legislative acts were issued that formed the legal basis for the activities of the State Duma: the Decree “On Changing the Regulations on Elections to the State Duma” (October 11, 1905), the Manifesto “On Changing the Institution of the State Council” and revising the “Institution of the State Council” and the revision of the "Institution of the State Duma" (February 20, 1906), as well as the new "Institution of the State Duma" (Decree of February 20, 1906).

The electoral system established by the Decree of December 11, 1905, was the most progressive in Russian history until 1917. But, nevertheless, it was limited. Russian electoral law lacked such principles as universality and equality. The elections were indirect, multi-stage, had a class and qualifying character. Only men over the age of 25 could participate in election campaigns. Military personnel, students, small peoples leading a nomadic lifestyle, convicted and under investigation, did not receive the right. February Revolution 1917 marked the beginning of a new stage in the history of Russian suffrage. Estate and property restrictions were abolished. Elections became universal, equal and direct with secret ballot. Active suffrage granted Russian citizens"of both sexes of all nationalities and religions" who have reached the age of 20.

On October 2, 1917, the Provisional Government approved the "Regulations on elections to the Constituent Assembly." For the first time in the history of Russia, the property qualification, settling down, restrictions on national and religious grounds were abolished. New law corresponded to the level of advanced electoral laws of its time. The introduction of a system of elections based on the lists of nominated political parties was envisaged. For the first time in Russia, qualifications were abolished: property, literacy, residence, as well as restrictions on national and religious grounds. The composition of voters expanded - the right to vote was granted to women and military personnel. The minimum age for participation in elections was set at 20 years. The deaf-mutes, the insane, those under guardianship, convicted by the court, insolvent debtors, military deserters, members of the royal family were deprived of the right to participate in elections. However, with the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, democratic principles were lost. A totalitarian regime was established in the country, a one-party system, a single ideology, which did not allow free elections. Although it was said about democratic principles in the elections, in reality they were under the control of the authorities.

The Stalinist Constitution of 1936 established universal suffrage from the age of 18. Chapter XI of the Constitution of the USSR of 1936 was devoted to the electoral system of the USSR . The right to nominate candidates for deputies was given to public organizations. Each deputy was obliged to report on the work done, and could be recalled at any time by decision of the majority of voters.

Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the Constitution Soviet Union Every Soviet citizen over the age of 23 could be elected. According to the constitutions of these republics, every Soviet citizen over the age of 21 could be elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviets of the Union and Autonomous Republics, and every citizen over the age of 18 could be elected a deputy of local Soviets. Women enjoyed the same voting rights as men. The right to vote was granted to all citizens, regardless of gender, race, nationality or religion. The incapacitated were deprived of their voting rights, by the verdict of the court.

Almost all one hundred percent of the voters took part in the elections of deputies to the Soviets. For example, in the elections of deputies to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on March 12, 1950, 99.98 percent of voters participated. This means that out of every 10,000 voters, only 2 people did not participate in the elections. It should be noted that the first candidate for deputies in all Soviet republics was the candidacy of the Soviet leader - Comrade Stalin .

The 1936 constitution established direct elections to all government bodies. Both at the local level and in the Supreme Soviets. The Stalin Constitution established a secret ballot for elections to all Soviets. All public organizations and societies of working people enjoyed the right to nominate candidates for deputies of the Soviets: communist party organizations, trade unions of workers and employees, cooperative organizations, youth organizations, cultural societies. General meetings of workers and employees in enterprises also have the right to nominate candidates; general meetings of peasants - on collective farms, villages and volosts; workers and employees of state farms - according to state farms; military personnel - by military units.

Thus, candidates for deputies of the Soviets were nominated by the people themselves. At the same time, the voters gave orders to their candidate to work in the Council. The people themselves, represented by their representatives, participated in the organization and control of the elections.

Soviet voters could follow the work of their deputies and control their work. The constitution gave voters the right to recall a deputy who did not justify the trust of the people before the expiration of his term of office and to elect another in his place.

USSR Constitution 1977states that the elections of deputies to all Soviets of People's Deputies are carried out on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot. Elections of deputies were universal: all citizens of the USSR who have reached the age of 18 , had the right to elect and be elected, with the exception of persons recognized in the manner prescribed by law as incompetent and held by a court verdict in places of deprivation of liberty. A citizen of the USSR who had reached the age of 21 could be elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Elections of deputies were equal: each elector had one vote; all voters participated in the elections on an equal footing.

Elections of deputies were direct: deputies of all Councils of People's Deputies were directly elected by citizens. .

The right to nominate candidates for deputies belongs to the organizations of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, trade unions, the All-Union Lenin Communist Union Youth, cooperative and other public organizations, labor collectives, as well as meetings of military personnel in military units.

Elections of deputies to the Soviets of People's Deputies were carried out according to constituencies. The holding of elections to the Soviets was provided by election commissions, which were formed from representatives from public organizations, labor collectives and meetings of military personnel in military units. The deputy is obliged to report on his work and the work of the Council to the voters, as well as to the collectives and public organizations who nominated him as a candidate.


Elections are the most important component of modern political systems that form legitimate power. Elections are nothing more than a political institution, with the use of which a relatively regular, periodic process of electing the composition of public authorities, enshrined in the Constitution and other laws, is carried out. Free elections are a direct expression of the power of the people. Every citizen has the right to decide whether to participate in elections or not. In the Russian Federation goes difficult process reforming the socio-political life of the country, the renewal of statehood, the formation of partnerships between the state and citizens. We want rapid changes in society, but in order to achieve the desired result, we must not remain passive. Participation in elections is a manifestation of social responsibility for the fate of one's country. However, it should be noted that the activity of the electorate is declining. There is a negative attitude of young people to the elections, some say that they do not trust anyone. Such behavior may be due to a low political culture, to the fact that they are not interested in politics. The mistrust and disbelief of the younger generation may also be due to the fact that young people are often manipulated. There are cases when, during elections or during the election campaign, they put on a youth show, creating an emotional atmosphere. But time passes and the youth is forgotten. The older generation has ceased to trust. The electorate has ceased to see forces that would not only promise, but also guarantee the fulfillment of their programs. There are publications in the media about tougher punishments for those who do not participate in elections, it is proposed to introduce fines. But this will be contrary to freedom of choice, democracy.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 contains a democratic potential, therefore, the development of democratic institutions of elections is within the power of the Russian Federation. Our youth, and this is the future of the country, should not remain indifferent. In order to increase the political activity of the younger generation, it is necessary to promote legal knowledge, use a system of workshops and trainings that will help form in the minds of young citizens the need for personal participation in political events. The media should work actively, meetings are held with members of election commissions, with political leaders.

Sources and literature:

  1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation. 1993
  2. Constitution of the USSR 1936
  3. Constitution of the USSR 1977
  4. Federal Law No. 67-FZ of June 12, 2002 “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation” with amendments and additions. slide 2

    Elections are the most important component of modern politics, an essential feature of democracy. Elections are a way of forming government bodies based on the expression of the political will of citizens.

    Article 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states: “The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people. The highest direct expression of the power of the people is the referendum and free elections.

    The purpose of this work is to show the features of the system of elections to government bodies. Tasks: - to reveal the essence of the concept of elections; - to reflect the historical aspect of elections in Russia; - disclose the principles of elections in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Method: analysis of sources, periodicals, research articles.

    Elections in the modern Russian Federation In order for elections to be recognized as legitimate, it is necessary that the elections be free, fair and genuine. Genuine Elections - Real Choice Based on Political Pluralism

    Functions of elections in a democracy Exercise control over the institutions of power. Elections provide an opportunity to re-elect an objectionable government, to replace them with people who enjoy confidence. Expanding communications. Regulate relationships. They are mobilized to solve urgent social problems. The political consciousness and political participation of the population is developing. During the election process, the political elite is formed. Elections contribute to the approval of viable ideas.

    Principles of suffrage Principle of universal suffrage Principle of equal suffrage Principle of direct suffrage Principle of voluntary participation in elections Principle of secret ballot

    The decisive factor in the stability of society is the political will of civil society. It is imperative to participate in the elections, our life will depend on it.

    Elections and suffrage in the USSR

    Sources and literature: The Constitution of the Russian Federation. 1993 Constitution of the USSR 1936 Constitution of the USSR 1977 Federal Law No. 67-FZ of June 12, 2002 “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation” with amendments and additions. Ivanchenko A.V., Kynev A.V., Lyubarev A.E. Proportional electoral system in Russia: history, state of the art, perspectives. M.: Aspect Press, 2005. - 333 p. Political Science Course: Textbook. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - M., 2005. Political science. Textbook for universities / Edited by M.A. Vasilik. - M., 2007 gumer.invo / bibliotek_Buks / Polit / Pugach soziologiya

Elections are the election of officials by the population. This procedure is the most important form of civic participation in the political and public life countries. Today, in most states of the world there are certain elections, thanks to which legitimate power is formed and changed.

The concept of elections

Suffrage is a key subspecies of constitutional rights enshrined in the main law - the Constitution. Without it, it is impossible to imagine a free civil society. Voting is the exercise of power by the inhabitants of the country to officials).

At its core, the concept of elections is inextricably linked with In each country, regular voting is held in accordance with established legislation.

Electoral legislation of the Russian Federation

In modern Russia, deputies of the general and local parliaments, the president, mayors of cities and heads of subjects of the Federation are elected in elections. There are several sources of the country's suffrage. These are normative acts (laws) that regulate the voting procedure.

The concept of elections and their place in the life of the country are determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the charters of regions, territories, cities, as well as the constitutions of the republics that are members of the Federation. This legislation throughout the period modern history The Russian Federation remains the basis of its electoral system.

There are also specialized regulations. First of all, this is a federal law adopted in 2002. Its key purpose is to guarantee the citizens of the Russian Federation the preservation of their voting rights. In that federal law describes the voting procedures, as well as the principles of campaigning. Over the years of its existence, the document has gone through several editions and revisions. However, despite all the modifications, its basic essence remained the same.

The change in the electoral legislation is cyclical. It is being edited as a response to the changing political environment. For example, in 2004, gubernatorial elections were canceled, and a few years later they were returned. Single edits can be made by special orders of the Russian Federation. Some details of the electoral legislation are within the competence of the Central Electoral Commission and the State Duma. Therefore, elections also depend on their decisions and decisions.

Direct and indirect elections

Most states have adopted direct and democratic elections. This means that officials are determined directly by the citizen. Polling stations are open for voting. A resident of the country fixes his choice in the ballot. The will of the people is determined by the amount of these papers.

In addition to direct, there are also indirect choices opposite to them. The most famous example of such a system is the United States. In the case of indirect elections, the voter delegates his powers to the electors (who later translate the will of their voters and end the elections). This is a rather complex and confusing system adopted in different countries largely due to adherence to tradition. For example, in the United States, the president of the country is not elected by citizens, but in the same way, the upper house of the Indian parliament is formed in two stages.

Alternative and non-alternative elections

Two electoral systems (alternative and non-alternative) determine the nature of the entire electoral system, regardless of its other features. What is their essence and difference? Alternative implies that a person has a choice between several candidates. At the same time, citizens prefer diametrically opposed programs and political ideas.

Non-alternative elections are reduced to a single party (or name) on the ballot. Today, such a system has practically disappeared from widespread practice. Nevertheless, uncontested elections persist in countries with a one-party system, where power can be authoritarian or totalitarian.

Majoritarian electoral system

There are many different types of elections in the world today. While each country has its own unique practices, several key trends can be identified. For example, one of the most common electoral systems is the majority system. In such elections, the territory of the country is divided into districts, and each of them holds its own vote (with unique lists of candidates).

The majority system is especially effective in electing parliament. Thanks to it, deputies who represent the interests of all regions of the country without exception get into it. As a rule, a candidate runs for the constituency of which he or she is a native. Once in parliament, such deputies will have a clear and distinct idea of ​​the interests of the people who voted for them. This is how the representative function is performed in the best possible way. It is important to comply with the principle that in reality it is not the deputy who votes in the parliament, but the citizens who elected him and delegated powers to him.

Types of majority system

The majority system is divided into three subspecies. The first is the principle of absolute majority. In this case, in order to win, the candidate needs to get more than half of the votes. If it is not possible to determine such a candidate the first time, then by-elections are called. They involve two people, whose assets the largest number votes. Such a system is most often characteristic of municipal elections.

The second principle concerns the relative majority. According to him, any mathematical advantage over opponents is enough for a candidate to win, even if this figure does not overcome the 50% threshold. Much less common is the third principle, concerning In this case, the specific number of votes necessary for victory is established.

proportional electoral system

Common types of elections are based on party representation. According to this principle, a proportional electoral system operates. It forms the elected bodies of power through party lists. When elected in the district, the candidate can also represent the interests (for example, communists or liberals), but first of all he offers citizens his own program.

In the case of party lists and the proportional system, the situation is different. Such voting in elections focuses on political movements and organizations, and not on the individual politician. On the eve of the elections, parties draw up their lists of candidates. Then, after the vote, each movement receives a number of seats in Parliament proportional to the votes cast. The candidates included in the lists get into the representative body. At the same time, preference is given to the first numbers: well-known politicians in the country, public figures, popular speakers, etc. The main types of elections can be described in another way. Majoritarian - individual, proportional - collective.

Open and closed party lists

The proportional system (like the majority system) has its own varieties. The two main subspecies include voting on open party lists (Brazil, Finland, the Netherlands). Such direct elections are an opportunity for the voter not only to choose a party list, but also to support a specific party member (in some countries, two or more can be supported). This is how the preference rating of candidates is formed. In such a system, the party cannot single-handedly decide which composition to put forward to parliament.

Closed lists are used in Russia, Israel, the European Union and South Africa. In this case, the citizen has the right to vote only for the party he likes. The specific people who get into parliament are determined by the political organization itself. The voter first of all votes for the general program.

Pros and cons of the proportional system

All types of choices have their advantages and disadvantages. The proportional system is positively different in that the votes of citizens do not just disappear. They go to the general piggy bank of the party and influence the political agenda. There is an important circumstance in this rule. Each country has a specific threshold. Parties that do not pass this mark do not enter parliament. Therefore, the most fair in this case are the elections in Israel, where the minimum threshold is only 1% (in Russia 5%).

The disadvantage of the proportional system is considered to be a partial distortion of the principle of democracy. Listed elects inevitably lose contact with their voters. If the candidates are determined by the party, they do not need to prove to people their own competence. Many specialists criticize closed lists for being susceptible to all sorts of political technologies. For example, there is the "principle of a steam locomotive". Using it, the parties put ahead of their closed lists of people recognizable by the people (movie stars, pop stars and sports). After the elections, these "locomotives" give up their mandates in favor of little-known party functionaries. There are many cases in history when the closeness of parties led to dictatorship within the organization and the dominance of the bureaucracy.

Mixed elections

The electoral system can combine two basic principles (majority and proportional). With this configuration, it will be considered mixed. In Russia, when parliament is elected today, it is precisely such direct general elections that operate. Half of the deputies are determined by lists, the other half - by single-mandate constituencies. The mixed electoral system will be applied on September 18, 2016 (before that, it was used in elections to the State Duma until 2003 inclusive). In 2007 and 2011 there was a proportional principle with closed party lists.

A mixed system is also called other formats of the electoral system. For example, in Australia, one house of parliament is elected by party lists, and the other by single-member constituencies. There is also a mixed coupled system. According to its rules, seats in parliament are distributed according to the single-seat majoritarian principle, but voting takes place according to lists.

Advantages and disadvantages of the mixed principle

Any mixed system is flexible and democratic. It is constantly changing and offers the country several ways to form the composition of representative bodies. Polling stations in this case can become the site of several elections at once, held according to different principles. For example, in Russia, voting at the municipal level of cities is increasingly carried out in this format.

Mixed direct elections are an important factor in pulverization political system. Therefore, experts consider it a serious test for countries with a young, failed democracy. Fragmented political organizations are forced to form coalitions. A party majority in parliament is practically unattainable in this case. On the one hand, this hinders decision-making, on the other hand, such a picture is a clear example of the versatility of a society in which there are many groups with different interests. The mixed electoral system and a large number of small parties were typical for Russia and Ukraine in the 1990s.

Elections are a method and procedure for the formation of an authoritative body or the empowerment of an official, carried out by voting of authorized persons.

Meaning of the Elections:

legitimation of power;

indicator of the development of democracy;

the method of formation of power bodies;

· a barometer of political life (reflect the support of the population of power);

sanction for political leaders (they receive mandates and the right to power directly from the people);

promotion political socialization personality (it is during the elections that a person gets acquainted with some political norms and procedures);

control over power (if there is no trust in power, its representatives are not elected);

In democratic countries, elections should cover all levels of government - from local government to the head of state.

Types of elections

There are several types of elections:

1. Direct and indirect. In direct elections, the question of election belongs directly to citizens (this is how, for example, the President of Russia, the State Duma are elected). In indirect elections, there is another link between the population and the elected body. A striking example of indirect elections is the election of the President of the United States. American citizens elect an Electoral College, which then formally elects the President of the United States on their behalf and on their behalf. That is, between the American voter and the President there is a third link - the Electoral College.

2. General (all adult capable citizens of the state participate) and partial (part of the population participates); there may be additional ones (if it is necessary to replenish the composition of the Chamber of Deputies, if one of them left early in case of death, resignation, etc.).

3. National, regional and local.

5. Regular or extraordinary (due to the death of the President, the dissolution of Parliament). Great importance has a frequency of elections, because the term of office of government bodies and officials depends on it, it is an indicator of democracy. In some states, early elections cannot be due to the peculiarities of the political system. For example, in the United States, both houses of Congress cannot be dissolved under any circumstances, as a result of which early elections are not needed. And in case of early resignation of the President, his death or impeachment, the Vice-President of the United States becomes the President until new elections. Therefore, according to American law, the election of the Electoral College of the President of the United States is held on "the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November leap year”, and the election of deputies to the Congress “on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of the month of an even year” and is impossible at any other time.

6. General or limited (qualification).

7. Equal and unequal.

Participation in the political life of the country is the right of all adult citizens. If a person is not directly involved in politics, he exercises this right through elections - the process of electing representatives to public office to form the apparatus of government.

Such a procedure is an expression of the power of the people, the most democratic way to replace leaders in leadership positions.

What are elections for?

A representative of a region (district) is legally approved in a leadership position, based on the decision of a group of persons participating in elections. The procedure is used to elect delegates to state, regional, local government structures. Elections in the Russian Federation are also used by private, commercial organizations and associations. The basis is the Constitution, laws, charter.

What are the elections

Depending on the reasons for the appointment, elections are classified:

Next - planned, initial; are held after the expiration of the term of office of the former representative;

Early - when there are reasons to terminate the activities of the person elected earlier;

Basic (general) - for the re-election of the entire leadership of the authority;

Rotational (partial) - some of the representatives of state power are elected;

Additional - in case of early departure of a deputy, the appearance of an additional vacancy;

Repeated - when the falsification of elections is proven, they are declared invalid by the court or the election commission;

Preliminaries (primaries) - are carried out within the party to determine the opinion of the electorate and nominate the most successful candidate;

Combined - elections of several bodies, representatives are held simultaneously.

Types of electoral systems

According to the electoral system used, elections are:

Direct - directly elected deputies, representatives to power;

Indirect - a multistage method of election, when special electors are first nominated, who elect the necessary official to the vacant post.

Elections to federal, regional bodies, to local self-government are distinguished by level.

Why does Russia need elections?

For legal purposes:

Imperative - only possible way empowering an organ, a person with power;

Alternative - the legislation also provides for other methods of official substitutions.

What is a party list election?

Deputies are elected according to the system of party lists, seats in power are distributed in proportion to the votes cast. The party nominates candidates, draws up lists. The more votes for the party, the more seats it will receive in the elected body.

The order of priority of the party list participants is important, the most worthy candidates are brought to the beginning, they will become deputies in the first place. The first number is given to a deputy known to the masses, who attracts voters. In the regions, the majority-proportional system is also used, when, in addition to party lists, specific people are elected to the body.

Election stages

1. An election date is set.
2. An election commission is formed, the location of polling stations is determined.
3. Voters are registered.

4. The names of candidates are nominated and announced.
5. Election campaigning is underway, an information war is not ruled out.
6. Voting.
7. The election commission counts the votes and determines the results.

How to take part in elections?

Participation in the elections is voluntary, the protection of human rights guarantees an equal position in the elections for all citizens. With the onset of adulthood, when political views have been formed, a voter with a passport comes to the polling station. A ballot is issued, the rules for filling out which are written on the form itself. You can not send an empty sheet to the ballot box - unscrupulous members of the election commission will use the ballot. This is how the active right to participate in elections is exercised.

The referendum has only two options.

The implementation procedure is the same, the ballots differ. In elections, this is a list of candidates, parties, it can be arbitrarily large. In a referendum, there are only two options for voting: “yes” or “no”. Elections are held without fail, the order and dates are established for them. The referendum is scheduled as needed.

How is voting different from elections?

Both elections and referendums are held by voting; this is one of the stages of a large-scale procedure. Voting is also used within a party, a political bloc, a governing body to resolve certain issues, set the agenda, adopt laws, ordinances. Thus, voting is a decision-making tool in elections or a referendum.