Synopsis of GCD on teaching literacy using exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hand in the senior group, Ermolina E.Yu. Synopsis of GCD on teaching literacy in the preparatory group "Flower-Semitsvetik


GCD on preparation for teaching literacy

preparatory group

Speech therapist teacher: Sharifullina T.V.

MBDOU No. 1 "Smile"

Ostashkov, Tver region

Theme: "ABVGDeika"

Purpose: To consolidate knowledge on preparing children for literacy.

Correctional and educational tasks:

    Continue to learn to conduct sound analysis of the word

    To consolidate the ability to determine the presence of a given sound in a word.

    To consolidate the ability to finish, to supplement the sentence in meaning with the help of reference pictures.

Correction-developing tasks:

    Develop phonemic awareness.

    Develop memory and attention.

    Develop verbal and logical thinking in children, reason, draw conclusions.

Correctional and educational tasks:

    Cultivate respect and mutual understanding for each other.

    Develop the ability to use the acquired knowledge in practical activities.

Equipment: a projector, a video presentation (an excerpt from the ABVGDeika TV show, slides with pictures to highlight sound, pictures to determine the number of syllables), a magnetic board, cards with words from a proverb, a ball.

Handout: a set of subject pictures, cards with the image of a circle, felt-tip pens.

Children enter the group, greet the guests.

Teacher speech therapist: Get into the circle rather, hold hands tighter.

Children stand in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.

And we play and we sing

We live together in a group . (set to H0D)

Game "Magic Sounds"

Speech therapist: Guys, do you know that singing some sounds helps to improve health? If you have a runny nose, turn into an airplane - take a deep breath, as you exhale, pronounce the sound [B] for a long time and quietly. If you have a sore throat, turn into a mosquito and pronounce the sound [Z] as you exhale. When coughing, turning into a bug with a long pronunciation of the sound [Ж] will help.

Children perform exercises while standing, eyes should be closed, and the body should be relaxed.

Speech therapist: Remember these exercises and do them, and magical sounds will always come to your aid.

Guys, who remembers the articulation tale "At Grandma and Grandpa's"?

Articulation gymnastics

Fat grandchildren came to visit (children puffed out their cheeks)

They are thin with them - only skin and guests (they sucked in their cheeks without opening their mouths)

Grandma and grandpa smiled at everyone (big smile)

They all reached out to kiss (imitation kiss)

In the morning we woke up - in a smile of the lips (big smile)

We cleaned our upper teeth (the tongue moves between

upper lip and teeth)

Right and left, inside and outside (corresponding tongue movements)

We are also friends with the lower teeth (corresponding tongue movements)

Speech therapist: Guys, we received a VIDEO LETTER. Would you like to see? Sit comfortably. (Children sit in a semicircle opposite interactive whiteboard) Attention to the screen. (surprise moment)

Video. On the screen is an excerpt from the TV program "ABVGDeika". The heroes were given the task of the teacher, to make a proverb about friendship from words. They are having a hard time. Ask the guys for help.

Teacher speech therapist: Guys, help the clowns?

You and I know that the direct path to success is your sensitive ears, attentive eyes and, of course, the right answers. So, are you ready to take on the challenge?

Children: Oh sure.

Speech therapist: Look, the words are hidden on the board, (exclamation marks on cards) word on the other side) Are you curious to know what proverb is hiding? We can open them if we complete certain tasks. Do you agree?

1 task "Riddles"

Speech therapist: First, let's solve the riddles:

    One soft and whistles
    Another hard and hissing
    The third one will sing at all
    At least someone will pronounce it ... (sound). (What sounds do you know?)

    Black birds on a white page
    They are silent, waiting for someone to read them ... (letter).

(What is the difference between a letter and a sound??)

    At first I couldn't
    Read with two letters
    Your first ... (syllable).

    I will match the sound to the sound
    And I will pronounce it
    If I put the letters in a row
    Then I’ll read it later ... (word).

5. I will collect a lot of words
I will make friends with each other
The presentation will be clear
Then I will get ... (offer).

We guessed the riddles, we open the first word.

Task 2 "Find the sound"

On screen pictures: Robot, drum, rocket, tomato

Speech therapist: Guys, tell me what is shown on the screen (robot, drum, rocket, tomato). Listen and name the sound I make when I say these words?

Children's answers: "R" sound

Speech therapist: And now we need to determine its place in the word.

Children's answers.

On screen pictures:

Lamp, elephant, armchair, pencil case L speech pathologist: Look and say what is shown on the screen (lamp, elephant, chair, pencil case). Listen and name the sound I make when I say these words?

Children's answers:"L" sound.

Speech therapist: And now we need to determine its place in the word.

Speech therapist:-Correctly! Now I propose to highlight these sounds in other words, if we hear the sound "L" - we clap, if the sound "R" - we stomp.

Frame, llama, rose, vine, shaft, var, cake, port, swamp, work, dill, bug, lamp, ramp, table, floor, map, school desk, scrap, swarm. (children do the task)

Clever, and we completed this task, correctly identified the sounds "L" and "P".

3 task "Divide the word into syllables"

Speech therapist: Look guys what interesting pictures!

Name what is shown on the screen.

Children name (doll, car, ball, pyramid)

Speech therapist: - Guys, what are the words?

Children's answers.

How do you know how many syllables a word has?

Children's answers:(with the help of claps, there are as many syllables as there are vowels in a word).

That's right, with the help of claps, determine how many syllables are in the word "Doll"

    How many syllables (1) are there in the word "ball", how many vowels? (also 1)

    How many syllables (3) are there in the word "machine", how many vowels? (also 3)

    How many syllables are in the word "pyramid" 4), how many vowels (also 4)

    Tell me guys, how to call these objects in one word? (toys)

Speech therapist:-Well done! Now I invite everyone to the circle to play with you.

Physical education minute

We put our hands on our shoulders

We start to rotate them.

This is how we fix our posture.

One, two, three, four, five! (arms to shoulders, rotation of shoulders forward and backward).

Put your hands in front of your chest

We part to the sides.

We will do a workout

In any weather. (arms in front of the chest, jerking the arms to the sides).

Let's raise our right hand

Let's put the other one down.

We swap them

We move our hands smoothly. (one straight arm, the other down, with smooth movements one arm lowers, and the other simultaneously rises).

Now let's get together

Let's all walk in place. (walking in place).

To do the following, he invites the children to sit at the tables.

Task 4 "Finish the sentence"

Speech therapist: guys tell me what is the offer?

Children's answers: These are 2, 3, 4 or more words that are friends with each other.

Speech therapist: Look at your table there are cards with pictures (airplane, flower, table, balloons, fish, sock). (working with handouts)

And now we will play the game "Finish the sentence." I will start the sentence, and you can complete it with the help of a picture that fits the meaning.

Flying in the sky....

Growing in the park...

The room is…..

Masha has an air ....

The fishermen caught...

Grandma knitted...

Children raise their pictures and repeat the whole sentence.

Speech therapist: Okay, we have done this job. Repeat what a sentence is (These are 2, 3, 4 or more words that are friends with each other). (individual responses of children)

Great, we can open the fourth word.

5 task "Turn a short word into a long one"

Speech therapist: And in order to open the next word, I suggest standing in a circle and playing. I will throw a ball to each of you and say a short word, and you will turn this short word into a long one. For example: cat - cat, there are more sounds in the second word, so it has become longer.

Is the assignment clear? The game begins: ball-ball, table-table, car-machine, doll-doll, etc.

Well done children. You are right about the long words.

Speech therapist: You guys are very smart. you turned it right short words in long. Therefore, we can open one more word.

Open and read the fifth word.

6 task "Draw a letter"

Speech therapist: Guys, pay attention to you have more cards on the table. They show a circle. What letter does it remind you of? (O) What do you think, what letters can be turned into a circle? That's right, if we fantasize and finish drawing the elements, then we get another letter. Now I'm turning you on magic artists! And then you can turn an ordinary circle into bright, cheerful, mischievous letters. One, two, three, four, five, we begin to draw ... .. (children complete the elements to make a letter). (music sounds, children draw) Guys, show what you did. (children show and name the resulting letters)

Speech therapist: Perfectly. We got such different, bright letters. We can open the last word, read the whole proverb.

Offers to open the last sixth word, read the proverb.

"A tree is supported by its roots, but a man is by his friends."

On the video screen: the clowns thank the children, saying that they are true friends. Say goodbye.

Speech therapist: look, the clowns are very happy and grateful that you helped them. Do you like helping clowns yourself? What task was the most interesting? Complicated? What new did you learn? What is your mood?

And I liked to play with you and complete tasks. You are my smarties!

Guys, I have prepared a surprise for you (opens a beautiful box) look - emoticons, they are different joyful, thoughtful, sad. If today it was easy for you in class, you coped with all the tasks - take a joyful emoticon, if there were difficulties, but you tried to overcome them - a thoughtful emoticon, and if it was very difficult - a sad one.

And for the guests, there is another box in it, too, emoticons, if you were interested, joyful emoticons, if bored is not interesting, sad.

Now I invite everyone to the circle

All gathered together in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.


GCD for literacy

in senior group(Educational area "Cognition")

Tasks : children mastering the action of sound analysis of the word, determining the sequence of sounds in the word "Bow",

building a model of a word, fixing a hard and soft phoneme of sounds in the game "Name your brother",

strengthening the ability to divide words into syllables in the game "Let's build a pyramid", consolidating the ability of children to name words for the sounds of a certain thematic orientation given by the educator,

development of phonemic awareness.

Lesson progress : 1 hour - Guys, today I received a telegram from the teacher of the forest school Wise Owl. She invites us to her school. Let's go?

The school is in the field. To get there on the bridge, you need to correctly name the brother of sound. I call the big brother, and you call me the little one. Do you remember what big brother sounds like? And the little one? ( Children take turns approaching the bridge, the teacher calls a solid consonant sound, and the children pair it - b-b, m - m, to - k, s - s, in - v). When half of the children pass, the task changes, the teacher calls a soft consonant, and the children are hard.

Children go to the tables, on the flannelgraph there is an image of the Wise Owl.

2 hours Sound analysis of the word

Quest of the Wise Owl. You need to guess the riddle and disassemble the riddle, that is, find out what sounds live in the word. And the riddle is:

“Threw off Yegorushka

golden feathers,

Made Yegorushka -

Cry without grief."

That's right, it's an onion. Sit down in your seats and put the pictures in front of you.

How many sounds do you think this word has? Why?

That's right, there are three cells under the picture, which means there are three sounds in the word.

Look and listen how to read this word, and how the pointer will help me(show how to lead a pointer under the cells and pronounce the word)

Now let's try to read it. Listen to the first sound in the word - Llluk. (and holds the pointer under the diagram, holding the pointer under the first sound ohm). Repeat the word, emphasizing this sound with your voice. The first sound is L, the sound “L” lives in the first house, Polina, put it in the first house. Say the sound "L", which prevents us from pronouncing it - the tongue, it rises to the upper teeth.

Hear the sound of the second sound - looo.(Reads the word, holding the pointer under the second sound.) That's right, it's the "U" sound. Say the word so that we hear the second sound - (ask 2 - 3 children to pronounce the word with intonational sound emphasis ). The sound "U" lives in the second house. What sound lives in the second house? Let's try to pronounce it - U - U - U. Is there anything preventing us from pronouncing this sound?

No, the air goes freely, it's a magical sound. Put, Polina, the sound "U" in the second house.

Now guess how the third sound sounds in the word - LuK. Let's put him in the third house.

3 hours And now let's play the game "Live Sounds".

The children are given cards where the word is divided into three parts in each part - a sound.

On the word "sounds quarreled" - you scatter, on the word "sounds reconciled" everyone finds his own part of the picture and thereby composes a word.

How many sounds are in a word?

What is the first sound in the word ....!

Physical education minute

A moment of health at the Forest School

Getting to know the forest dwellers
(Children perform movements according to the text. The teacher monitors the posture of children, focuses on the transfer of the characteristic image of animals by children.)
We have good posture
We brought the shoulder blades
We are like socks
And then on the heels.
Let's go soft like foxes
And like a clumsy bear.
And like a gray wolf.
And like a hare-coward,
Here the wolf curled up into a ball,
Because he's cold.
The ray of the hedgehog touched
The hedgehog stretched sweetly.

4 hours - Guys, in the hollow of the oak, where the Wise Owl lives, there is a magic chest. (Pulls it out and shows it to the children.)

To open it, you need to say magic words

Chest, chest, open your barrel for us.(Children repeat.

(children repeat with louder sound)

Wise Owl has prepared pictures for us to play with. ( The teacher approaches each child, and the child takes out a picture). From these pictures we will build a pyramid. Above - words-pictures, in the name of which there is 1 syllable, in the middle - words from two syllables, and below - from three syllables. How do we know how many syllables a word has? Speak or clap a word to yourself. Now come out to me. (Children identify their pictures on the pyramid).

The game "Make a pyramid of words"

5h. Aunt Owl offers a game“In a word, agree on a syllable, be careful, look!” (syllabic analysis and synthesis, phonemic awareness) Add at the end of the word SY or ZY so that the word sounds right, and then pronounce it in its entirety.




6h. Final.

Back we will also return along the bridge

Whom did we visit today?

What have we learned?

Natalya Shekh
Summary of GCD in preparation for literacy

Summary of GCD in preparation for literacy

(school preparatory group)

Subject: « Literates» .

Target: consolidate knowledge on preparing children for literacy.


Correctional and educational tasks:

Continue to teach children to characterize sounds, differentiate R-L sounds, conduct a sound analysis of the word;

To consolidate the ability to determine the presence of a given sound in a word;

To consolidate the ability to finish, to supplement the sentence in meaning with the help of reference pictures.

Correction-developing tasks:

Develop phonemic perception;

Develop memory and attention;

Develop verbal and logical thinking in children, reason, draw conclusions.

Correctional and educational tasks:

Cultivate respect, mutual understanding for each other;

Develop the ability to use the acquired knowledge in practical activities.


Telegram; pictures for extracting sound from a word; reference pictures for working on a proposal; magnetic board; cards with proverbs.

Handout: red, blue and green mugs; cards for determining the place of sound in a word; a set of subject pictures to determine the number of syllables in a word; letters cards, simple pencils; smiley pictures.

GCD progress:

Get into the circle sooner, hold hands tighter.

(Children stand in a circle).

All the children gathered in a circle, I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other.

We play and sing, we live together in a group.

Look at me, let's repeat the rule with you speeches:

Every day, always, everywhere

In the classroom, in the game

Yes, we speak clearly

We are not in a hurry!

Guys, we got telegram from the people of the country« Gramoteika» .

(Children sit at tables).

"Hello dear guys! We want to congratulate you, because you will soon go to school, and you know all the letters and sounds. We, the inhabitants of the country « Gramoteika» , received a task from the Wise Owl to compose a proverb about friendship from words. To make a proverb, you need to pass the test. But we are at a loss and ask for your help.

Well guys, let's help the people of the country « Gramoteika» . Shall we try to pass the test?

Look, the words are hidden on the board. Are you curious to know what proverb is hiding here? We can open them if we complete certain tasks. Do you agree?

1 task "Riddles".

To start, let's guess riddles:

1. One soft and whistles

Another hard and hissing

The third one will sing at all

Whoever says it... (sound).

What sounds do you know?

(Children name several sounds, give them a description).

2. Black birds on a white page

They are silent, waiting for someone to read them ... (letter).

What is the difference between a letter and a sound?

(Letters we see, write, and sounds we hear and pronounce).

3. At first I couldn't

Read with two letters

Your first… (syllable).

4. I will match the sound to the sound

And I will pronounce it

If I put the letters in a row

Then I'll read it (word).

5. I will collect a lot of words

I will make friends with each other

The presentation will be clear

That's what I'll get (offer).

We guessed the riddles, we open the first word - WOOD.

2 task. A game "Who is attentive".

I will name the sounds. If it's a vowel, what color circle are we raising? And if a hard (soft consonant?

A, V, D, F, W, K, L, U, N, E. (children's answers).

A game "Find the Sound".

Pictures on the board: robot, fish, drum, tomato.

Guys, tell me what is shown on the screen? Listen and name the sound I make when I say these words? (Sound "R")

And now we need to determine the place of the sound R in the word (children put the chip in the desired position - the beginning, middle or end of the word).

Pictures on the board: lamp, elephant, chair, pencil case.

Look and tell me what is shown in the pictures? Listen and name the sound I make when I say these words? (Sound "L").

And now we need to determine its place in the word.

Now I propose to highlight these sounds in other words, if we hear the sound "L"- clap if the sound "R"- we stomp. Shall we play?

The words:


(Children do the task).

Clever, and you completed this task correctly. We open and read the second word - HOLDS.

3 task. Sound analysis of the word.

Guys, guess riddle:

There is a cheerful, bright house. There are a lot of nimble guys in it.

There they write and count, draw and read.

(On the board, the child conducts a sound analysis of the word "SCHOOL").

4 task "Divide the word into syllables".

Guys, what are the words? (From syllables).

How to find out how many syllables are in a word?

(With the help of claps, there are as many syllables as there are vowels in a word).

Now I will give each of you a picture, and with the help of claps, determine how many syllables are in your word (pictures by number of children).

(Children name the word and slap the number of syllables in it).

Well done! We open the fourth small word - A.

Now I invite everyone to the circle, I will play with you.

Physical education minute (with musical accompaniment)

We put our hands on our shoulders

We start to rotate them.

This is how we fix our posture.

One, two, three, four, five!

(Hands to shoulders, rotation of shoulders back and forth).

Put your hands in front of your chest

We part to the sides.

We will do a workout

In any weather.

(Hands in front of the chest, jerking hands to the sides).

Let's raise our right hand

Let's put the other one down.

We swap them

We move our hands smoothly. (One straight arm, the other down, with smooth movements, one arm lowers and the other simultaneously rises).

Now let's get together

Let's all walk in place. (Walking in place).

For the next task, I suggest you sit down at the tables.

5 task "Finish the sentence".

Guys tell me, what is the offer?

(Children's answers: "These are 2, 3, 4 or more words that are friends with each other and are related in meaning").

Look, there are cards with pictures on your table. (plane, flower, table, balloon, fish, sock, mushrooms).

Now we are going to play a game "Come up with an offer". Now you will work in pairs. I will give each pair a picture. One of you should come up with a sentence based on this picture. And the other is to reproduce it with different intonation. (Pictures: fish, flowers, table, balloon, sock, mushroom).

Okay, you've completed this task.

You guys are very smart. Therefore, we can open one more word. (Open and read the fifth word - MAN).

6 task "Restore Letters"

Guys in the country « Gramoteika» an earthquake occurred. All the letters fell and crumbled. Let's help the inhabitants of the country to restore the letters? You have more cards and pencils on the table. Please restore all letters. Be careful, don't make a mistake. One, two, three, four five, let's start drawing!

(Children draw the elements to make a letter).

Guys, show me what you got.

(Children show and name the resulting letters)

How many letters did you restore, which beautiful letters you got it. Well, now we can open the last word and read the whole proverb - FRIENDS.

"A tree is supported by its roots, but a man is by his friends".


Well done guys, coped with all the tests. Did you enjoy taking the test? What did we do today? What is your mood? Inhabitants of the country « Gramoteika» glad and grateful that you helped them. And they have a surprise for you. Look, those are emoticons. They are various: joyful, thoughtful, sad. If you were interested in the lesson today, you coped with all the tasks - take a joyful emoticon, if there were difficulties, but you tried to overcome them - a thoughtful emoticon, and if it was completely difficult - a sad one.

(Children choose emoticons).

Outline of the GCD on teaching literacy for the preparatory group for d / s

(best done in groups)
This material is intended for kindergarten teachers. The summary of the GCD is useful in working with children of the senior / preparatory group, educational area cognition (literacy).

Topic. Acquaintance of children with the proposal.

Target: the formation of children's ideas about the sentence as an intonation-semantic unit of speech.

Program tasks:
1. Teach children to highlight a two-word sentence without prepositions.
2. Learn to break each sentence into words and notice how many words are in the sentence; in what order they follow.
3. Learning to write a sentence graphically.
4. Teach to speak every word loudly, distinctly, clearly.

Materials and equipment: a snowflake on a thread of napkin paper, notebooks, simple pencils, a ruler, a board, a pointer. The synopsis used finger games author Galyant I.M.

GCD progress:

I part. Children sit in a semicircle.
- Guys, look who came to visit us today (I bring in the “Dunno” doll and sit next to me on a chair).
Yes, it's Dunno. He really wanted to visit us and listen to us talk about what the proposal is. After all, Dunno would also like to become literate. But in order for Dunno to understand and hear everything, we will speak loudly, distinctly, clearly, pronounce and pronounce every word.
- To do this, we will work on our breathing (I give each child a snowflake).
- Take the snowflake by the thread and hang it at the level of the mouth. Imagine that a strong wind blew, snowflakes swirled, and the wind died down (children blow on a snowflake, the teacher makes sure that each child succeeds). The wind began to blow harder, even stronger. The wind died down again.
II part. Guys, do you know that sentences consist of words and I will give you such a sentence: "Dunno is sitting."

Tell me, how many words about Dunno have I just said? (children's answers).
- What is the first word? What is the second word? How many words are in the sentence? (children's answers).
- And now the guys themselves come up with a two-word sentence about Dunno. (For example, “Dunno fell”, “Dunno got up.”) (You can ask each child.)
- The sentence always says something, from the sentence we always learn about something, i.e. it contains certain meaning, and the sentence, as you have already noticed, consists of words.
III part. And now, let's play with Dunno with our fingers in the game "Raffle":
Girls and boys, where are your fingers? (hide hands behind back).
Went fingers in the morning (wiggle your fingers).
On a visit to Aunt Razygra (clap your hands).
They sat on a bench (on the thumb of the left hand, “sit” with each finger of the hand, starting with the little finger).
Yes, they looked through the window (fold the “windows” in front of the eyes from the fingers).
We drank tea, tea, I'll play (alternate clapping and showing thumbs).
The palm of the sun was stroked a little (stroke the palms, lightly massaging them).
The fingers were raised - they became rays (straighten and spread the fingers of both hands).
- The next game is called "Live Words". At will, two children are called, they are invited to become “living words”. Children make up a sentence and call it "Dunno is listening." The teacher invites the children-words to change places and call the resulting sentence "Listening Dunno." You can ask a couple more children to do the same.
- Children, it turns out that the words in a sentence can be interchanged and its meaning does not change from this.
IV part. Physical pause. Guys, let's pretend that we are leaves. And suddenly a strong wind blew, the leaves swirled:
We are autumn leaves
They sat on the branches (children squat).
The wind blew - they flew.
We flew, we flew (children run on toes)
And quietly sat on the ground
The wind came up again
And lifted all the leaves
Turned them around, circled (circling in place)
And dropped to the ground.
V part. Let's go to the tables.
- Guys, do you know that a proposal can be indicated by a graphic entry. But for this there are rules for writing a proposal:
1. The offer always starts with capital letter.
2. Words in a sentence are written at a distance from each other, i.e. there is a pause between words.
3. A period is always put at the end of a sentence, i.e. completed the meaning of the sentence.
- Now, I will draw a sentence on the board, and you in your notebooks. (I write down “Dunno writes” on the board, draw a sentence diagram). The sentence consists of two words: the first word is “Dunno”, the second word is “writes”, a period is put at the end of the sentence.
- Independent work children. Guys, now everyone independently come up with new two-word sentences about Dunno and write down the sentence scheme in your notebooks.
VI final part. Today we talked about Dunno in two words. I think Dunno really enjoyed working with us. Tell me what have we learned today? Yes, we have learned to make sentences from two words. Notice what the first, second word in the sentence. We learned how to write a sentence using a diagram. Would you guys like Dunno to come to our next lesson? Thank you, I liked the way you did today.

Software content.

  1. Improve your ability to write and analyze sentences.
  2. Improve the ability to divide words into syllables, put stress.
  3. Improve the ability to determine the location of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end).
  4. To consolidate the ability to invent words for a given sound, syllable.
  5. To consolidate the ability to isolate sounds from a word, that is, to determine the presence of a sound in a word (there is such a sound in a word or not).
  6. To consolidate knowledge about the difference between vowels and consonants.
  7. To consolidate the ability to give the main characteristics of sounds (a vowel sound, denoted in red, a consonant sound is solid, denoted in blue, a consonant sound is soft, denoted in green).
  8. Practice sound analysis of words.
  9. To consolidate the ability to master the concepts of "sound", "syllable", "word", "sentence".
  10. Strengthen the ability to guess puzzles.
  11. Develop phonemic hearing and attention, thinking, memory.
  12. Develop the ability to answer the teacher's question with a complete answer.
  13. To cultivate the ability to listen to the teacher and comrades, the desire to work in a team.
  14. Encourage activity and independence.

Materials for the lesson:


  1. "Magic bag" with items.
  2. Poster depicting the country of fairy tales.
  3. Items: mushroom, magnet, pencil, spoon.
  4. A picture for a story.

5. Cards depicting the heroes of fairy tales: Dunno, Ivanushka, Ellie, Thumbelina, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White.

  1. Chips for designating sounds on the board (red, green, blue).
  2. A picture of a fox.


  1. Counting sticks.
  2. Chart cards (dividing words into syllables).
  3. Word cards for puzzles.
  4. Chips for sounds.
  5. Letter cards.
  6. Simple pencils.

Methodical methods:

  1. Verbal (questions, explanation).
  2. visual (pictures, showing articulation).
  3. Game (Di"Guess where the sound is hiding?", " Great bag""Hear the Sound" ) .
  4. Practical (exercises).
  5. Supervision of the work of children, advice.

I. Organizational moment.

Guys, we have guests today, let's say hello to them. (Children greet.) Are you happy to see them? Show how happy you are to have guests. (Smiling at guests.)

Well done! They are not here by accident! The guests want to see what you and I have learned in our literacy class.

Sit comfortably and listen carefully to what happened in one fairy-tale country.

The evil sorceress Bastinda conjured a monstrous hurricane. A wind of terrible force fell upon the Land of Fairy Tales, picked up fairytale heroes and swapped them around. In order for the heroes to return to their fairy tales, you need to complete tasks.

Let's help fairy-tale heroes?

Then they smiled and went.

II. Main part.

First fairy tale.

The scarecrow carefully straightened his caftan, shook off the straws and, scraping his foot on the ground, introduced himself to the girl:


What are you saying! - didn't understand Red Riding Hood.

I say scary. That's what they called me: because I have to frighten the crows. And what is your name?

- red Riding Hood.

Beautiful name! said the Scarecrow.

red Riding Hood looked at him in surprise. She could not understand how, stuffed with straw and with a painted face, walks and talks.

But then Totoshka became indignant and exclaimed indignantly:

Why don't you greet me?

Ah, guilty, guilty! - the Scarecrow apologized and firmly shook the dog's paw. “I have the honor to introduce myself, Scarecrow!”

Very nice! I'm Toto! But close friends are allowed to call me Totoshka!

What is the name of the fairy tale? (The Wizard of the Emerald City. Alexander Volkov).

What is the name of the girl in this story? (Ellie.)

- In order for Ellie to get into her fairy tale, we need to complete the task.

Make suggestions for the picture.

(They lay out the compiled sentences with the help of counting sticks.)

Spring has come.

The sun shines brightly.

The snow began to melt.

Vitya and Petya launch boats along the stream.

How many offers?

What is the first sentence, the second ....

What is the longest sentence? (Last thing.)

Let's count how many words it contains. (Lay out words with counting sticks.)

We coped with the task, Ellie can go to her fairy tale.

(Attach a card of Ellie to the poster.)

2. The second tale.

Where are you going, Ellie- asks the Wolf.

I go to visit my grandmother and bring her pies and a pot of butter.

How far does your grandmother live? asked the Wolf.

Behind the forest, in a house near the mill.

The wolf was very hungry. He decided to eat grandma and then wait Ellie at grandma's house and eat her too.

What is the name of the girl in this story? (Little Red Riding Hood. Charles Pierrot.)

Now listen to the challenge:

- We need to show how we can divide words into syllables.

The game "Wonderful bag".

Children go to the board, take out an object from the bag and name it. The word is repeated in syllables and their number is determined. Find the scheme of this word, put the stress. (Mushroom, magnet, pencil, spoon.)

The rest check and lay out the scheme of this word on the table.

Well done guys, you got the job done. Little Red Riding Hood can go to her fairy tale.(Attach the Little Red Riding Hood card to the poster.)

3. The third tale.

On the next night Snow White again slowly made her way to the swallow. The bird had already completely come to life, only it was still very weak and barely opened its eyes to look at the girl who stood in front of her with a piece of rot in her hands - she had no other lantern.

Thank you, sweet little one! said the sick swallow. - I warmed up so nicely. Soon I will recover completely and will be cured in the sun again.

Ah, - said the girl, - now it's so cold, it's snowing! Stay in your warm bed, I'll take care of you.

And Snow White brought the bird water in a flower petal. The swallow drank and told the girl how she hurt her wing on a thorn bush and therefore could not fly away with other swallows to warm lands. How she fell to the ground and ... yes, she didn’t remember anything else, and she didn’t know how she got here.

The swallow lived here all winter, and Snow White cared for her. Neither the mole nor the field mouse knew anything about this - they did not like birds at all.

What is the name of the fairy tale? ("Thumbelina", Hans Christian Andersen.)

What is the name of the girl in this story? (Thumbelina.)

In order for Thumbelina to get into her fairy tale, we need to complete several tasks.

1) "Guess where the sound is hidden?" [WITH]

Juice, bough, drying, sugar, mask, helmet, braid, dew, drawing, ear, voice, vacuum cleaner, nipple.

2. "Hear the sound" [U]

Cuckoo, rooster, spider, catfish, snail, beetle, soup, titmouse.

3. And now the game "The ball is more likely to come here!"

I will give you sounds

You will give me back the words.

You think, dear friend,

To have sound first.

(Ball game - the ball is returned to the teacher with a word starting with a given sound; A - bus, U - snail, etc.)

We coped with the tasks, Thumbelina can go to her fairy tale.(Attach a picture of Thumbelina to the poster.)

4. Fairy tale four.

There was a table covered with a white tablecloth, and on it were seven small plates, each plate had a spoon, and also seven small knives and forks, and seven small goblets. There were seven small beds against the wall, one next to the other, and they were covered with snow-white bedspreads. I wanted Thumbelina to eat and drink, and she took a little bit of vegetables and bread from each plate, and drank a drop of wine from each goblet - she did not want to drink everything from one. And since she was very tired, she tried to lie down in bed, but none of them suited her: one was too long, the other too short, but the seventh turned out to fit her, she lay down in it and, surrendering to the mercy of the Lord, fell asleep .

When it was already completely dark, the owners of the hut came, and there were seven dwarfs who mined ore in the mountains. They lit seven of their lamps, and when it became light in the hut, they noticed that they had someone, because not everything turned out to be in the order that it was before.

What is the name of the fairy tale? ("Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" - The Brothers Grimm.)

Who the protagonist this fairy tale? (Snow White.)

In order for us to send Snow White to our fairy tale, we need to do exercises.

Charging seven gnomes

The first gnome sat down and stood up, (squats)

And the second suddenly ran, (running in place)

The third circled smoothly, (circling to the right)

And the fourth leaned over. (tilts)

Fifth right turned, (right turn)

And the sixth caved back, (tilt back)

The seventh dwarf jumped high and for a long time without stopping, (jumping)

Snow White said: “We repeat all over again!”.

The exercises were done well, now we can place Snow White in her fairy tale and move on.(Attach a card with the image of Snow White to the poster.)

5. Fairy tale five.

The sun is high, the well is far away, the heat is pestering, sweat comes out. There is a goat's hoof full of water.

Dunno He speaks:

Sister Alyonushka, there is no urine: I will get drunk from a hoof!

Do not drink, brother, you will become a goat!

Didn't listen Dunno and drank from a goat's hoof.

Got drunk and became a goat...

What is the name of the fairy tale? ("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka" Russian folk tale.)

What was the name of the main character in the story? (Ivanushka.)

In order for Ivanushka to get into his fairy tale, we must analyze the word.

(Children lay out chips representing sounds on the table.)

What sounds do we call vowels? (We can sing them, the air does not encounter obstacles when pronouncing.)

What sounds do we call consonants? (At the pronunciation of which the air meets an obstacle.)

Solve the riddle. (Picture of a fox.)

cunning cheat,

red head,

Fluffy tail-beauty

Who is it? ... (A fox.)

[l "] - consonant, soft.

[i] is a vowel.

[s] - consonant, firm.

[a] - vowel, stressed.

How many vowels are in a word? (2.)

How many syllables? (2.)

Let's put emphasis. (The stress falls on the second syllable on the vowel [a])

How many sounds are there? (4.) How many letters? (4.)

Well done guys, you got the job done. Ivanushka can go to his own fairy tale. (Attach a card with the image of Ivanushka on the poster.)

6. The sixth tale.

Listen, Gunka, what a trick we have come up with! - said Ivanushka. - You, brother, will burst with envy when you find out.

But I won’t burst, ”Gunka answered. - I really need to burst!

You will burst, you will burst! - assured him Ivanushka. - Such a thing, brother! You didn't even dream.

What is this thing? - interested in Gunka.

Soon we will make an air bubble and fly to travel.

What is the name of the fairy tale? ("The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", Nikolai Nosov.)

What is the name of the main character? (Dunno.)

- In order for Dunno to get into his fairy tale, we must solve puzzles:

Transform the words in the given order.

Replace the first sound in the word with the sound [p]


The puzzles decided Dunno to go to their fairy tale(attach card with

the image of Dunno on the poster.)

III. Conclusion.

So we helped our heroes to return to their fairy tales. To do this, several tasks had to be completed.

Let's remember what we did.

For your help, the good sorceress Stella thanked you and sent gifts. (Give prizes.)


1. Gerbova V.V., "The development of speech in kindergarten: Preparation for school, group. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2016

2. O.S. Ushakova, E.M. Strunin. "Speech development 6-7 years: program, guidelines, summaries of classes, games and exercises. , - M.: Ventana - Graf, 2009

3. N.V. Elkina, T.I. Tarabarina, "1000 riddles. A popular guide for parents and teachers." - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", "Academy K0", 1988

4. Novotvortseva N.V. "The development of children's speech 2. A popular guide for parents and teachers", - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997.

5. V.V. Volin. "Entertaining ABCs: A Book for the Teacher", - M.: Enlightenment. 1991