Synopsis of a musical lesson in the senior group “Into the world of emotions. Music lesson in the senior group plan-outline of music lessons (senior group) on the topic Themes of music lessons for kids

Children enter the hall, stand in a circle (Musical greeting: "Hello").

“Good day, good day - we say these words.

- Good day, good day - we will repeat these words.

- Hello (Katya and Masha) - we are glad to see you.

- Hello (Sasha and Slava) - good afternoon at a good hour.

- Hello (Kolya and Sveta) - sing with us now.

Slide: Gnome. A letter arrives from a gnome.

Musical director: Children, our good friend the gnome invites us to children's theater. He also wants to see if our children today can become real theater artists. Do you want to visit the theatre?

How are we going to the theatre? (children's answers) You can go to the theater by any means of transport, but I suggest you remember such a song, with which we will quickly reach the theater.

Children remember the song “Tram of Music. A. Varlamov.

Musical director: Come on in. Get comfortable. Guys, look, we didn't leave anyone in kindergarten?

Musical didactic game"Respond who is called." Children sing their names syllable by syllable while clapping.

Musical director: Well done! I am now calm that we did not leave anyone in kindergarten. And now let's go! And to make us more fun on the road, we will sing our favorite song "Tram".

Slide: Theatre.

Musical director: You and I sang the song so amicably and cheerfully that we didn’t even notice how we arrived. Look what a beautiful theater building!

A call rings out.

Musical director: Oh guys, do you hear? This is the first call - it's time to take your seats in auditorium. Children sit on chairs in front of the screen.

slide: stage.

Musical director: Notice how beautiful the scene is. And what do you think? Who is the most important in the theater? Everything is followed by an eagle eye,
stage director director The director, having learned that we are from the kindergarten "Gnomiki", decided to give you a cheerful song "Gnomiki" performed by the artists of this theater.

The song "Gnomes" sounds from the screen, where gnomes play various musical instruments. A gnome runs in, greets the children.

Dwarf: Children, do you like our song? And what is her character? And what musical instruments did my dwarf friends play?

In all theaters across the country

Different works are important

But still, no matter how you twist it,

BUT main man artist.

Musical director: It takes a lot of hard work to become such great artists. ( Threatens with a finger). Guys, what did I just show? That's right, I showed a gesture. In order for the artist to express the character of his hero, he needs gestures.

Dwarf: What gestures do you know? Show? And we will try to guess. Guys, in the last lesson we “ate” apples.

Slide: Children eat apples.

Dwarf: What did they taste like? (bitter, sweet, sour)

Children show facial expressions.

Dwarf: So, any movements with parts of the face, eyebrows, eyes - what are they called? ( facial expressions). I want to invite you guys to the theater workshop. Let's try with your facial expressions to convey the mood of the clouds.

Mimic exercise "Clouds" Children stand in front of mirrors.

Musical director:

Clouds floated across the sky

And I looked at them.

And I wanted to find two similar clouds.

Here is a cheerful cloud laughing at me.

Why are you squinting your eyes like that?

How funny you are!

And here is another cloud

Seriously messed up:

The breeze suddenly carried him away from his mother.

And suddenly the sky is menacing

The monster flies

And with a huge fist

Threatens me angrily.

And a little cloud

Floats over the lake.

And a surprising cloud

Opens his mouth.

Dwarf: You did a very good job of capturing the mood of the clouds. Well done, you are real artists!

Musical director: Dwarf, and our children want to perform for you
song "Russian hut" While singing, we will use facial expressions and gestures.

Dwarf: How great you managed to convey the cheerful and perky nature of the song with facial expressions and gestures.

Musical director: Children, actors most often use both facial expressions and gestures at the same time. It turns out a single image without words. What is it called? That's right - pantomime. What games do you know where there is pantomime? Do you want to play the game "Astrologer".

Musical game "Stargazer"

The stars are twinkling in the sky

The stars want to play.

The astrologer counts the stars:

"One, two, three, four, five!"

Astrologer, Astrologer,

Come play with us!

What will you show us

Let's figure it out ourselves.

Astrologer: Guess who of you, What am I doing now? ( Pantomime - They catch fish,
they make and throw snowballs, etc.)

Dwarf: Guys, you have no idea that now you were all pantomime theater artists.

And now theatrical warm-up.

Oh, do you want to be an artist?

Then tell me friends.

How can you change yourself?

To be like a fox?

Or a wolf or a goat?

Or a prince, a yaga?

(Children's answers: you can change your appearance with the help of a costume, makeup, hairstyle.)

The dwarf pulls out a large hat box. D children sing in a circle. "The Song of the Hatbox" and music. I. Bodrachenko

The gnome opens the box: Come on, fellow artists, take apart costumes and musical instruments!

Musical game "Chance in the forest"

Mashenka went with her friends to the forest for a berry and got lost. Hearing the steps of the animals, she hides behind a bush. Children playing musical instruments transmit - the rustle of leaves, the steps of animals (squirrels. Foxes, wolves, bears, bunnies - which helps Mashenka get out of the forest) At the end of a fun dance.

Musical director: Well done! You correctly, rhythmically conveyed the movements of all the animals.

Hold hands friends.
And take a deep breath of air
And what we always say.
Now tell everyone out loud.
I swear now and forever
Treasure the theater.
To be honest, kind person.
And worthy of being a spectator.

Guys, did you like the theater today? And what did you like the most?
See how many are in the workshop theatrical masks, and sad and funny and funny. I suggest you choose one of them and we will see what mood you are in right now.

Children singing the song "Tram" leave for kindergarten.

music director MBDOUCRR No. 17,

Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo region, Russia.

Abstract music class for children 5-7 years old. We sing, we knock, we play - we strengthen our health!

Direction: development of musicality, preservation of physical and psychological health.

Educational area: music.

Integration of educational areas: music, communication, socialization, health, knowledge, physical culture.

Target: complex development of cognitive processes and musical abilities of older children preschool age through the use of pedagogical health-saving and IR technologies.


- improve vocal skills and pitch hearing in the process of singing;
- improve timbre hearing, consolidate the ability of children to distinguish and identify sounds musical instruments;
- encourage the manifestation of children's activity in musical and speech activities;
- to enrich the speech of children due to the inclusion in vocabulary words that define the nature of music.

- develop a sense of rhythm, auditory attention,
- promote the development of memory, logical thinking, imagination;
- improve speech and motor skills;
- develop creative activity children, communication skills.

- to cultivate a culture of listening, love for music, a desire to engage in musical activities;
- foster a culture of communication, a sense of empathy;
- encourage children to motor improvisations;
- to develop the emotional responsiveness of children to the feelings and moods expressed in music.

- creating a positive psychological atmosphere in the classroom, reducing emotional stress;
- increasing children's self-esteem, their confidence in their own abilities and performance results (individual and collective);
- formation of motivation for creative self-expression in the process of collective activity;
- teaching the basics of proper singing breathing, expanding the volume of the lungs;
- reduction of visual tension;
- the formation of a conscious attitude of children to their health and the development of their own health improvement skills;
- reducing muscle tension by teaching the basics of self-massage play.

Planned result:
- establishing a friendly relationship (teacher - children);
- creating and maintaining a positive emotional background throughout the lesson;
- learning a new song with its subsequent performance;
- the formation of a stable habit in children healthy lifestyle life;
- mastering the skills of self-massage and self-regulation.
Lesson progress:
Children enter the hall, where they are met by the music director.

Musical director:- What kind of guests are in a hurry to the hall?
I'm glad to see you guys!
Let's gather in a friendly circle: (everyone gathers in a circle)
On the right is a friend, and on the left is a friend!

Hello my friends! Today I want to ask you about this. When you come to kindergarten, what do you say to those you meet? (children's answers) That's right, all educated people wish each other health when they meet - they say ... "Hello." And today I invite you to greet each other in an unusual, musical way. Our musical greeting is a song - an echo. Where can you find an echo? (children's answers) What does the echo do? (children's answers) That's right, it repeats everything. Now you will become my echo. I will sing a musical phrase, and you will repeat it like an echo. And when I raise our clasped hands up, we all together loudly shout "Hurrah!" Is the assignment clear?

1. Musical greeting "How great!" (author of the words E. Plakhova) (without accompaniment):

Gathered, Gathered!
Children:- It's great that we are all here.
Gathered, Gathered!
MR:- You smile at your friends,
Smile, smile!
Children:- You smile at your friends,
Smile, smile!
Children:- All friends gathered together!
All:- Hooray!

Musical director:- Well done! So we greeted each other and everyone who is present in the hall! And now…

Let's clap a little ... (clap hands)
And rub our palms ... (rub palms together)
And now even stronger
To get hot! (rubbing hands more quickly and intensely)
From bottom to top ... from top to bottom ... (stroking movements with fingertips along the neck)
Our voice, wake up! (clap hands)
From top to bottom ... from bottom to top ... (stroking movements with fingertips along the neck)
We will succeed in singing! (clap hands)

Guys, what holiday are we going to celebrate soon? That's right, soon New Year. And on New Year's Eve it is customary to give gifts. My friends, do you like gifts? (answers) I also have a gift for you today, but not a simple one, but a musical one .... Sit down near the piano ... (children sit down) My gift is a new song ... Sit back comfortably ...

3. Express learning of the song "Sanochki" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina) using mnemonics.

(learning takes place sitting on chairs, and the final performance is standing
MR reminds children about singing posture, about posture)

Musical director:
- You sang the song perfectly!
We tried not in vain!
And while you're all working
Are your eyes tired?
No problem! We will help them!
Let's massage them too!
Get in order!
Let's exercise for the eyes!

4. Visual gymnastics "Yolka":

Here is a big tree
Here is such a height. (Perform eye movements from bottom to top)
She has big branches.
Here's the width. (eye movements are performed from left to right)
Big bumps upstairs (Eyes up)
And below is a bear's lair. (eyes down)
In winter, the clubfoot sleeps there
And he sucks his paw in the den. (Cover your eyes)

Musical director:- Nu here is, our eyes and had a rest. Guys, did you like how we sang the wonderful song "Sanochki"? (children's answers). We sang together, so we sang like? (in chorus)
Guys, do you think you can sing music with your hands? (children answer) Let's try? Look what I have prepared for you: for girls - these wonderful flowers that are put on the hand like this ... And for you boys - these moths. Please take your places in our choir of hands. Girls, please sit down on the chairs, and the boys, like real gentlemen, stand behind them.

Girls put flowers on their hands, and boys put butterflies on them.

In the yard for a long time winter -
Snow covered the fields and houses.
And we will play music
And remember the summer!
In the first part - flowers bloom,
And on the second - moths flutter!
Flowers will bloom, moths will swirl...
And in the end they will make friends with each other!
(E. Plakhova)

5. Innovative musical and pedagogical technology
"Chorus of Hands" according to the method of T. Borovik (motor two-voice)

Children in motion convey the form and musical phrasing of a piece of music.

Musical director:
Get it together, kids!
There will be a new game!
We will play with you -
Create live rhythms!

You have large flowers and small moths in your hands, from which we will compose rhythmic formulas and slam them. The big flower in girls is the long note "TA" and the little moth in boys is the short note "tee". Now try to line up in such a rhythmic figure “TA-TA-ti-ti-TA” (showing the rhythm formula on the screen).

6. Game "Live rhythms"
Children build a rhythmic formula,
and the rest say and clap the rhythm.
Then the rhythm formulas on the screen change twice more, and other children participate in their construction.

The ticking of a clock is heard.
Musical director:
- My friends, listen... do you hear anything? (children's answers)
Time-time is running,
Take a rest now.
The clock whispers like this:
Take, my friend, plates!
Don't stand still!
Repeat everything after me!

7. Musical and rhythmic game with plates "Watch"

Everyone gathers in a circle.

Musical director: Guys, how are you feeling right now? (answer) Let's smile at each other again! Did you enjoy our meeting? And what did you like the most? (children's answers) Believe me, I have never met such smart, musical and attentive guys anywhere! I say thank you! I was very pleased to meet you today, but our clock tells me that the time for our meeting is coming to an end. I would really like you to decorate this Christmas tree right now. If you have now Bad mood, attach a white ball to the Christmas tree. If the mood is excellent - attach a red balloon.

(children decorate the Christmas tree)

I wish you all the best, my friends! As a memento of our meeting, I give you these most wonderful fun watches. Let them count only pleasant and happy minutes for you in the New Year! Goodbye!

The children leave the room.

Natalia Erypalova
Summary of the musical lesson "In the world of music"

Girls, I tried to hold an ordinary ordinary lesson according to the T method. E. Tyutyunnikova at the RMO and, moreover, with other people's children whom she saw for the first time. In this kindergarten there is no musical the worker had to carry all the equipment and tools herself. You know, I myself did not expect, I received a sea of ​​emotions both myself and the children. I recommend.

Project "In world of music"

Target:Development musical children's abilities through play activities.



Teaching children to hear musical breaks musical instruments.

"Dance of autumn leaves".


develop creative capabilities: fantasy, imagination.



Methods and techniques:


Visual: pictures depicting signs of autumn, slide show "Autumn Rondo"

Practical: music games , creative tasks, learning songs "Dance of autumn leaves".

Preliminary work:

Create a presentation "Autumn Rondo";

Making homemade noise musical instruments;

Making attributes for the dance of autumn leaves.

Equipment: multimedia board, laptop, synthesizer, drum, tambourine, tapes by the number of children, small and large autumn leaves, didactic material- illustrations will take autumn, noise musical tools for each child.

Orientation: Occupation is integrated.

Scientific basis: Using the methods of K. Orff,

T. A. Tyutyunnikova "Elementary Music Making".

GCD progress

Hello guys, my name is Natalya Alexandrovna. I invite you to dive with me into mysterious world music. Do you agree?

Then we need to stand all in a big circle.

(Children stand in a circle)

I invite you to greet each other and the guests.

Greeting game "Hello, palms!"

Perform movements according to text:

Hello palms,


(clap hands)

Hello legs!


(stomp feet)

Hello cheeks!


pink cheeks


(carefully tap on cheeks)

Hello sponges!

Peck, peck, peck!

(pull lips forward and smack)

Hello teeth!

Click, click, click!

(teeth chattering)

Hello my nose!

Beep, beep, beep!

(touches nose)

Hello guys!

Hello! (waving hand)

Hello guests! Hello!

(show a welcome gesture)

Guys, what is my instrument?

Children - Drum.

And my drum can speak the language music.

What did the drum just say?

Children - Walk, jump, run, freeze.

(First the teacher plays, then the child, the children perform the movements.)

And now we will be helped to move music. Only you and I will dance.

The wind plays with the leaves

Leaves are torn off the branches

yellow leaves fly

Right into the hands of the guys.

When the music stops, what do we do?

Children - We will freeze.

The game is being played

And I have a song about leaves, listen ...

Leaves, leaves fly in the wind

The children rustle softly under their feet

And gently swaying, lead a round dance

And the autumn wind sings a song to them.

Do you think this song can be danced?

(Children sing and dance without musical accompaniment.)

Everyone come to me, I want all the ears to tune in.

(1-2 people sing again under the piano)

Look, there are yellow and red ribbons on the table, take a ribbon for yourself. (take)

What do you think these ribbons can do?

(Improvisation of children)

And now I will sing a song, and whoever wants will sing along with me and dance with these ribbons.

(Sing and dance - acapello)

Everyone will choose a couple, we will dance and sing together.

(Sing and dance - acapello)

Shall we put ribbons? Right here.

Who knows what time of year it is?

Children - Autumn.

What is she?

Guys, what signs of autumn do you know?

(It gradually becomes cold, there is less light, the sky is covered with clouds, it is drizzling, the soil has become damp and cold, the leaves on the trees have changed, the leaves are falling, the singing of birds is not heard.)

Have you seen fall leaves in autumn?

Where can you see the most autumn leaves in autumn?

Children are in the forest.

How would you like to visit autumn forest? Will you go with me?

Get in a circle. What are we going to?

Children's answers.

How about we go on horseback?

(imitation of movements :jump, clicking the tongue)

Let's sit in "cart" and listen to what we hear in the forest. You will take the tools in turn, in order to wait for your turn, you need to be patient. Here we go?

(Playing on DMI)

"Autumn Rondo"

We ride, we ride a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.

The wheels creak

The bells are ringing.

The wheels creak

The bells are ringing.

We ride, we ride a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.

The hedgehog rustles

The woodpecker knocks.

The hedgehog rustles

The woodpecker knocks.

We ride, we ride a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.

The squirrel on the Christmas tree gnaws everything, tsok, tsok

The red fox guards the hare.

We ride, we ride a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.

The wind is blowing

The brook gurgles.

The wind is blowing

The brook gurgles.

We ride, we ride a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.

Oh, what is there, in the distance, a ravine and from the cart we are all a hitch.

We've arrived.

Guys, look how beautiful it is here.

Leaves game "Leaf fall"

He will take an autumn leaf for himself, and once again we will sing our autumn song with you.

Children sing the song of autumn leaves

Well, what did you guys like in the autumn forest?

And it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

We ride, we ride a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.

We drove, we drove, we arrived at the kindergarten!

Surprise moment.

Guys, and in parting, I want to give you autumn leaves. Look what I have. Each of you can choose a piece of paper according to your mood.

Dear teachers, you can also choose a piece of paper for yourself, if you like it - yellow, red, and if not - blue.


"AT world of music»

This event was planned according to the theme of my experience work: "Development musical children's abilities through play activities" as an experiment.

OD participants are children of senior preschool age. The children don't know me.

For this event, a preliminary Work:

Creating a presentation;

Selection and production of noise musical instruments;

Making attributes for musical activities with children.

Prepared musical material:

Cut for listening and performing musically- rhythmic movements

Song "Dance of autumn leaves".

When planning the OA, the following tasks:


To consolidate the knowledge of children about the signs of autumn.

Teaching children to hear musical breaks, contribute to the development of the game and improvisation of melodies on noise musical instruments.

Learn the first verse of the song "Dance of autumn leaves".


To develop in children a sense of rhythm and hearing.

develop creative capabilities: fantasy, imagination.

Develop coherent speech, memory, attention, thinking.


Cultivate love and interest in music.

Cultivate independence, activity, a friendly attitude towards each other.

Instill love for nature.

What I like about the program of T. E. Tyutyunnikova is that it provides the widest range of possibilities for using musical tools and, as a consequence, the manifestation musical and creativity of children.

The principle of T. E. Tyutyunnikova’s approach to music education for children.

In accordance with GEF, the leading role in all educational areas assigned gaming activity. Therefore, throughout educational activities i used the game.

First, I invited the children to sing a welcome chant "Hello!", which set the children in a positive mood, contributed to the establishment of a benevolent psychological climate.

To interest children, I used the technique of a game situation - with a drum, ribbons, leaves. This encouraged the children to be active. creative activity, mindfulness, desire to do well.

To make being more productive, used the following equipment: multimedia, noise musical instruments.

During the games, she applied a verbal and practical method, explained and reminded how to do the exercises correctly.

For development in children common culture, reminded children about the behavior when playing noise instruments (take the instruments in turn, you need to be patient to wait for your turn).

I used a differentiated approach - I asked the children to complete tasks individually, activated shy children who did it incorrectly.

The event was dynamic (which was facilitated by preliminary preparation, the change of activities did not let the children get tired.

Added a surprise at the end.

The children were attentive, interested in musical lesson, emotional because of their capabilities. Easy to make contact.

AT different types musical they acted in different ways.

(Kind of activity)- was most interesting to children, therefore, found a greater emotional response from children.

I would like children to express themselves more in musical improvisation felt more confident, were not afraid to speak in public. For this, improvisation was included. Not all (all) they coped with these tasks, but in most children this condition is met.

I tried to communicate with the pupils calmly, benevolently. To interest children, I tried to be emotional, artistic at the right time.

I think that musical lesson passed at an optimal pace, in a benevolent psychological atmosphere, the tasks were completed by me at the required level.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Petrozavodsk city district "Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the cognitive and speech development of children No. 3" Mosaic "

/data/files/q1513161029.pptx ("Music Adventure")

(MDOU "Kindergarten No. 3)

music director of MDOU "Kindergarten No. 3"


Golub Svetlana Vladimirovna


Summary of the lesson "Musical Adventure"

Target - development of musical and creativity through the use various kinds musical activity.



To develop the musical and motor abilities of children (rhythm,coordination of movements, orientation in space);

Learn to see the beauty of autumn nature through listening to music, performing musical works and viewing pictures depicting autumn;

Continue to learn to sing the song "Autumn" in a natural voice;

To develop in children emotional responsiveness to music;


- to form a positive attitude of the child to the world around him, to himself;

Build communication skills;


Create conditions that ensure the emotional well-being of each child;

Preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health;

Equipment: piano, audio equipment, computer, projector, children's musical instruments, notes for awards for children, a glowing ball.

Repertoire: “March” by F. Nadenenko, “Riders” by Vitlin, “Pilots to the airfield” by M. Rauchverger, “Merry Train” by Z. Kompaneets, “Autumn Song” from the cycle “The Seasons” by P. Tchaikovsky, “Autumn” by A. Arutyunov, folk melody "Russian tune", "Wattle" "Polka" Y. Chichkov, "March" N. Levy, "Prelude" excerpt Bach.

Lesson progress :

Children enter the hall to the march, find a friend for the second part of the music and stand scattered.

Muses. hand-l. What is "hello"? - best of words
Because "hello" means be healthy
Muses. hand sings up the triad: "Hello, children"

Children answer in a triad down "Hello"

Muses. hand-l: So that we can keep it all day good mood, we will now sing a cheerful tryamdi song

Valeological "Tryamdi-song".
Children stand in pairs facing each other.
Little fingers: thump, thump, thump! "hello" with fingertips
Drumming fingers: shake, shake, shake!
And now the palms: shake, shake, shake! The same with palms
Let's knock with our fists: shake, shake, shake! Same cams
We say in shake-tryamsky:
The noses sniffled: shake, shake, shake! Touching each other with their noses
Spouts-pumps: shake, shake, shake!
And now we smiled, "Spring" smile
They jumped and turned around. Perform on the spot according to the text
We live in Tryam-tryamdia, they clap their hands
Let's sing songs: shake, shake, shake!

Children sit on chairs.

Muses. hand-l: in the morning, going to kindergarten, under the door I found this letter (shows) “Hello guys, how are you? I know that you and true friends are obedient. I want to invite you to visit, I will be glad to see everyone in a beautiful country where music alone rules!

Muses. hands-l: Do you agree to go to the world of music? (children's answers). And we will choose the vehicle together, but in order to see and hear better, we will do exercises for the eyes and ears.

Gymnastics for the eyes

We are gymnastics for the eyes

We do it every time.

Right, left, around, down,

Don't be lazy to repeat.

We strengthen the muscles of the eye.

We'll see better right away.

Self-massage of the ears

Rub your palms together to make them hot.Place your right hand on your right ear, left hand on your left ear. Rub your ears. We do it carefully. Grasp the earlobes and gently pull them down 3 times - times, two three. Take the middle of the auricle and pull the ears to the sides - one, two, three. Take the top edge, pull up 3 times - one, two, three. Pinch the ears from bottom to top, from top to bottom. Well done! The massage is over - sit down. Now our ears are ready to listen, and our eyes are ready to look.

(Slideshow and listening to musical fragments "Riders" by Vitlin, "Pilots, to the airfield" by M. Rauchverger, "Merry Train" by Z. Kompaneyts). (Children decide what they will go on a trip, move in accordance with the music)

Muses. hand-l:And where did we get? (question mark slide)

And here's what I want to tell you.

Today, here, now

I am a musical fairy

I want to be for you!

(music director puts on "magic mantle with notes")

Muses. hand-l:

I am a fairy of music, friends,

Of course you recognized me.

Because every hour I

Day after day

I reappear in this room.

I live in a magical land

Where music only rules.

Always be friends with music

She only brings joy.

You are in musical country. There are 5 musical cities in this country. In each city, surprises and tasks await you, after completing which you will receive letters, from which you will add a word and find out who is the king of all tools

(slide "City of Rhythm", turn off the ball)

We ended up in the city of rhythm, this city is very important, because without rhythm there can be no music. And now I want to play a game with you « Rhythmic echo. I'll clap the rhythm, different for each, you listen carefully and repeat: children reproduce short rhythmic patterns after the teacher at a slow pace (at this stage, the correct reproduction of the rhythm without pauses, without disturbing the general movement).

Autumn has come to my musical kingdom too(slide), one of my favorite seasons. The beauty of Russian nature was sung in their works by Russian classical composers. Watching the autumn nature, we notice that autumn is not only dull, but also a beautiful time. What happens to nature in autumn?

Children's answers

Bottom line: Autumn - a blaze of colors in the forest and in the fields, the flight of birds. The forest is dressed in an autumn multi-colored dress. Golden leaves appear on the birch, yellow and crimson on the aspen. Falling leaves are stronger every day. The earth is covered with colorful paints. Let's all say a poem about autumn together.

Speech game with movements "Leaf fall"

Autumn! Autumn! Falling leaves!rhythmic clapping

Forest autumn caulking.Finger snaps

rustling red leavesRubbing palm on palm

And fly, fly, fly!shake hands

You correctly completed all the tasks and get the first letter (P)

Muses. hands: let's move on

( The music director waves a "magic" wand - a luminous ball lights up)

One two three - magic ball show us the city

( slide "Music city", turn off the ball)

Muses. hand-l: In the musical city there are people who write music. What are they called? (children's answers) That's right, composers. With the richness of its colors, autumn attracted the attention of the great Russian composerP.I. Tchaikovsky (photo slide), who in 1876 wrote music album"Seasons". One of the works of this collection is "Autumn Song". This play - Russian a landscape filled with sadness. The words of A. Tolstoy were chosen as the epigraph to this work:

"Autumn. All our poor garden crumbles,

Yellowed leaves fly in the wind ... "

Presentation "Autumn Song" P.I. Tchaikovsky

After listening and watching, discuss what you saw, talk about music, what is it like?

Muses. hand-le: Now all together we will tell one more poem about autumn

"Rain" (game self-massage with singing)

Muses. hand-l: You spoke very interestingly about the music you heard, so you get another hint letter (A)

Muses. hand-l: Well, guys, it's time for us to go to the next city.

( The music director waves his "magic" wand - a luminous ball lights up)

One two three - magic ball show us the city

(slide "City of dancing", turn off the ball)

Muses. hand-l: The magic ball took us to the city of dancing. All the inhabitants of this city are very fond of playing and dancing. And their favorite game is called "Musical Highchairs"

Game progress: the chairs are arranged in a circle with their backs to the center. Children are counted on 1-2-3, each number has its own melody. The driver stands near the circle. The teacher includes a waltz for a group of children under No. 1. They follow the leading waltz step in a circle.

A group of children under number 2 behind the driver perform a polka step.

A group of children under number 3 follow the leader in a round dance to Russian folk music. If a march sounds, then all the children stand up and march behind the leader. As soon as the music stops, the children quickly sit down on the free chairs. Whoever did not have enough becomes the leader.

Muses. hand-l: Enough, children, we play

We start dancing.

You look at the signs

And repeat the movements

« Pair dance» Croatian folk melody using mnemotables (see appendix)

Muses. hand-l: We had a lot of fun in the city of dancing, and you will learn another letter of your assignment (O).

But it's time for us to move on. Sit on chairs

(The music director waves his "magic" wand - a luminous ball lights up)

(slide "Vocal City", turn off the ball)

Muses. hand-l: We are with you in the city of vocals. The word "vocal" comes from the Latin word "voice”, a voice, so singers and singers live here. You also all have sonorous and beautiful voices, therefore, in order to get one more letter, I suggest that we sing the song "Autumn" (sing a song).

Muses. hand-l: And in this city you completed the task, and you get one more letter (G). To find out the name of the king of instruments, we have to visit the last city, sit down on the chairs, we set off.

(The music director waves his "magic" wand - a luminous ball lights up)

One two three - magic ball show us the city

(slide "City orchestra", turn off the ball)

Muses. hand-l: This is the last city of my musical country, city orchestra. What does the word orchestra mean? (children's answers: a large number of people playing different instruments) (slide)

Musical guide: The first task: now Russian folk music will sound, you need to guess which instrument sounds."Russian tune"(while listening, children guess the instruments and their images appear on the slide)

Musical-director: You coped with this task. Guys, do you want to play music yourself?

autumn fairy tale

(speech game with musical instruments)

Quietly wandering along the pathQuietly beat the drum with their palms

Autumn in golden clothes.

Where the leaf will rustle,maracas

Where the rain will ring.Bell

There is a loud knock:Wooden sticks, cubes

It's a woodpecker - knock and knock!

The woodpecker makes a hollowXylophones

The squirrel will be warm there. "Shurshalki"

The wind suddenly blew

rustled through the trees,

Howling louderTremolo drums

Collects clouds.

Rain-ding, rain-don!Bells, metallophones

A drop of a lively chime.

Everything rings, knocks, singsAll instruments

Autumn is bright!

Muses. hand-l: Get the last letter (H). If you put all the letters together, you get the name of the king of all instruments, not without reason we are in the city of the orchestra. (Stacking letters on an easel) It turned out the word "organ" (slide "organ") The organ is the largest, most majestic musical instrument. Very ancient and, perhaps, the most complex of all instruments existing in the world. The name of this tool comes from the ancient Greek word organon - that is, a tool or tool. The organ sounds with the help of pipes (slide) with a different timbre, air is blown into these pipes with the help of bellows. The pipes in the organ are different:(slide) wooden, metal, with and without tongues, thin and thicker. Therefore, the sounds are completely different.
Learning to play the organ is not easy. To extract sounds from this instrument, you need to use several keyboards at once (
slides) - manuals (these are keyboards for hands), and a pedal keyboard (for legs).
Among all musical instruments, it is the organ that occupies the first place in terms of its sound richness and expressiveness. And not in vain music world the organ is called the King of Instruments.

Let's listen to Bach's "Prelude" organ, excerpt

Muses. hand-l: So our journey has come to an end.But before we go back to kindergarten,You will tell us what you remember most about the lesson. (Children express their attitude to the lesson - reflection). And in parting, I want to thank you and give you funny notes, but, as you can see, they are all white color. I want you to come back to the group and color your notes in the color that best suits your mood. Are we returning home?

(The music director waves his "magic" wand - a luminous ball lights up)

One two three - magic ball bring us back to kindergarten(slide "Kindergarten", turn off the ball).

Well, we are with you in kindergarten.(Takes off coat). And I am no longer a Music Fairy, but a music director. Let's say goodbye.

Muses. hands-l: sings up the scale "Goodbye"

Children: sing down the scale "Goodbye"

Under the "March" Levy go to the group


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Osovitskaya Z.E., Kazarinova A.S. Musical literature. First year of study. M., "Music" 2000.

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Under a big tent of blue skies. Poems of Russian poets. Sverdlovsk. Middle Ural book publishing house, 1982.

Tchaikovsky P. Seasons. M., Music 1974.

Vetlugina N.A., Dzerzhinskaya I.L., Komissarova L.N. Methods of musical education in kindergarten. M.: Enlightenment, 1982. -271.
