Self-staging a wedding dance: tips and lessons on video. How to dance a waltz at a wedding? Tips Wedding waltz newlyweds lessons

Waltz is the most romantic, gentle and airy dance. Isn't it perfect for newlyweds? Especially for conservatives and lovers of sophisticated and high style. Wedding waltz, the music of which is able to pierce deep into the particles of the soul. This will allow you to feel all the emotions that the newlyweds have invested in creating a dance composition.

Why is he so good?

Waltz has long been popular among wedding productions. Many people enjoy ballroom dancing. And this is no accident.

It has four varieties:

  1. Rapid Viennese. It will look beautiful in the performance of experienced partners. If young people have absolutely no experience, they will have to work hard.
  2. Smooth. Gentle and airy dance at a calm pace.
  3. Rhythmic. In simple words is a smooth choreography with unusual elements.
  4. Slow. Light and airy setting. The movements are easy to learn, perfect for busy couples who don't have time to practice.

The video shows a rhythmic and beautiful composition.


Calm and refined rhythm.

Each of them looks spectacular and exciting. Why should such a composition be chosen for the first dance of the newlyweds? There is whole line reasons:

  1. Suitable for any style ceremony.
  2. Waltz consists of complex choreographic compositions. Having mastered them, the newlyweds will pleasantly surprise the guests.
  3. The wedding dance "Waltz" is staged to beautiful music, which makes the performance even more elegant.
  4. Reveals the feelings of the bride and groom.
  5. Can be combined with other types of choreography.

Choosing this type of dance for wedding ceremony You definitely won't go wrong, because this is a classic! And a very beautiful classic.

Waltz: instead of a thousand words

Classical music for a wedding waltz, as a rule, does not contain beautiful lines about love. However, the melody is capable of conveying its main idea- deep feelings. It is so pleasant to listen to it that at this moment everything is forgotten. Can you imagine what pleasure the guests will get from staging the bride and groom to such music?

The classic will never go out of fashion. Moreover, it can only become even more in demand. Therefore, if you are planning a wedding waltz, music without words will be one of the ideal options for a dance composition.

We offer for a wedding waltz to study the best classical music which can be listened to online:

  1. French accordion - Under the sky of Paris.
  2. P. I. Tchaikovsky - Waltz of Flowers (from the ballet "The Nutcracker").
  3. G. Sviridov - Snowstorm.
  4. Johann Strauss - Viennese waltz.
  5. E. Doga - My affectionate and gentle beast.
  6. Wedding waltz - music by Mendelssohn. There are many adaptations of the classic version, for example by Klaus Hallen.
  7. Wilhelm Richard Wagner - Waltz 1.
  8. Patrick Doyle – Potter Waltz.
  9. Chopin - Spring Waltz.

If you liked any composition, you can also download the music and start staging a wedding waltz today.

You can watch the chic dance of the young to the melody from The Nutcracker in the next video.

Powerful love songs

Music for the wedding waltz of the newlyweds - very important point in creating dance. Under a well-chosen song, movements easily "fall", the speakers' emotions are present, and relatives and friends cannot take their eyes off the dance.

Well, if the melody is somehow connected with the story of the bride and groom - the newlyweds will experience more pleasure from the performance. However, young people do not always have such songs. Fortunately, there is beautiful music for the wedding waltz.

Russian tracks

The Russian-language lines give the compositions soulfulness and deep meaning.

Scroll the best performers about the wedding waltz:

  1. Evgeny Martynov.
  2. Nikolay Baskov.
  3. Petrovich.
  4. Timur Temirov. Its composition is suitable for the wedding waltz of father and daughter.
  5. Mikhail Mikhailov.
  6. Ruslan Mark.

If you want to diversify the production in a classical style a little, then listen to the next track by DJ Denis Lop for dancing.

A touching number can be created to the song: Tamara Gverdtsiteli and Dmitry Dyuzhev - Echo of Love. Wedding number of the bride and groom under this wonderful composition on video.

foreign songs

Music to the wedding waltz of foreign performers is filled with romance and deep feelings:

  1. Giuseppe Verdi This song exists in different versions from various artists, while for the waltz it is most suitable from Giuseppe Verdi.
  2. Francois Feldman - Les Valses de Vienn.
  3. Enya - Caribbean Blue.
  4. Sara Brightman
  5. Charles Aznavour e Mireille Mathieu - Une Vie D.Amour.
  6. Blue - Breathe easy.
  7. Sting - Until (OST Kate and Leopold).

If a wedding waltz has already played in your head from listening to any composition, then you definitely need to download such music - you can do it for free.

Where can I find the right music?

Search for songs on your own or with the help of professionals - it's up to you. If you entrust this matter to your choreographers, then you will save time and effort. They, in turn, will select the most suitable composition for their dance idea.

At the same time, the search is a lot of fun. Firstly, you will have a good time listening to romantic compositions. Secondly, this way you will be much more deeply imbued with the creation of your first wedding dance. And finally, thirdly, you will select music that will please both of you: both the groom and the bride.

Free music for the first wedding waltz is available on the following popular websites:


You can also listen to it online for free in good quality.

There are special forums on the Internet where good melodies are advised. There are also such groups in social networks.

Thus, you now know that the wedding waltz is the highlight of any ceremony. To get the most out of the process of creating a dance and performing, find the right music. And our site will help you with this.

During the festive banquet, guests are looking forward to the moment when the newlyweds will perform the wedding dance for the first time as husband and wife. As a rule, the newlyweds try to prepare well for this part of the event in order to perform beautifully and please those present with an elegant production. For a classic official event, the wedding waltz is ideal - a ballroom dance known throughout the world. The touching performance of the choreographic homer will win the hearts of the guests, tell them about the sincere love of the dancing couple, and give pleasant emotions to the newlyweds.

Which waltz is better to choose for a wedding dance?

AT last years Newlyweds around the world are experimenting, choosing unusual wedding dances for a dance performance - tango, jive, swing, surprise dance, rumba, but the wedding waltz remains one of the most popular. The exquisite movements and varied figures of this classical dance allow you to create a unique mood for the production. There are two options for performing ballroom choreography - a slow and smooth waltz, a rhythmic and impetuous Viennese waltz. Which type of dance to choose depends on the wishes of the heroes of the occasion.

viennese waltz

The Viennese version of this dance is suitable for those couples who already have some dance experience, as it is performed at a fast pace and requires clarity of movement. If the future spouses, who had never been involved in ballroom dancing want to choose this style for wedding production then you need to spend a lot of time for training. To make all the movements look beautiful, interesting, and arouse the admiration of the guests, you should use competent figures when creating a wedding waltz - a professional choreographer will help to do this.

As a rule, before the wedding celebration, the bride and groom need to come to at least 8-10 lessons, this is enough to make a simple but effective version of the dance. If you want to stage an original Viennese waltz with complex figures, support, it may take much more time. The exact number of hours of preparation will depend on the preparedness of the future spouses and the duration of the performance. An experienced choreographer will immediately be able to tell how long it will take a couple to bring the couple's wedding composition to perfection.

Slow waltz

The slow wedding waltz is the second most popular wedding dance for a gala event after the Viennese one. The movements during this dance number are more gentle, smooth, and this makes the whole production look light and airy. This waltz is chosen by young couples who have little time for preparation (just a few classes) or experience in dancing, and those who want to create a beautiful touching composition. The slow option is suitable for older people who, due to their age, cannot move as fast as the young heroes of the occasion.

Even though the slow waltz style for weddings is much easier to perform, the future spouses need to work hard so that such a production does not look boring. Due to the calm pace, the guests present will pay special attention to the clarity of movements, the position of the body of the dancers. Frequent changes of figures and supports will help to make the slow waltz interesting.

What music to choose for the dance of the newlyweds?

Music plays a big role in creating the unique mood of a wedding dance. Newlyweds need to carefully consider the selection of the composition, taking into account their own wishes and abilities. Many couples find a song for a dance number helped by a choreographer who comes up with a production for the heroes of the occasion. The look of a professional and his advice when choosing a composition will enable future spouses to perform a truly beautiful dance.

Some young people can easily dance to a waltz played on the piano, while others need a clear rhythm, bright accents to understand where the transition from one part of the dance to another is. For future spouses who find it difficult to harmonize movements with music, a professional will find compositions with a well-audible percussion part: so the heroes of the occasion can get in time. For a wedding dance, a couple can choose music with words or a backing track to a well-known song composition.

Melodies for a wedding dance from the classics are extremely popular: “Spring Waltz” by the French composer Chopin, “Snowstorm” waltz by Vivaldi, solemn compositions by Giuseppe Verdi, gentle waltz works by Wagner, “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by Schubert. Separately, it is worth mentioning the rich heritage of the compositions of Johann Strauss: after listening to the works of this composer, the newlyweds will definitely be able to find a suitable work. Even for staging, Mendelssohn's March can be used, often sounding in the registry office, converted to a waltz.

Listen to melodies for staging a waltz

If future spouses do not know what song to choose for a solemn dance number during a banquet, you should pay attention to several popular melodies. On the links below you can listen to and download Sarah Brightman's Viennese waltz "Child of the Moon", famous work Strauss, Wagner's waltz composition, Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers" and fabulous music for dancing from the Harry Potter movie.

  • Sara Brightman
  • Strauss - Viennese waltz
  • Wilhelm Richard Wagner - Waltz 1
  • Pyotr Tchaikovsky - Waltz Of The Flowers
  • Patrick Doyle Potter Waltz

Video selection of a beautiful wedding waltz

The first dance of the newlyweds is always a touching event. To look good during the number, the future spouses must spend many hours in intense workouts. Preparing for some couples can become ordeal, but this will give an excellent result - a positive reaction from the guests and beautiful memorable photos. If the heroes of the occasion want to capture a dance performance forever, it is necessary to hire a professional cameraman who will shoot a video with good equipment, mount the frames and burn it to disk.

Inviting a videographer can be expensive, but the quality of the video will be much better than a free video filmed by the guests of the celebration. A professional will set up two or more cameras to record from multiple angles, and then edit the footage that best emphasizes the wedding dance. A selection of videos of beautiful waltz performances below shows what different ideas for performing choreography look like. Thanks to them, the newlyweds will be able to decide in advance which type of room they like best:

Liana Raymanova March 6, 2019, 19:23

Marriage is associated with many rituals - the true meaning of the rites has long been forgotten, but the newlyweds strive to observe beautiful traditions. In their opinion, this guarantees a strong and happy union.

The wedding waltz of the newlyweds is a touching and beautiful moment. A wedding rarely does without this action, but few people know how the custom of dancing during the marriage ceremony arose.

Wedding waltz performed by the bride and groom

How did the custom of dancing during the wedding come about?

The wedding dance appeared a long time ago: before marriage, the girl and the guy had to prove that they had reached adulthood. To do this, the young had to pass a test, and the ritual movements were accompanied by the music of tambourines, harmonicas, and pipes.

With the advent of Christianity, the custom ceased to exist: the clergy considered this action a pagan rite.

Again the tradition was revived already under Peter the Great: he ordered to dance and have fun during the wedding in the same way as they did in European countries. At the same time, the waltz came into fashion - the young at the wedding waltzed to the accompaniment of the piano.

Girls and boys already early years learned the art of dance. Young ladies were looking forward to putting on their wedding dress and dancing with their lover. It should be noted that this tradition was widespread only in the upper strata of society; among the ordinary population of Russia, it was not observed.

Dancing is a way to show others your love.

Now more and more young couples are hiring professional choreographers to learn how to waltz.

A wedding waltz is not only a beautiful moment, but also a way to show others your love, tender feelings, grace and beauty.

Waltz types

Waltz can be danced in different ways. There are dances at a slow and fast pace, but in any case, the bride looks irresistible - the dress develops, spins ... The following types of waltz are common:

  • waltz boston;
  • English;
  • Viennese;
  • argentine.

The choice of waltz depends on the temperament of the couple: someone prefers the calm English waltz, while someone prefers the Viennese rhythm. Argentine waltz is a dynamic mixture of tango and waltz, a bright and colorful combination. This is the most difficult type of waltz and is not suitable for all couples.

But whichever waltz you choose, not without rehearsals.

The perfect waltz requires good preparation

How to learn to dance the waltz?

If the couple decides to waltz during the wedding ceremony, tutors are needed. Of course, you can use master classes on the Internet, but only a professional mentor will tell you which type of waltz is more suitable for a couple, teach grace and grace. A rehearsed waltz will look great, it will become the highlight of the wedding celebration - so you should not save on choreographers.

Most salons that organize weddings have a special employee in their staff. Contact the staff of the chosen salon - they will definitely tell you how to make your dream come true.

If there is no financial opportunity to contact an individual tutor, attend group classes: they are cheaper

Limited time to prepare for the wedding celebration? Individual express dance lessons are suitable for you. For a couple of lessons, the mentor will teach the couple to move to the rhythm of the waltz for a couple of minutes. Of course, such a production will be far from perfect, but it's still better than nothing.

How to overcome shyness?

Dancing at your own wedding is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Many people would like to waltz, but do not know how to overcome stiffness and shyness.

  1. Do not put off rehearsals until the last moment: self-confidence will help overcome tension.
  2. Look into the eyes of a partner, you can even talk to him - so you will not notice the surrounding guests.
  3. In advance, ask the wedding host to ask the guests to keep quiet during the dance.
  4. Listen to music: it will tell you how to move.
  5. Rehearse in suits and shoes designed for the wedding event. Of course, there is a well-known sign - young people should not see each other's outfits. If you are superstitious, wear similar outfits, use crinoline rings for dresses, jewelry, high heels of the height that will be at the holiday.
  6. Smile and know - you are irresistible!

The music itself will tell you how to move

What outfits to choose for a wedding waltz?

As a rule, the couple does not change clothes for the dance performance - the performance takes place in the same costumes as the whole ceremony. So, if a waltz is planned, you need to choose such a wedding outfit so that it does not stand out from the general style. The groom will suit a strict dark suit and a white shirt, a tie or bow tie is required. The bride's dress should look like a ball gown, with puffy skirts and a corset. A short skirt will not work - the dress should be as long as possible.

The waltz is great for a classic style wedding with a luxurious formal reception.

If the clothes of the young people do not fit into the style of the wedding and require dressing up, it is recommended to replace the waltz with another dance that matches the format of the event.

Many girls choose transforming dresses for a wedding celebration: they are good because the skirt comes unfastened and the dress becomes short. In such an outfit it will be comfortable on the official part and during the dance. And then you can change the attire and feel comfortable in shorter clothes.

Waltz is the most romantic dance, so spare no effort to look fabulous at your own wedding!

Waltz is recognized as an ideal option for dancing in the registry office and the first dance of young people at a wedding banquet. The wedding waltz is a spectacular and spectacular dance: it always makes an impression on the audience, causes a high emotional intensity and looks great on a wedding video.

Compared to other generally accepted options, it presents some difficulties, requires professional training and the ability to strictly adhere to a given rhythm. But its spectacle and beauty redeem the time spent, and the visual effect achieved justifies all the difficulties of its preparation.

To make the right choice of the dance of the newlyweds, we need not only the coincident desires of the bride and groom, but also professional advice and lessons.

All movements must be rehearsed several times, if not at the place where the celebration will take place, then at least in a similar area and location of possible obstacles.

Waltz is a dance for masters with practice and skills. This is an enchanting spectacle, a complex dance with right and left turns, quick rotation, 1-measure discord between partners, effectively practiced smooth gliding and graceful swift circular movements.


Slow or English, which is sometimes confused with Boston. The characteristic slow movement, with proper practice, makes it possible to give the couple a romantically excited emotional design and, with a short rehearsal time, makes the proper impression on both the couple and the audience. 32 beats per minute (twice as slow as Viennese).

The beat begins with the partner shifting to the right and stepping with her right foot, the movement starts from the heel, which somewhat complicates it for the bride, who prefers high heels. (Love, Believe, Slow waltz, Strauss waltzes).

Smooth, slow and graceful dance steps, semicircular rotations interspersed with left and right inclinations, in basic movements it is somewhat similar to a foxtrot.


8-10 professional lessons are needed, at least 3 of them in wedding clothes, in the presence of spectators, in order to develop tolerance for the presence of people watching the dance.

Accented first beat, time signature 3/4 or 6/8. High tempo - at least 60 beats per minute. Waltz from the movie "Masquerade", "My sweet and gentle beast", "Game of Thrones", the cartoon "Anastasia", waltzes by Chopin, Strauss.

waltz boston

Learning is easier, you can use video tutorials, but without certain skills, it will take about the same time to learn.

It is also necessary to link to a place in order to calculate the length of the track, the approximate distance to future viewers. The time signature is the same as in the Viennese waltz, but the tempo is about 40 bars. The main emphasis falls on the first beat of the measure (with an emphasis on one, while counting one, two, three).

A beautiful and uncomplicated waltz for newlyweds who know how to dance at least a little. The setting of the legs and the number of revolutions differ from the Viennese. The movements are performed in a slower rhythm and at the same time, without the partner's delay by a beat.

It looks great in a long, not fluffy dress, with a skirt extended to the bottom (during the dance, you need to take wide steps, but there are fewer circular movements and there are practically no turns around the axis).

french waltz

It is often performed at weddings because it does not require a lot of space and large diameter circular movements. It is performed at a relatively fast tempo (50 bars per minute), with a time signature of 3/4.

In this video - the scheme of the French waltz:

Simple, cheerful, evoking positive emotions, it is often used as the last dance of the young, because it does not interfere with other dancers. (Paris, Amazing music, Wedding waltz).

The dance scheme is simple and allows you to use it in a small registry office, and the melodies are usually popular and familiar to musicians if there is live music at the wedding.

The first dance of the young waltz - how to stage it yourself

Not only personal preferences, but also the dancing skills that they possess will allow future spouses to stop at a certain waltz. It is important to consider the time they can take to receive lessons from a professional teacher, the opportunity to rehearse at the venue in wedding attire (which is often not available), and options musical accompaniment(live sound or equipment.

To choose a melody, you need to consider several components:

  • personal preferences and favorite options of the bride and groom (required consensus);
  • the duration of the performance so that the waltz does not break off in the middle if there is not much time in the registry office);
  • the bride's outfit (does it correspond to the nature of the movements performed and does it create obstacles);
  • permitted or available range of dance steps;
  • popularity or novelty of the found option (so as not to repeat common options);
  • the ability to take spectacular photos (any option looks good on the video, but blurry photos can turn out in a quick waltz).

Young people always have room for creativity, which allows you to cut musical version before the given time, prefer certain kind waltz.

The main condition is to correctly perform partner support and strictly observe the musical beat. Despite the fact that the dance is included in the compulsory program at competitions, it is quite easy to learn, so it is often performed at weddings. The main thing is not to overestimate your strength, but also not to slide into a simple marking time.

If you don’t have time to attend professional lessons, you can always do dance staging at home. There are many video tutorials filmed specifically for the newlyweds, and no matter what age the marriage takes place, do not neglect a memorable and exciting event.

The wedding waltz will leave a huge imprint in the memory of young people and guests. Much depends on the correct choice of this dance. And which option would you choose?

With the help of videos in which the dance is presented in a simple and accessible form for amateurs, training can also take place at home. The teacher can be explained that the goal is a one-time performance at a wedding, so the main set of movements can be limited to a minimum, and the main emphasis can be placed on the emotional component. How it will be performed at the wedding depends on the newlyweds and their feelings. What do you think about this, did you have a dance in the registry office and what impressions did you have?

One of the most touching moments at the wedding is the first joint dance of the newlyweds, fixing them in the role of legal spouses. Wedding dance production is a popular service, and many turn to professional studios, but even those couples who are far from choreographic art, can learn simple movements without the help of teachers, impressing guests at the celebration.

This is a rather difficult task, so you will need to be patient with yourself and your partner, and success can only be achieved with inexhaustible diligence and positive attitude.

Honeymooners' tradition

Any wedding consists of modern canons and which have come down to our times in their original or modified form. The first dance of the young is also a long tradition, which has been encountered in various interpretations since the ancient world.

Among the Slavs, for example, newlyweds danced inside a common round dance, and the first prototypes of the modern wedding waltz were born during the reign of Peter I.

It was the beautifully staged wedding dance of the newlyweds that opened the gala evening during the grandiose balls. Initially, it was a classic waltz, but gradually new variations began to emerge, and now the bride and groom can choose any direction they like for themselves.

To some extent, during this stage of the wedding banquet, the newlyweds express gratitude to the guests for their presence at the celebration and warm wishes. However the main role the first wedding dance number is an expression of the love of the spouses for each other without the help of words, only with movements and emotions. This is a touching and romantic moment that tells the story of a couple from the moment they met until the wedding.

How to prepare your own presentation

Previously, at weddings, the dance was classical - the newlyweds danced the waltz, not trying to surprise their guests with complex movements. Now many people want to make their celebration original, so more and more extraordinary solutions are found. You can make a choice in favor of one or another style of dance, based on the following points.

A beautifully staged wedding dance is made up of many nuances. Particular attention should be paid to the physical features of the bride and groom. In particular, you need to pay attention to the difference in growth. Ideally, professional partners are selected in such a way that the man is no more than 15 cm taller than the woman, and at the same time both are in good physical shape.

The bride and groom rarely meet these standards, so you have to come up with tricks. Depending on all these factors, the setting is chosen. The first wedding dance should look beautiful.


Waltz is still the classic first dance for newlyweds.. Setting up the first wedding dance when choosing a waltz is possible with a little preparation. It can be performed by any couple who have not even thought about choreography before. There are several varieties of waltz, but for a wedding banquet, one of three is usually chosen - figured, Viennese and Boston.

How to put on a simple wedding dance? For this, the first version of the waltz is suitable. Newlyweds will need to learn simple, but beautiful movements, resulting in an attractive dance without noticeable errors. Also, a figured waltz is suitable if you plan to stage a wedding dance yourself.

wedding planner

The first dance of the newlyweds is symbolic meaning. They not only confess their love to each other in front of close friends and relatives who are witnesses of their wedding vows, but also determine the course of their later life. It is believed that, as far as the newlyweds dance harmoniously, such an atmosphere will reign in their family.

Elena Sokolova


If a man is much taller than a woman, then dance elements will look harmonious when the partner goes down in motion, and the partner remains standing straight. If the bride is taller than the groom, or they are about the same height, then you can use supports, in which the girl deviates, and the young man stands straight. If rotation of the partner is envisaged, then it is advisable for the partner to take her in his arms sideways. Supports and complex techniques are abandoned if the bride has a denser physique than the groom.

Maria Stoyanova

The Viennese waltz is chosen by those who have done at least a little choreography, even in childhood, because endurance, flexibility and plasticity are needed. Boston is a slow version of the waltz, which is suitable for restrained and romantic natures.

For expressive personalities who are ordinary life never sit still, passionate Latin American dances will do. In this case, you can choose from the following options.

Another popular wedding dance is tango, which has different variations - a strict ballroom direction, a passionate Argentinean performance, or Finnish, unusual in its movements. From future newlyweds, staging a tango wedding dance will require more preparation than a waltz, but with the proper attitude and diligence, the dance will turn out to be spectacular and sensual.

For a couple who wants to emphasize tender and warm feelings in their relationship, a foxtrot may be suitable. This is a romantic and elegant dance, characterized by lightness and grace, softness, grace and freedom of movement, smoothness and maneuverability. Only after repeated training, the bride and groom will be able to make the foxtrot the way it was originally intended.

For a retro, disco or hipster celebration, you can learn one of the dances that were popular in the last century. It can be energetic boogie-woogie, daring rock and roll, crazy Charleston, etc. Future newlyweds can even learn dances from their favorite films of the last century, including black and white ones.

popular in recent times The solution is a mix dance, which combines several different dances performed to the appropriate music. For example, at first the newlyweds dance a classic waltz, then the composition changes, and they already pick up each other in an energetic cha-cha-cha, and then they perform a sensual tango.

Basic movements

Is it possible to stage a wedding dance at home? Without a professional choreographer, it is difficult for the bride and groom to learn the wedding dance, therefore, to make it easier, you can start with separate basic movements, which then add up to a single picture. For example, the main movement in a waltz is a counterclockwise rotation in a square. On each side of the square, there is one large step of both partners and two small ones, while all movements are performed in equal measure.

Another simple movement is as follows: the man, continuing to hold his partner with one hand, removes the second behind his back, and the girl at this moment takes the hem of the magnificent dress in her freed hand. On the peculiarities of dancing in a dress with a train. Then the partners take a step towards each other from the right foot and raise their hands up, and then diverge to their original position, starting with the left foot.

The main movement in is a kind of walk. The man holds his partner by the hand with one hand, and the other hugs her waist. Then he takes two steps forward with his left foot, and the girl, respectively, takes two steps back with her right. In this case, the second step does not close, but one leg remains behind the level of the body, followed by two swings back and forth.

Then the man takes one step back, the second to the side and closes the last step, and the woman follows him in the same movements. This is the base figure, which is then repeated unlimited quantity once.

Useful videos: examples

How to stage a wedding dance yourself? For those who have never done choreography, it is difficult and almost impossible to independently come up with movements for a wedding dance. You can look for a tutorial for setting up a wedding dance. But to avoid difficulties, you can use ready-made solutions from those newlyweds who have already passed this difficult stage.

One of the very successful examples can be seen in the following video: staging a wedding tango dance. The bride and groom organized own wedding in the style of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, so the girl is wearing tight black dress with a long cut. The couple dance to Jazmine Sullivan's hit tune "Bust Your Windows".

If the future newlyweds have enough free time before the wedding, then they can learn the classical waltz with lifts that will make it more elegant and interesting. In the video, the couple dances just such a dance to the song "Blind" by the Hurts group, and the entourage is artificial smoke and imitation of snowfall.

Not only classical movements, but also examples from famous films will help to make a dance mix of several compositions. The next video is the most beautiful wedding dance, best production similar mix: the newlyweds first dance the classic waltz to the music of Eugene Doga from the film “My Sweet and Gentle Beast”, then make a bunch with a lasso movement and perform different dances under popular music, for example, from the movie Crime novel"to the song of Chuck Berry" You never can tell", from the movie "The Mask" to the song "Hey Pachuco" of the Royal Crown Revue, etc.

When preparing a wedding dance, the bride and groom must give each other good motivation, otherwise even a slight disagreement can lead to a quarrel and a refusal to further rehearsals. In addition, the following nuances must be taken into account.

  1. Room. The first dance of the newlyweds should be staged after the place of celebration has been determined. When choosing certain movements, you need to take into account the size of the banquet hall, the arrangement of tables and chairs, the floor covering and the height of the ceilings. When staging a wedding dance at home, these points should also be taken into account.
  2. clothing and shoes. The groom is easier in this, since the suits and shoes are not much different from each other in terms of sensations, while the bride is less fortunate. If she has not yet managed to purchase a dress and shoes, but rehearsals have already begun, it is recommended to choose an outfit that will be comfortable to dance in. It’s better to buy a dress and shoes first, and only then choose a dance.
  3. duration of the dance. Even if the bride and groom have perfect perfected movements, you should not drag out the first dance for longer than 2-3 minutes. After that, the guests will already begin to be distracted and will eagerly wait for the newlyweds to finish.
  4. All movements must be coordinated with changes in the composition. A change in motive or the end of a phrase of the performer indicates that it is desirable to change the figure of the dance.
  5. Sing along. Some couples prefer to imitate singing while dancing, but from the outside it looks ridiculous. The meaning of the dance is precisely in the expression of emotions without words, with only movements.

It is best to start rehearsals 2 months before the wedding, while you can train 1-2 times a week. When the full picture begins to emerge, it is recommended to record rehearsals on video, so that you can then analyze the mistakes and determine what looks good and what needs to be worked on.

Shoes and clothes should be selected as close as possible to the wedding. For the first time, you can lay out whatman paper with colored traces on the floor in order to understand what the steps should be. Gradually, whatman paper is removed, and the couple can only hone their movements.

All the guests at the wedding are waiting for the first dance of the newlyweds, although it does not last long. Usually this stage is scheduled for the final part of the evening, so once again it demonstrates the love and tenderness that reigns between the newlyweds. Without the help of professional choreographers, it is difficult for beginners to stage a dance, but acting together, the bride and groom are capable of much.