Learning to sing at home from scratch lessons. Vocal Lessons for Beginners: Free Videos to Practice at Home

In fact, almost anyone can sing. But someone has more natural data for this, while someone, on the contrary, has less of them. If you don't have a very good voice, then this problem can be corrected with regular practice. In order to sing better, you need to work hard on your respiratory system. It is important to pay attention to your posture as well as your breathing. Once you learn the basics, you can sign up for further training with professionals.

Many would like to know how to sing beautifully at home. From this article you can learn how to learn to sing beautifully on your own.

Part one of three: how to learn to sing beautifully― correct posture and correct breathing

In fact, in order for your lungs to work well, you need to make sure that you always have even posture. In order for your body to learn what a straight posture is, stand with your back against a flat wall. Then roll your shoulders back as if you were trying to touch the wall with them. The head should seem to reach for the ceiling. Fix this position of your body. Try to walk in this position for some more time. After a while, repeat the original position of your body, which you fixed against the wall.

Stand up and try to find a position of your body in which you will feel as confident as possible. Only in such conditions will you be able to reveal your potential, if any. Try a variety of poses until you find the one after which you can feel like a real star.

If you really want to learn how to sing well, then you have to work hard on your breathing. Try taking a deep breath in and then exhaling it slowly. Breathe air into your lungs for a few seconds first, and only then breathe it back in for a few seconds. This exercise is also beneficial in that it helps to calm down and relieve stress.

I have the following exercise― take a lying position. Next, you need a book. It will need to be placed on your stomach. Then you will have to sing this or that note in such a way that the book rises.

If you notice when singers sing fast, they exhale air very quickly. In order to learn how to sing, you also need to learn how to exhale quickly in order to have time to pronounce the words of the song and at the same time hit the right note.

In order to learn how to sing better, you need to learn how to exhale the air softly and for a long time from the lungs. In fact, this is a really necessary skill in order to learn how to sing well. While singing oneoh lines singer iland the singer first at the beginning of the line captures the air with her lungs, and then exhales it towards the end of this very line. It is necessary to learn how to do it smoothly and gently so that it is invisible. You can use the practice pen for this. Just blow on it slowly to make it move.

Part Two of Three: Do Vocal Exercises and Work on Technique

You should, before you start performing a particular song, first do a little warm-up. This is necessary, first of all, in order for your voice to warm up, the vocal cords to be prepared. As a warm-up, you can, for example, hum notes one after another. A warm-up at its core can consist of very simple exercises. On the Internet you can find a large number of variety of workouts.

Make sure that when performing a particular composition, yourvoice changed slowly. The more you train with your voice, the louder, but at the same time softer you will be able to sing in the future. In order for your classes to actually have some result, it is necessary to conduct training not from time to time, but regularly in order to consolidate the achieved result.

To improve your singing skill, simply hum one note after another. You need to do this smoothly, without sudden changes in your voice. Sing the notes from the beginning to the end and vice versa from the end to the beginning. This exercise can be done at home. It will help you learn to sing better. With this exercise, your voice will become more flexible.

Vowel sounds are divided into several types. In order to learn how to sing, you need to know how to pronounce one or another type of vowel correctly.

Many teachers in vocal singing believe that their voice must be toned every day. To do this, you just need to allocate about twenty or thirty minutes of your free time to devote it to vocal training. Under such conditions, you will be able to strengthen your vocal cords, which obviously will not be superfluous if you really want to learn how to sing well and beautifully. Before you start working with scales, you first need to decide which of the ranges your voice belongs to. Once you figure this out, you can start working with scales.

Part three of three: practice

In order to achieve any results, you need to regularly train on your voice. You will need to work with it every day. Only with the help of regular training will you be able to achieve your goal, that is, to learn how to sing beautifully. You can sing, for example, while driving to work in the car, while preparing a homemade lunch, dinner, or just while doing some homework. Some people even prefer to sing in the shower. It is advisable to practice every day at the same time.

You are not a professional, so you should not devote several hours a day to training, otherwise you will simply get tired, which may negatively affect your motivation to continue training in the future. Your voice training should last from about thirty minutes. Its maximum duration― it's one hour. In the event that you feel that you are tired, it is worth postponing the workout for a while and not torturing yourself. It is better to return to them when you really have the strength for this.

On the this moment A large number of training videos can be found on the Internet. The same applies to vocal training, of course. You do not need to pay money to watch the training video. In addition to videos, you can also use books for your self-study process.

Please note that not all of the information that you can find on the Internet will be reliable. The best teacher for you will be a professional in his field― vocal teacher.

Alternatively, you can try to improve your vocal skills with audio tutorials. Before making your final choice in favor of one or another course, it is worth knowing in advance which of them are actually effective so that you do not waste your time and your money.

No one will teach you how to sing beautifully and correctly like a vocal teacher. In fact individual sessions vocals can be very expensive. Before deciding what to study with a teacher, you should first think again about how much you really need to learn how to sing beautifully.

If there is a choir in your city, then you can join it too. This will be practice for you. Very often, before accepting a person into the choir, they first arrange an audition for him. You don't have to worry about this. It is better to calm down, relax and show everything that you can do. Even if the answer is no, it does not mean that you should quit singing.


If you smoke, then you should quit this bad habit, as it negatively affects the vocal cords.

If you feel thirsty, then it is worth quenching it with ordinary water at room temperature.

Don't overstretch your ligaments. Before you actually start singing, it is always necessary to warm up. For this, even the simplest exercises for your voice will do.

If you want to improve your vocal skills, then you can sing in unison under musical compositions. Just choose the songs that you like the most, and then try to sing them in unison with the performers. This to some extent can help you learn how to hit the notes.

In order to improve your vocal skills, you need to practice regularly. If you do this only from time to time, then in this case you will not be able to consolidate the results of the ongoing training.

If you have the opportunity to take individual lessons from teachers with vocal education, then you should definitely take advantage of it. Only a professional will be able to help you put your vote, find strengths and weaknesses.

A lot of people, regardless of age, position and voice, want to sing and are wondering how to learn to sing from scratch at home. But as they grow older, a person spends more and more time on study, work, family, and less and less time is left for a dream. However, she continues to live, disturbing with a vague hope, sounding inside, sometimes bringing heartache… Why is this happening?

The beauty and harmony of music touches the heart of each of us. And singing is the best way to express your feelings. But for some reason we are sure that at our age it is no longer possible to learn to sing from scratch, especially on our own.

Or even worse: afraid of the opinions of others, we hide our dream of learning to sing deep inside ourselves. Without realizing the most intimate, to which God inaudibly calls, we lose self-confidence and inner Freedom!

People who judge and laugh at your dream usually have a lot of complexes, and they will never find such courage in themselves. But later, when you succeed, they will be the first to respect and approve of you. Do not listen to anyone, go to your dream and if you really want to sing - sing!

But where to start? How to learn to sing from scratch at home at any age, if we have never seriously sung before?

Divide the dream of learning to sing at home into parts and define a goal

Immediately understand a few things: modern techniques allow everyone to sing. TO EACH! In the process of learning, do not allow anyone to criticize you, this will create psychological clamps that will lead to physical clamps and interfere with the correct process.

Find someone to show off your progress to. For example, it could be a mother, a loving spouse, or a very good friend who will encourage you.

And let you have no more questions about how to learn to sing from scratch at home at your age. You can learn to sing at any age, and quite successfully! So, let's begin.

If you are a busy person who does not have a second of time, then divide your dream of singing into parts and implement it in stages. These stages will most likely be multi-level.

Small parts are always easier to make than one big whole. Move as far as possible - the availability of finances and time, no need to wait, they still will not be enough. The main thing - do not stop!

Define a goal- why do you need to learn to sing: for your own pleasure, to participate in karaoke with friends, to prepare for an event, and perhaps to enter a university? Depending on the task, you need to decide whether to study on your own or find a vocal teacher.

How to learn to sing at home on your own?

If you don’t have the time and finances for a teacher, then you can try to learn how to sing at home yourself. As you move towards your dream, start listening to good vocals to help set you up. correct work your vocal cords and improve musical tastes. In parallel, you can search the Internet for phonograms and sing along to them.

At first, sing in a comfortable range, without taking notes that are inaccessible to you, especially high ones, do not shout at the same time, forcing the volume. This can lead to hemorrhage into the ligaments, the formation of nodules on them, and even to an irreversible loss of voice. Listen to yourself.

Also find good school vocals on the Internet or from competent acquaintances. This is necessary in order to know elementary rules work with the vocal apparatus, do not damage the ligaments and consolidate the correct skills.

In addition, there are a lot of various good vocal master classes on the Internet, according to which you can also learn to sing at home. It is better to consult with competent people which vocal school you should use in your studies, since there are a lot of vocal methods.

Lessons with a vocal teacher

The best option to make your dream come true is to take classes with a professional who will help you learn to sing from scratch. You can find a vocal teacher through the same Internet, music schools, ads, on the recommendation.

teachers from different methods- also a lot. According to some opinions, it is better to practice female vocals with a female teacher, and male vocals with a male teacher.

The reason is in the different structure of the female and male vocal apparatus. Comfortable singing ranges for men and women are also different. In other words, following this simple rule, you and your vocal coach will understand better each other, which will increase your productivity.

Be prepared that classes with a teacher will require financial costs. And also you need to decide where the classes will take place - at your teacher or at your home.

Why do you need a vocal teacher?

You can, of course, record yourself on a dictaphone and then listen to it. But you will not always be able to determine where you sang well and where you did not, because you may not have the necessary knowledge.

This is where a vocal teacher is needed, who, based on his knowledge and experience, will evaluate you and give recommendations. In addition, when working with a professional reduces the risk of reinforcing incorrect skills, which will be very difficult to correct later. After all, you want not just to learn to sing from scratch, but to do it correctly and beautifully?

And also teacherspeed up the learning process and help you cope with fears, After all, singing, first of all, is the right psychological attitude.

You can work with your coach both via Skype and live. The first option is more convenient, the second is more efficient. Choose according to your abilities. Practice with a teacher one to three times a week. If possible, work on your own the rest of the day, using the advice of your teacher, and soon you will be able to sing.

Start enjoying singing

God created you unique, like no one else! Your voice is unique too! Therefore, a good vocal teacher will first determine your individual characteristics– voice type, range and style, and learn the purpose of learning.

By the way, one more step towards your dream is education playing a musical instrument: guitar or piano. The ability to play will give you the opportunity to be seen in almost any society and accompany yourself and others.

In addition, it will greatly improve your musical development and the dream of learning to sing on their own at home. You can also learn the game both independently and with a professional.

Singing is freedom and confidence! There will be a lot of work to develop your voice - beautiful, exciting work that will give meaning to your life. Go to your dream and - sing!


So, you can learn to sing from scratch at home at any age, even on your own. Do not pay attention to the lack of finances and time - they will never be enough. And finally stop depending on someone else's opinion - it's just envy.

All you need is to choose a learning method. Self-study will save you money, fortunately, there are many free schools and vocal master classes on the Internet.

Classes with a teacher "live" or via Skype will improve the quality and speed of learning. But in any case, if you have a desire to learn to sing from scratch, the learning process itself will bring joy, and soon you will feel inner freedom and satisfaction, which is what I wish you.

The healing power of singing is scientifically proven. Sound vibrations have a positive effect on the human brain and internal organs, emotional and psychological condition, life expectancy and development leadership qualities personality. Except professional activity, singing is a useful hobby. A beautiful staged voice is appreciated on stage and at home, among friends and colleagues.

Singing lessons give the voice strength, depth and richness of shades, and clarity of diction. There is enough free content on Youtube today for self-study at home. We offer several videos for beginner vocalists.

5 ways to determine musical ear

The degree of development of musical ear determines the level of vocal data. Upon admission to music school the first step is a test for hearing: the ability to hit the notes, repeat the rhythm and select the melody. There are several ways to determine the ability to music and singing. The result depends on how quickly the progress in the classroom will go. In any case, do not be upset if the result is far from desired: ear for music can be developed.

chant voice

Vocalists, whether beginners or professionals, begin each session by singing. Voice exercises are needed to warm up the ligaments, expand the range and open the larynx. From the side, repetitions of strange syllables and letter combinations in a singsong voice sound ridiculous and ridiculous. But the performance after the warm-up becomes even, smooth and sonorous. When playing high notes without first chanting, the ligaments can be seriously damaged.

How to determine your voice timbre and choose a song

Sooner or later, every vocalist faces the question of choosing a repertoire. Beginners often make the mistake of choosing songs to their taste, and when they perform, they notice: sometimes there is not enough power, sometimes the pitch is not enough, or the style does not sound. In fact, you need to focus on the timbre of the voice and the width of the range. The author of the video lesson will talk about the most popular types of male and female voices and give recommendations on choosing songs for each of them.

What types of vocals are

With the development of the art potential of mankind, the art of vocals becomes more complex and diverse. Hence, dozens of performance styles: classical, jazz, soul, growling, throat singing and many others. To find your style, try several types of singing and choose the one that suits you. Remember: everything is harmonious in art, and the manner of performance should correspond to the stage image and even the type of appearance. We offer an introductory video with examples of different techniques.

Vocal lessons. melismas

Do you want to win competitions? Focus on vocal embellishments, or melismas. Musical decorations make a pleasant impression on the listener. A vivid example is the show "Voice", when the jury and the audience enthusiastically applaud and raise their eyebrows in surprise, appreciating another vocal trick. Do you want the same? Work on your voice with a video lesson and master the melodic features of popular stars.

Opening the larynx

There is a significant difference between singing and performing. You can hum familiar motives without much skill, and for professional performance you will need a high degree of command of the vocal apparatus. Primarily we are talking about the throat. A freely open larynx is the key to an even, powerful, deep sound. The video clip demonstrates the latest technique for setting the larynx using a cocktail tube.

3 Breathing Exercises for a Vocalist

Proper breathing and a developed diaphragm are the basics of professional singing. There is a special expression "singing with support". A performer leaning on the piano immediately seems ignorant in vocal matters. In fact, support means a strong diaphragm, which is trained by breathing workouts. Learn 3 simple exercises with a vocal teacher and do them yourself before each home singing lesson.

Vocal resonators

Finding resonators is one of the most difficult topics for beginners to sing. The term means cavities in the head (nasal, laryngeal), where the sound acquires a certain color and flight. Contribution teachers always build an explanation on associative links, for better understanding. Associations, as you know, are a subjective thing, so it can be problematic to understand. We specially selected a video from a participant in the show, a voice that came up with an extraordinary explanation of the topic of resonators and the way to feel them.

Articulation and diction in singing

A clear pronunciation is necessary for the beautiful sound of speech and keeping up with the rhythm of the song. The physiology of each is individual, and everyone has their own mistakes in pronunciation. Vocalists train diction and articulation with tongue twisters, tongue twisters and special exercises. The author of the video lesson teaches you how to fix the lips correctly, evenly distribute the breath and direct the sound during training. Do the exercise shown regularly and before each performance in order to prepare the vocal apparatus for an ideal performance.

Vocal exercises for voice development

The advantage of singing over other types of hobbies is the lack of additional equipment and equipment. The main instrument is the voice. You can easily find a convenient time and place for classes and rehearse every day, even on vacation. Memorize exercises from online lessons and repeat regularly on your own. Over time, you will notice: the range will become wider, and the voice and shutter speed will be stronger.

Do not be disappointed in your abilities at the first lesson and stop practicing. From lesson to lesson, the voice inevitably acquires depth and confidence, and you will learn to sing beautifully from scratch.

There is something creative in every person: someone is fond of drawing, dancing, someone found himself in acting, someone sings, and today we will talk about singing. Or rather, about how to learn to sing beautifully and not be afraid of your voice.

Of course, every singer will tell you that learning to sing on your own is a very difficult task, you need a teacher, or better to say a master, who will give you a voice. Difficult - but realizable, therefore, a person who really wants to learn how to sing will do it, regardless of all the difficulties.

Singing is one of the most better ways self-expression of a person, his feelings and thoughts.

From this definition we can conclude that everyone can learn to sing beautifully, because we can convey our thoughts through colloquial speech, so why not learn to do it through singing? Note that in order to learn to sing, it is not so important to have some kind of technique, it is much more important to treat this creativity with all your heart and soul.

How to learn to sing

Ear for music

The first thing you need to do is start training your ear. You ask why hearing and not voice? - because your voice will get up in the process of training, but many people have problems with hearing from the very first lessons. Let's deal with this concept so that further we can deal with a certain base.

Ear for music- a set of human skills that allow him to fully and objectively evaluate music or some sounds, see its advantages and disadvantages; hearing is the most important factor for successful musical activity person.

Varieties of musical ear

  1. Relative hearing is the ability of a person to find and reproduce pitch relationships in a melody, in music. intervals, etc. It should be noted that the pitch of a sound is determined by comparison with a reference sound. Relative hearing is essential tool for every professional musician.
  2. Absolute pitch is the ability of a person to find absolute altitude sounds, while not comparing them with reference sounds. This type of hearing is innate, and as scientists say, it cannot be obtained artificially (by various exercises), but nevertheless development in this activity continues.
  3. Intonation hearing is the ability of a person to hear the “expressiveness” of music.
  4. Inner hearing is the ability of a person to clearly imagine individual sounds, harmonic and melodic constructions in front of him. This is a type of hearing that allows you to hear and perceive music within yourself, without any external interference.
  5. Modal hearing is the ability of a person to distinguish the modal-tonal functions of each sound separately.
  6. Harmonic hearing is the ability of a person to hear chord combinations of sounds in their correct sequence, as well as to arpeggiate with his voice.
  7. Polyphonic hearing is the ability of a person in a song to simultaneously hear several separate voices (two or more).
  8. Rhythmic hearing is the ability to move through music, feel the musical rhythm and copy it exactly.

There are several other varieties of hearing, but I have drawn your attention to only these six main ones. It would be nice if you could tell them apart without any outline or cheat sheet.

How to Learn to Sing Vocal Lesson for Beginners #1

The nature of the musical ear

Musical ear is specifically related to the musical talent of a person, expressed in more, his emotional experience and perception musical image. Various aspects and subtleties of musical hearing are studied in such specialized sciences as psychoacoustics, musical psychology, psychophysiology of hearing, and musical acoustics.

The development of musical ear

The development of hearing is engaged in such a special discipline as solfeggio. I note that everyone has an ear for music, it just needs to be developed. So, let's start developing our ear, and the first thing we turn to is unison.

Unison is a phenomenon when sounds of different source sound at the same pitch. Our task is as follows: to learn to adjust our voice to any sound that we hear. To achieve this result, there are several exercises.

The first exercise "finger to the sky":

Are you wondering why it's called that? Because you have to select voices, making various sounds, and the first time, it is almost impossible to do this.

The essence of the exercise is as follows: being close to the sound source, try to repeat it, making different monotonous sounds (“oh-oh-oh-oh!”, “a-a-a-a!”, etc.), after a while you will definitely be able to repeat the necessary sound, the main thing is to train.

The second exercise "Carpet bombing":

The essence of the exercise: we stand next to the source of a monotonous sound, and begin to make different sounds with our voice, mumble, buzz, in general, experiment with the voice. We make sounds similar to the noise of a chainsaw, the rumble of an accelerating car or a flying plane, etc. In music, this technique is called glissando, but we will call it “entrance”, with our voice, we, as it were, collect all sounds in the downward or upward direction.

So how do we now determine when we have reached unison? - you ask. Everything is very simple, in physics there is such a thing as resonance, this is when two sounds merge into one and amplify it twice. It is when this phenomenon occurs that will mean that you have reached unison. After that, you will begin to have a stream of fantasy, it will be more and more interesting for you to do this, because. you have already achieved some success.

Well, we talked about such a thing as musical ear, and found out that this is the most important criterion in order to learn how to sing beautifully. After getting acquainted with a certain theory, we discovered 2 exercises to improve hearing. You need to do them regularly in order to constantly improve yourself.

Ability to hear yourself:
Another equally important factor is the feeling when you can objectively hear yourself from the outside. At first, your voice will be very disgusting to you, do not be afraid of this, this is a normal phenomenon. But over time, such a defect should pass, and then it will simply become necessary for you to record your voice, and then listen to them in order to analyze your mistakes. Let it be a voice recorder or computer programs, the main thing is that the sound is clear. By doing such exercises, you will get rid of many mistakes, and your voice will be more and more perfect.

In order to learn how to sing well, you need to learn how to breathe correctly. You should not breathe randomly, suffocating while singing and thus making unnecessary sounds. Breathing should be as close to normal as possible. Try to inhale sharply and exhale slowly and smoothly. It is very important to control the length of the exhalation and the depth of the inhalation. Breathing involves the muscles of the diaphragm and ribs. Note that oxygen must enter through the nose! In order to learn how to breathe correctly and do it easily, regularly perform the exercises that we will discuss below.

Now let's figure out exactly how breathing is involved in the process of singing. The source of the sound that comes out of your body is your vocal cords. The sound is obtained as a result of the closure of these same vocal cords. A jet of air that vibrates them comes from the bronchi, resulting in sound. This is the whole process in a big reduction, in fact it goes a little more complicated.

Let's analyze the exercises that develop breathing:

Exercise 1: Very useful exercise with a candle, which develops a smooth and slow exhalation. The essence of the exercise is as follows: put a lit candle in front of you (at a distance of 20 cm), draw a small amount of air through your nose into the lower part of the ribs. After that, exhale air smoothly and without unnecessary jerks in the direction of the candle, while the fire should not go out. This exercise will help you avoid unnecessary jerks and jumps when singing. In addition, the exercise develops the duration of the exhalation, which will positively affect your personal data.

Exercise 2: As mentioned earlier, in singing breathing, the lower ribs and diaphragm are most involved. This exercise is about this group muscles. Lie down on the floor or on any other hard surface, then put some kind of load in the abdomen (this can be several heavy books). Now you just need to breathe evenly for a short time. For beginners, this exercise may seem strange, but in fact, when performed, the muscles of the diaphragm are strengthened, which contributes to proper inhalation.

Vocal lesson. Sound attack. Singing on a pedestal. Jazz tricks


It was not in vain that we combined such concepts as breathing and articulation into one group, because. personal indicators of these data must be developed in the aggregate, otherwise the result will not be.

Now let's look at a few exercises for the development of articulation.

Exercise 1: This exercise develops chewing muscles, joints and ligaments. Open your mouth wide, mentally pronounce the vowel “A” and hold this position for 5 seconds. Do a few reps. Also, the exercise can be complicated by pressing on the lower jaw with a fist.

Exercise 2: This exercise strengthens the cheek muscles. Inflate in turn, then the right, then the left cheek, and then retract both. Do a few repetitions.

Exercise 3: Probably the well-known exercise is tongue twisters. Learn and repeat tongue twisters at high speed throughout the day, i.e. if you have a couple of free minutes, then you can devote them to this lesson. This way you will develop your language, and your words will not be distorted. At first, do not try to pronounce tongue twisters very quickly, let it be slow, but high quality. Be sure to pronounce the endings of words, and do not chew them. Over time, increase the pace, and soon, the result will make itself felt.

Emotions are a very important factor in singing. Agree, no one will be interested in listening to a person who came out and muttered something to you, yes, in fact, such a person will never be able to sing. I mean that when going on stage, any creative person must present to people his attitude, his views and emotions on the object of his attention. In this case, we are talking about songs. The singer needs to convey all the feelings inherent in the song, it can be feelings or, on the contrary, joyful emotions.

Therefore, before performing a song, be sure to tune in to it, feel its character, harmony, repeat it again and pay attention to all the little things. After all, knowing the song is a natural necessity, without which the performance will not work. After you understand the emotions, dilute them with a variety of gestures. Entire books are devoted to this topic, but I presented you brief information which is worth paying attention to.

As I said at the beginning of the article, it is best to hire a voice coach. He will thoroughly engage in your training, and most importantly, he will constantly point out your mistakes to you, which self-study impossible. Although here you will come to the aid of a voice recorder. If you still decide to study, then do not take days off for yourself and do not shirk from classes. Another very important factor in your success is constant performances in front of the public. It does not matter who it will be, the main thing is that strangers listen to yours. Do not be afraid of criticism, this is your main teacher.

Group lessons are also a big plus. Firstly, you will have a greater interest in singing, and secondly, you will always learn from your partner.

This concludes this article. Good luck!

Over the past fifteen or twenty years, family song culture has practically disappeared in Russia, and this is a very serious loss.

The song used to play all the time: adults sang, gathering at the same table; mothers sang as they put the babies to bed.

People sang just like that: going camping, digging potatoes, making general cleaning.

And yet, song traditions are gradually returning.

Today, a huge number of people dream not just to sing, but to do it correctly, beautifully. Not everyone has the opportunity to take up vocals with professional teacher. In this case, try to learn how to sing at home on your own.

How to learn to sing at home: we develop the respiratory apparatus

Karaoke is a real find for lovers of singing. Many people sing at home, in karaoke clubs, with friends and just for themselves. There are talented people who are given a voice by nature, and then they may well find themselves in the profession of a vocalist.

How to learn to sing at home? First of all, understand that it will not work easily and quickly. If you want to achieve a really good result, You will need to work on three fronts:

Develop proper breathing;

Learn to articulate correctly;

Choose the right repertoire.

So how do you breathe properly and why is it important for those who want to learn how to sing? The problem is that many amateurs sing well, but they do not have the volume and power of sound. This is because the layman exhales the air immediately without holding it. The air ends, the muscles relax - the sound is lost.

The biggest mistake is to inhale air into the upper part of the lungs. With such shallow breathing, the shoulders and collarbones rise, the neck and ligaments are clamped. A beautiful "flight" sound will not work.

How to understand what is correct breathing? There is a very simple way. You need to lie down, relax and imagine yourself sleeping. During sleep, a person breathes most physiologically. Air is drawn into the lower parts of the lungs. This can be understood by the fact that a sleeping person does not raise his chest, but his stomach.

That's right, with the stomach, and you need to learn how to breathe for a person who wants to learn how to sing at home, without a teacher. Such breathing is not accidentally called diaphragmatic. The air-filled lungs in the lower part expand and begin to put pressure on the diaphragm. A good respiratory support is created, without which it will not work to get a strong, clear sound. Aperture is a secret correct breathing, successful vocal training.

To check if you are breathing correctly, stand against the wall, straighten your shoulders and inhale, putting your hand to your stomach or (for clarity), some kind of elongated object: a comb, a small umbrella. If you feel that the hand has gone forward or you see how the stomach “pushed out” the object, everything is in order: this is it, breathing with the stomach, or diaphragm.

Now you need to train muscle muscles with special exercises. The more you practice, the faster and better you will learn to sing. In fact, the harder and longer you pull the sound, the stronger the tension in the muscles should be. This will help you sing the entire musical phrase, or even two, without tension, beautifully and completely.

If you inhale air and immediately exhale, then the end of the phrases will simply “smear” or not sound at all. That is why an amateur singer often does not “hold out” the line to the end. To avoid a common mistake, one must learn to hold the respiratory support constantly.

A good help is provided by the usual swing of the press, but there are also professional exercises.

Exhale the air as much as possible, then, without drawing air into the chest, breathe in the “press”, inhaling and exhaling with effort. Such an exercise is designed specifically to develop the diaphragm, you can’t breathe in this way while singing! Inhalation is done through the nose. On inhalation, the stomach is retracted, on exhalation it protrudes a little. The rate of inhalation-exhalation should be gradually increased as the diaphragm strengthens.

A classic academic exercise for the diaphragm: imitate a shout. Imagine that you need to call out to a person who is far away. Shout "hey!" as you feel your diaphragm tighten. Do 8 - 10 such "shouts".

How to breathe properly while singing? Breathe in through the nose, filling the lower part of the lungs as much as possible. Inhalation should be silent, free, natural. Thoracic or clavicular breathing is unacceptable: you will simply begin to choke when singing, overload the ligaments. This is fraught with loss of voice, hoarseness, sore throat.

You need to train daily. This is the main condition for success: the respiratory and articulatory apparatus must receive a constant load in order to be in good shape and maintain strength. A well developed diaphragm is elastic and strong. Thanks to it, you can gradually build up technique and learn how to sing well.

How to learn to sing at home: important exercises

Daily exercises must necessarily include exercises to strengthen the ligaments and articulation. The initial task is to learn how to get rid of tension in the throat, to relax the ligaments. You will need to master the “vocal mask” - this is a special facial expression that makes it easier, stronger, more beautiful to sing sounds.

Exercise "Wide Throat":

Make a "vocal mask": smile slightly, feeling tension in the cheekbones;

Pull out the tongue, keeping the “smile mask”. To make it easier, you can hold your cheeks with your fingers;

Keeping such facial expressions, breathe like a dog, at a different pace. It is important to feel tension in the press, chill and relaxation in the neck. You can help yourself by putting a pencil, a sushi stick, a pen on your tongue;

Keeping the position of the tongue and cheeks, lower the jaw down as low as possible, continue to breathe;

Leave the muscles of the face in the accepted position and pronounce the sound “a”, pushing it out with the stomach.

In this position, the ligaments rest.

The most important quality correct singing - correct articulation, that is, a clear pronunciation of vowels and consonants.

Articulation exercise.

Include original song. It's good if you remember the words by heart. If not, you need to have the text in front of your eyes.

Take a thick marker or felt-tip pen, hold it between your teeth. The main task is to hold the felt-tip pen while pronouncing the words. Make sure that the upper teeth hang over the felt-tip pen: this will make it easier to sing the sound.

At first, you do not need to try to sing, it is important to say the words. The tongue at this moment should not be under or above the felt-tip pen. When pronouncing, he will constantly run into an obstacle and get tired. This is a serious workout for the muscles.

After doing the exercise two or three times, you can move on to singing the text. Do three repetitions of singing.

Now you can sing without a marker. The bottom line is that the articulatory apparatus remembers the position of the muscles of the face, in which it will be easy for him to sing. Thus, the exercise allows not only to improve articulation, but also to get used to the “vocal mask”.

Of course, do not ignore tongue twisters- a mandatory element in the development of clear diction for all artists. When pronouncing tongue twisters, pay attention to the endings of words: they cannot be “swallowed”, the phrase should sound clean from beginning to end.

Great for simultaneous training of the respiratory organs, vocal cords, diaphragm some exercises breathing exercises according to Strelnikova. A lot of singers practice this system, why shouldn't novice vocalists do the same? The basis of this paradoxical system is a special breath through the nose. It should be sharp, short and noisy. But the exhalation should be completely imperceptible, easy, it will be performed by the mouth. You need to focus on the breath.

Exercise "Pump".

Make a half-bow, freely dropping your hands. The back is rounded, the legs are shoulder-width apart.

Make the tilt stronger, as if you are really working with the pump, and simultaneously with this movement, inhale sharply.

Take the original position with a silent exhalation.

Repeat. One cycle of exercise - eight breaths. Complete exercise is 12 cycles.

Exercise "Hug your shoulders" aims to expand the lower lung, which is very important for singers. When inhaling, the chest should be clamped, and all the air will rush down.

Place your arms parallel to the floor, bending at the elbows. One hand is placed on top of the other.

Sharply, at the same time as inhaling, throw your hands towards each other, hugging yourself by the shoulders and at the same time pinching chest.

As you exhale, loosen the contraction and return to the original position.

The number of repetitions is the same.

Another great exercise should be done in the same way as the “Pump”. However, hands should be placed on the stomach. Simultaneously with the inclination, press on the press and pronounce syllables with any consonants and vowels “and”, “y”, “o”, “e”. It will turn out very similar to the classic chant “mi-moo-me-mo”, “ri-ru-re-ro”, etc. The exercise helps to develop respiratory support and to put the voice.

How to learn to sing at home: choose a repertoire

It's time to choose the right repertoire. It's not as easy as it might seem. It is important to catch the tonality (voice pitch) in which the ligaments will work as comfortably as possible, without tension. If the song is “yours”, the sound will flow freely, without clips.

Try first to sing individual sounds in unison (single tone) to the selected song. This means that two sounds of the same pitch will sound simultaneously: your voice and music. If there are houses musical instrument or a tuning fork, making the sound clear can be easier. Use your voice to select the sound so that it matches, merges with the instrument or tuning fork. To begin with, you can do this without unclenching your lips, that is, simply mooing.

If there are recordings of your favorite song performed by a professional artist, and if the key suits you, start singing. Try to copy the intonations, facial expressions, movements of the singer - this will help you master the technique of singing. Ideally, your voice and the voice of the artist should merge completely.

The next step is to try to sing karaoke or "backing track" of the selected song. Be sure to record your performance and listen to it. When a person sings, he does not hear himself. Analysis of the record will allow you to see the errors and work them out. For example, if you are out of tune somewhere, that is, you do not fall into the key, you need to work out this fragment.

Children's songs are very helpful in learning to sing. Usually they have a narrow range, a pleasant and understandable melody. When children's repertoire will be mastered, you can switch to popular music, romances, folk songs that you like.

If you know foreign language- great. Songs of foreign performers will significantly expand your repertoire. If you don’t know, that’s just as well: thanks to music, you can learn a language. The main thing is that the work should be technically uncomplicated, sound within one octave (that is, there would not be too much difference between low and high sounds) and have a simple text.

Ask well-meaning relatives or friends with an ear for music to listen to you sing. Do not take criticism with hostility. In the end, you are just learning to sing, so every comment will only benefit.