The best friends of a child are books: their benefits and role in development. Children and books: why it is important to read

Books, books, books…fairy tales, novels, fantasy… How many have there been in our lives and how many more will there be? Someone reads to take time, and someone just loves to read. Why do children need to read?

For as long as I can remember, I have always read books. In childhood, these were fairy tales and numerous stories and adventures, now they are classics and other similar literature. At first I read because I had to, for grades. And now I don’t understand how you can live without books. I was never forced to sit with books and constantly read, rather, on the contrary, they asked me to protect my eyes (but this didn’t help much, I’ll tell you a secret).

Reading is important and necessary. Many mothers start babies while they are still in the womb. So we try to instill in children a love of books, to influence their future development. After birth, we read before going to bed so that the child falls asleep faster. For children who do not yet know how to read, this is an opportunity to learn how to communicate with other children. Reading aloud teaches you how to correctly compose phrases and correctly express your thoughts, so after reading, be sure to ask your child to briefly talk about what he heard and learned new things.

Eternal source of information

Reading important skill for information. Without reading books, we will not know, for example, when Ivan the Terrible was born, what DNA is, or why it rains. The book opens up a new, still unknown and huge world for the child. If children see books and reading as a source of information, then all the knowledge accumulated by mankind will be open to them.

It is important that the child gets acquainted not only with the domestic, but also foreign literature. You can start with simple fairy tales br. Grimm, G. Andersen and the adventures of J. Swift and M. Twain. This will help in the future to realize yourself as part of big world, which does not end with the framework of home and school.

Personal development

Reading provides an excellent opportunity to feel like not just a child or a student, it gives you the opportunity to try on the role of any character you like (for example, Tom Sawyer, Dunno, etc.). The child develops logical thinking: even adults, when reading a book, always try to guess - what will it all end with? Even a simple riddle will increase children's confidence in themselves and their abilities. Why not an important achievement? But how interesting it is to come up with an ending at the beginning of the book, and then compare - is it true or not? I have friends who, in childhood, themselves composed endings for the books they liked, if they were somehow not satisfied with the existing one. And it's not as bad as it might seem. The child builds his own logical chain and shows his vision of the world of the book and the world of the hero.

From books, children learn how important it is to help not only parents, but also other people. Learn to respect people, animals and environment. Books enrich vocabulary child and instill the skills of correct speech.

Reason for mutual communication

Reading is not necessarily a solitary process. You can read a book with your child and have a general discussion, so you will teach your child to express his thoughts clearly, listen to the opinions of others and develop communication skills with other people. You can invite other guys to such an event, and arrange something like a mini-club for book lovers. This form of acquaintance with books cannot fail to interest the child.

If you want your child to read, set an example for him. If he sees that there are books and magazines in the house, then he will know that you value reading and will follow your example. The main thing is not to force them to read, otherwise the child will perceive the process as hard labor, a punishment that they want to get rid of as soon as possible. After such measures, your child is unlikely to want to continue reading for himself. After all, first of all, a book is still entertainment and endless hours of pleasure. It should be perceived as a pleasant pastime, a source of interesting and useful information rather than an imposed necessity.

For modern world technologies, where the Internet is our everything, paramount importance has the ability to effectively use Internet resources and evaluate the reliability and value of the information located there. Therefore, reading is so important, which develops the ability to think critically.

Do not worry if the child read the same book several times. Children are more comfortable when they already know the end of their favorite story and can tell it by heart. Reread your favorite books with your child, but slowly offer him new options.

What does it take for a child to love reading?

For initial reading, children need to have 5 skills:

  1. - be able to listen and recognize intonations when reading orally ( expressive reading);
  2. - correlate what is written in the book with the sounds of oral speech;
  3. – to know and understand as many words as possible;
  4. - understand and extract meaning from what is read;
  5. - be able to read quickly and accurately.

And finally, I want to say: be sure to read with your child, discover new ones with him. fairy worlds and immerse yourself in the world of children's literature.

Abstract library lesson for grade 1 "About the book and the library"

Donguzova Nailya Salikhovna, teacher-librarian, MBOU secondary school No. 9 in Ufa.
Description: I bring to your attention a summary of the library lesson for grade 1. This is the first meeting with future readers, where we get acquainted with the library, learn to love a book, and take care of it. The abstract will be useful to school librarians and teachers primary school.
Target: introducing the child to the world of books and libraries.
1. introduce the library;
2. develop interest in the book;
3. arouse interest in reading;
4. write to the library.
During the classes

New reader.
This short song of mine
I send to print
So I give it as a gift,
who learned to read.
The new reader is to us.
This is good news!
It's nice that he can
Read each line.
Thank you school! Thanks to that
Who printed the primer.
As if he brought into deep darkness
Bright magical lantern.
(S.Ya. Marshak)

Hello my young friends!
Today I expect a miracle. What a miracle, you ask, and do they happen in the world? Probably, miracles do not happen, especially now, in the 21st century. But how else to call what will happen today in school library?
And today it will be like this: you, first-graders, will come to me. You have already completed the first textbook in your life - the Primer, learned to read and write, and all, as one, want to enroll in the library.
The library for you is something interesting, mysterious, and it is I who will have to reveal this secret. How beckoning these huge long shelves filled with books, what they seem like fabulous labyrinths, and through these labyrinths, my “newborn” readers, we have to go through together.

What will interest you, my children? Before me is a difficult task - to teach you to love Her Majesty the Book, to protect Her, to bow before Her. And let them say that the time of the book is a thing of the past, that it has been replaced by iPhones, smartphones, tablets, nothing can replace minutes of communication with this greatest invention humanity.
I remember when I was little, I loved those moments so much! Imagine a summer thunderstorm, large drops of rain drumming on the roof, streams of water flowing on the ground, thunder rumbles, and I comfortably settled down on the veranda under a warm blanket and, together with the heroes of the books, went on incredible adventures ... I still like to read books under the sound of warm summer rain on the roof.
And in winter evenings when a blizzard rages, I liked, cuddling my back against a warm stove, to read aloud to my mother books about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War: Gule Koroleva, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, heroes of the Young Guard. Together with them we laugh and cry, love and hate, fight the enemy and weep, weep, weep. Mom is no longer alive, but memory has saved all this, and these feelings are strong, which I try to instill in my children, grandchildren and you, my dear readers.
Together with the book, we have a long way to go, eleven years long, and during this time I will teach you not only to work with the book, but also to find in it something close and dear to your soul. What will you take away from these lessons? I don’t know, but I really want to believe that it will be love for the Motherland, love of life, a sense of beauty, compassion, responsiveness, kindness.
Will a miracle happen today? Can you, my first graders, understand me? Can I teach you everything that I know myself? Will the book become a good friend for you? I am worried, but I believe that a miracle will happen - you, like me, will love the book.
What do you like to read? Comics! They say they don't develop personality. Do you agree? Not? Today, you won’t surprise anyone with comics - there are a lot of them on store shelves. And everyone knows that a comic is just a story in pictures.

Today, these funny books are published in millions of copies all over the world. Books are also published in the form of comics that tell us about the adventures of heroes known for a long time "from real" books.
Is it bad or good? Well, if you, having learned about the adventures of some heroes from the comics, then want to read the book itself. And it's bad if that doesn't happen.
See what comics based on Russian fairy tales our readers have created. And it's great! I will teach you this too.
But not always a miracle is joy and happiness, sometimes it upsets. I often hear that a school does not need a librarian, the most important thing is to give out textbooks, and the rest can be found on the Internet.
Do you know, my little readers, that the Internet is called the World Wide Web, which draws its users into its networks. There is even a disease - Internet addiction, which is difficult to get rid of. But I have never heard from anyone that you can get sick from a book. On the contrary, there is such a thing as “bibliotherapy”, when with the help of a good, kind book they treat!
Today you enroll in the library with the whole class, but after a while not everyone will become its regular readers. Why? Perhaps it's the main rival of books - the computer? Yes, and in it too. Therefore, we will learn to be friends with a computer, to extract the necessary information using electronic dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias and, of course, the Internet.

Our library also has talking books”- audiobooks, and they will also help you to join the spiritual values ​​that the people have created.
It is difficult to surprise you, children of the 21st century, with anything, but you always strive to get in touch with a miracle.
Today you are beckoned by these huge long shelves filled with books. They seem like fabulous labyrinths, and books look like outlandish creatures, you enter this magical world with a hidden feeling of joy and happiness, and I really want this feeling to live in your souls forever.

I believe in you, my young readers!

Come to us, Man!
Every day and every moment
In cities and villages
The pages of books rustle
Sad and funny.
Library Lights
Glow everywhere
Come to us man
Join the miracle.

Confirms life itself
Arguing with the darkness
Doesn't come from the mind
No grief.
Faster and faster our run,
More and more difficult tasks.
Come to us man
To get richer.

Let's help you get the height
Find the path in the fog.
We are at the pilot post,
In the book ocean.
The twenty-first century has arrived -
Do not forget about it.
Come to us man
Behind the magic light

Oh, how many books there are in this house!
Take a close look -
Here are thousands of your friends
They lay down on the shelves.
They will talk to you
And you, my young friend,
All the way of earthly history
How would you suddenly see...
(O. Timmerman)

Welcome to the library!

Books expand the child's understanding of the world!

Book- not a textbook, it does not give ready-made recipes on how to teach a child to love literature, one of the most important tasks of educators and parents, because it is very difficult to teach the complex art of reading and understanding a book. The child should vividly, emotionally respond to what he read, see the depicted events, passionately experience them. The kid draws any plots in his imagination, cries and laughs, imagines (sees, hears, smells and touches) what he read so vividly that he feels like a participant in the events. The book introduces the child to the most difficult thing in life - to the world of human feelings, joys and sufferings, relationships, motives, thoughts, actions, characters. The book teaches to "look" into a person, to see and understand him, educates humanity. A book read as a child leaves a stronger impression than a book read as an adult.

How to teach a child to read?

  • Personal example. If a child constantly sees his mother with a glossy magazine in his hands, and his father buried in a computer monitor, he is unlikely to inflame with a love of reading. And if you yourself love to read, you know many authors and works, you can quote some lines, the child will be drawn to the same.
  • The right to choose. Don't force your child to read the book they don't want. Parents are often afraid that their children may choose a “bad” book, so they insist on the literature that they themselves like. In this case, you can try to compromise: the child chooses one book to his taste, and reads another on the advice of his parents.
  • Electronic books. As a rule, modern children are not indifferent to various technical innovations. Try to instill a love of reading with e-books, the so-called gadgets for reading, where you can upload any work you want. Of course, they do not have that charm that is present in ordinary books - the rustle of pages, colorful illustrations. But after all, our children are different, so let them choose those books that are convenient.
  • The authority of the "star". There is another way to teach a child to read - to refer to the authority of an idol that is not indifferent to your child. Tell me that many actors and famous musicians in their interviews, they recall with pleasure the impressions of the books they read, moments from the works that inspired them or helped them achieve success. Sometimes one mention of an idol is enough for a child to pick up a book.
  • Discuss the book you read together. This will help your child not only deal with impressions, but also express thoughts and emotions. If you show your interest in the child's personal opinion, this will also increase interest in reading.
  • Surprise in the book. Suggest a book that you yourself read as a child. Put a beautiful bookmark, postcard or just a note in the book with the words how much you love your child.

Here are 20 of the most interesting sayings about the benefits of reading:

  1. When you read authors who write well, you get used to speaking well. © F. Voltaire
  2. Culture is not the number of books read, but the number of understood. © Fazil Iskander
  3. People who read books will always control those who watch TV. © F.Zhanlis
  4. The more you read, the less you imitate. © Jules Renard
  5. People are divided into two categories: those who read books and those who listen to those who read. © Werber Bernard
  6. Just as rubles are made up of kopecks, so knowledge is made up of grains of what has been read. © V. Dahl
  7. Reading for the mind is the same as physical exercise for body. © Joseph Addison
  8. There is only one thing worse than not touching a book for the last 90 days; is not to touch reading the last 90 days and think that nothing happened. © Jim Rohn
  9. There are worse crimes than burning books. For example, do not read them. © Ray Bradbury
  10. To become smart, it is enough to read 10 books, but to find them, you need to read thousands.
  11. Books are ships of thought, wandering along the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation. © Francis Bacon
  12. Remember: who you are is determined by what you read. © Jim Rohn
  13. Trust books, they are the closest. They are silent when necessary, and speak, opening the world before you, if necessary.
  14. A good book is like an iceberg, seven-eighths of which is under water. © Ernest Hemingway
  15. The reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The person who never reads only experiences one. © D. Martin
  16. When you read the clever words of others, your own come to mind smart thoughts. © M. Lashkov
  17. The paradox of reading: it takes us away from reality in order to fill reality with meaning. © D. Pennack
  18. The collection of books is the same university. © Thomas Carlyle
  19. Everything pales before the books. © Anton Chekhov
  20. You don't need to read everything; You need to read what answers the questions that have arisen in your soul. © Leo Tolstoy

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What is the benefit of reading?

1) Reading broadens one's horizons. Books are a treasure trove of knowledge. By reading, we begin to better understand this world, people, events. Self-development and self-improvement, history and fantasy, fantasy and adventure, detective stories and humorous stories- friends, there are a huge number of genres of books, and in almost each of these genres you can find something useful for yourself. Dare!

2) Reading develops the imagination. Books allow us to find ourselves in a different world or think about things that we have not thought about before. We fill our imagination with what the author writes about, what happens in the book. Thanks to regular reading, we develop a very rich imagination: you can imagine anything and how you want. And this opportunity is very useful, because it significantly increases the level of creativity and develops non-standard thinking.

Interesting fact : The effect of reading books on the ability to think creatively is not entirely clear. For example, German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer believes that excessive reading is not only useless, but also harmful. The reason for this, according to the philosopher, is that the reader receives other people's thoughts through books and absorbs them worse than if he had come to this on his own. In addition, there is a weakening of the reader's mind due to the habit of looking for ideas in external sources, and not in his head.

A rather unusual opinion, which, nevertheless, has the right to life. But still, friends smart people As a rule, they like to read, and stupid people do not read at all. This simple trend can be traced quite clearly.

3) Reading helps you connect with people. A regular reader is not only literate, but also has well-developed speech skills that allow him to express his thoughts clearly, beautifully and in an accessible way. By reading books, you become. You can make a particularly strong impression on those people who read little.

4) Reading makes us smarter. Reading develops thinking: while reading books, we actively think in order to understand here or another idea of ​​the work. As you know, dear readers of the Healthy Lifestyle, what is not used is atrophied (as unnecessary). And vice versa: what is constantly used, eventually grows, becomes larger, develops. That is why with regular brain strain by reading books, we become smarter and more educated.

5) Reading improves memory. Keeping track of key thoughts and/or storyline books lead to improved memory. Again, everything is simple: memory is used - memory is pumped.

6) Reading makes us younger. It has long been proven that the youthfulness of the body depends on the youthfulness of the brain. In other words, if the brain is decrepit, then the body will correspond to it. And since when reading books we actively use and develop our brain, this affects the general condition of the body only positively. Read and get younger, friends!

7) Reading improves concentration. The benefit of reading is that during this process we concentrate on the content of the work. Now everything more people have problems with concentration, so the skill of concentrating while reading a book will be very useful.

8) Reading increases vocabulary. Well, everything is clear here - when reading, you often come across words that you do not use in everyday speech. By reading regularly, you greatly replenish your vocabulary. This, in turn, eliminates situations where you cannot express your thoughts. No more “Eeeee…”, “Damn, I forgot how it is…” - now it will be much easier for you to select the right words with a rich vocabulary.

9) Reading makes us more confident. Now, in communication, we can demonstrate a deep knowledge of the subject, our education, erudition in various fields. Thanks to this, we involuntarily begin to behave more confidently and collected. In addition, recognition by others of our knowledge has a positive effect on self-esteem.

10) Reading helps you relax. The technosphere drives people into constant stress, when even at home, after work, a person remains tense. Reading books is. Moreover, reading books is a wonderful recreation. After a decent book, you will definitely experience an uplift and get food for thought.


So, friends, as you can see, reading books is a very useful pastime.

What to do if you are very tired after work? Here, guys, everything is also solved. Listen to audiobooks! Of course, the choice in comparison with printed publications is smaller here, but you will definitely find something worthwhile.

What to do if the child does not want to read? You can't instill a love of reading by force. The best way to join the world of reading is to grow up in a reading family. Yes, yes, it is your personal example that will be the most effective motivation for your child to read books.

That's all. Read and have fun! And see you soon on the pages of SIZOZh!

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How would we live without books

We are friendly with the printed word,
If it weren't for him,
Neither old nor new
We didn't know anything!

Imagine for a moment
How would we live without books?
What would a student do?
If there were no books
If everything disappeared at once,
What was written for children:
From magical good fairy tales
To funny stories? ..

You wanted to dispel boredom
Find an answer to a question.
Reaching out for a book
But it's not on the shelf!

Your favorite book is missing
"Chippolino", for example,
And they ran away like boys
Robinson and Gulliver.

No, you can't imagine
For such a moment to arise
And you could be left
All characters in children's books.

From the fearless Gavroche
To Timur and to Krosh -
How many of them, guys friends,
The ones who want the best for us!

A bold book, an honest book,
Let there be a few pages in it,
In the whole world, as you know,
There were no boundaries.

All roads are open to her
And on all continents
She speaks many
Most different languages.

And she is in any country
Through all the centuries will pass
Like great novels
« Quiet Don and Don Quixote!

Glory to our children's book!
Crossed all the seas!
And especially Russian -
Starting with the Primer!
(S. Mikhalkov)

Book holiday

The snow is melting, the waters are churning,
Birds chirp loudly.
Springtime today
The children's eyes bloomed.
Love the book holiday
Both girls and boys.

The book is true
The book is the first
Book - best friend guys.
We can't live without a book
We can't live without a book! -
All the guys are talking.
(Z. Bychkov)

Read, kids!

Read on boys!
Girls, read!
Favorite books
Search the site!
On the subway, on the train
And the car
Away or at home
At the cottage, at the villa -
Read on girls!
Read on boys!
They don't teach bad things
Favorite books!
Not everything in this world
It's easy for us
And yet stubborn
And the wise will achieve
For what is good
The heart strives:
He will open the cage
Where the bird languishes!
And each of us
Take a breath of relief
Believing what is wise
Time will come!
And wise, new
Time will come!
(N. Pikuleva)

We are friendly with the printed word

In every house, in every hut -
In cities and in the countryside -
Novice Reader
Keeps a book on the table.

We are friendly with the printed word.
If it weren't for him,
Neither old nor new
We wouldn't know anything!

birthday gift
Do you want to give a friend -
Bring him Gaidar,
There will be a century of gratitude!

Books are friends with children
The book is appreciated by the pioneer,
and favorite characters
He is always an example!

Books treasured pages
Help people live
And work and study
And cherish the Motherland.
(S. Mikhalkov)

Writer's message to readers

I appeal to you, comrades, children:
There is nothing more useful than a book!
Let books come into houses with friends
Read all your life, get smart!
(S. Mikhalkov)

How good it is to be able to read!
You don't have to go to your mom
No need to shake grandma:
"Read, please, read!"
You don't have to beg your sister.
"Well, read another page."
You don't have to call
No need to wait
Can you take
And read!
(V. Berestov)

Wonderful books

The fresh wind sings
Far wandering voices
He blows the pages
Like a miracle sail!

In the middle of every page
Miracles come alive
Eyelashes do not stick together
Eyes pop!

But reading days and nights
And floating on the sea of ​​lines,
Stay on the right course!
And then open the books -
Wonderful books -
Wonderful life!
(L. Krutko)


Distant distances, wonderful countries
They beckon me through the "gray fogs".
On ships, on elephants and camels
Again I go in search of a miracle.

I am constantly on long trips:
On planes and ships
Yachts, canoes, cars
“I press kilometers” and “measure miles”.

No, I'm not a liar and I'm not a liar,
Just a boy reading books
And travel far away
I started at the age of seven, on the pages of a magazine.
(A. Lugarev)

First book

My first book
I take care and love.
Though so far in syllables,
I read it myself
And from the end, and from the middle,
It has beautiful pictures
There are poems, stories, songs.
With a book, life is more interesting for me!

book city

In my closet crowded to that
And each volume on the shelf is like a house...
You will open the cover-door in a hurry -
And you entered, and you are already a guest.
Like an alley - every book row.
And my whole closet is a wonderful bookstore...
(D. Kugultinov)


We are all friendly with books:
Both you and I are readers.
And of course we know
What do their writers write?
It's not easy to be a writer
Like a musician
Be sure to have
You need talent here.
As in any profession,
Here are their secrets:
There is a hero in the book
Strictly according to the plot.
Write your own story
The author is sitting in a chair.
There is no limit to imagination -
Just to be more interesting.
He is Dunno to the moon,
Like a magician, send
And magical land
Will make you love.
From it come to us:
Winnie the Pooh, Malvina,
Aibolit, Hippo,
Brave Chippolino.
Here at the desk
The place of their birth
Come alive under the pen
All their adventures.
Here is the added line,
And the book is ready...
Read it for sure
Girls and boys!

I am the world!

I am the world and the world has become me
Barely opened the page!
I can in the hero of the book I
Transform instantly!
Speaking in verse and prose,
Drawing and words
Book pages guide me
Magical ways.

I will step over in the world of words
Any time of the border,
I can now the whole globe
I fly around like a bird!
Pages, chapters and words
They fly before my eyes.
The book and I have become forever
Good friends!
(Translated from English by A. Matyukhin)


A book is a teacher, a book is a mentor.
The book is a close companion and friend.
The mind, like a stream, dries up and grows old,
If you let go of the book.
The book is an adviser, the book is a scout,
The book is an active fighter and fighter.
The book is an imperishable memory and eternity,
Satellite of the planet earth, finally.
The book is not just beautiful furniture,
Not an application of oak cabinets,
The book is a magician who knows how to tell stories
Turn into a reality and into the basis of the foundations.
(V. Bokov)

About reading

Terribly interesting read:
You can sit, lie
And - without leaving the place -
Through the eyes of the book RUNNING!
Yes Yes! Read - WALK WITH EYES
Hand in hand with mom, after - themselves.
Walking - it's a trifle,
Don't be afraid to take the first step!
Stumbled once, twice...
And suddenly you
Read four letters in a row
And you went, went, went -
And read the first word!
From word to word - as if over bumps -
Rush merrily along the lines ...
And so learn to read -
How to run
How to fly!
I know soon across the page
You will flutter like birds!
After all, immense and great,
Like the sky
The world of magical books!
(A. Usachev)

Children's poems about books
(magazine "Bonfire")

I have been friends with books since childhood,
I drive along the lines with my finger,
And the whole world for it
Gives me secrets.
(Kolya Polyakov)

No wonder the book is called
Our spiritual food
Fate will show a fig
For those who only eat porridge.
(Ira Lazareva)

The book is my best friend
I'm so happy with you!
I love reading you
Think, think and dream!
(Nastya Strukova)

How good it is to be able to read!
Pick up a book and find out
What was in the world before me
And why I was born.
Which galaxies to fly to
What to see, who to be, who to become
The book can tell me
After all, she is the only one who knows everything.
(Kolya Polyakov)

Poet's wish

This is usually kept secret from you.
And I do not hide, comrade children.
I want you, dear readers,
Don't waste time reading.
I want, I confess frankly and honestly,
To make the book interesting for you to read ...
(B. Zakhoder)

Arkady Gaidar

Favorite children's books creator
And a true friend of the guys,
He lived like a fighter should live,
And he died like a soldier.

You open the school story -
Gaidar wrote:
The true hero of that story
And dared, though small in stature.

Read Gaidar's story
And look around
Live among us today
Timur, and Gek, and Chuk.

They are recognized by their actions.
And it's not a problem
What is the Gaidar name
Heroes are not always

Pages of honest, clean books
left as a gift to the country
Fighter, Writer, Bolshevik
And Citizen - Gaidar ...
(S. Mikhalkov)

Russian speech

Like a hot day
In a cool quiet river
I love to swim
In sweet Russian speech.
And so easy, free
Floats in it
What can be said about a lot
In simple, uncomplicated words,
What from birth
Everywhere near us.
(A. Shevchenko)

temple of books

The library was and will be
Sacred temple of living printed words,
The young Bunin also went among her priests,
And for thirty years - the sage Krylov.
(B. Cherkasov)

book house

Oh, how many books there are in this house!
Take a close look -
Here are thousands of your friends
They lay down on the shelves.
They will talk to you
And you, my young friend,
All the way of earthly history
How would you suddenly see...
(S. Mikhalkov)

The road to the library

Very important for a person
Know the way to the library.
Reach out to knowledge.
Choose a book as a friend.
(T. Bokova)

Let's be friends with books!

In the children's library
Books line up on the shelves
Take, read and know a lot
But don't hate the book.
She will open up a big world
And if you make it sick
You are a book - forever
The pages will be silent then.
(T. Blazhnova)

book country

And after reading the whole book,
Think with your head
What a good hero
Which one is bad.

She will always tell
Where to behave
Help and tell
How can we find a friend?
And something in this life
We begin to understand
love native land
And protect the weak.
(Nastya Valueva)


Having once been captured by a wonderful,
You won't break out forever!
The world is endlessly interesting,
Magic world libraries!

Librarian is the word
Magical like a crystal!
Always ready to help you
He has become your best friend!

He is a navigator in the sea of ​​books!
Like a guiding star
Guardian, companion and innovator,
Shine, shine, always shine!

Book's lullaby

Outside the window the night has come,
Somewhere lightning flashed,
The book is so tired in a day
That the pages stick together.

Fall asleep little by little
sentences and words,
And hardcover
Head goes down.

exclamation marks
They whisper something in the silence
And quotation marks out of habit
Open up in a dream.

And in the corner, at the end of the page,
Carry hung nose -
He is parting from the third syllable
Transferred very badly.

Untold stories
An uneaten feast by a mountain.
Before reaching this phrase,
On the way, the hero fell asleep.

Even the flame has ceased
Blaze in the midnight darkness
Where is the dragon with one dragon
Is in a legal fight.

You won't see anyone now
On the pages of a sleeping book
Just drifting slowly
Sleepy intrigue.

Dozing young bride
On the way down the aisle
And fell asleep in the middle
And start
(R. Mucha and V. Levin)

Cripples in the library

Opened in the library
Hospital book room.
What cripples are here!..
Ah, who would only know!
They lie, poor things,
On shelves along the wall
And in the rustle of paper
Their complaints are heard:

Yesterday my pages
Leafed through one student;
I cut out the tables
Some tool!
I was a quarter of a century
Faithful to readers
And without tables - a cripple.
Who needs it now?

I'm a victim of a graduate student! -
A sad groan is heard. -
In science without talent
He decided to break through
First, he line by line
Rewrote me
Then, putting a point
Suddenly he took and shredded!
Many dissertations
What do I owe...
But live without illustrations
I just can't...

What about me, neighbor? -
Heavy Tom sighed, -
I rarely showed up
Yes, and not all of them!
Recently in the reading room
One lecturer came.
He boldly presented
Someone else's subscription!
I was issued impudently -
He took me like a beast...
And what happened to me
You see now...

Revealed Old Tom
(He was fortunately saved!)
And a terrible picture
Everyone was shocked
To match the tattoo
From the margins of his pages
Viewed sketches:
And women's heads
And the beaks of different birds...

Standing in the library
On shelves along the wall
Those books that are forever
People are offended.
Not the ones above the book
They sit thoughtfully
And those on the book
How predators look.
No position, no title -
Neither one nor the other
Not one meeting
Don't make excuses for them!
(S. Mikhalkov)

A conversation between a man and a mouse
who eats his books

My dear scribe, you are quite
Again gnawed two volumes. Slick!
Aren't you ashamed to use
What I do not like mousetraps!

If only you could take an example from me!
I read books every day
But have you ever seen
That I gnaw them like gingerbread?

From books we know how to live
Indians, Negroes, Eskimos;
In magazines people ask
Smart questions to each other:

Where is the way to America?
Which is closer: by sea or by land?
Well, in a word, here's a biscuit for you,
And please don't eat books.
(V.F. Khodasevich)

Two books

Once two books met.
We talked among ourselves.
"Well, how are you doing?" - one asked the other.

“Oh, honey, I’m ashamed in front of the class:
The owner of my cover pulled out with meat,
What about the covers ... I cut off the sheets.
From them he makes boats, rafts and pigeons.

I'm afraid the sheets will go to the kites, then I'll fly into the clouds.
Are your sides intact?"
“Your torments are not familiar to me. I don't remember such a day
So that, without washing his hands cleanly, the student sat down to read me.

And look at my leaves: on them
You will not see the ink dot.
I am silent about blots - it is indecent to talk about them.
But I also teach him not somehow, but perfectly well.

There is no riddle in this fable, they will tell you bluntly
And books and notebooks, what a student you are.
(S. Ilyin)

You can't live without a newspaper

"You would be confused, my friend,
When for many years
For the first time the world suddenly remained
One day without newspapers.

You are used to good and evil in them
Recognize traces:
How the world is
And is there any trouble.

As grain flows into the bins,
How metal melts
And about hockey, and about cinema -
You read about everything.

What are your friends doing?
What did the poet...
It turns out that you can not live
In the world without newspapers!
(V. Ozerov)

Who and how makes a magazine

We want everyone to know
How do we make a magazine?

It has no blank pages.
The poet wrote poetry.

And writers for us
Write a fairy tale and a story.

But stories alone are not enough.
There is no magazine without pictures!
Ants and elephants
Winter forest and summer rain
We are ready to draw
Wonderful artist.

And the proofreader is busy.
There will be no time to waste:
He will place commas
And all the mistakes will be corrected.

to collect material
And come up with the whole magazine,
Plan everything, consider
Even the smallest factor
There is a special person
It's called an editor.

Our coder is very dexterous:
Text, picture, title -
Everything should fall into place.
He must make up a magazine.

Everything is ready. Our magazine
I got to the printing house.
And this last step
It will also be very important
You can't do without it!
Now the magazine has become paper!
(L. Ulanova)