Why dream that my sister has. Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of Sister

Dreams in which sisters appear are a reflection of real-life family ties and relationships. Interpretation can only be resorted to when sisters appear in a dream that do not exist in real life, - dream book sister.

A good relationship with a sister in a dream is a symbol of help and support in reality from some person - what a sister is dreaming of.

A quarrel with a sister in a dream is a sign of tension in a relationship with someone you trust.

The more negative emotions a sister causes in a dream, the more likely negative emotions which usually arise in a conflict situation. A fight with a sister in a dream may portend deceit, betrayal or betrayal.

Why is my sister dreaming? Such a dream comes to us if problems arise within the family, and you often think about them. Most likely, this dream is not prophetic. But there are nuances that need to be focused on.

Be sure to pay attention to the dream if you dreamed of a drunk sister. Someone close to her may become seriously ill, but it will not be you, as the warning is transmitted through you.

It’s bad if you dreamed of a naked sister, or a sister in wedding dress. Either way, she's in danger. Let him pay attention to his health, but, especially, be careful while driving. Unless, of course, she drives a vehicle. Having seen such a dream, pay attention to the emotional sensations with which you woke up. If the general coloring of emotions is pleasant and juicy, everything will work out. With painful gray tones, the message will have negative consequences that can be corrected by timely intervention. If you are really preparing for the wedding of your sister, or another relative, there is no reason to worry at all. Consciousness reflects the approaching reality.

If you dreamed of a non-existent sister, expect an unexpected way out of the current housing situation. Perhaps you are waiting for either an expansion or a move to a new location. It will not necessarily be your living space, but for some time you will have to live there.

Also for changes, but not in the housing, but in the personal sphere, that's what dreams cousin. Soon there will be a meeting in your life, but it will be secondary, and will not bring anything good. Therefore, do not rush to rush into the pool with your head and place high hopes on the person you met.

Hugging your sister in a dream means accepting some new conditions that you did not dare to accept. Heaven, therefore, gives a sign that everything will contribute to the successful resolution of the situation. Therefore, even a risky project should be implemented with maximum financial benefits.

The older sister is a reminder of a broken promise. Perhaps it doesn't seem very important, which is why you put it on the "back shelf" of your mind. But much will depend on its implementation later.

If you have a younger sister, try to have a good rest and recharge positive emotions. The dream is interpreted as this moment, you are most vulnerable to any external influences. It can be both banal rudeness in transport, and the influence of dark forces. Concentrate on your spiritual state, go to church, meet with loved ones. The dream in which your little sister appeared to you has approximately the same meaning. Only, it is necessary for her to take care of protection from various kinds of influences. Especially if in reality it has grown a long time ago.

Often people are tormented by the question, why dream of a sister's wedding? To the hassle and rush at work in reality. Pay attention to the situations that develop in your dream.

If your sister is getting married, and you are looking for something and cannot find it, then in real life, you are in a professional search. If a dream is filled with songs, fun, music, but it depresses you, you want to run away, such a dream symbolizes an escape from an internal crisis that you are afraid to admit to yourself. A dream book can give many interpretations.

The husband's sister, who appeared to you, is unlikely to be a warning or some kind of symbol. Rather, it is a reminder that you still have to maintain family ties, even if you don’t really want to.

A very good harbinger if a sister was born in a dream. An amazing and unpredictable event is expected in your family, which will be a complete, but very pleasant surprise for everyone.

The half-sister will dream of some kind of find. It is unlikely to be valuable, but it can come in handy under very strange circumstances.

And the answer to the question of why a pregnant sister is dreaming gives several interpretations. This is the financial profit in your sister's family, and the emergence of complex problems that will soon arise and will require urgent resolution. In any case, do not be nervous, everything will end well. People often unreasonably distrust the dream book.

Swearing with your sister in a dream means that within a few days, you will have a pleasant and good time in a new company, which you will fall into unexpectedly and by accident. A quarrel with a sister in a dream world promises that a new acquaintance will bring you a lot of benefits in the future.

But what is the dream of the death of a sister? This means that the whole coming year will be very favorable in all her endeavors. It can be both a business and a creative side of life. If at the same time your sister cries in a dream before her death, a road awaits her that will bring new impressions and opportunities.

Beating your sister in a dream means looking for new ways and opportunities for realization in real life.

It’s true to the dream book, your sister died in a dream, and you woke up with a heavy feeling - don’t worry. it good sign, in which providence reports that you, or your close relatives, have crossed a very important and dangerous milestone. At the same time, difficulties and dangers are behind. There is a white stripe ahead, especially for your sister.

You forgot to do a very important thing that you have been putting off for a long time or do not dare to confess something to someone - this is what the late sister dreams of.

Dream interpretation on another topic:

Seeing a sister in a dream means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and worries. If in a dream you quarrel with your sister, this portends the collapse of all hopes for the future, the promise of an unrealizable one. If you dream that you are saying goodbye to your sister, this means that a period is coming in your life when you can rely solely on your own strength, without expecting help from outside. A dream in which you see a dying sister promises you a deterioration in your financial situation.

If in a dream you see a half-sister, then this means that in your life there comes a period when everyone has a desire to advise you and be interested in your affairs, to actively interfere in your affairs.

By the way, the famous archaeologist G. Gilprecht for a long time could not read the disparate ancient Sumerian text on two fragments of agate found during excavations. This find was mentioned in a book he had just written and which was to be delivered to the publisher the next day. However, without deciphering the ancient Sumerian inscription, the text of the book turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, Gilprecht on the eve of late hour sat in his office, fruitlessly sorting through and comparing various options translations of this inscription. The archaeologist did not notice how he dozed off in his chair. In a dream, he saw a middle-aged man wearing ancient Sumerian priestly robes standing next to him. At the sight of this man, Gilprecht was surprised, hastily got up, but not from the chair, but from some stone step on which he found himself sitting.

The man ordered the archaeologist to follow him, promising to help him. Although the stranger did not speak at all in the ancient Sumerian dialect, but in English, this did not at all surprise the sleeping Gilprecht. The scientist and the priest walked for a short time along some deserted street, passed several huge buildings located quite close to each other. In one of these massive houses, which seemed larger than the others, Gilprecht and his strange companion entered. They ended up in a dimly lit room. When asked by Gilprecht where they were, the guide replied that they were in Nipura, between the Tigris and Euphrates, in the temple of Bel, the father of the gods.

The archaeologist knew about this temple. During the excavations, it was not possible to find a treasury - a room that, as scientists knew, was located at the temple. When the scholar turned to his guide with a similar question, he silently took him to a small room at the back of the temple. In this room, in a wooden chest, there were several pieces of agate, among which were the two pieces found during the excavations. The priest said that these pieces were parts of a cylinder donated by the temple steward to Kurigalzu. The cylinder was sawn to make ear ornaments for the statue of the god, and one piece was split. On it, there were those inscriptions that were part of the whole text. At the request of the archaeologist, the priest read this text, dating back to 1300 BC. e. Awakened Gilprecht wrote down his dream and exact decoding text.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for Women

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Dream Interpretation - Sister

To meet with your sister is to feel someone's care or get into circumstances that only family ties with someone can help to get out of safely.

If your own sister marries in a dream.

Perhaps even yourself.

Seeing a half-sister is experiencing annoying guardianship.

Interpretation of dreams from

The article on the topic: "a dream book to swear with my sister" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Dream interpretation Sister in the dream book: Dream Interpretation Sonan

Sister in a dream- Moreover, your best friend or girlfriend will betray you in order to annoy you.

If in real life you have good sisterly relations, then you will receive support in full and in the shortest possible time.

Your close friend or work colleague dreamed about your sister. This may mean that your relationship with her is strong, the spiritual connection is strong.

You can see a sister or brother in your dreams quite often, and this dream will not always be prophetic. The thing is that life events are often associated with our relatives, we worry about them, experience resentment, quarrel, so such a dream can be a simple expression of feelings.

A cousin usually dreams of a quarrel or problems at work.

For a woman, it can even be her future husband.

If in real life you do not have a sister, but in dreams she appears to you. It happens that some people close to you appear in a dream in the form of relatives.

If you dreamed of your friend's sister, then he is in danger.

If you dreamed that your sister was giving you instructions, then in reality you will be pleased with someone's support.

If you dreamed that an unfamiliar woman calls herself your sister, it means that soon a new person will appear in your environment.

If you dream about your sister, then such a dream means that you are in dire need of support from loved ones.

If in a dream your sister gets married, then in reality you may lose something valuable.

If in a dream you saw a quarrel with your sister, but do not know the cause of the conflict, then it is very likely that you will soon doubt making an important decision. In the near future, it is advisable to abstract from others and listen to your own inner voice if in a dream you saw off your sister on a long trip.

If in a dream you see a sister who lives somewhere far away, then there is a high probability of her soon unexpected arrival. You need to warn yourself against rash acts when in a dream you quarreled with your sister.

If you see your sister on the road, say goodbye to her, know that in reality, when solving your problems, you will have to rely only on your own strength. A dying sister dreams of poverty, poverty and debt.

If in reality you have a strained relationship, then most likely you will have to do everything yourself without waiting for the support of others.

If you quarrel with your sister in a dream, then your ill-wishers envy you and dream of overthrowing you from your current position.

If the dream has a favorable color, then in real life your friendship will continue, a profitable partnership will be established.

Sometimes in a dream you can see a sister who doesn’t really exist, in which case a person will suddenly appear on your way to help solve all problems.

When a step-sister is present in your dream, then, despite all the machinations of ill-wishers, everything will end happily.

The younger sister dreams of lack of independence. Such a dream is a dream of insecure people who need someone's support.

However, such a dream promises a lot of trouble and paperwork. Perhaps this is even a trial that will cost you a lot of health.

Quarrel with your sister in a dream- to the failure of your plans.

Saying goodbye to my sister in a dream- to loneliness or to big problems that you have to deal with alone.

Talk to your sister in a dream- to family well-being.

A sister dreams of health.

Swearing, quarreling with your sister indicates that you will break your promise to someone. This can result in loss of trust, resentment and disrespect.

A half-sister dreams that strangers will soon interfere in your affairs.

Sister usually dreams of good luck.

Sisters appear in dreams as often as the rest of your family. And this is normal.

A dream in which you are experiencing the loss of a sister, her death or disappearance, promises you unforeseen expenses and a deterioration in your financial situation.

Kill sister in a dream- to monetary losses.

Seeing a sick or dead sister in a dream- to losses.

Seeing a sister who exists in reality in a dream promises you troubles, minor troubles, difficulties and obstacles.

What is the dream of Sister, interpretation of sleep in other dream books

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Interactive online dream book. Interpreter of dreams and dreams. Find out what your dream was about.

Dream Sister

If you dreamed of a sister who really exists, then the explanation for what this image is dreaming of should be sought in the events of recent days - quarrels, partings, gatherings - most likely, this is how consciousness projects a picture from reality into a dream. Another thing is if you do not have such a relative or she was in the distant past. In this case, you should recall the details you saw in a dream in order to understand what to expect, dream books broadcast.

Miller's predictions

Miller's dream book, deciphering what a sister is dreaming of, suggests that you will soon receive some news related to her. Do you see in a dream that the dreaming girl is your half-sister or do you have only one common parent? This means that someone will take care of you, delivering problems and worries with their excessive attention.

Dreamed of a quarrel with a blood sister? Remember what was the reason, the dream book advises: a quarrel in a dream occurred due to the fact that she beat you - unknown man will show attention to you; and if a quarrel happened through your fault, then this is a sign of complexes and self-doubt.

Don't rely on others

The interpretation of a dream in which you are told that your sister was killed or she died of an illness, but later it turned out that she was confused with another girl, means the unreliability of partners or comrades. You should not unconditionally trust or carelessly blame your affairs on others, you can get into trouble, suggests the Eastern Dream Book.

The gypsy interpreter, deciphering what the drunken sister, who died many years ago, dreams of, assures that this is a signal of the upcoming troubles that close people will bring to you.

Take care of your health

According to many popular dream books, to see a dead sister alive and healthy, but crying in a dream is a warning that some circumstances or incidents can take away your health.

But interpreting what the news of the death of a sister, who is deceased in reality, is dreaming of, dream books draw attention to the need to conduct a preventive examination by a doctor.

Stock up on patience

To dream about how you are sitting by the bed of your sister who is dying? Check if the girl is alive in real life. If a deceased relative dreamed, then this is a sign that you should be patient. Your problems will be solved, but not as quickly as you would like.

And if you watch in a dream how your sister is dying in reality, or you received the news of death, moving away from her bed for a minute, then in this case you will need endurance in order not to invite trouble with your impatience. Do not push the time and do not rush things, everything should go on as usual, dream books broadcast.

Change awaits you

Dreams in which you dreamed of your sister's wedding or a plot in which she was pregnant speak of imminent changes.

Do you want to know why the wedding of an unmarried sister is dreaming? This is a sign of unsuccessful attempts to change something in your life. And if you see the wedding of your own sister, which took place in reality, then positive changes await you.

But if you dreamed of a pregnant sister, although in reality this is not so, then you can expect an increase in life: money, friends, relationships. Did a pregnant relative give birth in your arms in a dream? You will receive a new position or status.

What will happen soon

If you dreamed of a sister, then, having specified her age category in relation to you, and with whom she had a relationship in your dream, you will understand what should happen very soon, the dream books assure. So she was:

  • youngest - do not succumb to temptations;
  • the eldest - a loved one will come to you for advice;
  • twin - some situation in life will repeat;
  • sister of a wife or husband - someone else's duties will be assigned to you.

Dream Interpretation to swear with your own sister

As the modern dream book explains, a quarrel dreams of a rapprochement of relations. Seeing yourself arguing with other people can speak of the dreamer's excessive emotionality and his high demands on others.

A quarrel as an active interaction with others can mean the dreamer's position on a matter of principle. If there is such a situation in reality, then it’s easy to understand why the quarrel is dreaming - you will have to defend this position in front of loved ones.

In order to get a deeper explanation of why the quarrel is dreaming, you need to remember the dream well. The following details are important:

  • with whom the altercation took place;
  • sorting things out with strangers or watching others swear;
  • quarrel with relatives or friends;
  • Was there a reconciliation?

A qualitative analysis of such details will help you get good advice for the near future.

Process participants

If you had a quarrel

Since scolding is an active process in which, even in a dream, several people participate, it is they who can point to the area of ​​life that requires close attention dreamer. So, arguing with a complete stranger can mean a new acquaintance or the establishment of partnerships at work.

If the participants in the process are family members, or lovers, then the interpretation will be slightly different. But anyway, family relationships will be involved in the upcoming significant events.

Quarreling with a stranger

If in a dream there was a quarrel with a complete stranger, then, quite possibly, at work, the dreamer will have a difficult path to establish partnership (or client) relationships. For all the seemingly complex situation, the process will go quite smoothly, for which the dreamer will receive a small financial reward.

See how they fight strangers- get in a circle envious people, schemers. Worst of all, if there is a quarrel between women whom the dreamer does not know. In this case, he risks losing his reputation due to gossip.

Skirmish with a pretty girl or a young man

If you had a skirmish with an unfamiliar pretty girl, it means that soon the dreamer will start a new relationship. They will be very bright and stormy, similar to the emotions that a person experienced in a dream during a quarrel with a girl.

Dreams for a young girl have a similar interpretation: if she has to quarrel with a young man, then a new relationship is not far off, which can develop into something more serious. Miller's dream book has a slightly different interpretation: the psychotherapist says that for a girl, such a dream means long-term trouble and trouble.

Swearing with an unfamiliar woman for a man can also mean a new romance. To be scolded by a woman and repent very much is to fall into a trap. But to bring her to tears and laugh at a crying woman - to success with the opposite sex

Quarrel with relatives

If you dreamed of a skirmish with loved ones, then most likely there will be a meeting with them and the establishment of not very warm relations. If everything was in order with the relationship, then a feast and long heart-to-heart conversations are likely. The appearance of screams and swearing in a dream is not negative. Sleep means interaction, conversations, prioritization.

Quarrel with friends

To rest with friends

Very often, recalling a night vision, the dreamer cannot understand why the quarrel is dreaming, especially with close friends. It can be any interaction with a pleasant company, spending time in nature with friends, or a long feast.

An unpleasant aftertaste may remain after a dream in which verbal altercation happened to best friend. The more negative feelings such a dream caused, the more pleasantly spent time can be expected in reality. Swearing with your best friend in a dream means a joint business that has nothing to do with finances. Perhaps the dreamer will be invited by a friend to the wedding as a best man?

A skirmish with a friend who has not been seen for many years means an early meeting or a telephone conversation with him. Perhaps he needs your help.

Skirmishes with relatives

Swearing between relatives is not pleasant to anyone, even in a dream. But sometimes, the ups and downs of life can piss off even a very persistent person. Quarreling in a dream with relatives, especially with a mother or father, may mean that the dreamer is too arrogant and, in pursuit of his happiness, may not notice the needs of the people around him.

Sometimes, it’s very easy to understand why a quarrel with relatives is dreaming, if the day before there is a meeting with them for festive table. You have not seen each other for a long time, and the subconscious, in such an amazing form, portends the upcoming event.

With parents

If you quarreled with your parents

Swearing strongly in a dream with his father and mother means that the dreamer is too ambitious, and demands from life that which he is not able to achieve on his own. If the quarrel occurred only with the father, and at the end of the quarrel the dreamer sobs heavily from the offense inflicted - a good sign, says Miller's dream book. Such a dream promises an early meeting and all possible assistance, which can only be provided by the father.

And it's not about financial or physical help. Most likely, the dreamer is experiencing severe moral trauma, and a conversation with his father will help him cope with a mental problem.

To swear strongly with your mother, and at the end to see her tears is a bad sign. Perhaps, in reality, she is trying to convey to the dreamer the importance moral values but he remains deaf to her words. Be on the lookout, every dishonest act can lead to a number of troubles after a while.

With a sister or brother

If you quarrel in a dream with your sister or brother, it means that soon you will have to solve fundamental issues together. The more emotional the skirmish with the sister was, the more important the project will be, in which both will need to participate.

Whatever the relationship with the sister on this moment, they will soon be not just friendly, but warm.

If a quarrel with a sister or brother ended in the dreamer's tears, it means that there is some remorse that the relationship with the sister is not what it could be.

Such dreams, in which you had to quarrel, indicate that you have every chance of achieving the desired level of understanding with your sister.

Darlings quarrel ... or quarrels with his wife

If at the moment the relationship with your wife has reached a critical point, then quarreling with her in a dream is a favorable sign. Fate gives you and your wife a chance to reconsider your relationship and claims to each other and improve family life, explains Miller's dream book.

Screaming a lot in the process of sorting things out with his wife - apparently, the atmosphere in the family is quite tense, since you have to dump the negative in this way. But as a symbol, such a dream suggests that you and your wife have a fairly high degree of emotional closeness, you feel each other. Behind such visions lies a strong attraction.

Dealing with exes

Swearing with an ex-husband or a young man is a meeting with him, even if the relationship has become obsolete a long time ago.

If you quarreled with lovers

If you had a quarrel with your ex, and during it you had to scream loudly, then warm memories of the relationship will make themselves felt. Perhaps, in the process of cleaning, old photographs will be found, and pleasant feelings will again embrace the dreamer.

The ex-wife swears - unresolved cases. It is necessary to analyze whether all promises are kept. If not, try to catch up. Otherwise, the dreamer risks losing communication with a loved one.

Dreams with an ex-husband or wife can be a reminder of obligations that do not depend on the relationship between you, but are a consequence of them.

The value of reconciliation after a quarrel

If you had a quarrel, and after it reconciliation followed - a bad sign. This may mean further complication of relations with the person with whom the quarrel occurred in a dream.

Hugging after a quarrel is a long-term difficult relationship.

A kiss after a strong skirmish can symbolize the end of a relationship, a break.

Asking for forgiveness after a quarrel and feeling guilty - the combination of circumstances is clearly not in your favor. Unpleasant events will occur, without your participation, but the blame will be placed on you.

Why is my sister dreaming? Dream "sister" - a complete interpretation of dreams

The sister who comes to you in a dream is identified with someone close or symbolizes a very important events that are about to happen in your life. Great importance it also has a degree of relationship between the dreamer and the sister, because there is a big difference between cousins ​​​​and twins.
  • Why is my sister dreaming - often such a dream reflects your attitude towards loved ones. Most likely, you are burdened by their excessive care and guardianship. For you, this is excessive anxiety, constant chores and even some irritability. All this eventually creates certain obstacles that prevent you from realizing your plans and ideas in reality. (see sleep Relatives)
  • Why does a cousin dream - you will receive sad news, trouble, minor injuries are possible: abrasions, cuts, bruises.
  • Why dream of a sister's wedding - be careful and observant. An important event will soon happen in your life, it cannot be ignored.
  • Why is the husband’s sister dreaming - a new acquaintance and an early romantic date await you. If you are married, then in a relationship with your spouse, only understanding, consent and mutual respect await you.
  • She dreams that her sister gave birth - to a big profit. (see the dream of Childbirth)
  • Dream: two sisters - tells you that you need the help of friends, the support of a girlfriend or loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of the death of a sister means getting rid of the heavy burden associated with the state of your sister's health.
  • Dream Interpretation: what is the sister dreaming of - new worries and troubles await you, perhaps they will be associated with the appearance of a rival in your love relationships with a man.
  • Why a pregnant sister is dreaming is a very interesting sign that the subconscious gives us. For someone who sees a dream, this means an increase in income, prosperity and wealth. If you own your business, then in the near future you will be able to conclude successful and profitable deals for yourself.
  • What is the dream of a dead sister - cold in relations with loved ones.
  • If the younger sister is dreaming, then the dream book interprets such a dream as a lack of care, affection, and a good attitude towards the dreamer.
  • Why does the older sister dream - you are too patronized by your parents or close relatives. Overprotection prevents you from developing and improving.
  • Why dream of a quarrel with your sister - in reality, troubles and scandals await you. A major quarrel is possible with a person to whom you treat with great love.

Children's dream book

  • Why does a sister dream in a dream - minor troubles, quarrels with relatives.
  • Why dream of arguing with your sister - in reality, unpleasant situations await you that will provoke a conflict with loved ones.
  • Why dream that your own sister has died - you will lose hope.

Seeing a sister in a dream is fortunate or receiving a gift that you have long dreamed of.

Dream: cousin - you will be greatly offended by a person dear to your heart, ahead of trouble, quarrels, betrayal and lies.

  • What does it mean if a sister is dreaming - you will have troubles, you may have difficulties related to work and colleagues, a woman from your environment can provide all possible assistance to you.
  • Why dream of “sister crying” - you should be a little calmer and more restrained. Do not interfere in quarrels and conflicts of others that do not concern you, otherwise you will be to blame for everything.
  • Why dream of talking with your sister - your relationship with loved ones is ideal, you have achieved complete understanding, mutual assistance and community.
  • Why is the late sister dreaming - you are neglecting some important information in your life. Such a dream should be considered a warning.
  • Why is the twin sister dreaming - a typical rivalry, a blood struggle, as between Cain and Abel. (see dream Gemini)
  • Why dream of a sister pierced her ear - such a dream can mean an ear disease, up to partial hearing loss or deception, a lie that your sister does not want to notice. (see sleep Ear)
  • A sister who died in a dream means getting rid of the heavy burden that you have been carrying in yourself for a long time.
  • Seeing a pregnant sister in a dream warns that you are too jealous of your sister in something.
  • Seeing your sister's wedding in a dream - big and pleasant changes will soon take place in your sister's life.
  • Dreams: a crushed vial in a dream by a sister can mean a complete collapse of your plans and hopes, relatives will interfere with you.
  • Seeing a sister in a dream is a sign of good health and good health.
  • Seeing a dead sister in a dream - your financial situation will be shaken. Be careful not to invest your money in dubious scams and events.
  • Sister leaves in a dream - if you are hoping for someone's help in solving problems, these are vain expectations. You should rely only on your own strength.
  • Why dream of fighting with your sister - quarrels with loved ones, tense relationships.
  • Why is a drunk sister dreaming - you are too gullible and frivolous, take everything that happens in your life more seriously.
  • Why dream of a crying sister - conflicts are possible among your loved ones, you should adhere to a neutral position and stay away from quarrels. (see sleep Crying)
  • Dream Interpretation: a pregnant sister in a dream is financial profit.
  • What does it mean when a sister dreams? Such a dream speaks of the existing need to unite people close to you.
  • Dream: older sister - you need advice knowing person. Look for it among those people you trust. They will also give you support and protection.
  • Sleep: younger sister - you need the care of loved ones, or vice versa, you yourself are in dire need of the opportunity to take care of someone.
  • Sleep "dead sister" - expect important news.
  • The death of a sister in a dream - you will achieve your goal, get rid of uncertainty.
  • The dream “a pregnant sister had a dream” - your wealth will improve.

Dream Interpretation XXI

  • A dream about a sister suggests that you will experience anger and irritation towards your family members. But your negative emotions and nit-picking are groundless, you yourself will be to blame for the current situation.
  • Why dream when your younger sister is taken away - your future is in limbo, so far only complete uncertainty.
  • Why is my sister dreaming ex-husband- your relationship with family members is ideal. This is complete mutual understanding, peace and respect.
  • Seeing a cousin in a dream means discord in the family, swearing and quarrels over trifles.
  • The dream “the dead sister had a dream” is unfortunately.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a sister in a dream - changes await you. In this regard, you will experience negative emotions from the fact that the usual way of life began to change. Get rid of irritation, accept the situation as it is.
  • Why dream of the death of a sister - trouble awaits you.
  • Why dream of a sister’s illness - be careful, injuries to the arms or legs or related diseases are possible.
  • Sleep: a sister had a dream - means that upcoming events will bring you a lot of trouble. You will be in constant worries, difficulties await you, be patient.
  • Dream: to look for a sister - a rather serious and difficult period in life awaits you. Here you should not rely on anyone but yourself. If you have patience, you will be able to solve all problems alone and emerge victorious from any situation.
  • Why is a dying sister dreaming - pay attention to your finances, control expenses, do not get involved in dubious activities. Your financial situation is in serious danger.
  • I had a dream that my sister died - financial losses await you.
  • Why dream stepsister- be patient, soon your relatives and friends will begin to think that you need their advice and help and will begin to actively interfere in your life. Be kind.

Dream interpretation bitch

  • Dream Interpretation: dear sister - the admirer whom you rejected will still remind you of yourself for a long time. There will be chance meetings, hot confessions, compliments, you will have to endure it for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation “cousin, talk to sister” - there are people in your environment who are actively seeking your attention and friendship. But be careful with them. They want to be aware of everything that happens in your life, but only in order to use it for their own benefit.
  • Why dream that your sister died - sad, tragic events will happen in your life.
  • What the guy’s sister is dreaming of - get ready for gossip, gossip and rumors.
  • Why does the deceased sister dream - dead relatives come in dreams to convey some important information to the dreamer. Remember all the nuances of sleep. For example, if you dreamed that the deceased sister was pregnant, you have an unfinished business that you keep putting off for later, finish it to the end, and you will get closer to your goal; dream: sister in a coffin - warns of troubles and temporary stagnation in the development of affairs.
  • Sister - the meaning of sleep according to the dream book is as follows: many small things await you, unpleasant family chores, tension in relations with close relatives.
  • Why is the sister of the former dreaming - you will receive news related to your past life.
  • Why dream that a sister is giving birth is a very auspicious sign, which means that you are lucky in some business and you will get a good benefit for yourself or profit.
  • What is the dream of a dead sister alive - if in general the dream caused favorable emotions, then just expect joyful events and good news, but if in a dream you experienced fear and horror, then in reality sad news awaits you.
  • Why dream of a sister in a wedding dress - global changes will soon take place in your sister's life.
  • Why dream of the death of your own sister - despite the unattractive plot, such a dream suggests that in reality you will experience joy from some kind of material acquisition.
  • Why is a pregnant cousin dreaming - soon endless worries, anxieties and worries about relatives and loved ones will fall on you.
  • Why dream of beating your sister - a conflict is brewing between you and a person from your environment, the reason for this is understatement, reticence and misunderstanding of each other. (see sleep Strike)
  • Miller's dream book: a sister who visited you in a dream is a symbol of news that is associated either with her or with one of her close relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: half-sister - interprets this sign as a person who will begin to overprotect you, advise you on what to do in a given situation and actively get into your personal affairs. In the future, such guardianship will greatly burden you. Such a dream should be interpreted as a warning. A dream gives you the opportunity to protect yourself from unnecessary and unnecessary guardianship and stop these actions in a timely manner.
  • Why does a brother dream of a sister - changes will occur in your sister's life. They concern only her.
  • Why dream of a sister's child - a sister's child symbolizes the changes that will affect you and your immediate family. These are good and favorable changes in better side. They can relate to both personal life and material well-being.
  • Why does a sister dream in a wedding dress - most often a wedding dress predicts significant changes in life. Considering that your sister dreamed about you in a dream, future events will affect either her or you.
  • Why dream of a cousin's wedding - but such a dream predicts events that will happen to your distant relatives, perhaps you will receive long-awaited news from them.
  • Seeing the death of a sister in a dream - your sister will cope with all the problems and troubles on her own.
  • Dream: sister - if in reality you have a good relationship with your sister, then such a dream is considered a good omen, the onset of a wonderful period in life, a symbol of good luck. If you and your sister have a problematic, strained relationship, such a dream can be considered a warning about upcoming difficulties.
  • Dream Interpretation: scolding your sister - be restrained and patient, a period of difficult relationships with close relatives is coming.
  • Dream Interpretation: the birth of triplets from a sister is a very auspicious sign, symbolizing an increase in material terms, prosperity and well-being.
  • Wangi's Dream Interpretation: the sister you dreamed about may also reflect the state of your inner self, some hidden grievances or disagreements in relations with your sister.
  • Why dream about the death of a sister in a dream - think about how you live, determine your life priorities. Perhaps you are doing something wrong.

Freud's dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: to see a sister in a dream for a woman means the appearance of a sexual rival in reality, and for a man, the dreaming sister speaks of his hidden desire to change his partner.
  • Dream: rape of a sister - for a woman, such a dream suggests that for her partner she is only an object of sexual passion. Relationships are dominated by passion. A dream warns a man that in life there is a high probability of such a situation, the outcome is sad: a person will fall into slavery, become condemned.
  • A quarrel with a sister in a dream - your sister is to blame for something before you. Now is the time to pay for your transgressions. What exactly happened and what is your sister's fault you will soon find out and most likely from her.
  • Dream Interpretation: the death of a sister in a dream - says that soon everything will work out for you, problems in your sexual life will go away and stop bothering you.
  • Dream Interpretation: sister with children - symbolizes that you are well aware of your individuality.
  • Dream Interpretation: the murder of a sister and nephews or other relatives indicates that you will fail, you will be greatly disappointed.
  • Dream Interpretation: a sick grandmother turned into a sister - but such a dream indicates that you will still have a second chance to show and show yourself.
  • Seeing a dead sister in a dream means that you will receive some very important news for you and your relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: a twin sister who visited you in a dream is a symbol of very important news that you will soon receive, but they will concern only her.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see your sister offended - speaks of your hidden disappointments or warns that in the near future you will have troubles, worries and problems associated with relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a sister in a coffin - such an unpleasant dream means that in reality only changes for the better await you, a happy outcome of some business is possible. (see dream Coffin)
  • Dreams: a crushed vial in a dream by a sister or broken dishes indicate that in life you do not have enough attention and care from loved ones.
  • A sister hung herself in a dream - your relatives need your help and support.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

  • Why is my elder sister dreaming - such a dream is just a reflection of your relationship with your sister or other relatives.
  • Why dream brother sister - if the dream caused you pleasant feelings, peace and tranquility - this is good luck: if a brother beats or scolds his sister in a dream - this means failure, conflicts and quarrels.
  • Why do my sister's tears dream - unfortunately.
  • Dream Interpretation: sick sister - warns of impending misfortune.
  • In a dream, seeing a “beautiful sister” and being happy for her promises you good luck in your affairs or business.
  • Dream: the late sister had a dream - to be in trouble.

Seeing your own sister in a dream speaks of the good relations that have developed in your family.

Dream: second cousin - means that someone from your relatives wants to take custody of you, control your personal life and advise what and how to do.

According to the dream book, the one who dreams of “sisters, sparrow” indicates that you will soon receive a reward for your skillful work.

The dream “dead, sister” is a bad sign, a black streak, sad events.

  • Dream interpretation: sister - always means some kind of loss or loss.
  • Dream: the sister's wedding, which you are helping to arrange, speaks of great losses.
  • Sleep "sister is crying" - your half-relatives will give you trouble.
  • Dream "killed sister" - to trouble.
  • Swearing with your sister in a dream means quarreling with your sister's relatives or family in reality.
  • Sleep "dead sister" - trouble, injury, illness of loved ones.

Why does a sister dream in a dream - a dream speaks of a possible betrayal of your loved one.

  • Why dream of a sister’s pregnancy - to replenishment in her family.
  • A friend's sister is dreaming - your friend will need your help.
  • Why dream of a dead sister - you will receive important news, unfortunately it is impossible to predict whether they will be good or bad.
  • Why dream that a cousin has died - troubles and sorrows will become a thing of the past. The streak of failures and bad luck is over for you.
  • Why dream of kissing your sister - such a dream means good luck and a peaceful course of affairs.
  • Why dream of a sister in a white dress that looks like a wedding - changes for the better are coming in your sister's life. These will be very important events that will completely change her life.
  • She dreams that her sister gave birth to a child - good luck in material matters.
  • Why dream of cheating on a guy with his sister - you have a serious rival.
  • Why dream of the news of the death of a sister - you will receive unpleasant news.
  • Why dream of swearing with your sister - you will lose something, the reason for this is your stupidity and not the ability to listen to the advice of relatives and friends.
  • Why dream of giving money to the deceased sister - beware of various financial frauds, you will not benefit from them, but only lose your savings.
  • The sister of the former in a dream can symbolize events that will remind you of the past or the appearance in your life of one of the relatives of your ex-husband.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Kananit

What does it mean to see a sister in a dream - good relations with relatives.

Fight in a dream with a sister - swear and conflict with relatives.

  • This dream interpretation of dreams "sister" gives the following: ahead of you lies happiness and good luck in business.
  • Why dream of a drunken cousin - around you lies, gossip and resentment that your envious people spread.
  • Why dream of the death of a cousin - a streak of failures and troubles ends, only good moments lie ahead.
  • Why dream that a pregnant sister gave birth - your sister needs female participation, care and support.
  • Dream: why dream of raping a sister - such a dream warns of the danger that threatens you and your relatives. These can be injuries, serious illnesses or mental disorders.
  • Seeing a brother and sister in a dream is not very pleasant news about relatives.
  • Losing your sister in a dream means that you will have problems and you will need outside help.
  • Seeing a crying sister in a dream is a quarrel.
  • In a dream, a sister in a white dress - the richer and more beautiful the outfit, the greater success will accompany you in business.
  • Sleep "drowning sister" - your relationship with relatives is too emotional. If you constantly act in the heat of the moment, you can completely destroy your relationship with them.
  • A sister was born in a dream - to memories of childhood.
  • Sleep "cousin died" - the chores, worries and difficulties that you have experienced recently will go away and you can have a good rest.
  • The dream of "sister's funeral" is a loss.
  • Seeing a dead sister alive in a dream is a favorable sign, this is good luck.

Seeing an older sister in a dream means that you need the support and care of relatives or a friend.

Dream "cousin is getting married" new worries and chores await you.

Islamic dream book: a sister dreams of happiness or of receiving a gift from one of her relatives.

Beating your sister in a dream means that in real life you will have a good relationship with her. If before that you were in a quarrel with her, then soon you will make peace, harmony and understanding will prevail in your relationship.

Dream interpretation of A. Vasiliev

  • Dream Interpretation: cousins ​​​​always dream of great troubles and worries, perhaps some unpleasant events associated with these relatives are coming.
  • Dream Interpretation: Seeing a pregnant sister in a dream is always a good sign, meaning an increase in finances or pleasant surprises.
  • Dream Interpretation: admiring something with a cousin is a dream warning. Your relationships with loved ones will become more tense, quarrels and conflicts are possible. You will be annoyed and worried about the upcoming events.
  • Dream Interpretation: quarreled with her sister - in reality, problems and grief await you. Perhaps a person very close to you will offend you.
  • Dream Interpretation: cousin's wedding - upcoming events are related to your cousin and her relatives. It is possible that they will want to take a more active part in your life. Do not be angry and offended by their overprotection. They do it with the best of intentions. Leave your annoyance and anger.
  • Dream Interpretation: sister's ring - very soon your sister will receive a tempting marriage proposal.
  • Dream Interpretation: the deceased sister is knocking on the window - be careful. Upcoming events, news and announcements are very important to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: sister's funeral - sad news will come to you from afar. There is uncertainty in your future, be attentive to the events taking place around you.
  • Dream Interpretation: the wedding of an unmarried sister - global changes for the better will take place in your life, and your sister will take an active part in them. It is she who will help you realize your plans, ideas and dreams.
  • Dream Interpretation: the ex-husband of the sister always dreams of troubles and news from the relatives of the ex-husband. The chores will be unpleasant and burdensome for you.
  • Dream Interpretation: hugging your sister means that your relationship with relatives will be good in the future: strong and harmonious.
  • Dream Interpretation: the sister of a loved one - if everything goes well with your sister, such a dream promises well-being and strong relationships, but if this is a cousin or half-sister, expect trouble, quarrels and conflicts with loved ones.

Dream Interpretation: a sister was born - a period of change is coming in your life. Ahead of you is prosperity and prosperity. it good dream.

Dream Interpretation: a quarrel with your own sister - expect problems in reality. Quarrels and conflicts are possible out of the blue, due to a misunderstanding, so try to be more restrained.

  • Dream Interpretation: quarreling with your sister - you feel envy or guilt in front of your sister and this does not give you peace of mind. Do not carry negative thoughts in yourself, they can develop into real hatred.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pregnant sister in a dream - Big changes in your sister's life.
  • Dream Interpretation: wife's sister - relatives from the wife's side will begin to be more active in relation to your family.
  • Dream Interpretation: a sister in a wedding dress - such a dream portends material well-being and good luck in financial affairs.
  • Dream Interpretation: sister is crying - your sister will receive bad news and will urgently need your support and help.

Big home dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: the birth of a sister - everything will get better in your life soon, peace and tranquility will come. If you have been single, you will soon find a true friend.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a pregnant sister is a very good, auspicious sign. Changes for the better await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: they killed a sister - something will go wrong in your relationship with your sister, perhaps there will be a major quarrel, after which you will become strangers to each other.
  • Dream Interpretation: fight with your sister - you have a grudge against your relatives or your sister. You have hidden it so deeply in yourself that it poisons your life. Be more prudent, forgive insults, these are things of bygone days.
  • Dream Interpretation: the sister of a beloved man often dreams about the news that you receive from distant relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: little sister - memories of childhood.
  • Dream Interpretation: sister gave birth to a girl - global changes are coming in the life of your family. They will be favorable. Only joy, peace and tranquility awaits you ahead.
  • Dream Interpretation: a sister’s house in which there is no one means that your sister is terribly lonely, she lacks care and support. If there are any people or relatives in it, this means that your sister is lost among the overprotectiveness of her relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: brother, sister - it is customary to identify such symbols in a dream with one's family ties.
  • Dream Interpretation: quarrel with sister - speaks of your hidden grievances.
  • Dream Interpretation: sister's wedding - such a dream always speaks of good events, but they only concern your sister.
  • Dream Interpretation: the deceased sister is a good dream, which means serious changes in your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: husband's sister - some gossip, discontent and squabbles will come from relatives from the husband's side.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pregnant sister - well-being and profit await you.
  • Why dream of cheating on your husband and sister - you have a rival and most likely this is a person from your inner circle.
  • Why dream of a sister’s funeral - in fact, this is a good dream that predicts a long life and good health for you and your relatives.
  • Why dream of a dead sister - turning points are expected in your life. They are very important, your indecision can deprive you of the chance to prove yourself.
  • Why is the sister of a loved one dreaming - in your relationship there will be complete mutual understanding and idyll, everything goes on as usual.
  • What does it mean if a pregnant sister dreams - you will have a new friend who will help you a lot.
  • It was a dream that the sister’s husband killed her child - such an unpleasant dream may mean that your ideas, plans and plans will remain unfulfilled, perhaps relatives will interfere with you.
  • The sister of the guy who likes is dreaming - you will receive some news from your chosen one.
  • “I recaptured the guy from my sister” - why dream? Such a dream says that you will interfere with your sister in some important matter for her. Try to stay out of her life.
  • Sleep "sister died" - pay attention to your health.
  • The dream “sister is giving birth” - you are expected to have major changes, the purchase or acquisition of some large thing.
  • A sister drunk in a dream portends troubles and gossip to you, and this is due to your sloppy words and inability to keep your personal experiences in yourself.
  • The dream “sister is getting married” - your financial situation will improve, pleasant, joyful chores await you.
  • The dream of "kissing your sister" is good luck.
  • Seeing a sister in black in a dream warns that you will soon be upset and scared.
  • In a dream, she had a fight with her sister - perhaps your sister will make you reconsider some life positions and change your mind.
  • A pregnant cousin in a dream promises you unpleasant chores and worries.
  • A dream, why dream of raping a sister - one of the relatives or your sister takes care of you too much, it gives you inconvenience, burdens you and annoys you.
  • In an old house, seeing a sister in a dream is a memory associated with childhood or relatives.

Esoteric dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: sister, brother-in-law - relatives, which in a dream mean your relationship with loved ones and some important changes either in your life or in the life of your blood relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: the death of a sister in a dream - if your sister is alive in real life, then such a dream indicates what awaits her long life and happy old age in the circle of people close to her.
  • Dream Interpretation: the husband is cheating with his sister - a bad sign, the collapse of hopes and plans, disappointment.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pregnant sister dreamed - a new beginning awaits you, great prospects in the very near future.
  • Seeing a pregnant cousin in a dream - your plans are not yet destined to come true, now the moment is extremely unfavorable for the implementation of new ideas.
  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of the death of a sister - prosperity and longevity.
  • According to the dream book, the ex-husband's sister means some kind of trouble that comes from your former relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: sister gave birth - you will be able to realize your plans and dreams.
  • Dream Interpretation: a dead sister who visited you in a dream usually means some important events that will happen to you soon.
  • He quarreled in a dream with his wife's sister - such a dream may indicate that soon the care of relatives from that side will fall on your shoulders.
  • Seeing a dead sister's husband in a dream - important dream. He says that fateful changes will soon take place in your sister's life.
  • The dream “kiss of a sister” is a good omen.
  • To dream about the wedding of a sister who is not married means that she will soon be proposed.
  • Seeing a sister with a child in a dream means the full implementation of the plan.
  • Seeing a naked sister in a dream is a disease.
  • Seeing a drunken sister in a dream is gossip.
  • Dream Interpretation: what a sister is dreaming of - such dreams can reveal not only relationships with your relatives, but also be identified with your inner self.
  • Dream Interpretation: sister died - warns of impending misfortune.
  • Seeing a dead sister alive in a dream - to well-being.
  • In a dream, the guy's sister saw - an uncertain relationship.
  • Seeing in a dream how a sister dies - to illness and physical pain.
  • Sister ex boyfriend in a dream - says that memories of the past do not let you go.
  • The dream “sister gave birth to a child” predicts a successful course of affairs for you.
  • Seeing a mother's sister in a dream is news from afar.
  • Seeing in a dream “sister is getting married” - such a dream suggests that thanks to your courage and determination you will achieve your goals.
  • The dream "sister's pregnancy" is a bargain, a good purchase.
  • The dream “sister of the beloved” promises you a long and harmonious relationship.
  • Seeing a husband's sister in a dream means pleasant family chores.
  • It is a dream that a guy marries his sister - you are not sure about your relationship, you either do not trust your partner, or you yourself are thinking about ending your relationship with him.
  • What is the dream of the deceased sister - the dead are always trying to warn us of danger or give good advice. Analyze the dream, be attentive to the events taking place around you.
  • Why dream of a late brother sister - this is also prophetic dream, which hides important information or a warning.
  • Why is the sister of a beloved man dreaming - such a dream suggests that you will soon become a member of their family. And if you are already married to your beloved man - wait for replenishment in the family.
  • Why is the sister of the ex-girlfriend dreaming - rumors are spreading about you.
  • Why dream of the death of a sister - your sister is in danger, she can become seriously ill. But do not experience "death" in a dream - this is a kind of deliverance, so your sister will be able to overcome the disease.

Each dream book has its own interpretation of the "sister" dream. But in most cases, such dreams tell about events that will soon occur in the family. For a more accurate interpretation, it is necessary to recall as many different nuances from the dream as possible.

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Very often in a dream you can see relatives and friends. Why is my sister dreaming: the dream book says that this dream is difficult in terms of interpretation. It is impossible to say unequivocally whether it is favorable or not. Pay attention to the details of your dream, they will help you understand exactly what to expect in the future. The dream book will tell you what events to expect, what you should pay special attention to, as well as about good and bad omens.

If you dreamed of a sister, a dream can indicate both bad and good events, it all depends on the interpretation of the details of the plot from the dream book.

If you dreamed of a sister with whom you live together or often communicate, you can not look for deep meaning in this dream. Most likely, your subconscious mind shows you pictures based on real life events. It is quite another thing to see in a dream a sister with whom you have not communicated for a long time, or who has died in reality. You should also pay attention to dreams with an unusual plot - in which your sister becomes pregnant, marries or cries in a dream.

Your degree of relationship with the seen sister

Why your sister is dreaming - this means that annoying obstacles will arise on the way to the implementation of your plans. Most likely, you are burdened by the need to take care of loved ones. Moreover, if the sister was the eldest, you lack friendly revelations and participation in your destiny, and the younger sister portends troubles, vanity and anxiety.

What was the plot of your dream?

If in a dream you and your sister communicated and understood each other, you will have peace and prosperity in your family. Swearing with your sister in a dream means that you risk making an enemy for yourself because of your rudeness and inattention. In order to avoid this unpleasant incident, try to be gentler with the people around you. If your sister, even in a dream, said that she was offended by you, in reality you will offend a person, he will hold a grudge against us and will take revenge in the future.

Why is your sister dreaming? If in real life your sister is already married, your wishes will come true. If you don’t or in reality you don’t have a sister at all, your health will deteriorate.

If, then, someone plans to shift the burden of their responsibility onto you, in no case do not agree to such an offer. Seeing a sister in a dream - soon what bothered you very much will disappear.

If your sister fell ill in your dream, reproaches of adultery or debauchery will soon fall upon you if you are not married. But do not be afraid, after a while, the people who reproached you will realize that they were wrong and apologize. The dreamer says that you do not quite correctly assess the surrounding reality and “walk in rose-colored glasses”, try to look at the world more soberly.

If you dreamed that your sister had died, in real life, for some reason, the feelings that bind you will weaken, and the relationship will cool. While you still can, pay attention to your sister. If in your dream the long-dead sister looked alive, some events from the past still haunt you. The dream book advises you to still try to let go of old experiences and think more about the future.

If you had a disturbing dream involving a sister or cousin, call her and make sure everything is in order.

Who saw the dream: man, woman, child

If a man had a dream about his sister, it means that soon family life will begin to burden him, and he will want a divorce. But the dream book advises you not to make hasty actions, very little time will pass, and you will change your mind. If a woman has a dream about her sister, the number of her household chores will soon increase. A dreaming sister for a child, if in a dream he got along well with her, promises a carefree life, but if there was a discord in relations with his sister in a dream, there is a possibility that his parents will quarrel.

Interpretation by days of the week

  • If your sister dreamed of you on the night from Sunday to Monday, you have a rival;
  • If from Monday to Tuesday - you can get the support and sympathy of others when you need it.
  • A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday promises success and family well-being;
  • A dream from Thursday to Friday portends you a meeting with a person who will make you sympathetic;
  • Sleeping on the night from Friday to Saturday is a sign that you should communicate more often with your family members;
  • A dream from Saturday to Sunday tells you that a lot of small troubles await you, but don't worry, they will be your joy.

Interpretation of sleep in popular dream books

The dream in which the sister appeared to you can be interpreted differently in the dream books of popular authors, its decoding is highly dependent on the details and general atmosphere sleep. Let's turn to time-tested sources to learn more about the meaning of your dream. For comparison, let's take the most popular dream books today, the predictions of the compilers of which are considered the most truthful.

Miller's dream book - to receive news from her

According to this dream book, a sister is a harbinger of receiving some kind of news related specifically to her in reality. If the sister was a half sister, then soon a person will appear in your environment who will try to take care of you, but this guardianship will be unpleasant for you. If you dreamed about your cousin, you are tired of the guardianship of your relatives, who interfere with your development. Try to talk to them heart to heart and explain the situation.

According to Vanga's dream book, if you dreamed of a sister, in reality you can turn to her for help.

Wangi's dream book - you can trust her

The dream in which your sister appeared to you is a favorable sign, but only if you have a good relationship in real life.

In the near future you will need help in a difficult matter, and the sister will be able to support you, so do not hesitate to ask her for help. If in real life your relationship is bad, the dream portends quarrels and troubles.

If in a dream you quarreled with your sister, soon in reality you will have problems with relatives. If in your dream some unknown woman called herself your own sister, in the near future a man will appear in your life who will make you feel in love.

Freud's dream book - a third will appear in a relationship

If a woman dreamed of her own sister, in reality she already has or will soon have a competitor in sexual matters. If a man had a dream, this indicates his desire to find a new sexual partner and cheat on his wife or his girlfriend if he is not married.

Modern dream book - a new romance is possible

According to the modern dream book, if you dreamed of a sister, it doesn’t matter if it’s your own, half-cousin or second cousin, you have problems in real life, but it makes sense to wait for help from females and also trust them. If your sister died in your dream or moved to live in another house, expect happy changes in your life in reality - you will meet a new man and leave your former place of residence.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - you do not have enough attention

The appearance of a sister in your dream portends news related to her. It is also possible that a person will appear in your life who will obsessively interfere in your affairs. A sister in a dream portends sad thoughts and disappointment in her actions. If the sister in your dream was just sitting on a chair, the dream portends a quick wedding, but not for you, but for her. According to this dream book, a cousin means that you do not have enough attention from females or that you are offended by one of the women.

Jung's dream book - harmony and peace in the house

If you dreamed about your own sister, this is a sign of good, even relations in the family. If you were talking in a dream, in real life you have a protracted conflict with someone, it will soon be resolved in your favor. If the sister was beautifully dressed, the dream means harmony and peace in your family.

I dreamed of a cousin - you lack emotional support and warmth in reality. If a sister dreamed of a young girl, this is a warning that she may soon have a rival. If you dreamed of a long-dead sister who was alive in a dream, anxiety settled in your soul. Try not to take it too personally hurtful words other people.


Why is my sister dreaming? Having studied many interpretations in various dream books, we can conclude that this is a rather ambiguous image. It is necessary to pay attention to the details of sleep, all these little things can tell a lot about your future and help with interpretation. But whatever the meaning of your dream, calling your sister will not be superfluous.

Video "What is the dream of Sister"

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    I had to in dream swear With sister? The dream predicts that the dreamer can break the word given to someone, but not through his own fault, but by the will of the circumstances. However, a person who has not received what was promised may hold a grudge. A dream in which it happened strongly swear With brother, symbolizes the loss of trust. The dreamer's reputation as a reliable partner and decent person will be ruined. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Sister- See in dream sister means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and worries. If a in dream you With sister quarrel, this portends the collapse of all hopes for the future, the promise of the unrealizable. If you dream that you are saying goodbye With sister, this means that a period is coming in your life when you can rely solely on your own strength, without expecting help from outside. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed Sister, but the right interpretation sleep Sister in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream saw this symbol. today I dreamed ... ... my dear sister... we are with her very often swearing…and already 2 times in my dream she is dying……..everything was like this… begins dream.... a party, a lot of people, everything is at my house ... sister playing with her girlfriend, DECIDE TO JUMP OUT THE WINDOW ... (running away from others) her girlfriend takes ... Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dream interpretation Swear. What means dream from Monday to Tuesday? Why dream Swear in dream by dream book? The story in which you swear- try to restrain manifestations of negative emotions, otherwise you will be left alone. Other people's skirmishes - be vigilant, your ill-wishers are now more active than ever. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astrowoman"

    Sister in Miller's dream book sister - dream means that you are burdened by the excessive care of your loved ones. Swear With sister in dream- your environment interferes with your progress.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    Had a quarrel with mom or dad in dream, Argument with parents or With sister in dream- family discord, Misunderstandings and conflicts. Hello, I recently began to dream that I swear With she is living as a grandmother. I do not know why in dream I get so angry and speak my mind. after grandfather is angry with me that because of me my grandmother is crying and scolds. everything is so scary. what does this mean???Read more

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    What is the dream of my dear sister in dream. Usually, dreams relatives, including sister are favorable, but only if in a dream you are in good relations. It is possible that such a plot only reflects your thoughts about sister or some concern for her fate. However, if there was a quarrel With sister, you should prepare for trouble.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Swear in dream- experience dependence and fear of a person. The inability to either subjugate a person or come to an understanding causes a desire to at least push him away from himself, to get rid of unnecessary connections, to isolate himself and show his strength. Brother Brother or sister living - profit, joy, good news / false news; talking to him is a nuisance; swear With nim - sadness; fight - gratitude; say goodbye...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed Swear, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why you are dreaming Swear in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream saw this symbol. And she was silent .... There is one dream which I can’t understand, or maybe it’s so simple .. It was like that I left With sister and I saw the figurine, it was 199 tons of rubles, I ask sister how is she to you? She replied beautiful ... .. I told her that I would buy her mother for her birthday.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    in dream I cursed With sister my husband sisters,.. her name is Katya, she has a husband, Dima, and we have friendly relations with him .. and now in dream I dream about how we communicate in a friendly way in the circle of all relatives, and then Katya, out of jealousy, begins to lament: ".. it's not good to walk with strangers ..", and looking at me loudly says: "isn't it! ..".. I for some reason.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

    sister in dream to see - to irritation, anger through one's own fault, change. Departure sisters always means happiness, deceased sister see - lack of certainty about the future. If an unknown girl in dream declares itself to be yours sister- this promises an early marriage of one of your friends. Dreaming about you sister husband - to peace and understanding in the family, cousin sister- to family strife. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-online"

    But they interpret dreams only when one of your sisters missing or when in dream you suddenly have sisters that do not exist in real life. If one of the central elements of the ongoing in dream events is the absence sisters(recall that it must actually exist), then dream indicates your individual perception of your family. I dreamed that I swear With two sisters.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Dream, which accounts for swear With pregnant sister- spread rumors and speculation that can ruin your reputation. I dreamed of Pregnancy sisters, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why Pregnancy is dreaming sisters in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream saw this symbol.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonarium"

    quarrel With sister in dream- to serious conflicts, including with friends or employees. If a in dream you see unknown girl that calls itself yours sister- someone from your family will have a serious romance, and possibly a wedding. Good afternoon. I dreamed about my sister with whom I swear and still fought with her. what could this be dreaming of dream?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Why dream Swear: Swearing, cursing - if anyone in dream will see that scolds or curses someone, then the one whom he curses is much better than the one who curses. Universal dream book Smurova. Swear in dream indicates that in reality you have to go through a conflict with an interlocutor from sleep, perhaps the scandal has already taken place and you have an unpleasant aftertaste in your soul. Quarreled with a stranger - in real life you may have trouble, expect bad news. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    I dreamed of my own sister, Sister in dream, Sister native interpretation dreams- happiness, well-being, calm family life. If in your dream now alive and actually existing Sister was beautiful, Cheerful and healthy, so your family life peace reigns in reality, mutual understanding and peace. Dreams about the next of kin appear quite often. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "isonniki"

    dreaming Swear dream interpretation dream interpretation Swear- To trouble; strongly - benefit, benefit. See in dream Swear dream interpretation dream interpretation Swear(to be indignant) - Himself - detente, improvement of affairs; often - verbatim (delay of cases); you scold- success. Interpretation sleep Swear dream book Dreamed Swearswearing With man. - Luckily. They scolded you, accusing you of a complete perversion of meaning.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Dreamed of death sisters, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why death is dreaming sisters in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream saw this symbol. I dreamed dream as if my younger sister had died, and my mother didn’t help anything, didn’t want to buy a coffin to go, everything was done by some stranger named Vanka, for this my mother and I were very strong swore I really despised her for it!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    good day, I dreamed how I was walking with cousins and sister, we wanted to sign up for vocals, but there were constant obstacles, then we went into the wrong building, then the watchman fell asleep while writing the address, when we left the watchman, it was already dark outside, and their dad met us and started swear... where we walk so late, we still don’t. Every night I dream of different dreams. Today I dreamed that I reconciled With sister with whom I had a fight a year ago. In dream it was she who wanted to make peace, with her whole appearance she showed that she was bored.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astrowoman"

    Swear in dream means that in life you should take care of yourself, otherwise your words may make friends and relatives turn away from you. If in your dream you hear that someone swears, then in your environment there is a person plotting evil. I dreamed that swear With parents, mom or dad, the dream book interprets this as an act for which you will be ashamed in front of your loved ones. Swear in dream with brother or sister- to disappointment.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed naked Sister, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why you dream naked Sister in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream seen this symbol. Try it!