Phrases of smart people about life. ancient chinese wisdom

The article contains quotes on the topic - the wise thoughts of great people:

  • I don't regret anything in my life. Mature women cannot have regrets, because maturity comes just when life has already taught you everything. Brigitte Bardot
  • We usually do the most when we think we are doing too little. Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach
  • Smart people do not so much seek solitude as avoid the fuss created by fools. Arthur Schopenhauer
  • Appearances can be deceiving. James Clemens "Darkness Falls"
  • You cannot forbid others to think and say anything about you, but you can always afford to ignore all this and do as you see fit. Oleg Roy
  • It has long been noted by smart people that happiness is like health: when it is there, you do not notice it. But when the years pass, how do you remember happiness, oh, how you remember! Michael Bulgakov
  • Life is too short to have the luxury of living it so badly. Paulo Coelho
  • Justice without force is helpless; power without justice is despotic. Blaise Pascal
  • Life is what we value most and cherish least. Jean de La Bruyère
  • A yearning woman is like a Rubik's cube that only one person can solve. Elchin Safarli
  • If you know life, give me your address. J. Renard
  • Only he can consider himself free from envy who has never studied himself. Claude Adrian Helvetius
  • Wise thoughts - right actions.
  • If you hate, then you have been defeated. Confucius
  • Your thoughts become your life. Marcus Aurelius
  • Life is tricky. When I have all the cards in my hands, she suddenly invites me to play checkers.
  • A statement containing certain thought It's a sign of intelligence...
  • Tears are like a thunderstorm: after them a person is always quieter. Ivan Turgenev
  • Life is a school, but one should not rush to finish it. Emil Krotky
  • The family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good. Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky
  • Life is short and you have to use it. French folk proverb
  • No one destroys families... They are destroyed by themselves. Erle Stanley Gardner "The Ax of Vengeance"
  • Life, by and large, does not consist of facts and cases. It consists mainly of the storm of thoughts that constantly sweeps through the head. Mark Twain
  • The best thing you can give your enemy is forgiveness; opponent - tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to kid - good example; father - respect; mother - behavior due to which she will be proud of you; to yourself - respect; to all people - mercy. Benjamin Franklin
  • Let your food be your medicine. Hippocrates
  • How important it is not to lose the ability to be surprised! The ability to peer into the world with interest and find delight in the simplest, at first glance, things .... Oleg Roy
  • We underestimate what we have and overestimate what we are. Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach
  • When misfortunes are overcome, we should not forget that they may save us from something worse, some kind of monstrous mistake sometimes brings you more benefits than the most reasonable decision, according to many. Winston Churchill
  • Sometimes it's good to lose everything in order to understand what you really lack. Clive Staples Lewis
  • Memory is the clerk of our soul. Aristotle
  • My family is my strength and my weakness. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
  • Who lends great importance people's opinion, does them too much honor. Arthur Schopenhauer (Clever sayings of great people about the opinions of others)
  • Love cannot be measured. When you love a person, you love every little thing that surrounds him. Natalia Solntseva
  • Love is a disease with new symptoms each time. A. Morua
  • Love is torment for one, happiness for two, and discord and enmity for three. Washington Irving
  • Love the soul, and match it with the appearance. Victoria Roa
  • People associate too much with sex, when real intimacy goes deeper. She is in a gentle touch, in a calm look and even breathing nearby. E. Safarli
  • No matter what anyone says or does, nothing is more important than family. From the series "The Vampire Diaries" (The Vampire Diaries)
  • We do not know what to do with our short life, but still we want to live forever. A. France
  • No problems are terrible if they are waiting for you at home loving people. Shahrukh Khan
  • Each family is a real little cult. Chuck Palahniuk "Rant: A Biography of Buster Casey"
  • The true mirror of our way of thinking is our life. M. Montaigne
  • Life consists of tears, sighs and smiles, with sighs predominating. O.Henry
  • Native - the one whose pain hurts you more than your own. M. Tsvetaeva
  • Life is beautiful when you create it yourself. Sophie Marceau - quotes from wise people about life and the power of creation ...
  • Today I offer you a selection of interesting and wise statements about appearance.
  • Everyone's life is busy with tomorrow. People do not live, but are going to live. Seneca (younger)
  • A family is not only related by blood. From the series "Legend of the Seeker" (Legend of the Seeker)
  • Life has exactly the value we want to give it. I. Bergman
  • Life is what happens when you make completely different plans. J. Lennon
  • Sleep heals the soul. Graham Joyce
  • Life is what people strive to preserve most of all and cherish least of all. Jean de La Bruyère
  • Building relationships is like building a house. Never regret this building of the strongest bricks: understanding, trust, respect ... and the ability to cook. Oleg Roy
  • Life is a deadly disease, and a damn contagious one, too. Oliver Holmes Sr.
  • What you want always seems necessary. Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach
  • If you want life to smile at you, give it yours first. good mood. Spinoza
  • Hurry up to live, hurry up to love, because you don't know how much time you have left. We always think that there is still time, but it is not. Guillaume Musso

So much has been said wise people words about love, about the relationship of like-minded people, on this topic, philosophical disputes flared up and went out for many centuries, leaving behind only the most truthful and accurate statements about life. They have survived to our time, perhaps many sayings about happiness, and about how beautiful love is, have undergone some changes, however, they are still filled with deep meaning.

And of course, it is much more interesting not just to read a solid black and white text, killing your own vision (although, of course, no one dares to belittle the value of the thoughts of great people), but to look at beautiful, funny and positive pictures with elegant design, sinking into the soul.

Wise Sayings, dressed in cool photos, you will remember for a long time, because visual memory will train even better - you will remember not only funny and positive thoughts, but also captured images in the images.

Nice addition, isn't it? Watch smart, positive pictures about love, saturated with deep meaning, read about how wonderful life is in all its manifestations, note cool and smart phrases sages, suitable for the status on pages on social networks - and at the same time train your memory.

You can remember short, but surprisingly accurate and smart sayings great people about happiness, about the meaning of life, in order to elegantly present their knowledge to the interlocutor in a conversation.

We have selected for you the best, most cool pictures to cheer up - here are funny, cool images that will make you smile, even if before that the mood was at zero; here are smart, philosophical phrases about people, about the meaning of life, about happiness and love, more suitable for thoughtful reading in the evenings, and of course, how can you ignore funny photos about how beautiful love is, about how it affects people, forcing them to do all sorts of stupid things in the name of love.

All this is part of our life, all this is the thoughts of great people who lived before us many years ago.

But look how fresh, how relevant their statements about love and happiness are today. And how good it is that the contemporaries of the sages preserved their clever thoughts for people who will come later, for you and me.

Pictures filled with a variety of content - about people whose life is not so beautiful without love, about people for whom happiness, on the contrary, lies in loneliness and self-knowledge - everything is presented to your exquisite taste. After all, it is impossible to reliably answer - what is happiness, for example? And is love really so beautiful, as poets, artists and writers of all times and peoples are used to portraying it?

You can only comprehend these secrets yourself. Well, to make it not so difficult on the way to achieving the goal, you can always peep wise thoughts regarding certain life situations.

Can send beautiful and funny, interesting pictures to a loved one, and not necessarily your other half.

Best friend, parents, and even just a colleague with whom friendly relations have been established - everyone will be pleased to receive such a small token of attention, filled with meaning, and allowing you to think about how beautiful she is, despite minor troubles and moments of bad mood.

Thoughts are material. So, you always need to think positively, and thereby attract positive things to yourself - good luck, promotion, and maybe true love?

Print and hang on the wall, even at home, even in the office, funny and cool phrases about love with a deep meaning, so that every time you enter the room, you stumble upon them with a glance. Thus, already subconsciously, you will become much more loyal to petty squabbles.

Be a good fairy for those who care about you: funny and beautiful pictures, sent to a friend, will serve as a good basis for raising your spirits if you cannot personally do this for various reasons - be it a working day, or completely different places of residence.

You can not only download about people to your gadget so that they are always at hand.

You can save the entire collection to your page in social network so that smart and beautiful sayings about happiness always accompany you and set you up for positive. Read cool phrases about love in the morning - and your quarrel with your soulmate will no longer seem like a disaster and the end of the world.

Appreciate aphorisms about life with meaning - short, well-aimed statements that reflect deep essence. What is an aphorism and how does it differ from a proverb? What aphorisms from famous people we know?

What characterizes an aphorism?

As already mentioned, usually aphorisms are short and precise quotations expressing a view on the issue raised from a certain angle. It usually touches on something that we constantly encounter, or a philosophical question, for example, about life and death.

An aphorism is distinguished from a proverb by the presence of the author to whom it belongs, and the specifics - it is used in a known context. It is not as sonorous as a proverb, rarely in poetic form. Often an aphorism, having undergone some changes over time from oral transmission among the people, becomes a proverb.

Some aphorisms about life with meaning, short and to the point:

  • “Health cannot be bought with money, but it can be spent.”
  • “Marriage is not a social status, it is a medal. It's called "For Courage!".
  • "They forgive those they love what they would not forgive others, and they do not forgive what they forgive strangers."
  • “Life is such a precious gift that it should be lived wisely. She is the greatest miracle that can happen to us."

Aphorisms from the Holy Scriptures

In the book of the Bible, you can also find many quotes, which, in fact, are aphorisms about life with meaning, short, catch phrases. For example, here are some words of Jesus Christ:

  • “It is not what goes in (food) that makes a man impure, but what comes out of him.”
  • "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be."
  • "With what judgment you judge, so shall you be judged."
  • "A tree is known by its fruits, so are false prophets by their deeds."
  • “Much is forgiven to him who shows big love but the one who is forgiven little, loves little."
  • "Faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains."
  • "Not healthy people need a doctor, but on the contrary, the sick.
  • “We have brought nothing into the world and we cannot take anything out of it, having food and clothing, we will be satisfied with this (Apostle Paul).”
  • "Make no mistake: bad community will ruin good habits."

The last quote of the Apostle Paul, written about 2000 years ago, is consonant with the modern proverb "with whom you lead, you will get." Undoubtedly, the Bible contains the best aphorisms about life.

Aphorisms from those who are considered great

Consider some aphorisms of great people. Probably, each of the scientists, writers and other celebrities wrote about life, friendship, love.

  1. “In each of us, what a person nourishes blossoms. This is the eternal law of nature. (Goethe).
  2. "Everyone hears only what he can understand." (Goethe).
  3. "A mother's heart is a bottomless source of miracles." (Honore de Balzac).
  4. "Fame is an unprofitable commodity: high cost and poor preservation." (Honore de Balzac).
  5. "Living people should be treated kindly, but only the truth should be told about the dead." (Voltaire).
  6. “Do you love life? Then don't waste the time of which it consists." (B. Franklin).
  7. “Usually those who complain about life expected the impossible from it.” (J. Renan).
  8. "A person begins to live only after she has managed to surpass herself." (Einstein).
  9. “Life can be lived in two ways: as if there were no miracles, or as if there were only miracles around.” (Einstein).
  10. “It is impossible to cope with the problem, remaining on the same level with it. To solve it, you need to rise above it to a higher level. (Einstein).

Aphorisms from antiquity

Some clever aphorisms about life have come down to us from long-lived philosophers. For example, these:

  • “If you want not to be afraid of what you are afraid of, change your attitude towards it.” (Marcus Aurelius).
  • “If you knew the source from which the judgments and interests of people flow, you would stop seeking approval and praise from the majority.” (Marcus Aurelius).
  • “Poor is not the one who has little, but the one who desires a lot.” (Seneca).
  • "You cannot heal the body without healing the soul." (Socrates).
  • "To say a lot is not the same as to say a lot." (Sophocles).
  • "The more numerous the laws of a state become, the nearer its fall." (Cornelius Tacitus).

Quotes with meaning from great Russians

The famous writer Leo Tolstoy in his works used many phrases that summarize the essence of the phrase, which have become aphorisms today. For example, these:

  • “Most husbands expect their wives to have virtues they themselves are not worthy of.”
  • “The educator himself must know life deeply in order to prepare others for it.”
  • "Power over oneself is the highest power, enslavement to one's own passions is the worst slavery."
  • "Happiness is the feeling of pleasure without remorse."
  • “Life does not seem like great joy to one whose thinking is distorted in the wrong direction.”

A. S. Pushkin also used many catchphrases about life:

  • “We consider everyone to be zeros, and ourselves to be one.”
  • "There is no return to dreams and years."
  • "You can't sew buttons on someone else's mouth."
  • "I cannot sacrifice what is necessary, expecting to receive in return what is superfluous."
  • "An uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar."

His last quote has become a proverb today. Truly wisdom, like the universe, has no limit.

Quotes about life from Gorky

Alexei Maksimovich, like any writer, thought a lot about being, and in his books there are aphorisms about life with meaning (short ones). For example:

  • "A book is a book, but move your mind."
  • “Talent is like a thoroughbred horse: you need to learn how to manage it, but if you pull the reins in all directions, the horse will become a nag.”
  • "The meaning of life is the perfection of man."
  • “The greatest pleasure, the highest joy in life is to feel needed by people and close to them.”
  • “Only deeds remain of a person.”
  • “People can only choose from two forms of life: rot or burn; the cowardly and the greedy choose the former, but the brave and generous the latter.”

With humor for life

Here are some funny aphorisms about life, with meaning. They are more designed to make us smile.

  • "Life is like toilet paper: the less it remains, the more you value every piece.
  • “Don’t wait until happiness comes, it’s better to step into it yourself.”
  • “Friends are those who know us quite well and still treat us well.”
  • “In life there is always a place for a holiday, it remains only to get to this place yourself.”
  • “The trouble is not that there are those who, when drunk, become fools, but that there are sober fools.”
  • "Man is like a monkey: the higher he climbs, the more he shows his backside."
  • “If the state calls itself your homeland, then it wants something from you.”
  • "Only two things have no end: the universe and stupidity, although I'm not sure about the first." (Einstein).

Some people collect quotes like this to look at at their leisure and meditate. Aphorisms are pearls of wisdom designed to make us better. Will people appreciate them?

Idioms, great sayings, quotes, wise sayings.

Everything can be a teacher

    The only true courage is to be yourself.

    To become a blacksmith, you need to forge.

    The best teacher in life is experience. Takes expensive, but explains intelligibly.

    Learn from your mistakes. This possibility is the only thing that is useful in them.

Through thorns to the stars, drawing:

    Courage, will, knowledge and silence are the property and weapons of those who follow the path of perfection.

    When the disciples' ears are ready to hear, a mouth appears ready to fill them with wisdom.

    The lips of wisdom are open only to the ears of understanding.

    Books give knowledge, but they cannot tell everything. First seek wisdom in the scriptures, and then seek the Highest instruction.

    The soul is a prisoner of its ignorance. She is chained by the chains of ignorance to an existence in which she cannot control her own destiny. The goal of each virtue is to eliminate one such chain.

    Those who gave you the body endowed it with weakness. But ALL that gave you a soul armed you with determination. Act decisively and you will be wise. Be wise and you will find happiness.

    The greatest treasures bestowed on man are judgment and will. Happy is he who knows how to use them.

    Everything can be a teacher.

    "I" chooses the teaching method "I".

    Renunciation of freedom of thought may mean the loss of the last opportunity to understand the laws of the universe.

    True knowledge comes from the higher path, which leads to the eternal Fire. Delusion, defeat and death arise when a person follows the lower path of earthly attachments.

    Wisdom is the child of learning; Truth is the child of wisdom and love.

    Death comes when the goal of life is reached; death shows the meaning of life.

    When you meet a disputer who yields to you, do not try to crush him with the force of your arguments. He is weak and will betray himself. Do not respond to evil words. Don't indulge your blind passion to win at any cost. You will defeat him already by the fact that those present will agree with you.

    True wisdom is far from stupidity. A wise man often doubts and changes his mind. The fool is stubborn and stands his ground, knowing everything but his ignorance.

    Only one part of the soul penetrates the earthly chain of time, while the other remains in timelessness.

    Avoid talking to many about your knowledge. Do not keep it selfishly for yourself, but do not expose it to the ridicule of the crowd. Close person will understand the truth of your words. A distant one will never be your friend.

    May these words remain in the chest of your body and keep your tongue from idle talk.

    Beware of misunderstanding the teaching.

    The spirit is life, and the body is needed in order to live.

Life is movement, photo

Great Sayings of the Wise Men

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. - Confucius

    What you believe in is what you will become.

    Feelings, emotions and passions are good servants but bad masters.

    Who wants, he is looking for opportunities, who does not want - looking for reasons. - Socrates

    You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created the problem. - Einstein

    Whatever the surrounding life, but for us it is always painted in the color that arises in the depths of our being. - M. Gandhi

    The observer is the observed. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

    The most important necessity in life is the feeling of being in demand. Until a person feels that he is needed by someone, his life will remain meaningless, devastated. - Osho


    To be conscious means to remember, to be aware, and to sin means not to be aware, to forget. - Osho

    Happiness is your inner nature. It does not need any external conditions; it just is, happiness is you. - Osho

    Happiness is always within yourself. - Pythagoras

    Life is empty if you live only for yourself. By giving, you live. - Audrey Hepburn

    Listen to how a person insults others, this is how he characterizes himself.

    No one leaves anyone, just someone goes ahead. The one who is left behind believes that he was abandoned.

    Take responsibility for the result of communication. Not "I was provoked", but "I allowed myself to be provoked" or succumbed to the provocation. This approach helps to gain experience.

    A touchy person is a sick person, it is better not to communicate with him.

    Nobody owes you anything - be grateful for the little things.

    Be understandable, but don't demand to be understood.

  • God always surrounds us with those people with whom we need to be healed of our shortcomings. - Simeon Athos
  • The happiness of a married person depends on those to whom he is not married. - O. Wilde
  • Words can prevent death. Words can revive the dead. - Navoi
  • When you do not know the words, then there is nothing to know people. - Confucius
  • He who neglects the word does harm to himself. - Proverbs of Solomon 13:13


    Horatio, there is much in the world that our wise men never dreamed of...

    And there are spots in the sun.

    Harmony is the union of opposites.

  • The whole world is a theater, and people are actors. - Shakespeare

Great Quotes

    Time does not like to be wasted. - Henry Ford

    Failure is just an opportunity to start again, but more wisely.- Henry Ford

    Self-doubt is the cause of most of our failures. - C. Bowie

    Attitude towards children is an unmistakable measure of the spiritual dignity of people. - Ya.Bryl

    Two things always fill the soul with new and ever stronger surprise, the more often and longer we think about them - this is the starry sky above me and the moral law in me. - I. Kant

    If the problem can be solved, don't worry about it. If the problem is unsolvable, there is no point in worrying about it. - Dalai Lama

    Knowledge always brings freedom. - Osho


About friendship

A true friend is known in adversity. - Aesop

My friend is the one to whom I can tell everything. - V.G. Belinsky

As rare as it is real love True friendship is even rarer. - La Rochefoucauld

Affection can do without reciprocity, but friendship never. - J. Rousseau

Friedrich Nietzsche

  • A woman is considered profound, why?
    Because they can not find the reasons for her actions. The reason for her actions never lies on the surface.

    The same affects in men and women are different in tempo; that is why a man and a woman do not cease not to understand each other.

    Everyone bears in himself the image of a woman, perceived from his mother; this determines whether a man will honor women in general, or despise them, or, in general, treat them with indifference.

    If spouses did not live together, good marriages would occur more often.

    A lot of short madness - this is what you call love. And your marriage, like one long folly, puts an end to many short folly.

    Your love for your wife and your wife's love for her husband - oh, if only it could be pity for the suffering hidden gods! But almost always two animals guess each other.

    And even your best love is only an enthusiastic symbol and painful fervor. Love is the torch that should shine on your higher paths.

    A little good food often affects how we look at the future: hopefully or despondently. This is true even in relation to the most sublime and spiritual spheres of man.

    Sometimes sensuality overtakes love, the root of love remains weak, unattached, and it is not difficult to tear it out.

    We praise or blame, according to whether one or the other gives us a greater opportunity to discover the brilliance of our mind.

for reference

Aphorism (Greek aphorismos - a short saying), a generalized, complete and deep thought of a certain author, mainly of a philosophical or practical-moral meaning, expressed in a concise, refined form.

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updated 8.04.2016

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The wisest thoughts, sayings and quotes of famous great people about the meaning of life

Express a false thought clearly, and it will refute itself.
L. Vauvenargues
Everyone has stupid thoughts, only the smart one does not express them.
W. Bush

When they cannot soar with their thoughts, they resort to high-sounding syllables.
P. Buast

Nothing is more contagious than a delusion supported by a big name.
J. Buffon

A great treasure would be the preservation of good and beautiful human thoughts.
J. Delisle

Long speeches are a boring thing, and they are much less listened to.
F. Bacon

Bitingness is the irony of an evil mind.
L. Vauvenargues

Books on the topic of the day die along with topicality.
F. Voltaire

Science freed thought, and free thought freed the people.
P. Berthelot

And everything that was written before was written for our instruction.
Apostle Paul

An overly brilliant style makes imperceptible both characters and thoughts.

So we burn with the desire of the sages to hear speeches.

Labor adds fuel to the lamp of life, but thought kindles it.
D. Bellers

Only the forbidden word is dangerous.
L. Berne

Thoughts are the wings of the soul.
P. Buast

Sincerity is the clarity of the soul; clarity is sincerity of thought.
P. Buast

Separate thoughts are like rays of light, which are not as tiring as those collected in a sheaf.
P. Buast

If you wish yourself an indestructible monument, put a good book into your soul.
P. Buast

The genius and spirit of the nation is found in its proverbs.
F. Bacon

Books are ships of thought, wandering along the waves of time and carefully carrying their precious cargo from generation to generation.
F. Bacon

Great thoughts come from the heart.
L. Vauvenargues

There is clarity the best decoration truly profound thought.
L. Vauvenargues

If an aphorism needs explanation, then it is unsuccessful.
L. Vauvenargues

Stealing someone's thoughts is often more criminal than stealing someone's money.
F. Voltaire

Where great person reveals his thoughts, there is Golgotha.
G. Heine

The way a person thinks is his deity.

By the way, people are always incomprehensible.

Since ancient times, people have wise and beautiful sayings; we should learn from them.

Paradox is the thought of a state of affect.
G. Hauptman

A proverb is a mirror of the people's way of thinking.
I. Herder

That word will not disappear completely, which is repeated by many.

Bold thoughts play the role of advanced checkers in the game: they die, but ensure victory.
J. W. Goethe

Every day you should listen to at least one song, look at good picture and if possible, read at least some wise saying.
J. W. Goethe

A condescending attitude towards stupidity is inherent in every intelligent person.

Faced with the ambiguity of the word, the mind loses its strength.
T. Hobbes

He winged word said.

Order frees thought.
R. Descartes

Beautiful expressions adorn a beautiful thought and preserve it.
V. Hugo

Brevity is pleasant when it is combined with clarity.

Thought must say everything at once - or say nothing.
W. Hellitt

Feelings are the color of thought. Without them, our thoughts are dry, lifeless contours.
N. V. Shelgunov

Where the thought is strong, there the deed is full of strength.
W. Shakespeare

A well-expressed thought is always melodic.
M. Shaplan

There is no thought that has not already been expressed by someone.

To perceive someone else's wisdom, first of all, independent work is needed.
L. N. Tolstoy

The word is the image of the deed.

Thought is only lightning in the night, but in this lightning everything is.
A. Poincare

Three times the killer is the one who kills the thought.
R. Rollan

The best thoughts are common property.

People get confused in the mass of superfluous words.
A. M. Gorky

The wealth of the past and its time is used by every person striving forward.
A. Diesterweg

It is not thoughts that need to be taught, but thinking.
I. Kant

Thought without morality is thoughtlessness, morality without thought is fanaticism.
V. O. Klyuchevsky

The man who remembers the words of the wise becomes prudent himself.
A. Kunanbaev

He controlled the flow of thoughts, and only because of this - the country ...
B. Sh. Okudzhava

To follow the thoughts of a great man is the most entertaining science.
A. S. Pushkin

The right to use metaphors should not be the monopoly of poets; it should also be presented to scientists.
Ya. I. Frenkel

Whoever thinks independently thinks more significantly and more usefully for everyone.
S. Zweig

I learned a lot from proverbs - otherwise, from thinking in aphorisms.
A. M. Gorky

Many who do the most shameful deeds speak beautiful words.

Deep thoughts are iron nails driven into the mind so that nothing can pull them out.
D. Diderot

The art of aphorism lies not so much in expressing an original and deep idea, but in the ability to express an accessible and useful thought in a few words.
S. Johnson

Folk wisdom is usually expressed aphoristically.
N. A. Dobrolyubov

Great thoughts come not so much from a great mind, but from a great feeling.
F. M. Dostoevsky

Proverbs ... constitute the concentrated wisdom of the nation, and the person who will be guided by them will not make big mistakes in his life.
N. Douglas

Morality is better expressed in short sayings than in long sermons.
K. Immerman

The wisest thoughts, sayings and quotes of famous great people about the meaning of life

A person is manifested in his actions, and not in thoughts, no matter how noble these thoughts are.
T. Carlyle

There are such short sayings or proverbs that are accepted and used by everyone. Such sayings would not pass from century to century if they did not seem true to all people.

A thought is bright only when it is illuminated from within by good feelings.
V. O. Klyuchevsky

The way of aphorism most often is as follows: from a direct quotation ... to a twist in accordance with a new creative setting.
S. Kovalenko

The study of wisdom uplifts and makes us strong and generous.
Ya. Comenius

True eloquence is the ability to say all that is needed, and no more than necessary.
F. La Rochefoucauld

There is a grace-filled power in the consonance of living words.
M. Yu. Lermontov

In a pretentious style, one should not look for a deep thought.
G. Lichtenberg

Deep thoughts always seem so simple that we think we thought of them ourselves.
A. Mare

The Russian language is a language created for poetry, it is unusually rich and remarkable mainly for its subtlety of shades.
P. Merimee

Whoever has a thin body puts on a lot of clothes; Whoever has a meager thought, he inflates it with words.
M. Montaigne

The result of knowledge and memories accumulated by generations is what our civilization is. You can become its citizen only on one condition - having become acquainted with the thoughts of the generations that lived before us.
A. Morua

Great truths are too important to be new.
S. Maugham

Follow the rule stubbornly, so that words are cramped, thoughts are spacious.
N. A. Nekrasov

A successful expression, a well-aimed epithet, a pictorial comparison adds a lot to the pleasure that is delivered to the reader by the very content of a book or article.
D. I. Pisarev

Explanatory expressions explain dark thoughts.
K. Prutkov

It is hard to believe what an enormous economy of thought can be realized by one well-chosen word.
A. Poincare

Aphorisms are literary delicacies. Eat them in small portions, slowly and with taste.
G. L. Ratner

Proverbs are products of the experience of all peoples and common sense all ages, transposed into formulas.
R. Rivarol

Ancient wisdom bequeathed so many aphorisms that a whole indestructible wall was formed from them stone by stone.
M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

For wisdom there is nothing more hateful than philosophizing.

Time can do nothing to great thoughts, which are as fresh now as they were when they first arose, many centuries ago, in the minds of their authors.
S. Smiles

We look through the treasures of the ancient wise men, left by them in their writings; and if we come across something good, we borrow and consider it a great profit for ourselves.

Aphorisms are the most phenomenal of all everyday facts of knowledge.
P. S. Taranov

The correct dosage of aphorism: a minimum of words, a maximum of meaning.
M. Twain

Short thoughts are good because they make the serious reader think for himself.
L. N. Tolstoy

The wisest have an abundant supply of sayings. Plenty for life useful tips anyone can find in it.

An enlightened mind ... is made up of the minds of all previous ages.
B. Fontenelle

A badly expressed good thought is the same as a tastelessly dressed beautiful woman.
Yu. G. Schneider

He who thinks clearly, speaks clearly.
A. Schopenhauer

The ultimate goal of eloquence is to convince people.
F. Chesterfield

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