First, every day. Every day I get better and better in every way

Every day I get better and better in every way

Determine what you want most in life and how you intend to achieve it, and then don't let anything distract you from that intention.

G. Kissinger

Hello, Lyudmila-Stefania!

Angela is writing to you. I am 29 years old, my problem is that I still cannot find myself, my place in life. Jobs are constantly changing. When I feel that this is not mine, and the situation at work immediately worsens, I leave. And now I work at a private enterprise, I have a very responsible and hard job, both physically and mentally. The situation at the enterprise is very difficult, we are constantly loaded with a large amount of work. The volume of work is growing, but the salary remains the same. You have to work on your weekends and stay after the shift, and there is no pay for this. I want to leave, but I don't know where. My heart tells me that I should still have some creative profession. After all, I was engaged in creative work in the summer, my soul rejoiced and felt some kind of energy and strength in itself. I beg you, Lyudmila-Stefania, please help me figure out this issue: where should I focus my energy and attention, which area of ​​activity should I give preference to. I really want to find something that will help reveal my abilities and talents. After all, every person is talented in something. It’s just that not everyone was able to manifest them in life and apply them for the benefit of the people around them and themselves. I really want to find for myself what is really mine. To go to work with pleasure, so that all the abilities that are inherent in me can open up to 100%. And I would like to be of benefit to people and myself. You know, I sometimes have the feeling that I'm not living my own life, I'm not doing what I need to do, as if my life is wasted. I would love to change my life, change myself. I know that I will succeed, and I believe that I can change a lot in my life. But help me, please, to understand the profession. I don’t want to make mistakes again and choose what I don’t need. I hope my letter will not go unnoticed.

Best regards, Angela

Man is free in his choice. He himself takes certain obligations to his life, to himself and to the world around him. If you are not used to making decisions about what and how should be in your life, and you do not know what you want to receive, then who should know? Others, solving any issues for you, will take into account only their own interests, no one will take into account your desires. Therefore, isn't it better to take responsibility for your life, for the process of ongoing events under personal control. And become the Master of your life, and not an outside observer, learn to make the choice you personally need and make decisions yourself, because you, and only you, must know what is necessary for you to become truly happy man. You can listen to professional advice, but after weighing all the pros and cons, the decision should be made by the person himself.

So, you have decided to become a successful, prosperous person and start acting. Create for yourself those events in life that you need, it is possible. Powerful forces are inherent in a person, the power of his mind is so great that, by combining it with purposefulness and determination, a person can reach any heights, become what and what he wants to become, and create the desired living conditions for himself. The main thing is to believe in yourself and your strengths and learn to make the right choice. And choose not what someone wants you to choose, but what you want, what you yourself are striving for. Be, don't exist. And always be in the place that you have chosen for yourself in life, and do not let anyone do it for you.

I want to be a conscientious and responsible person.

I take the best from life and give it the best.

At each new stage, life gives me luck, success.

If you wish to change yourself and the conditions of your life, paying attention to yourself, going about your business, you will eventually realize that your beliefs affect your perception of the world. If a person constantly thinks and talks about the negative, sees only the bad in life, in people, then the life of such a person will not be very sweet. Because he convinced himself that this world is terrible. But if a person changes his beliefs, events will begin to occur in his life that will help him understand that this world is magnificent, and his life will change for the better.

Many argue that a person is born already with a certain life program. But we must not forget that every person has the freedom of choice, the person himself decides what he should be, which path he will go: to joy or sorrow. From this choice and living conditions will depend. A person was initially given the opportunity to change his fate in one direction or another, and it depends on him whether he will live in harmony with this world and himself, or his life will be filled with problems, sorrows and obstacles.

There are exercises, techniques, practices that perfectly help to get rid of the unnecessary, understand the causes and change the situation to a more favorable one. We'll talk about this a little later.

I easily create for myself the level of material well-being that I wish.

I am worthy of wealth, I go to it confidently and inexorably.

Money gives me freedom and the realization of all my ideas!

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1. Eat right

2. More often to be in nature, in the mountains

3. Exercise

4. Act according to your destiny (the very first thing is to act according to masculine or feminine nature)

5. Have harmonious relationships with other people and in the family

6. Be able to earn money, be successful (more for men)

7. Benefit with your life

8. Have goals in life

9. Learn selflessness, get rid of selfishness

10. Cultivate the mode of goodness, learn to live "here and now"

In dejection, one of the most powerful techniques is to simply return to the Here and Now. But if you are discouraged, it is not so easy to do.

The simplest rule to return to the “here and now” is 10 conscious breaths in and out. When we breathe consciously, the mind turns off, despondency disappears and immunity works better.

We return to some to some situation only because we have not accepted it. It is necessary to reduce the EGO and accept any situation, accept it inside.
Despondency is when we didn’t accept something inside, but externally put on a mask. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary to “break” this external.

Learn to be grateful, even to those who hurt or hurt you. At first it will be hard, but then everything will change. You need to work with the subconscious - make bows, say some things, write with your left hand.

When we give thanks, the energy of joy comes, we see the world from a different reality. When you see a teacher in another person, why be offended by him?

One of best practices- repeat for 10 minutes a day for six months

“Every day my life gets better and better in every way.” If you have joy in your soul, it is easy for you to repeat it, it is easy to repeat it very quickly.

If despondency has penetrated deep into the subconscious, then it takes 2-3 years to work it out. If you do not work on it, then it will destroy life very quickly, you will not have time to blink, as the foundation of life collapsed.

Most often, despondency in people who are engaged in spiritual practice. Spirituality gives confidence in your rightness, you begin to condemn other people. Why does it appear? Because there is no love, rigid principles and morality, condemnation close the heart.

Therefore, one should not judge or criticize others. "You have your point of view, I have mine and it's great ... that everyone has their own way and we can discuss it."

And never envy anyone, because. envy very quickly leads to despondency (“he has such a car ... but I don’t have it at all”, “she herself mink coat bought ... and I can’t afford it, ”etc.).

* It just so happened in suggestive linguistics that auxiliary parts of speech are considered as completely independent words.

As you can see, this formula is absolutely self-sufficient - and there is nothing to add or subtract from it. That's why she helps. in all cases of life - no matter what goal a person sets for himself. Remember this formula– and you will always and in every way be in in perfect order . And no annoying troubles will simply be able to prevent this - check. ... My previous visit ended with a promise to present you two most successful way of affirmations - and I will do it with pleasure: right now I will present one way, and a little later - the second. To begin with, let's remember basis- the one he created Emile Coue.

“Every morning, when you wake up, and every evening, before you fall asleep, you should close your eyes and, NOT trying to focus on what you say, pronounce twenty times, - counting on a twine with twenty knots - and at the same time loud enough to hear own words, the following phrase:

« I'm getting better every day in every way.».

Since the words "in every way" relate decisively to everything, then it is unnecessary to apply, in addition, special self-hypnosis. This self-hypnosis should be done as much as possible simply, directly, automatically, and therefore without any tension. In short, the formula should be pronounced as a prayer is usually read. In this way the formula, through the organ of hearing, penetrates mechanically into our unconscious "I" and, having penetrated there, immediately has a corresponding effect. (Quote from the book by E. Coue "Conscious self-hypnosis as a way to master oneself")

... I already mentioned total amount repetitions - and meant that there should be at least two thousand. ( one thousand– to drive out a holding belief (unblock forward movement), and the second thousand- so that the thought embedded in the affirmation, firmly taking root in the belief system, leads you to the desired goal)

Of course, two thousand repetitions is NOT an unshakable dogma.

For example, if an affirmation is “implanted” by the forces of a specialist, which person trusts more than himself, then no repetition is required at all: a productive thought takes root instantly - and what is commonly called a miracle happens. But... such specialists, you know, are innumerable - and they simply cannot physically help everyone.

Yes, and no need.

Each person is able to help himself - and this was brilliantly proved by the method of Emile Coué. ... And now, remembering the classic (original) scenario, you can easily calculate:

you need to get what you want 50 days.

goal-achieving technique in 20 days.

2 Technique "CIRCULAR"

You will need a notebook (at least 48 sheets) and an ergonomic pen (i.e. comfortable in all respects).

Mark on your calendar the day you will start practicing this technique

Count 20 days from this date and put a mark - this is the day the practice ends for the chosen affirmation

Write down the following in your notebook: I begin to implement my intention: ________ ( start with one of the words : be, get, become). I determine the deadline for obtaining the first visual results: in any of 30 days from the beginning of my studies"

Formulate your own (or choose from Productive Thinking Matrices*) an affirmation that you assign to lead you to your desired goal.

* Take the matrix of productive thinking here:

Give yourself complete privacy for 30-45 minutes and get started: write your affirmation 100 times

And so on for 20 days: everyday 100 times.

A small provincial French town of Nancy, 1890. The friendly, sympathetic 32-year-old pharmacist communicates daily with dozens of citizens who come to his pharmacy for help. Emile Coué knows each client, their life history and the course of their illness. This helps him understand why the same drug affects people so differently. The positive effect is somehow connected with the power of imagination of patients, Coue understands and begins to study the method of treatment with the help of suggestion, developed in the middle of the 19th century by French doctors Ambroise-Auguste Liebault and Hippolyte Bernheim (Ambroise-Auguste Liebault, Ippolit Bernheim). Later, while practicing hypnotherapy, he notices that hypnosis does not have a therapeutic effect even on an easily suggestible person if the patient remains indifferent to what is happening to him (that is, does not involve self-hypnosis). Coue suggested that suggestion directed at oneself is a universal and very effective way of influencing the psyche, the unconscious of a person.

He confirmed his brilliant guess in an unexpected way. Émile Coué began to offer customers a new pain reliever, which was made only in his pharmacy. But, taking it, it was necessary to pronounce (without hesitation, easily) a simple phrase: “Every day it becomes easier for me ...” The effect of the treatment with “Kue pills” was amazing - the patients stopped feeling pain, although they actually took glucose pills. So the pharmacist accidentally discovered what was later called the "placebo effect." He was able to prove real power self-hypnosis: a person was healed by the confidence that he would definitely get better.

About it

Books by Émile Coué

  • "School of self-control through conscious (intentional) self-hypnosis" LKI, 2007.
  • "Conscious self-hypnosis as a way to dominance over oneself" IC "ROSSASIA", 2007.

For almost 15 years, Emile Coué developed a method that he called "conscious autosuggestion." Thanks to him, thousands of people were able to change the quality of their lives: self-hypnosis did not replace medical treatment, but significantly reduced suffering. “Every day I am getting better in every way” - this phrase should be pronounced easily, childishly, without the slightest effort, wrote Coué. - It is better to repeat it in an even tone, without expression. Gradually, this suggestion will become part of your unconscious and will begin to influence you, your actions, deeds, feelings ”(see“ About This ”). It is necessary to repeat this phrase (or any other positive attitude) at the moment when we are in a dream state of consciousness (between reality and sleep - in the evening, falling asleep, or in the morning, waking up), then our unconscious is most receptive to information, we tune in to a positive fret.

Coue's discovery was so stunningly simple and effective that it was recognized and still used by doctors and psychotherapists. different countries. In Russia, the idea of ​​self-hypnosis therapy was developed by the neurologist and psychiatrist Vladimir Bekhterev.

And Emile Coue, until his death in 1926, lectured all over the world, repeating: "I am not a miracle worker and not a healer, I only show people that it is in their power to help themselves."

How to act?

Here is one simple example that may allow us to understand exactly how the Émile Coué method works.

Situation: I have to speak in front of a large audience, but I'm afraid not to cope with the excitement.

Preliminary (outside) suggestion(some of us, Coué believed, need outside support): I call a friend (we have been working together for several years), and he assures me that I always manage to get together at the right time.

Grade: I think about the situation and say to myself: yes, I can handle the excitement.

Conscious autosuggestion: calmly, without thinking, without any effort, I repeat: "I can handle myself, I can not worry."

Connecting the unconscious: every day (before the performance) before going to bed and waking up, I repeat a clearly articulated positive statement: "I can cope with myself and be calm."

Visualization: several times a day, I mentally imagine (imagine) how I enter the audience, confidently greet the audience and pronounce the first words ...

Result: On the appointed day, I go to the meeting, feeling calm and confident.

In rhythm modern life people do not have time to replenish their energy resources, maintain their motivation and ability to work. Positive thinking and a radiant smile are an attribute of almost everyone successful people. One of the forms positive thinking are positive beliefs or affirmations.

The term "affirmation" comes from the English affirm ("to affirm"). In other words, an affirmation is a positive wording that a person repeats to achieve certain goals or reconfigure their psyche. The main active element of affirmations is stability. That is, this is not just a thought that accidentally flashed through my head and in the next moment drowned in a pile of other worries; it is the deliberate and regular projection of positive beliefs.

History of affirmations
In the 1920s, the French pharmacist Emile Coué invented interesting technique self-hypnosis, which has gained great popularity in medical practice. Observing that if a drug is sold to customers with the addition of praise, then its effectiveness increases, Coué began to investigate the phenomenon of autosuggestion (self-suggestion) in more detail.

He found that ordinary suggestions have no effect on those people who are not amenable to being introduced into a hypnotic trance, but autosuggestion is effective way impact on the unconscious. To test his assumptions, he began selling a drug that could only be purchased at his pharmacy. At the same time, each buyer had to daily, easily and without stress, pronounce the phrase: "I'm getting better every day." So a simple pharmacist was able to discover a pattern known today as the “Placebo effect”.

“I am not a miracle worker and not a healer, I do not heal or heal anyone, I only teach people how they can heal and heal themselves.” E. Coue

Coue suggested that health disorders are associated with morbid imagination. He believed that in order to recover, you need to formalize your desire in the form of a positive statement and imagination. Therefore, for recovery, Coue recommended repeating daily formulas aimed at improving health. Later, such positive attitudes were called affirmations.

Positive statements or affirmations- persuasive statements with an emphasis on what a person wants to have (abilities, skills, qualities and attitudes). And they are built with the support of the future.

For 15 years, he developed a method of conscious self-hypnosis, with which you can suppress unpleasant ideas, replacing them with more beneficial ones. The pharmacist compared negative ideas with "pins" that are stuck in the psyche, and which can be "taken out", gradually replacing them with others. For example, pessimism and grouchiness can be replaced by good nature.

Coue argued that everyone who inspires himself: "I will achieve!", sure to be able to do it. These attitudes contributed to the active participation of the patient in the psychotherapeutic process, although, of course, they could not completely replace medications.

One of the main provisions of the Coue method, according to which "in the conflict between will and imagination, the latter always wins", and therefore the author proposes to exclude any volitional efforts from the process of self-hypnosis.

"Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better!".

the main formula according to the method of E. Coue

As well as general installation Coué designed a large number of formulas/affirmations for the treatment of specific diseases. These brief formulations, according to Coue, work in our body better than any drugs. They program the creative forces of our subconscious to fulfill all desires.

Important points in the use of affirmations
It is recommended to say affirmations out loud so that you can hear your own voice. If for some reason it is inconvenient to do this, you need to at least silently pronounce the words, that is, move your lips, and not just repeat the phrases mentally.

The formula must be repeated at least 20 times. In order not to distract attention to the count when repeating a phrase 20 times, Coué recommends beads with large beads on a movable thread or a rosary. This procedure takes no more than two minutes.

It is worth noting that suggestions only work in the waking state. If you are offered some kind of "special" program that can achieve change by putting on your headphones and going to bed, don't be fooled.

Those affirmations that contradict the current state cannot be effective either. For example, if this or that person causes rejection, unwillingness to communicate, it is very difficult to prove the opposite to your unconscious. The psyche can be compared to a plant whose roots (unconscious) go deep, and whose leaves (consciousness) are on the surface of the earth. With the help of positive statements, we seem to water these roots, give them growth. What happens when a person tries to inspire himself with a thought that is not consistent with his true attitudes? In the place where the plant is already firmly rooted, another plant is forcibly planted. As a result, the resistance of the psyche works very quickly, and the person throws these “useless” affirmations.

The most important thing in working with positive suggestions is regularity. It is better to read or listen to verbal formulas that you have written down in advance. It is also recommended to write affirmations in a notebook alternately with the right hand, then with the left hand. Whether you are right-handed or left-handed, it doesn't matter. This is necessary to consolidate information in both hemispheres of the brain.

You need to repeat the affirmation for a long time, for example, within a month. Bad weather, salary delays, a quarrelsome wife, a drunken husband, a hurricane or a blizzard - no disaster should stop you. It is necessary to repeat the suggestion under any circumstances, no matter what happens around, until the phrase is completely rooted in the unconscious.

positive affirmations for every day

You can write affirmations on your own. The following suggestions are given as examples. Someone may need to modify them a little, but for someone they will fit in finished form.

Affirmations for Willpower
  • Every day my habits are more and more controllable;
  • I am above all my temptations;
  • I am fully responsible for my actions;
  • I am the captain of my life;
  • I can count on myself in any situation;
  • I am able to control my every impulse;
  • I bring any started business to the end;
  • When it comes to my goals, I show iron willpower;
  • I have enough strength to continue;
  • I know that willpower is trained through exercise;
  • I pay attention to what I like, and this strengthens my willpower even more.
Affirmations for beauty and attractiveness

And these phrases are about confidence in their appearance, they are suitable for ladies of all ages:

  • Every day I feel more and more beautiful;
  • Every day my inner beauty shines brighter;
  • I'm stunning!
  • Everything is beautiful in me - body, soul and spirit;
  • I'm proud of my body;
  • I deserve to look great;
  • Every day I take care of myself properly;
  • I have an amazing sense of style.
Affirmations for Fear and Anxiety

The following suggestions are suitable for those who suffer from suspiciousness, depression, anxiety:

  • Peace fills me with every breath;
  • Every day I take life lighter and lighter;
  • Every muscle in my body is in relaxation;
  • I accept everything that happens with a calm soul;
  • I am at peace with my past;
  • I am calm and relaxed; I am in control;
  • I am immune to stress;
  • I appreciate the time I spend alone;
  • No matter what happens around, harmony and peace reign in my heart.
Affirmations to improve performance

Suggestions for those who need additional vital energy and strength for work:

  • Every day I have more and more vital energy and strength;
  • Everything I do increases my energy;
  • I am a human engine;
  • I'm filled with drive;
  • positive energy overwhelms me;
  • I have unlimited supplies of wild energy available to me whenever I need it;
  • I am constantly charging my batteries with enthusiasm;
  • I do sports every day to fill my body with crazy energy;
  • I have incredible stamina.
Affirmations for developing self-confidence
  • Every day I am more and more convinced of my talents;
  • I understand myself better and better;
  • I am fully responsible for what I think and what I do;
  • I consciously take part in the events of the surrounding world;
  • I like being here and now;
  • I choose to be human, not perfect;
  • Today I choose to live in the present and enjoy all the gifts of life;
  • As soon as my unconscious mind makes unpleasant statements about me, I refute them immediately.