How to Organize Your Day: Techniques of Productivity Geniuses. Ready-made task template for every day

Fri Morning 1. D / I "Find a little sister for a nesting doll" Purpose: to develop attention, thinking and memory
2. Conversation with children on the topic "Benefits from insects" Purpose: to acquaint children with the benefits that insects bring to nature
3. Didactic game for the development of speech "Call it affectionately" Purpose: to enrich the vocabulary of children
4. Preliminary work - reading the r.n. fairy tale "The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster"
Individual work-FEMP goal: to teach to reproduce a given number of objects circle, square and triangle -

“A house for a hare” (according to the Russian fairy tale “The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster”) N.S. Golitsyn “Complex-theme. plan image. activities in d / s "s. 25. Purpose: to teach to depict an object consisting of several parts, to determine and name the shape of the parts (rectangle, triangle). Refine your knowledge of colors.
2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (LI Penzulaeva. Lesson No. 28) Purpose: to develop coordination of movement in walking and running between objects; repeat crawling exercises; exercise in maintaining a stable balance while walking on an elevated support.
1. Articulation gymnastics"Fence", breathing exercises "Hot tea" Purpose: to develop the ability to breathe correctly
2. Memorization: I. Kosyakova “All of her” Purpose: to introduce children to verse. I. Kosyakova "All of her"
3. Didactic board game "Turret" Purpose: to develop thinking and perception
4. Independent activity children: s / r game goal: encourage children to use substitute toys
5. Music. Game Noise Makers, Maracas, musical instruments for free games, rattles. Purpose: teaches to rhythmically ring rattles, play along on percussion folk instruments.
Individual work - MUSIC goal: repetition of the words of songs -

Mon Morning 1. Conversation with children on the topic "Little Helpers" Purpose: to promote productive communication during the game
2. Split pictures on the topic of flowers Purpose: to introduce children into a game situation, to give a positive emotional charge
3. Didactic game for the development of speech "One - many" Purpose: to form the ability of children to educate plural nouns
4. Preliminary work on familiarization with the environment - monitoring the work of helping to educate. while washing dishes after breakfast
Individual work: APPLICATION, goal: to consolidate the definition of the shape of the parts (rectangle and triangle) and knowledge of colors -
GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
MUSIC (organized by the music director)
2. Cognitive development
"The nanny washes the dishes" O.V. Dybin "Classes on familiarization with the outside world in 2 ml. group." p.35. Goal: to continue to acquaint children with the work of workers kindergarten- teacher assistants, teach them to call them by their first name, patronymic, address them to “you”. to cultivate respect for the help of the educator and his work.
Evening 1. Gymnastics after sleep No. 9 "Rain" PURPOSE: to instill a healthy lifestyle
2. Conversation "Spring" Purpose: to form the ability to observe changes in nature with the advent of spring. Recall the names of trees and flowers in the territory
3. Didactic game on ecology "When it happens" Purpose: to form the ability to verbal description, find the pictures you need
4. Storytelling: rn of the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka" Purpose: to form the ability of children to retell the tale in the correct sequence
5. Independent activity of children Board games Purpose: to interest children in grouping geometric shapes
Individual work - PHYSICAL EDUCATION, goal: to teach walking between objects without touching them -

Tue Morning 1. Pick the Ribbon Games Purpose: fixing the names of colors
2. Conversation with children on the topic "First flowers" Purpose: to enrich the vocabulary of children with the names of primroses, develop memory and attention
3. P / I "Sun and rain" Purpose: to promote the development of coordination of movements, orientation in space.
4. Preliminary work on DRAWING - remember with the children which birdhouses they saw on a walk and look at the illustrations in children's books.
Individual work on ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENT, goal: to teach polite attitude and treatment of adults -
GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
“The birdhouse” by T.S. Komarova “Classes in fine arts in 2 ml. group." from. 95 goal: to teach children to draw an object consisting of a rectangular shape, a circle and a straight roof. Fix painting techniques
2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (in a group) (L.I. Penzulaeva. Lesson No. 29) goal: repeat walking and running around objects, jumping over cords. Exercise in maintaining balance while walking on an elevated support.
Evening 1. Gymnastics after sleep No. 9 "Rain" goal: to promote formation in children positive emotions After sleep
2. Didactic game according to r.r. “Wake up the cat" Purpose: to activate the name of animal cubs in the speech of children
3. Memorizing "Bumblebee" Purpose: to form the ability to emotionally read poetry
4. D / I on the development of speech "One - many" Purpose: to form the ability of children to form the plural of nouns.
5. Independent activity of children: games in a living corner Purpose: to encourage children to play with animal figurines.
Individual work - MUSIC, goal: repetition of the words of songs and movements, to develop the desire to sing and sing along -

Planning for every day according to Vasilyeva April and May 2 junior group

Trying to figure out your life, you are faced with a problem. Or maybe you just want to streamline your day. And these are just a couple of examples of when you need a plan. In fact, there can be an infinite number of reasons. At first glance, making a plan may seem like a very daunting task. But with a little work, a little creativity, and you can good plan to achieve your goals.

Method one. Create a plan for the day

1. Sit down with a piece of paper

It can be a notebook, notebook or. Choose what is convenient for you. Make a list of what you need to accomplish in a day. List every meeting and arrangement you have. What are your goals for the day? Do you want to play sports, or, on the contrary, is it a day of relaxation? What tasks do you absolutely need to complete?

2. Schedule yourself

What time do you have to finish your first assignment or project? Write down every little thing, starting with the one that needs to be done first, then the next, and so write for the whole day. Make sure you don't forget anything. Of course, every day is different, and therefore every day the plan will be different. A basic plan might look like this:

  • 09:00–10:00 - get to the office, check mail, answer letters.
  • 10:00–11:30 - meeting with Max and Katya.
  • 11:30–12:30 - project No. 1.
  • 12:30–13:15 - lunch (healthy food!).
  • 13:15–14:30 - analysis of project No. 1, meet with Sergey and discuss project No. 1.
  • 14:30–16:00 - project No. 2.
  • 16:00–17:00 - start project number 3, prepare things for tomorrow.
  • 17:00–18:30 - leave the office, go to the gym.
  • 18:30–19:00 - go for groceries.
  • 19:00–20:30 - cook dinner, rest.
  • 20:30– … - to the cinema with Masha.

3. Refocus Yourself Every Hour

It is very important to take advantage of the opportunity after a certain time to analyze how productive you have been during that time. Did you do everything you needed to do? Then give yourself a moment to reset, close your eyes and relax. This way you can effectively move on to the next task you need to complete.

4. Analyze your day

When you're done with most of your day, take a moment to see if you're sticking to your plan. Have you completed everything that was planned? Where did you make a mistake? What worked and what didn't? What are your distractions, and how can you deal with the distraction in the future?

Method two. Create a plan for life

1. Create common goals that you want to achieve in your life

How do you want to develop? What do you want to achieve in your life? Think of it like a "life list". Remember the movie "Knockin' on Heaven's Door"? This is exactly what the list of life is. These should be exactly the goals that you really want to achieve, and not the ones that you think are necessary. Sometimes it is useful to break goals into categories for better visualization. Categories could be, for example:

  • career;
  • trips;
  • family/friends;
  • health;
  • finance;
  • knowledge;
  • spirituality.

Goals can be, for example:

  • Write and publish a book.
  • Visit every continent.
  • To start a family.
  • Lose 10 kilos.
  • Save money for my children's education.
  • Finish college.
  • Learn more about Buddhism.

2. Create some specific goals with a specific due date

Now that you have common goals that you want to achieve in your life, it's time to create some specific goals. And be sure to set a target date. A couple of examples:

  • Submit the book to 30 publications by June 2016.
  • Travel to South America in 2015 and Asia in 2016.
  • Have a weight of 70 kilograms in January 2015.

3. Assess your reality and where you are right now

Be honest with yourself and realistically assess your current life. With the help of the goals you have made, evaluate the point where you are right now. For example, your goal is to publish a book, specifically to ship it to publishers in June 2016. And now you only have half of the manuscript, and you're not sure if you like the first half.

4. Decide how you will achieve your goals

What steps will you take to be able to reach your goals? Determine the steps you need to take and write them down. For example, for our book from today to November 2014, we need:

  • re-read the first half of the book;
  • finish writing your book;
  • rework aspects of the book that I don't like;
  • editing grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.;
  • give reading to fastidious friends;
  • find publishers who will review my book;
  • send the manuscript to publishers.

5. Write down steps to achieve your goals

You can do this in any format you like - handwritten, computer generated, or drawn. Congratulations! You have just created your life plan.

6. Review your plan and adjust it

Like everything in this world, your life will change, and your goals may change too. What was important to you at 12 may not be as important when you are 22 or 42. And it's okay to change your life plan, because it shows that you are aware of the changes that are happening in your life.


Method three. Solve problems with a plan

Part One: Defining the Problem

1. Recognize the problem you are facing

Sometimes by myself difficult part creating a plan is that you don't know what the problem is. Often the problem we are facing creates several more problems. Trouble, as they say, does not come alone. What you need to do is find the source of the problem. And that's exactly what you need to deal with.

Your mom won't let you spend four weeks at a friend's mountain cabin. This is a problem, but where is the source of this problem? You got an A in Algebra. And this is precisely the reason why your mother does not let you go to a friend for the holidays. And this deuce is exactly the problem that you need to solve.

2. Determine what outcome you hope to achieve by solving your problem

What goal do you hope to achieve by solving the problem? Focus on achieving your goal. The rest will come by itself.

Your goal is to improve your math grade to at least a B. In parallel with this, having improved your knowledge in mathematics, you hope that your mother will let you go to a friend for the holidays.

3. Find out why this problem occurs

Which of your habits contributed to the problem? Take some time to analyze the causes of the problem.

Your problem is that you got a C in math. Think about what could have led to this: maybe you talked a lot with a friend in class. Or they didn't homework in the evenings due to football training, for example.

4. Consider external factors contributing to the problem

Many problems arise because of any of your actions. But don't forget about external factors working against you. Consider an example. You got a bad grade in math that needs to be corrected. The reason for this may be a misunderstanding of the teacher's explanations on this topic, and not what you were talking with a friend.

Part Two: Find a Solution and Create a Plan

1. Find multiple possible solutions to your problem

You can simply write down all the possible options on a piece of paper or use one of the brainstorming methods. Such, for example, as mental map. Whichever method you choose, you must consider both possibilities for the problem: your fault and factors beyond your control.

Solving the problem of communicating with a friend in the lesson:

  • Sit as far away from your friends as possible in class.
  • Explain to your friends that you are not learning in class and getting bad grades. So you need to focus on the lesson.
  • If you are sitting in your assigned seat, ask your teacher to move you so you can concentrate better.

Solving the problem of unfinished homework due to soccer practice:

  • Do some of your homework during lunch or during your break. So you will have less work for the evening.
  • Stick to a routine. After training, you should have dinner and do your homework. Reward yourself by watching TV after you finish your homework.

Solving the problem of misunderstanding algebra:

  • Let a classmate help you, who can clarify any points that you do not understand.
  • Ask a teacher for help. Explain that you do not understand the material and need further explanation.
  • Learn math with a tutor.

2. Create a plan

So, you've brainstormed and figured out what your problem is. Now choose what you think is the most effective solution to the problem and write down a plan for yourself. Post the plan somewhere where you will most often see it. Your plan to improve your math level should look like this:

Improvement plan within four weeks

  1. Tell Katya that I can't talk to her in class. If that doesn't help, then move away from her.
  2. Every Tuesday and Thursday do homework during lunch. This will leave me with fewer tasks to do after my workout.
  3. Every Monday and Wednesday attend an elective in mathematics. Goal: In four weeks, improve your level from a three at least to a four.

3. Analyze the first week

Did you do everything you planned? Have you been successful? What mistakes did you make? Having done good analysis, you can avoid mistakes in the future.

4. Stay motivated

Stick to your plan until you reach your goal. Don't stop halfway. If one day you don't stick to your plan, make sure it doesn't happen again. If you see that this plan is not working, think about what is wrong with it and write a new plan.

Group __ "Kolobok" _________________________ Day of the week ___Monday____ Date 02.02.15 Educators Ibragimova E.I. Morozova E.A.

Subject: Purpose:

Final event:

Responsible: educators.

Regime moments

educational areas

Cooperative activity

Organization of subject-

Personality Support

Interaction with parents



ability to focus. D / I "Frog and Frogs" Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children. C/R game“A guest came to the kindergarten” Purpose: To create a cheerful, joyful mood in children, to activate the communication skills of children. Material and equipment: doll-cook.A situational conversation about washing hands with soap in order to learn how to properly lather with soap, rinse with water, dry with a towel.P / I “Grey Bunny” Purpose: to teach children to listen carefully to the poem and act according to the text. Material: bunny emblems.

Create conditions for P / I "Grey Bunny".

Add material to the group for the C / R game "A guest came to kindergarten" (doll cook)

Conducting game situations in order to give children knowledge about elementary rules safe handling of objects in the washroom, at the table, while dressing and undressing with Nastya F, Dima D.


OL 8.50 – 9.00

9.00 – 9.10


  1. – 15.45

1. Social world " The house I live in"

Goals: Learn to navigate in the immediate environment: recognize your house, your apartment, name the street; answer the questions of the educator about the place of residence, about the arrangement of their home

2 Construction

Topic: "House" Purpose: To exercise the ability to make an overlap using

a new element - a triangular prism;

Learn to build a house and play with it using plot. Figurines.


P.R., S/K. RR., F.R.

Birdwatching in winter. Deepen knowledge about the life of birds in the winter; develop the ability and desire to help them.

Labor activity.

P / games "I catch birds on the fly" (Russian folk).

Objectives: to learn to act quickly on a signal; run without bumping into each other.

P / and "Hit the target" ..

Create conditions for the game "Like bunnies", (jumping on 2 legs

Replenish take-out material.

Holding didactic game“Help Katyusha” (to disassemble the tangled mittens), to cultivate the desire for independence while dressing / undressing with Madina and Denislam.

Work before bed

S/C R.

Reading a verse by A. Barto A grimy girl "- expand lexicon at the expense of speeches quietly, loudly, quickly, slowly, form a grammatical structure, develop the ability to navigate in the scheme of one's own body.


P.R., S/K., F.R., R.R.

Goals: Cheer up and muscle tone. DI"Clock". Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children. C/R“Bunny goes to kindergarten” Purpose: To develop speech, activate dialogue speech. Materials: Bunny toy, pet toys. P / I "Bear" Purpose: imitation of movements.

Create conditions for C / R "Bunny goes to kindergarten"

Contribute material for P/I "Mishka".

Individual work.

Exercise Adam, in careful handling of toys.

Exercise the bone correctly, collect the pyramid.

Calendar planning of the educational process

Group __ "Kolobok" ___ Tuesday ____ Date 02/03/15 Educators Ibragimova E.I. Morozova E.A.

Topic: "Animals of the North and Hot Countries" Target: To acquaint with some animals of the north and hot countries.

Final event:

Responsible: educators.

Regime moments

Activities in accordance with

educational areas

Cooperative activity

adult and children aimed at the formation of primary value orientation and socialization. GCD

Organization of subject-

spatial development environment to support children's initiative

(corners of independent activity)

Personality Support

Child (individual work)

Interaction with parents



Reception of children. Measurement of body temperature. Finger games "My family", "Swing", "Fingers".Goals: development fine motor skills hands, speech, mindfulness,ability to focus.Conversation about the world around: what the child saw on the way; natural weather changes. Purpose: to develop coherent speech of children, observation. DI "Let's feed the chicks." Purpose: To develop the speech apparatus of children.

morning exercises

S/R "Toy repairman came to the kindergarten." Purpose: To lead to an understanding of the role in the game, to activate the communication skills of children and interactive speech.

Material and equipment: Game set "Tools". F/N “Who is screaming?” Purpose: to clarify knowledge about which of the animals how to vote.

Create conditions for the C / R game "Toy repairman came to the kindergarten."

Individual work on the sound culture of speech with F. Nastya " Balloon» Purpose: to activate the sound "sh" in speech.

Teach M. Nastya, wipe the ficus leaves. Purpose: to cultivate a desire to care for plants, to help adults.


XP 8.50 – 9.00

9.00 – 9.10

FR 15.25-15.35

15.35 – 15.45

1. Music (according to the plan of the music director)

2. Physical developmentLearn to roll the ball at the target, improve throwing at a distance from behind the head, coordinate movements with the movements of comrades, quickly respond to a signal

P.R., S/K. RR., F.R.

Ice watching

Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the properties of water; form the idea that the ice is slippery, you can fall; develop observation, memory, speech; cultivate curiosity. Labor activity

Rake the snow to the roots of the trees. Objectives: to teach how to work with a rake and a shovel; develop motor activity; to cultivate a desire to participate in the care of plants, to instill a respect for nature. P / I “On a flat path.” Objectives: to teach to walk freely in a column one at a time; develop a sense of balance, orientation in space, coordination of movement of arms and legs; cultivate positive relationships. D/And "At the doctor's appointment" Purpose: To develop the articulatory apparatus of children.

Create conditions for the game "On a flat track"

Provide necessary equipment for labor activity(shoulder blades, broom ...)

Replenish take-out material.

Individual work: jumps with promotion with Dima, Matvey, Kristina.

Work before bed

S/C R.

Reading the fairy tale by V. Suteev “The Mouse and the Pencil” - introduce children to new fairy tale, to arouse interest in the read fairy tale.


P.R., S/K., F.R., R.R.

Exercise after sleep. Gymnastics in bed. Exercises aimed at the prevention of flat feet and postural disorders. ORU. Breathing exercises. ABOUT. Goals: Improve mood and muscle tone. DI"Where did you call? Purpose: To teach children to determine the direction of sound. Development of the focus of auditory attention.C / R “Animals in kindergarten Purpose: Activate and develop the speech of children, reveal the game plan. Build basic skills role behavior. Material and equipment: toys

Create conditions for C / R "Animals in kindergarten."

Finger game "Castle"

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of hands with Suleiman and Madina.

Calendar planning of the educational process

Group __ "Kolobok" _____________________________ Day of the week ___Wednesday ____ Date 04.02.15 Educators Ibragimova E.I. Morozova E.A.

Topic: "Animals of the North and Hot Countries" Target: To acquaint with some animals of the north and hot countries.

Final event:

Responsible: educators.

Regime moments

Activities in accordance with

educational areas

Cooperative activity

adult and children aimed at the formation of the primary value orientation and socialization. GCD

Organization of subject-

spatial development environment to support children's initiative

(corners of independent activity)

Personality Support

Child (individual work)

Interaction with parents



Reception of children. Measurement of body temperature. Finger games "Dandelion", "Sun", "Fingers".Goals: development of fine motor skills of hands, speech, mindfulness,ability to focus. Conversation "I am good." Purpose: the formation of elementary ideas about what is good and what is bad. D / I "Recognize by voice"
Purpose: To clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Morning gymnastics. C / R "Toy Store" Purpose: To create a cheerful, joyful mood in children, to activate children's communication skills. Material and equipment: The game takes place in the game corner - the store. P / I "Chickens and a dog." Purpose: to exercise children in performing various activities, in climbing and crawling under the cord. Material: emblems with the image of chickens, a large toy dog, a cord.

Create conditions for C / R games"A toy shop".

Contribute materials for conducting P/I "Chickens and a dog".

Individual work:

D/N: "Listen to the silence." Learn to respond to a signal, develop attention with Christina, Dima.


parents to develop the memory of children, sing with them in the evening “The sun has friends” (give words)

Talk to parents about how their children are feeling.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.


OL 8.50 – 9.00

9.00 – 9.10

FR 15.25-15.35

15.35 – 15.45

sensory developmentD / game "Fold the snowman." Purpose: to exercise children in the correct correlation of several objects with the same geometric pattern.

Physical developmentExercise in crawling and crawling under the rail, long jumps from a place, learn to be friendly and help each other.


P.R., S/K. RR., F.R.

On a walk: Observation of bullfinches and tits.

Goals : give an idea about bullfinches and tits to form the ability to recognize birds by appearance to teach to notice how birds move; to develop observation; to cultivate a desire to take care of birds.Labor activity.Preparing bird food with the caregiver. Objectives: to teach children to feed birds with the help of adults, to develop fine motor skills, to cultivate a desire to participate in caring for birds.P / I "Birds in the nests"Objectives: to learn to run without bumping, to develop memory, attention. D / I “Who lives in the house?” Purpose: To fix the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop children's speech breathing.

Create conditions for P/I "Birds in the Nests"

Provide the necessary equipment for work activities (shovels, broom ...)

Enrich the motor experience of children.

Replenish take-out material.

Individual work: jumps with advancement with F. Nastey and M. Nastey.

Purpose: to exercise in jumping forward; develop motor activity; develop a desire to exercise.

Work before bed

S/C R.

Reading a poem by B. Korsunskaya "Natasha Doll" - introduce children to a new poem, arouse interest in a toy.


P.R., S/K., F.R., R.R.

Exercise after sleep. Gymnastics in bed. Exercises aimed at the prevention of flat feet and postural disorders. ORU. Breathing exercises. Extensive wash. Goals: Improve mood and muscle tone. C / R "Bunny - the postman." Purpose: To activate and develop the speech of children, to reveal the game plan. Develop basic role-playing skills. P / I “Birds, time! Birds, two! Objectives: to exercise children in performing movements; teach counting.

Create conditions for C / R "Bunny - the postman."

Introduce material for the P / I “Birds, time! Birds, two!

Individual work on fixing the names of furniture: a board-printed game: Lotto "Furniture". (Alice, Dima).

Calendar planning of the educational process

Group __ "Kolobok" _____________________________ Day of the week ___Thursday ____ Date 05.02.15 Educators Ibragimova E.I. Morozova E.A.

Topic: "Animals of the North and Hot Countries" Target: To acquaint with some animals of the north and hot countries.

Final event:

Responsible: educators.

Regime moments

Activities in accordance with

educational areas

Cooperative activity

adult and children aimed at the formation of the primary value orientation and socialization. GCD

Organization of subject-

spatial development environment to support children's initiative

(corners of independent activity)

Personality Support

Child (individual work)

Interaction with parents



Reception of children. Measurement of body temperature. Finger games "Cabbage", "Dough", "Account". Goals: development of fine motor skills of hands, speech, attentiveness, ability to concentrate. Conversation "Boys and girls in kindergarten"

Purpose: gradual formation of the image of I. Telling children about their information (I am a boy ...) D / I “Call your mother”
Purpose: To fix the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonation.

Morning gymnastics. C / R "Walking in kindergarten." Purpose: To activate and develop the speech of children, to reveal the game plan. Develop basic role-playing skills.

P / I "Mice lead a round dance"

Purpose: to exercise children in performing movements.

Introduce materials to the group for the C / R game "Walk in Kindergarten".

Individual work on the education of food culture; grade

children's accuracy. (Suleiman, Alice).

Talk to parents about how their children are feeling.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.


XP 9.20 – 9.30

RR 15.25-15.35

15.35 – 15.45


Speech development "Who did we meet in the forest"

Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about familiar wild animals. Learn to choose in the pictures (according to the word of an adult) a bear, a hare, a fox, a squirrel. Learn to name an image. Development of active speech.

(T. Bondarenko)


P.R., S/K. RR., F.R.

On a walk: Observation of winter trees. Purpose: to expand the idea of ​​\u200b\u200btrees in the winter season, to learn to admire the beauty of native nature. Labor activity: to pile snow on tree trunks. Objectives: to teach how to work with a rake and a shovel, to develop motor activity. P / I "Find your tree." Purpose: to teach children to run easily without bumping into each other; act quickly on the signal of the educator, fix the names of the trees, develop orientation in space, attention, speed, bring up the need for motor activity. D / I "Shop". Purpose: To fix the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonation.

Create conditions for F/I game "Find your tree"

Provide the necessary equipment for work activities (shovels, broom ...)

Enrich the motor experience of children.

Replenish take-out material.

Individual work:jumping on two legs with advancement with Dinislam and Kostya.

Objectives: to teach to jump on two legs moving forward, to develop physical activity, to cultivate a positive attitude towards physical exercises.

Work before bed

S/C R.

Reading the fairy tale by K. Ushinsky “The Cockerel with the Family” is to enrich and clarify ideas about the habits of chickens.


P.R., S/K., F.R., R.R.

Exercise after sleep. Gymnastics in bed. Exercises aimed at the prevention of flat feet and postural disorders. ORU. Breathing exercises. Extensive wash. Objectives: Improve mood and muscle tone. D / I "Answer" Purpose: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonation. C / R "Katya doll is going to kindergarten"

Purpose: to activate the speech of children, to cultivate a caring attitude towards the doll. Material and equipment: A set of clothes for the doll.

To create conditions for C/R "Katya's doll is going to kindergarten."

Individual work: D / I "Find a house for a bunny" (choose large and small hares at home in size). (F. Nastya, Alice).

Calendar planning of the educational process

Group __ "Kolobok" _______________________ Day of the week ___Friday ___ Date 06.02.15 Educators: Ibragimova E.I. Morozova E.A.

Topic: "Animals of the North and Hot Countries" Target: To acquaint with some animals of the north and hot countries.

Final event:

Responsible: educators.

Regime moments

Activities in accordance with

educational areas

Cooperative activity

adult and children aimed at the formation of the primary value orientation and socialization. GCD

Organization of subject-

spatial development environment to support children's initiative

(corners of independent activity)

Personality Support

Child (individual work)

Interaction with parents



Reception of children. Measurement of body temperature. Finger games "My family", "Ship", "Spider ran along a branch."Conversation about animals of hot countries.D / I game "Clock". Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children. C/R gameKindergarten Doctor. Purpose: The game contributes to the development of communication skills, social adaptation. Material and equipment: Set "Hospital".

C / R "Animals in kindergarten."

Purpose: To activate and develop the speech of children, to reveal the game plan. Develop basic role-playing skills. P / I “Wave, wreath!” Target:learn to dance. Material: wreaths with flowers and ribbons.

Create conditions in the group for D / I "Clock".

Create conditions for the C / R game "Animals in Kindergarten".

Individual work.

With Aidar - practice building a fence

Exercise Aisha B. and Ilvina B. carefully, wipe the wide leaves of plants with a damp cloth.

Dinislama exercise correctly, hold the spoon.

Talk to parents about how their children are feeling.


XP 8.50 – 9.00

9.00 – 9.10

XP 15.25-15.35

15.35 – 15.45

1 .Drawing Snow paths (Kazakova T.G. Visual activity ml. dosh., p.102)

Snow paths (Kazakova T.G. Visual activity of younger preschoolers., p. 102)

2. Reading thin. literatureReading to children nursery rhymes "Ladushki-okladushki ...". Raise interest in Russian folk rhymes. Make the children want to listen to the nursery rhyme, pronounce the words. Practice matching the noun to the verb. No. 6 p. 86


P.R., S/K. RR., F.R.

Crow watching. Goals:

expand the idea of ​​wintering birds, learn to notice how birds move. Learn to guess riddles, develop observation skills, cultivate love and respect for wintering birds. Labor activity. Clearing paths from snow and debris. Purpose: to teach how to use the shoulder blades, to develop motor activity, to cultivate industriousness, the desire to bring the work begun to the end. Mobile game "Crow and dog"

Create conditions for the P / I game "Crow and Dog".

Provide the necessary equipment for work activities (shovels, broom, rake ...)

Enrich the motor experience of children.

Replenish take-out material.

Individual work: development of movements.

Purpose: to exercise F. Anastasia and G. Aidar in catching the ball; develop an eye; to cultivate expressiveness of movements, the desire to play with children.

Work before bed

S/C R.

Reading songs, nursery rhymes, calls “Our Masha is small ..”, “Yegor's Hare”, “Sun, bucket.


P.R., S/K., F.R., R.R.

Exercise after sleep. Gymnastics in bed. Exercises aimed at the prevention of flat feet and postural disorders. ORU. Breathing exercises. Extensive wash. Target: Improve mood and muscle tone.

C / R "Haircut for a Bunny" Purpose: To promote the desire of children to independently select attributes for the game. Develop basic role-playing skills. Material and equipment: Tools for playing in a hairdressing salon, a toy Bunny.

D / I "Bears eat honey"
Purpose: To develop the articulation apparatus of children. P/ILoaf. Purpose: to learn to perform actions by listening to the words of the song and music.

Prepare material for C/R game"Haircut for a bunny" (bunny toy, pet toys).

To create conditions for P/I "Karavai".

Sensory education - arrange the lids in jars by color - conduct with F. Anastasia, B. Aisha, D. Dima.

Calendar planning of the educational process

Group __ "Kolobok" _____________________________ Day of the week ___Monday__ Date 09.02.15 Educators

Topic: " "Animals of the North and Hot Countries"

Responsible: educators.

Regime moments

Activities in accordance with

educational areas

Cooperative activity

adult and children aimed at the formation of the primary value orientation and socialization. GCD

Organization of subject-

spatial development environment to support children's initiative

(corners of independent activity)

Personality Support

Child (individual work)

Interaction with parents



Reading L. Tolstoy "Three Bears", to cultivate the ability to listen and understand the content of the work.

Conversation on the topic "Journey to the Far North"

Build children's ideas about distinctive features those who live in the north, about the connection in the activities of people of different professions, about their life in the far north and the life of animals.

Board game "Who lives where"

morning exercises

P / I “Mice are sitting in holes”, cheer up the children, consolidate the skills of an outdoor game.

KGN: To improve the ability to eat carefully, independently, to swallow food without leaving it behind the cheek. Encourage them to use a tissue.

Create conditions in the group for the development of cognitive activity, make illustrations depicting the animals of the north

In the ISO corner:

tinted paper, gouache white color, brushes of different thickness.

A selection of poems about animals, riddles.

Attracting Adam, Kostyuk watering plants

Irrigation demonstration.

To form an understanding that plants need light and water, they need to be looked after. To teach, together with the teacher, how to prepare equipment: bring watering cans, pour water into watering cans. Cultivate a desire to care for plants.

Talk to parents about how their children are feeling.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

Memo "How to teach a child the rules of behavior on the street."


OL 8.50 – 9.00

9.00 – 9.10


15.35 – 15.45

Social world - We wash the doll's dress

Goals: Give an idea about some labor activities and items needed for washing (water, soap, basin or trough).

Raise interest in the labor activities of adults. Exercise in naming items of clothing, underwear. (Gerbova, p. 36)


Let's treat the cockerel with peas. (Bondarenko, p. 197, No. 40) Mastering the plastic properties of plasticine.

Examination of sculptures of small forms


P.R., S/K. RR., F.R.

Wind observation.

Purpose: to develop attention.

Conversation about the rules of conduct on the site. Tell them that you can’t run fast - you can fall or collide.

Labor activitySnow removal from the site.

Purpose: to continue to learn how to use a scraper, a shovel.

Outdoor game "Let's make a snowfall." Purpose: to develop physical activity.

Create conditions for observation: turntables.

Remote material: skittles, balls.

Remind dressing sequence. Continue to teach children to wear tights and socks for a walk on their own.

Learning by heart nursery rhymes "Egor's Hare" with Nastya F.

Game exercise "Bear-toed" with Alice.

Work before bed

S/C R.

Reading books for children. Finger games: "Boat", "Met". Goal: relieve tension, develop hand motor skills


P.R., S/K., F.R., R.R.

Reading books for children.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: to cultivate the ability to properly hold a spoon, eat carefully.

Ecological game "Who lives where"

To form children's knowledge about the habitat of animals

C/r game "Polar explorers"give an idea of ​​the names of professions of people working beyond the Arctic Circle.

Contribute illustrations of the animals of the north., Encyclopedia "Polar explorers"

Review of the album: "Animals". Continue to acquaint children with the animals of the north; develop speech, memory; cultivate curiosity

Didactic game: "Colored mittens." Teach children to choose an object by color and size. Develop tactile sensations of fine motor skills of the hands. Cultivate interest in the game

Calendar planning of the educational process

Group __ "Kolobok" _____________________________ Day of the week ___Tuesday__ Date 10.02.15 Educators Morozova E.A...Ibragimova E.I.

Topic: " "Animals of the North and Hot Countries"Purpose: to introduce the name of wild animals and their habitat; to form the ability to name parts of the body of wild animals, to correctly name an adult animal and its cubs.

Final event: an exhibition of children's creativity.

Responsible: educators.

Regime moments

Activities in accordance with

educational areas

Cooperative activity

adult and children aimed at the formation of the primary value orientation and socialization. GCD

Organization of subject-

spatial development environment to support children's initiative

(corners of independent activity)

Personality Support

Child (individual work)

Interaction with parents



"Wild animals".

Memorizing A. Barto's poem "Bunny".

Morning gymnastics.

P / and "Where it rings", the development of auditory attention.

D / and with "Put the doll to sleep", exercise in undressing and dressing the doll.

Remind them to say hello when entering the group.

Situational conversation about water. Develop skills to keep your hands clean.

To create conditions in the group for the development of cognitive activity, to introduce: plot pictures "Wild Animals".

Building games.

Games in the dressing corner.

D / games: "Who is doing what?" (birds fly, animals run), “Each branch has its own children” (with spruce and pine cones). With Arina, Dima

Selection of finger and breathing stick gymnastics; mobile, didactic and speech games; articulation exercises.


XP 8.50 – 9.00

9.00 – 9.10

FR 15.25-15.35

15.35 – 15.45

Music (according to the plan of the music director)

Physical development « A gray bunny is sitting. Purpose: to introduce the throw of the bag into the distance with the right hand (left), to exercise in walking on the gymnastic board, to develop a sense of balance, to develop the ability to navigate in space, to develop physical activity. (see N.A. Karpukhina).


P.R., S/K. RR., F.R.

cognitive development;

Speech development; physical development

Examination of birds that have flown to the site.

P / and "Birds" Purpose: to develop the ability to run quickly without bumping into each other.

Job assignment: shoveling snow with a scraper

Situational talk about how birds need to be taken care of.

Provide the necessary equipmentfor labor activity (shoulder blades, broom ...)

Enrich the motor experience of children,

Replenish take-out material.

Take out masks for P / I and attributes for the game.

D / and "Find the same trace."

The exercise. Throwing the ball with Dima X, Dima Kha, Nastya M. Aisha B, Kristina T.

Work before bed

S/C R.

Socio-communicative development

To form cultural and hygienic skills: teach them to take off their clothes on their own and carefully hang them on a chair.

Reading nursery rhymes about washing.


P.R., S/K., F.R., R.R.

socio-communicative development;

cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along the massage paths.

Observation of the work of the educator in a corner of nature.

Sand games: sift through a sieve.

We draw with pencils.

Fun game " sun bunnies» (see planning)

Situational conversation about friendship. Explain to the children that you don’t need to quarrel over toys, you can’t fight and bite, but you need to play together, share toys.

C / ri "Construction" (boys)

Builders build a garage for cars, a house for toys, use construction tools.

Examining the details of the building material

A conversation about toys, that they need to be protected, not scattered, and put away in the basket after the game.

Entering the Theatrical Corner: table theater"Wild animals".

Prepare illustrations about winter signs.

Create conditions for p / game using masks.

Musical corner: pipes, drum, tambourine

D / and "Recognize by sound" (musical instruments) with Christina. Purpose: development of auditory attention.

C / R game: “The doll got sick” (girls) with Alice, Nastya, Aisha Encourage the desire of children to independently select toys and attributes for the game, use substitute items

Calendar planning of the educational process

Group __ "Kolobok" _____________________________ Day of the week ___Wednesday__ Date 11.02.15 Educators Morozova E.A...Ibragimova E.I.

Topic: " "Animals of the North and Hot Countries"Purpose: to introduce the name of wild animals and their habitat; to form the ability to name parts of the body of wild animals, to correctly name an adult animal and its cubs.

Final event: an exhibition of children's creativity.

Responsible: educators.

Regime moments

Activities in accordance with

educational areas

Cooperative activity

adult and children aimed at the formation of the primary value orientation and socialization. GCD

Organization of subject-

spatial development environment to support children's initiative

(corners of independent activity)

Personality Support

Child (individual work)

Interaction with parents



Conversation on the topic: “Animals of the North” Purpose: to form the concept of animals of the north, to learn to call them (deer, bear)

Reading poems by A. Barto "Elephant", "Bear". Purpose: to arouse the desire to tell them together with the teacher.

D / and "Where did the bear hide?" Develop orientation in space.

morning exercises

C / R game "Builder" to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bprofessions, to fix what geometric shapes are.

Continue to form the ability to wash your hands before eating, wipe dry with a towel, eat slowly, carefully..

P / and “At the bear in the forest”, develop the ability to act on a signal.

Provide for the children didactic material for cognitive development, contribute: illustrative material "Animals of hot countries";

Create conditions for games

In the center "Builder", a designer of various types.:

D / ex. "Shake, sing a song to the doll."

Purpose: to exercise the ability to play with the doll s. Nastya F, Dima D.

Memo for parents "The safety of children is the concern of adults."


OL 8.50 – 9.00

9.00 – 9.10

FR 15.25-15.35

15.35 – 15.45

sensory development

D / game "Alternating flags". Purpose: to improve the ability of children to compare objects by color.

Physical development

GCD #2 Continue to teach children how to walk around the gym. bench, throw and catch the ball, promote restraint, dexterity and the ability to play together


P.R., S/K. RR., F.R.

Observation of snow, enrichment of the active vocabulary with adjectives "soft", "Fluffy", "loose"

D / and "Train" Purpose: to exercise in walking one after another.

P / and "Run to me."Purpose: to exercise orientation in space. Labor activity.

Shoveling snow with shovels, clearing the path, learning to work together, achieving goals with common efforts.

P / and "Hit the target" ..

Purpose: to exercise in throwing at the target, to develop dexterity

Provide the necessary equipment for work activities (shovels, broom ...)

Enrich the motor experience of children,

Continue to develop the ability to properly dress for a walk - to cultivate a desire for independence while dressing / undressing - with Christina and Denislam.

Work before bed

S/C R.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills: independently take off tights and panties in the toilet, take off socks before going to bed .. Learn to carefully hang your clothes on chairs, turn them inside out. Teach independence.

Dance with snowballs. folk, music M. Kartushina "Kisonka" (see M. Kartushina "Fun for Kids"). Contribute to the enrichment of the motor experience of children; to induce to perform game actions, movements of an imitation nature.


P.R., S/K., F.R., R.R.

Improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along the massage paths.

Theatricalization n. fairy tales "Mitten" (puppet theater.) Cause a desire to listen carefully, understand, remember a fairy tale

Conversation: "Winter in the forest", to form an idea of ​​​​the simplest relationship between animals and the phenomena of the surrounding world

Wed / and “Katya doll is waiting for guests”

Motivating children to reflect in role-playing game cultural and hygienic skills P / I "Bubble" to form the ability to hear the text of the game and perform the movement at the command of the educator, holding hands

Create conditions for the development of fine motor skills using stencils - circles for painting, wax crayons, tinted paper.

In the corner of the ISO: plasticine, salt dough.

Bring in a table, spoon theater - the fairy tale "Mitten".

D / and Lotto "Animals" - repeat the name of the animals with Arina.

Job assignment: collect the designer in a basket with Alice, Elvina.

Calendar planning of the educational process

Group __ "Kolobok" _____________________________ Day of the week ___Thursday__ Date 12.02.15 Educators Morozova E.A...Ibragimova E.I.

Topic: " "Animals of the North and Hot Countries"Purpose: to introduce the name of wild animals and their habitat; to form the ability to name parts of the body of wild animals, to correctly name an adult animal and its cubs.

Final event: an exhibition of children's creativity.

Responsible: educators.

Regime moments

Activities in accordance with

educational areas

Cooperative activity

adult and children aimed at the formation of the primary value orientation and socialization. GCD

Organization of subject-

spatial development environment to support children's initiative

(corners of independent activity)

Personality Support

Child (individual work)

Interaction with parents



Conversation about the nature of the Far North.

To form children's knowledge about the nature of the Far North of the Earth; develop respect for nature.

Reading L. Tolstoy "Three Bears". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to listen to a fairy tale.

Work in a corner of nature: looking at an album of wild animals.

Develop cognitive interest children, to cause a desire to learn more about animals, their features.

D/ game: Who lives in the forest

P / s "On the tree", to teach to imitate the characteristic movements of animals.

Morning gymnastics.

Entering Games in the sensory corner: lacing, mosaic.

Work in the corner of creativity.

Pick up illustrations with the imagenature of the extreme North of the Earth.

Continue to teach children to use soap and a towel (wash hands clean and dry) with Alyosha.

D / and “Assemble the pyramid. Purpose: to exercise in stringing pyramid rings in size .. (Drozdov D, Trubina K.)

Talk to parents about how their children are feeling.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.


XP 9.20 – 9.30

FR 15.25-15.35

15.35 – 15.45


According to the plan of the music director.

Speech development

D / and "Orders". D / ex. "Up down". Purpose: To improve the ability of children to understand the teacher's speech; encourage children to try to independently carry out actions with objects and name them, help children understand the meaning of words up and down and pronounce them clearly.


P.R., S/K. RR., F.R.

Observation for freshly fallen snow, to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwinter; evoke an aesthetic experience of beauty winter nature the joy of walking.

Labor activity.

Removing snow from the site, continue to teach how to use a scraper, a shovel.

mobile game "Let's make a snowfall", develop physical activity.

Independent activity on a walk.

Create the conditions for snow play with the help of extension material

Shovels, brooms, scrapers, snow molds, sleds

Teach Dima and Aisha to take clothes out of the locker sequentially, put on shoes on their own ..

Work before bed

S/C R.

Hearing classical music P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Reading nursery rhymes “Water, water, wash my face” Education of cultural and hygienic skills: to form the ability to take soap from a soap dish, with the help of an adult to lather hands


P.R., S/K., F.R., R.R.

Improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along the massage paths.

Reading fiction:

Nursery rhymes: “You are already a winter-winter”, “Dawn-lightning”, continue to introduce folk art

Finger game "Ladushki". Purpose: to develop a sense of rhythm.

Water games: sinking - not sinking (experimentation).

Pencil drawing, development of fine motor skills.

Work in a natural corner: offer to water the plants yourself

Gyenes blocks, learn to highlight all shapes that are not the same as this one, by color (size, shape, thickness)

D / game "Whose sound is this."

C / r game "House", to form the ability to use objects - substitutes

Create conditions for (games, hardening, development of motor activity, cognitive activity, speech development)

Create conditions and help

organize a role-playing game.Bring in a basket of toys.

Enrichment of the corner of creativity: pencils, plasticine.

Game exercise: rolling the ball in pairs with Dima, Adam, development of coordination of movements.

Calendar planning of the educational process

Group __ "Kolobok" _____________________________ Day of the week Friday__ Date 13.02.15 Educators Morozova E.A...Ibragimova E.I.

Topic: " "Animals of the North and Hot Countries"Purpose: to introduce the name of wild animals and their habitat; to form the ability to name parts of the body of wild animals, to correctly name an adult animal and its cubs.

Final event: an exhibition of children's creativity.

Responsible: educators.

Regime moments

Activities in accordance with

educational areas

Cooperative activity

adult and children aimed at the formation of the primary value orientation and socialization. GCD

Organization of subject-

spatial development environment to support children's initiative

(corners of independent activity)

Personality Support

Child (individual work)

Interaction with parents



Finger gymnastics "Bear".

Looking at scene pictures

"Animals of the North". Introduce the name of wild animals and their habitat

Memorization of A. Barto's poem "Bunny". Education of an emotional response to the content of the story, instilling interest in the artistic word.

morning exercises

P / and "Where it rings", the development of auditory attention.

Didactic game "Who lives in the forest"

Fix the names of wild animals

Situational conversation about water. Learn the skills to keep your hands clean

Provide children with didactic material for cognitive development, contribute: illustrative material "Animals of the North";

Create conditions for games in the building corner, in the dressing corner.:

D / and "Find a cub", to form the ability to name parts of the body of wild animals, to correctly name an adult animal and its cubs

s. Nastey F, Dima D.

Selection of finger and breathing gymnastics; mobile, didactic and speech games; articulation exercises.

Announcement of the photo contest: “My dad, grandfather, brother” Involve parents to actively participate in the project “My dad, grandfather, brother”



XP 8.50 – 9.00

9.00 – 9.10

XP 15.25-15.35

15.35 – 15.45

DrawingMulti-colored gate, Fence (KZ)

continue to acquaint children with the properties of paints (typed on the pile of a brush, leaves traces on paper); reinforce the ability to hold the brush in right hand, hold a sheet of paper with your left hand, keep the brush free, easily touch the paper with it, develop figurative perception

Reading fiction

Re-reading the fairy tale "Turnip". D / y "Who eats what?", "Say" a "". Target. Remind children of the fairy tale "Turnip"; arouse a desire to tell it together with the teacher; clarify children's ideas about which animal eats what (a mouse gnaws a crust of cheese, a dog a bone, etc.); activate verbs in children's speechlick, chew, eat; practice speaking clearlybutsmall phrases


P.R., S/K. RR., F.R.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills: encourage people to wear tights, a sweater, a hat.

Watching the weather from the window.

- to improve the ability of children to use symbolic images when working with the weather calendar.

P / and "Run to me."Purpose: to exercise orientation in space.

Labor activity.

Shoveling snow with shovels, clearing the path, learning to work together, achieving goals with common efforts.

Provide the necessary equipment for work activities (shovels, broom ...)

Enrich the motor experience of children,

Replenish portable material. Sports equipment. Balls, skittles.

Remote material: rakes.

To form the habit of independently getting street clothes out of the closet - with Christina and Denislam.

Work before bed

S/C R.

Reading nursery rhymes about sleep.

Cultivating a culture of behavior: listen to the instructions of adults.

Reading books at the request of children from the corner of the books.


P.R., S/K., F.R., R.R.

Improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along the massage paths.

The final event "Journey to the animal kingdom of hot countries", to introduce the name of wild animals and their habitat; to form the ability to name parts of the body of wild animals, to correctly name an adult animal and its cubs.

Examining a new toy

"Hello, Mishka-Toptyzhka."

P / I "Bubble" to form the ability to hear the text of the game and perform movements at the command of the educator, holding hands

Contribute board games: loto, puzzles.

Promote cognitive development through the Book Corner: design of the exhibition "Who lives in the forest?"

The plot game "Feed the bear cub with pancakes." With Alice, Elvina., To develop interest in various types games. Cultivate the desire to unite to play in groups of 2-3 people based on personal sympathies

IN modern world The working rhythm is just crazy and often you don’t know what to grab onto, what to do first and what can be postponed until later. Because of this, by the end of the day, people find that they have not done a lot of things, and in a month such unfinished business accumulates decently. And as a result - stress, apathy, the desire to quit everything and run away. Do you want to learn a simple way to keep up with everything, and even find time for yourself and your loved ones? Let's look at the main methods of time management.

You probably know people who have time for everything and have achieved a lot. And most likely you thought - “I wish I could do it like that”, how do they do it, they are so lucky. And really, how do you succeed? Does hard work help them? Yes. Mind or talent? Quite possible. But all these are just the most visible qualities of a person standing in front, behind whose broad backs modestly lurks a tool that allows you to achieve both these qualities and everything else that you can wish for. What is this tool? Of course planning the day! Every person who has ever achieved something knew how to properly manage their time, set goals and achieve them on time. And along with planning comes discipline that can move mountains.

Planning for every day

Therefore, the first thing that is required to learn time management is to plan your next day every evening. Grab a pen and paper and write down all the things you want to do. Remember the main thing - if you do not write down the task, it simply does not exist. You don't have to think that you will remember. The question is not in your memory, the question is in your mind, which considers the task that you spent a little time writing down mandatory. If you are too lazy to write it down, then where will the desire to perform this task come from?

Never start a day if it hasn't already been planned out on paper.

Jim Rohn

If you do not want to look for a notebook, use modern services to carry it with you. You might like Google Keep, Google Docs, or Evernote. You can access them from anywhere, as long as you have your smartphone and the Internet with you. We spend a lot of time at the computer, it's even easier, bookmark the service you need to quickly find it, when you need it, write down important tasks for the day there. After completing them, be sure to cross them out (Google Keep provides this option). This will allow you to feel satisfaction from the work done, adds self-confidence and the desire to reach new heights. You will definitely like it, because the process of time management should be enjoyable.

Proper organization of the working day requires you to always set yourself a clear time frame. Directly and write - 10:00 - 12:00 - do that one. You will not always be on time, but the very fact that the task is written down will allow you to overcome laziness and inertia. Once again I emphasize - everything that you write down increases the importance of this for your consciousness and subconsciousness. This will increase your efficiency, because the body will adapt to solve the problem, and will add energy to you.

It has been proven that this method of organizing your work increases its efficiency by 30% on the first day. Just think, 1/3 of your success depends on whether you write down tasks or not. For this 1/3 part, you will need to spend only 5 minutes a day. Well, how about you try? And here is a small example of how you can organize the planning process.

Importance of tasks

During your planning, try to evaluate the importance of each task. You can create your own scale of importance. For example - 1, 2, 3. Where 1 - these are tasks of paramount importance, and at the same time urgent. Tasks under marker 2 are important but can wait. Tasks with a marker of 3 are not very important or urgent and can be postponed until after you have dealt with everything else. If you don't like numbers, use letters or color fill. So many do, leading their personal plan in Excel by filling in the desired cells different colors. In general, group tasks in a way that suits you. As a result, you will get something like this list:

  1. An important and urgent task for the day.
  1. An important but not urgent task.
  1. Not an urgent or important task.
  2. Not an urgent or important task.
  3. Not an urgent or important task.

It worked out well. If you do not group, then your creation will see as many as 7 tasks per day and you will feel inner tension. This is how much you need to do! And so you see that it is critically important to solve at least one, the main task, marked in red. Of course, this is just a little trick to deceive the subconscious and relax a little. But this relaxation will allow you to complete each task in a good mood, without thinking about how difficult everything is. This will greatly simplify the planning of the daily routine.

Remember that every minute spent planning saves ten minutes of your work.

Brian Tracy

The second advantage of this approach is that you immediately see which task is the most difficult. This is important, because at the beginning of the day you must solve it, the most difficult task. After all, if you put it off until later, then tense expectation will accompany you all day. And vice versa, having solved the problem right away, the rest of the day you will be able to deal with the remaining cases in high spirits. And even if the first item takes you all day, it's okay, because in any case, you have enough time for the most important thing.

Break tasks into component parts

If you are faced with a complex, multi-step task that can take more than one day, then it is extremely important to break it down into small subtasks. It often happens, after all, when we look at some business, and we understand how much everything needs to be done, that our hands are already lowered. There is no end to the work! I want to bang my head against the wall. But if you break such a task into its component parts, each of which is solved easily and quickly, scatter these parts over a week or a month, then there will be no tension. After all, we can do every little thing. And a month later, you will find that in the end you solved that difficult task that seemed unrealistic.

Success is 2/3 dependent on calculation and 1/3 dependent on luck.

Napoleon Bonaparte.

Don't interrupt work

It is very important to understand that you achieve the best result if you perform the task continuously. You cannot start solving it, and then interrupt or move on to another, and then return to the first task again. This approach reduces efficiency several times. After all, we are all inherently lazy, right? So why should we make life difficult for ourselves? You can spend 5 times less time and do a better job, provided that when you start it, you will bring everything to the end in one go. Thus, you save your time, improve emotional condition while doing a quality job.

Do work in the morning

When planning your day, keep in mind that the highest peak of human activity is in the morning. It is in the morning that hormones are injected into the bloodstream, and your body is ready to work at its best. This is another reason why it is important to put the most difficult tasks in your plan in the morning. The second option is late evening or night, when the emotional plume is shaken off the body, and only a pure mind remains. Many people work at night just for this reason, because the mind at this time of day gets full freedom, increasing its efficiency.

Throw away everything superfluous

It is very important to keep a close eye on what is taking up your time. Do not do stupid things (this does not apply to rest), do not invent unnecessary, unnecessary tasks. If you are asked to do something or offered to meet when it might disrupt your schedule, then feel free to turn people down. Just be polite, offer to reschedule a task or meeting to a day that suits you. After all, the organization of the regime of the day is necessary in order to fulfill this regime.

Order is your best friend

Clutter on the desktop and mountains of documents are usually annoying, reducing performance. And the search for the right paper often takes a lot of time, which again does not contribute to the solution of the task. Therefore, if you want to do everything quickly and manage to fulfill your daily plan, tidy up your desk, throw out what you don’t need, and clearly structure what you need. Spend some time on this, but after that you will be surprised how much time you can save in the end thanks to a well-organized workplace.

Find time to rest

And most importantly, do not forget to take time for yourself, your rest and loved ones. After all, what are you working for? Just so that later there was an opportunity to spend time the way you want. Rest - an important part your normal functioning. If you drive yourself, then the body itself will require rest forcibly, why bring it to this? Therefore, learn to properly balance between tension and relaxation, and this will increase your ability to work and allow you to reach any heights. And that is good time management.

Here we have reviewed the most effective ways time management. Try to use them and you will immediately notice how quickly and easily everything will start to work out, besides, you will have a lot of free time. And the reason for everything is the correct organization of the day. Good luck!

Trying to figure out your life, you are faced with a problem. Or maybe you just want to streamline your day. And these are just a couple of examples of when you need a plan. In fact, there can be an infinite number of reasons. At first glance, making a plan may seem like a very daunting task. But with a little work, a little creativity, and you can make a good plan to achieve your goals.

Method one. Create a plan for the day

1. Sit down with a piece of paper

It can be a notebook, notebook or. Choose what is convenient for you. Make a list of what you need to accomplish in a day. List every meeting and arrangement you have. What are your goals for the day? Do you want to play sports, or, on the contrary, is it a day of relaxation? What tasks do you absolutely need to complete?

2. Schedule yourself

What time do you have to finish your first assignment or project? Write down every little thing, starting with the one that needs to be done first, then the next, and so write for the whole day. Make sure you don't forget anything. Of course, every day is different, and therefore every day the plan will be different. A basic plan might look like this:

  • 09:00–10:00 - get to the office, check mail, answer letters.
  • 10:00–11:30 - meeting with Max and Katya.
  • 11:30–12:30 - project No. 1.
  • 12:30–13:15 - lunch (healthy food!).
  • 13:15–14:30 - analysis of project No. 1, meet with Sergey and discuss project No. 1.
  • 14:30–16:00 - project No. 2.
  • 16:00–17:00 - start project number 3, prepare things for tomorrow.
  • 17:00–18:30 - leave the office, go to the gym.
  • 18:30–19:00 - go for groceries.
  • 19:00–20:30 - cook dinner, rest.
  • 20:30– … - to the cinema with Masha.

3. Refocus Yourself Every Hour

It is very important to take advantage of the opportunity after a certain time to analyze how productive you have been during that time. Did you do everything you needed to do? Then give yourself a moment to reset, close your eyes and relax. This way you can effectively move on to the next task you need to complete.

4. Analyze your day

When you're done with most of your day, take a moment to see if you're sticking to your plan. Have you completed everything that was planned? Where did you make a mistake? What worked and what didn't? What are your distractions, and how can you deal with the distraction in the future?

Method two. Create a plan for life

1. Create common goals that you want to achieve in your life

How do you want to develop? What do you want to achieve in your life? Think of it like a "life list". Remember the movie "Knockin' on Heaven's Door"? This is exactly what the list of life is. These should be exactly the goals that you really want to achieve, and not the ones that you think are necessary. Sometimes it is useful to break goals into categories for better visualization. Categories could be, for example:

  • career;
  • trips;
  • family/friends;
  • health;
  • finance;
  • knowledge;
  • spirituality.

Goals can be, for example:

  • Write and publish a book.
  • Visit every continent.
  • To start a family.
  • Lose 10 kilos.
  • Save money for my children's education.
  • Finish college.
  • Learn more about Buddhism.

2. Create some specific goals with a specific due date

Now that you have the overall goals that you want to achieve in your life, it's time to create some specific goals. And be sure to set a target date. A couple of examples:

  • Submit the book to 30 publications by June 2016.
  • Travel to South America in 2015 and Asia in 2016.
  • Have a weight of 70 kilograms in January 2015.

3. Assess your reality and where you are right now

Be honest with yourself and realistically assess your current life. With the help of the goals you have made, evaluate the point where you are right now. For example, your goal is to publish a book, specifically to ship it to publishers in June 2016. And now you only have half of the manuscript, and you're not sure if you like the first half.

4. Decide how you will achieve your goals

What steps will you take to be able to reach your goals? Determine the steps you need to take and write them down. For example, for our book from today to November 2014, we need:

  • re-read the first half of the book;
  • finish writing your book;
  • rework aspects of the book that I don't like;
  • editing grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.;
  • give reading to fastidious friends;
  • find publishers who will review my book;
  • send the manuscript to publishers.

5. Write down steps to achieve your goals

You can do this in any format you like - handwritten, computer generated, or drawn. Congratulations! You have just created your life plan.

6. Review your plan and adjust it

Like everything in this world, your life will change, and your goals may change too. What was important to you at 12 may not be as important when you are 22 or 42. And it's okay to change your life plan, because it shows that you are aware of the changes that are happening in your life.


Method three. Solve problems with a plan

Part One: Defining the Problem

1. Recognize the problem you are facing

Sometimes the hardest part of making a plan is not knowing what the problem is. Often the problem we are facing creates several more problems. Trouble, as they say, does not come alone. What you need to do is find the source of the problem. And that's exactly what you need to deal with.

Your mom won't let you spend four weeks at a friend's mountain cabin. This is a problem, but where is the source of this problem? You got an A in Algebra. And this is precisely the reason why your mother does not let you go to a friend for the holidays. And this deuce is exactly the problem that you need to solve.

2. Determine what outcome you hope to achieve by solving your problem

What goal do you hope to achieve by solving the problem? Focus on achieving your goal. The rest will come by itself.

Your goal is to improve your math grade to at least a B. In parallel with this, having improved your knowledge in mathematics, you hope that your mother will let you go to a friend for the holidays.

3. Find out why this problem occurs

Which of your habits contributed to the problem? Take some time to analyze the causes of the problem.

Your problem is that you got a C in math. Think about what could have led to this: maybe you talked a lot with a friend in class. Or they didn’t do their homework in the evenings because of football training, for example.

4. Consider external factors contributing to the problem

Many problems arise because of any of your actions. But do not forget about external factors working against you. Consider an example. You got a bad grade in math that needs to be corrected. The reason for this may be a misunderstanding of the teacher's explanations on this topic, and not what you were talking with a friend.

Part Two: Find a Solution and Create a Plan

1. Find multiple possible solutions to your problem

You can simply write down all the possible options on a piece of paper or use one of the brainstorming methods. Like a mental map, for example. Whichever method you choose, you must consider both possibilities for the problem: your fault and factors beyond your control.

Solving the problem of communicating with a friend in the lesson:

  • Sit as far away from your friends as possible in class.
  • Explain to your friends that you are not learning in class and getting bad grades. So you need to focus on the lesson.
  • If you are sitting in your assigned seat, ask your teacher to move you so you can concentrate better.

Solving the problem of unfinished homework due to soccer practice:

  • Do some of your homework during lunch or during your break. So you will have less work for the evening.
  • Stick to a routine. After training, you should have dinner and do your homework. Reward yourself by watching TV after you finish your homework.

Solving the problem of misunderstanding algebra:

  • Let a classmate help you, who can clarify any points that you do not understand.
  • Ask a teacher for help. Explain that you do not understand the material and need further explanation.
  • Learn math with a tutor.

2. Create a plan

So, you've brainstormed and figured out what your problem is. Now choose what you think is the most effective solution to the problem and write down a plan for yourself. Post the plan somewhere where you will most often see it. Your plan to improve your math level should look like this:

Improvement plan within four weeks

  1. Tell Katya that I can't talk to her in class. If that doesn't help, then move away from her.
  2. Every Tuesday and Thursday do homework during lunch. This will leave me with fewer tasks to do after my workout.
  3. Every Monday and Wednesday attend an elective in mathematics. Goal: In four weeks, improve your level from a three at least to a four.

3. Analyze the first week

Did you do everything you planned? Have you been successful? What mistakes did you make? By doing a good analysis, you can avoid mistakes in the future.

4. Stay motivated

Stick to your plan until you reach your goal. Don't stop halfway. If one day you don't stick to your plan, make sure it doesn't happen again. If you see that this plan is not working, think about what is wrong with it and write a new plan.