Methodology for the development of personal qualities of a leader. What are the most common barriers? Your personal leadership development plan

  • How to develop leadership qualities and rise above circumstancesand
  • How to separate your aspirations from the goals imposed by other people
  • What principles will allow you to take control of life and business
  • Rules of leadership followed by the President Russian division Henkel company

I used to think that a leader is a person who takes responsibility and solves all problems himself. But over time, I realized that this was not enough. In this article, I will also talk about my leadership rules, which I developed based on my own life experience.

I remember being prompted to think about the questions in a survey my friend brought back from a training session by Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) co-founder Michael Hall: “Am I proud of what I produce? Are my colleagues and employees proud of what we produce? Does my work match the meaning of life? What am I giving to the world? How do I affect the lives of those around me? Do I want to do it?

Leadership in my understanding is a way of influencing and managing people. A leader is one who raises other leaders without fear of competition. Someone who does what he loves and can teach it to others. Whoever changes the lives and values ​​of other people, creates around himself the world in which he himself wants to live. Who thinks about the scale of their influence and wants more, never ceasing to grow. One of the leaders that command my respect is Richard Branson, who launched the commercial spaceflight project.

Before you begin to develop leadership qualities in yourself, you should first understand what you want. Many people live, achieving not their own goals, but goals imposed by someone (parents, society). Try to find out what are your own aspirations and what are the expectations of others. . Answer the suggested questions, and if they differ, then most likely you are trying to follow the imposed goals.

For example, when I gradually began to understand what I really want, I realized that I did not live my life in the family. I did my best to save the marriage, despite the lack of close relations with my wife, the difference in interests, values ​​and hobbies. It seemed to me that I was doing this for the sake of the child. However, in the end it turned out that the daughter grew up somewhere on the sidelines, since I put the financial support of the family in the first place. Only now I understand that I made the wrong emphasis - in family relationships, direct care and participation is much more important.

It was not without reason that I gave an example from my personal life, and not from business. It is impossible to be a leader only at work. The key moment for the development of leadership potential: what can I give to the people around me, including my children.

The NLP method helped me to change. It took only a few stages of training before I understood exactly what I wanted, realized my values ​​and clearly saw the goals. Since then, there have been many positive changes in all areas of my life. For example, I began to look at the world more positively and enjoy even the things that I used to do with reluctance. In 2013, I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and yet I was able to overcome this disease. In the same year, my business partner and I made the difficult decision to part ways with the third co-founder, we assembled a new team.

Today, in my business and personal life, I use almost all the techniques learned during my NLP training, with the exception of purely therapeutic techniques. I will tell you how to develop leadership qualities in yourself.

Robert Dilts, one of the founders of NLP, researching successful people, asked them the same question: “How do you work in complex, contradictory situations?” The typical response of successful people was that they focused on their internal state and were sure that if you tune in correctly, then the decision will come by itself. Work takes up a large part of our lives, so it is very important what mood we are in all this time. A leader is a person who is able to manage not only other people, but also his own internal state.

Rule 1. Stress management. One of the most effective, in my opinion, methods is Ericksonian hypnosis (author - American psychotherapist Milton Erickson), which allows you to restore emotional condition in stressful situations for 10-15 minutes. For example, I recorded several trance texts on my phone for various occasions (examples of such texts can be found in the books of Milton Erickson and Mikhail Ginzburg, or you can compose yourself). When does stressful situation(conflict, health problems, loss of interest in work, lack of money, etc.), I sit down and write down my thoughts on paper. In the bottom line, I see only three or four main ones, and everything else is variations on a theme. After that, I tell myself “stop!” and turn on the trance recording on the phone. Breathing and heart rhythm normalize, thoughts gradually come to order.

Relieve stress and so-called presuppositions (lat., prae - before, suppositio - hypothesis, assumption) - our beliefs and attitudes, with the help of which we evaluate everything that happens around.

  • How to Become an Optimist: 5 Steps to a Positive and Easy Life

Presuppositions to help you live

  1. There are no defeats, there is only feedback (about the effectiveness of your actions).
  2. The map is not the territory (your perception is not equal to the perception of the interlocutor). For example, an effective solution for you is not the same as an effective solution for your client.
  3. At the heart of any behavior is a positive intention.
  4. Any behavior is a choice of the best option available at the moment.
  5. If someone knows something, then I can learn it. So, many cancer patients are helped to fight the disease by positive examples.
  6. People have all the resources they need to be successful.
  7. If you're doing something that doesn't work, try doing something else.
  8. The meaning of the message is in the reaction that it causes.
  9. The system is controlled by the most flexible element.
  10. Any system is self-organizing and tends to a natural state of balance and stability.
  11. People are able to learn very quickly, sometimes one attempt is enough for them.
  12. The one in front of you is the most important customer.

Rule 2. Effective strategies. We do the same things, but everyone does them differently. For example, when children learn words, some say them out loud, while others memorize what the word looks like. Practice shows that the former make more mistakes. It also happens with other actions. If we know that one way of performing an operation is more efficient than others, we can begin to consciously use it. In NLP, this is called strategy modeling. You need to find a pattern and repeat the actions that a more successful person does. For example, you want to be a great public speaker. Start copying the speaker you like. Try to repeat as accurately as possible the pace and rhythm of speech, intonation, body movements. If you can reproduce all the details correctly, you will understand what is important for the speaker, what his focus is on, what presuppositions he has about what he is doing. When preparing for your presentation or negotiations with clients, use the marked elements. A new skill needs to be trained in order to reproduce automatically in the future. For example, when I practiced eye contact with the audience, I did it daily in public, and it didn't matter to me whether it was two people or twenty.

Rule 3. Control over business and life. A serious illness immediately prioritizes, showing what is really important and what is fuss. I do not want anyone to get sick, but if this happens, take the illness as an incentive to reveal leadership qualities. When I struggled with the disease, I developed my own rules of leadership - they can be applied both in life and in business.

1. Insurance of your life and health (delegation of risk).

2. Health prevention (assessment of the possibility to remove the risk):

  • healthy lifestyle (getting rid of bad habits: smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • sports (yoga, walking, swimming, skiing);
  • daily eight-hour sleep;
  • work with stress (training for psychological stability and positive thinking).

3. Monitoring the current state of health (risk minimization):

  • compiling a list of doctors and medical examinations according to age;
  • passing an annual examination.

4. Actions in identifying problem areas in health (business):

  • collection of information about the problem (for example, familiarization with the world practice of treating a detected disease - methods and procedures; search for specialists; reviews about them; interviews with them);
  • treatment (compliance with procedures, treatment methods). Rechecking the result of treatment with three different specialists.

Developing leadership qualities of a leader: 6 rules of a real leader

Sergey Bykovskikh, President of Henkel Rus, General Manager of Henkel Beauty Care in Russia and the CIS, Moscow

Many people perceive leadership as the ability to interact effectively with other people, such as subordinates and superiors. Over time, I came to the conclusion that leadership is primarily aimed at yourself. If the leader is not able to cope with himself, then he will never be able to effectively manage others. If I want to get my staff to follow some principles, I try to demonstrate them daily with my behavior.

In our company, we call this the first condition of leadership - lead myself. (English, manage yourself), only after that other principles follow, such as the lead team (English, manage a team), lead stakeholders (English, manage stakeholders), lead change (English, manage change) and lead performance (English, manage results). Here are the leadership rules that I follow:

  1. Give attention to subordinates. You may not even think about it, but your subordinates pay attention to the slightest changes in your behavior towards them. For example, you were in a hurry and did not have time to shake someone's hand. This can easily unsettle a person for the whole day, and you will puzzle over why his productivity has decreased. I always make sure that none of the employees is ignored. A nod, a couple of words, a handshake, a smile - all this is not difficult and pleasant to do, while such seemingly trifles greatly affect the motivation and working mood of your subordinates.
  2. Deal properly with subordinates. It is important to remember that you can not violate certain rules of interaction with people, for example, emotionally express your dissatisfaction. Suppose an employee cannot complete a task the way you would like. If you raise your voice to him, then the result, most likely, will not change. It is much more useful in this situation to find out the reason for the failures. I ask the employee to retell me the essence of the task, show the result and the stages of implementation. If everything he says is true, then the reason for the failure is most likely that he does not pay enough attention to the task. Then I calmly explain that with such an attitude to the matter, our further cooperation will be impossible. This is usually enough to solve the problem and force the person to reconsider their approach to work.
  3. Pick a team from those you really trust. I have to interact with employees who are located in other regions, departments, and it is very difficult to exercise direct control over their work. Therefore, it is important that my team has people who in any situation will behave in accordance with our accepted ethical principles and requirements. I always show my subordinates that I trust them. For example, when delegating a task, I describe only the essence and the expected result, showing that I am confident in the performer and I know that he will not let me down. Seeing this attitude, employees often behave similarly towards their colleagues.
  4. Raise a successor. Before you take the next step up the career ladder, it's important to make sure you have a successor ready to continue what you started. In general, I am guided by the principle that my career development is only possible if the people who report to me also have the opportunity to grow professionally and take a new position.
  5. Don't show power. If a person actively shows that he has power over someone, then for me this is evidence of low culture or personal failure. You can’t build a team only on a hierarchy, because this doesn’t work in difficult situations: people will either voluntarily follow you, or they won’t lift a finger. Every day I remind myself that I am not only the director of the company, I am a person who has a job, a family, hobbies. And I have to act like a normal person.
  6. Understand that the world is much more than work. Work is an important part of life. But besides her, I have many other things to do. For example, I love to run and do it every day. When I run, I feel how my thoughts become clearer, I abstract from momentary problems and begin to see the situation in perspective. For example, I understand that I pay unreasonably much attention to some problem, and, on the contrary, not enough to another, more important one. Movement helps you prioritize. My first supervisor, a man of a fairly mature age, walked along the boulevard every day at lunchtime for half an hour. Fifteen years have passed, and at a business summit in Germany, I heard that walking for 15 minutes at lunchtime helps keep me in good shape and keeping my thoughts clear. Then I remembered my first leader - he did not attend trainings and business schools, but he himself developed the same rule for himself. I trust this experience.

Leadership qualities are an indispensable attribute of any business that requires concentration and self-confidence. Without a sense of self-respect and healthy self-esteem, it is impossible to achieve high results in this life. The formation of leadership qualities occurs as a result of the efforts of the individual himself and the influence of the environment on his character.

Of course, appropriate upbringing affects, but at the same time, there is an opinion that you need to be born a winner. It is necessary to feel the great power of creative energy in oneself in order to be able to organize a great deal, to lead people. This article is about serious issues. It is about how to develop leadership skills and live in harmony with yourself, about what it means to be a great organizer.

Be an unspoken "shepherd"

This means that the leader sometimes has to set on the true path those who have strayed from their course. You need to be able to gently but confidently guide a person in the direction he or the whole organization needs. Anyone who can take on the role of an older friend, adviser, organizer, caring leader, wins, as a rule, doubly.

It is a big misconception to think that the leader only cares about himself. good leader always takes into account the interests of the public and is maximally tuned in to his subordinates, that is, those people with whom he has to work directly. Leadership qualities of a person are formed gradually, starting from childhood and develop throughout life. The real leader differs from the imaginary one in that he devotes a lot of time to the process of self-education and does not spare money for investing in worthwhile projects.

To be different

There is a famous statement that it is always lonely at the top, and therefore you need to know why you are going there. And it's hard to disagree with that. You need to be clear about what you really want to achieve. Only then can you properly organize people, distribute the load, help those who are currently nearby.

The leadership qualities of a manager serve other people (those who directly interact with him) as a kind of guideline in how to behave and act in different cases. A good specialist in his field is always looked at and paid attention to. He energizes everything around him with positive energy. A true leader must be an expert, and this already implies some difference from the crowd.

The worldview of the leader is fundamentally different from the views of the majority: he does not complain about temporary setbacks, but boldly looks ahead, building grandiose plans. Only the leader is able to see the prospect where no one else can find it. He is not afraid to be different even when he acts in an unusual way. As a rule, good organizers of their business in one way or another infect others with their seething energy, pouring over the edge. Leadership qualities allow you to get out of difficult situations and not repeat the mistakes made.

Discretion, wisdom

Sometimes things happen in life that can upset us a lot. The position of the leader is very stable, despite external stimuli. He does not change his mind, does not show weakness. Coming up to difficult decision takes responsibility for the consequences. People are drawn to such a person. The thing is that everyone wants to follow a worthy person, and the choice will always be on the side of a serious representative.

Sometimes it's so hard to keep your spirits up and in a good mood when things aren't going well. Most people in similar cases they immediately give up, give up and do not want to make any more attempts. A true leader always acts wisely and judiciously. He does not allow himself to show his own weakness, he is always aimed at the overall result.

Caring for others

It may seem strange and cause some distrust, but a true leader never thinks only of himself. If he does this, it means that he is really worthless. The one who has accepted responsibility seeks to provide subordinates with a sense of peace and serenity and thereby earns their respect. Leadership qualities necessarily imply following your inner voice and taking into account the wishes of others. A selfish person will not succeed in becoming respected by everyone.

Courage, courage

In life, situations sometimes happen when you need to act quickly, confidently, take active actions. The leadership qualities of a leader are immediately visible to the naked eye: he boldly performs actions that an ordinary person would hardly dare to do, constantly tries to calculate the situation several steps ahead. Foresight is his hallmark.

patience, loyalty

Humans tend to make mistakes. A born leader knows how to admit his own mistakes and does not seek to idealize other people. In general, he is free from any illusions, because he builds relationships with subordinates on the basis of true trust.

Being loyal to a leader does not mean resorting to excessive democracy and encouraging connivance. Patience is expressed in the desire to better understand the surrounding people, the true motives of their actions. A caring leader is always aware of how his subordinates live, what really pleases and saddens them.

In the decision conflict situations the leader relies both on his own experience and on knowledge gained from life itself. Reading books, self-education are also of great value to him as an inexhaustible

How to identify a leader among children

Kids are all different, it's hard to argue with that. In the same family, children with completely opposite characters can be born. Of course, their outlook on life will be completely different. Identifying leadership qualities is a task that is not particularly difficult. As a rule, such things are immediately evident by themselves. How are these children behaving?

Even as babies, they do not allow someone to guide their thoughts and actions. AT kindergarten children do not obey their teachers, they strive to get the best toy at their disposal. They like to be in the center of attention, as a rule, they participate in all events, they are always in full view of the whole team. Usually negative feelings, whether anger or displeasure, are immediately expressed openly. At school, these children are also active and like to attract the attention of others. They often come up with various pranks, and the calmer guys follow them, trusting them.

The leadership qualities of children are not limited only to the desire to subjugate this world to themselves. In some cases, these guys are very willing to share with others, do something for others. But only when they themselves internally overcome their own fear associated with the unknown. Children-leaders love everything new, they have a highly developed cognitive activity.

Leadership qualities of teenagers

At the age of thirteen or fifteen, children say goodbye to childhood. It is during this period that most teenagers show themselves not to be the most in the best way: argue with adults, commit rash acts, take offense at the whole world around for nothing. Thus, they fight for their independence, defend the individuality of character.

Teenagers themselves strive for activity, and leaders among them may even be at enmity with each other. They come up with various events, organize their intra-collective groups and immediately become their unspoken "atamans". In this case, the floor plays absolutely no role. A teenage girl can be just as active and assertive as a boy.

It must be admitted that children of puberty do not forgive each other intentional meanness. This is how conflicts arise, which at the same time can pass with time: children simply outgrow them. Adolescence is a time of self-awareness, and leaders are crucial here. It is for them that the rest follow, they imitate and equal to them.

Leadership Development

Raising a winner is no easy task. It is desirable to do this from a very young age, when the child grows. However, you can’t break the baby’s psyche: if you see that he is completely different in character, don’t insist.

But what about adults who decide to become spiritually stronger, to believe in their own success? Is it really possible to give up the dream and come to terms with the unsightly harsh reality? No, of course you shouldn't give up. You need to start small. First you need to train the will, then the strength of character. To do this, deliberately create situations in which you need to show firmness and courage. Over time, you will see that it becomes much easier for you to do this. Take responsibility. Available victories and defeats are only your merit.

Great minds of mankind

The people who made history were certainly leaders. Without them, probably, they would not have been made amazing discoveries, did not move forward technical and scientific progress. If all people were passive and self-doubting, the world would stop in its development. Great scientists and thinkers from the most ancient times sought to express individuality in their activity and for the sake of it they were ready to endure various inconveniences, sufferings, some went to their death with selfless steadfastness. And all this was done with one single goal - to change the external conditions, to make the greatest breakthrough in history.

Can a creative person become a leader?

Artists, writers and poets are considered to be overly gentle creatures that constantly hover in the clouds. In this regard, the question arises as to whether such a person can take responsibility for transforming life. Certainly yes. A creative person actually always lives for the sake of the future, he changes the surrounding reality through his activity. Only these changes do not come immediately, and therefore the results are not visible at first. The Creator is an unspoken leader, because he thinks unconventionally, individually, in accordance with his inner nature.

Thus, leadership qualities can be manifested in any profession and absolutely in different fields of activity.


Leadership qualities are an excellent assistant both in work and in ordinary life. After all, they allow not only to successfully solve all the difficulties that arise, but also, in general, to look at the world in a different way.

Today, together with, we understand the methods of developing leadership qualities in ourselves.

1. Who is a leader and why do we need leadership qualities?

Leader (from English lead - lead) - a person who is able to lead. Today we will consider leadership applicable to our life, women's. Let's consider a leader as a person who "leads" his life himself, and does not go with the flow, blaming the circumstances and bad deeds of others.

A leader is often a very alluring concept, and everyone really wants to try themselves in this role. But it is not suitable for everyone, just as the work of a sleeper or a baker is not suitable for everyone. And that's okay.

The only thing that leadership qualities can be useful for everyone is that they give us strength, skills and opportunities to get out of the influence of negative circumstances, love our life and make decisions in it, take decisive actions when necessary. So what can we do to develop the qualities of a leader?

2. Learn to be proactive

Proactivity is a quality that means that you get out of the influence of surrounding circumstances and begin to make your own decisions about how to act and live on. You stop complaining about your difficulties, realizing that you and only you created them for yourself, and it's up to you to put up with them or fight.

In other words, no one else is responsible for what happens in your life except you. You get tired of your work - you chose it yourself or you yourself let someone else choose it for you. Did you get rude at the store? Only you determine how to respond to this: you will not change another person or circumstance.

3. How to become more active?

Try at least once a day to solve an existing problem through your behavior, without blaming others. Husband constantly forgets to buy bread? Knowing this, buy it yourself, and ask your husband to do something else. Do you have an annoying colleague? Think about how you can rise above the situation and change your behavior to free yourself from this irritant.

Are you constantly getting unfair utility bills and paying because you don't believe the utility can prove anything? Try it! We guarantee that many of your attempts will be successful, no matter what you do. And even if something does not work out, then the indescribable feeling that you are in control of your life will soften the possible frustration from failure.

4. Set your goals right

The whole life of a leader is activity. He is always busy with something, and his busyness is subordinated to a certain goal. The goal is not only in life - general and global, but also narrow, depending on the issue being addressed.

In other words, if he does something, he always knows why he needs it. This helps to avoid not only unnecessary activities at work and in personal life, but also unnecessary work and the wrong partner. And this is valuable.

A well-set goal is closely related to the fulfillment of one's promises. Let whatever you promise to do be your goal. And all the questions “how” to achieve it, you will decide on your own, even if it takes more effort to achieve the goal than you expected.

5. How to set a goal?

Firstly, through the “why am I doing this” filter, it is worth skipping everything that we do, including communication with many people. Ask yourself this question often before you start doing anything. By cutting off the excess that does not make you happier, you will free up a lot of space for other, desirable activities.

Sometimes the very word “goal” scares people with its globality and importance. If you don’t have a purpose in life right now, if you don’t know exactly what you want to do or are not ready to change something, let the simple question “does this make me happier?” be your filter for reflection. After all, happiness is a universal goal. The main thing is to free your life from acting out of habit and from serving other people's goals and desires.

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Secondly, forget the phrases “And how was I supposed to do it if ...?”, “Where was I supposed to get it?”. If you don't know how to do it, ask right away. Many resignedly say “yes” to the ridiculous requests of relatives and superiors, realizing in advance that they will not cope with the task and will disappoint, let them down. If you understand that the plan does not work, something does not work out, try to communicate, clarify the task, ask for advice and help.

Third, always prioritize. Sometimes the goal of making money and some dubious project may conflict with your global goal of being happy and living with a clear conscience. And with priorities set, you'll always know exactly what to give up and why. This will help to avoid painful internal conflicts.

6. Take responsibility

Of course, the responsibility for your life - in the first place. But also responsibility for their words, deeds, promises. Even if you did something not on purpose or something happened against your will, but as a result of your behavior, this is also your responsibility. Remember the Little Prince: "We are responsible for those we have tamed." And also for those who tamed themselves by accident, figuratively speaking.

7. Where are the limits of your responsibility?

Consider your initiatives, that is, everything that you offer, as your responsibility. Of course, you should not refuse help, of course, but you should always control the situation yourself.

For example, if you offered to arrange a camping trip, then look at the weather, suggest a time, find out where there are places suitable for you, if you have everything necessary equipment or where you can rent one. If you delegate tasks to someone, then you are responsible for it, anyway.

Also, take responsibility specifically, voluntarily. For completing a small task at work, for solving a certain issue at home, for organizing some kind of event for children, etc. All this will develop your communication skills, overcoming difficulties, making decisions, finding information, etc. And all this together helps to develop leadership skills.

8. Challenge yourself

The ability to find interesting and beneficial solutions for everyone often lies outside our comfort zone - in the zone of the new, unknown and therefore uncomfortable. Therefore, trying what you have doubts about, doing what you have never done, what you are afraid of, is a direct path to the development of leadership qualities.

9. How to stop being afraid of the new?

If you are offered to do something that you are afraid of, but it can be useful for you, agree without thinking what you have to do for this. Turn off that sphere in your head that instantly calculates everything that needs to be done and immediately activates all fears.
And in order not to wait for suitable offers, find a job yourself. Perhaps you have long wanted to do pair dancing, but were afraid, or maybe you wanted to propose a project to your boss. Fulfill your desires without thinking about fears.

10. Communicate more

Communication and the network of contacts created with it is what every leader should have. After all, people are the most valuable resource with which you can gain knowledge about everything and solve any issue.

In addition, communication over time will relieve you of the complexes and fears that hinder the development of leadership skills.

11. How and with whom to communicate?

Remember what people tell you, listen to their moods and doubts, do not forget to ask your colleagues how things are at home, how the weekend went, what vacation plans. Choose a day when you can call all your long-lost school and childhood girlfriends and friends, or at least find them on social networks and find out who became who and where they live. Such communication can lead to new twists and turns in your life.

The specificity of a leader lies in the fact that he does not seek compromises, but instead looks for solutions where both parties win: solutions from the “win-win” series (“win-win” from American business terminology). They allow for closer ties and strong partnerships. A compromise in essence is a loss for both sides: each must give up something.

This quality implies the ability to think for your interlocutor, stand in his place, predict his behavior, having all the information on the issue, and find a solution that suits him.

Do not try to bend a person to the option that is interesting only to you, because the leader always puts his interlocutor at least on the same level with himself and understands that he is still aware of the disadvantage of the decision made. Excessive rigidity will not only undermine the current agreement, but also all further cooperation.

In general, this approach brings to a completely different level of communication with people.

13. How to learn to understand the interests of another?

You can learn to find such solutions only by constantly putting yourself in the place of the interlocutor and wishing him well. When a difficult situation arises, when you, say, cannot achieve something from a person, stop scolding him internally and start asking him questions: “why is this so important to you?”, “what is needed in order to do it”, “ why do it this way and not otherwise” and others.

In the end, it may turn out that the whole process can be redone a little so that everyone is fine. Usually everyone gets used to the routine, and only the leader can look at everything differently. If you need the ability to find such solutions for your work, refer to the science of “conflictology”.

Often, when discussing this issue at lectures or trainings, teachers give a real example of negotiations between two companies for a large batch of oranges at a good price: the companies could not agree on who would buy. One was engaged in the production of food products, the other - cosmetics. It would seem that there is only one solution - someone buys one. As a result of the negotiations, it became clear that technological processes one company uses only the pulp for production, while the other uses only the peel.

In the end, they bought a large batch together, also with a discount for a large order. This is a classic example of a win-win solution.

14. Learn and practice

Do not miss the opportunity to learn something, especially if you are offered it for free. It is not known when and what knowledge you will need. And be sure to practice what you learn.

Constant study and practice in terms of leadership development will help you not only in your work. All this is quite applicable to everyday life at the household level.

Many people live on the thumb, doing the same things day after day, gradually getting used to the routine and even to the problems that they have. You can also be a leader among your friends, trying new things, arranging interesting events for your family. These people are usually drawn to, asking for advice.

15. Share your knowledge

While gaining knowledge, developing the previous quality, do not forget to share the experience that you gain. Even if it is a trifle, allowing you to save a second in daily work. People will thank you, and even if they have already thought of it themselves, it will still make you look at you in a new way.

16. About the power of enthusiasm

Leaders are different, and their qualities have always been and will be disputed. But one thing is clear: everything a leader does is done with enthusiasm. Maybe even the goal itself will be boring and the process boring, but awareness of the result and a sense of control over your life - that's what gives enthusiasm and inner fuse!

In addition, a leader who builds his life the way he wants usually enjoys what he does. Otherwise, what's the point of everything?

In everyday life, living with enthusiasm means enjoying your family life, work, development, leisure, etc. Moreover, sincere enthusiasm to live, to change something, to invent and do is always visible to others, even if your house is not painted with bright colors, and you do not appear in public every day.

Therefore, if you are not so, think, maybe something should be changed? What can you do to fire up and be passionate about your relationship with a particular person, love your job, or find a new love?

Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….. 2

Chapter 1. Leadership behavior in adolescence………………………………3

Chapter 2 4

Chapter 3. Motivational Theory of Leadership…………………………………………………7

Chapter 4. Main characteristics of leadership……………………………………………...8




Beginning of the 21st century significantly differs from the previous century, which is clearly reflected in the person, his inner world, attitude in general. Modern society needs citizens who are able to take a fresh look at pressing problems, to lead. Such important human qualities as mobility and competitiveness come to the fore. It is especially difficult for a teenager to self-determine in such a dynamic world, for whom this particular time is a key one in the formation and development, since at this age the foundations of leadership potential are laid and formed, which is subsequently revealed in adulthood. For his own success in society, a child of 11-16 years old needs knowledge and skills with which he can not only declare his own life position, but also actively implement it within the framework of a certain activity. For this purpose, training sessions are being developed in children's associations, where favorable conditions are created for the socialization of a teenager.
In studies of leadership in adolescence, three stages can be conventionally distinguished:
- early - the beginning of the twentieth century (20-30s),The problem of children's leadership was considered through the concept of "leadership" by such researchers: V.P. Vakhterov, A.S. Zaluzhny, B.N. Elkonin, the consideration of social activity was carried out by: A.S. Makarenko, N.K. Krupskaya;
- in the middle period (40-90s)analysis of the problem of leadership in children's associations was practically not carried out. The attention of scientists was concentrated on another aspect of the problem of leadership, as the social activity of the pioneers (V.A. Sukhomlinsky, V.D. Ivanov, E.V. Titova, A.P. Shpon) and student self-government (N.M. Zosimov, V. .P. Korotov);
- within the modern periodthree problems were identified: the essence of leadership potential (A.L. Umansky, O.A. Pavlova); the essence of the characteristics of leadership competence; pedagogical conditions for the development of leadership qualities (T.E. Vezhevich, T.L. Khatskevich).
The theory and practice of identifying leadership are devoted to the workYu.P. Platonova, A.N. Lutoshkin. Leadership styles are revealed in the works of A. Agrashenko, N.I. Shevandrin. Of particular importance are studies on the activities of children's associations. Questions of the history, organization and functioning of children's associations are considered in the works of I.I. Frishman, A.N. Lutoshkina, V.B. Sbitnev, A. Trishkin. The main study of their work is aimed at studying the educational function of children's organizations, on the issues of preparing a teenager for work in a children's association, and on the issue of socialization of a teenager's personality.
The analysis of theoretical sources allows us to conclude that the psychological literature covers the main provisions and approaches to the study of various aspects of leadership, the motivational aspects of leadership in adolescence in the literature were little considered as a separate problem.
Objective - study of the conditions of interaction of the team in the process of educating adolescents' leadership qualities.
Object of study -leadership in adolescence.
Thing - motivational aspects of leadership in adolescence.
Work tasks:
1. To study the methodological and theoretical foundations for educating leadership qualities in adolescents.
2. Clarify the basic concepts in relation to a teenage public association.

Chapter 1
The whole life of a person takes place in the composition of various groups and organizations, and, consequently, he is influenced by all kinds of leaders. There are leaders in any team, and they deserve special attention, as they actively influence the moral and psychological climate in the team; it is important that they constitute a managing reserve. The personality of the leader and the style of his behavior largely determines the fate of each participant. group activity and the whole group as a whole
Leadership there is a process of psychological influence of one person on others during their interaction, carried out on the basis of perception, imitation, suggestion, mutual understanding. Leadership is based on the principle of voluntary submission and is considered socially acceptable and most effective.
Leadership behavior can be available to any member of the team, each of them can have their own field of activity.
Leader - anyone who occupies a position of dominance has power or influence in the group.
Leadership - designation of the exercise of powers of power and influence within social group, that is, to function as a leader means to exercise leadership. This term is often used as personality trait, as if there is a set of certain skills that reflect the personality
The formal structure of the team is determined by the official status of the members of the group; informal - is formed on the basis of relations due to the personal qualities of all those included in it. With an established team, the informal structure is characterized by the presence of a common goal (which is not always recognized by the members of the group and is not always associated with the solution of production problems). In turn, this causes the need for a clear definition of tasks and the search for ways to solve them. The need to formulate a goal and achieve it leads to the emergence of a leader, whose task includes all these procedures, as well as managing people. Depending on his influence on the team, positive and negative (constructive and destructive) leaders can be distinguished.
In the psychological literature, the need for power is usually recognized as the most important motivational source of leadership. Such an approach to the psychology of leadership, with all external indisputability, cannot solve the problem of its motivation. The desire for power is stronger in some people than in others; many do not have it at all. Understanding the reasons for these differences is necessary in order to figure out who and why to become a leader.
In leadership development, a number of procedures are used:
- formation of motivation, i.e., a steady desire to become a leader; - development of self-confidence;
- willingness to make decisions and take responsibility;
- Consistency and perseverance in the implementation of common goals;
- awareness of one's own ability to achieve them;
Procedures for individual self-motivation have been developed in the psychological literature and are used in practice, such as: the development of individual intellectual and moral leadership qualities - these include: competence, decency (without which, as a rule, it is difficult, if not impossible, to gain authority), developed intelligence (manifested in analyticity, speed of understanding the essence of the problem, flexibility of mind, foresight, ability to plan and set goals); ensuring the social competence of the leader and his goodwill in relations with members.
Adolescence is one of the critical periods in the life of children associated with cardinal changes in the sphere of consciousness, activity and the system of relationships. This stage is characterized by rapid and largely contradictory development. The basis for the formation of new psychological and personal qualities adolescents is communication in the process of various activities. The change in the social situation in the development of adolescents is associated with their active desire to join the world of adults, the orientation of behavior towards the norms and values ​​of this world. A characteristic neoplasm is a "sense of adulthood", as well as the development of self-awareness and self-esteem, interest in oneself as a person, in one's capabilities and characteristics. In order for a teenager to truly "join" the team, it is necessary that the tasks that are set for him in the course of activity are not only understandable, but also internally accepted by him, i.e. so that they acquire significance for him and thus find a response and a reference point in his self-satisfaction.
In the absence of conditions for individualization and positive realization of their new abilities, a teenager's self-affirmation can take ugly forms and lead to adverse reactions. In adolescence, a craving for leadership as a special type of activity is formed, the foundations of leadership qualities are formed. Trying themselves in this capacity: they perform certain social and leadership roles, trying to understand the problem of leadership, develop one or another leadership style, identify themselves with famous leaders.
The phenomenon of leadership occupies a special place in psychology due to its brightness and fascination; for psychology, leadership is a concrete expression of power in the “human factor”, power in the psychological dimension is the ability of a ruling subject (“tops”) to force itself to obey.
Chapter 2. Motive as a subject of activity
motive - is the focus of the individual on certain sides
work connected with the internal relationship of the child with her.
In the system of motives, external and internal motives are intertwined.
Internal motives aresuch as one's own development in the process of education, upbringing; action together with others and for others; knowledge of the new, the unknown. Even more saturated with external moments are such motives as learning as forced behavior; learning process as habitual functioning; teaching for leadership and prestige; desire to be the center of attention. These motives can also have a negative impact on the nature and results of the motivational process. The most pronounced external moments in the motives of leadership for the sake of
material rewards and the avoidance of failure.
Leadership motivations include:need for power; loyalty to the cause (the desire to solve a problem or inspire one's ideas); sense of responsibility; need for approval and respect; the need for status and recognition; the need to compensate for variable personal problems with leadership.
Knowing the motives helps to understand the behavior of the leader: is this post a step in his career or is he really interested in the business, will the leader be active or will he become indifferent to fulfill his duties.
The strong need for power inherent in potential and actual leaders can most easily be explained by their innate individual features
Motivation performs several functions: it encourages behavior, directs and organizes it, gives it personal meaning and significance. These functions of motivation are realized by many motives. Every activity begins with needs that develop into
interaction between a child and an adult. The focus of a teenager on mastering new knowledge, on the praise of parents, on establishing the desired relationship with peers.
Association of interest with positive emotions important in the early stages of a child's curiosity. Social motives can have the following levels: broad social motives (duty, responsibility, understanding the importance of learning); narrow
social (the desire to take a certain position in relations with
others, get their approval).
Different motives have different manifestations:
- broad cognitive ones are manifested in problem solving, in appeals to an adult for additional information;
- educational and cognitive - in independent actions to find different ways of solving, in questions to the teacher about comparing different ways of working;
- motives for self-education are found in appeals to an adult about the rational organization of extracurricular activities.
Even the most positive and varied motives create only
the potential for personal development, since the realization of motives depends on the processes of goal-setting, i.e. ability to set goals and
achieve them in your training and ability to lead.
Manifestations of goals: bringing the work to the end or its constant
procrastination, striving for completion learning activities or their
incompleteness, overcoming obstacles or disruption of work when they
occurrence, absence of distractions, or constant distractibility.
Emotions are closely related to the motives of adolescents and express the possibility
implementation by students of their motives and goals. Every teenager has a certain level of positive motivation that can be relied upon, as well as prospects, reserves for its development. The study of motivation is the identification of its real level and possible prospects, the zone of its proximal development for each teenager and the group as a whole.
The results of the study become the basis for planning the process
formations. The formation of leadership motives is the creation of conditions for the emergence of internal motives (motives, goals, emotions) for leadership and their awareness by a teenager.
Motivational aspects manifest themselves in different ways depending on the situation in which the teenager finds himself. Therefore, it is necessary not only to observe for a long time, but to observe in situations where the studied qualities can manifest themselves.
Leadership Motivation- this is a set of a person's aspirations to gain influence on an individual or group through the means of leadership (such as, for example, coercion and privileges, positive and negative reinforcement in the form of approval and punishment). In the event of a discrepancy between claims to leadership and real opportunities power, motivational tension arises and the teenager seeks to increase the level of control and influence on others. The intense manifestation of the desire for leadership is perceived negatively in society, adolescents are not fully aware of their power aspirations, they try to hide or rationalize them.
The personality of a teenager is unique. One has a low level of motivation and ability to be a leader; the other has average abilities, but the motive forces for finding solutions are great. Sometimes a teenager has good abilities, and the result of his creative independent activity very average. The success or failure of a person in activity cannot be explained by any of its individual qualities; only by analyzing these qualities in close interconnection can one understand real reasons success or failure of a particular teenager.
The choice of motives for self-affirmation is connected with the desire of a teenager to change his opinion, assessment of himself by the teacher and peers. Here, for an adult, it is very important at what cost, by what means, a teenager wants to achieve this: due to a lot of hard mental work, a lot of time, his volitional efforts or due to the attitude of his comrades towards him, humor and jokes, his originality or other tricks.
The motives for communicating with peers are associated with a general emotional
intellectual background in the group and the prestige of knowledge. The choice of these motives in the group is an indicator of intra-collective interests in children associated with a certain field of activity. And, in turn, it characterizes their interest in the success of the group, who are always ready to help, join in cooperation, in joint collective activities.
In adolescence, it is possible to realize one's own learning activities, its motives, tasks, methods and means. By the end of adolescence, there is a steady dominance of any motive. Teen available self-staging not only one goal, but also a sequence of several goals, in various activities. A teenager masters the ability to set flexible goals, the ability to set long-term goals associated with the approaching stage of social and professional self-determination is laid.
In collective work, a teenager is interested in the opportunity to organize his interaction with a partner (adult or peer) in such a way that the occupation of dominant positions is most effective.
In joint activities, the child learns to compare,
compare, finally, challenge another point of view, prove one's own
In leadership roles, leaders tend to show great innovation, creativity, and enthusiasm, but they may lack experience, so an adult directs the children's organization.
Too strong motivation of the individual will contribute to the possibility of realization towards leadership in the group. A well-known supporter of humanistic psychology A. Maslow in histheories of hierarchical needsargued that the roots of leadership arise in the process of transforming human desires (motives emanating from feelings) into needs, social aspirations, collective expectations and political demands, that is, into motives that depend on the environment. In the hierarchy of needs, physiological needs are at the lowest level, security needs are at the middle level, security needs are at the middle level. highest level- affective needs. The frustration of lower needs increases the motivation to satisfy them. The leader's task is to prevent frustration, neuroses and other forms of "social disorders" through the transformation of the needs of citizens in a socially productive direction. First of all, it is necessary to create a situation for the adolescent to have a general positive attitude towards the formation of leadership motivation.
Teenagers use the slightest excuse to somehow draw attention to themselves, to become noticeable among others.
They can be motivated to leadership, for example, by the awareness of the opportunity to provide and receive assistance, to exchange information.
Of great importance for the formation of leadership motivation is the composition of the group in which it is necessary to determine the leader. It is very important to pay close attention to this:
a) When selecting a group, it is necessary to take into account the desire of adolescents to work with each other, but in addition to the desire of children to work together, it is also necessary to take into account what goals children can pursue, what motives will lead in determining the leader.
b) When selecting a group, it is necessary to take into account the ratio of their capabilities and their ideas about it. Interaction in groups where children are united, aware of the difference in their abilities.
c) When selecting a group, it is also necessary to take into account individual
personality traits: the level of their knowledge, pace of work, interests.
To form leadership motivation great importance what place the leader occupies in the work of the group.
Leadership qualities are laid and initially brought up in the family and school. This actualizes the problem of studying the educational potential of the family and school in the formation of the personality of a child leader, since the family and school are institutions interested in educating leadership qualities in a teenager and capable of doing this, it is their actions and role that will largely determine the personal qualities of the future leader.
At this age, children need to be educated in the desire to take place in life and be successful. The main task of teachers and parents is to create a special field of joint activity with a teenager, constructive relations with him, relations, united common goal. Modern educators and parents should tune in to work today in the aura of the subjective world of the child, having mastered the philosophical formula of education: mutual understanding plus interaction. The result of such work will be the future success of a teenager.
A creative approach is very important in educating leadership qualities,because the same character trait can be understood in different ways and even cause a polar opposite attitude towards itself in different periods psychological development leader. It must be stated that a leader is one of the mechanisms for integrating group activities, when an individual (or part of a social group) plays the role of a leader, i.e. unites, directs the actions of the entire group, which expects, accepts and supports its actions. Leadership is a Consequence social processes, subject to the influence of the social situation in which the leader finds himself. This approach is based on the determination of the relationship between the group and the leader. People tend to follow those who can become a means to satisfy their own needs.
Modern scientists are trying to determine which styles of behavior and personal qualities are most appropriate for certain situations. The results of their research indicate that just as different situations call for different organizational structures, so too must various ways guidance - depending on the nature of the particular situation. This means that the leader-leader must be able to behave differently in different situations.
The position of leader is especially important for each member of the team,
because the activity is based on human relationships.
Trying to understand the values ​​of the people with whom he intends to cooperate,
focus on those who are ready for mutual understanding and
cooperation. The task of the leader is to help them channel their experience,
education, natural ability and imagination to achieve the goal.
Recognize a situation in which there is no opportunity to win.
Chapter 3
Widespread in modern psychology received a motivational theory of leadership, whose representatives prove that the effectiveness of a leader depends on his impact on the motivation of followers, on their ability to perform tasks productively and on the satisfaction they experience in the process of work.
This theory assumes a certain structure of the leadership process, defining the types of leadership behavior:this is supportive leadership, directive leadership, leadership focused on achieving a qualitative result; attitudes and behavior of followers, taking into account satisfaction or dissatisfaction with work, approval or disapproval of the leader, motivation of behavior; situational factors, including, firstly, the individual traits of the followers and, secondly, the "environment" factor (the task set, the system of power in the group, etc.), which performs three functions on which the influence of the leader on the motivation of the followers depends : motivation of followers to complete the task, stabilization of the behavior of followers, reward for solving the problem.
The motivational theory of leadership allows not only to assume in advance which style will be most effective in a given situation, but also to explain why.
Leadership abilities, as a set of certain properties, traits that allow a teenager to change his social status, taking responsibility for solving situations that are significant for group development.
Trying on the role of a leader, adolescents show interest in socially significant activities to solve their personal problems and tasks. The main motive for the participation of adolescents in non-formal education programs is the opportunity to prove themselves in an interesting business, personal growth, awareness social significance their activities, a test of strength in a new team. For participants in non-formal education, priority is not only formal education (knowledge, skills) associated with obtaining a document or certificate (which is also important for assessing the achievements of an individual), but other experience of social practice in real activity.
In the course of non-formal education, adolescents learn:
set and achieve personal goals, integrating them with the tasks of socially significant activities;
defend against the methods of manipulation used in social practice;
to manage oneself in the current socially dangerous situation;
be responsible for decisions made;
be aware of the consequences of their actions;
be able to conduct or participate in procedures of public control or civil examination;
the basics of volunteering or voluntary activity;
rules for conducting discussions, debates and defending one's opinion.
Non-formal education programs guide participants that areas of joint activity, a system of collective creative activities or key events are not presented by adults in a pre-prepared form. Adolescents, showing initiative and creativity, uniting in creative groups, teams, teams with the support of mentors, show initiative and creativity, creating projects and scenarios of those socially significant cases that will help their peers cope with problems and difficulties. The skills of collective activity are developed in the process of joint discussion of the idea, their implementation, summing up the results achieved.
Chapter 4
There are various approaches to the typology of leadership in the psychological literature.

Leader can be formal, that is, certain powers are officially assigned to him by the team, a person chosen for the position; and informal , that is, leading by virtue of personal characteristics and beliefs without a formal appointment or choice of the role of leader.
In relation to social normsthe leader may be a non-social leader, whose activities take place within the framework of morality and law, and an asocial leader, organizing a group to violate legal and moral norms.
By nature of activitya leader can be universal, that is, showing leadership qualities in any situation, and situational, effectively acting only in a certain activity or situation.

By function, implemented by the leader, he can be an inspirer, an initiator - he stands out in activities at the stage of putting forward ideas, in the search for new areas of activity; organizer, in this case he skillfully organizes the activity; erudite, craftsman - stands out as the most prepared in a certain type of activity; emotional generator.

By field of activitythe leader can be businesslike, solving the tasks facing the group, and emotional, acting mainly in the field of interpersonal communication.
By activitiesa leader can be a creator, acting in the interests of the cause, in the interests of the organization and all its members whom he leads, and a destroyer - a disorganizer, acting in his own interests, in the foreground he does not have business and people, but his own egoistic desire - to show oneself, using business and others for this, often to the detriment of business and people.
Leadership is based on the presence of power and personal influence, characterized by a certain style.
Leadership Style- this is a kind of process of exercising influence on people's behavior, manifested in the features of the set of techniques and methods used by the leader in order to exert this influence. The concept of leadership style was first proposed by K. Levin. N.I. Shevandrin proposed to distinguish three types of leadership styles.
1. Democratic- Decisions are made by the group. This leadership style is most effective in loosely structured situations. More focused on interpersonal relationships, solving creative problems. With this style, the leader seeks to manage the group together with subordinates, giving them freedom of action, organizing a discussion of their decisions, supporting their initiative.
2. Authoritarian - The leader makes the decision. This leadership style is most effective in well-ordered (structured) situations, when activities are algorithmic in nature (according to a given system of rules). More focused on solving algorithmic problems. The leader demonstrating this style acts authoritatively in relation to the followers, rigidly fixes the roles of participants, exercises detailed control, and concentrates all the main management functions in his hands.
3. Permissive- group members behave in accordance with their desires, their activity is spontaneous. It is very effective in situations of searching for the most productive areas of group activity. With this style, the leader is practically eliminated from active management of the group, behaves like an ordinary member, and provides the group members with complete freedom.
Between the described polar types of leader behavior, there are various intermediate options that can be effective depending on the current situation of the functioning of the group, the nature of its activity, the level of development of interpersonal relations in it, and the combination of personal characteristics of group members.
Each group is led by an adult who adheres to one leadership style - authoritarian, democratic, or permissive (liberal).
In the study, Lewin and his collaborators found that with an authoritarian style of leadership, the group did more work than with a democratic style; had lower motivation, originality of actions and friendliness. In such groups, there was no group thinking, there was a lot of aggressiveness, demonstrated both in relation to the leader and in relation to other members of the group; there were signs of more repressed anxiety and, at the same time, more dependent and submissive behavior. In comparison with the democratic style of leadership, with the permissive style, the amount of work decreases, its quality decreases, more game, and the preference for democratic style is recorded in the questions.
A leader must be able to do a lot of things. His role changes depending on the situation. But there are general provisions that you must always remember are the laws of leadership.
Stop waiting and calculating the chances, act and strive for
the set goal. Only actions lead to results. Follow
the laws of leadership, train, use every opportunity for this -
and you will become a leader.
A leader must have a dream. In order to be successful, you need
be able to dream, be devoted to your dream and persevere in it
achievement. It is a dream, based on faith in its feasibility,
is a source of creative energy and inspiration. The leader must
inspire people to accomplish.
The leader focuses on problem solving. The leader can
highlight the main thing and focus on solving the problem. It's very important not
exchange for trifles.
The leader is ready to make decisions. Nothing demoralizes an organization like indecision. It is not necessary that all your decisions are correct. The most important thing is that you make decisions and take responsibility for their implementation and results. Often people are afraid to make decisions for fear of making mistakes. Indecision leads to instability and uncertainty. The fact that you are ready to make decisions is more important than the fact that all your decisions are correct. As you gain experience, the solutions will get better and better.
The leader takes responsibility for erroneous actions. Not
nothing is more detrimental to an organization than a leader who is always right. A true leader is the one who takes responsibility for any mistakes in the work of the organization. Do not engage in accusations and the search for the guilty - analyze the situation, learn lessons, draw conclusions and move on.
A leader promotes the people he leads. Leader always
puts forward the people he leads.
Putting people in the first roles gives them a huge advantage, in
First of all, it demonstrates an objective assessment of their results.
The leader is in front and is an example
Socio-economic and cultural transformations in modern society, their dynamism affect the increasing requirements for the individual, which must be creative, self-developing and self-improving. Society needs citizens who are able to take a fresh look at the solution of pressing problems, to lead. In this regard, the study of leadership among adolescents is of paramount importance, because. It is at this age that the foundations of leadership potential are laid and formed.
The future of any state depends on the degree of public attention to the issue of upbringing and education of its new generation, therefore, in most countries, governments seek to support and stimulate the development of the children's movement. The problem of the creation, development and successful operation of children's public associations (PEO) cannot be positively resolved in the absence of trained leaders of the children's movement. Competent, systematic work with future leaders is needed: a purposefully staffed and prepared asset will be able to become a reserve of organizers of children's public associations in the future.
With the systematic involvement of adolescents in specially organized activities aimed at acquiring leadership experience and with the use of social design technology in the activities of a children's public association, providing each teenager with the opportunity to realize various positions of members of the association (from the performer to the organizer), the leadership qualities of adolescents develop more successfully. It is activity that puts forward a leader; through specially organized activity, it is possible to provide favorable opportunities for the success of those adolescents who have the potential to influence their comrades.
The position of a teenager in a team - contributes to the formation of certain personality traits through the performance of appropriate activities. A teenager can consciously choose and take the position where the realization of his abilities and the development of leadership qualities will most fully occur.
Changing the position of a teenager, gaining experience in leadership behavior, is facilitated by the use of social design technology.
When creating pedagogical conditions in a group, it is possible to have several leaders, and not one, and each of them can; have their own field of activity.
Considering the use of social design technology as a condition for the development of adolescent leadership qualities, one can note the importance of creating a “success situation” by the teacher. The situation of success is understood as a purposeful combination of psychological and pedagogical techniques that contribute to the conscious inclusion of each teenager in a specially organized activity depending on individual capabilities and provide a positive emotional mood for adolescents to complete the tasks.
The situation of success consists not only of the fact that the adolescent's inclinations to certain kind activities. The training of a member of the detachment in new activities through individual consultations, trainings, and conversations is necessarily used. All this allows a teenager to acquire new knowledge, skills, take part in other activities in the design process. The situation of success can become a kind of "trigger" for the further movement of the personality.
In creating a situation of success for a teenager, the position of the teacher, parents, and social environment is very important.
Thus, the use of social design technology makes it possible for teenagers with different levels of training to show independence and organizational skills. A teenager can consciously choose for himself the position in which his abilities and desires are most fully realized. The inclusion of adolescents in socially significant activities that are possible when working on a social project, participation in planning and discussion of the results teaches them to seek and find right decisions to defend and prove the correctness of one's opinion, to realize the need for the unity of word and deed, to objectively evaluate one's participation and the participation of comrades in a common cause, to be responsible, demanding and principled in relation to oneself and others, i.e. contributes not only to the acquisition of adolescents life experience but also the formation of their leadership position.
The leader is promoted by activity. The development of a group as a collective is characterized by a constant change of leaders depending on the type, quality of character and content of the activity. Each member of the group can act as a leader and acquire the skills of organizing other people and self-organization.

The paper considers various approaches to understanding the problem of motivational aspects of leadership in adolescence. The most favorable period for the development of leadership qualities in a child is considered to be adolescence, in which it is optimal to include him in joint activities with adults who stimulate the development of leadership qualities of self-awareness, self-education, and self-esteem in adolescents.
Adapting a child is the most difficult task, in which everything that is laid down and brought up in the child by parents and society is tested in practice. The higher the motivational desire for success in a teenager, the educated qualities of a leader, the greater the likelihood of his survival in society and moving up the hierarchical ladder.
One of the most important tasks of psychology is to create conditions for the development of the individual, including leaders, through the upbringing of high moral qualities along with mental development and physical perfection.
The data are theoretical and methodological approaches have been confirmed experimental studies particular teenage group. During term paper the motivational aspects of the leader of the teenage group and the attitude of the group towards him were determined experimentally.
Modern leaders in the youth environment must have all the necessary personal qualities that they use in the performance of their functions.
Leaders must be confident in themselves, in their creative abilities, abilities and views as people who can understand and take into account the opinions and feelings of others, who can manage their own destiny and achieve certain positive results in their studies, work, family life, able to lead others.

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Learn how to become a leader with these simple yet very useful tips!

Psychologists have long identified major barriers to success, leadership growth, and the development of leadership skills…

Learn all about how to become a leader and succeed!

What prevents many from developing leadership qualities?

First of all, these are internal barriers. They are the result of our past experiences, beliefs, limitations and habits. Uncertainty¹, fear², irritation become for many insurmountable obstacles on the way to the goal.

What are the most common barriers?

1. Vague and vague goals: people often fail because they have little idea of ​​the goals they are striving for. Set clear goals for yourself. Try to mentally imagine the end result that you want to achieve, and write it down in as much detail as possible.

2. Impatience and expectation of instant change: Be content with modest progress. It is often said that a large oak grows from a small acorn. An impulsive person who hopes to change himself in the blink of an eye rarely achieves this.

Success fuels success. Steady but modest progress is often consolidated and becomes a feature of a given person's attitude towards self-improvement and life in general.

Remember that any change requires constant attention and realistic deadlines. Set realistic deadlines.

3. Fear of new situations: often people tend to prefer safety and convenience to risk and novelty. New situations often seem more dangerous than familiar ones.

4. Fear of vulnerability: People often seek to avoid situations that may hurt, inconvenience or frighten them, situations that threaten to shake their ego or sense of psychological comfort.

5. Behavior and expectations of others: often family, colleagues and friends limit the individual's efforts to change. After all, increasing personal effectiveness always paves the way for success and achievement. Priorities change, and the growth of your leadership competence may cause the envy or hostility of others.

6. Disbelief in one's own strengths. Development is often held back by disbelief in one's ability to change. Remember that you are mainly in control of your development. Ultimately, everyone is responsible for their own development.

At all times in life, people have a choice - to learn and grow from life experience, or to ignore the lessons learned, focus on safety and let themselves be defeated.

The pursuit of leadership requires that you learn to be in charge of the course of your own life.

7. Insufficient Skills and Skills: Sometimes people lack the new ideas or skills needed to change themselves. They try to get them by reading biographies or memoirs famous people. They feel that learning the secrets of great leaders is the surest way to become a leader yourself.

This is not true. Remember that other people who have achieved great success have had their own life circumstances, their own historical conditions, their own character traits that you do not have.

Is it possible to find a universal method of how to become a leader?

Unfortunately, the modern psychological market is filled with a variety of "useful tips." In them, all the "miraculous" recipes usually come down either to outright verbiage, or to the preaching of banal formulas in the style of "If you want to be a leader (rich, loved, etc.) - be one."

The practical value of such publications is zero, since in psychology there is no useful advice that is always suitable for everyone. This is impossible in principle, because all people are very different.

Leadership is, first of all, awareness of one's uniqueness, and not the search for "miraculous recipes" that allow one to rise above others.

The essence of becoming a leader is not to "learn all the secrets", but to become yourself and fully use the unique properties that are given to you - all your skills, talents, energy.

Otherwise, all your attempts will be just an empty imitation.

Each of the above barriers can be considered a force hindering leadership growth. One could name many more such barriers - each person will have their own.

While the recognition of personal limitations is the driving force for change, experience and training are often also required to deepen self-understanding, acquire new skills, and master new approaches to personal self-development.

Significant personality changes involve self-confidence and the development of the ability to do everything in a new way. The task of the future leader is to find and analyze his approaches and abilities, to reveal his potential, to learn how to act differently.

It is “something” within you that you need to be able to find contact with. Then you need to believe in success, even if in this moment there are no prerequisites for this. Then comes the turn of courage and willpower, so necessary in order to realize the goals set on the path to success. And most importantly - you should not be afraid to fail.

On this path, everyone has to learn from their own experience; little can be persuaded by description until one feels and knows it for oneself.

How to develop leadership skills?

In order to become a leader, we offer you twelve practical exercises related to the initial stage of leadership development.

They were composed by psychologists Jose Stevens and Mike Woodcock.

Such exercises may cause you some doubts, but, having mastered them, you will feel your increased strength and value in the eyes of others.

Exercise 1: Open a dialogue with your inner critic

Learn to object to the inner voice, which often releases critical remarks about you or those around you. Open a dialogue with him, and not just listen to everything he says. Allow yourself to feel irritated by this belittling voice. Approach his words from a philosophical point of view. Ask yourself: "Who am I when this voice is silent?"

A great way to achieve success in this matter is to keep a diary of your successful work. Take the time to write down everything that this critical voice wants to say.

Don't hide anything from yourself. Let him not say anything sensible and only pour mud on everything and everyone - write everything in a row.

You don't need to stop him, but make sure he speaks only in the second person. And write down in a notebook in the same way: instead of “I am nothing” or “I will never become a leader,” write “you are nothing” and “you will never become a leader.” After that, answer him the way you would talk to a cocky but fearful bully. A great response to that bully voice is, “So what?”

Exercise 2. Celebrate your progress daily

Before you go to bed at night, make a list of at least three, and even better, seven things that you did especially well today, no matter how bad the day turned out to be.

You will automatically have a tendency to celebrate events that had a negative result that day. This is your old habit. Be willing, take your mind off this habit, and practice concentrating on the things you emerged victorious from.